MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 6 - Issue 1, July 2018 6
International President Guðrún Yngvadóttir
Lion Austin’s Photo 1
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Preliminary matches start at 8am on July 17th and run thru the 19th. Final matches are on July 20th at 5pm. If you are interested in attending or volunteering, please visit: or contact PDG Bob Block.
From MD1 Council Chair: Greetings MD1 Lions!
As an outgoing Governor I would like to thank all the state committee chairs for their efforts, the SST for her challenging work and dedication to holding down the fort. To my friends and peers on the Century Council of Governors, thank you for your comradery, challenging work and dedication to strengthening our state and to my mentors, friends and fellow Lions. We are not done yet. To our IPCC Pam Graney, thank you for the countless hours, guidance and friendship. Best of luck on your future endeavors.
Another year, another mountain to climb. Yet we have learned a new tool in the vast array of the Lions toolbox...the power of we. Just like the mountain we've had our ups and downs, they strengthened us with their challenges and successes. We are showing the world the power of we. What’s on the horizon? Let's find out TOGETHER, men and women, young and old. Let's welcome our first woman International President Gudrin Yngvadottir who will surely light a path for others to follow into our next century of service. ......7...6...5...4...3...2...1...ignition! Here we are on the footsteps of yet another year in our Lion journey. Only days away from the opening of the Las Vegas International Convention. The MGM Grand is preparing for an event and attendees like no other. From classroom time to special guests, from community projects to the final bell make no mistake, this is going to be a spectacular convention. Special guests include Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Levi Krauss, Angelica Hale, George W. Bush, Michael Cavinaugh, the One Voice Children’s Choir and Mr. Wayne Newton. Let's welcome them like only Lions can do! Another event the Lions have a bit of history is with the 50th Special Olympics in Chicago. 2
As the Council Chair elect to the incoming Council, it may seem now like you have all the time in the world. I can now firmly say, hold on tight, it's going to fly by. Best wishes on a successful year and I look forward to getting to know you and working alongside. Well, here we are. We have new leadership, new events, new issues both at home and abroad and a whole new year to address them all. Let us take the journey together, let us work collectively as a pride to face the new century together. The stronger we are, the smaller the issues become. What lies ahead? Together we will find out. Lion Daniel Harris MD-1 Council Chair Elect
(618)383-4532 Editorial:
A new beginning! We are creating history in World Lionism by electing for the first time in 101 years, a Woman President. It’s a special recognition to all female lions in the world to lead lions’ clubs in our communities with new spirit of lionism.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Last Year Lions completed 100 years, 50 years for LCIF foundation, 60 years for Leos and 30 years for Peace Poster Contest. According to International President’s address to Lions, he said that we did great with Grade A in all aspects in Lionism. Also, for the first time in the history of Lionism, our membership grew to 1.453… million members worldwide. Above all are good news to Lions of the World. We are growing, and our service activities are increasing two folds. Let us keep up our motto We Serve.
to reach from one place to another by walking, walking and walking. Many lions put more than 14,000 steps daily from morning till evening. It looks like Las Vegas is not the place for lions to have their international convention. As President George W. Bush said in his interview presentation at the second plenary session, lions do not wait for others to ask them to help. They are the first responders in any situation to render their help to needy communities. It is nice that before leaving the stage President George Bush became the honorary member of Lions Clubs International. What an honor to Lions of the world!
One Voice Children’s Choir/Dance mesmerized the audience with their thrilling performance. These young kids have a bright future to show off their God given talents. Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s speech on Diabetes was an excellent presentation to lions’ family as we are growing old every day and many of us overweight, with diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol issues. He said, it is left to us how to live a better life by controlling our habits of diet and exercise. After all it was a great convention! However, many senior lions had complaints as they had to struggle 3
Congratulations to our new International President Guðrún Yngvadóttir on being elected as the first woman president in the history of Lionism.
Now it is bye bye Las Vegas, USA and welcome Milan, Italy for next year’s International Convention 2019. -Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
During 1BK Convention, Lion Irene Leopold and Lion Eddie Burkel received the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation.
1-BK also named three new Foundation Fellows. They are: Lion Sue Wolf, Lion Dave Wheeler and Lion Bobbi Honiotes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lion Tina Lenz was presented with the International President’s Leadership Medal.
West Frankfort Lions Club President, Dan Wells, receiving a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award from PDG Bill Kelley. Thanks, Lion Brenda 9
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"50th Wedding Anniversary" on Saturday, June 16, 2018 with many Lions, Friends and family. Congratulations to Lion Ezra and Marjorie!
Some River Grove Lions at District 1A Convention.
Morrison Lions Club awarded two $1000 scholarships at the school's recent Honors Night. Pictured on the left is Dannica Connelly with her parents Scott and Wendy Connelly at our June5th meeting . Keith Hamstra, a member of the scholarship committee, is standing in back. The other recipient was Linzie Severson who sent a thank you to the club. She was unable to attend our meeting due to already being in a summer class. Pictured are Lion Thomas Halla from the Dixon Noon Lions, honored with presenting a Certificate and Scholarship to Leo and his son, Nolan Halla, a graduating Senior with Highest Honors from Dixon High School. The presentation took place at the Dixon High School Awards presentation in the school auditorium.
received three vision machines from a Morrison resident. Her brother had passed away and had used the units. Two vison machines have been placed at Harbor Crest Nursing Home in Fulton. This home did not have any unit and were very happy to have them placed. Pictured with one of the units are employees Alicea Hartman on the left and Kara Ricklefs on the right. The third unit will be placed shortly. We note that Fulton has not had a Lions Club for many years. Our secretary, Bob Morrison Lions Club
PDG Ezra Millspaugh and his lovely wife Marjorie, from the Norris City Lions Club, celebrated their 10
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Countryman, resides in Fulton. Morrison Lions are happy to provide these units to the home.
The 2018 Altamont Lions Club female scholarship winner Emily Becker (C). With Emily are Lion Jim Strange and her parents.
Altamont Lions Club held their annual Altamont Lions Club free fishing rodeo. On June 16, 2918 at Mathias Lake from 8:00 – Noon with a meal at 11:30. The event was open to children of all ages. On May 29th, the Altamont Lions hosted the Lions of Illinois Foundation retinal unit testing for diabetic retinopathy.
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Arthur Lions Club newest member! Welcome Allan (Ted) Miller! Inducted by Lion Mark Krutsing er & sponsored by Linda Kay Cain.
Anita Krutsinger, wife of Lion Mark Krugsinter, assisted DG Lori Bennett in surprising Liom Mark with the Melving Jones Award during the MD1 Convention.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
BHRA Honors Night, May 8, Chuck Mockbee IV & John Bodensteiner with Bismarck Lions scholarship recipients, Morgan Brown & CasaDee Whorrall.
Kody Gettleman spoke about Bismarck Community Fire Protection District’s June 23 Fire & Ice Day.
The St. Elmo Lions once again was able to help with the Healthy Foods Giveaway. 150 people went through the line feeding 484 people. Of the 484 people, 161 are children and 108 seniors. Lions Motto: We Serve!
Two students received scholarship Warrensburg Latham Lions Club.
PID Bud Wahl at the District 1M Cabinet Meeting. The Sidell Lions Club would like to thank everyone for outlasting the rain. Our 60th BBQ turned out great and we couldn't have done it without everyone's support! The club is already accepting any ideas or suggestions to make our 61st BBQ even better! This year’s event included a baby contest, tractor pull, parade, church service, and of course, the famous Sidell Lions Club Chicken BBQ.
Below: Governor Lori gave away an Appreciation Certificate from Lions Cluns International President.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The final District 1M Cabinet Meeting for the 20172018 year was held on June 3 rd in Arthur, IL. Among the business at hand, District Governor Lori Bennett recognized the importance of each member of the District 1M team, as well as others who were vital to the success of the year.
The Power of We: Lions Clubs International introduced a paw print pin (coincidence?) and I will wear mine & shared one with each of the following as part of the team that was ready to serve whenever called: Earl Baker, John Dotray, Scott Freise, Jane Giertz, Fred Greffe, Butch Guennewig, Bill Haselhorst, Jaimee Hettinger, Amy Hill, Jay Hoeflinger, Steve Leon, Caleb McGregor, Stan Mullins, Limey Nargelinas, Randall Ross, Howard Tingley, Crystal Trotter
many things possible. inspired the creation of a pin I hope you wear proudly as a token of appreciation for service as a member of The Transportation Committee, which has been more aptly renamed: The District 1M Driving Force.” Elisha Bennett Corgin, Steve Bennett, Linda Kay Cain, Brad Cash, Ken Dennison, Chris Garner, Melissa Garner, Carla Haga, Daniel Harris, Amy Hill, Mark Krutsinger, Belinda Mitchell, Ron Stickler, Crystal Trotter, Bill Wallpe
Receiving the Driving Force pin as Mentors: Carl Hall, Jim Harbaugh, John Hove, Jani Mendenhall, Jim Strange, Mary Truitt, Moe Wimbley, IPDG Moe Wimbley received his PDG Pin. Driving Force pins also awarded to the Young Members Panel who will drive District 1M to a strong and successful future: Tracy Accord, Elisha Bennett Corbin, Jesse Corbin, Vince Maretti, Rolando Montedeoca, Eric Montgomery, Jonah Standish.
The following received the District Chair Award for expanding club participation and surpassing previous performance in their service projects: Leann Brackney – Peace Posters, Kevin Mendenhall – LCIF, Bill Wallpe – Humanitarian Fund Transportation Committee: “Your time, effort, flexibility, patience and GPS skills, your photographs, and the countless ways you made so 14
The event was blessed to have Area GLT Jama Wahl and PID Bud Wahl present. Toward the conclusion of the meeting, DG Lori ceremoniously passed the
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gavel to DGE Darren with best wishes for a fantastic year.
members. Approximately 50 people and two dozen dogs were in attendance for the grand opening.
Ice Cream was provided by the District 1M LEOs following adjournment. Three deserving young people were awarded scholarships by the Sandwich Lions Club at the high school's Awards Night. The scholarships are funded by the Lou Brady Memorial Scholarship Drawdown event held each spring since 2000. (l to r) Lion Gary Lemke, Jordan Powell, Danniela Estrada, Lion Leo Sondgeroth and Derek Murphy.
(Gigi Lansford, Lion Donna Mikolajczyk, Lion Mark Ferguson, Mayor Jimmie Lansford, Gary Wheeler) Ribbon cutting ceremony June 21 for the Hardscrabble Lions Club Dog Park in Streator (1-BK). The 20,000 square foot park was officially opened by Mayor Jimmie Lansford. Project Chair Lion Donna Mikolajczyk and Club President Lion Mark Ferguson took part in the ceremony with Mayor Lansford and Streator Chamber
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Algonquin Lions inducted a new member. (l to r) Club President Lion Bob Cummings, New Lion Mike Lynch, and sponsor Lion Kevin Hofer. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Roselle. Lion Sue Crosson-Knutson headed up the project.
Waterman Lions Club helps fund Tiny Voices Camp. Elizabeth Nielsen, a speech-language pathologist, of Tiny Voice Therapy Services in Waterman, receives a check from Waterman Lions Club. The donation will help fund a communicating-with-symbols camp for children who use augmentative and alternative communications (AAC ) devices. Tiny Voice Therapy treats children with various speech disorders. (l to r) Lions Phil Nielsen, Bob Bend, and Leonard Johnson, speech pathologist Elizabeth Nielsen, and Lions Richard Smith, and DeKalb County Community Foundation Representative Beth White.
The Bloomingdale Lions’ Relay For Life Team raised $2,172 for the American Cancer Society earlier this month at Lake Park High School in
Bartlett Lions Joanne and Andy Watson went to nine elementary schools to present information about the American flag to 1st grade students.
Naperville Noon Lions supported the Angelman's Foundation with set up for the annual walk on May 19th at Lisle Park District. The Naperville Lions are pictured along with Gavin's Gang and his family. Gavin suffers from
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Angelman's Syndrome and is the grandson of Lion Al Knotek.
Lion Sue Carter receiving a Foundation Fellow from PDG Lion Mario Gumino last June 13 during Sandwich Lions Club Installation of new Officers.
2nd Vice District Governor-Elect Lion John Barsanti and District Governor-Elect Lion Susan Galvez enjoyed a beautiful day at South Elgin Lions Clubhouse for the Installation Ceremonies. All was complete with a Mariachi Band.
The Darien Lions Club made a $1,500 donation to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Pictured is Amanda Spies from the MDA office in Bolingbrook accepting the donation from Darien Lion Steve Wernecke. The MDA office helps families and individuals in the community from the harm-ful effects of muscle-debilitating diseases so they can live longer and grow stronger. 17
Two South Elgin Lions are now new Melvin Jones Fellows. (l to r) 2nd Vice District GovernorElect Lion John Barsanti (l), South Elgin Lions Doug Schaeffer and Laura Dobbertin. -------------------------------------------------------------------Funding for the Waterman Lions Park Pavilion comes from the Lions Club, a grant from DeKalb County Community Foundation, and funds from the Carl Olson legacy, which is administered by the Village of Waterman for the benefit of the park. Mike Nelson Construction, Shabbona, will manage the project. The club expects to use the pavilion as a bandstand and stage during the
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South Elgin Leo Club new officers for next Lion Year are installed and each received Certificates of Appreciation for their work this year from the South Elgin Lions Club.
summer festival. (l to r) Waterman Trustee Dr. Sarah Radke, Lions Craig Rice and Bob Bend, Waterman Mayor Derryl Beach, Club Pres. Lion Shawn Blobaum, Lion Richard Smith and DeKalb County Community Foundation Representative Beth White. Sponsor Westmont Lion Jim Liceaga pinning his son, new member Lion Arthur Liceaga -- a proud moment for Father and Son!
PDG Lion Mario J. Gumino presenting Westmont Lions Club President Lion Bob Fleck with the Lions of Illinois Foundation Award. Crystal Lake Lions are pictured with two new members. Sponsor Lion Richard Kraft, new Lions Robert Zalud and John Reinhert with PDG Lion John Landon, who officiated at the ceremony, and sponsor Lion Fred Roediger. -------------------------------------------------------------------Sun City-Huntley Lions Nancy Lawrence, Betty Wilczak, Kathy Dace, and Pat Krebs volunteer at Sparrows’ Nest, as needed, which may be separating clothes, hanging clothes on racks, 18
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and/or shelving other items. The Lions Club does this activity monthly.
Sun City-Huntley Lions Mary Ruth and Jim Saletta distribute delicious cookies to Pasta Dinner guests.
Sun CityHuntley Lion Joan Graves receives the Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow Award from Club President Lion Jim Harper.
The new board members for the Crete Lions Club was sworn in Wednesday June 20 at Scrementis Restaurant. Pictured from left are Lions Robert Kramer, John Mednansky, Paul Carlos, Michael Hakenjos, President Pat Mulchaey, Sheila Einhorn, Jaime Holmes, and Howard Kaufman.
Sun City-Huntley Club President Lion Jim Harper (l) presents the Lion of the Year Award to Lions Kathy & Ken Dace. (next Column) →
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Oswego Lion Irv Collins was named a Melvin Jones Fellow.
Lion Ken Novak (left) was presented with a Governor’s Appreciation award
Meet, Greet and Eat - Frankfort
Lion Bird Combs (right) was presented with the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation. 20
The Frankfort Lions Club hosted a Meet, Greet and Eat on June 11th. A few pictures from the nights event, including a picture of the back of the Frankfort Lions Club’s park bench that is a part of their Centennial Project, are below. (Next Page)
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Bolingbrook Lions Club held their Installation and Awards night on June 18th. District Governor John Joseph installed the new officers. Lions Kevin Wilson and Bob Quinn were named Melvin Jones Fellows. Lion Eddie Burkel was installed as the new President for the 201819 Lion year and received the Lion of the
Year award. ---------------------------------------------------------------
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
At the recent Joliet Noon Lions Annual Awards dinner, Governor John Joseph presented the International Presidential Medal Award to Lion Mark Turk in recognition of his 31 years of commitment to both the Joliet Noon Club and the Joliet community. Lion Mark has long been a supporter and promoter of LCIF.
On that same evening, the Joliet noon Melvin Jones committee presented Lion Bobbi Honiotes with a Melvin Jones Fellowship, and to Governor John Joseph his second diamond as a progressive MJF. The presentations were in recognition of their commitment to District 1-BK serving as DG and Partner in Service. Presenting the honors was President Allan Somers (pictured here) whom himself was honored with his first diamond as a progressive MJF (below left). Lion Dianne Argoudelis was named as a Foundation Fellow (Next Column) 22
On June 7th, the Lemont Lions Club held a dedication for their Legacy project “Centennial Lion's Grove�,
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
for which they partnered with the Lemont Park District. They also dedicated a tree and bench to a member who passed away this past year. Lion Ken Novak was given a proclamation from the Lemont Park District for all his years of service. After the dedications, they installed their new officers for the 2018-19 Lions year. District Governor John Joseph was on hand to present Lion Doug Wright with the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation and Certificate of Achievement for all the funds he helped raise in support of Pediatric Cancer Research. The Club also 23
present the park district with a check for continued support and partnership between the Lions and the community.
Morris Lions donated the eighth tree to homes for Habitat for Humanity in June. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Lion Jeff Hanford received the 1BK District Diabetes Awareness Award. He also received an award from our International President for his work on Diabetes Awareness. Congratulations Lion Jeff.
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Governor Elect Lori and Partner in Service Doug begin their journey in the office of Governor starting July 1st. They were present to receive several club awards and several individual awards were given to club members. Our Club received the Gold Club Improvement District Contest Award. We also received awards for 2nd place with 10 new members added and 1st place for net gain of 8 new members.
Morris Lions Paula Newsom, Tom Kinzler, and Paul Weitz at a Cruise night in Morris, busy selling raffle tickets for this year’s raffle car, a 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442 clone. -------------------------------------------------------------------Due to renovations and demolitions of dormitories on the Illinois State University campus, many Grundy County Special Olympians faced a housing crisis for the recent State Special Olympics Summer Games. The Special Connections of Grundy County Executive Director, Kelly Thompson, had to quickly create an alternative housing plan for the athletes. The housing plan created an unbudgeted need for 24
$1500 to cover the costs of housing the athletes in motels instead of dormitories. Thompson quickly reached out to the community for assistance in funding the alternative housing plan. The Morris Lions Club responded to this community need by donating the total funding necessary to make it a success. WE SERVE! ---------------------------------------------------------------
The Genoa Lions would like to report that the Club hosted 4 sessions of Bingo during Genoa Days and would like to thank the Community for supporting our efforts. The Genoa Lions were assisted by both of their scholarship winners, namely, Lauren Walker and Misty Villagomez, Misty had to call a game before she left early for ballet rehearsal for. Thank you to both girls for their cheerful assistance in volunteering. The following Lions were Bingo Callers, Lions Gene Bradford, Bob Becker, Rene’ VanDerHeyden and George Meckel.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Fellowship was provided by the club members to thank and honor Lion Kyle for his service and for acceptin manship of the club's major fund raising event; providing food service for the Fat Steer Show.
The following Lions worked the crowd and paid and collected the money: Lions: Paul Bafia, Jeff Baker, Gini Baker, Bob Becker, Greg Cravatta, Mike Dreska, Hector Feliciano, Jerry Helland, Bill Holdridge, Todd Merritt, Joe Ratliff, Mike Ross, Jim Sanford, Joe Wilkinson. Pictured: Bingo caller Lion Rene’ VanDerHeyden with 2018 Genoa-Kingston High College Scholarship winners Lauren Walker and Misty Villagomez on June 7, 2018.
Coal Valley Lions club now has 3 generaons of Lions. Le to right Mike Muse (grandson) Sandy Muse (grandmother, mother and sponsor) RandAce Muse (son). Congratulaons Lion Sandy and Coal Valley. Now that the ice has been broken maybe we can get new members again. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Pictured: Genoa Lions (from left to right) George Meckel (against wall waving) Todd Merritt, Jerry Helland, Gene Bradford, Gini Baker (seated) Mike Dreska, Paul Bafia, Jeff Baker at Genoa Days Bingo, June 6-9, 2018.
1BK PDG Tom Senger got married to Deby Matta in the month of June, 2018. Congratulations!!
Another highlight was when Lion Al Henning, representing Lions Clubs International Foundation presented a Melvin Jones Fellow Kyle Underwood. 25
Riverside Township Lions had their Annual Election Meeting. It is a tradition to hand over a plaque with the names of past presidents to outgoing president. Recently they held their Golf Outing and also Annual Chicken Dinner as their fund raiser. They donate end of the year to all local charities in their community and also LCIF and LIF
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
IA Governor Pat Duda installed Joanie McMillan I VDG and Marylin McLean II VDG.
-------------------------------------------------------------------PID Dan O’Reilly installed PDG Dr. Austin D’Souza as District LIF Trustee.
Incoming governor for District 1A Howard Swacker was installed by PCC Steve Anton in June. Governor 1A Pat Duda receiving US President’s Life Time Service Award from Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG.
SEND YOUR CLUB ACTIVITY PICTURES WITH NEWS ITEM TO Dr. Lion Austin D’Souza for publication: 26
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: 27 MD1 Lions Leos Monthly e-Magazine Mail your articles, pictures and&news items to above e-mail address.