The Illinois Lion & Leo MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 5 - Issue 12, May 2018 6
Front row (l. to r.) front row Presley Meyer, Harper Shipley, and Emersyn Ellis Second row: Ben Younker, Colin Strader, Rachel Younker, Sara Taylor, Rylie Stoffregen, Violet Northrup, Jaret Garcia, William Gates and Keiragan Gleissner. The Genoa Lions Club hosted twelve recipients of the Genoa Kingston Schools Citizen of the Year Award
Thank you, Lion Sharon and SST Michele for all your work to make our convention fun and a success.
From MD1 Council Chair: Greetings MD1 Lions! Spring has sprung…finally!! We have a lot going on in the month of May…Good luck to all the DGE’s, FVDGE’s and SVDGE’s on your upcoming GETS/VGETS, this is an exciting time for all of you. Then just a couple weeks later our MD-1 State Convention. It won’t be long after, and we will meet in Las Vegas. May is “strengthen membership” month! What about scheduling a membership growth event in your club this month? If all clubs in our Constitutional Area would induct one new member, we would be in plus numbers…just a thought. Constitutional Area Leader, PID Jerome Thompson, will be hosting “Membership Mondays” through the month of May, in an effort to boost membership in America. This Webinar will meet on: May 7 th, May 14th and May 21st from 7:30-8:30 pm CST. Check it out at: Have you registered for the MD-1 State Convention? If not, register today. You won’t want to miss the Friday Night Follies! We will welcome VP Jung-Jul Choi and his wife, Seung-Bok, who will spend the weekend with us. Our sessions will include Special Olympic Senior Director, Dan Conley, to talk to us about the 50 th Anniversary, and let us know how Lions will play a part in the celebration. Other exciting sessions will be: our Young Lions Panel, MyLion App, GAT Changes, LIF/Center for Sight & Hearing and Leader Dogs for the Blind. 2
Reminder… All Secretaries please file your PU101 by May 15th. Leo Club Secretaries and/or Advisors please file your Leo-72 by May 15th. -Pamela Graney, MD1 Council Chair Editorial:
It’s State Convention! Illinois Lions and Leos are roaring to enter MD1 Convention Hall on May 18th to May 20th at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, Springfield, Illinois Our First Vice President of Lions Clubs International Jung-Yul Choi will be the Guest of Honor for this weekend. It is time for us to show our strength of MD 1 Lions and Leos by attending this State Convention with big numbers. Let us show our hospitality and our strength as lions. This year’s state convention theme is, “it’s Las Vegas Baby!” As we go to Las Vegas to start our 101 st International Convention, we want to show our chief guest from International a piece of Las Vegas in Springfield. Bring some Non-Perishable food items to donate to Springfield Food Pantry. Let some needy people have some nutritious food to eat. Please read resolutions from page 7 to 11 as club delegates will cast their votes. Send your club cheer leaders as some of the members from your District will be receiving International President’s Awards during Saturday Banquet. -Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, Editor
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LC IF) PID Bud Wahl, MD-1 LCIF Coordinator
2017-2018 Donations from MD-1 as of March 31, 2018
District A BK CN CS D F G H J M MD-1
# of Clubs 77 69 32 31 56 34 42 40 60 60 501
# Clubs Donating 37 26 9 5 31 19 10 12 37 16 202
% Clubs Donating 48.0 37.6 28.1 16.1 55.3 55.8 23.8 30.0 61.6 26.6 40.3%
Amount Donated $ 49,859 $ 26,005 $ 6,610 $ 1,679 $ 14,544 $ 29,128 $ 3,488 $ 4,850 $ 49,001 $ 14,196 $ 199,363
2018 Goal $ 40,000 $ 20,000 $ 6,000 $ 4,800 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 6,500 $ 11,000 $ 42,000 $ 9,000 $174,300
What AMAZING NUMBERS!!!! MD-1 truly ROCKS!!!!! Congratulations to the SIX districts already reaching their goal for the year! The remaining four districts have three more months to reach their goal…and I’m confident we can all be there by the end of June. The above totals represent donations received by Lions Clubs, and in some cases, includes donations given by individual Lions members in those clubs. Some of the donations have been given towards Melvin Jones Fellowships. Some have been designated towards the Measles Initiative, while others have been given to Area of Greatest Need, Childhood Cancer, Disaster Relief, or Sight. Our main focus this year is to get MORE CLUBS to participate. District Governors have been encouraged to promote LCIF during their club visits, especially those clubs who have not contributed to LCIF in recent years. We are striving for a minimum of 50% club participation. We currently stand at 40%. With just a few more clubs in each district, we can reach our 50% club participation goal. At the same time, we want to thank and recognize those clubs which give year after year and encourage them to continue their philanthropic efforts to LCIF. Our help to those in need is needed more than ever. If your club hasn’t already done so, please consider recognizing a deserving Lion in your club with a Melvin Jones Fellowship before the end of June. What a fantastic way to thank a Lion for their hard work during the year. And, you can also recognize a non-Lion with a Melvin Jones Fellow. Someone who has supported your club in some way during the year. A great promotional tool for your club. Installation and Awards Banquets are great venues for such a presentation! Thank you for supporting your Lions Clubs International Foundation!
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
There are three proposed amendments to our Constitution and By-Laws being presented to the delegates at our upcoming 2018 State Convention. Two of these proposed amendments were developed at the request of the Council of Governors and one came directly from the Constitution and ByLaws Committee. A brief summary of the proposed amendments is shown below as well as the amendments. These will also be printed in the regular March issue of our Lions of Illinois Magazine. Yours in Service PCC Terry L. Knollenberg, Chairperson MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Chair Resolution # 1 - Ethics and Conduct: This proposed amendment would create a new Article III which would require all District Governors, the Council Chairperson and all State Chairpersons to read and sign the Ethical Standards and Conduct policy specific to their position. The Council of Governors recommends adoption of the amendment. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee is neutral on this proposed amendment Resolution # 2 – Recommendation Clarification: This proposed amendment to Article XIII, Section 2 of the MD-1 Constitution will clarify the definition of the term ‘recommendation’ as used in this Article of our Constitution. Both the Council of Governors and the Constitution and ByLaws Committee recommend adoption of this proposed amendment. Resolution # 3 – Teleconference Meetings: This proposed amendment to Article XI, Section 7 to the MD-1 Constitution will correct language pertaining to amending the Lions of Illinois Policy Manual. Both the Council of Governors and the Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommend adoption of this proposed amendment.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Lions of Illinois along with Lions throughout the Midwest have been asked to help out and attend the celebration of the Special Olympics Unified Games that will be held at Toyota Park in Bridgeview, Illinois. The games will be from July 15 th through July 22nd, 2018. Around 800 athletes and coaches will be coming to Chicago from around the world. They will be housed at the Westin Hotel located on Michigan Avenue, downtown Chicago. During their time in Chicago, the athletes will be participating in a soccer tournament as well as enjoying the sights and sounds of Chicago. The Special Olympic Associations is looking to the Lions and Leos for their support of the games through the attendees at the events themselves, and also in volunteering to help in the variety of areas. The volunteer’s commitment can vary in positions to as many days or hours that you would be willing to help out in this special event. Lions and Leos will be needed during the games - ball boy or girl and score keepers, as well as with the teams during their stay here in Chicago - Team Liaisons, hotel greeters & information and interpreters. There are 24 teams with approximately 30 members representing the different countries that have qualified to participate in this tournament. On Thursday, July 19, 2018, the Lions have been asked to have a Host Night for these special athletes and their coaches. The idea is to have our guests 12
experience something other than the hotel while in Chicago. They are looking at 4 to 6 venues that the teams would be divided between, to visit and enjoy the hospitality of Chicago. Clubs are being asked to serve as Hosts for this evening. The time and places are not totally determined as of now, but we are in search of clubs that would like to get involved as a host for the different venues. Our intent is to have Lions Clubs join with another one or two to help in hosting the athletes at one of the venues. The selection of the venue would have to be within 30 minutes of downtown Chicago and to be determined by the clubs that would be the host there. The transportation would be taken care of by the Special Olympics, but the cost of the event would be that of the host. The host would also receive a stipend from the Special Olympics for each team that was there. The event could be either in the afternoon or evening depending on the teams attending the event in respect to their tournament schedule. The hope is to have all athletes back to the hotel by 10:00 pm. The details of the menu would be determined by the Host Clubs. Any special needs for food would be coordinated by the Special Olympic Committee and the Host Clubs. Right now, we are looking to you to talk to your club and see if you would be interested in being a Host Club and adopt a venue. As more information becomes available, we would get back to you and let
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
you know which teams will be coming to your venue, so you can start to communicate with them. It will be a great event to host and experience the excitement these special athletes have for their sport. So please consider this great opportunity. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact CC Pam Graney at or myself, PDG Bob Block. We hope that you will be part of this great experience and service to others. To get involved as a volunteer or if your club is interested in being a Host, please contact PDG Bob Block at (219) 671-0287 or by email at More information and details to follow…… --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Lions Clubs International Convention in Las Vegas is less than five months away. The convention opens on Friday, June 29 at the MGM Grand Resort. The final plenary session along with the installation of your District Governor by our newly elected International President, Gudrun Yngvadottir from Gardabaer, Iceland (our First Woman President), will be Tuesday morning, July 3, 2018. The main venue is the MGM Grand Resort with the Illinois Delegation staying at the Luxor Hotel & Casino about 15 minutes away. There are shuttle buses running during the convention hours for the attendees for their convenience. The International parade will be on Saturday, June 30, 2018. The parade will step off at 8:30 am. The Council of Governors have secured a double decker bus for “some’ of the Illinois Delegation to ride in. We will still be in need of marchers to carry the Street Banners and Flags that we have traditionally used over the years. I will be looking to you to help on parade day so we can again display the Lions Pride for Illinois. The parade uniform will be the same as in the past years – dark or khaki long or 13
short pants, white polo shirt and the MD1 blue vest. I will have an order form for the polo shirts and vests available on the MD1 Web Site. As Lions are about tradition, so are the Illinois and the Hawaiian Lions. This year we will have a gettogether with the Hawaiian Lions at the International Convention. The event is scheduled for Sunday, July 1st at the Luxor Hotel & Casino following the close of the Opening Plenary Session. We have finalized the location - “Egyptian Ballrooms E-H” and the time is 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. We are still talking with the Hawaiian Lions of either having an Ice Cream Social or Pizza Bar. Cost and menu will be finalized shortly. Please watch the MD1 Web Site for more details. Sorry, but by now you know you have missed the early registration fee for the 2018 International convention in Las Vegas. The fee is $200.00 per person along with a $200.00 guest room deposit. This registration fee is good till March 31, 2018. After April 1, 2018 and on site, the fee will be $225.00 per person. For children 17 and under the fee is $20.00 and for the Omega Leo it is $100.00. The deadline for advance registration is May 1, 2018. This is the same deadline to submit a refund request for registration, housing and/or ticket cancellation. You can register on line by going to LCI home site and click on LCICON. There you will find the registration form as well as all the information in regards to the convention schedule and seminars. The Las Vegas Host Committee is looking for VOLUNTEERS. If you are interested in helping out while at the convention, then please directly contact the Las Vegas Host Committee. They are looking for help in the following committees: Manpower, Transportation, Parade, Souvenir & Pin Sales, Hospitality, DGE Seminar Please contact: RC Rex Velasques,, (702) 810-9679 or by going to the Host Committee Web Site and click on Volunteer Registration -PDG Bob Block, MD1 International Convention State Chair
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
For several years the Durand Lions Club has partnered with Bryden Ford of Durand with the program. Love The Land of Lincoln, Adopt-AHighway. In recognition of his commitment to our community the Durand Lions Club presented Scott Bryden with a Illinois Lions Foundation Fellow award. Shown in the picture are PID Russell Sarver, Scott Bryden and PFT Dave Waller doing the presentation. At the March Zone Meeting the Durand Lions Club was presented with the 5 Star Club Award. Lion president Ruth Ryder is accepting the award for Past President John Cressman.
Fun for all at the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Saelens park by Durand Lions Club. 100+ children gather up many eggs filled with candy and prizes.
Now how much fun was that March Membership Meeting!! Tail Twister Dan Hohnbaum held an Easter Egg Hunt and well.... guess who found the most eggs?? Lion Adam Campo and Devin Schrieber, pictured on the left with Tail Twister, Lion Dan. On the right Lion Steve Valentine was having a great time holding little Emma Grace Campo.
This is the 3rd annual chili cook off for the Bartlett Lions Club. Members make their favorite recipe for all to enjoy.
At the March Durand Lions Club Dinner meeting the program was 'Stuffin the eggs for the Hunt'. Shown is Lion Chairman Kathy Rothermel putting out the eggs to be stuffed.
L to R are Lions Ken Kusch 1st place, Lion Cheryl Lemvig 3rd Place, 2nd place Brandi Coak, wife of Lion Brian Coak. Photo:ďƒ
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Our annual Easter Egg Hunt for Bartlett Lions was a big hit despite the weather. Over 500 children participated to find 5,500 eggs. All the children found colored egg, but some found gold eggs with a gold dollar in it and some found a decorated egg and won a prize. L to R 1st row Lions Dave Barry, Andy Watson, Ray Deyne, John Sias, Joanne Watson 2nd row: Lions Dan Palmer, Tony Sparacino, Norm Wetherton, Dave Wetherton 3rd row: Lions Frank Schulter, Rich Simonson, Greg Szydlowski, Last row: Lions Tom Arends, Jeff Beckner
E-Sight for Josh: With help from District Governor Ray Parrish and the Orion Fall Festival, Orion Lions Club helped Josh Mitton receive a pair of e-Sight glasses in late January. Josh came to the March Lions Club meeting Monday, March 19 to thank the club for their help and to tell more about his new e-Sight glasses. Before receiving the glasses, Josh said he had 20/200 vision; with the glasses, his vision improves to 20/40. “These glasses have drastically changed my life!” he exclaimed. He added that the glasses enable him to read license plates on cars and scoreboards in gymnasiums, neither of which was possible before. The glasses are equipped with a video camera which shows him what he is looking at. It can magnify up to 24 times and both the color and the contrast can be adjusted for better vision. It also comes with a remote control. Lion Ray Parrish said he contacted all of the Lions Clubs in District 1-H and 15 different clubs contributed to the glasses. In addition to expressing his gratitude to the club, Josh presented a memorial gift to the Orion Lions Club. On February 8, 2018, Josh’s grandfather, Frederick Rodriquez of Lynn Center, passed away; he had requested that his memorials be directed to the Orion Lions Club. “I thank each and every one of you,” Josh smiled.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Washington Lions recently held a raffle and fundraiser at Keps, the restaurant where they hold their meetings. Prizes included a butchered hog (or $300), a Kitchenaid mixer, and assorted gift cards from area businesses. Tickets were sold in advance and numbers were limited. Keps gave 10% of the day’s profits also.
The Avon Lions club hosted a blood drive for the Mississippi Valley Regional blood center om Monday March 12 at the Federated Church. Chairperson , reported the event exceeded its goal by collecting 19 units of blood for the center. Lions Baker, Joe Hendel, Gary Roherer, and BBob Underwood hosted and served donors cookies, sandwiches, juice, soda, or water after they completed their donations. In addition to the Lions hosting the event a hal dozen other Lions
participated by donating blood,. To all blood donors a heartfelt thank you from the Avon Lions club and the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center. Pictured left to right are Lions Barbara Baker, Bob Underwood, Joe Hendel, and Gary Rohrer.
In 2006, the Avon Lions Club held their first annual soup supper as a community social event and a fundraiser for the Club. Lion Gary Rohrer accepted the chairmanship of the project. For thirteen years' Lion Gary served as the leader of the event After the cleanup at the closing of this year’s soup supper last month, the Club held a “passing of the ladle” ceremony where Lion Gary passed the leadership responsibility to Lion Dave Gillett. Pictured are Lion Gary Rohrer and attending the passing ceremony are Lions Joe Tolley, Brian Backstrom, Dave Gillett, Kyle Underwood, Barbara Baker, Dave Serven, Gary Rohrer, Bob Underwood, Dave Schmalshof, Trevor Solan, Danny Mahr, Dave Tolley, Joe Hendel and Dave Lawson. -------------------------------------------------------------------The Toulon and Wyoming Lions clubs annually presents dictionaries to the third graders of Stark County Elementary School. This year Lion Roger Hawk of the Toulon Lions presented them for both clubs.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
PDG Bob Block: Lions: Hello ..... I hope that everyone is doing well as of this email. I have attached the latest registration from Lions Clubs International. Work is still being done on the Illinois Hawaiian Lions social. We have been getting prices from the hotel, but as of now, the charges have been more than we were hoping for. I will have the final details complete by the end of the month. We do have a double decker bus reserved for the parade on Saturday, June 30. The parade will step off at 8:30 am. ALL Lions will be asked to march. Our unit number is 72 and I will let you know what time we will need to be at our location. Lions will be needed to carry the flags, pennants and street banner that we have been using over the past years. The uniform is the same and I will get an order form out to those that may need a hat, shirt or the MD1 blue vest. The vest will be available at the State Convention as well.
Back Row: Nichole Kinney, Cheyenne Blom, Alana Boggs (aka Easter Bunny), Cody Carter, Emily Simpson, Tricia Laager Front Row: Lilly Alderman, Leah Daniels, Rachel Schluter, Natalie Scott, Katie Nix, Felicity Hughes
Please feel free to pass on the flyer to your Cabinet Secretary to be included in the next edition of your District Newsletter. I am looking to have a meeting of this committee at our State Convention in May. If I can get some of the final details put together before that, then I will schedule a conference call in the later part of April. The tentative dates will be either Tuesday, April 24 or Wednesday, April 25. I should know more by the end of next week. Thanks for all your help at your district level. Right now there are 135 registered for the convention from Illinois. I would hope that that number will grow as we get closer to the convention. So, please talk it up at your district conventions. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to get a hold of me - either by phone (219) 671-0287 or by email. Talk to you soon 26
The Athens Leo Club, with the assistance of their sponsor Tricia Laager, held a successful Easter egg hunt and activity day at the Athens Community Park on Saturday March 31, 2018. Despite the cold and windy day approximately 100 children showed up for the hunt and activities that included face painting, egg dyeing, playing giant Jenga, playing giant connect four, popcorn and sno-cones and of course pictures with the Easter Bunny. Pork chops and hot dogs were also available for purchase with the proceeds going to fund the Lions reading
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
plusoptic, that recognizes AMBLYOPIA, (LAZY EYE), HYPEROPIA (FARSIGHTED) , MYOPIA (NEARSIGHTED), ASTIGMATISM (BLURRED VISION), ANISOMETROPIA , ANISOCORIA, and STRAEISMUS. Printed positive results are given for follow up with child's Optometrist if needed. This FREE Screening will allow for very early detection of vision problems that are not usually caught until school screenings. Lazy eye can be corrected if detected early enough. The parents were very pleased about this free community service provided by the Lions. program. Because of the bad weather all activities except the egg hunt were held indoors. The egg hunt had 1500 plastic eggs filled with candy. 26 special eggs had golden tickets that were redeemed for special fun filled baskets. Overall it was a successful day thanks to the Athens Leo Club and its members. The Athens Lions Club also assisted. Thanks to the City of Athens for the use of the building and grounds.
Picture Lion Paula Rider and Past District Governor Jim Strange administering the test on a 2 year old.
The Athens Lions Club held a FREE Vision Screening for children as young as 6 months through 6 years old on Saturday March 24 and March 31. In all, 19 children were screened. 17 were given passing results and two were referred to see their Optometrist for further evaluation. Screening pictures of the eyes takes less than 2 minutes. The test uses a camera, called a 27
Picture Lions Participating Front Row: Lions Amy Baughman, Paula Rider and Past District Governor Jim Strange Back Row: Lions Bill Rider, Larry Buhr, Bill Meisner, Larry Baughman
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Orion Lions Annual Soup Supper is held on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and raises funds for various community projects such as our 2017 Legacy Project. -------------------------------------------------------------------The Athens Lions Club has partnered with the United Way of Central Illinois are glad to present the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library FREE of charge to any child birth to 5 years old in zip code 62613. Applications are available at the Athens Public Library.
Congratulations to Karen Ranger and Beth Cravatta who co-chaired the Streator Hardacrabble Lions Battle of the Bars! Great job!
What Is It? Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is a 60 volume set of books beginning with the children’s classic The Little Engine That Could™. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child’s name directly to your home. Best of all it is a FREE GIFT! There is no cost or obligation to your family. Who Is Eligible? Preschool children ages birth to five who are residents of zip code 62613. What Are My Responsibilities? 1. Be a legal resident of zip code 62613. 2. Submit an official registration form, completely filled out by parent or guardian. (Form must be approved and on file with United Way of Central Illinois.) 3. Notify United Way of Central Illinois any time your address changes. Books are mailed to the address listed on the official registration form. If the child’s address changes, you must contact the folks at the address on this card in order to continue receiving books. 4. Read with your child. When Will I Receive Books? Eight to ten weeks after your registration form has been received, books will begin arriving at your home and will continue until your child turns five or you move out of zip code 62613.
Past District 1G Governor Mike Starko visited the Highland Lions Club to present a program about the Lions of Illinois Foundation. His emphasis for the evening was the Birdies for Charity Program. He noted that Highland Lions have traditionally been strong supporters of Birdies for Charity. He got several new pledges. Club Treasurer Dennis Foehner and Lion Shelia Schrumpf talked with PDG Mike before the meeting. The Highland Lions Club annually supports the Highland High School Post Prom Committee. This is a group of juniors and seniors plus parents dedicated to providing a safe evening of fun for Prom attendees. Katelyn Duncan visited the Highland Lions Club to explain plans for this year’s
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
event. Katelyn is also Highland High School LEO Club president. Highland Lions Club President Leroy Engelke presented a check for $250 to the post prom committee.
Highland police officer Scott Athmer and Highland Fire Department EMT Kevin McCoy visited the Highland Lions Club to give a talk on opioids. They discussed the problem as it relates to Highland and to Madison County. The daily nationwide death toll outstrips gun deaths and cancer combined. The seriousness of this problem came home.
Two members of the Athens Leo Club, Katie Nix and Rachel Schlueter, helped the Athens Lions Club with the Senior lunch on Sunday, April15, 2018. They were manning the table that had information pamphlets about the Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and Diabetes Awareness. In addition to that, the two helped with the cleanup and putting away of tables and chairs. The Lions thank them for their help, The Leo Club is sponsored by the Athens Lions Club and their mentor is Lion Tricia Laager.
Durand Lions present 6th Grade Teacher Mychael Drews with a dozen roses. She was the Peace Poster instructor.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Shown is Lion President Ruth Ryder, Molly Robbins, Mrs. Drews, and Lion Dave Waller.
The Champaign Lions Club did vision screening for 391 children in the past year, at all Head Start locations in Champaign County and several elementary schools, using the plusoptiX S12C devices owned by District 1M. They were able to screen 12 of 14 elementary school children that were not screen-able by the state of Illinoismandated vision screening method. A notable success was that, because of the club’s screening referral, a child was discovered to have Horner’s syndrome (damage to facial nerves, causing pupils to respond to light abnormally), and was taken to the Illinois Eye Center for treatment. A bonus for the club was that at least 2 new members joined the club because of the screening project.
Lions Bob Dougherty and Clyde Frankie of the Casey Lions Club performed vision screenings with the Plus Optix screening unit March 8th during Preschool Screening. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
The class that participated in the Peace Poster with Lion Ruth, Lion Lynn Meyers, and Mrs. Drews.
Catlin Lions served up another great pancake & sausage day to raise funds for their community projects. Mahomet Lions Club held their yearly chili supper with members.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
of the Mahomet Area Youth Club.
Moweaqua Lions Club had the honor of serving 25 seniors in March, and say, ‘Thank you for allowing us to serve!’ unexpected expenses. Paris Lions Club also welcomes new members Lions Renee & Andi Powers, sponsored by Lion Amy Hill.
Palestine Lions Club is just one of the many who served their communities by holding an Easter Egg Hunt and party. At Palestine Lions Club’s 3-26-2018 meeting, Lion Starr Pearse received "Gold Centennial Award" pin. This is earned by your club and members for recruiting and retaining new Lions and/or helping to organize a new Lions club. Congratulations Lion Starr! Paris Lions Club donates to the DO-IT Group, a local
Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club is honored to cosponsor The Heart of Illinois All-Star Basketball Game, and appreciates the participation and support of the players, fans, and especially Coach Binkley and his staff for their challenging work in organizing this game and to the many volunteers for their efforts. Coach Binkley was made a honorary Lions Club member in recognition of his contributions to the community and the basketball program prior to the tip off.
organization that helps cancer patients with 31
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
On Sunday April 15, 2018 the seniors of Athens School District 213 enjoyed a free lunch prepared by the Athens Lions Club. This is the 29th consecutive year that the Lions have done this for the seniors. 148 meals consisting of turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and desert were served on real plates with real tableware. The Lions feel that is a nice way
Mattoon Lions Club President Jim Arnholt presented Lion Gary Marquis with the Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow. Congratulations! And congratulations to the Mattoon Lions for another successful Chili Supper. The whole club seems to enjoy preparing and serving this annual event.
to honor the seniors for all they do for their community. Several seniors were very complimentary about this kind act and that they appreciated having the opportunity for fellowship with many friends and neighbors in this type of setting. In all, 19 Athens Lions Club members, 2 Leo Club members, and Michelle Stott made it a fun work day. The Lions would like to thank the City of Athens for the use of the park building, Michelle Stott for the food handlers supervision, Larry Buhr for food procurement, and Amy Baughman and Bill Meisner for the food preparation. Lions: We SERVE
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Front Row L-R: Lions Bill Rider, Del Haschemeyer, Don Porter, Ted Simms, Destiny Riley, Sandy Brackney, Paula Rider, Amy Baughman, Larry Baughman Second Row L-R: Lions Larry Buhr, Joe Gill, Bill Meisner, Larry Credille, Bob Roberts, Al Keller, Bill Armitage, Mary Freeman Participating but not pictured were Lions Penny Irwin and Patti Gentry. -------------------------------------------------------
Past International Director Stacey Jones of Miami Gardens, Florida, delivers the keynote address at the District Convention.
Local television media was on hand to cover the District Convention. Pictured beside District Governor Ray Parish is a camerawoman from WQAD News 8.
Orion Lions Club President Betsy Beemblossom, right, inducts Eric Westphall, left, into the membership of the Orion Lions Club on Monday, April 16 as Eric’s sponsor, Gary Bowling looks on.
Josh Mitton is featured during a breakout session on new technologies available to the visuallyimpaired. Josh is shown wearing his E-Sight glasses during District Convention. 33
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Oroion Lion Dave Russell rustles up some hot dogs for the rescheduled communitywide Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Orion VFW on Saturday,
April 7. Looking on are Eric Westphal, left, and Gary Bowling.
Two Sycamore Lions were recently awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship, Lions Bill Gulke (l) and Ray Puentes (r). In its 24 years of service, Sycamore Lions Club has had 26 Melvin Jones Fellows in its membership (15 are current members).
Sycamore Lion Tom Moline receives a 35-year Chevron from SW Zone Chair Lion Barb Thornbury. Lion Tom has served on the Board for many years and chaired most committees.
(l to r) PID Bud Wahl, ZC Lion Renee Reeder, Westmont Lion Chris Svitak (George Lazansky Award), DG John Hilliard, PDG Bob Fowler. 34
(l to r) PID Bud Wahl, Darien Lion John Galan (George Lazansky Award), DG John Hilliard, PDG Bob Fowler.
(l to r) PID Bud Wahl, Sandwich Lion Sue Carter (George Lazansky Award), PDG Nancy Rex, and DG John Hilliard.
(l to r) PID Bud Wahl, ZC Lion Barb Thornbury, Hinckley Lion Jerry Bahl (George Lazansky Award), and DG John Hilliard.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Governor-Elect Lion Susan Galvez, and 1st District Governor-Elect Lion Jerome Perez.
This is the 3rd Annual Chili Cook-Off for the Bartlett Lions Club. Members made their favorite recipe for all to enjoy. (l to r) Lions Ken Kusch, 1st Place; Lion Cheryl Lemvig, 3rd Place; and 2nd Place, Brandi Coak, wife of Lion Brian Coak.
Sycamore Lions Tom Higham (l) and Bud Wallace (r) were each recognized for their service with a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow.
(l to r) District 1-J Treasurer Lion Jim Graves (International President’s Award), PID Bud Wahl, DG John Hilliard, and Lion Pam Kelley; Back Row:
l to r) Lion Jama Wahl, PID Bud Wahl, PDG Bob Jilke (LIF Lifetime Service Award), and DG John Hilliard; top row: PDG Mario Gumino, Exec. Dir. Lions of Illinois Foundation.
Dundee Township Lions Club, in cooperation of the Indiana State Lions, received from the Peepers Eye Glass Corporation over 14,000 pairs of used eyeglasses for recycling. These glasses will be taken to the Midwest Center in Indiana for sorting and preparation to be distributed throughout the world. This is the largest donation of glasses ever received by the Dundee Township Lions Club.
Dundee Township Lion Herb Beck was surprised by Melisa Hernandez, Northern Kane County Chamber President and Eileen McNamee, representing the East Dundee St. Pat's Parade. The ladies came to announce Lion Herb would be the Grand Marshall for the Parade. He is 92+ and continues to serve the
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Lions in numerous capacities. Lion Herb is a real inspiration to the club.
(l to r) Senior Zone Chair Lion John Barsanti, Wheaton Lion Dr. Joe Morrissey (George Lazansky Award), PID Bud Wahl, and DG John Hilliard. Mary Beth Glenn (l), Giving Co-Ordinator for Family Shelter Services and Lion Ken Strugalla (r), Donation CoOrdinator for the Naperville Noon Lions Club. Family Shelter transforms lives by offering help and hope to those affected by domestic violence. 36
(l to r) PID Bud Wahl, ZC Jim Kiser, Naperville Noon Lion Kathryn Hertzberg (George Lazansky Award, DG John Hilliard.
Sycamore Lions Tom & Sharon Foster received their 30-year chevrons from Lions Club President Lion Kevin Berry. Lion Tom & Sharon joined their local Lions Club in the late 80s and after relocating to Sycamore IL in 2002, transferred into the Sycamore Lions Club. They are both Melvin Jones Fellows. Lion Tom is also a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow and has received the District 1-J Lazansky Award.
The Waubonsee Community College Lions Club hosted a “Dress to Impress� event at the Sugar
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Grove campus which allowed students an opportunity to "shop" for professional clothing for free! Clothing donations were received from Lions Club members, Waubonsee faculty and staff and Conley Outreach Community Services. The event was held one week prior to the Waubonsee Spring Career Fair. Response for the event was overwhelmingly positive! Students were appreciative of the opportunity. One student shared that she had just received an internship and was excited to leave with several bags of clothing that she did not have to buy! Sounds like a win/win situation for everyone. Sun City-Huntley new Lion Dorothy Deppen, Sponsor Lion Betty Wilczak, Lion Jim Graves Treasurer, new Lion Mary Werner and Sponsor Lion Helen White.
This compilation was noted in The Sandwich Lions Tale, April 2018 edition. While working on individual projects. We sometimes forget the “big picture” and the results of what we can do when: “We Serve.” ----------------Sun CityHuntley Lion June Brock shares Lions’ info at the club’s Chamber Expo Booth.
Morrison Lion President Tracy Muur installed Terry Costello at our Mach business meeting. Terry joins his wife, Sue, who also recently joined to become the first couple holding membership in our club. Congratulations! Morrison Lions completed their spring cleanup of a one mile stretch of Route 30. Fifteen bags were filled by members shown left to right: Steve Wroble, Martha Kophamer, Aaron
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Johnson, Terry Costello. Sue Costello, Keith Hamstra and Tracy Muur. Ken Jansma also helped but was not present for the photo. Bob Countryman also helped clean and took the picture.
Genoa Lions President Jerry Helland has just placed a Citizen of the Year medal around G-K High School freshman William Gates’ neck and shaken his hand during the Citizen of the Year Awards hosted by the Genoa Lions at the Genoa Masonic Temple on April 18th.
Medals of achievement were awarded by Lion President Jerry Helland amidst the applause of the guests and Lion’s Club members. Kristie Mulso of the Genoa-Kingston School District coordinated the events leading up to the award night and was instrumental in making sure the students and parents knew when and where to be for the Award Ceremony. Special thanks go to the Masonic Temple and the fine folks that prepared the meal and to Lion Secretary VanDerHeyden for making the arrangements with the school district and acquiring the medals. And a special thank
you to Lion Gene Bradford for working with the Masonic Temple to make the evening a success. The Genoa Lions Club is happy to sponsor this event each year.
PDG Bill Kelley presenting West Frankfort Lion President Dan Wells with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. Lion Dan has served 2 terms as a West Frankfort Lion President and joined the West Frankfort Lions Club in April 1985 .
Chicago Magnificent Lions Club received Chicago Juzz Danz Star Award 2018 at the awards night at Holiday Inn.
MD1 State Monthly Edited & Published Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for 38e-Magazine MD1 Lions & Leos Monthlyby e-Magazine Lions and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: