Illinois Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 6 - Issue 5, ber 2018 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Editorial: On Friday, 9th of November there will be hospitality from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Saturday morning Registration will start from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Then there will be seminars from 9:00 to 12:00 noon, lunch from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. and the afternoon seminars will be from 1:30 to 3:30 and closing of forum from 3:30 to 4:00. This year’s forum futures new and exciting sessions on marketing your Lions Club, making Lions Club meetings and activities fun, the new initiative for women in Lions, LCIF Campaign 100, how to deal with legal and ethical issue that might arise within the Lions Club, helpful information on the Club Service Coordinator position and Global Action Team, member recruitment and retention, and many other interesting topics for Lions in MD1. There will be 12 seminar sessions held during the morning session and again during the afternoon, with a ample variety of topics to appeal to ceveryone from the new Lion to the experienced Lion. Come join in the fun and learn something new that you can use to help your Lions Club to grow and better serve your community. Reservations for lodging at the rate of $99 per night plus tax, including free parking can be made by calling Abraham Lincoln Hotel at 217-544-8800 before October 19th. Don’t forget to tell them you are with Lions of Illinois to receive the discounted Lions Group Rate. Registration fee is only $25 per person. Registration form is enclosed in this magazine for your convenience. Completed registration form must be received by November 2, 2018 to State Office. Come with your club members and take this opportunity to learn more about Lionism. -Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor 2

MD1 Leadership Chair: Lion J ama Wahl

Lions Clubs International supports several Lions Leadership Institutes annually throughout each constitutional area. These include the Emerging Lions Leadership Institute, the Advanced Lions Leadership Institute, the Faculty Development Institute and the Faculty Development Excellence Series. Each of these institutes focuses on a different level of Lions leadership and skill development. For constitutional areas 1 and 2, these institutes are held at various venues throughout the United States and Canada. Another such institute is a cooperative effort

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

between Lions Clubs International and the local district or multiple district, the Regional Lions Leadership Institute or RLLI. The MD1 RLLI is organized with the support of the Lions of MD1 and a grant from Lions Clubs International. The MD1 RLLI was held October 12-14, 2018 at the Abraham Lincoln Hotel and Conference Center in Springfield, Illinois. Each of the ten districts in MD1 had the chance to send three up and coming Lions to this event. If a district was not able to send three participants, another district was given the option to fill that space. Twenty-nine Lions from all ten districts attended. These Lions committed Friday evening through Sunday afternoon to their personal leadership development. Topics covered included Lion Fundamentals, Working in Teams, Public Speaking, Personal Mission Statement, Member Motivation, Local Issues, Goal Setting and Diversity. Faculty members were Past International Director Bud Wahl, 1J GMT John Barsanti and MD1 GLT Coordinator, Jama Wahl. Organizers were District Governor GLT Liaison Darren Van Duyn and State Secretary Treasurer Michele Faris. Please congratulate these Lions who have made a commitment to live out our motto, We Serve.



Brenda Stevens Hina Trivedi

Yoly Zoleta Eddie Burkel Faye Marek Joe Marek Sherry Cates Gary Laakko Theresea Laakko Guideon Richeson Jeff Gunning Linda Gunning Glenn Hagemann Amber Ballweg Don Borgwardt Bill Stanley Judy A Bell Michelle Nielsen Ott Rachel Benning Doug Diefenthal Tom Lucek Andy Watson Joanne Watson John Dotray Carla Haga David Johnson Chuck Mockbee IV Rolando Montedeoca Bill Wallpe ---------------------------


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

STATE PIN CONTEST Show us how creative you are! All Lions and Leos are welcome to submit a design for the 2019-20 MD1 Pin Design which features Italy as the host for the 2019 International Convention. Entries must be submitted to District Governor Barb Stewart NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 20! Judging will take place at the December Council Meeting. Lions of Illinois State Pin Design Contest RULES 1. The pin must be designed by a Lion or Leo of MD-1 2. The pin must include the following elements in its design: a) the Lions emblem b) the words “Lions of Illinois” c) the year of the pin d)the location of the pin year’s International Convention (i.e.,Fukuoka,Japan) 3. Pins must be made by an LCI-approved manufacturer. If a non-LCI-approved manufacturer is used, pin designs must be pre-approved by LCI. 4. Pin designs can include two colors plus a background color 5. Pin designs must be submitted on 8 1⁄2” x 11” paper 6. The pin design drawing must be close to actual size 7. Pin designs must be submitted in triplicate with at least one drawing in full color 8. The name, address, phone number, and club name of the pin designer must be typed or printed legibly on the back of every pin design drawing submitted. Lions of Illinois, Inc. reserves the right to reject any submission that does not meet all of the pin design specifications as stated above. To enter the State Pin Design Contest, pin designs should be submitted to Lion Michele Faires, State Secretary/Treasurer, Lions of Illinois, Inc., POB 127, Hopedale, IL 61747-0127. Pin designs also can be submitted to the District Governor to be brought to the Council meeting in which the contest will be held and the winning design selected. Entries submitted via facsimile or email will not be accepted. All entries become the property of the Lions of Illinois, Inc. The winner of the State Pin Design Contest will receive five (5) each of the pins, charms, and stick pins. 14

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

In late May of this year the Strasburg Lions “LEO” Club went to the Village Board and asked if they could do a tree survey of the trees within the village park. The project was started by then LEO President Tanner Clark. They would be looking for things like location of the trees, types and species of the trees, condition of the trees and then make recommendations to the Board. The Board was very receptive to the idea and the project was placed in motion.

be starting at 9:00 in the morning. The Strasburg Lions and members of the Village Board will be assisting the LEOs. This is and will be a great learning experience for the LEOs and will add to their growing number of community service projects they are doing. --------------------------------------------------------------------

During the process the LEOs notice that there were very few trees within the park that were beneficial to the wildlife, such as many of the different pollinators. The representative from the “Trees Forever” Foundation suggested that the LEOs could write a grant to Trees Forever to purchase different types of trees that would be beneficial to the pollinators to be placed in the park. This set-in motion the process of writing a competitive grant to purchase 12 trees, beneficial to the pollinators, to be sent to Trees Forever by July 1st. At the end of August, the LEOs were notified that their grant was accepted by the Trees Forever Foundation and would be funded for the full amount requested. Our current LEO President Jocelyn Schultz and Board Member LEO Jack Burton presented to the village board the good news and the time line for the project to be set in motion. The LEOs will be planting 12 pollinator beneficial trees at the village park on Saturday, October 20th. We will 15

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

and reap the benefits and recognition! Set a standing time to speak with each of your DCs to regularly brainstorm Campaign 100 presentation opportunities and potential collaboration with district governors (DGs) and council chairs. • District LCIF Coordinators – Model Clubs are an important way to drive fundraising. It bears repeating… LCIF’s last capital campaign was bolstered significantly – 40+ percent – by Model Clubs’ fundraising. To fully succeed, Campaign 100 must secure at least 100 Model Clubs each month. Review your available reports on MyLCI to identify potential Model Clubs and discuss viable candidates with your MDC. Also, begin reaching out to club coordinators for promising clubs, and set near-term dates to make campaign presentations at their next club meetings. Now is also a great time to reach out to your DG and explore ways in which you might work together this year. Lastly, encourage your own club to become a Model Club. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Multiple District LCIF Coordinators – With your training now – or soon to be – complete – you’re ready to lead the charge in identifying potential Model Clubs with help from your DCs. (Have we mentioned that Model Clubs raised more than 40 percent of funds during LCIF’s last capital campaign? These clubs are powerful!) Work closely with your CA leaders and each of your district LCIF coordinators. Don’t forget to meet with your own club and encourage participation as a Model Club – 16

The Sycamore Lions visited all the local Elementary Schools this week, passing out Trick or Treat boxes compliments of MPP Sycamore Containers and Pumpkin Display Entry Forms. Sycamore Lions

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Mascot, Leo the Lion, was well received at all the schools. The Sycamore Lions will be registering entries to their 57th Annually Sponsored Display next Wednesday, October 24th from 4pm to 9pm. The Lions Food Trailer will be open from those same hours and will be open from 11am to 9pm Thursday through Sunday October 28th. The Lions would appreciate your patronage.

The City of Highland and the Parks and Recreation Division are developing a new park in the growing eastern part of the community. A central feature of the park is an All Abilities playground. Highland Lions President Gary Kreutzberg presented a check for $2000 to Mark Rosen of the Highland Parks and Recreation. Recent programs at Highland Lions Club Meetings were Virginia Woulfe-Beile making a presentation on the benefits and economics of Solar Power and Kim Gray making a presentation on Yoga. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Altamont: Congratulations to new Altamont Lion Steven Mayerhofer. (C) His sponsor Lion Charlie Niehaus (L) and


Arthur Lions Club was honored to donate $500.00 to help Edik Arwine have an interpreter (Dani Skees) at our local Arthur Knights JFL program this year.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

This will be Edik's 2nd year in the program and having Dani there this year has helped him better communicate with his coaches & peers.

The air was chilly Saturday, Oct. 13, when the ninth annual W-L Lions Club Lawn Mower/Golf Cart Run got underway, but warm hearts prevailed and raised $3,300. The participants, 133 of them, motored their vehicles to each of the stops where they were provided food and drink and they participated in fundraising activities. The Lions Club will use the money for its annual Brotherhood Tree Christmas event which provides food baskets, toys and books for local families in need. The club owes a debt of gratitude to Chad and Beatrice Calhoun, hosts for the event, and the village of Warrensburg. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club members were


The air was chilly Saturday, Oct. 13, when the ninth annual Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club Lawn Mower/Golf Cart Run got underway, but warm hearts prevailed and raised $3,300. The participants, 133 of them, motored their vehicles to each of the stops where they were provided food and drink and they participated in fundraising activities.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

(Safety first. Lion Chad Calhoun advises participants of the rules, regulations and routes for the fundraiser.) The Lions Club will use the money for its annual Brotherhood Tree Christmas event that provides food baskets, toys and books for local families in need. The club owes a debt of gratitude to Chad and Beatrice Calhoun, hosts for the event, the families who manned the food stops and the village of Warrensburg.

Lions Cathy Stalker (left), Jim Seefeldt (center with blue bucket) and John Herington (right) set up to sell 50/50 tickets.


And they’re off. Drivers head out, following instructions to single-file formation, to the first of four stops.

Lion Larry Runion conducts a Marble Draw at Stop 1 while his daughter checks his work.

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lion Cathy Stalker sells an arm’s length of 50/50 tickets to one of the drivers. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Lion Club President Jim Seefeldt checks on the condition of the hot dogs he’s roasting for the crowd. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Illini Park Fall Festival: Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club members answered the call for help with Illini Park’s annual Fall Festival by serving food and drink to more than 200 adults and kids. W-L Lions’ meetings are held in the park’s pavilion.


Sandwich Lions have another load of scrap metal ready to be transported to the recycling center. It’s done as a service to the community, as well as a benefit for the Lions. They have even made enough money to buy two trailers of their own — no more borrowing them!! -------------------------------------------------------------------Boy Scout Troop 139 in Waterman has a long history of helping the Lions. Now, Community Service Hours are a must for any Boy Scout. Scout Kevin Schilling was one of eight Scouts who came to a recent meeting. Club Pres. Lion Craig Rice presented a $250

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

check to Scout Troop 139 for its help during last


summer's Summerfest. Looks like the Scouts are very happy about it, too! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Sun City-Huntley Lions cook for the club's annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser held in conjunction with Huntley's Annual Fall Fest weekend. Club members provided applesauce, sausage, and "all you could eat" pancakes for 194 adult patrons and 38 “under 12” children who ate for free. --------------------------------------------------------------------

New Southwest Zone Chair Lion Chair Lion Tom Lucek received a Club Flag from Sandwich Lions Club President Lion Beth Nelson when he visited the club recently. -------------------------------------------------------------------Elmhurst Lions Club recently inducted two new members. (l to r) Sponsor Lion Jim Worden, New Lion Esther Anderson, Elmhurst Lion Jim Hallberg, New Lion Dee Long-fellow, and Sponsor Lion Bob Stolper. (Picture in next column-Top) → 21

Aurora Noon Lion Club President Rodrigo "Bobby" Menendez and Diane Renner, director of the Marie

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Wilkinson Food Pantry in Aurora, celebrate the Pizza/Pasta fundraiser last month. When proceeds are multi-plied by the Northern IL Food Bank, $112 in donations will buy $896 in food for area residents. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Pumpkin Display on the DeKalb County Courthouse where over 1,000 pumpkins were on display starting Thursday, October 25th. (Used as Cover Picture for this month’s issue) --------------------------------------------------------------------

Crystal Lake Lions poured beer and wine at the Immanuel Lutheran Family Fest Beer Tent in late September. The weather in 2018 was far more conducive to beer drinking than it was in 2017 and the event was a success. --------------------------------------------------------------------

On September 16 morning, Dundee Township Lions and Elgin Lions sponsored the 5K Walk/Run which drew 100 participants. In addition, Dundee Township Lions were also busy with the club’s Annual Community Breakfast for 300, and the LIF Hearing Screening bus, too. Busy, busy day!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Late last summer, Malta Lions installed a swing set and a slide at the Prairie Pond subdivision. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Waterman Lions held a fundraiser at Honey Hill Orchard in early October. They sold pork chop sandwiches, hamburgers and hot dogs. Rain dampened the turnout, so the club had another Orchard BBQ on the following Saturday. -------------------------------------------------------------------Sycamore Lions Club is in charge of the 57th Annual 22

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Lion John Barsanti, 2nd Vice District Governor, Lion Joanne Watson, proxy sponsor for Bartlett Lion Anthony Sparacino, and New Lion Randy Zbasnik. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Sandwich Lions manned the Fishing Pier at the annual Lions Fishing Derby last summer. (l to r) Lions Gary Lemke, Bill Moebs, Jack Thompson, and Bob Jones. --------------------------------------------------------------------

At a recent Roselle Lions Club meeting, Camper Hayley King and her dad told Lions how Camp Lions changed her life while PDG Lion Bob Jilke looks at some of Hay-ley’s photos she took at camp. --------------------------------------------------------------------

District Governor Lion Susan Galvez presented Elmhurst Lion Jeff Slovick with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. (l to r) DG Lion Susan Galvez, Lion Jeff Slovick, and his wife Kathy. 23

Two new members for McHenry Lions Club! (l to r) Sponsor Lion Ron Jackson, New Member Lion Gary Peterson (transfer from Naperville Noon Lions Club), 1J District Governor Lion Susan Galvez, New Member Lion Judy Peterson, Sponsor Lion Pat Jackson. -------------------------------------------------------------------Fourteen brave Lions and volunteers braved high and very mighty winds and completed a one-mile cleanup of Route 30 in record time. Pictured Left to right in front row - Tracy Muur and Lynn Wiebenga, second row, Beth Wroble, Nancy Countryman, Sue Costello, third row, Aaron Johnson, Jim Blakemore, Bob Countryman, Terry Costello, and back row, Steve Wroble, Ken Jansma, Keith Hamstra and

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

school nurse, is shown with President Darlene Smith. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Kelvin Tenboer. Denny Countryman also helped and was the photographer. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Morrison Lions New Member Lynn Wiebenga (center) installed by President Darlene Smith on the right and sponsor Martha Kophamer on the left. -------------------------------------------------------------------A new cot was recently purchased by Morrison Lions Club for the Southside Elementary School for the school nurse's room. Donna Boonstra, 24

Lions Alice Pressler and Ed Kallbrier were on hand to distribute candy to trick or treaters during the Carlinville Merchants Night halloween event held Thursday, Oct. 26. -------------------------------------------------------------------Lion Ed Kallbrier passes candy out to trick or treaters during the Carlinville Merchants Night trick or treat event. --------------------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lion Dan Kallbrier ran Fallen Soldier 5k at Wiu October 27, 2018.

Awards to two Lion's marking their anniversaries as Lion's. Lion Shane Cultra celebrates 30 years of service and Lion Gene Miller celebrates 55 years of service. The Onarga Lion's Club is honored to have them in their organization. Thank you for your community service! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Bloomingdale Lions Club members collected 241 pairs of socks for men, women and children to donate to the needy people. --------------------------------------------------------------------

First vice District Governor Joe Vineyard receiving his master's certificate from Lions University at the recent USA Canada forum from International President Gudrun Yngvadottir.


On her visit to the Ornaga Lions Club, District Governor Lori Linn presented International Chevron 25

Bolingbrook Lions Club’s Meet, Greet and Eat a Meet, Greet and Eat on September 17th. The Bolingbrook Leo Club was presented with a check from Lion Talat Rashid for their recent support of Pakistan Day. The Leos had a big night as their executive board was sworn in that evening. Bolingbrook also welcomed in two new members to their club. Welcome Lions Kathleen and Paul Hrdlicka!! Future Lion Stella also made an

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

appearance. It was a wonderful night of Lions fun and fellowship!

The Chebanse Lions Club hosted a Meet, Greet and Eat on Wednesday, September 12. During the event, four new members were inducted into the club by District Governor Lori Linn. Welcome new Lions Brent Strawson, Matt Koch, Joe Richie and Cody Smith! PDG John Joseph Honiotes presented a Melvin Jones Fellow to Lion Lawrence Seibring. Many members of Lion Larry’s family were there to celebrate with him and his Lions family. It was a great night of food, fun and fellowship. -------------------------------------------------------------------Lions from around 1-BK gathered in Marseilles on September 26th to pick up their Candy Day candy and share in some fellowship. After dinner, a young lady named Gretchen and her mom spoke about 26

Camp Lions and the wonderful things she enjoys about attending. Gretchen has been to camp two times and is looking forward to many more opportunities to attend in the future. --------------------------------------------------------------------

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine





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packing 5 lb bags of pears to be delivered to food pantries, shelters and other food banks in a 4county area. Our names are now part of the volunteer ball at the center!! --------------------------------------------------------------------

The Joliet Noon Lions Club participated in the Northern IL Food Bank’s 1st annual Pack-A-Thon at their new South Suburban Center in Joliet. The volunteered during 3 shifts throughout the day 28

The club also welcomed 9 new members at their membership meeting on September 18th!! Welcome new Lions and way to go

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Oswego Lions! The Oswego Lion's had a great turn out at their first annual Car Show this past August. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

multiple/single district achieve leadership excellence in their volunteer and personal lives. The Lions who represented our District this year were Lions Eddie Burkle, Joe Marek and Faye Marek. Pictured below with their certificates of completion are Lions Joe and Faye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lion President John Talbert, center, recognized Lion Jeff Meyer and Lion Cole Rabe for recruiting and retaining new Lion's into the Onarga Lion's Club, with the Centennial Celebration pins. Congratulations on growing your club during the Centennial Celebration. Thanks to your efforts, we will be able to serve more people in our next century of service. -----------------------------------------------------------

District 1-BK sent three Lions to the Regional Lions Leadership Institute. RLLI helps Lion's in their


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Bradley Lions during a fun night of food and fellowship, Lion's from various clubs gathered to share what they are doing in their clubs and celebrate successes. We heard about “Campaign 100” from PDG Lion John Joseph, were addressed by DG Lion Lori and sang some Halloween Carols lead by DG Lori and Lion Gene Ochs. --------------------------------------------------------------------


Morris Lions Paula Newsom, Tom Kinzler, and Paul Weitz sell Raffle tickets for this year’s car, a ’68 Olds Cutlass Clone. The winner was drawn at 3:00 on Sunday October 14th at the Morris Lions Car Show.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Bolingbrook Lions held a Soup Crawl at the Promenade in Bolingbrook on Saturday October 20th. 8 restaurants provided soup and participants had other specials available to them at each stop. A good (filling) time was had by all!

Durand Lions take to the streets for sight & hearing. Candy Day was a success. 27 Durand Lions netted over $2500.00 for the project. Here is our newest Lion Emma Rudde getting ready to go out and help the project.

Durand Lions have 6 of the 2018 peace posters to pick the winner of this year’s contest. "Kindness Matters" is this year’s theme. -------------------------------------------------------------------Candy Days!! Left to Right: Lions David Nottrott, Adam & Mariellen Campo, Sherry Cates-Straub, Eric Meyer and Ken Jackson.


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lion Barbara Taylor visited Child's World Preschool in Waterloo and performed many vision screenings. These are most helpful at an early age. Thank you Lion Barbara!! --------------------------------------------------------------------

THANK YOU to all who volunteered a shift and especially to those who donated many shifts! --------------------------------------------------------------------

Chicago Logan Square Lions held their Annual Health Fair where Lions of Illinois Foundation screening buses were present. -------------------------------------------------------------------


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

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