Illinois Lions & Leos MD1 State of Illinois e-Magazine for the Month of October, 2018

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MD1 e-Magazine (Lite) Vol. 6 - Issue 4, October 2018 6


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Council Chair Speaks: Greetings MD1 Lions!

have been cooking up. You may just bump into some old friends and possibly make some new ones. December 1, 2018 will be the next Council of Governors meeting, also at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, and if you ever wondered what goes on at these meetings please join us. All Lions are welcome to attend. Some other important dates to mark in your calendar are for the State Office. The office will be closed for holidays on the following dates; October 8 (Columbus Day), November 6 (General Election Day), November 12 (Veterans Day), November 22-23 (Thanksgiving), and December 24-26 (Christmas).

Hello everyone and welcome to fall. My second favorite time of year. The temperature begins to come down, the winds begin to shift, and a sense of peace falls upon the land. It won't be long before we are carving the pumpkins, deep frying the turkey and decorating the Christmas tree or whatever it is that your families do during the upcoming holiday season. Speaking of seasons, fall also brings major Lion events. Up first is RLLI, Regional Lions Learning Institute, October 13 and 14 at the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel located in historic downtown Springfield, Illinois. Up and coming Lions from around the state will gather for this two-day event for learning, fellowship and fun. Then it's time for the annual District 1-M Convention October 2628 at the Hawthorne suites by Wyndham in Champaign, Illinois. With this being the only fall convention, I hope all Illinois Lions plan to attend. The next major event here in the land of Lincoln is the annual Multiple District 1 Forum. This year there will be many new items as well as some timehonored traditions. Mark your calendar for November 10 and come on out to the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel and see what the 2018-19 Council of Governors and the MD-1 Leadership team 2

Did you attend the USA/CANADA Forum in Columbus? Many social media sites suggest many of you did. I’m certain a good time was had by all and from what I hear those Lions in charge of putting the event together did a spectacular job. Well done Lions! Congratulations to this year’s graduates! The next USA/CANADA Forum is in beautiful Spokane, Washington. If you never been to Washington state, this is a prime opportunity. You can thank me later… Lions, your Governors are working hard. Your members are not stopping either. With so many people in need, we need more Lions. Haven't seen or heard from a fellow club member in a while? Give them a call, drop by and pay them a visit (maybe take a nice baked item). Although we feverishly strive to obtain new Lions, we cannot forget about the ones we have. Just like the campfire we are sure to be sitting around this fall, sometimes you must stoke the fire. Rekindle a passion that may be dwindling. Show the world we care and kindness matters. Family, friends and fellow Lions. As we enter this season of beauty, let us pledge to rekindle our passion for serving others. Let us lend a hand where a hand is needed. You never know, you just might find another Lion. Lion Daniel Harris MD-1 Council Chair Elect


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Editorial: Lions: Fall is here, and we just completed seminars at USA – Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Columbus, Ohio. It was a great time to meet old friends and make new friends and share fellowship. There were quite a few Lions from MD1 who attended various seminars to learn more about lionism and leadership. Now it is time share that knowledge we gained in Columbus with our club members. If you didn’t attend USA-Canada Lions Leadership Forum, are you ready to attend MD1 Lions Fall Forum on November 10, 2018? It will be held at

Service Coordinator position and Global Action Team, member recruitment and retention, and many other interesting topics for Lions in MD1. There will be 12 seminar sessions held during the morning session and again during the afternoon, with a ample variety of topics to appeal to ceveryone from the new Lion to the experienced

the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, 701 E. Adams Street, Springfield, Illinois. On Friday, 9th of November there will be hospitality from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. Saturday morning Registration will start from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Then there will be seminars from 9:00 to 12:00 noon, lunch from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. and the afternoon seminars will be from 1:30 to 3:30 and closing of forum from 3:30 to 4:00. This year’s forum futures new and exciting sessions on marketing your Lions Club, making Lions Club meetings and activities fun, the new initiative for women in Lions, LCIF Campaign 100, how to deal with legal and ethical issue that might arise within the Lions Club, helpful information on the Club Lion. Come join in the fun and learn something new that you can use to help your Lions Club to grow and better serve your community. Reservations for lodging at the rate of $99 per night plus tax, including free parking can be made by calling Abraham Lincoln Hotel at 217-544-8800 before October 19th. Don’t forget to tell them you are with Lions of Illinois to receive the discounted Lions Group Rate. Registration fee is only $25 per person. Registration form is enclosed in this magazine for your convenience. Completed registration form must be received by November 2, 2018 to State Office. Come with your club members and take this opportunity to learn more about Lionism. -Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Candy Day is October 12th and 13th, 2018.


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Frankfort Lions at their Summer Fest 2018

It is with a great deal of pride that we have given a substantial gift to the New Lenox Fire Department Foundation for the Wreaths across America program for this year. The New Lenox Lions started donating in 2016 and has steadily increased our gift ever since. It goes without saying that we are quite proud of our donation and hope everyone sees this as yet another way we can give back to the community in the name of Wreaths across America. Shown in the picture, left to right are Tammy Levy, Lion President Marie Wheeler and Skip Minger, President of the Foundation. -------------------------------------------------------------------District 1CS Candy Day Jamboree:


First Picture: Lions of Illinois Executive Director Lion Mario Gumino gives a rousing presentation to the members of District 1-CS. Second Picture: PDG's and Foundation Trustees, (L>R) Steve Griffin and Chip Farrington did a great job hosting the District 1CS Candy Day Jamboree at the Sparta Lions Club.


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the retina are reviewed by professional staff at Illinois Retina Associates. Those found to exhibit symptoms of these retinal diseases after screening are encouraged to seek the ophthalmologic assistance of their choice. The Westmont Lions club processed 25 hearing screenings in conjunction with the Lions of Illinois Foundation Mobile Hearing Screening Unit for detecting hearing loss and preventing deafness. -------------------------------------------------------------------

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 during our Crusin’ Nights Street Fair in Downtown Westmont, the Westmont Lions screened the community for hearing and sight. The Westmont Lions Club processed approximately 12 residents for Diabetic Retinopathy Screenings. In conjunction with Illinois Retina Associates, the Lions of Illinois Foundation has expanded vision services to include a Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Program. This program is designed to screen people throughout Illinois who are in highrisk categories for Diabetic Retinopathy. Screenings are free and made possible through the use of a mobile unit which travels throughout Illinois. The mobile unit carries a non-mydriatic camera with digital imaging capability which photographs the retina. These digital images (computer photos) of 15

(L-R: Lions Bill Siders, Richard Dennis, Ted Simms, Amy Baughman, Larry Buhr, Destiny Riley, Mary Freeman, Sandy Brackney, Larry Baughman, Paula Rider, Bill Meisner, Ron Williams, Del Haschemeyer. Not pictured but participating: Lions Bill Rider and Don Porter.) On Wednesday 9/5/18 the Athens Lions sorted out the recyclable items donated by the citizens of the Athens, Petersburg, and Greenview school districts. This sorting process is done every six months and then the items are sent to a distribution center for further processing. Items that the Lions sorted were as follows: eye glasses with metal frames (428 pair), eye glasses with plastic frames (189 pair), aluminum pull tabs (10lbs), hearing aids (4 ), home printer ink cartridges (20), Christmas tree lights (20lbs). Since September of 2016 that makes a total of 2286 eye glasses with metal frames, 838 eye glasses with plastic frames, 20lbs of aluminum pull tabs, 23 hearing aids, 134 home printer ink cartridges, 35lbs of Christmas tree lights and 12 cell phones. Residents are urged to continue to donate these

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

items at any area local bank or funeral home. The LIONS THANK YOU for your generosity. Lions motto: " WE SERVE " --------------------------------------------------------------------

this opportunity to spread the word about the recycling of eyeglasses. The new

(Lions Bill Rider, Larry Baughman, Amy Baughman, Sandy Brackney, Del Haschemyer, Don Porter, Ron Williams.) Participating but not pictured: Lion Don Ferricks float was designed and built by Lions Ron Williams, Bill Rider and Bill Meisner. This is another way that Athens Lions Club serves its community.


On Monday, September 3, 2018, the Athens

Lions Club showed off their new float by participating in the Greenview Labor Day Celebration parade. The new float has benches that allow the Lions to sit safely on the float and throw candy to the children along the parade route. The Lions are involved in the Menard County activities and use 16

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Sycamore Lions invite one and all to our 57th Annual Pumpkin Display on the DeKalb County Courthouse Lawn from Thursday, October 25 thru Sunday, October 28th. You can expect to see over 1000 works of art by children of all ages. While there you will want to have a snack or meal at the Lions Food Trailer,stop at our Raffle Trailer and take a chance on the 15 prizes being given on Sunday (you need not be present) including a John Deere Gator or $5000. Also available over the weekend is a huge flee market, two carnivals and a giant parade on Sunday at 1pm. For additional information you can go to: or www.sycamorepu Hope to see you there! --------------------------------------------------------------------

District 1F – 9 Pin No Tap Bowling: Nancy Wilson and Kathy Deram-Clark at the Saturday event at Bertrand Bowl. They were the organizers for this District event. --------------------------------------------------------------------


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Secretary/Treasurer of Mounds Lions Club, Lion PDG Steve Griffin Screening Technician from the Eldorado Lions Club and Lion PDG Derek Eurales photographer from the Mounds Lions Club were in attendance. The event was filled with laughter, excitement and reluctant participants with tears from only a few. All in all, it was a successful screening with anticipation for next years screening. We Serve.


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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Lion Stan and Lion Larry Niggli sponsored his daughter, Lion Allyson.

The Lions Club of Genoa would like to thank the community for supporting our Annual mum plant fund-raiser. The mums are grown by Walnut Grove Training Farm in Kirkland, Illinois. Walnut Grove Training Farm provides learning opportunities for individuals with special needs, with the goal of providing employment at local horticultural companies. The proceeds from the mum sales help the Lions club of Genoa to aid those needing eyeglasses and for its many other charitable donations both internationally and locally. Mum plants are still available and can be purchased for $10.00 from any Genoa Lion member or by calling Jerry at 815 784-4865. Free Delivery is available. --------------------------------------------------------------------

The Highland Lions Club welcomed three new members. Lion Irving Gray installed Lion Sharon Giffhorn, Lion Stan Giffhorn and Lion Allyson Ripperda. Lion Jan Kreutzberg sponsored Lion Sharon, Lion President Gary Kreutzberg sponsored 24

Virginia Woulfe-Beile representing Solarize Metro East. A group purchasing program for residential and commercial solar systems, visited the Highland Lions. She shared her personal experience with solar generated power and made members aware of rebates and tax advantages available. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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physical fitness and encouraging youth to do their best since 1975. Often, the adult volunteers are as active as the young participants. Lion Corey Pals, former participant as a youth, is the organizer of the project.

On September 13, 2018 the foundation eye bus came to Durand town. We screened 9 individuals that day. Perhaps one of them would benefit from the free screening. --------------------------------------------------------------------

Altamont Lions Club’s 43rd Soccer season is underway with approximately130 children split into 13 teams ranging in ages from pre-K through 6th grade. Games are scheduled for 6 Saturdays through September and into October. The project has been promoting teamwork, sportsmanship, 25

Arthur Lions Club announces our newest member, Carol Gudausky, sponsored by Lion Jim Fleming, inducted by Lion Mark Krutsinger.

When Casey Lions Club says, ‘WE SERVE,,’ they really mean it. Not only did they serve up a great meal at their fish fry, but also offered the service of free hearing screenings through the Lions of Illinois Foundation mobile screening unit.

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Mahomet Lions Club in their efforts to serve their community with great Lions pride.

Danville Lions Club welcomes our newest member Lion Toby Ortega. Pictured here with SVDG Bill Wallpe and Lion Mike O’Brien.

-------------------------------------------------------------------The Georgetown Lions Club thanks you for supporting their 2018 Raffle, making it a success this year. Merchants providing prizes for our raffle and individuals purchasing a raffle ticket have joined us in helping a child to succeed in school or give a person with vision impairment a chance to lead a more productive life. Together, We Serve! Pictured: Back row, left to right: Lions Mark Wyer, Dave Rumple, Curt Gordon, Denny Davidson, Bob Prater, Jeff Newlin, Cliff Sawyer, Mark Learnard, Steve Winkle, Kent Leasure. Seated: Linda Hall, PDG Carl Hall and Lisa Wyer. (not pictured – Lion Jan Nimrick) -------------------------------------------------------------------The Mahomet Riverfest annual music festival included such acts as Kenny Chestnut and Rodney Atkins. This annual event helps support the


Sidell Lions Club is proud to welcome seven new members, inducted September 13th by District Governor Darren VanDuyn. Pictured: Right to left, District Governor Darren Van Duyn, Lions Janie Ballard, Lin Bates, sponsor Jaimee Hettinger, Shana Filicsky, sponsor David Winans, Jay Hageman, Adam Young, Kevin Jolley, Him Richardson, and sponsor Terry Bates. Thank you to our District Governor Darren L Van Duyn for inducting our 7

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new members! Right to left, District Governor Darren Van Duyn, Janie Ballard, Lin Bates, sponsor Jaimee Hettinger, Shana Filicsky, sponsor David Winans, Jay Hageman, Adam Young, Kevin Jolley, Jim Richardson, and sponsor Terry Bates.

It is with a great sense of Pride we at the St. Elmo Lions Club wish to congratulate Mr. Richard Lowe, the 2018 Citizen of the Year! Thank you, Mr. Lowe, for your citizenship, your community values, and your 23 years of service to the Lions Club.

Leo Jack and Leo Jocelyn present the Leo’s Strasburg Park Tree Survey to the Strasburg Village Board. The Leo’s also informed the board of its award of $600+ grant that will go to planting many natural trees at the park. Congrats Leo’s! -------------------------------------------------------------------Morrison Lions quick revamp -- moving from a flooded site to dry ground. The Recycle Committee had completed plans including a computer drawn map of the different vendors accepting items to be recycled. Quick action of the committee and the 27

offer from the Board of the Whiteside County Fairgrounds to use their facility permitted the scheduled day to go on as planned. Fees were charged only for TV's, monitors, and microwaves. All other recyclables were free. A statistic from the day: Electronics received - 7,580 pounds. This drop off point gave all those who manned it a good workout!

Seated "Cashier" Karla Burn, Front standing, Left to right: Trevan Burn, Ken Jansma and Recycle Chairman Bob Smith. Back row, left to right: Terry Costello, Bob Countryman, and Volunteer Denny Countryman (brother to Lion Bob).

Peaking into the trunk: Bob Smith with back to camera and Volunteer Denny Countryman ready to unload. All sizes were received. Terry Costello is carrying a big "oldie" and Trevan Burn has a flat screen.

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A picture at the beginning of the Recycle Day of scrap iron loaded on trailers. By the end, these trailers were loaded to the hilt with another trailer not shown.

Members of the High School Key Club volunteered to help. Pictured is Alyssa Meiers with back to camera and Bailey Smith (granddaughter of Lion President Darlene Smith.)

Electronics and paper products had been unloaded and the line of cars headed down the road for Lions' recycle items, scrap iron, used flags accepted 28

by the American Legion, aluminum cans by the Boy Scouts, old large size batteries, prescription medicines, and ammunition. The Morris Lions Club Announces the launch of the "Random Acts of Kindness Project" Lion Dr. Larry Johnson of the Morris Lions Club launched a "Random Acts of Kindness Project" at the club's biweekly meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2018. For eighty years the Morris Lions Club has donated funds to support many individuals, organizations and groups throughout our community. Donations are usually made at the recommendation of the membership and approved by the board. The "Random Acts of Kindness Project" empowers individual members to make a difference in our community. Morris Lions Club members will have the opportunity to donate up to $100.00 each as a "Random Act of Kindness to individuals in our community who just need some help�. According to Morris Lions Club President, Lion Jeff Hanford, "The goal of the Random Acts of Kindness Project is to give each member a personal say in how some of the money they have helped raise is donated in our community�. This program will create up to sixty-four ambassadors from our club to do something nice during this season of giving and sharing. It is another way for Morris Lions to thank the community for supporting our club and the many other projects we do throughout the year." --------------------------------------------------------------------

It's down to one chair in the Musical Chairs

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

Elimination Contest at the Back-To-School Picnic. Waterman Lion Shawn Blobaum (in the yellow shirt) controls the music.

The Naperville Noon Lions Club got together for a group photo after enjoying lunch, Lionism, and a speaker. The new photo is on the club’s Facebook page, too!

Lions Prakash Patel, Wayne Johnson, Matthew Kelley, Jim Wells, Brian Clinite, and Jimmy Bell.

At a recent meeting, Sycamore Lions welcomed two new members. Being introduced, from left are: Sponsor Lion Erin McNeal, a Malta Lions Club member, New Sycamore Lion, daughter Kathleen Weisser, New Sycamore Lion Sean Weisser, and Sponsor Lion Kevin Berry.

Darien Lions & Darien Police support the Darien Chamber of Commerce for Darienfest 2018. The Lions were out in force manning the traditional Lions’ Corn Tent and the Beer Tent. Bartlett Lions Club held a Lions Day Dash. There was a 5K and a 10K with 75 runners. Front row (l to r) Lions John Hilliard, Dave Barry, Andy Watson, Joanne Watson, and Chris Barry. Back row (l to r)


MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

When the Bartlett Police Department needed hot dogs for National Night Out, Bartlett Lions were there to help. They cooked, wrapped, and served 4,000 hot dogs. Water, chips, fruit, and ice cream were also served. Pictured on the left: Lions Ray Deynew and Val Pronce; on the right: Lions Cheryl Lemvig, Joanne Watson, and Jimmy Bell.

effort for the Sandwich Lions Club. All funds collected this year support local services such as The Open Door.

Sycamore Lions recently made a $500 donation to the Sycamore Food Pantry. (l to r) 2nd VP Lion Tony Sgarlata, Pres. Lion Brian Bickner, and Joel Maurer, Food Pantry Volunteer.

The 9th Annual Algonquin Lions' Bags Tourney raised $10,000 to be used for the Ted Spella Education Fund and the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry. Pictured are the winners and members of the Algonquin Lions Club.

Algonquin Lion Pat Hartigan was inducted into the club at a recent meeting. (l to r) Club Pres. Lion Jay Vandewalker, Lion Bill Moore, Inductor, new member Lion Pat Hartigan, and Sponsor, Lion Steve Collinsworth. Members of the Sandwich Lions Club ready the building on the fairgrounds for the Annual Steer Raffle, which took place this past week. (Now the sun comes out and the rain stops!) For more than 50 years the Steer Raffle has been the top fundraising 30

Elburn Lions held a mud Volleyball.

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Always popular, Mud Volleyball, at Elburn Days Festival last month.

When one becomes 1J Governor, all kinds of duties follow! Here, Gov. Susan Galvez is staffing the Registration Table at the 1st Bad Pants Open at Hughes Creek Golf Course this past summer.

ChildBridge School for Autism in Little City in Palatine. He had "start to finish" slides to explain his project. His interest in Autism is due to his younger brother being autistic and he is quite knowledgeable as to what is good, safe and of interest for autistic children.

Elburn Leos served in a Food Booth at Elburn Days in August.

Crystal Lake Lions Club Pres. Lion Randy Funk accepts a $1,000 check form Mary Margaret Maule of the Chamber of Commerce for the club's work in setting up the Independence Day Parade. -------------------------------------------------------------------Sun City-Huntley Lions donated $100 to assist Eagle Scout candidate Stirling Ledwitch, who requested community funding for his project to build a sensory and herb cooking garden with the 31

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The Sycamore Lions sent two teams to the District 1J Golf Outing at Hughes Creek. (l to r) Lions Kevin Brint, Tom Moline, Vice District Governor Jerome Perez, Ed Kuhn, Jerry Schultz, and Honorary Lion Justin (in front row – President of Justin and Papa – Golf Ball Rescuers "Helping Kids Get Glasses), Tom Fewell, John Toles and Jerry Brantner.

Joan Graves, Pam Palmer with PDG Lion Bob Fowler, Jim Ficke & wife, Dr. Deb Junkins & Mom, Priscilla Gullang with husband and daughter, and Lions Deb & Wally Swan.

These North Aurora Lions checked IDs, sold tickets and staffed the Beer Tent at the North Aurora Days event. (l to r) Lions Tom Brooks, Sarah Deer, and Robyn Stecklein.

Bloomingdale Lions took shifts during the day at Westview Middle School to hand out applications for its Leo Club. Lions gave out 14 Leo applications, and even one application to a Mom, for the Lions Club.

The most fun winners were those that came in preposterous, but fun, BAD PANTS. The winning Team Award went to Fox River Grove Lions, Bart Henry, Larry Bailey, John Cline, and Rob Study while the individual award went to Elmhurst Lion Jim Worden for his beverage-laden ensemble. Eight Sun City-Huntley Lions and five guests were at the Kane County Cougars Baseball Game on Lions' Night in August. Pictured are Lions Jim & 32

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The Bartlett Lions Club sponsored a Hearing Screening Unit for the Wayne Township

Seniors. We were able to screen 39 Seniors and 13 had a hearing loss. L to R Karen Wingard Activity Coordinator, Lion Andy Watson, Lion Joanne Watson, Gayle Kennedy Senior Director, Erin Simpson Program Coordinator, PDG Charlie Siefert Technician.

The Bartlett Lions Club Sponsored a Diabetic Retinal Screening Unit for Just For the Health of It in Hanover Township. We were able to screen 41 people. L to R Lion Joanne Watson, Lion Andy Watson, PDG John Hawkinson Technician. 33

The Carterville Lions Club, in conjunction with Modern Woodmen, purchased 4 benches, for the park. The benches were purchased so our Fair goers would have more places to sit during the Free Fair. The benches are made from bottle caps that had been collected by Carterville School students during the past year. Unfortunately, we had bad luck when it came to our Free Fair this year. We had rain, rain and more rain.

Carterville Lions Club put its newly purchased PlusOptix Eye Screener to good use at TLC Learning Center. We were invite to screen their children by Lion Tommye Robb. We screened about 30 children and recommended that 3 children visit an eye doctor. We later found out that 2 of the 3 children were already under the care of eye professionals. The parents of the 3rd child did go to the eye doctor where they discovered the child did have an eye

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

condition. That father sent the following article to the Southern Illinoisan newspaper.

Lion John Barsanti 2nd Vice District Governor installed, Randy Zbasnik, at the general meeting of the Bartlett Lions Club. L to R Lion John Barsanti, 2nd Vice District Governor, Lion Joanne Watson, proxy sponsor for Lion Anthony Sparacino, Lion Randy Zbasnik, Lion Val Pronce.

Mobile Diabetic Eye Screening Unit was in Durand on Sept. 13. Durand Lions hosted the unit. Lions David Waller, PID Russell Sarver, Terry Eberle, and Gordon Grande helped with the registration. -------------------------------------------------------------------Durand Lion Judi Peterson received her Leader Dog. She came to the club with a program on how, what and when this occurred. Her story is one of great courage to take on such a task. Picture: →



SeptemberFest which includes participating in the parade, working at the raffle table and helping with the beer and wine sales. There were 24 Lions who put in over 180 hours into this event. The event was very successful. We managed to net just under $5,000 after expenses. Money that will be used to help others during the coming year. Again, without

MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine

your dedication, participation and effort we could

dishes to taste, the fun-filled evening includes raffle prizes, terrific local musicians and a chance to vote for your favorite chef. Proceeds from the event support wellness activities in local schools as well as

never have done it. I am so proud to be not only a Lion but a Bloomingdale Lion. -------------------------

Lion Rob frequently found representing our club so very well in the Lion suit, purchased a jaguar suit, (the mascot of Bloomingdale School District 13’s Du Jardin Elementary School). Here he is seen reading a book to some of the youngsters.

------------------------------------------------------------------50 Men Who Cook & Divas Who Dish is a community event where 50 local chefs serve “tastes” of their favorite dishes. It's a true "Taste of Bloomingdale" where you’ll have a chance to sample everything from appetizers to dessert. In addition to having 50 35

the Bloomingdale Chamber of Commerce. DESSERT: 1st Place - Bloomingdale Lions Club Stan Poplonski Cakeballs.

On September 14, Macomb Mayor (and Macomb Lion) Mike Inman proclaimed October as lions Candy Days to help kick off the month-long Candy Days initiative. From left in the photo are President Polly Upton, Mayor Inman, Candy Days Committee Member John Carter, and Candy Days Committee Chair Jan Entwistle. Members of the Macomb Lions Club participated in the Macomb Walk to End Alzheimer's on September 22nd. The group raised over $600 and was one of the top fundraising groups at this year's Walk. →

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Lion Mary Jo Darlington cleaning tables and placing new placemats.


Sun City - Huntley Lions held their annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser on Saturday 9/22/18 from 7-11 a.m. at the Huntley Park District’s Cosman Center in conjunction with Huntley’s Annual Fall Fest Weekend. Club members provided applesauce, prepared sausages and “all you could eat“ pancakes as well as serving beverage refills to 194 well fed adult patrons and the 38 “under 12" children who ate for free. 36

City - Huntley Lions were asked for a representative to serve on the Huntley Library Task Force to better meet the needs of the Huntley Community. Lion President, Jim Harper, was chosen to be our club representative at monthly meetings. --------------------------------------------------------------------

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Above first picture: Willow Springs Lions Club holding Eye Screening for kids with the help of 1A VOICES – Kidsight. Second Picture: PDG Mike Smigielski after walking 5K race organized by Stickney Forest View Lions Club to help breast cancer victims. PDG Mike came first in 75 years older category. He walked the dog with him. Next to him is his personal trainer Precious. PDG Mike and a Teacher from Willow Springs School, student supplies collected by Willow Springs Lions Club. 37

Stickney Forestview Lions Club held their annual Run for Hope 5K run and walk. They had a huge

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support from the community. All cancer victims were honored with bouquet of flowers. To support this race, a fire truck was painted pink. You can see some of the members of the club who sponsored this race. --------------------------------------------------------------------

PDG James Hauenschild, First Year Lions of Illinois Foundation Trustee received his doctorate diploma of Lions University from International President.

At the 2018 USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum which held in Columbus, Ohio, Illinois Lion Jama Wahl was awarded with International Presidents About 600 Lions took part in Lions Strides Walk 2018 Appreciation Certificate for her dedication and hard at the USA-Canada Lions Leadership Forum. work for the success of the forum. MD1 State Monthly e-Magazine Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG for Lions and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: 38 MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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