MD1 e-Magazine (Full) Vol. 7 - Issue 1, July 2019 6
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Happy New Lions Year 2019-2020 to you all!
Council Chair Speaks:
Dear Lions & Leos: Happy Lionistic New Year! First Lady Maggie & Council Chair Jerome Perez 1J Hello Lions & Leos of Multiple District 1 Greetings from your new Council Chair! I am very proud to be your new council chair for the year 2019-2020. My fellow DGE’s elected me to be your leader. I will be taking this office in Milan, Italy, immediately after our 102nd Lions International Convention. My leadership is not to do everything by myself; but to delegate. We have our Council’s Executive Committee and State Chairpersons for various committees. Now my job is to see everything runs in the state smoothly. My humble request to all the State Chairs is to perform their jobs to the fullest and co-operate with your District Chairs. If necessary, have meetings with co-chairs and write articles to our State Magazine and send them to Lion Dr. Austin D’Souza on or before 25th of every month so that he can publish the State Magazine on time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through e-mail or by phone. Let us all wrok together and make our Multiple District 1 successful for the year 2019-2020. -Jerome Perez, MD1 Council Chair
We will be celebrating Lions New Year in Milan, Italy during our 102nd Lions International Convention. Last year we had some Tsunami effects to MD1 Councl: First council chair, CC Daniel Harris, went to another State, then Secretary was fired, we do not have a office space to run business, etc., etc. With all these issues, we survived the under the leadership of new Council Chair Darren Van Duyn. He did an excellent job with the help of his fellow Governors. For this, we saluted him during our MD1 State Convention Great job CC Darren. Your rescued MD1 Council from falling apart. We had a great convention, which was enjoyed by all the lions throughout the State of Illinois. I request all the Council of District Governors work hand in had with dignity, respect and mutual understanding. All State Chairs start communicating with Joe & Judy Lion throughout the State and show your true leadership to State of Illinois Lions and Leos. Send your monthly articles to State Magazine and keep us all informed, which is not happening exceppt Leadership! -Dr. Austin D’Souza, Editor 2
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
From State Leadership Chairperson:
informed and prepared, which ultimately makes your club informed and prepared to serve. Lion Jama Wahl,
The month of June is a perfect opportunity for transition conversations between and among incoming and outgoing club officers. Conversations should be held between the -current president and incoming president -current secretary and incoming secretary -current treasurer and incoming treasurer -current membership chair and incoming membership chair -current committee chairs and incoming committee chairs Information should be shared about the health of the club or a specific committee. The goal is to allow the club to grow and prosper, while at the same time give the new officer or committee chair a chance to have any questions answered. Conversations can also be held as a large group. By sharing information among the current leaders and future leaders, a review of successes and challenges will support the new leaders and the club when the new Lions’ year begins July 1. Passing the mantel of leadership means preparing the new leader for his/her role or responsibilities. Whether that be in one to one conversation or a large group discussion, have those interactions now so your new leaders are 3
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
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MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Lions District 1-CS hosted its annual Club Officer Seminar. Thirty Lions representing ten Lions Clubs attended. Topics presented and discussed were club president by Mounds Lions Club President Retha Eurales, club secretary and LCI entries by Eldorado Lions Club and district CST Lion Steve Griffin, PDG, club treasury, former club treasurer of Carterville Lions Cub by Lion Wayne Morris, and duties of the zone chair by Sparta Lions Club Lion Ruben Owen, PDG. District GLT Lion Larry McGuire, PDG stated, "We love to inspire, educate and empower. Every Lion has the opportunity to grow in leadership. Their journey begins here." -------------------------------------------------------------------33
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held June 8th from 8 AM-12 PM at Matthis Lake. Lunch was served at 11 AM. The event was a great success. Lots of fish were caught and everyone had a good time. --------------------------------------------------------------------
The annual Altamont Lions Club Fishing Rodeo was 34
Catlin Lions Club honored local veterans by r
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
enovating and cleaning the local war memorial space on Memorial Day weekend. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to the Georgetown Lions Club on receiving the Centennial Service Award.
The final meeting of the year for the Georgetown Lions Club included great food, fun fellowship and installation of officers by DGE David Johnson. Congratulations on a great year, President Lisa 35
Wyer and best wishes to incoming President Steve Winkle. District Governor Darren VanDuyn recognized Lion Linda Hall for her effort on the District Directory which led to another year of timely reporting of incoming officers. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Congratulations to Ainsley Jessup, recipient of a $1000.00 Scholarship from the Mahomet Lions Club. Presenting the check are (left) Cory Mitchell and (right) Michael VanAntwerp.
Mahomet Lions Club New member Robert “Buzz� Johnson (2nd from left) is inducted tonight with sponsor Cory Mitchell to his left and Ken Horn on the right and Lisa Haynes on the left. -------------------------------------------------------------------With her commitment Natalie Mitchell and the Mahomet Seymour High School FFA, Farm Credit
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Club is to help decorate and spend time at Burnsides Nursing Home. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Services and the Mahomet Lions Club, trees were planted at Bulldog Trails. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Two of our Springfield Noon Lions Club volunteers working at the Sangamon County Fair admission gates. Thanks to all our workers for a job well done!
Marshall Lions Club President Rex Norton presented Lion Gordon Anderson with the membership pin for sponsoring two new Lions. A great guest speaker for the club was Mayor John Trefz, pictured with Lions Gordon Anderson, Rex Norton and Howard Tingley. -------------------------------------------------------------------One of the services provided by the Marshall Leo 36
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A big thanks to all Waterloo Lions who helped with Porta Westfalica! Especially last minute Chairs Dale Haudrich and Tom Koesterer! Setting up, Grilling, Serving, Cleaning up .... it was all great service to our community. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is Waterloo Lions – our new board for July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020! Congratulations to Sherry Cates-Straub for receiving Lion of the Year and to all who have agreed to serve as officers of our awesome club! -------------------------------------------------------------------Elburn Lion Nancy Faber (r) really has a story to tell! She accompanied 87-year-old Korean War vet Charles Bonney (r) on an Honor Flight to Washington DC. Everywhere they went, says Lion Nancy, they were greeted with respect and honor. One of these coming weekends (June/July) she will have a slideshow presentation. Thanks to the Elburn Lions and Elburn Leos for their contributions that made this trip possible for them. → 37
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The North Aurora Lions Club provided $5,000 for new playground that will include accommodations and features for special needs children. (l to r) North Aurora Lions Club Pres. Lion Doug Botkin, Goodwin School Principal Bob Halverson, and Club Treasurer Lion Mark Gaffino. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Waterman Lion Leonard Johnson (l) received his 15year Chevron from Club President Lion Craig Rice (c) and PDG Lion Dave Stryker (r) at the May Dinner Meeting --------------------------------------------------------------------
Lombard Lions Club Pres. Lion Dave Orr and Treasurer Bill Heniff award a $1,500 scholarship to a Glenbard East High School grad and a $1,000 scholarship to a student from Willowbrook High School. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Darien Lion Kerry Spitznagel (r) announced Lion Ken Poindexter (l) as the winner of the club’s 2018-2019 Lifetime Achievement Award. Lion Ken was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award for the honor. -------------------------------------------------------------------These are just some of the supplies donated by Darien Lions Club for this summer’s Camp Lions. → 38
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Sycamore Lions answered a need recently with their donation to the Northwestern IL Association to fund the Illinois Teacher of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Bowling & Movie Night. Presenting the $400 check at the event are: (l to r) Sycamore Lions Chuck Bergsmith, Brian Bickner and Pete Springmire. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Westmont Lions Red, White & BBQ Champ on Sunday was the Scuffletown Smokers from Indiana. They took home $1,760 for their efforts at the event. Mayor Lion Ron Gunter and PDG Lion Jim Addington made the presentation of the check. --------------------------------------------------------------------
On the 10th of May, a few members of Westmont Lions Club Westmont were fortunate to meet Lions Clubs International President Lion Gudrun Ygvadottir when she was at Headquarters in Oak Brook. The Lions were very happy to be able to take a picture with her. --------------------------------------------------------------------
“Unveiling of the Buddy Bench at the Medinah Intermediate School.” Pictured are students from the ‘Kindness Club’ at the School along with several Roselle Lions and School Staff -------------------------------------------------------------------39
Sandwich Lions Club Pres. Lion Beth Nelson (c) presented Jaden Frantzen (l) and Logan Scalf (r) with Lou Brady Memorial Scholarships. The $2,000 scholarships are funded solely by the Lou Brady Memorial Scholarship Drawdown event each spring. (Net Page)
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
Wagons are loaded, decorated, and ready to roll for the Batavia Lions Club’s 35th Annual Flower Sale just before Mother’s Day. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-time Darien Lion Joe Marchese (r) is sworn in as Mayor of Darien IL. -------------------------------------------------------------------District Governor Lion Susan Galvez presents the George Lazansky Award to Sandwich Lion Leo Sondergroth at the District Convention in April. 40
Algonquin Lions Club presented a $3,000 check to the Jacobs Eagles Wings program which support kids in need at the local high school. (Pictured) Lions Collinsworth, Daniello, and Vandawalker, and Jeff Davis of the Eagles Wings Program. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Algonquin Lions Club presented a $2,000 check to the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry recently. Proceeds from the club’s 2018
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Thanksgiving Day 5K Run were designated for the pantry --------------------------------------------------------------------
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The Frankfort Lions Club held their annual Installation Steak Fry this past month. They had a vision screening and also helped out the Crete Lions at their hearing screening. --------------------------------------------------------------------
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine
The Joliet Noon Club had some fun with during their monthly club raffle. Lion John Simpson won a very nice 4th of July suit. The club also worked their monthly shift at Northern Illinois Foodbank’s South Suburban Center. They cleaned cans of corn, relabeled them and packed them to be shipped to other food banks and pantries.
The Milford Lions Club held their annual fish fry. Lion Tony and Lion Craig served as the cooks for the evening . --------------------------------------------------------------------
Volunteers add their name tags to this ball after every shift. The Joliet Noon Lions Club are some of the first names to start the ball at the South Suburban Center! -------------------------------------------------------------------
The Serena Lions recently honored their Secretary Paul Marshall by naming him a Lions of Illinois Foundation Fellow. This honor was to say thank you by the Serena Lions for all that Lion Paul does for the Club, his community, and church. --------------------------------------------------------------------
On the same evening, Serena Lions Club inducted Chris Brandenburg, a second generation Lion. His dad, Ralph, was a charter member of the club. Celebrating that night were Lions Gene Buhler and Jerry 43
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Nelson, Charter members who have been Lions for 55 years. --------------------------------------------------------------------
The Lemont Club held an Installation Luau to bring in new members to their club and install the officers for the 2019-2020 Lion’s year. 44
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Tree planting ceremony at RC Brenda Stevens place in Oak Brook by Chicago Philippines Lions Club. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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This is the first time in the history of District 1A, all the Gsovernor and the Vice District Governors has been women. They say that More Power to Women
The Forest Kala Sampath Lions Club held their Annual Picnic at the Vernon Hills Park with variety of games for children and adults. -------------------------------------------------------------------District 1A as it’s old tradition, held their Governor, Vice Governors, LIF Trustee and VOICES trustees’ induction on June 9, 2019 at the Skylite Banquet at Berwyn. There were 14 PDG’s from District 1A in attendance.
MD1 Lions & Leos Monthly e-Magazine