Heisn'timposinganything;hejustlets people enjoy.....
Once again, we experienced that Leslie is synonymous with punctuality, clarity, and variety.
What is the Earth's rotation speed?
What is the Earth's revolution speed around the sun?
Our proud student, Remona Pereira, II BA received the SANDESHA AWARD 2025 for her exemplary talent in various dance forms.
Remona was a gem of Padua high school. In her high school tenure too, she won many awards and laurels.
She had an opportunity to talk to P.M. Narendra Modi as well. During platinum jubilee. celebrations of Padua high school she was publicly felicitated and gave a splendid performance.
Bishop Gerald Lobo on 75th Birthday, Silver Jubilee of Episcopal Ordination
Udupi diocese fetes Bishop Gerald Lobo on 75th birthday, silver jubilee of episcopal ordination
• Sun,Feb09,2025,05:32:42PM
Pics: Kevin Rodrigues / Nithin Periera
Daijiworld Media NetworkUdupi(JD)
Udupi, Feb 9: A grand felicitation ceremony was held in honor of Bishop Dr Gerald Isaac Lobo on his 75th birthday and the silver jubilee of his episcopal ordination. The event, which followed the Eucharistic celebration, witnessed the presence of eminent religious leaders, dignitaries,andcommunity members.
The choir was conducted by Fr Clement Mascarenhas, parish priest
of Christ the King Church, Karkala. The event proceedings were coordinated by Dr Vincent Alva, principal of Milagres College, Kallianpur, and FrDenis D’Sa,PRO
ofthedioceseofUdupi. Students from Milagres institutions performed a welcome dance, adding a cultural touch to the
occasion. A documentary film highlighting the life and contributions of Bishop Lobo was alsoscreened.
Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalves, convener of the jubilee committee and vicar general of the diocese of Udupi, welcomed the gathering, while Leslie Aroza, secretary of the Udupi diocese pastoral committee, proposedthevoteofthanks.
The apostolic nuncio to India and Nepal,MostRevDrLeopoldoGirelli, was honored by the diocese of Udupi. He was introduced by Dr Roshan D’Souza, chancellor of the dioceseofUdupi.Inhisaddress,the nuncioexpressedadmirationforthe beautyofUdupiandthestrengthof its Catholic community. He remarked, “If Jesus Christ had been born in India, he would have come to Udupi to call his apostles. This is a vibrant community that journeys together under the leadership of Bishop Gerald Lobo.” He further emphasized the significance of Pope Francis’ call for a synodal Church and acknowledged Bishop Lobo’s dedication to building homes for the elderly and churches forthefaithful.
Dr Peter Machado, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Bangalore, praised Bishop Lobo, stating, “Bishop Gerald Isaac Lobo did not want any celebrations, but after much insistence, he agreed. He is a simpleyetremarkableleader,ajack of all trades, and a master of all shades. The master plan of Karnataka was his brainchild, makinghimanintellectualgiantfor the state and one of the most dependablebishopsinIndia.Inthis year of hope, there is no one else other than Bishop Gerald who will giveushope.”
Bishop Lobo was felicitated on behalf of the bishops of Karnataka and India. Representatives from 20 commissions of the Udupi diocese also honored him as part of the celebrations. Additionally, Archbishop Machado was recognized for his appointment as vice president of the Conference of CatholicBishopsofIndia(CCBI).
In his thanksgiving address, Bishop Lobo expressed his gratitude, stating, “As I look back, I thank the Almighty for his miracles in my life. He chooses the weak and makes them strong. I pray for eternal rest formydepartedparents,towhomI
am deeply indebted. I thank all thosewhohavesupportedmeinmy episcopal journey. Episcopal life is not a bed of flowers; there will be difficulties and hardships. But these moments give me more strength. I havealwaysobeyedmyseniorsand surrendered to their decisions, havingplayedmypart.”
The event was attended by philanthropist Michael D’Souza, former MLA J R Lobo, former ministerVinayKumarSorake,Udupi Block Congress president Ramesh Kanchan,andotherpoliticalleaders. Priests from various Christian congregations were also present, making the occasion a memorable one for the Catholic community in Udupi.
Preethesh D’Sa and Jenisha Jernis anchoredtheprogram.
Udupi: Bishop Dr Gerald Issac Lobo celebrates 75th birthday, silver jubilee of episcopal ordination
Daijiworld Media NetworkUdupi(JD)
Udupi, Feb 9: The Divine Holy Eucharistic celebrations on Sunday, February 9, marked the 75th
birthdayandthesilverjubileeofthe Episcopal ordination of Dr Gerald IssacLobo,BishopoftheDioceseof Udupi.
The celebrations took place at Milagres Cathedral in Kallianpur, beginning with the Holy Eucharistic celebration, followed by a public felicitation.
InhismaidenvisittotheDioceseof Udupi, Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, Dr Leopoldo Girelli, was given a grand welcome by Bishop Dr Gerald Issac Lobo, Msgr Ferdinand Gonsalves, vicar general of the Diocese of Udupi, Fr Dr Roshan D’Souza, chancellor of the Diocese of Udupi, and other lay leadersofthefaithful.
The event was graced by several distinguished guests, including Dr Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore Archdiocese; Dr Bernard
Emeritus of Agra; Joseph
Arumachadath MCBS, Bishop of Bhadravathi; Derek Fernandes,
Bishop of Belgaum Diocese; Henry D’Souza, Bishop of Bellary Diocese; Lawrence Mukkuzhy, Bishop of
Belthangady Diocese; Thomasappa Anthony Swamy, Bishop of Chikkamagalur; Robert M Miranda, Bishop of Gulbarga Diocese;
Duming Dias, Bishop of Karwar Diocese; Aloysius D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese; Geevarghese Mar Makarios Kalayil, Bishop of Puttur; Francis Serrao,
Bishopof Shivamogga; GeraldJohn Mathias, Bishop of Lucknow; Salvadore Lobo, Bishop Emeritus of Baruipur; Louis Mascarenhas, Bishop of Allahabad; Joseph Susainathan, Auxiliary Bishop of Bangalore Archdiocese; Msgr. Alfred Mendonca, vicar general of Mysore Diocese; Msgr. Maxim Noronha, vicar general of the Diocese of
ofMangalore. Bishop Dr Gerald Issac Lobo celebrated the Holy Eucharist on
thisspecialday. In his homily, Dr Francis Serrao, BishopofShivamogga,said,“Thisis anoccasionnottocelebratejustthe
jubilee of two milestones; it is a celebration of a man’s 75 years of faith. It is a celebration of a shepherd’s tireless 25 years of toiling for his sheep. Every bishop
and priest is an ideal of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. In the past 25 years,ourbishophasstoodwithhis sheepandwalkedwiththem.
behind his sheep; likewise, our bishophasnotremainedjustan
administrator but has also become agoodlistenerandagoodteacher. Today,wewitnessdualcelebrations, witnessing a shepherd who works forthosewhohavebeenlostfrom faith. As we thank the Almighty for His blessings during these 75 years of life and 25 years of Episcopal
ordination, let us understand that this is a completely gifted offering to the Almighty—a shepherd of sacrifice, a shepherd who brings back those who have been lost. Let us pray that the Almighty bless the bishop with His knowledge and strength.”
Priestsfrom Udupi, Mangaluru, and other neighbouring dioceses also tookpartinthecelebrations. Formal felicitations followed the Thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration, marking a day of gratitude, reflection, and prayer for the continued blessings upon BishopLobo’slifeandministry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition)
For detailsaboutthe bookandauthors see: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DQPYSL1F?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
Ancient Reminiscences of Dr Mohan Prabhu
Canadian Citizen of Mangalore origin....Part2/Final.
In VEEZ Weekly the week before last,weallreadaboutDrMohan Prabhufor allof94yearsandall his erudition and super publications and his forthcomingmemoirs, which is eagerlyawaitedbymany-asure bestsellerwithMangaloreans. It ismyprivilegetosubmitthefinal part of a two-part narration by Dr. Mohan himself, on life in ancient Mangalore. His old-time words artistic and intellectual narrationcanfindnosubstitutein this21st century….Pleasereadon in his own words and style a grand idea. Few remaining old timers and young Kodial buffs, the world over reading VEEZ will go electric to recall what their elderswouldhavetoldthemand add much moss to their wheels. So, read and enjoy a once in a lifetime story…. There havebeen goodwordsonthisscore. Kudos to Dr. Austin Prabhu, VEEZ WeeklyEditor,forpublishing....
Note: These are just a snapshot of Mangalore’s unique society and culture that I was a part of in my early days. Over the last hundred years the World has changed dramatically, and Mangalore has not lagged far behind. All of us have changed with it. I am not the same person as I was three quarters of a century ago,orhalfacenturyago,orevena quarter century ago. But I still have the “son of the soil” outlook in me and although I have frequently lacedthememoirswithanecdotes,I have deliberately avoided touching
on Houses: All my Kankanady Catholic neighbours had modern houses but the three Hindu neighbours, one beside ours (Uggappa Bhandary’s farmhouse) and the other two on the opposite side of the road, lived in guDsul, remindingmeoftheonewehadleft behind inSanyasi GuDDa. One of the owners ran a small business, making fresh popcorn and beatenrice, using for the latter, a stone pounder operated with one leg. None of the houses had running water. Water was drawn from a well by a raZu and laTo by tying the razu around the neck of a koLso,loweringthekoLsotofillitup and then pulling it up. Occasionally the razu got loose and the koLso sank. There were many itinerant koLsoretrievers hanging around town looking for work. Nor did houses have hydroelectricity. Lanterns or lamps were used to
bring light, sometimes even a candle. If a large party was being held, a petromax which used silk fabric mantles was used. Streets were lit with lamps that used gas mantles; turned on in the dark and offatbreakofdawn.
Peoplehadnokitchenappliancesto preparemasala;theyusedvaNand ghaTnnotogrindmasalaintopaste. Foodwascookedonfireonaraised platform, using firewood. Fire startedbystrikingamatchsticktoa coconut husk and shell for quick action.
T here were only a few telephones and people who wanted to send urgent messages went to a nearby post office to send telegrams.Ordinary houses had scant furniture. One or two beds, a fewchairs,acoupleofbencheswith or without backs which could double as a bed, and a couple of tables, one of which was used as a desk and the other for dining. People generally slept on the floor, spreading a coir mat or a chaTai, and a cloth sheet on top, and another sheet to cover the body, andapillow.Thebeddingwasrolled up and kept in a corner during the day. There was no glass on the doors or windows. Wooden doors which could be latched in the night and locked with padlocks when away,andwindowswithverticaliron bars provided enough light and security.
Crockeryandcutleryweresparingly used, normally when important guests were invited to dinner, especially on feast days. Otherwise, the family ate by hand. Rice and curry/gravyweredishedoutdirectly from kunDle (pots) in which they were cooked, with dhoyo
(woodenladels) of different sizes, ontoanall-purposemalthiorboshi (earthen bowl or plate). Drinking
water was stored in a gurguleth whichkeptitcoolandpouredintoa gobLo to drink. Where many guests were invited, for example to a wedding, meals were served on a kolo(plantainleaves),guestssaton the floor and ate by hand. A little
saltandpickleweresprinkledonthe topcornerandagobLowaskeptfor water, before serving the main course and side dishes. After the meal, adults lit up a beeDi and chewedbiDaorpanpoD.
Bathrooms and toilets were
extensions to the house; they were attached to each other with separate entrances, usually from outside the house. Bathwater was
heated in a large bhaN and water was poured on the body with a chembu.Afterthebath,abairaswas used to dry the body. A thoTee cameeverymorningtocleanupthe toilet and haul the human waste away in an open bucket for dumping in one of the town;s specially designated roadside pits. Language diversity: Manglurgars were polyglots. In addition to their own maibhas, which they spoke at home, minorities knew Tulu, the language
of the majority, Kannada which was the official language of the district, andEnglishiftheystudiedinEnglish medium schools. The language spoken, and even accent, could easily identify their community. Bearyshadtheirownlanguageakin to Malayalam, but only a few from other communities understood it.
Health Care: Father Muller’s Kankanady Hospital and Leprosy was the premier Catholic hospital. The public, and those who had contracted infectious diseases, were treated at the government’s WenlockhospitalandLadyGoschen Women’s hospital. When Icontracted typhoid a couple of months before leaving Mangalore for good, I was hospitalized at Wenlockfortwoweeks. Therewere also a few private clinics and maternity hospitals. I remember Dr. Lydia Colaco’s hospital, opposite
Bethany Convent, at Lower Bendore.
Education:Manyoftheschoolsand colleges were founded and managed by religious orders for the benefit of their own followers, though a few students from other religious groups were admitted. Government schools and colleges were open to all. Catholic parishes, suchasSt. Sebastian’satBendore, Our Lady of Miracles at Milagres, andtheHolyRosaryatRosario,had Elementary and Higher Elementary
schools;thelattertwoalsohadhigh schools. St. Aloysius College for boys had a huge student body. St. Agnes and St. Ann’s Convents admitted only girls. I knew of only two schools where boys of the Hindu community studied: Canara andGanapati high schools. Hindu girls were probably educated in municipal schools and in the government college. Muslims had their own institutions, but I did not know any of them. Other major institutions Religious:OtherthanafewCatholic churches in the town proper I have not visited any Hindu temples or Muslim mosques, not even a Protestant church, because of the strict church ban. I have visited several Catholic churches within walking distance, most frequently the closer ones, such as Valencia (St. Vincent de Ferer), Jeppu (St. Joseph’s at Jeppu Seminary), and Bendore (St. Sebastian), less frequently the Milagres, and once the St. Lawrence church in Bondel with Angelbai, our neighbour (whereherbrotherwas Vicar)onits annual parish feast and we were treated to a fabulous lunch. In
addition to these churches, I regularly visited the Kankanady Hospital’s Asylum chapel and, occasionally, the cloistered Carmelite Convent chapel in Kankanady which was much closer. Sometimes, during the occasional trips to Hampankatta I passed by Hindu temples off Car Street and could see what was going on inside during worship. There was also a well-known temple in Padil, next to the toddy tavern,knownasGarodiTemple.As the temple was directlyacrossfrom our Kankanady house, during its annual festival we couldsee the flood of lights and hear trumpets and other musical instruments blaring.Thisfestival isheldonNew Year’s eve for 3 or 4 days.
Movies:Theonlymoviehousesthat I knew were Balaji and Chitra. They
were called ‘talkies’ (or talking pictures) as sound was dubbed and synchronized with dialogues. I remember going to two of those talkieswithreligiousmotifswithmy brother without my father accompanying us, but he would reach us and meet us halfway after the film was over as it was getting quite dark. The school also showed a few silent movies with subtitles and soundsfromtimetotime,but often the film in the reel snapped andtherewasalongwaittofixit,so lightswereturnedonmeanwhile.
Tile factories: Tile manufacturing was a major industry which was concentrated in the Bolar area on the banks of the Netravati. It was started by the Basel Mission, and it was not long before other local entrepreneurswereabletocopythe
patent and start their own factories. While I did not visit any factory, I had met the owner of the AlbuquerqueTilefactorywhowasa supplier to Father Muller’s Hospital andmyfatherusedtobuytilesfrom his factory for theHospital. My father also had told me that before joining Father Muller’s Hospital he had worked in the Morgan tile factorywhenhewassingleandlived with his parents in Bolar. Coffee curing and Handloom: Two other industries I remember seeing on a regular basis while walking by, one was the coffee curing works of Pierce Leslie on Falnir Road on the wayto Hampankatta, andthe other was A.R. D’Souza’s handloom weaving near the intersection of Bendore and Balmatta roads, markedbyBendoreWell.
Centre of town: Hampankatta, the commercial, entertainment and tourismcentreandtheheartofthe town, are about three miles from our house in Kankanady. It had prominent hotels and restaurants, cloth and jewellery shops, flower, meat and fish markets, movie houses, important houses ofworship, and even a few residences.Itwasalsoarailwayhub
fortrainsgoingsouth to Ernakulam and Trivandrum, and East, to Bangalore, Kadur, Arkonam and Madras. Bombay was not on the southern route but on a different connecting line that originated in
Madras. Nearby was the Central Maidan which had a mosque and a radio station. Cricket was also playedonit.Afewlocalboysplayed kuTTi danDo, a game that sometimes I played with Sadashiv, son of Uggappa Bhandary, our neighbourfarmer.
Further down, on the banks ofthe Gurpurriver,therewasMangalore’s onlybandarfromwhere one tooka boat ride to the seashore. I had takenonesuchridewiththefamily. WehadalsogonetotheUllalbeach, which is south of town, walking on the iconic Ullal wooden Bridge that was built in the firstdecade of the last century. I used to go alone to get some snuff for my mother takinghersnuffboxwithmetofillit up. Although Laxman and his father owned a corner shop just across from our house, and sold
snuff, biDa and beedi, plantains, etc.,mymotherpreferredsnufffrom
a particular shop on Car Street in Hampankatta,andIwasquiteready and willing to fetch it for her. Hampankatta,inshort,wasthe life of the town people and was my favourite part of town in the early teenyearswhenIwasallowedtogo out alone, but those days did not last long. Traffic in town: Very few buses piled through the town as there was no regular service. In any case, I had never needed one, as I walked (barefoot) all over town, especially to school and church, to Hampankatta, and even to the various villages I visited during holidays. Thewell-to-do hired a
juTka and occasionally our neighbourEthelVaztookmeonher shopping spree as her two little childrendidnotoccupymuchspace in the juTka and there was roomavailable. For me it was a joyride, and as it was an outing for her family, we were treated toicecreamatMarcelD’Cunha’sparlour and sometimes to masala dosa at the renownedUdupi Krishna Bhavan. There were few cars in town, generally used by top government
officials and high-rankingpolice, senior medical professionals and businessmen. Walter Saldanha, our neighbour Ethel Vaz’s brother, who was a PWD Engineer, whenever he came to town and stayed withhis sister, parked his car in our compoundasthelaneleadingtohis sister’s house was not wide enough. His old car used an Lshaped iron rod to start it. There was, however, an inter-city bus service operated by the Canara PublicConveyance(betterknownas CPC). I took a bus for the first time withmybrothertoChikmagalurand Kadur to board the train coming from Madras to go to Bombay wherewebeganthesecond phase of our life. The other vehicular traffic consisted of lorries and bullock carts. Lorries carried goods to towns and villages beyond Mangalore urban limits, especially to places in the Western Ghats. Bullock carts drawn by sturdy bulls were the predominant mode of transporting goods withinthe town and to places beyond and to the Western Ghats, but they carriedonly the smaller and lighter load, unlike the lorries. Occasionally, before
headingontheirlongjourneytothe Ghats a few bullock carts parked
overnightinourcompoundasthere was plenty of space to park and tie the bulls to the mango or guava tree. They cooked meals of copra cakeandcongeewaterandlentilsto feed the animals to prepare them forthelongjourneyinthemorning.
They gave us a little kulTa khaT (horse gram /lentil soup) which we savoured. I had even seen elephants rolling down logs of timber down our road to places outside the urban area and remember the visit of one trespassing our compound to help itself to leaves from our mango tree which was close to the road as there was no gate to stop it. In appreciation,theelephantleftapile ofshit!
Major Feasts and FestivalsChristmas was the major feast of Christians which was celebrated by all denominations. Houses were decorated, even given a fresh coat of tsUno also called chunam (whitewash), and ribbons and a star were hung on the front roof of the house. Many put up a nativity set with the holy family and the infant child, with shepherds and sheep looking on. The local statuary shop owned by Simon Rasquinha (whose youngest brother Denis was myclassmate) sold the sets. The Christmas traditionwastomakekuswarwitha variety of sweet or sugar-coated goodies both for the family and for exchange with friends, families and immediate neighbours. Items such asladdoos, kiDios, nivrios, guLios, chakkulis, pathekas, etc., made of rice or wheat flour, mostly deep fried in cooking oil and some steam-boiled, as well as fruits such as plantains, thorenj,formed the kuswar and a plateful of a little of thisandalittleofthatwassentwith a family member (or servant) or exchanged. Deep fried items were boiled in a kAil and lifted with a
kailatho; steam boiled items were cooked in a tonDor. Kuswar took several days to prepare, and the children often helped their mother in preparing it. In addition to this annual feast, Catholics celebrated a parish feast of their church. Each parish chose a particular week allotted by the diocese. Following theliturgicalservicepeopleenjoyed themselves on the parish grounds where merry-go-rounds and ferris
wheels were set up and hawkers sold a variety of mouth-watering goodies such as akrutan, thambDe guLe,popcorn,icecreamonastick, (still visible) etc. It was a lot of fun for the kids. Deepavali or diwalifestival of lights - was the most popular feast of Hindus when they decorated the house with ribbons and lights, usually placing a wick in asmalllampmadeof layfilledwith oil, called ponati, bought new clothes and gold jewellery, and
distributed sweets to friends and business clients. Every diwali we received a box of halva, peda, miTailaddoo and a variety of other sweets from one or two suppliers who got business from the Kankanady hospital as my father,beingshenaiwasthe person inchargeoforderingbuilding and packing materials for the hospital, such as wooden and cardboard boxes, shooks, etc., for packing specifics and pharmaceuticals, for shipping to clients. Other important Hindu feasts were ashTami and shivaratri. At ashTami our neighbour Yashoda, who lived inaguDsulacrossfromus,brought us rice cakes steamed with the wrapped halDi leaves. Shvratri was celebrated on the darkest and wettestdayoftheyear(endofJuly), and the tradition was to drive away ghostsbypeltingstonesatthem(in theair)whichinvariablylandedona neighbour’s roof top. We regularly hadourtiles broken, which had to be replaced the following day.
The Monsoons: Being on the south-west monsoon trail, Mangalore received heavy rain, especially during July and August.
ThesecondhalfofJulyreceivedthe heaviestdownpour.TheNew Moon ofthefortnightwascalledaTiamas , when Shivaratri was celebrated,Monsoon was, of course, the lifeline of the town and the people. By early June, people gottired of the summer heat and longedforrelief,evenprayedtothe rain god to pierce the clouds and bring down the rain to cool them off. Nature got a new life; farmers got busy with planting crops; people enjoyed the rains though they had to use umbrellas, which often brokedown,orraincoatsand caps.Wewereluckytogetraincoats withhoods andgumboots from my
eldest brother who had a sales agencyforthatequipmentasoneof his private ventures while working full time at the Central Ordnance Depot.Itwasalsoalotoffuntoget wet.
Places I visited in the early Mangaloredays:
Farangipet:MybrotherandIvisited the famous Capuchin Friary of Monte Mariano located inthis village, about six miles from Kankanady where we lived. Discalced Capuchin friars with long brown cassocks and shaved crowns (hence they were called Capuchin Monkeys) usedto walk by our house. We walked barefoot all the way to farangipet on its annual Coventachem fest, when visitors regardless of caste and creed were served a sumptuous meal and after themealweregivenasugarcane to
take home. We carried our sugarcane home and shared it with the family. Pezar:Thisisasmallvillageabout3 or4mileseastofSurathkal,whichis about ten miles from Kankanady. One summer day during the long holidays,myfathertookmybrother and me to this village, making a slight detour from Surathkal, which is close to Mukka where he had work and the Kankanady hospital hadabungalow.Pezariswellknown forcashewfruitorchards.Katsosoro isdistilledfromit;inGoa itiscalled Feni. My mother’s aunt Mary Lewis lived there, and we were to take a week’s holiday with her while my father attended towork in Mukka. Surathkal is several miles beyondtheKulur(Gurpur)river,and we had to cross the river by a ferry boat, locally called jangal or a floating platform over two boats joined together. Jangals were used for carrying vehicles, goods and passengers. We boarded one to go across. After walking several more miles and reaching Surathkal we stopped at a hotel andrefreshed ourselveswithsugar-sweetenedtea and deep-fried ambaDe. We then
walked to our destination on hilly terrain through shrubs and cashew groves, plucking a ripe and fleshy fruit that was within reach. On our way my father stopped by his longtime friend Foka Pint’s house where he had a peg of Katso soro. As it was late, we spent the night at his houseandinthemorningmyfather reachedMarymaushi’shousewhere wespentaweek,whileheattended toworkinMukka.
Mukka: A sea-side village where Kankanady hospital owned a few farmlands and other properties which it had leased to tenants. It also owned a bungalow by the beach.Astheshenai,myfatherhad to visit Mukka once or twice a year with a gang of skilled labourers to attend to the needs of tenants, and perhapstoinspect.Ononeofthese trips, he took my brother and me, andafterhisworkwasover,hetook ustoPavanje,about3milesfurther, tospend a week while he was back in town and picked us up later. I remember the Mukka trip and stayingtwonightsinthebungalow. On the first evening thelabourers caughtarabbitwhichhadburrowed
apitinthesand.Oneofthetenants cooked it for us. The following evening after sunset they caught sea crabs with the light of tsuDethi. At hightide the crabs came ashore and as they crawled fast on the sand, they had to becaught quickly before they disappeared in the sand. The crabs were swept into buckets by hand andtakentothetenantforcooking. The meat was delicious.
Pavanje and Thelar: Pavanje is a small village up the coast of Mangalore,justafewmilesfromthe Mukka beach, and located on the banks of the Nandini river. Thelar is on the opposite bank. My father took my brother and me to this village to spend a week in the long summer holidays, in the house of another of my mother’s aunts, Piedad (Piu) Picardo. Piu maushi andherhusbandPaulownedalarge farm property where they grew sugarcane, coconut trees, and cultivated paddy. I watched the process of making goD (jaggery, flat,round form which are then stacked) and ushengoD {jaggery in cubes) in Piu maushi’s yard and tasted some of it. Back home in
town it was a courtesy to give a thirsty labourer working for us to give goD to boost energy along with water. Cockfight is one of the favourite sports in rural areas. Achu Picardo, mymother’scousinin whosehouse we were spending that week in Pavanje, took us in his canoe to his uncle Foku Shet’s farm in Thelar, a small village on the opposite bank, to watch a cockfight. Uncle Shet,who had a large farm property, occasionally brought together his neighbours who trained cockerels for that fight. Wagers are placed. In this sport, a small,curvedknifeistiedtooneleg andthebirdschargeeachother;the ownerofthewinningbirdtakesthe prize. All the injured birds are then killed and cooked, and the contestantsfeastonkori
kachpu. Cockfightisbannedin
Popularfolksports: Inadditionto cock-fight, there were other folk sportsanddances,suchasthetiger dance, kolata, and kambala.Tiger dance (huli vesha): This is the most popular street dance of Mangalore
which takes place in the Dassara season. Men painted in stripes and donning tiger costumes and wearing a tiger mask, danced on the street to the beat of drums and bands, took a pre-selected route from Marnamikatta and back, passed by Jeppu and Kankanady main roads and ended the dance
under the shade of trees on Marnamikatta Square. It was great fun to watch. Everyone was mesmerized at their skill of picking up rupee coins thrown on the streets by people in the audience in a somersault position, with their tongues. Our house was the last point on their route. I have walked at least once with the people following it to Marnamikatta wheretheychanged back to regular clothes - about 2 milesfromourhouse,eachway.My akai lived nearby and I ended up in her house, which was an attraction for me. Kolata: This was a favourite post-harvest ritual. Although I haven’twatchedtherealdance, we watched an imitation from the far corner of our house in Pumpwell Compound, when farm workers in grass skirts and devilish masks assembled in the dry fields and formed two lines, one facing and opposingthe otherandto the beat of drums charging at each other, and ended by celebrating the contestwithtoddytilllatenight.
Kambala: This popular folk sport is held in the winter months, in which a pair of sturdy yoked buffaloes
donned in colourful jhul on their backandsilverandbrasscrownson theirhead,raceagainstanotherpair in a slushy, muddy paddy field. Wagers are placed, and the winner gets a prize. The yoke has attached to it a wooden plank, which goes behind the buffaloes and the rider stands on it, driving the animals, using a whip when necessary to plod them to speedup. I have not watched the authentic race, which was too far from our house, the nearestonebeinginKadri.Itis generally a day-long race, some even start at dusk, but the ploughingbyoxeninUggappa Bhandary’spaddyfields next toour house, in slushy, muddy waters to preparefortheplantingseasonwas a close enough spectacle.
Epilogue : These are just a snapshot of Mangalore’s unique
societyandculturethatIwasa part of in my early days. Over the last hundred years the World has changed dramatically, and Mangalore has not lagged far behind. All of us have changed with it. I am not the same person as I was three quarters of a century ago,orhalfacenturyago,orevena quarter century ago. But I still have the “son of the soil” outlook in me and although I have frequently lacedthememoirswithanecdotes,I have deliberately avoided touching on.
Mangaluru: Daiji Dubai’s silver jubilee
concludes with grand award ceremony, musical extravaganza
Pics: Dayanand Kukkaje/Stanly Bantwal
Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru(SB)
Mangaluru, Feb 9: Daiji Dubai’s year-long literary and cultural celebrations for its silver jubilee culminated in a spectacular award ceremony and musical extravaganza at St Sebastian Centenary Hall, Bendur,onSaturday,February8.
The event began with heartfelt tributestothedepartedsoulsofCJ S Taccode, M P Rodrigues, Linus Kadri, and Benny Teacher, all of whomweremembersofDaijiDubai.
Founders including Dayan D’Souza,
Walter Nandalike, Melwyn Rodrigues, and
Stephan Mascarenhas digitally launched the Silver Jubilee logo.
A highlight of the evening was the release of
a short story
collection by Stany Bela, published by Daiji Publication. The book was jointly released by the founders of Daiji Dubai, StanyBela, and Vincent PintoAngelore, formerpresident of DaijiDubaiMangaluruunit. Daiji Dubai Mangaluru unit
presidentPraveenTauro,alongwith former convenor Stan Ageira, Ronald Nazareth, Nanu Marol, Dinesh Correa, andothermembers, escorted the recipient of the Daiji DubaiLiteraryAward,FrPrashanth
Honorary guests Fr Ronald Serrao, rectorofStJosephSeminary,Jeppu, Michael D’Souza of Vision Konkani, and NRI businessman Joseph Mathias honored Fr Madtha with a
shawl, memento, citation, and a chequeforRs75,000.
Expressing his gratitude, Fr Prashanth Madtha said, “Every single drop of sweat from Daiji
Dubai members and the people fromMangaluruwhosettledinGulf countries has caused the blooming of roses in their motherland. Their sacrifices and sentiments have enriched their native land, which is also reflected in the literary field. Completing 25 years as an organization is no easy feat. Daiji Dubai has played a vital role in flourishing Konkani in the UAE. It has set an example by leading the Konkani community in Gulf countries. Today, they honored me with the prestigious Daiji Dubai Literary Award, recognizing my work in Konkani, which brings new
responsibilities. I accept these responsibilitiesandthanktheentire Daijiteamforhonoringme.”
In his keynote address, Walter Nandalikesaid,“Dayanhadadream of promoting the language among the Konkani community in Gulf countries, as most of them used English for communication and events. Then, the four of us joined him, and more writers became part ofDaijiDubai.Webeganorganizing programs in Konkani and supporting organizations and writers in India. Our work style inspired many, and several Konkani organizationscameintoexistencein Gulf countries. Today, we have reached a milestone of 25 years. Now,DaijiDubaiismorefocusedon the younger generation and their interest in Konkani. Therefore, we are including more children and young people in our events and projects. Over these 25 years, we have received support from many, and we thank them all. We won’t restonourlaurels.Wewillcontinue withourmission.”
In his thank-you speech, Dayan D’Souza, convenor of the Jubilee Year, said, “As an organization, we have conducted hundreds of
activities that have benefitted our mother tongue, writers, and organizations. The execution of all activities has been a hundred percent successful. At the same time, several philanthropists and members of the Mangalorean business community have stood behind us as financial supporters. We are always grateful to them. Throughtheirgenerosity,theyhave also become strong promoters of Konkaniforfuturegenerations.”
Followingthe formal ceremony, the audiencewastreatedtoatwo-hour musicalextravaganzathatsetanew standard for performances. The concert, directed by Sanjay Rodrigues, featured prominent voices of the Konkani music industry,includingAnilD’SaPangla, Shilpa Cutinha, Joshal D’Souza, Robin Sequeira, Rynel Sequeira, JasonLobo,MelroyFurtado,Paloma Rodrigues,andDealleD’Souza.
A special moment was the performanceofamedleyofKonkani golden hits by 70 children trained by Joshal D’Souza, whose energy and talent captivated the audience. The show also featured stellar performances from musicians such as Roshan Crasta Bela, Sanjeeth
Rodrigues, Stalin D’Souza, and Veekshith, bringing dynamic rhythmstothestage.
The musical extravaganza was complemented by a spectacular dance performance by Urban Groove, headed by Avil D’Cruz, a coastal dance academy known for itsinnovativechoreography.
Additionally, the talented chorus group GG100, trained by renowned vocalist Raina Sequeira, provided the perfect musical backing for the evening’sperformances.
Adding to the entertainment, the talented group Memory Mangalore featuring Richard Valencia, Cletus Urva, Sapna Vamanjoor, Rita Bendur, Melwyn D'Almeida and Ozzy Angelore delivered humor and joy through theirperformances.
The event was hosted by Leslie Rego, ensuring an engaging atmosphere,whileRonaldNazareth compered the formal segment.
Stany Bela directed the entire show withcreativityandexcellence.
Theeveningwasafittingconclusion to a year-long celebration of Daiji Dubai’s extraordinary contribution to theKonkani language and
Barkur’s Pride Sweezal Furtado Set to Shine at Miss Global 2024 in Thailand
BarkurtoBangkok:A Star’s Journey
Sweezal Furtado, the 19-year-old dynamo from Barkur (Bengaluru), is ready to make history as India’s representative at the Miss Global 2024 pageantinBangkok,Thailand, from November 5–11, 2024.
Crowned Miss Global India 2024 at Jaipur’s Clarks Amer on July 28, 2024, Sweezal carries not just the hopes of her hometown but the aspirations of a nation eager to see hertriumphontheglobalstage.
Sweezal’s journey to Miss Global is paved with relentless dedication and accolades. Her pageant career skyrocketed after winning Fresh Face of Ignite India 2021 and securing second runner-up at Miss Supermodel India 2022. In 2023, she dazzled internationally, clinching Teen Universal 2023and International Princess at theMissTeenInternationalPageant in Peru, alongside titles like Miss Teen Universal Asia and Best NationalCostume.
Her recent sweep at the MissSuper Model India event where she claimed Miss Best Rampwalk 2024,Miss BestinEveningGown 2024, and Miss Popular 2024 proves her mastery of poise, style,
More Than a Beauty Queen: The MultifacetedMaven Sweezal’s talents transcend the runway. A gifted dancer, her viral performance to Nach Meri Rani earned praise from singer Guru Randhawa. Her eloquence shines through poetry, having reached the national level in the Kavita Trust Poetry Recitation competition. Balancing a third-year BBA in Entrepreneurship at Bengaluru’s St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, she embodies the modern blend of intellect and artistry.
“Sweezal represents the spirit of today’s youth ambitious, versatile, and unafraid to dream big,” say supporters from herhometown
Barkur, where her mother, Savitha Furtado, roots proudly from Bennekudru,Barkur.
Miss Global 2024: A Platform for Empowerment
TheMissGlobalpageant,knownfor its inclusivity (open to single mothers and ages 18–35), aligns with Sweezal’s belief in beauty with purpose. Following in the footsteps of reigning queenAshley Melendez (Puerto Rico), Sweezal aims to showcase India’s rich culture and her vision of empowered womanhood. Her preparation includes honing her advocacy, refining her walk, and curating a national costume that promises to mesmerize.
A Nation’s Cheers for Barkur’s Daughter
As Sweezal heads to Bangkok, she carries a legacy of firsts: the first woman from Barkur to represent India at Miss Global, a trailblazer inspiring young girl to embrace their ambitions fearlessly. Her story from local cultural festivals to global podiums—resonates as a testamenttoperseverance. JointheWaveofSupport!
Let’s rally behind Sweezal Furtado as she steps onto the world stage. Follow her journey on social media, celebrate her milestones, and send yourwishes using #RootingForSweezal and # MissGlobalIndia2024.
Here’s to Sweezal may her grace, talent, and indomitable spirit make Indiaproud. Barkur’s starisreadyto shinebrighterthanever!*
Miss Global 2024 will be streamed live from Bangkok, Thailand, from November 5–11, 2024. Stay tuned forupdates!
Mangaluru: Sandesha Awards 2025 celebrates excellence in arts, literature, social service
Daijiworld Media Network –Mangaluru(ANK) Mangaluru, Feb 10: The Sandesha Foundation for Culture and
Education hosted the prestigious Sandesha Awards 2025 ceremony on Monday, February 10, at the Sandesha groundsinNanthoor,Mangaluru.
The awards honored 10 distinguished individuals for their exemplary contributions in various fields.
Sandesha Awards 2025 recipients:
• Sandesha Literature Award (Kannada): BRLaxmanRao
• Sandesha Literature Award (Konkani): IrenePinto
• Sandesha Literature Award (Tulu): GaneshAminSankamar
• Sandesha Esteem Award: Michael D’Souza
• Sandesha Media Award: DVRajashekar
• Sandesha Konkani Music Award: Roshan D’Souza
• Sandesha Art Award: Girish Kasaravalli
• Sandesha Education Award: Dr Yenepoya AbdullaKunhi
• Sandesha Special Recognition Award: KVRao
• Sandesha Talent Award: Remona EvettePereira
Sandesha Special Honorary Awards2025: Sandesha Esteem Award: Michael
* D’Souza (for humanitarian service andphilanthropy)
• Sandesha Talent Award: RemonaEvettePereira (for outstanding talent in Bharatanatyam)
The ceremony began with a floral tribute to Dr Na D Souza, followed by a speech from Girish Kasaravalli, whoreflectedonthelatewriter’s
BRLaxmanRao,speakingonbehalf of the awardees, expressed
gratitude, saying, "TheSandesha Awards are particularly special as they uphold the values of social harmony, value-based education, and social service. Itisaproud moment to receive this honor alongsideesteemed personalities such as Girish Kasaravalli, with the award being presented by T S Nagabharana. "Renowned filmmaker T S Nagabharana remarked, "The Sandesha Award sends a strong message of social harmony. Art is a universal language that unites peopleandisembracedbyall. “The event was attended by bishop
Francis Serrao of Shivamogga, bishop Lawrence Mukkuzhy of Beltangady Sandesha director Fr Sudeep Paul, and Sandesha Foundation trustee Roy Castelino, who proposed the vote of thanks. Theeventwascomperedby
IreneRebello. The Sandesha Awards Jury was chairedbyDrDamodarShetty,with trustees Fr Ivan Pinto, and committee members Concepta Fernandes,RoopakalaAlva,andBA MohammedHaneefamongothers.
Where Did We Go Wrong
Where did we go wrong parents often ask
How can a child born of love turn to harm
So easily cut a mother’s heart and think nothing at all
The mother whose heart bled for your every fall
Who cried when you cried and prayed when you slept
Stood against the world and shielded you from storm
As the pain sears their hearts and burns their insides
Running down their cheeks washing their open wounds
As they smile and recall that this child they love
Is not for them keep but a means to a plan
Much greater than man can ever learn to understand
This mother must learn to stand alone once again
Where did we go wrong still cries the aching heart
By giving more than they ever had was that so wrong
Spreading their wings to reach beyond
And paving their way when the road got rough
Cheering and pushing shoving and prodding
Searching and begging for anything that would meet your needs
Oh but how sharp is that serpent’s tongue that lashes in return
How bitter is that portion to drink when aimed at the heart that’s so weak
From the endless journey of loving and giving, caring and protecting Till left threadbare worn and weak with only memories to keep
How strange it all seems now as the curtains closes in
On a life spent giving for another who is now lost in the tide of time
By: Molly Pinto.
Pilgrims of Hope, Seekers of Eternity
In the Jubilee Year, we come together as pilgrims, hand in hand with each other with songs of hope in our hearts. With every step the laughter of the ancients’ echoes, the whisper of promise, the hopes that will not let us down.
In the boundless sky, the spirit of Jesus flows within us, a gentle breeze, guiding our thoughts, reminding us of the grace of every encounter,
the beauty of living compassion, the mastery of wisdom, and the wisdom of silence.
Together we go, revealing the details of our stories, each story a star, a light shining in the darkness. In the community of seekers, we work together across divisions, we build bridges of understanding, we create paths of kindness.
Oh, happy journey, Every disappointment is a tree, Every trial is a new spring, Together we stand in the hope of the spring flower, Know that hope is like a flame It will lead us home, light in the dark, to a dawn filled with peace.
In this Jubilee Year, let us be gentle with ourselves, let us walk hand in hand, let us open our hearts, to embrace the unknown, let us trust the path, let us use our faith as a guide, as our compass, and together we are united in the search for love, as pilgrims of Hope, seekers of eternity.
Fr Anush D’Cunha SJ (Kar)
Currently Dean of Studies at Vidyaniketan, South Indian Common Juniorate, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. My email id: anushdcunhasj88@jesuits.net
New Archbishops and Bishops: Appointments: His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed the following:
1.Rt.Rev.UdumalaBalaShowreddy untilnowBishopofWarangal,asthe new Archbishop of the Archdiocese ofVishakhapatnam,Andra.
"Agno Carnival 2025: Together, we build homes and hearts for those in need!"
St. Agnes College (Autonomous), Mangaluru, recently heralded the commencement of Agno Carnival
2025, a vibrant and heart-warming fundraising initiative dedicated to providing shelter to those in need.
This event epitomizes the commitmentofthecollegeinterms of social responsibility, showcasing aremarkabletraditionwherefaculty and students unite to contribute meaningfully to the construction of a home for a deserving member of theAgnesianfamilyupkeepingwith the Christmas spirit of sharing. This
has been an annual feature of the college for the last 25 years under thebanner“NAVIDAD”.Thecarnival not only serves as a platform for fundraising but also fosters a spirit of community, compassion, and collective action among the contributors.
Veigas Rao, an alumna, playback singer, and Western vocal coach, was present at the event. In her address she spoke on the need to aidthelessfortunateandsaid,“this isawonderfulevent,andIamhappy to be a part of this fundraising initiative and contributing to my almamater.”
The event unfolded in an atmosphere brimming with enthusiasm and camaraderie with the esteemed presence of the principal, Sr Dr M Venissa AC, alongside the vice principal, Sr Dr Roopa Rodrigues AC, the PG coordinator,SrDrMVinoraAC,the Joint Secretary, Sr Dr Maria Roopa ACandtheadministrator,SrCarmel Rita AC were among the other dignitaries present along with the staffbodyandthestudents.
In her inspiring address to the audience, Principal Sr. Dr. Venissa A.C. emphasized the transformative power of collective effort and commitment towards the noble cause of the Agno Carnival. She shared insights from her research, highlighting the potential for every individual in the country to own a home, contingent upon the judicious utilization of resources.
This profound message resonated deeply with the students and staff, encouraging them to contribute at least a "brick" towards the realization of a home for those less fortunate.Hercalltoactionwasnot merely a plea for financial support but an invitation to engage in a meaningful endeavour that uplifts thecommunityandinstilsasenseof purposeamongtheattendees. ThebeneficiaryofAgnoCarnival 2025wasMs.MedalyaGonsalves,III BCA student; the principal handed overtheproceedsofcharityshowto the beneficiary and her parent Mrs JyothiMGonsalves.
The carnival's activities were meticulously designed to engage the audience while promoting the overarching goal of providing shelter. Various stalls displaying deliciousfood,andengaginggames weresetup,creatinganatmosphere of festivity and joy. Each purchase made during the event directly contributed to the fundraising efforts, reinforcing the idea that every small contribution counts. The event showcased a dance battle, student performances, a stage programme, a live band concert, and music from DJ Arwin
and DJ Nikhil. The collaboration between students and faculty was palpable, as they worked together toensurethesuccessofthecarnival, exemplifying the college's ethos of unityandsharedresponsibility. The carnival commenced with a melodious prayer song, setting a tone of reverence and purpose. Dr. GeethaPinto,AssociateProfessorof the Post Graduate Department of Chemistry, welcomedthe gathering and introduced the Guest of Honour. This was followed by an exhilarating stage performance, which captivated the audience and culminated in an innovative and eco-friendly presentation of the carnival’s name, embodying the spirit of creativity and environmentalconsciousness.Prival DSouza, I BBA and Steve Richard, I
BCA compered the show. The student president Privy DSouza proposedthevoteofthanks. In conclusion, Agno Carnival 2025 stands as a testament to the unwavering spirit of generosity and compassion that defines St. Agnes College. This event not only raised funds for a worthy cause but also fostered a sense of community and collective purpose among students and faculty alike. As the carnival concluded, the blessings sought by Principal Sr. Dr. Venissa A.C. for the noble cause of Navidad echoed in the hearts of all present, igniting a commitmenttocontinuethislegacy of support and solidarity. The Agno Carnivalis not merelyanevent; it is a movement that inspires everyone to contribute to building a brighter future,onebrickatatime.
Points to Ponder, March 2025
Budget 2025-26, One for the Times
Budget this time, offers a prism to see both the problems facing India and its potential. Growth has slowed.Thisispartly due to cyclical factors such as the end of postpandemic bounce-back and last year’s elections delaying investments. Finance Minister (FM) Sitharaman’s latest budget is one forthetimes.Itattemptstodowhat isrequiredin the current contextof
growth slowdown and global uncertainties heightened by a mercurial dispensation in the US, with some deft balancing of resources and redirectionofpriorities.
The highlight of the budget is that it has unveiled the largest package of tax cuts in India’s history, amounting to around 0.3% of GDP to boostconsumptionmainly byurbanmiddle class.But as usual, if there are two economists, we are sure to have three opinions, if not more! Some experts are quick to point out that puttingmoneyinthehandsofthose atthebottomofthepyramidwould have been a more effective way of boostingdemandforgoodsofmass consumption than providing tax breaks to just 2.2% of the adult population of the country which
pays income tax. They draw attention to the fact that outlay on employment generating schemes likeMNREGAisstagnantandinfact has declined after reckoning with inflation. It is also true that budget misses out on the health of the people.Thoughthereisanincrease ofslightlyoverRs9000croresinthe healthcare allocation, when adjustedforinflation,theincreaseis just 3.04% in real terms. Of greater concern is the fact that schemes which contribute to strengthening the public health system and protecting health of the most vulnerable sections of society, like the National Health Mission, Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY), schemes on nutrition and health research have sufferedseverecuts.
But given that the government schemes are porous and their delivery at the grassroot level is significantly diluted, the FM would have decided that putting money directly in the hands of the middle class without the intervention of a leaky bureaucracy would result in greater bang for the buck. The fact
thatinasituationwherefiscaldeficit for FY 26 is pegged at 4.4% of GDP andatthesameabsolutelevelofFY 25 of about Rs 15.6 lac crores, the FM has sought to work around the fiscal constraint to spur demand by incentivizing household consumption merits appreciation. Butthemootpointiswhatcouldbe theimpactoftheestimatedRs1lac croreofconsumptionboost?
Private Final Consumption (PFCE) is expected to account for 61.8% of India’s GDP in FY 25 as per CSO’s first advance estimate. The value of PFCE in nominal terms is about Rs 200 lac crore. Additional spending resultingfromtaxsavingofRs1lac crorewouldthusaddabout0.5%to the aggregate consumption. If the taxpayersweretospendalltheRs1 lactaxsavings,thatwouldadd0.5% to the PFCE growth which was 12.4% in FY 25. But the trick is by concentrating on the savings in a relativelysmall butcrucialsegment, the propensity to spend at the marginishiked.Asperbudgetdata, individual taxpayers paid a total tax ofRs12.57laccroresinFY25anda Rs1laccrorereductioninthisoutgo
translates into a significant 8 per centtaxsaving.
In FY 25 about 7.28 persons filed income tax returns. Of these 5.27 crorefiledunderthenewtaxregime and 2.01 crore under the old tax regime. Given that the new tax regime is now fetching handsome tax breaks, one could assume that more people will shift to the new regime. This suggests that the number of taxpayers (who are also consumers) who will benefit from budget concessions will be in the rangeof5to8crores.Thisobviously is a small number relative to the country’spopulation.Buttherecent Household Consumption Expenditure Survey published by the NSO (covering 2.4 lac households pan-India) showed that
households falling into the top 5% of the respondents in rural India spent 6 times as much as the bottom 5% in 2023-24. In urban Indiatop5%householdsspenteven more,8.5timeswhatthebottom5% spent. Considerations of equity aside, the above data clearly suggest that if you want to spur consumption, you need to put moneyinthehandsofthesmallbut crucialgroupoftaxpayers.
Notwithstanding what is stated above,itispertinenttonotethatthe corporate sector has seen its cash balancesrisingby35%overthelast two years. Rising cash balances seem to reflect companies not putting them to use for investment purposes. But the share of corporate taxesinthe total receipts is only 17% as against 22% of income tax paid by individuals. The budget does nothing to reduce the share of tax paid by individuals as
against those paid by corporates evenastheykeepsittingonapileof idle cash. In this context it is relevant to note that the revenue deficit asper the latest budget is 1.5% of GDP which essentially is a dissaving by the government adversely impacting economic growth. In fact, the much-touted reductioninthefiscaldeficitto4.8% of GDP in FY 25 is achieved by reducing the capital expenditure of the government from Rs 15.02 lac crore to Rs 13.18 crore, a reduction of 12.2 per cent which certainly has impacted growth adversely. But given the nature of the political economy and the compulsion to supportandenhancetheworkforce in a sluggish employment environment, the main, if not the only way of eliminating, or at least reducing revenue deficit without affecting growth is by optimizing tax collections. Maybe it is time to increase the corporate tax rates to an extent which brings the corporate tax collections on par withincometaxcontribution.
It is hoped that the revenue assumptions of the budget will
come well. The budget seems to have ignored the fact that growth has slowed down. India’s nominal GDP growth in FY 25 has so far undershottheassumptionof10.5% and is expected to be a percentage point lower. For FY 26 income tax mop up estimates at Rs 14.4 lac crore seem ambitious as they are 14% up from the revised estimates forFY25.Thisleveloftaxcollection exceeds a tax buoyancy of 1.1 assumedintheearlierbudgetseven after accepting the optimistic GDP growth 10.1% for FY 26. The revenue assumptions are also predictedontheRBIandPSUbanks payingadividendofRs2.5laccrore whichseemtodisregardamilieuof extreme rupee volatility and sluggish corporate profits. Well, governments live on assumptions andthosegovernedonhope!
Decennial Celebration and Parish feast at Bajjodi
Infant Mary Church, Bajjodi, was blessedandinauguratedonJanuary 2, 2015. This year on Sunday, February9,2025,theDecennialyear andparishfeastwascelebratedina grand manner. In the morning the celebration began with the processioncarryingthestatueof
Infant Mary, the patroness of the parish.
Then the concelebrated Holy Eucharist was celebrated at 10 am presided over by Most Rev Dr
Aloysius Paul D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of Mangalore Diocese. Around 30 priests Concelebrated along with V Rev Fr Silvestre Dsouza, provincial Superior, and many sisters and faithful
participated. All the benefactors of the church and the feast were
A mega Fency Fete was organised on the church grounds with many games, food stall and Housie Housie. In the Evening a cultural evening was staged. V Rev Fr Silvestre D’Souza, provincial superior,
presided over the function. Sri Ivan D’Souza, MLC, was the chief guest. Sri James Mendonsa, entrepreneur; SriJoachimStanyAlvares,president, Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy; Rev Fr Archibald Gonsalves, Vicar provincial; Fr Melvin D’cunha, superior, Carmel Hill;FrDominicvas,ParishPriest;Sri Prakash Saldhana, PPC Vice president; Mrs. Elizabeth Pereira, secretary, were the Guests of honour.
Sri Ivan Dsouza appreciated the developmental projects in Bajjodi church and congratulated Fr Dominic vas, Parish priest, for his selflessservicetotheparishandthe Parishioners. Fr Silvestre D’Souza, Provincial, in his brief message explained the significance of the Decennial celebration.
The Cultural evening included beautiful dances, Konkani Kavali, short drama and Power point presentationonthebeginningsand historyoftheparish.AlltheGurkars, ex parish priests and those who renderedtheirservicestotheparish
were also felicitated. Thewholeprogramconcludedwith sumptuousdinnertoall.
Released in Aug 2023, the video song produced by DL Productions will take the audience down to the memory lane especially if you were born before 1990’s. Not only the music, but also the video has a feel which is quite soothing & has different layers of emotions giving you a extravagance of watching a 2 hourmoviein10minutes.
Setintheyear1989,thealbumRitya Botann starring Elton Mascarenhas and Wencita Dias is a poignant tale of two lovers. The album in a short spanoftimenarratesastorydealing with emotions like falling in love, misunderstanding, young widow plight and nostalgia of monsoon rains.
Kudos to the lead pair, Director DJ Mervin,CostumeDirectorVinithRaj &allthetechnicalteam for bringing out the emotion and taking the audience back to time in Mangalore where life without any modern gadgets was so simple butstillelegant&poise. Wencita Dias looked very pretty and innocent. She proved herself to be one of the finest female actors by portraying perfect emotions through her eyes and delightful smile. Elton truly makes you feel joyful with various
emotions from being naughty to a very highly sensitive person. Dolla Sir had a very cheerful role to play whileSujathama’amwasveryaptin hersupportingcharacter.
The emotions come with a great visualization in each scene. When it comes to music, each department hasplayedakeyroleincraftingasa retro melody yet sounds utterly timeless music for generations to come. Ashwin D’costa and Joshal D’Souza did immense justice reflecting the character’s heartfelt emotions with their playback singing. Bothsingerswithsomuch of their soulful emotions add another layer of vocal greatness with their range and euphonious delivery.
Lyrics penned by Wilson Kateel, need no introduction in Konkani music world. His words are so appropriate with each situation enrichingthescreenplayandbrings
a soothing feeling to the listeners. Musicistotallyincrediblydonein3 differentstyleformatsdepictingthe situationintheleadingpair’slife.
Music has set a new benchmark for the Konkani music world and the whole team needs to be given credit. It was indeed a musical voyage immersing the listeners to the enchanting melodies, as promisedbythecreativeteam. My personal ratings for the overall projectwouldbe 4.8outof5.
Please let us know your thoughts about the music video and the review. We will try to bring reviews ofotherprojectstoournextedition verysoon.
Konkani Prayer Group, Abu Dhabi, popularly known as KPG, will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary on 22nd February 2025. The celebration will include an outdoor Thanksgiving Mass at 5:00pm followed by a cultural program by membersofKPG.
KPGwasinceptedon18thFebruary 2000, under the guidance of the then Parish Priest of St. Joseph's Cathedral, Abu Dhabi, Rev. Fr. Eugene Mattioli, OFM Cap. The groupisknownforitsweeklyprayer
meetings intercessory prayer and monthly Eucharistic Adoration held in the Assisi Hall with an angelic choir and well lead Praise & Worship. The members of KPG are actively involved in various parish activities and ministries. The group is presently led by the Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Marian Miranda, OFMCap.
The preparation for this celebration began as early as June 2024 where variouscommitteeswereformedto prepare and execute different aspects of the event. The competitions such as Bible Quiz, singingfancyDress,SkitonParables and Elocution were conducted duringthelastquarterof2024.
The members of KPG hail from Mangalore, Goa, Karwar, Mumbai, Bangalore and Mysore. Many members,includingthosewhohave relocatedtoothercountriesandthe ones who have returned to their nativeplacesareexpectedtoattend
this grand event. A souvenir depicting the twenty-five years' journeyofKPGissettobereleased duringtheanniversarycelebration. NaveenMenezes Coordinator,KPG
Mahotsav 2025 and Dr. P.
Rangashreshta & Anuvad Puraskar
Dayananda Pai Vishwa Konkani
Authors:InsightsintoColonialGoa(5th Edition)
For detailsaboutthe bookandauthors see: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DQPYSL1F?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520
The 'Poster release ceremony of Sangeeth-
Shatak '100th Musical Dhamaka' of was held during Sandesha Awards 2025 at Sandesha school of art and culture Premises on 10th February 2025 by Most. Rev. Dr. Francis Serrao,BishopofShimoggaDiocese
alongwithWell-knownSandalwood film Producer and Director Dr Naghabharana,MostRev.Lawrence Mukkui the Bishop of Belthangady Diocese, Mr. Michale D'Souza. and Mr.StanyAlvaresPresidentKonkani Sahitya Academy during this ceremony Rev. Dr. Sudeep Paul the Director of Sandesha, Mr. Roy
Castelino, PRO of Mangalore Diocese,Mr.ListonD'souza,Mr.Leo D'Souza Ranipura, Mr. Stanly Bantwal, Mr. Alwyn Monteiro, Mr. JerryBondelandMr.RoshanCrasta were present. The Concert will be held on Easter Sunday, April 20 at 06PMatRanipuraSchoolGrounds.
The lamp lighting and oath-taking ceremony for the first batch of
BSc Nursing students at Milagres
CollegeofNursingwasheldon11th February 2025 at the Milagres Auditorium. This event marked a significant milestone in the students' academic and professional journey, symbolizing theirformalentryintotheesteemed
nursing profession. The program commenced with a soulfulprayersong,settingthetone for the spiritual and reflective atmosphere of the ceremony, followed by a welcome dance. Dr. DianaLobo,PrincipalofMilagres
College of Nursing welcomed the gathering.
The proceedings began with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony, a significant ritual steeped in symbolism. Asamarkofhonorand
respect, the Principal and the Chief Guest garlanded the portrait of FlorenceNightingale,thefoundress of nursing. Prof. Victoria, Vice Principal, enlightened the gathering on the significance of this ceremony.
The 35 students, in a touching ceremony, marched forward and lit candles, symbolizing the passing on of the flame of knowledge and compassion. This was followed by the administration oftheFlorenceNightingaleOathby Dr. Diana Lobo, instilling a deep sense of responsibility in the students. The students then sang the Florence Nightingale Anthem and a dedicated song.
their nursing care, becoming a beacon of hope to every patient.
Dr. Veena Gretta Tauro, the Chief Guest,addressedthegatheringand encouraged the students to embody the values of the oath in
The Student Nurses'Association unit of Milagres CollegeofNursingwasinaugurated digitally by Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth and Rev. Dr. Michel Santhumayor. The association provides an excellent platform for student nurses to engage in curricular and co-curricular programs, communicate issues and concerns relevant to nursing, and promote legislative involvement. The newly elected office-bearers were conferred with sashes by Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth and Rev.
Dr. Michel Santhumayor, and they pledged to work diligently and uphold the honor and glory of the institution.
The Guest of Honor, Dr. Vaishali Sreejith, Vice Principal of Dr. MV ShettyCollegeofPhysiotherapyand Senate Member of RGUHS, Bengaluru, wished the students all the best as they embarked on their careers in professional nursing. She encouragedthenovicenursestobe sincere, hardworking, skillful, and vigilant in their profession to grow into proficient nurses.
Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth, the Correspondent, presided over the function.Inhispresidentialaddress, he congratulated the novice nurses and assured them of the management's support for their upliftment and welfare.
Prof. Victoria D'Almeida delivered the vote of thanks. The ceremony concluded with a delicious lunch. The dignitaries present included Rev.Fr.UdayFernandes,Principalof Milagres Central School, and Mr. Melvin Vas, Principal of Milagres PUC.
The program was attended by the parents of the novice nurses, Milagres Parish Council and Housing Society members, Rev. Sisters, students, and faculty of the College of Nursing. Prof. Irene Dias compered the event.The lamp lighting and oath-taking ceremony for the first batch of BSc Nursing students at Milagres College of Nursing was held on 11th February 2025 at the Milagres Auditorium. This event marked a significant milestoneinthestudents'academic and professional journey, symbolizing their formal entry into the esteemed nursing profession. The program commenced with a soulfulprayersong,settingthetone for the spiritual and reflective atmosphere of the ceremony, followed by a welcome dance. Dr. Diana Lobo, Principal of Milagres College of Nursing, welcomed the gathering.
The proceedings began with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony, a significant ritual steeped in symbolism. Asamarkofhonorand respect, the Principal and the Chief Guest garlanded the portrait of
FlorenceNightingale,thefoundress of nursing.
Prof. Victoria, Vice Principal, enlightened the gathering on the significance of this ceremony. The 35 students, in a touching ceremony, marched forward and lit candles,symbolizingthepassingon of the flame of knowledge and compassion. This was followed by the administration of the Florence NightingaleOathbyDr.DianaLobo, instilling a deep sense of responsibility in the students. The students then sang the Florence Nightingale Anthem and a dedicated song.
Dr. Veena Gretta Tauro, the Chief Guest,addressedthegatheringand encouraged the students to embody the values of the oath in their nursing care, becoming a beacon of hope to every patient.
The Student Nurses' Association unit of Milagres College of Nursing wasinaugurateddigitallybyRev.Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth and Rev. Dr. Michel Santhumayor. The association provides an excellent platform for student nurses to engage in curricular and co-
curricular programs, communicate issues and concerns relevant to nursing, and promote legislative involvement. The newly elected office-bearers were conferred with sashes by Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth and Rev. Dr. Michel Santhumayor, and they pledged to work diligently and uphold the honor and glory of the institution.
The Guest of Honor, Dr. Vaishali Sreejith, Vice Principal of Dr. MV ShettyCollegeofPhysiotherapyand Senate Member of RGUHS, Bengaluru, wished the students all the best as they embarked on their careers in professional nursing. She encouragedthenovicenursestobe sincere, hardworking, skillful, and vigilant in their profession to grow into proficient nurses.
Rev. Fr. Bonaventure Nazareth, the Correspondent, presided over the function.Inhispresidentialaddress, he congratulated the novice nurses and assured them of the management's support for their upliftment and welfare.
Prof. Victoria D'Almeida delivered the vote of thanks. The ceremony
concluded with a delicious lunch. The dignitaries present included Rev.Fr.UdayFernandes,Principalof Milagres Central School, and Mr. Melvin Vas, Principal of Milagres PUC.
The program was attended by the parents of the novice nurses, Milagres Parish Council and Housing Society members, Rev. Sisters, students, and faculty of the College of Nursing. Prof. Irene Dias comperedtheevent.
Inauguration of the Centenary Year of St Vincent De Paul Society
held at Bejai Church Hall
Mangaluru: St Vincent De Paul Society, a Catholic lay service organization that started in Paris, France, in the year 1833 by Blessed Fredrick Ozanam, which helps the needy irrespective of caste, creed, colour or religion, started in Mangaluru in 1926 at Bendore Milagres, Rosario and Bejai, and its
centenaryyear commencedat Bejai church hall. Students of Bejai St XavierSchoolperformedtheprayer dance. Mr Gerard Rego, the Bejai unit President extended a warm welcometothedignitariespresent. TheChiefguest,MsgrRev.FrMaxim Noronha, released the Centenary Logo and advised the members to workhardintheserviceofthe
Fr Francis D’Souza, the Spiritual Advisor of the Mangalore Central Council, released the centenary theme and congratulated the members on their Centenary and wishedtheirmissionallthesuccess.
FrJ.B. Saldhana, the parish priest of
Bejai, inaugurated the Cenenary project Asro (Shelter) by handing over a cheque to Western India Coordinator Mr Walter Martis, who was present on behalf of the NationalCouncil.MrGilbertPinto,a senior member, was felicitated for hiscontributiontothemovementof service. He narrated his 44 years of experience in society. Mrs Preetha Lobo, the Vice President, read the citation.MrJoeCoelho,thepresent Central Council President, delivered the keynote address and gave detailsofthecentenaryprojects,i.e., Shikop for education aid for 405 students of adopted families and Asro, i.e., providing shelter for 100 families.
Mrs Philomina Menezes, the Centenary Celebration Committee convenor, proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Augustin Rodrigues of the Bejai unit compered the
programme. Mrs Hilda Rodrigues, MrsMaryDouzaMrsIdaPereira,Mr FelixD’Silva,MrRexonMiranda,and Mr Albert Sequeira were present at the Dias. All the presidents and office bearers of 115 conferences werepresent.
FR. Francis D’Souza, the Spiritual Advisor of the Mangalore Central Council, released the centenary theme and congratulated the members on their Centenary and wished their mission all success. Fr J.B. Saldhana, the parish priest of Bejai, inaugurated the Cenenary project Asro (Shelter) by handing over a cheque to Western India Coordinator Mr Walter Martis, who was present on behalf of the NationalCouncil.MrGilbertPinto,a senior member, was felicitated for hiscontributiontothemovementof
service. He narrated his 44 years of experience in society. Mrs Preetha Lobo, the Vice President, read the citation.MrJoeCoelho,thepresent Central Council President, delivered the keynote address and gave detailsofthecentenaryprojects,i.e., Shikop for education aid for 405 students of adopted families and Asro, i.e., providing shelter for 100 families.
Mrs Philomina Menezes, the Centenary Celebration Committee convenor, proposed a vote of thanks. Mr Augustin Rodrigues of the Bejai unit compered the programme. Mrs Hilda Rodrigues, MrsMaryDouzaMrsIdaPereira,Mr FelixD’Silva,MrRexonMiranda,and Mr Albert Sequeira were present at the Dias. All the presidents and office bearers of 115 conferences werepresent.
Santhosh Notagar of St Aloysius to represent prestigious South Asian Wikisource Conference
Mr. Santhosh Notagar, Head of the Department of Computer Animation, has been selected to represent South Asian countries at the prestigious Wikisource Conference, which will be held in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia, from February 14 to 16, 2025. In recognition of his significant contributions to the field of Wikimedia and related projects, he hasbeenawardedafullscholarship toattendthisinternationalevent.
Mr. Notagar is currently serving as the South Asian Ambassador for Wikipedia Asian Month activities, where he has been instrumental in the creation of over 1,000 articles across various languages from the South Asian region. His passion for promoting regional languages and knowledge sharing will be a focal point of his participation at the Wikisource Conference, where he aims to promote the University’s Wikipedia initiatives and further support the preservation and growthofSouthAsianlanguageson theglobalplatform.
AsianAmbassador,Mr.Notagarhas an impressive history of representing Wikimedia initiatives at international forums. He has attended key conferences such as the“TraintheTrainer”conferencein Cochin in 2023 and the Wikimedia Technology Summit in Hyderabad in 2024. As President of the Wikipedia Students’ Association at St. Aloysius University, he is dedicated to training students on the intricacies of Wikimedia projects. He works closely with Dr. Vishwanatha Badikana, collaborating on various training
Among his accolades, Mr. Notagar won first place in the 2024 Wikipedia Article Writing competition in the Kannada language, further highlighting his expertise and commitment to regional language promotion. Additionally, he has been a coordinator for projects like the WikiLovesMangaluruinitiativeand theMovementCharterAmbassador Program , both of which contribute to the broader Wikimedia community. His contributions also extend to cultural preservation, as he is currently recording folk songs and documenting the rich cultural
heritageofKarnatakaforWikimedia Commons. These efforts align with hisvisionofbringinglocaltraditions to a global audience, ensuring that thediverseculturalidentityofSouth Asia is preserved for future generations.
Mr. Notagar’s selection to the WikisourceConferenceunderscores his dedicationtoadvancingthe use of technology in knowledge dissemination and his continuous efforts to support regional languages,cultures,andWikimediarelated projects. His upcoming participation in Bali will serve as another milestone in his journey to make meaningful contributions to theglobalWikimediacommunity.
Actor Pruthvi Ambaar inaugurates ‘Sangam
2025 - A Cultural Extravaganza’ at St
Aloysius (Deemed to be University)
Mangaluru, Feb 11: The PG departments of St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), Mangaluru, organised an interdepartmental cultural extravaganza, Sangam 2025, for postgraduatestudentsonFebruary 11atMotherTeresaPeacePark.
Renowned Kannada-Tulu film actor and alumnus Pruthvi Ambaar gracedtheeventasthechiefguest. Addressing the gathering, Pruthvi Ambaarsharedhowthenurturing
environment at St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) and the encouragementofthemanagement andteachersshapedhiscareerfrom being a dancer to a radio jockey to a film actor of renown. He also said that the skills and knowledge he acquired during his time as an MA
(Media and Communication) studentatStAloysiusDeemedtobe University helped him in his film career.
Theinaugurationwaspresidedover by Rev. Fr Melwyn Joseph Pinto SJ, Rector,StAloysiusInstitutions,Dr.
Praveen Martis SJ ,Vice-Chancellor,
Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Melwyn
D’Cunha SJ, along with Dr. Alwyn
D’Sa, Registrar of St Aloysius
Autonomous College , Dr. Ronald
Nazareth ,Registrar of St Aloysius
Deemed to be University, LCRI
Block Director Dr. Asha Abraham,
Maffei Block Director Dr. Loveena Lobo, Dean of PG Studies Dr. P. P.
Sajimon, Ms. Devishree Shetty and Ms. Clarett D’Souza, staff coordinators of Sangam. Student coordinators Ali Musba and Riyola Nishal Monteiro were also present onthedais.
The inauguration also marked the release of a riddle book Twisted Logic by Melisha D’Souza, an M. Com student of the university. As partoftheevent,MJESscholarships were awarded to meritorious students in recognition of their academicexcellence.
Sangam 2025 is the interdepartmental cultural extravaganza of the PG departments of (Deemed to be University). During the day-long event, over 12 teams competed in the variety entertainment competition.
As part of Sangam 2025, a wide range of competitions were held overthepastweekincludingWealth out of Waste, Rangoli, Debate, Folk Dance, Creative Writing, General Quiz, Group Singing, Photography, Collage, and sports events like Shuttle Badminton, Volleyball, and Throwball, were held throughout theweek.
The prizes were distributed at the valedictory function graced by Pro Vice-Chancellor Dr. Fr. Melwyn D’Cunha SJ, Vice-Chancellor Dr. Fr. Praveen Martis SJ, and Finance OfficerRev.Fr.VishwasMisquithSJ, who commended the students for their enthusiastic participation and teamwork.
The overall championship was won by MSc Biochemistry, followed by MSc Food Science in second place and MA (Media and Communication)inthirdplace.
St Aloysius University Hosts International
Conference on Industry & Innovation -
Building Resilient Leadership for Inclusive & Sustainable Development
The School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University), in collaboration with ISDC (International Skill Development Corporation), organized an International Conference on
“Industry & Innovation - Building Resilient Leadership for Inclusive & Sustainable Development” on February 12, 2025. The conference brought together distinguished academicians, industry leaders, and researcherstodiscussstrategiesfor
fostering innovation, resilience in leadership, and sustainable development.Itprovidedadynamic platform for knowledge exchange through keynote speeches, technical sessions, and research presentations.
Theinauguralceremonyheldinthe morning, at L. F. Rasquinha Hall, LCRI, commenced with a solemn invocation, followed with graceful welcome dance, perfectly set the stage for an insightful day’s deliberation. Dr Manuel Tauro (Dean) welcomed the gathering,
emphasizing the importance of balancing industrial growth with societal and environmental wellbeing. The Chief Guest, Dr Anand Edward D’Souza (Director, DAWN HR Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru), reflected on his entrepreneurial journeyandencouragedstudentsto embrace commitment, resilience, and innovation while navigating uncertaintieswithintegrity.
The Guest of Honour, Mr Joseph Santhosh Sequeira (Principal Cloud Architect, Dedalus National HealthcareServicesGlobal,UK),
sharedinsightsonITadvancements, stressing the importance of seizing opportunities and resilience. He citedColonelSanders’successstory to inspire perseverance. Rev. Fr Vishwas Joy Misquith SJ (Finance Officer) presided over the event, reaffirming the institution’s commitment to intellectual growth and inclusive leadership. He urged young leaders to embrace agility and innovation in the face of technological and economic disruptions.
Video messages from Pro-
Chancellor Rev. Fr Melwin Pinto SJ andVice-ChancellorRev.DrPraveen Martis SJ reiterated the university’s commitment to fostering industryacademia collaboration and sustainablegrowth.Otheresteemed dignitaries present included Dr Alwyn D’Sa (Registrar, St Aloysius College), Dr Ronald Nazareth (Registrar,StAloysiusDeemedtobe University), Dr Denis Fernandes (Director, Arrupe Block), and Ms. Nandadevi (Manager, Business Relationship,ISDC).
The Keynote Address by Mr Ronald Olivera (Founder & CEO, Zillion Pathways, Dubai) highlighted the importanceoffocus,determination, and continuous learning. He emphasizedtheneedforpersuasive communication skills and mastery of the English language to achieve success in global industries. Ms Renita Aranha, Assistant Profession, comperedthemorningsessions.
A technical session was led by Mr. Shujath Bin Ali (General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, ReSustainability Ltd.), who spoke on entrepreneurship and sustainable leadership. He stressed the significance of staying informed about industry trends, maintaining discipline, and embracing positive thinking. He also underscored the shift in business performance measurement, moving beyond profit to the people-planet-profit framework,alignedwiththeUN’s17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The conference witnessed active participation, with 143 paper presentations in hybrid mode, including 70 offline and 73 online,
spread across 11 tracks (06 online, 05 offline). Researchers explored diverse topics in General Management, Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, and Marketing, engaging the audience with their valuable insights. The meticulous planning by conference conveners Ms. Poojari Nisha Gopal and Ms. Renita Joyce Fernandes ensured its resoundingsuccess.
The Valedictory Ceremony, held in the evening at L. F. Rasquinha Hall, LCRI, featured Dr Denis Fernandes (Director,ArrupeBlock)astheChief Guestand DrAlwyn D’Sa (Registrar, St Aloysius College) as the Guest of Honour. Dr Shobha (HOD) welcomed the gathering, while Ms. Poojari Nisha Gopal delivered the vote of thanks. The ceremony was compered by Ms. Rishal D’Souza (AssistantProfessor).
In his address, Dr. Denis Fernandes highlighted the delicate balance between industrial growth and environmental sustainability, urging a legacy of care for future generations. Dr Alwyn D’Sa referenced Darwin’s theory,
emphasizing resilience, creativity, andadaptabilityaskeytothrivingin a dynamic world. Dr Suresh Poojari (former Dean) appreciated the conference’s theme, noting that many start-ups fail due to a lack of resilience and advocating for sustainable development in both professional and personal life. The President of the Valedictory function, Dr Ronald Nazareth, Registrar, applauded the School of
Commerce for hosting the international conference on the contemporaryissue. As the curtains fell on this enlightening conference, the spirit of collaboration and innovation resonated strongly. The event reinforced the need for leadership that embraces inclusivity, sustainability, and resilience, paving the way for a transformative future inbusinessandeducation.
Shivamogga, February 13, 2024: Annual Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes Church celebrated on February 12th at Tirthahalli.
Most Rev. Dr. Francis
SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Shimoga, was the main celebrant of the
InhishomilyBishopFrancisstressed onthemeoftheJubileeYear"Hope never disappoints us". We are pilgrims of hope. He elaborated what the problem world is facing these days, refugees, suicides, tragedies and issues of elderly people.Allthishumanlyspeakingis disturbingus.Butifwehavehopein the Lord Jesus, he never fails us. He,also sdid that As Our Lady of
Festal Holy Eucharist.
Lourdes Church celebrates post centenary silver jubilee year he thanked God and the faithful for witnessing Lord Jesus Christ through lives. 125 years is a great eventfortheparishioner’sadwellas fogtheDiocese.
AfterMass,ParishPriestFr.Veeresh Victor Moras thanked the bishop, priests,religious,parishioners,and
guests. Bishop Francis Serrao, S.J., unveiled the logo for the parish's post-centennial silver jubilee. He also unveiled a photograph of the renovatedchurch'sstructure.
read the donors' names. Bishop Francis acknowledged their generosity by giving them blessed candles. Then, on behalf of the parishioners, Mr. Ovin D'Souza, secretary of the PPC, thanked everyone.
On the 9th, Monsignor Very Reverend Father Stany D'Souza, Vicar General of the Diocese of Shimoga, began the feast with flag hoisting. On the 11th and 12th, Father Nelson Pinto OCD preached at the novena. On the 12th, there was a chariot procession of Our Lady of Lourdes in the main streets ofTirthahallitown.
Many priests, religious, and faithful participatedinthefeast.
MANGALURU,FEB13: St Anthony Shrine at Milagres Church in Mangaluru marked the eighth day of the novena leading up to the annualrelicfeastofStAnthonyof
The Eucharistic Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr Maxim Dsouza, Parish Priest, Jeppu Church along withFrGilbertDsouza,Chaplain,
and Fr Nelson peris the assistant director of St Anthony Charitable Institutions,Jeppu.
Fr Maxim's sermon centred on the theme "Shoulder the Cross of
Others, Become Pilgrims of Hope." He emphasised that countless people around us bear heavy crosses—many are helpless, burdened, hopeless, and destitute.
By sharing our time and resources with others, we can bring them joy and happiness. He reminded that withoutfollowingtheCrossofJesus, we cannot truly become pilgrims of hope. Engaging in small yet meaningful acts of kindness, he said,willsurelyleadusonthispath.
Following the Mass, Fr Nelson Peris ledthenovena, withspecialprayers
fortheresidentsoftheashram.The Choir members of Jeppu Church added a melodious dimension to theexpressionsofgratitude.
The highlight of the upcoming festivities:
The main celebrant for the main festive Holy Mass on February 15, 2025, at 6 pm at Milagres Church Grounds will be Most Rev. Dr DumingDias,BishopofKarwar.The theme for the feast is “Walk in the FootstepsofStAnthony,Embrace theJourneyasPilgrimsofHope.”
On the Feast Day, February 15, Mass in Konkani is scheduled at 6 and 9.30 am at St Anthony Shram Jeppu. The anticipation builds for a day of spiritual significance and communitycelebration.
NOVENA: The novena is a preparatoryeventleadinguptothe relicfeastofStAnthonyofPadua.
St Aloysius University holds CPR Training for non-teaching staff to promote Workplace Safety
Mangaluru,February12,2025 – The Human Resource Department of St. Aloysius (Deemed to be University) organized a CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) training session as part of its Arogyavahini , a yearround health and wellness initiative by the university that aims to educate non-teaching staff on physical and mental well-being through expert-led sessions and interactive programs. This session aimed to equip non-teaching staff with essential life-saving skills,
reinforcing the university’s commitment to workplace safety and emergency preparedness. The initiative is strongly supported by Vice Chancellor Rev. Dr. Praveen Martis,whostressestheimportance ofequippingallstaffmemberswith essential health knowledge and emergencyresponse skillsto create asaferandhealthierworkplace. Conductedbymedicalexpertsfrom Fr.MullerMedicalCollege,ledbyDr Vishma K and assisted by Dr Priya, DrSurya,andDrMerwin,the
session provided handson training in CPR techniques. Participants gained practical knowledge that could prove vital in emergency situations, with an interactive Q&A segment addressingkeyconcerns.
HR Chairperson Ms Sahasra Rao and CoChairperson Dr Dinesh Nayak emphasized the importance
of such training in fostering a safer work environment. Ms Maria helped during thesession.
By conducting these health-focused programs, St Aloysius (Deemed to be University) continues toprioritizestaffwellbeing and preparedness, setting a positive
Synodal Church with Greater Lay Participation is the Need of the Hour” – Bishop Robert
Bangalore, February 13, 2025: “A
Synodal Church with greater lay participation is the need of the hour,” emphasized Bishop Robert
M. Miranda at the Proclamation Commission Review Meeting held at Subodhana Pastoral Centre, Bangalore.HeurgedChurchleaders
to foster a change in attitude by actively consulting laypeople in decision-making to discover new paths of evangelization. According to him, greater involvement of the laity is essential for the Church’s mission and outreach. The meeting was chaired by Bishop Robert and attended by diocesan secretaries, including Fr. Anil Joel Prasad, Coordinator of KRPPIC, and Fr. Maxim Dias, Regional Secretary. During the session, diocesan secretaries presented reports on
their pastoral activities. The Regional Pastoral Plan was disseminated, and the Year Plan 2025 was presented and unanimously approved.
TheProclamationCommissionaims to promote evangelization and pastoraloutreachintheregion,and the meeting marked a significant step in advancing its mission.
The ethereal glow of wisdom illuminated the Athena Hospital Auditorium,astheLampLighting& Oath taking ceremony unfolded on
February 14th, 2025. This momentous event marked the initiation of the 22nd batch of GNM &21st batchofB.Sc.(N)students.
The ceremony commenced with a soulstirringprayerssongbythe2nd year B.Scnursing students, setting a contemplative tone for the event. The focal point, the Lamp Lighteningceremonywasgracedby theesteemed presencesofDr.Sr.
Judy SIC Principal Father Muller
Nursing College Thumbay, as the Chief Guest, Mr. R. S Shettian, ChairmanAthenaInstituteofHealth Sciences, Mrs. Asha Shettian, Secretary, Dr. Ashith Shettian Trustee, Rev. Sr. Deepa Peter PrincipalAthenaInstituteOf Health Sciences, Prof. Sunitha Lobo Vice Principal Athena Institute of Health Sciences ,Dr. Nandini Principal of Allied HealthSciences.
Awarmwelcomewasentendedby Mrs. Priya Carnelio Lecturer of
Community Health Nursing Department. In a poignant tribute, thedignitariesadornedtheportraits of Florence Nightingale with flowers, symbolizing respect and honor.IndianLampwaslightedand officially inaugurated the programme.
Addressing the gathering, Mrs. Priyanka Dsoza Lecturer Child Health Nursing Department, eloquently underscored the significance of the day. The nursing luminaries,inagestureofprofound
symbolism, kindled the lamps of 140novice nursingstudents. Asthe flamesflickered,theypassedonthe light of wisdom, knowledge and compassion.Theculminationofthis scared initiation was the solemn oath-taking ceremony,
administered by Rev. Sr. Deepa Peter. Each student vowed to upholdthenobledutiesofanursing professional pledging to be a beaconofcareandcompassion. Inherinsightfulspeech,ChiefGuest Sr. Judy Principal of Father Muller Nursing College shared words that resonated with inspiration and guidance. Infusing the occasion with a sure of purpose and commitment. She also shared the importance of lamp and flame as hope, patience and noble vision of serving others. She encouraged the
students to participate in serving oneanother.
Mr. R S Shettian, Presidents of today’s function, called upon the studentstoembraceanunwavering commitment to their noble profession and show gratitude to their alma mater by rendering their valuable service. He also assured that their nursing journey will be fruitfulonthisesteemedInstitution.
Ms. Rajeshwari Asst. lecturer Department of nursing foundation
delivered a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all who made the ceremony a resounding success. The program was compeered by Ms. Neha Rosarrio andMs.RiyaRodrigous2ndyearB.Sc Nursingstudents.
The ceremony marked the beginning of a transformative journeyforthenursingstudents.
A delicious lunch was served for all who were present at the occasion andfollowedbyaPTAmeeting.
Novena in preparation for St Anthony's Annual
Anthony Shrine within Milagres Church in Mangaluru on February 14,2025.
The Eucharistic Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr Rudolf Raj Pinto
OCD, Secretary CCBI Commission forLiturgyalongwithRev.FrGilbert Dsouza, Chaplain and Fr Nelson Peris,assistantdirectorofSt
Anthony Charitable Institutions in Jeppu.
Fr Rudolf delivered a compelling sermon on the theme, "Meekness and Humility: Pilgrims of Hope."
He emphasised that silence is not a sign of weakness but a source of strength. In this YearofHope , he called upon the faithful to embrace meeknessandhumility,following
the model of St Anthony, who, despite his vast knowledge and wisdom, remained a true pilgrim of hope. He urged them to live these virtues as powerful witnesses againstworldlyvalues.
Following the Mass, Fr Nelson Peris ledthenovena, withspecialprayers for the devotees. Carmelite SeminariansfromCarmelHilladded