1A Governor’s Newsletter
January 2025
Weatherturnedinto20’s,we hada little snow on the ground just to say it is White Christmas and we hadplentyofLionsactivitiesinour District 1A. Theystartedwithabrand-NewLeo Club – Chicago Ridge Leo Club on December5,2024. Itwasverynice to see young kids joining this club to serve their community along
with Chicago Ridge Lions. Same night we had New Members Orientation on Zoom. This was conducted by our energetic GMT Chair Carole Burle-Hallberg. 2024 year’s final Council of Governors Council Meeting on December 7. Previous night on 6th we celebrated holiday party at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Springfield. Also on December 7th Chicago
Windy City Lions held their annual Drinks with Santa fundraiser at Teaser’s Public House in Chicago. They also collected gifts to needy Children. On 8th of December, I attended our Club – Chicago Philippine Lions Christmas Party at Four Points Hotel Sheraton, Shiller Park. It was lots of fun during White Elephant Gift Exchange. DuringtheCouncilMeeting,allthe governors exchanged holiday gift. Franklin Park Manilla honouring the Best Fire Fighter and the Best Police Officer of the year 2024 on December 13. It was great to honour these community heroes bya community Lions Club.
On December 14th we had 3 Christmasparties:1.ChicagoAsian American Lions Meet & Greet party, 2. Governor’s Night and ChristmasPyjamaPartybyChicago Healthcare Allians Lions Club and 3. Meet the Grinch by Bridgeview Lions Club.
On 15th of December District Cabinet of 1A held their Annual Jingle & Mingle at the District 1A Holiday Party at the Chateau Orleans Banquets, Darien. Many
lions gathered to this party and had lotsof fun together.
On December 28th we had Celebrate Kwanzaa by Harvey Lions Club with African attire. It wasa gala event forthe season.
February 15th is a big day for District 1A as we celebrate the Charter Nite of newly chartered Chicago Asian American Lions Club. I request all Lions and Leos of District 1A to attend and make this event a great success to welcome this new club to District 1A. Iwasreallyoverwhelmedbyallthe above Holiday Activities. Lions really know how to party in our District.
Our forthcoming big event will be our District 1A Convention. ConventionChairPCCSteveAnton, with his team members organizing a memorable event. Please mark your calendar for March 21 to 23. Registration is open and forms are available on our website: 1alions.org
MT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly
December 1, 2024
We are top growth in MD-1 and 5th in CA-1. Our growth comes from twenty-five clubs who made the effort to strengthen your clubs by adding members and one new chartered club.
The easiest way to gain members is to have your club visible and provide service to those in need. Visibility will help your prospective member make an easy choice in accepting your invitation to join your club.
Governor Brenda is asking that each club do their best in adding members to your club this year. She would be honored to be sending in your applications for the club excellence award at the end of your successful year.
One of the items needed is a plus two in membership. We have fourteen clubs right now that have that item checked off. They just need to keep their members satisfied. A happyLion neverleaves a club…
Learn more about the Club Excellence Award from your Region and Zone Chairs.
Here are a few tips that will help you get started in defining member satisfaction in your club:
• Ask your members! Members feel involved when you ask for their opinions. Ask your members: Why is the club here? Do our activities demonstrate this? If a non-Lion looked at one year of our events, what would they think is essential to our club? o You can use the Member Questionnaire at the back of this guide to facilitate this conversation and modify it to fit your needs.
• Assess why your members have left in the past. While there are some common themes worldwide, it will help if you contact former members to learn why they left. Along with the New Member Questionnaire in this guide, there is a Former Member Questionnaire that you can modify to fit your needs. o Consider devoting time during a club meeting or holding a special meeting to discuss member satisfaction.
• Carefully consider whether your club’s stated objectives, goals and missionstatementreflectwhatyourcurrentmemberswantyourclubtobe.
NewClub Development &ClubRebuilding
CongratulationstotheChicagoAsianAmericanLionsClubwhichchartered on November 13th. Please save The date, February 16th will be the charter party for them. Come out and welcome them to District 1-A.
As always, please contact our team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move the District forward in positive membership growth and more service to the areas underserved.
PID Dan O’Reilly, LCIF District Coordinator
January 1,2025
As we begin 2025, the clubs wanting to award Melvin Jones Fellows at the District 1-A Convention, sould start palnning now! Review you club and individual balances and plan you giving accordingly. If you already presented the Melvin Jones Award to the reciepient, we are not representing it at the convention
Governor Brenda received a goal from LCIF of $54,045.00. This is based on membership at the beginning of the year. We are sitting at just over $17,305.00, which is 32% of our goal.
LCIF helps our clubs do greater service. Support your Foundation and your Foundation will be there when you have a need. You might need an Emergency Disaster Grant, a Standard Grant, or a grant related to our Global Causes.
Pictured are membersof the Orland Park Lions Club and members of the RE;ACT for RYAN organization at the recent check presentation from the Queen of Hearts Raffle. The Lions donate a nightsproceedsoftheir40% share toalocalcharitableorganizationin supportoftheircause.Thisquarter RE;ACT for RYAN was chosen for their work in support of our first responders.
The newest newest Leo Club the Finley Junior High School in Chicago Ridge. The new club was sponsoredbyChicagoRidgeLions.
PCC Gail and PCC Steve are working with the Lions of Illinois Foundation today at the Palmer House in Chicago at the Farmers Convention.
The newly chartered Chicago AsianAmericanLionsClub held their First Annual Christmas Party with colors
PCC Gail and PCC Steve and their son Scott stopped at the fundraising event for the SunCity West Lions Club. Of course, we purchased some raffle tickets and donated to their CampLions fund.
into the Palos Lions Club tonight at their club Christmas Party. Congratulations on their club growth this year!
Arlington Heights Lions Christmas party and induction of our niece Mickey Mantas to the club by 1F Governor Jeff. Sponsored by PDGTerry Dsouza.
1A Lions at the December MD1 Council of Governors Holiday Party at Crowne Plaza, Springfield.
Chicago Nurses for Diabetes Lions Club Christmas Party and Governors Night was held at Silver Lakes Golf Club, Darien.
Christmas Party at Governor Brenda and First Gentleman Mike
Steven’s residence in Oak Brook.
Franklin Park Manilla Lions
Club’s Community Service Award, Governor’s Night and Christmas Party held at the C mm C .
District 1A Cabinet Holiday Party
Ch m C b
h Ch O , D D mb 15, 2024. M b
LionBrendaBlock was the Cabinet Secretary for these 7
New member was inducted to Chicago Philippine Lions Club.
Chicago Healthcare Alliance LionsClub added184 newphotos to the album: Governor's Night and Christmas Pajama Party:
Chicago Healthcare Alliance
Lions Club’s CHALC VOICES bringing cheers to your homes. Thanks Jerry.Masangcay and Jan et Guinsatao for your hospitality and generosity:
Chicago Healthcare Alliance
Lions Club distributed more Christmas cards today at Generations at Oakton Pavillion:
Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club Donating food items toLamtang ElementarySchool.-->
At the Chicago Bayanihan
Sampaguita Lions Club’s 47th Charter Anniversary, Governor’s Night and Thanksgiving Dinner Dance :
Hurricane Helene is currently impacting the southeastern coastline of the United States, particularly affecting Florida. Many homes have been damaged and numerous families are displaced. In the face of this humanitarian crisis, we, as Lions, are prepared to step in and help. Your generous donation to LCIF enables us to continue our vital work in these challenging times. Please consider donating to our Disaster Relief Fund: bit.ly/3XFfxrP #LCIFLions
When the Desplaines River flooded our community, the Village of Forest View back in 2013. LCIF was there for us,