1A Governor’s Newsletter
Lionisticyear’sFirstQuarterisover, and we stepped into the Second Quarter.
We have a mission this year in 2 area: 1. Mission 1.5. In the past 30 years we have been reaching our Global membership to 1.4 million members and then losing our membership to 1.3 some million. This time we set a solid goal to reach 1.5 million members in 2
more years.
Can we reach this goal this time and celebrate the victory of reaching 1.5 million members? It alldependsonus–individuallions and our clubs.
Inthefirstquarter,eventhoughwe added78newmembers,welost55 members from our clubs. My goal for the year 2024-2025 is to have 140 new members by the end of this Lionistic year. I seek help to reach my goal from every lion of District 1A. Can we, do it? Yes, we can!
Lions Clubs International Foundation has a goal this year for District 1A of $54045. My request toall District 1A Lions to donate to our Foundation LCIF to reach our goal. Manyclubsinourdistrictdid
not appoint their Club LCIF Chairs and reported on the portal. Immediate past president should be the Club LCIF Chair. Those who didn’t, please report this position in LCI portal as soon as possible. Many clubs have unnamed money inLCIFaccount. Checkthisoutand used thatmoney to name a Melvin Jones Fellow from your clubs. This money is just sitting there without naming any one as MJF.
If each club in our district donates $1000 to LCIF, we can easily reach
Good morning, Lions & Leos!
AsweleaveSeptemberbehindand move into a new month of service, I wanted to share some great events I had attended this month.
out goal of $54045. Can we, do it? Yes, we can!
Also, I have a goal to have 2 new clubs in our district. You can gather family members, coworkers, church or school friends andcomeupwithsomenewclubs. We can start with having branch clubsandoncewereach20,wecan charter a new club. Can we, do it? Yes, we can!
Let us work together and make a mark in our communities.
I started the month by attending
the USA/Canada Forum in Louisville, Ky. It was such a great experience as always seeing Lions from all over converge into downtown Louisville to take in the forum. Getting the opportunity to see oldfriendsandmeetnewones is always the highlight for me attending the forum. My wife Lion Edith and I also spent time taking in many of the seminars available learning more about Diabetes awareness as well as Food Safety. Several Lions from our district also took in some fun Saturday night and I will not confirm or deny
which one(s) of us road a Mechanical Bull and had minimal but very FUN success in doing so.
The following week I attended the first COG Meeting of the year. (Council of Governors) Thesemeetingsare heldto discuss the matters at the state level amongst the current sittings’ governors. Both FVDG’s (First Vice District Governors) and SVDG’s (Second Vice District Governors) attend to support the sitting governorsplansfortheyearaswell as take in the opportunity to absorb procedures and information for their future year. Fortunately, I had to leave early to attend Bridgeview, Argo Summit and Justice Lion Clubs Oktoberfest to install 5 new members. This is always the most FUN for me when installingnewmembersasIgetthe chance to see Lions of the future accept the oath with exciting smiles. The following week I attended my home clubs meeting and installed a brand-new member in Lionism.
Lastly, my wife and I attended the Lions of Illinois Foundation 50th AnniversaryGalawithspecialguest speaker PIP Douglas Alexander. Last night was an evening of FUN, laughs and very heartfelt stories of Lions History. It truly is remarkable to listen to guest speakers and learn more and more about our history as Lions. Extremely inspiring!
I’m always long written because there’s always so much to discuss withyouallbutI’mhappytoreport that September was another great month in service and moving the needle in our 1.5 Mission. Keep identifying those hearts of service and keep identifying our future leaders. Get back out there for OctoberandMakeYourMarkwhile Experiencing the MAGIC that you can do for District 1-A.
Forever Yours in Service,
RichardA.Moy First Vice District Governor
Dear Lions and Leos,
Whenever and wherever there is a need in our communities, Lions and Leos are among the first to respond. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) grant funding empowers us to implement projects that enhance our service and expand our reach. I am proud to report that during the August 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting, 84 grants were approved, totaling US$10.7 million.
Thank you to everyone who continues to support LCIF through your donations and by sharing stories of our collective impact. This month’s newsletter highlights some of the service made possible through your generosity.
Yours in service,
Dr. Patti Hill, LCIF Chairperson
Don’t Miss the October 23 Grants Update Webinar
LCIF Chairperson Dr. Patti Hill and the Global Grants team will discuss the new Vision Grant program and recent updates to other grant programs. Learn how you can better serve your community with LCIF. Webinar offered in English only.
Register Now
Changing the World, One Person at a Time
The power of LCIF is measured by one one life forever changed by your support. See how donors’ generosity shapes deeply personal outcomes for individual beneficiaries.
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Thank you donors!
With 100% of your gifts to LCIF benefiting grants and programs, every donation empowers Lions’ and Leos’ life-changing service around the world.
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Enhancing Childhood Cancer Care in Italy
Learn how Lions in Turin, Italy, used an LCIF Childhood Cancer Grant to upgrade the Pediatric Oncology Ward at Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital.
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Your Contribution to the World
LCIF is your global foundation and together, we can respond quickly for a powerful impact. Give today and see what we can do.
GMT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly September 1, 2024
Resource Spotlight: LCIF Stories of Pride With LCIF, Lions and Leos accomplish amazing things that inspire others. Proudly share your story with your fellow humanitarians to make an even greater difference.
Get Started
Global Membership Approach
As of Oct. 1st numbers, we sit at a plus in membership for the Year. I would like to thank the twenty-one clubs
who made the effort to strengthen your clubs by adding members. The number one reason for adding members to our clubs is more hands for more service.
Eleven of the twenty-one added members to offset drops. That’ s exactly what needs to be done, lose one add two. The service grows and it relieves the stress put on our members trying to maintain the good things we do in our communities with less help.
Governor Brenda is asking that each club do their best in adding members to your club this year. She would be honored to be sending in your applications for the club excellence award at the end of your successful year.
One of the items needed is a plus two in membership. We have twelve clubs right now that have that item checked off. They just need to keep their members satisfied. A happy Lion never leaves a club…
Learn more about the Club Excellence Award from your Region and Zone Chairs.
Here are a few tips that will help you get started in defining member satisfaction in your club:
• Ask your members! Members feel involved when you ask for their opinions. Ask your members: Why is the club here? Do our activities demonstrate this? If a non-Lion looked at one year of our events, what would they think is essential to our club? o You can use the Member Questionnaire at the back of this guide to facilitate this conversation and modify it to fit your needs.
• Assess why your members have left in the past. While there are some common themes worldwide, it will help if you contact former members to learn why they left. Along with the New Member Questionnaire in this guide, there is a Former Member Questionnaire that you can modify to fit
your needs. o Consider devoting time during a club meeting or holding a special meeting to discuss member satisfaction.
• Carefully consider whether your club’s stated objectives, goals and mission statement reflect what your current members want your club to be.
NewClub Development &ClubRebuilding
We have contacted four areas of our District to open new clubs. As always, please contact out team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move our District forward in positive membership growth and more service to area underserved.
Hurricane Helene is currently impacting the southeastern coastline of the United States, particularly affecting Florida. Many homes have been damaged and numerous families are displaced. In the face of this humanitarian crisis, we, as Lions, are prepared to step in and help. Your generous donation to LCIF enables us to continue our vital work in these challenging times. Please consider donating to our Disaster Relief Fund: bit.ly/3XFfxrP #LCIFLions
When the Desplaines River flooded our community, the Village of Forest View back in 2013. LCIF was there for us, enabling our Lions to help the residents clean up and recover from their devasting floods. LCIF empowers our clubs to do greater things. Donate to LCIF today, help our fellow Lions in the southeastern states. They need help now.
Dear1A Lions:
Iam sendingthison behalf ofPDGMikeSmigielskiwhohandlestheVision Certificates (VSP) for District 1A. He has just found out from LCI that for nowtherearenomorecertificatesavailabletohandouttothosethatneed them. The below information was received by PDG Mike and he asked that we pass it on to you. We will let you know when we receive any additional information regarding this.
First, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and participation in our VSP program at LCIF. You all have helped change the livesofsomanyfamiliesinneed.Unfortunately,wehavereceivednewsthat theVSPprogramhasbeenputonholduntilfurthernotice.Thismeansthat wenolongerhavestocktosendouttorequesters.VSPdidletusknowthat anycertificatesthathavebeendistributedsofararestillvalidandtherewill be no recall on any certificates. Below is a quick FAQ in case you have any further questions:
Why is VSP pausing the Gift Certificate Program? Due to a significant increase in requests for and redemptions of VSP Vision Eyes of Hope gift certificates, VSP will not be accepting new requests for certificates until further notice. When will VSP start issuing Gift Certificates again? When should I check in to see if VSP is issuing Gift Certificates again?
Is VSP canceling the Gift Certificate Program?
VSP will advise LCIF once certificates are available. No timeline has been given when the program will resume.
No,VSPissimplypausingnewrequestsforVSPEyes of Hope gift certificates due to a significant increase in requests for and redemptions of the certificates.
Thankyouagainforallthatyoudoandpleasedonothesitatetoreachout if you have any further questions.
Lion BrendaBlock District1A Cabinet Secretary Lions International MAKE YOUR MARK
Here are pictures of us attending induction of members to the Phoenix Metro Cooking Club with ID Marie Cunning, International Guest Speaker for our District 1A Convention in 2025.
UChicago Medicine
AdventHealth La Grange and Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club for a very successful Medical Mission on 9/14/2024. Thank you so much to all the volunteers for all your hard work and dedication to serve the community. #ExcellenceInService #medicalmission #changingtheworld #MakeYourMark
New member was inducted to the Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club by PDG Austin Dsouza.
Some of the members of CHALC at the meeting.
From waking up early to mutitasking to serve the community was what Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club's mission was all about yesterday. #dedication
Thank you to all the volunteers for giving their time, energy, and selfless service towards something bigger than themselves. You made time to help someone else, and
because of that we know there are peopleouttherewhoarebetterfor it. You are truly making a differenceinourworld!Ihopethat you know how much your contributions are appreciated
LionsTusieHerzogArtHerzogDen Hagad Camille Antonio Tinay
Marie Nick Pallarca Honesto Rodriguez Amor Bheng Francis SibaYan Katrina Starks Smith Alice Arellano Joe Esguerra and to our
CONGRATULATIONS to Lion Mchll Lopez for joining our CHALC FAMILY! CHALC is working on Mission 1.5 with integrity! WE ROAR FOR HEALTH AND SERVE WITH HEART! #chalcpride #TogetherForWellness
Thank you to UChicago Medicine AdventHealth La Grange for always believing in our team, it's alwaysanhonortobeyourpartner in community service. See you again next year!
Thank you to our anonymous Donor for delivering 2 boxes for our volunteers.
of the astonishingly fun we all had during our Community Litter Clean-upandPicnic DayatLabagh Woods on 9/7/2024. Five different Lions Clubs worked together lead by the Presidents of Chicago Healthcare Alliance Lions Club
Lea Agaton Chicago Fil-USA Lions Club Rhey Adriano Chicago Global Lions Club Flor
Castil Chicago Filipino American Lions Club SegundinaQuibaand ChicagoMetropolitanLionsClub
Lion Richard Castillo. Thank you to all the members, sponsors, volunteers, and guests for the HUGE SUCCESS of this event!
The Forest Kala Sampath Lions celebrating National Immigration Week at the Holy Name Cathedral on September 29, 2024.
PDG Lion Dr. Austin Taking part in Quick Learning Global Zoom meeting.
Our Club President Carla Haverland blowing cake for her birthdayduringdinner golf outing.
Illinois for Diabetes Foundation donated to The Voice, PNAI and to our very own. Chicago Nurses for Diabetes LionsClub . Thank you so much for your generosity, Founder/Charter President Lion Ann Teano- Your unwavering support and dedication to the community.
2 New Members were inducted.
PDG Dr. Austin Dsouza giving his LCIF report as MD1 LCIF Coordinator.
District 1A Candy Day Jamboree at the Buorbone Street Banquet. Trustee Frank Kirar with Lions of Illinois Foundation Executive Director PDG Ron Fruit. Many Lions from Disltrict 1A Lions Clubs attended the event.
On September 9th in Oakbrook, Mayor displayed the Lions Way street dedicated to Lions Clubs of International.
PDG Dr. Austin Dsouza with the Best Hat Competition Winner at the Forum.
MD1 Lions recently graduated fromLionsUniversity.
Tom Elsey. Graduation Ceremony was during the USA Canada Lions Leadership Forum at Louiseville, Kentucky.
Endorsed Candidate from MD1 for Lions International Director giving his speech to International leaders afterselectingatopicfromthehat.
14 Endorsed Candidates from Constitutional Area 1 for International Director at the Forum. All 14 took part in on the spot speech for 3 minutes each.
Getting ready for Strides Walk in
Louisville, Kentucky at the USA
Canada Lions Leadership Forum 2024
PID Vijay from India had a surprise birthday party hosted by PCC Mahesh Chitnis, New York at his hotel room Galt House Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Several International dignitaries were in attendance.
1A Governor’s ’Newsletter