2016 MD1 Convention Issue

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The Illinois Lion, Lioness, Leo MD1 Convention e-Magazine Vol. 3 - Issue 12, April 2016


Constitution and By-Laws: NEXT PAGE - 3 2

PID Bud Wahl, MD-1 C&BL Chair This year, the 2015-2016 Council of Governors brought forward five proposed amendments to the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws. All five proposed amendments originated from the Council of Governors. The MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Committee was directed by the Council to write the language for all five proposed amendments. Once written, the five proposed amendments were presented to the Council for their consideration. The Council of Governors approved the language for all five proposed amendments and agreed to have them presented to the delegates at the 2016 MD-1 Convention for their voting consideration. The Council of Governors, and the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommend adoption of the five proposed amendments. The proposed amendments have been posted in the March issue of the state magazine, and because of a technical glitch with some of the bold text not showing up in bold, they have been requested to be posted again in the April issue, with all bold text so indicated. Below is a brief summary of the subject of each of the five proposed amendments. They will be voted on by the certified delegates at the 2016 MD-1 Convention, to be held May 19-22, 2016. All amendments will require a 2/3 affirmative vote in order to pass. Your Council of Governors and the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommend approving all five amendments. Yours in Service, PID Bud Wahl, Chairperson MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Committee Resolution #1 – 3rd Party Accounting: This proposed amendment to Article IX, Section 6 of the Constitution would eliminate the requirement that all regulatory reports be performed by a third party accounting firm. Resolution #2 – Contracts: This proposed amendment to Article II, Section 10 of the By-Laws would clarify the Council of Governors as the specific body given the authority to enter into and approve contracts on behalf of the Lions of Illinois. Resolution #3 – Fees: This proposed amendment to Articles VIII, Section 12 and Article IX new section 8 of the Constitution; and, to Article III, Section 3 of the By-Laws would clarify the State Office/State Secretary Treasurer as the sole body given the authority/responsibility to collect payment of any and all registration and other fees for events and activities hosted and/or sponsored by the Lions of Illinois. Resolution #4 – Status Quo Clubs: This proposed amendment to Article VII, Section 1 and Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution would clarify that Lions Clubs placed on Status Quo by Lions Clubs International will not be billed Sub-District or Multiple-District per capita tax (dues for members) while on Status Quo. Once the Lions Club is back in good standing, Sub-District and Multiple District per capita tax would be in order. Resolution #5 – Promotion Fund: This proposed amendment to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution would raise the cap in the Promotion Fund from $50,000 to $100,000, without a dues increase or assessment.


Subject: This proposed amendment would eliminate the requirement that all regulatory reports be performed by a third party accounting firm.

WHEREAS, Section 6 of Article IX of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Revenue, directs that all regulatory reports be performed by a third party accounting firm; and, WHEREAS, the State currently is obligated to pay the third-party accountant $325 annually to prepare the quarterly payroll reports – which are part of the financial records and bookkeeping of the State – even though the State SecretaryTreasurer actually prepares and submits them to ensure they are completed on time; and, WHEREAS, the third-party accountant will charge an additional, to-be-determined amount, to review the complete set of financial records; and, WHEREAS, using an accountant to prepare the quarterly payroll reports, review the quarterly compiled financial statements and PeachTree files, and serve as the Lions' Registered Agent is becoming an expensive proposition; and, WHEREAS, the State Secretary-Treasurer has prepared and submitted all quarterly and annual payroll tax reports and payments on time and without issue using the online reporting and payment systems provided by the IRS, IL Dept. of Revenue, and IL Dept. of Employment Security; and, WHEREAS, the Council Chairperson reviews and approves these reports and payments monthly; and, WHEREAS, the main responsibility of the Council Treasurer is to oversee the work of the State Secretary-Treasurer on all fiscal matters, which includes payroll reports/payments and all financial recordkeeping; and, WHEREAS, MD-1 By-Laws Article II, Section 10 states the State Council 'shall demand of and receive from the State Secretary-Treasurer financial reports semi-annually, or more frequently if necessary' and said financial reports include an income statement which sets forth all payroll taxes paid to-date for the State Council to verify;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 6 of Article IX of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Revenue be amended, effective at the close of the 2016 State Convention, by eliminating the last sentence as shown by the strikethrough below: "The State Council of Governors shall provide for an audit of the annual financial statements to be performed annually by certified public accountants licensed in the State of Illinois. All regulatory reports shall also be performed by a third party accounting firm, and reported to the Council of Governors."

Lions of Illinois, Inc. RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE LIONS OF ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS BY-LAWS - ARTICLE II, DUTIES, Section 10 Subject: This proposed amendment would clarify the Council of Governors as the specific body given the authority to enter into and approve any and all contracts on behalf of the Lions of Illinois.


WHEREAS, Section 10 of Article II of the MD-1 By-Laws, entitled Duties, states the Council of Governors has the authority to make all contracts for the State Convention, but does not extend that authority to any other events or activities held on behalf of the Lions of Illinois; and, WHEREAS, the Council of Governors is the deliberative body for the Lions of Illinois and formulates all administrative plans and policies affecting the welfare of the Lions of Illinois; and, WHEREAS, the Council of Governors is ultimately responsible for the fiscal responsibility of all funds collected from the Lions of Illinois and therefore should be the sole body entering into any contractual arrangements on behalf of the Lions of Illinois;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 10 of Article II of the MD-1 By-Laws, entitled Duties, be amended, effective at the close of the 2016 State Convention, by eliminating the phrases as shown by the strikethrough and adding the phrases shown in bold below:

"The State Council is the deliberative and the assisting body in the formulation of administrative plans and policies affecting the welfare of Lionism within the State. It shall make all contracts and arrangements for the State Convention, and shall approve all bills relating thereto. With the exception to events and activities planned and supervised by any MD-1 Host Committee pertaining to hosting an International Convention or USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Illinois, the State Council shall have the authority to approve and administer any and all other contracts for events and activities held on behalf of the Lions of Illinois, and shall approve all bills relating thereto. Furthermore, it shall approve any and all arrangements made for such events and activities held on behalf of the Lions of Illinois. It shall designate a depository for all the State Funds Administrative, International Convention, Promotional and Magazine Fund, and shall authorize the payment from such Funds of all legitimate expenses pertaining to the administration of the affairs of the State. It shall set the amount of corporate surety bond for the State Secretary-Treasurer, and shall approve the surety company with which the State Secretary-Treasurer shall be bonded. It shall demand of and receive from the State Secretary-Treasurer, financial reports semi-annually or more frequently, if necessary. It shall demand of and receive reports from all Standing Committees, which shall include complete financial reports from all Committees whose State authorized projects may be financially supported.in any way involved in the collection of funds for the support of projects authorized by the State. All such reports received from the State Secretary-Treasurer and from all Standing Committees shall be subject to approval by the State Council. It shall make provisions for an audit, at the end of the fiscal year, of the books and accounts of the State Secretary-Treasurer. It shall, in the event of a surplus being left in the State Administrative, International Convention, Promotional and Magazine Fund, make provisions for placing the same in the hands of the succeeding State Council, together with all books and records. It shall publish a synopsis of its actions following each Council Meeting in the State Magazine.”


Subject: This proposed amendment would clarify the State Office/State Secretary Treasurer as the sole body given the authority/responsibility to collect payment of any and all registration and other fees for events and activities hosted and/or sponsored by the Lions of Illinois. WHEREAS, Section 12 of Article VIII of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Convention, states a State Convention registration or hospitality fee shall be collected, but does not define who collects the fee; and, WHEREAS, Section 3 of Article III of the By-Laws, entitled, Standing Committees, makes reference to a Standing Committee potentially collecting funds and when so, requires either the Chairperson or Treasurer of the Committee to make bond, and when funds have been collected by a committee there is no record of any bond being established; and, WHEREAS, The State Secretary Treasurer is required to be bonded by our Constitution and By-Laws and is the only body that is financially insured as such, and has direct access to making timely deposits in financial institutions approved by the Council of Governors; and, WHEREAS, Nowhere in the Constitution and By-Laws does it state who has the authority and/or responsibility to collect registration fees and other charges related to other events and/or activities held on behalf of the Lions of Illinois; and, WHEREAS, A provision is needed in the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws that specifically states who has the authority and responsibility to collect any and all funds on behalf of the Lions of Illinois;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 12 of Article VIII of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Convention; Article IX of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Revenue; and Section 3 of Article III of the MD-1 ByLaws, entitled Standing Committees, be amended, effective at the close of the 2016 State Convention, by eliminating the phrases as shown by the strikethrough and adding the phrases shown in bold below:

Constitution, Article VIII, Section 12 "A registration or hospitality fee, the amount of which shall be fixed by the State Council, shall be collected from each delegate, alternate and guest attending the State Convention. Said fee shall be collected All fees (registration, meals, etc.) pertaining to the State Convention, shall be remitted directly to the State Office by the registrant and under the supervision of and for the State Council, and shall be used by it for defraying the actual cost of entertainment and other expenses of the convention.” Constitution, Article IX, New Section 8 “The State Office shall be the sole entity responsible for collecting any and all funds on behalf of the Lions of Illinois. As such, all fees, registrations and other related charges of any kind pertaining to any state committee, event or activity of the Lions of Illinois, (with the exception of an MD-1 Host Committee and its hosting of an International Convention or USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Illinois), shall be remitted directly to the State Office by the Lions Club, Lion, or any other person or organization.” By-Laws, Article III, Section 3 “The State Chairperson of any committee, (except an MD-1 Host Committee and its hosting of an International Convention or USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Illinois), which promotes collection and transmission of moneys from Lions Clubs, or any other person or organization, to various receiving agencies, or handles money in other ways, or if committee funds are handled by a Treasurer, then such Treasurer, shall be required to make bond in such amount and with such sureties as shall be approved by the State Council. shall have all such moneys remitted directly to the State Office by the Lions Club, Lion, or any other person or organization.”


Lions of Illinois, Inc. RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE LIONS OF ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS CONSTITUTION - ARTICLE VII, DISTRICT REVENUE, Section 1 CONSTITUTION – ARTICLE IX, STATE REVENUE, Section 1 Subject: This proposed amendment would clarify that Lions Clubs placed on Status Quo by Lions Clubs International will not be billed Sub-District or Multiple-District per capita tax (dues for members) while on Status Quo. Once the Lions Club is back in good standing, Sub-District and Multiple District per capita tax would be in order. WHEREAS, The MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws is not clear on whether or not Clubs placed on Status Quo by LCI should pay per capita tax (membership dues for each member); and, WHEREAS, Lions Clubs International does not bill Clubs placed on Status Quo for International per capita tax (membership dues for each member); and, WHEREAS, Sub-District and the Multiple District billings for per capita tax should coincide with the policies and practices of Lions Clubs International; and, WHEREAS, A provision is needed in the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws that specifically states per capita tax will not be billed to Status Quo Clubs in MD-1 so the Sub-Districts and the Multiple District will have the same policy and practice as Lions Clubs International;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 1 of Article VII of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled District Revenue and Section 1 of Article IX of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Revenue, be amended, effective at the close of the 2016 State Convention, by adding the sentence shown in bold below:

Constitution, Article VII, Section 1 " To provide revenue to defray the Administrative expenses of each District, an annual per capita District Administration Fund Tax, the amount thereof for each District to be determined by each District Governor and his/her Cabinet at the first cabinet meeting, shall be levied upon each member in each District, and shall be paid in advance by each Club in the district in two semi-annual payments on September 10 and March 10 of each year, billing of same to be based upon the roster of each Club as of the last day of June and the last day of December respectively. Said tax shall be collected from each Club by the District Secretary/Treasurer of the District of which the club is a member, excepting new and reorganized Clubs, which shall pay a pro-rated per capita tax beginning the first day of the second month following the date of their organization. In addition, Lions Clubs placed on Status Quo by Lions Clubs International shall not be billed for said tax until they are brought back to good standing.” Constitution, Article IX, Section 1 “Beginning with the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 2013, and ending at the end of Lions fiscal year 20162017, an annual per capita State Administrative, International Convention, 2017 International Convention MD01 Host Committee Fund, Promotional Fund and Magazine Fund Tax of Eleven Dollars and thirty cents ($11.30) shall be levied upon each member of each Club in the State and shall be paid in advance by each Club in two semi-annual payments as follows: Five Dollars and .65 ($5.65) per member prior to September 10 and 7

Five Dollars and .65 ($5.65) per member prior to March 10 of each year, billing of same to be based upon the roster of each Club as maintained by Lions Clubs International as of the last day of June and the last day of December respectively. This tax shall be collected from the Clubs in each District of the State by the respective Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer/Cabinet Treasurer excepting, however, new and reorganized Clubs shall pay a prorated per capita tax beginning the first day of the second month following the date of its organization. In addition, Lions Clubs placed on Status Quo by Lions Clubs International shall not be billed for said tax until they are brought back to good standing. Each Cabinet Secretary-Treasurer/Cabinet Treasurer shall forward payment so collected to the Lions of Illinois State Secretary Treasurer by September 10 and March 10, respectively.”


Subject: This proposed amendment would raise the cap in the Promotion Fund from $50,000 to $100,000, without a dues increase or assessment. WHEREAS, the Promotion Fund cap has been set at $50,000 since the early 1980’s; and, WHEREAS, the cost of living increase from 1982 through 2015 has been calculated by the American Institute for Economic Research as 246.88%; and, WHEREAS, promoting a candidate from MD-1 for the high offices of International Director or International Vice President incurs expenses for printing and various other campaign election materials; and, WHEREAS, raising the Promotion Fund cap would allocate more funds for promoting a candidate from MD-1 in a very competitive atmosphere with fewer U.S. International Directors being elected every year onto the International Board; and, WHEREAS, raising the Promotion Fund cap DOES NOT affect the per capita membership dues in any way, (no dues increase) nor does it create any type of assessment to members; and, WHEREAS, the Council of Governors has the ultimate authority and control over the Promotion Fund and approves any candidate’s campaign budget and expenses, thereby executing fiscal responsibility of the Promotion Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT paragraphs five and six of Section 1, Article IX of the MD-1 Constitution, entitled State Revenue, be amended, effective at the close of the 2016 State Convention, by eliminating the words shown by the strikethrough and adding the words shown in bold below: (Constitution, Article IX, State Revenue, Section 1, paragraphs five and six) Fifty Cents (50¢) per capita of said Fund shall be used exclusively for the promotion and election of candidates from Illinois to the International Board of Directors or to the offices of Third Vice-President, Second Vice-President, First Vice-President and President of Lions Clubs International, provided, however, that the balance to be held in such Fund shall be limited to and maintained at Fifty One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($50,000 100,000). After this limitation has


been reached, this Fifty Cents ($.50), or the balance thereof after bringing the Fund balance back up to Fifty One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($50,000 100,000), shall be applied as follows: A. 35% thereof shall be allocated to the International Convention Fund, to be used exclusively for out of country outgoing District Governor’s convention expenses. B. 35% thereof shall be allocated to the Residual Fund. C. 30% thereof shall be allocated to the State Administrative Fund. Any amount in excess of Fifty One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($50,000 100,000) held in the Promotion Fund as of May 21, 1989 22, 2016 shall be allocated and transferred to the foregoing Funds in the percentages indicated above.

Lions of Illinois 2016 State Convention

Attention all MD-1 Lions: 2016 State Convention book ads are available for purchase. Any individual, organization, Lions Club or District can purchase a Convention book ad. A full page ad is $50 and is approximately 3.75” x 10.5” in size. A half page ad is $30 and is approximately 3.75” x 5.25” in size. Ads should be saved in a “.jpg” file format and submitted electronically to the State Office. Facsimile or hard copy ads will not be accepted. Ads should be in a reproducible black/white or grayscale format. Grayscale is recommended for photos.

Ads and payment must be received by the State Office by 5:00 pm April 22, 2016 to be included in the Convention book. Payment for ads should be mailed with the form (below) to the State office at: Lions of Illinois, Inc., POB 127, Hopedale, IL 61747-0127.

Ads can be submitted via email to lionsofillinois@yahoo.com or by saving the ad on a CD, DVD, or thumb drive and mailing it to the State Office.

If you have any questions regarding Convention book ads, please contact the State Office at 217-632-7775 or by email at lionsofillinois@yahoo.com.


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The Abe Lincoln Hotel in Springfield, IL, site of the: 2016 State Convention May 20th through May 22nd, 2016 SAVE THE DATE and plan on joining us for some: FUN, FELLOWSHIP & FULFILLMENT! More to come next month! Rates for Convention = $99 + tax per night!

“One of the best hotels ever!” We just returned from our stay in Springfield. We thoroughly enjoyed staying at this hotel. The staff was very friendly, the beds were extremely comfortable, and the location was perfect for visiting all of the historic Lincoln sites. We ate in the hotel restaurant three times during our stay. My husband said it was the best burger he ever had! I had the prime rib and it was excellent. Our server was Sean - very friendly and very prompt to attend to our every need! “Possibly the best hotel in town” I am in Springfield often and this is my favorite hotel. Clean, well-appointed, comfortable rooms. One deficit is the walls are thin and you can hear every word, sneeze and flush. Great breakfast buffet includes made to order omelette.

Room service menu is quite limited and not the best, but it's good enough if you're exhausted or don't feel like venturing out of your room. There's always a conference or other activity so rooms book up, you'll need a reservation. Front desk staff could be friendlier, but otherwise good “One of the best hotels ever!” We just returned from our stay in Springfield. We thoroughly enjoyed staying at this hotel. The staff was very friendly, the beds were extremely comfortable, and the location was perfect for visiting all of the historic Lincoln sites. We ate in the hotel restaurant three times during our stay. My husband said it was the best burger he ever had! I had the prime rib and it was excellent. Our server was Sean - very friendly and very prompt to attend to our every need!



Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum Lincoln Home National Historic Site Dana-Thomas House, a Frank Lloyd Wright ‘Hidden Treasure’ Lincoln Tomb & War Memorials Lincoln Memorial Gardens Lions of IL State Convention COME EARLY OR STAY AFTER THE CONVENTION AND ENJOY ALL SPRINGFIELD HAS TO OFFER!

MD1 State Convention e-Magazine Edited 15 & Published by PDG Austin D’Souza for Lions, Lionesses and Leos of Illinois. e-Mail Address: ILStateEditor@gmail.com Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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