It is the time of year that all clubs start planning for the new officers for the 2024-2025 Lions Year. If you have not held your club elections, you need to do so as soon as possible. The reporting of your new officers is due by May 15, 2024 and can be entered by the current Club President, current Club Secretary or the current Club Administrator into the new Lions Portal. Here is a Video: Or use the following graphic:
District Goals
We have just under a month to work on completing goals that were set at the beginning of the year. Some goals we have met and some we still have a ways to go. There is still time to work hard finishing the year strong. I appreciate what everyone has done and will continue to do into the future to show the lions of the world how good District 1-A is. Thanks for all that you do!
Mission 1.5
Mission 1.5 is the drive to reach 1.5 million members world-wide, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before. We have committed the next four years to reaching this historic Lions Clubs membership goal.
Patti Hill’s Theme/ProgramPresident Hill’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service.
1. Creating a greener, cleaner environment
2. Sharing our stories with the world
3. Reaching our full potential as Lions and leaders
4. Supporting our global foundation, LCIF
Changing the World
Changing the world is a journey. There is no middle and no end. There is only a beginning and it starts with us. It happens through the many small choices and acts of kindness we make every day. Together, the sum of our efforts makes the world a
better place, one life, one relationship and one community at a time.
President Hill’s programs and initiatives will focus on four key priorities for Lions International that are critical to our mission of service.
1 - Create a greener, cleaner environment
Protecting and improving our environment is a fantastic way to engage with our communities. By helping to protect and restore our natural resources, we can change the world. Let’s act boldly and let us act now.
2 - Share your story with the world
Developing great marketing skills can help you tell the world who you are and what you do. Social media and local media, and online and offline marketing give you new ways to tell your stories. Shine a light on your club and invite your community to be a part of the change, like Lions and Leos.
3 -Reach your service potential
People want to be a part of something that matters. So set service goals that push your capacity and create opportunities for even more impact with new members. Find ways to ensure your club is inclusive and welcoming to all.
4 - Empower even greater good
Our foundation empowers us to do so much more than we can do alone. LCIF enables us to think big and undertake projects that can truly change the world. So, support LCIF, and let LCIF support you.
Believe in Yourself
Tochangethe world, wefirst must believechangeis possible.
Here aresomekey stepsthat canhelp you facethe challenges ahead.
In the causes you tackle and in the work that you do, don’t shy away from something that may seem too difficult. You’re up to the task and other Lions are here to support you. So, take that bold first step.
Invest in thefuture.
We all have a reason to invest in the future, and young people may be uniquely positioned to help us create change. We are better able to deal with the issues facing our communities when they are at the table with us. Let’s invite the next generation of global leaders to serve with us as Lions. Collaborate.
We do our best work as a team. Work with community leaders, other service organizations, and each other to address the biggest problems facing your communities. Collaboration makes change happen faster.
Leadthe way.
Lions and Leos lead by example. We show the world what is possible when people care about their communities and when kindness is the goal. Lead the way, and others will join you.
As I am writing this newsletter article, our District for the year is a plus 73 members. For the month of May 2024, District 1-A added five members and dropped 50 members (no deaths, reinstated 23 members) for a net decrease in membership of 27 lions. Let’s
continue working to improve our membership numbers for the remainder of the lion’s year.
New Clubs
Over the last five years, our district has averaged two new clubs per year and lost an average of one club A goal of three clubs is possible. We have two newly chartered club and now have one club applications submitted to international and are in the chartering process. But we are not going to stop, there might be a possibility of adding new clubs and/or rebuilding some others.
Welcome to the newest chartered Club to our district, the Chicago Metropolitan Lions Club, we are looking forward to seeing what they can accomplish in the future for lions. I am sure they will make us proud!
GMA for Clubs
Ready to move your club in a dynamic new direction using the Global Membership Approach? Then start planning for your success with the Global Membership Approach. This process can help you attract new members, overcome challenges, and develop new goals and strategies.
The process is built on four steps designed to not only grow your club, but also to inspire new ideas, engage your members and improve retention and empower current and potential club leaders. You can start by taking the Global Membership Approach Course as well as the SWOT Analysis Course available in Lions Learning Center.
More information is available from the GAT Team and your Zone Chairpersons!
Page 5 Governor Newsletter
This year’s goal is to increase the number of clubs reporting service in MyLion or the new software once available to 75% of our clubs. We are currently reporting service by 46% of our clubs, this has been even over the last few months. Reporting it in the Lion Portal our International organization to create more accurate reports to share with our global partners that generously donate to LCIF funding and allow us to serve more people in need. When those partners do not see everything, we do, it might limit the amount of money LCI can get from other partners.
The second part of reporting service is making sure we share it on social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, web pages and sharing our service projects with others in our communities hopefully will inspire others to join in our service endeavors.
Our District has been generous to LCIF, and I am sure we will continue to do so. Now more than ever, the need for funding is necessary and will likely continue to increase.
This year’s goal is to increase individual donations to LCIF by 25% and Club donations by 20%. So far this year we have donated $34K of our $48k goal.
USA Canada Forum
Won’t you consider attending the forum this year, it is close and within driving distance from our area. It is a very worthwhile event, and you should try to make it!
Link for more information:
I would like to thank the Clubs in District 1-A for all they do to serve their communities and/or causes during this past year, it is impressive all that you do! Please continue serving those less fortunate, the need certainly exists!
Thanks to those that stepped forward to help me on a district level, together we have accomplished much during the past year. Without your help we would not have accomplished all that we did.
While all the goals set were not accomplished, we should be proud of what we did do and continue to help make our district better as we continue to serve others in need.
Page 7 Governor Newsletter
Thanks for allowing me to serve as your governor for the last year. Good Luck to Brenda Stevens for a successful year!
Yours in Service, Tom
Elsey1-A District Governor
GMT Coordinator: PID Dan O’Reilly
June 1, 2024
Global Membership Approach
Junebeginsthe36consecutivemonthsofpositivemembershipfor ourDistrict. Our District membership remains strong at a plus 68 as of June 1st We are top in MD-1 in terms of growth and 12th in CA-1.
We have 37 of our clubs’ adding members, 19 of those clubs have a plus in membership. Finish the year strong, let’s have a goal of adding a new member to each club in June. If you’re having trouble getting into the new portal, please reach out to the GAT Team or Lions International. FYI You only need to report adding or dropping members, the new system does not require a monthly report for no change!
Page 8 Governor Newsletter
We ask that you continue strengthen your clubs, enabling more hands to help serve those in need in your community. Replace your loss members with fresh energetic members who want to help your communities and continue to grow. Let’sallexcepttheMission1.5 Challenge .
We just completed our 1st GMA series seminars, Build a Vision. Thank you to the Lions who came out to help their clubs grow and in turn strengthen our District.
NewClub Development &ClubRebuilding
We are in talks with 4 areas of our District to open new clubs. WE have submitted the application for the Chicago Metropolitan Lions. Please look for the invitations for their Charter Nights to welcome them to District 1-A.
As always, please contact out team if you have a group or area that you believe would continue to move our District forward in positive membership growth and more service to area underserved.
• A growing membership is vital to our clubs, our service and our communities. Because the more we grow, the more we can give.
• That’s why we’re launching MISSION 1.5.
• MISSION 1.5 is our drive to reach 1.5 million members by 2027, so we can better meet the growing needs of our communities and serve more people than ever before.
• It will require the commitment of every Lion to reach our MISSION 1.5 goal.
• We need to grow our clubs. And start new ones.
• So, I ask you to invite a new member. And ask the Lions in your club to invite a new member.
• Help your club and district leaders implement their plans to grow.
• Our communities are depending on us, so we need to make a real commitment to growing our membership. MISSION
GST Coordinator:Lion MaryanneO’Reilly
June 2024
As we enter the last month of this Lion’s year, let us rally to get your club’s Service reported. As Lions we often tend to wait to the last minute or a deadline, to do what needs to be done.
I would like to encourage Service chairs, Secretaries and Presidents to report all the service activities of your club for our Lions year 2023 –2024. From now until June 30, your service activities can and should be entered into the Lions Portal. Any service that was already entered into My Lion has been carried over into the new Lions Portal. Any service your club or individual members have done since July of 2023 counts for this Lions year. Our district weekly flyers, newsletters and social media allows us to see all the great service being provided by many clubs, however not all of it is being reported. I encourage you to celebrate your club’s service by reporting it in the Lions Portal.
Lions International has a couple of service-related awards. The Kindness Matters Award for performing an outstanding service project on one of our Global Causes. Club Excellence Award highlighting clubs, Service, Membership, Leadership and Marketing. These awards can only be obtained by reporting your club’s service. If you need help reporting your service, please let me know, I would be happy to assist you.
I would like to thank Governor Tom for having me on his District Cabinet this year. I hope you all enjoy a relaxing summer.
“Celebrate Service”
Lion Maryanne GSTDon’t forgetto getin your LCIFdonations ofat least $5.00 per memberas partof obtaining your club excellence award forthe 2023-2024LionYear.
Newthis year asshown below,the PresidentialLCIFsupporter pins.Thesewillberepeated withthechangeof our International President eachyear. Ihavethese available,justlet me knowif you wouldliketogetone. Last Call forPresident Patti’s LCIF supporterpins.
It’s nottoo latetoorderyour Melvin Jones Fellowstohonorat your upcomingclub installations.
✓ New and exciting replacement program of the Lions Share Pin Program
✓ New design of the Leo Share Supporter Pin
✓ Design of each program pin will change annually, with incoming IP
✓ QualifyingdonationamountsarethesameastheLionsSharePin Program and Leo Share Supporter Program, outlined above
✓ All-at-once qualifying donations must equal each pin level. To receive the entire set, minimum donation of $350 is needed.
✓ These beautiful pins must be requested at time of donation or thereafter. They will not be automatically fulfilled.
✓ Applicable forms (MJF Application, Single Donor Form, Multiple Donor Form) are currently being updated to reflect the new Program name and levels
I’m available if you would like me to come talk at one of your club or zone meetings about Lions Club International Foundation.
NewMembers in ChicagoGlobal Lions Club:1
NewMembers in CHICAGO WINDY CITY Lions Club: 1
NewMembers in JUSTICE Lions Club: 3
Total NewMembers in theMonthof EBRUARY: 6
Below is a link to our Spring Events Mailer that recently went out.
Hello Dear Lions and Friends, Please put this date in your calendar NOW for Logan Square Lions Club Murder Mystery, October 27, 2024. Time is 12 noon to 4 pm at La Villa Banquets. It is our only fundraiser. There is no better place to be on Oct 27th. A flyer will follow during the summer, but