Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: We had a wonderful convention a week ago. Our International Guests, International III Vice President Brian Sheehan and his lovely wife Lori Sheehan were very happy to see District 1A Convention and Lion Leaders in the District. Lion Lori made a remark on Facebook saying, “So much great leadership in District 1A….” Our District leadership really impressed this couple. My sincere thanks to all those Lions who made our District 1A Convention very successful and memorable one. My thanks to each one of your for attending our 51 st District Convention.
There are many more to be honored in our district for their dedicated service in making District events successful; wish I had hundreds of certificates to honor them all. I thank one and all for their dedicated service. Every time when we have some good news, we also get some bad news. Lion Linda Nilsson and RC Victor Genge are ill and they need your prayers. Please keep them in your prayers. -Gov Howard Swacker,
I reached my Convention Theme Goal – Leather & Lace. Was very proud to see so many Lions with leather and lace costumes; it was really a convention of motor-bikers! Now we have Governor Elect Joan McMillan, II VDG Merilyn McLean and unfortunately our candidate for III VDG Hina Trivedi lost her bid. Soon we are going to have III VDG selected in our forthcoming Cabinet Meeting on Saturday, April 27, 2019 at Connie’s Pizza Place in Berwyn. We also elected PCC Steve Anton as our District 1A Trustee for second term and VOICES Directors. Some Lions were honored with International President’s Certificate of Appreciation.
Campaign 100: LCIF Empowering Service℠ For over 50 years, we’ve worked side-byside with Lions to help them make an even bigger impact in communities around the world. We’re now launching our most ambitious capital campaign ever, with the
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goal of bringing more help and hope than ever before—empowering service for generations to come.
Friday evening 1A Governor welcoming the guests for the convention.
Areas of Giving When a donation is made to LCIF, 100 percent of it will be reinvested in the service of Lions. We pride ourselves on our transparency, and our ability to quickly and accurately allocate funds to the appropriate places around the world—enabling Lions to serve when and where there’s a need.
Convention Pictures:
Each club brought their club banner received 1A District Governor Howard Swacker’s banner patch.
District 1A held their Annual Convention at the Chicago Northwest Westin in Itasca. International III Vice President Brian Sheehan and his wife Lion Lori were the international guests. In picture, raising toast for the success of the convention on Thursday night.
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Some of the Convention Theme “Leather & Lace costume dressers at the convention. Winners of the District Bowling Trophy. Lions Leilianie Magana Chair, Lion Yoly Zoleta ZC and Lion Ben Zoleta, RC from Chicago Filipino American Lions Club who won the Trophy.
Saturday morning First Ladies’ & Gentlemen’s Breakfast
Convention Luncheon, American Auction, II Plenary Session and nominations for District Officers.
First Plenary Session – Giving Lions of Illinois Foundation Report.
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Catholic Lion Members’ Choir for the Mass.
District 1A A Convention Banquet Saturday Night
Wine & Cheese event prior to the Banquet
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Receiving Melvin Jones Fellows: 1. Lion Pascual Tayco 2. Lion Ron Schammert 3. Lion Ledia Tayco Progressive MJF 4. Lion Sonia Progressive MJF
Last year’s President’s Leadership Medal to Lion Sandy Nedza
Received International President’s Certificate of Appreciations: 1. Gail Anton, District GLT Chairperson 2. PDG Harold Burkett, Jr., District GMT Chairman 3. Joanie McMillan, I VDG 4. Larry Williams, District Raffle Chairman
5. Brenda
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6. Dawn Grogan, District Treasurer 7. Rance Staples, ZC
New Lion got inducted at the District Breakfast. He was a Leo from Chicago Rogers Park Lions Club, before becoming Lion. International Guest III Vice President Brian Sheehan inducted him. Next Page Pictures: 1. District Leo of the Year 2019 Leo Farahn Seikh from Chicago Rogers Park Lions Club
2. District Lion of the Year 2019 – Lion Karl Schultz, ZC 3. District Richard J. Daley Citizen of the Year 2019 Nick Martinez 4. District 1A Peace Poster Contest 2019 Winner Carolyn Murphy from St. Catherine of Alexandria, Oak Lawn. →
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Lions who made 50+ years in their clubs: Frank Kirar, Harold Burkett PDG and Jerry Novak PDG. --------------------------------------------------------------------
LIF Trustee PCC Steve Anton and Lion Gail
Cabinet Secretary Robin and Lion Frank
Governor Elect Joan McMillan and PCC Dennis
I VDG Elect Marilyn McLean and Lion Brian
Cabinet Treasurer Dawn Grogan
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Creed” to serve as a call to action for veterans to
keep the values they learned in service as they transition into civilian life. The creed is the result of the group’s extensive discussions and consultations that began last fall at Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. VFW’s Director of National Security and Foreign Affairs John Towles, who served as an Army District Chaplain Deranz Brown and ZC Cathie Wilkerson ---------------------------------------------------------
combat medic in Iraq and Afghanistan, participated
in the announcement of the new creed for veterans. “In the Army, I lived both the Soldier’s Creed and the NCO Creed,” he said. “Both set a path for who I was ass a member of the armed forces and served
Jachim, Sr.
as a constant reminder of my obligations as a
This is a good time
leader to those on my left and to my right.
to find out (if you
“As veterans, we must realize that our service does
have not done so
not stop simply because we take off the uniform.
already) who the
Many of us struggle to find our place once we leave
veterans are in
the military, but now we have a new set of watch-
your club. Consider honoring them on
words to guide and remind our brothers and
Memorial Day, 4 th of July and Veterans Day.
sisters-in-arms that our mission is far from over.”
Might also ask members if they have others in
Former Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey,
their immediate family that would enjoy a card
Jr. also endorsed the initiative.
or note from the club. I do this in my club and
“I believe the Veteran’s Creed could remind
at my church. You may want to make a copy of
veterans of what they miss about their service and
the Veteran’s Creed for your members.
encourage them to continue to make a difference
Thank You.
in their communities and across our country,” he
said. “We need their talents.
The VFW has joined 10 other military and veterans’
organizations in introducing a new “Veteran’s Governor’s Newsletter 8
hang it from front porches, begin sporting events with a salute to it, and pledge allegiance to it; yet we really don’t know our flag’s history. What should have a simple answer is, in many ways, a mystery. Our first flag was raised by George Washington on January 1, 1776. It had 13 alternating red and white stripes, but a British Union Jack was displayed where our 50 stars now appear. On June 14, 1777 (Flag Day), the Continental Congress passed a resolution that ‘the Flag of the United States (sic) be 13 stripes alternated red and white in a blue field representing a new constellation.” The Betsy Ross Story is perhaps America’s most famous legend. This claim is based upon her grandson. His account claimed
that George Washington, Robert Morris, and George Ross visited Betsy Ross, showed her a design for a flag, and asked her to make it. ========================= To complicate matters, as our states grew in number, so did the number of stars and stripes. The most well-known example is the 15 -star and 15-stripe flag, which flew over Fort McHenry and inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words to what would become our National Anthem. ========================= On June 24, 1912, President William Howard Taft signed an executive order establishing the flag’s proportion and the specific arrangement and orientation of the stars, finally setting an orderly end to a puzzling beginning. Even though the history of the American flag is puzzling, the citizens of the USA are proud to display and pledge to “Old Glory” (nickname of American sea captain William Driver’s beloved flag) because it represents freedom! This great nation was founded by many people wo lived by biblical principles. And the Bible has a lot to say about freedom. This is the little history on our Great Flag.
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"SAVE THE DATES" Please mark your calendar for the following two important dates: ***JUNE 2, 2019 SUNDAY*** Hawaiian Luncheon and Governor Howard Swacker & F/L Karen's Visit 12:00 to 4:00 PM Four Points Sheraton O'Hare Open Bar, Combination Beef and Chicken plated meal, Soup & Salad, Hors' Oeuvres, open desserts table & Free Parking Strictly Hawaiian Attires DJ Music & Entertainment Cover Charge = $50.00 Please start inviting your friends and family members to a fun afternoon Lions festivity. Formal invitations to follow
***JULY 27, 2019 SATURDAY*** Annual Family Picnic and Installation of Officers PLACE: Harms Woods., Grove No 5 Shelter (Golf & Harms Roads) Morton Grove, IL TIME: 12:00 to 5:30 PM Fil-USA Lions Members will prepare all the delicious foods, desserts, drinks, music, dancing, exciting games and prizes FREE ADMISSIONS FOR ALL OUR INVITED GUESTS Flyer/Invitation to follow. Thank you so much. Any inquiries, you may direct them to Lion Andy Liamaga at or text message to 773-370-0222 Governor’s Newsletter 19
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FROM LION SANDY NEDZA: Well, Linda isn't doing good. Dennis had to take her by ambulance yesterday (March 29, 2019) am. She was having problems breathing. She is at Lutheran General in ICU. Today she is sort of awake. They put her out to intubate her. Congestive heart failure. She is on antibiotics and today did a CT with contrast. Also, drained the lung. She was clear on Monday when the nurse came and was supposed to see her Dr. yesterday afternoon to set her up with a cardiologist as they discovered she is in AFib. She is responsive today. As much as she can be. That's all the news I have. Wish I had better news.
Hello Lions,
I have received updated information on Lion Vic through Lion Mike Smigielski. Lion Mike received an update from Jill Genge this morning. Lion Vic had surgery this morning (March 31, 2019), as he had bleeding on the brain. The surgery was performed, and they removed a mass that was causing the bleeding and the trouble with his leg, hand and arm. It went well and Lion Vic is in ICU and will be there for a few days. We will keep you informed on any changes or additional information received, but for now, please keep Lion Vic and Jill in your prayers. If you would like to send him a card, please send it to 2104 Tremont Lane, Joliet, IL 60435. Thank you. Lion Brenda Block, Cabinet Secretary Governor’s Newsletter 24
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