Governor Howard Swacker's Monthly e-newsletter

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Message from Governor Howard Swacker:

Kindness defines who we are as Lions. And why we serve. An act of kindness may be small and personal, or large and profound. When 1.4 million men and women come together to serve, it represents a dynamic force for good.

Fil-USA Lions, Chicago Magnificent Lions, Chicago Indo-US Lions, Chicago Rogers Park Lions, etc., etc.

Lions are making a real impact in lives and communities around the world.

On December 2st under the leadership of Chicago Thai Midwest Lions Clubs there was a huge project to help the needy and less fortunate people in Chicago at the Chicago Thai Temple. There were food cans, clothes, sox, gloves, winter jackets, etc., etc. Hundreds of people from surrounding areas gathered there, stood in lines and to took home goody bags filled with all above items. What a wonderful job by Chicago Thai Midwest Lions and all other lions’ clubs, Chigo Philippine Lions, Chicago Filipino American Lions, Chicago Governor’s Newsletter 1

Governor’s Newsletter 2

What a humanitarian gesture from these Chicagoland Lions Clubs to help fellow human beings in this cold winter weather. Small kids enjoyed their gifts as if they came from Santa.

Governor’s Newsletter 3

Governor’s Newsletter 4

Governor’s Newsletter 5

Governor’s Newsletter 6

Governor’s Newsletter 7

Governor’s Newsletter 8

Governor’s Newsletter 9

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