District 1A Governor's Monthly e-Newsletter

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Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: Thanks to all Lions and Leos of District 1A for your time, money and energy in helping the needy and making their holidays a memorable one with your service, gifts and particularly for showing your love of humanity. Also, I would like to thank all the Lions who attended District 1A Mid-Year Forum held in the last week of January 2019. Program was very impressive and knowledgeable. Now, my fellow Lions and Leos, in the month of March 2019 we will be celebrating our District’s 51 st Annual Convention at the Westin Hotel, Itasca. Registration forms and information has been sent to all lions’ clubs in our District. If you missed, you can find the same in this newsletter. Register early and attend this convention with your family and friends. Conventions are Celebrations of our Achievements as a Lions Club member. In this convention we are going to have all club banners, recognition of clubs who celebrate their anniversaries of 5, 10, 15, etc., with a bloody Mary toast by me. Special lions will be recognized with International Awards and there will be a necrology ceremony during Sunday morning breakfast.

If your club had any deaths in this Lionistic year, send their photo and name to Lion Judy Toft for her Power Point Presentation. It is better to have a photograph during announcements so that all the lions in presence can recognize them. PCC Steve Anton is working hard with his convention committee to make every lion, leo and guest who attends this convention will become more happier when he/she leaves convention. Lion Dawn working on various vendors to take part in this convention. It means you have an opportunity to shop at the convention. There is more information for vendors in this newsletter. If you know someone who want to sell something, let them know this opportunity. Saturday night attraction will be Theme Baskets Auction. Prepare once basket and win the prize. Buy some raffle tickets and win big! First prize is $10,000, only 300 tickets are printed. Buy for yourself or share with your friends, club members or family members. There will be a special event on Friday night. Be there and enjoy! -Gov Howard Swacker, swacker6@sbcglobal.net

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Lions, today I would like to talk about what I feel is one of the most important programs of the Lions of Illinois Governor’s Newsletter 13

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