Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: First, I would like to wish you all a Blessed and Peaceful Happy New Year 2019. As we enter this new year, let us make a lion’s resolutions to strengthen our District 1A. I would like to reach my goals prior to end our Lionistic Year on June 30, 2019. If you forgot, my goals for this year are: •
Work with Global Membership Team to charter two new clubs by the end 3 rd quarter (3 more months left.) Encourage every club to have + 2 new members/20 members a quarter total of the District. Form a retention committee with Region/Zone Chairs and members prior to them leaving a club, to get better understanding as to why members are leaving and possibly resolving the cause. Meet with each club that has a membership under 20 members and try to come up with a plan to rebuild. Review the distribution of clubs per region in order to combine strong clubs with weaker clubs with a region for support and encouragement. Utilize the Guiding Lions in helping weaker clubs to thrive and grow. Meet with struggling clubs and ask if they would want some assistance
from a Guiding Lion to help them with a service project or for ideas to increase membership. Communicate with Region/Zone Chairs quarterly in order to know what is happening in each club and meet quarterly and also invite them to all the GLT/GMT/GST meetings. Publish District Newsletter to be sent out all members to inform them of service projects (past and upcoming), club fundraisers and District events. Promote environmental projects within our district by establishing an Environmental Committee and encourage each club to name an Environmental Chairperson. Educate the clubs in the benefit of supporting LCIF in their Campaign 100 challenge and what it can do for your club.
I listed my goals here to remind you all and make it happen. It is our duty as District Lions to come together and reach these goals as a team. One person cannot do all above things; however, as a team we can achieve our District Goals. If you need any further assistance to reach these goals, call your Zone Chair and get all the help from our District. -Gov Howard Swacker,
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