Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions of District 1A: Soon my term as District Governor of District 1Al will come to an end. With latest new club in Justice, I reached my goal for the year, thank those helped me to reach my goal. I welcome Justice Lions club to District 1A and to the World of Lionism. Many Clubs completed several club activities in their communities to help the needy people. Some clubs have forgotten to send their PU101 reports for the year 2019-2020. It is very important to incoming Governor Joanie to print her District Governor. If any club yet to submit their club reports, please do so ASAP.
I want to thank all club members those who invited First Lady and me for their club visits. I really enjoyed your hospitality and gifts of love. Continue your hard work and enthusiasm to offer your support to incoming Governor DGE Joanie McMillan. As a dynamic lion, I am sure that she will take our District to the higher level. Next in line are all 3 women governors: Joanie McMillan, Marylin McLean and Gail Anton. I am very much excited to see them in action. -Gov Howard Swacker, -------------------------------------------------------------
side with Lions to help them make an even bigger impact in communities around the world. We’re now launching our most ambitious capital campaign ever, with the goal of bringing more help and hope than ever before—empowering service for generations to come.
Campaign 100:
Areas of Giving:
LCIF Empowering Service℠
When a donation is made to LCIF, 100% of it will be reinvested in the service of Lions.
For over 50 years, we’ve worked side-by-
Governor’s Newsletter 1
DITRICT 1A UPCOMING EVENTS: • 6-9-2019, District Governor’s Installation at Crystal Sky Banquet • 6-9-2019 Chicago Uptown Lions Gala-2019
• 6-27-2019 Fil USA Picnic • 7-5 to 9-2019 International Convention in Milan, Italy • 8-7-2019 District Golf Outing
would be willing to help while we are there. If you could send me your information, I would appreciate it. I would like your name, cell phone number, District, what hotel you will be staying at, and your arrival day and departure day. This will give us a chance to prepare the best way possible.
June 1, 2019
Dear MD-1 Lions, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the support you have shown myself and Lion Brenda over the past year. As we worked to obtain the MD-1 endorsement for the office of International Director, you welcomed us to your meetings and made us feel a part of your Lions family. For those of you who were unable to attend the MD-1 Convention in Springfield a couple of weeks ago, you missed one of the best that we’ve had. At the Sunday morning breakfast, it was announced that I received the endorsement with a 95% vote. That is outstanding! Now, I need to plan for the campaign in Milan, Italy in just over a month. I would like to hear from everyone that is planning on traveling to Italy and
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at 219-671-0287 or You can also reach Lion Brenda at 219-616-7627 or I have asked Lion Brenda to send this out through the Cabinet Secretaries of each District and for them to pass it on to their membership. That way, we won’t miss anyone. If you know of someone that is going that did not receive this, please pass it on to them. Thanks again for your support.
Lion Bob Block, PDG Certified Candidate for International Director Lions Clubs International
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"SAVE THE DATES" Please mark your calendar for the following two important dates: ***JUNE 2, 2019 SUNDAY*** Hawaiian Luncheon and Governor Howard Swacker & F/L Karen's Visit 12:00 to 4:00 PM Four Points Sheraton O'Hare Open Bar, Combination Beef and Chicken plated meal, Soup & Salad, Hors' Oeuvres, open desserts table & Free Parking Strictly Hawaiian Attires DJ Music & Entertainment Cover Charge = $50.00 Please start inviting your friends and family members to a fun afternoon Lions festivity. Formal invitations to follow
***JULY 27, 2019 SATURDAY*** Annual Family Picnic and Installation of Officers PLACE: Harms Woods., Grove No 5 Shelter (Golf & Harms Roads) Morton Grove, IL TIME: 12:00 to 5:30 PM Fil-USA Lions Members will prepare all the delicious foods, desserts, drinks, music, dancing, exciting games and prizes FREE ADMISSIONS FOR ALL OUR INVITED GUESTS Flyer/Invitation to follow. Thank you so much. Any inquiries, you may direct them to Lion Andy Liamaga at or text message to 773-370-0222 Governor’s Newsletter 5
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