District 1A Governor's Monthly e-Newsletter for the Month of October, 2018

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Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: I had a great experience attending USA-Canada Lions Leadership Forum last month in Columbus, Ohio. There were quite a few seminars on leadership, membership, retention, how to run your club, LCIF 100 Campaign, etc., etc. It was nice to meet and greet lions from MD1 an all over the US and Canada. I had a wonderful time attending seminars and having fellowship. All three nights keynote inspirational speakers were great. I cannot say enough about this Forum. Now for those who missed USA-Canada Lions Leadership Forum, we are going to have MD1 Fall Forum in Springfield Illinois. You are highly encouraged to attend the MD1 Forum that will be held Sat., Nov. 10 in Springfield. This Forum isn't just for Lions in leadership positions! There are sessions for new and experienced Lions in a variety of topics (see topics on registration form which is attached to this email). Sponsors and Mentors are encouraged to bring their new Lion/Mentee! Many workshops will be repeated twice in the day, so you have an opportunity to see many.

Cost is only $25 which includes lunch! If interested, great hotel rates of only $99/night at the Abe Lincoln Hilton have also been made available to you. A Hospitality Room with a lot of fun, great fellowship and some snacks/beverages is included in Friday evening's line up should you decide to spend the night. For transportation needs, please consider carpooling and if you wish to attend but do not want to drive, please respond back to this email or contact DG Barb at (lions1dcs@gmail.com) and we'll try to help you out! Please make every effort to try and attend as you will get so much from this Forum! I hope to see you there!! Spread this word during your club meeting and bring more lions with you and carpool. Gain more knowledge about lionism and become a strong leader in your club and district. -Governor Howard Swacker,


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District 1A has lost a very special Lion and friend! It is with sadness that Lion Al Hanson, of the Jefferson Park Lions Club, advised that his wife Lion Angela passed away Thursday, September 13th at 11:30 am, after a long Illness. Along with being Lion Al’s wife of 27 years, Angela’s history goes deep as an active part of the Jefferson Park Lions Club for 22 years as well as her involvement, prior to that time, with the Jefferson Park Lioness Club. In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting that any donations be made to VOICES Lions 1A in Angela’s memory! Please keep Lion Al and his family in your thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.

Lion Brenda Block, Cabinet Secretary

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District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Governor’s Newsletter 18 Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: govaustin@gmail.com Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.

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