Message from Governor Howard Swacker: Fellow Lions & Leos of District 1A: This month on September 5th our District will be hosting Candy Day Jamboree at Orland chateau, 14500 S. LaGrange Road, Orland Park, IL. There will be a new Streamlined Program this year. Come and get enough knowledge to boost your club to have a very successful Candy Day in October 2nd Week. Your effort will help in running Lions of Illinois programs more efficiently. There will be various booths from Lions of Illinois during Candy Day Jamboree. Meet your District Trustees – PCC Steve Anton and PDG Dr. Austin D’Souza. Get ideas on how your club can take part in various fundraisers of Lions of Illinois and make 40% back to your club. On September 13th we will have MyLion Training at Willow Spring School, 8345 Archer Avenue, Willow Springs. Training will start sharp at 6:00 p.m. and end at 9:00 p.m. Entrance is only $5:00 per person. There will be a Pizza Party. All important events are posted on this newsletter. Mark your calendar and take part. Concentrate on brining in New Members and retaining existing members. Members are our key source to get involved in our communities. -Governor Howard Swacker, Governor’s Newsletter1
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Governor’s Newsletter20 District 1A Governor’s Monthly e-Newsletter Edited & Published by Dr. Austin D’Souza, PDG, for Lions and Leos of District 1A. e-Mail Address: Mail your articles, pictures and news items to above e-mail address.