The Illinois Lion Lioness Leo MD1 e-Magazine
Vol. 2 - Issue 6 December 2014 Full Edition
Winners in the District 1J Glendale Heights Barangay Lions Club’s Peace Poster Contest. Three schools participated in the contest which was held at the Marquardt District 15 Administration Center.
Algonquin Lions Club presented the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Food Pantry with a $4,000 check to help those less fortunate in their communities. Funds were raised during the year and from the club’s Bags Tournament in August.
Council Chair Speaks:
At the present time we are working on an agreement with our State Secretary/Treasurer to have a virtual office. A virtual office can be a benefit to the Lions of Illinois as well as the SST. With no foot traffic and all of our business handled either on the telephone or over the internet, the need for a building no longer exists. As we move forward we are not ruling out an office, but we want to give the virtual office a chance to prove its worth.
SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! After many years of discussions about selling the State Office building, and previous Councils laying the groundwork, the 201415 Council of Governors had the challenge/privilege/opportunity to actually approve the sale of the building! It was sold to Menard County and will be used to house the EMTs. The building was sold for $185,000.00. After taxes and fees, we deposited over $168,068.00 in the Athens Bank into an account separate from the rest of our accounts. I think the money from the sale of the office building should be kept for the future need of office lease/purchase for the Lion of Illinois. CONGRATULATIONS GOVERNORS!!
Again I want to congratulate the Council of Governors for moving forward with a project that has been addressed by past Councils. I know they will continue to move forward and “Do The Right Thing” for the Lions of Illinois! Have a very Merry Christmas, Yours in Lionism, CC Fred
I want to thank; IPDG Steven Frankenstein, chairman of the Building Sale Committee, and the committee for negotiating the contracts with the realtor; District Governors Chris Halsey, Sandy Newsome, Jim Kloepping, Ed Kallbrier, Bill Hazelhourst, and Ron Stickler, who managed to make time in their busy schedules to come to Petersburg and help prepare for the move. I don’t know how you did it; PID Russ Sarver, PCC Paul Lindstrom and PCC Terry Knollenberg, the PDGs and all the Lions that helped sort, box up and recycle or destroy files and other items. Rowan Allen, our temporary office help. SST Michele Faires, who took care of everyday operations, as well as assisting with the packing, sorting and coordinating everyone who came to help. With everyone’s help we were able to reduce the old files by about half. A BIG Thank You to Springfield Van and Storage Co. for your help in moving us into a storage facility in Athens.
“It’s the season to be jolly, fe, la, la,la, lah, la, la la lah!” Winter came too soon this year in Illinois and we experienced the chill and snow in many places. Many are predicting that we are going to have a snowy winter longer than last year. It’s the challenge to be taken when you live in Illinois. Now the good news in Lionism - Lions Clubs International President Joe Preston awarded Lions Pride Awards and the Double Paws winner is District 1F Governor Steven Willett. And the following District Governors in MD1 received their First Gold Paw Award for growth in their districts: Theresa D’Souza, District 1A; Sandra Newsome, District 1CN; James Cloepping, District 1D; Buzz Melton, District 1H and William Haselhorst from District 1L. Mark Williams from District 1BK re-
The garage sale sent many things all over the State. It was done on a first come, first serve basis and the items that were left were donated to two local schools. We have sets of pins and some pictures that will be auctioned at the State Convention.
ceived Bronze Paw award. Congratulations Governors for job well done! Keep up the good work and keep on growing with membership and new clubs.
AUDIT COMMITTEE 1. The audited financial statements as of June 30, 2014, for The International Association of Lions Clubs and Lions Clubs International Foundation were reviewed and approved. The audited financial statements will be available following the board meeting.
Growth and nothing but the growth in our districts will out shine us in the world of lionism. It will provide us more opportunities to serve in our communities; thus helping the needy and less fortunate.
Next week we all Americans in the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day. Bringing all family members together, give thanks to God and have wonderful meal together. Many clubs in our communities will be distributing food baskets, turkeys and non perishable items to make their holiday season a little bit brighter more happier and more memorable one.
Appointed the members of the District 301-A1 Advisory Committee.
Last year around this time in Illinois, citizens of Washington suffered tornado damages; lost everything they have and depended on service organizations to seek help. Thousands of Lions in MD1 took active part in this mission of recovery and rebuild and showed citizens of Washington that we care, we share and we hold hand in hand in rebuilding our communities.
Adopted a resolution to be reported to the 2015 International Convention to amend the International Constitution and By-Laws to reinstate the office of International Third Vice President.
Last year during this time, I did suggest last year’s Council of Governors to have a permanent disaster fund in MD1 to use in disaster events. So far nothing happened; it is nice to revisit and think about the same. This time through this editorial I request current Council of Governors and plead: Please Do Something.
Adopted a resolution to be reported to the 2015 International Convention to amend the International By-Laws to change the name of the “Leadership” Committee to “Leadership Development” Committee.
All Lions, Lionesses, Leos and their family members have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, God bless.
Revised start times on the official convention schedule of events.
-Austin D’Souza, Ph.D., Editor
Established per diem allowances for appointed Credentials Committee members serving without other reimbursement, District Governors-elect and District Governors-elect Faculty and headquarters staff attending the Honolulu convention.
Established the purpose, goals and objectives and changed the name of the Advisory Committee to Review Potential Vice President Candidates and revised Chapter II of the Board Policy Manual accordingly.
Adopted a resolution to be reported to the 2015 International Convention to amend the International Constitution to reallocate board representation.
Revised policy to update procedures, appointments and systems in Chapter VIII, Paragraph E in the Board Policy Manual related to Credentials and Elections Procedures.
DISTRICT AND CLUB SERVICE COMMITTEE Amended the Club Excellence Award and the DG Team Excellence Award to encourage electronic reporting and communication.
Correcting minor typographical errors.
Expanded District 403 B1 to include the country of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Approved the 2014-2015 1st Quarter Forecast, reflecting a deficit.
Approved redistricting proposals for District 1-E and District 1-L (Illinois); District 14-A and District 14-R (Pennsylvania); Multiple District 29 (West Virginia); Multiple District 37 (Canada and Montana); and Multiple District 104 (Norway), to take place at the adjournment of the 2015 International Convention. Approved redistricting proposals submitted by District 106 A and District 106 B (Denmark) and Multiple District 13 (Ohio), to take place at the adjournment of the 2016 International Convention.
Approved increasing the annual spending from the General Fund investments by an additional US$4 million for fiscal-year 2014-2015.
Approved minor revisions to the Lions Clubs International Purchasing Policy.
Amended Chapter XXII, Paragraph E.d. of the Board Policy Manual by replacing “US$.41 per mile (US$.25 per kilometer)” with “US$.50 per mile (US$.31 per kilometer)” effective July 1, 2015. Deleted Chapter IX, Paragraph C.4.c. (2) of the Board Policy Manual in its entirety and replaced it with the following:
Appointed Lions to fill district governor vacancies.
Charter air travel may be authorized in advance by the Finance and Headquarters Operation Committee where travel by commercial air is not feasible and significant cost savings may be realized.
Revised the Board Policy Manual to modernize the process for providing address information by replacing mailing labels with electronic data formats. Amended the Board Policy Manual to allow name badges to be made for new titles as noted in Lions Club International Official Protocol and as determined by the International President or Executive Administrator.
Deleted Chapter IX, Paragraph C.4. g. of the Board Policy Manual in its entirety, effective July 1, 2015. As agreed at the Toronto board meeting, effective July 1, 2015 district governors will no longer be reimbursed for office expenses; instead an increase in mileage rate was approved. This deletion reflects this change.
FINANCE AND HEADQUARTERS OPERATION COMMITTEE Approved the recommended changes to the General Fund and Emergency Reserve Fund Investment Policy Statements (IPS). Changes include:
Approved a housekeeping revision to Chapter XII, Paragraph E.1. of the Board Policy Manual to update travel rules to reflect practice, as well as current titles.
The median or modeled return will be adjusted annually based on the Callan Five- Year Capital Markets Projection and the approved strategic asset allocation. The expected return will be reviewed with the committee annually and incorporated into the quarterly reviews.
Deleted Chapter XII, Paragraph E.4., I.3., and I.5. of the Board Policy Manual, as these policies are included in the Employee Handbook and have no financial impact. Approved a housekeeping revision replacing the words “Rule No.” with “section” in Chapter IX, Paragraph C.2.b of the Board Policy Manual. Approved a housekeeping revision to Chapter XXII,
Technical Changes: These include modification of portfolio benchmark(s), restatement of the existing asset allocation bandwidth, use of more relevant peer groups and indices, etc. 4
paragraph E.b.(3) to clarify the hotel and meal reimbursement.
GA10907/321-C2 by December 31, 2014, or the moratorium will continue through July 1, 2017.
Amended Chapter XI, Paragraph D.2.a. of the Board Policy Manual by deleting the sentence “This forecast will reflect expenses equal to or less than revenues.” This is in conflict with the association’s long-term strategic plan to subsidize any deficits with funds from the General Fund Investments.
Amended Chapter 2 (Operations) of the LCIF Operations and Policy Manual to include several housekeeping updates on the sections of budget management, LCIF expenses, grant approval policy and financial reports. Amended Chapter 3 (Grants) of the LCIF Operations and Policy Manual to include housekeeping update that US$100,000 is the maximum amount available for standard grants.
Amended Chapter XXII, Paragraph C. of the Board Policy Manual, effective July 1, 2015, to modestly increase the maximum in-district budgets for international directors, past international presidents, and past international directors as follows:
Amended Exhibit D (Forms of Recognition) of the LCIF Operations and Policy Manual to include information on the criteria for the Chairperson’s Medal and where it fits in the hierarchy of LCIF awards.
International directors US$6,200 to US$9,000 Past international presidents US$8,000 to US$10,000 Past international directors US$3,000 to US$4,000
Amended Chapter 16, Paragraph B (Humanitarian Grants Financial Spending Policy) of the Board Policy Manual to reflect the revised Investment Policy Statement.
LCIF Revised the Investment Policy Statement by revising the target allocations for the Humanitarian Fund, further defining the alternative target allocations, and several administrative changes.
Amended Chapter 16, Paragraph E (General Reimbursement Policies) of the Board Policy Manual regarding mileage.
Approved 56 Standard, International Assistance and Core 4 grants, totaling US$2,740,733.
Amended Chapter 16, Paragraph F (Endowment Funds) of the Board Policy Manual in order to be compliant.
Approved a Core 4 disability grant in the amount of US$1,563,300, which represents the 2015 budget for the Lions-Special Olympics Mission Inclusion program.
Amended Chapter 16, Paragraph I (Investments) of the Board Policy Manual to reflect the revised Investment Policy Statement and eliminate unnecessary language.
Approved a Core 4 board-directed grant in the amount of US$100,000, which represents the 2015 budget for the Lions-Aga Khan Development Network tree planting initiative.
LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Approved a Faculty Development Institute for qualified Lions in North America, to be conducted in 2014-2015.
Delegated the authority to select the nominees for the 2015 Humanitarian Award to the LCI Executive Officers.
Approved the curriculum plan and schedule for the 2015 District Governors-elect Seminar in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Approved a Faculty Development Institute for qualified Lions in Central and Eastern Europe, to be conducted in May 2015.
Placed a moratorium on the consideration of all new grant requests from District 321-C2, effective immediately, and further stipulated that District 321-C2 return all funds disbursed for 5
Approved curriculum and funding support for an Emerging Lions Leadership Institute for qualified Lions in Africa, to be conducted in early 2015.
directors elected from Constitutional Areas V and VI. Decided that a constitution and by-laws amendment to reinstate the office of third vice- president be presented to the delegates for approval at the 2015 International Convention.
Requested that the Constitution and By-laws Committee draft language for a by-laws amendment, to be reported to the delegates for vote at the 2015 International Convention, changing the name of the Leadership Committee of the International Board to “Leadership Development Committee.”
Renamed the Special Centennial Planning Committee the “Centennial Action Committee.” MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
Approved “Join Together,” a new club pilot program for two years to charter Lions clubs or form club branches at existing community based nonprofits in USA, Canada, the British Isles and Ireland, Sweden and Australia.
Determined that a reallocation of board seats be presented for approval to the delegates at the 2015 Convention as a constitutional amendment. This reallocation would reduce the number of International Directors elected from Constitutional Area I, and would increase the number of international
Approved the Centennial Membership Program with an implementation date of April 1, 2015. Approved to convert all official editions of Lion Magazine from a print to a digital format by January 1, 2018.
Amended the international family and women coordinator job description to include reimbursement for approved forum expenses and be retroactive for approved forums in the current fiscal year.
Changed Chapter XVII of the Board Policy Manual to require centennial related articles in all editions of Lion Magazine.
Approved a pilot program for a family and women structure that mirrors the GMT and GLT structure in constitutional areas V and VI.
Inserted Lions Clubs International Foundation Executive Administrator into the Order of Precedence immediately after the position of Association Treasurer.
Approved the Democratic Republic of São Tomé th
and Príncipe to become the 210 country/territory. Amended the Board Policy Manual for the extended billing adjustment period for Campus Lions clubs that effective July 1, 2015 campus clubs have through March 31 for the January per capita billing and through September 30 for the July per capita billing to amend their club roster.
Increased Leadership Awards from 1280 to 1680 for Lions year 2014-2015. SERVICE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Established the positions of multiple district and district Reading Action Program (RAP) chairpersons beginning in fiscal year 2015-2016, and encourage all council of governors and district governors to appoint RAP chairpersons for one-year terms. Selected Leos and Lions to serve as members and alternates for the Leo Club Advisory Panel for the term of November 2014 - October 2016. Changed the name of the Leo of the Year Award to Leos of the Year Award.
Approved the name change from the “Extension and Membership Division” to the “Membership Development Division.” PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Changed the centennial grant program to award up to US$1,500 per district (not to exceed US$15,000) and up to US$2,500 for single districts.
For more information on any of the above resolutions, please refer to the LCI Web site at or contact the International Office at 630-571-5466.
To Remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another’s; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
LEADERSHIP CORNER: At the recent MD1 Lions Leadership Forum in Bloomington, Illinois, one of the session topics related to our Lions’ Mission and Ethics. As the group worked through the ideas, several Lions said, “This is something I wish my club would do.” So, at the suggestion of those Lions who attended this session, why not consider these ideas at an upcoming club meeting or two?
To Hold friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given.
Most Lions, seasoned or new, know our motto, “We Serve”. However, how familiar are club members with our Mission and Ethics? Our Lions Clubs International Mission Statement is “To empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding through Lions Clubs.”
What does this mean for our Lions Club?
Divide Lions into small groups, pairs, or trios. Ask each group to review one of the Ethics. Discuss the following questions. What does this mean to me as a Lion?
Return to the large group and share your discussion ideas. Oftentimes as Lions or Lions Clubs we are always “taking care of business” with fundraisers and service activities, we forget how these projects connect to individual members and those we serve. By taking a bit of time at a club meeting to think about our Mission and Ethics, we can revitalize our commitment to our motto, “We Serve”.
At an upcoming meeting, lead a short discussion about what our Mission Statement means to individual Lions. Let each Lion share an idea or two. And, then there is our Lions Clubs International Code of Ethics. Provide each member a copy of the Code of Ethics. This can be copied from this article or taken from the Lions Clubs International website
-Lion Jama Wahl, MD1 GLT Chairperson
To Show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service.
Greetings December Readers, I hope your Thanksgiving will be fantastic and complete. I know you were able to take on that great feast because you were prepared.
To See success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part.
Our mission with this program we call Alert is to be #1 prepared and then to act when the need arises. A few articles ago, I mentioned putting a resource 7
together. We have a folder in place on the Lions of Illinois Bulletins-Alerts page. I think this is a good fit because whenever an update with new information occurs, those that get the weekly email will know about it. This site also hosts a lot of information to be used by all.
October 2014 Get Well 10/23/2014 PDG DENNIS MCMILLIAN PDG’S OF DISTRICT 1-A October 2014 Memorials 10/20/2014 VASSIL ANTONOFF JOANNE LONG
The folder is located on the left side and will have a few items in it. The list of District Alert Chairs and a couple documents for you to get started. We will also need to hear from you. Let’s share what works and doesn’t work for Lions Clubs in Illinois to help others get started. I hope soon to report on the progress of a couple plans that Clubs are doing and the idea that District 1J has. Now let’s think about ourselves. Are you ready for winter? Whether you like it or not, the cold is here along with its friend snow. Is your car ready to travel the roads this year? We know they never breakdown so we should not be prepared in case they do. Just in case, here are a couple things to consider. How old is your battery and are your tires at the correct pressure? A few things to keep in your trunk; an inflated spare tire with the tools to change it, shovel, jumper cables and a bag of salt or kitty litter. This list is much longer and if you want to see the rest of it, go to the Lions of Illinois website click on the round button “Bulletin Alerts” and then on the left click on the ALERT folder. So when you are out shopping for Christmas gifts, don’t forget to pick up some new flashlights with fresh batteries. One last thought, do you have a carbon monoxide alarm in your place of residence. If you don’t, consider getting a couple for different locations. If you do have them, check them out to see how old they are. They have a life expectancy just like milk.
10/22/2014 10/6/2014 DR. DANIEL "DOC" D. BROWN
10/3/2014 HESTER COMBS
-Lion Jim Kiser, MD1 Alert Chair Lions of Illinois Foundation: October 2014 Honorariums AL CURRY TOULON LC GOVERNOR IG ED KALLBRIER GREENFIELD LC
10/1/2014 GARY CASH
Have a great Christmas, Happy New Year and be safe traveling.
10/15/2014 10/20/2014
10/10/2014 10/14/2014
number of Lions throughout the State that have signed up already. Please be patient with me, since the information has been slow in coming from Lions Clubs International, but I can see that it will increase over the next couple of months. So, I am hoping by this fall, that I will have more information that I can share with the Lions of MD-1 on a regular basis. Meanwhile, the committee is still moving ahead with it fund raising activities. As your club starts putting together their budgets for the coming years, please keep in mind the 2017 MD-1 Host Committee. We have a patch that will be given to your club for your banner showing your support to the committee. There are three levels of donations starting at $100.00, then $250.00 and finally $500.00. Each level has a different patch and over the next couple of years your club can earn them all. I would like to thank those clubs and districts that have made a donation already. These funds will help in the support of the committee activities for the 2017 Convention.
10/16/2014 10/23/2014
The question has been asked about individuals who also would like to make a donation. The committee has put together a commemorative vest that will be given for such a donation. For a $25.00 donation, you will receive a blue vest that is similar to the one that you could have ordered from Lions Club International, but it is no longer available. It will have the outline of the State on the back and the convention information on the front panel. The vest will be ordered soon and available this fall. The checks can be made out to the 2017 Lions Host Committee and mailed to Lion Bob Block, PDG. Please indicate your size that you would like for the vest. For those who have purchased our Commemorative Pin, thank you. Sales have been strong not only throughout the state, but points beyond. We are working on the next pin and hope to have that ready by the Spring of 2015. Again, we have them available, so please consider getting one for each member of your club to mark this historical event.
At the close of the International Convention in Toronto, I realized that we have only two more years of planning before the start of the Centennial Celebration in Chicago at the 2017 Lions Clubs International Convention. First of all, I would like to thank the 9
For now, it looks like that we are well on the way to the 2017 Centennial Convention in Chicago. There is a lot of work to be done and unfortunately the funds need to be raised to help in the support of the committee. This State wide project will need all hands from the entire State to help in making this a success for both the State and Lions Clubs International. Only once in our life time will we be able to say that “we had an active part in the Centennial Celebration in Chicago in June of 2017”. So, let’s be Proud of this honor and show the world our Pride in hosting this celebration.
team, provides a structured activity during the summer months, and reinforces cooperation and respect for others. Collins also noted that the Kirkland Lions Club has been a contributor to the Kirkland Boys Youth Baseball Program for more years than he can remember and appreciates the continued support of the Kirkland Lions Club.
Wearing their traditional yellow "We Serve" vests, the Algonquin Lions presented a $4,000 check to the staff at the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Interfaith Food Pantry from proceeds raised by the Fifth Annual Algonquin Lions-Buffalo Wild Wings Charity Bean Bag Tournament. This year's tournament raised $8,000 with the proceeds divided between the food pantry and the Algonquin Lion Ted Spella Education Award which will be presented to a District 300 student next Spring. The bean bag tournament has raised $25,000 for the food pantry and the education award since 2010. More than 90 area businesses support the tournament with $4,600 in raffle prizes, sponsorships and entry fees. "The Algonquin Lions continue to support the food pantry because their volunteers do such noble work for our neighbors in need," explained Brett Sandblom, president of the Algonquin Lions Club. The Algonquin Lions Club is the village's oldest service organization and celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.
-Lion Robert Block, PDG 2017 MD-1 Host Committee, Chairman Kirkland Lions Club Supports Baseball At a recent Kirkland Lions Club meeting, First Vice President Cliff Beach presented a check in the amount of $750.00 to Bret Collins, director of Kirkland Boys Youth Baseball. According to Collins, any young people who would not be able to afford to participate in the program are able to do so because of the continued generosity of the Kirkland Lions Club. This program is beneficial to our youth in so many ways. It teaches them to work as a
Collecting Donations--Aurora's Dick Schindel, center, was among Aurora Noon Lions Club members who collected donations in front of local stores on annual Lions of Illinois Candy Day Friday, Oct. 10. Donations fund programs to fight preventable 10
annual meeting. Currently we do not have the charges for this meeting, dinner, and hospitality room therefore accurate figures will only be available when all of the invoices are received, reviewed, and paid. This year’s administrative costs were $487.53 and our dinner and hospitality room costs are estimated at around $2,500.00. A motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report, motion passed. Nomination and Election of New Officers blindness and provide vision and hearing services to men, women and children in Illinois. AuroraNoon Lions help low-income Aurora-area children receive free eye tests and glasses. (Al Benson photo)
PDG Lion Austin D’Souza was nominated and accepted for the office of President, PDG Lion Tom Senger was Nominated and accepted for the office of Vice president, and PDG Lion Terry Knollenberg were nominated and accepted for the office of Secretary/Treasurer. President Bill Foli then opened
Lions PDG’s of Illinois: Annual Meeting November 8, 2014 Parke Regency Hotel & Convention Center, Normal The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by President William Foli. The Invocation was given by PDG Lion Johnny Anderson followed by the pledge, and a moment of silence for those who are no longer with us. President Bill Foli then welcomed all who attended and thanked the members of the 2011-12 Council for their work preparing the hospitality room. Lions Bill Foli and Ralph Koller handled the preparations for the dinner.
nominations from the floor, hearing none, nominations were closed and the candidates were voted in to office on a unanimous vote. New Member Initiation/Induction
Secretary-Treasurer's Reports Secretary-Treasurer Ralph Koller then was asked to read the minutes of the last meeting but since the minutes had been sent out right after the last meeting, the minutes were not read. President Bill then called for the treasurer’s report. The report was given as follows:
The following IPDG’s of the 2012-2013 council from MD-1 were inducted by the 2011-2012 council members: The induction was handled by PDG Lion Austin D’Souza. IPDG’s 1-A Dave Hansen, 1-D Fred Peska, 1-E Wm. “Butch” Guennewig, 1-G Johnny Anderson, 1-J Mario Gumino, 1-K John Pajkos, 1-L Steve Frankenstein were inducted. These are the IPDG’s that have requested to join and have made their contributions to the organization. The induction went well and the new PDG’s were given a
As of November 1st our bank account shows a current balance of $10,475.24. This balance includes the deposit of most of the funds for our current 11
The item about the PDG’s staying with the Forum with regard to holding our Annual meeting was covered. Lion PDG Terry Knollenberg spoke about our helping the Forum attain the room counts necessary to obtain no cost meeting rooms and Hospitality rooms and our ability to be able to have an attendance count on our own to be able to obtain favorable costs for the same items. The PDG’s had only 50 in attendance for the Meeting and Dinner which indicates the problem of trying to go it alone. It was pointed out that the problems of the past which cost the PDG’s a sum of money have been corrected and both the Forum leaders and the PDG’s now feel a combined effort with input from the PDG’s will work to both of our groups advantage. Our Numbers are down as are those of the Forum and we need to help each other and we do not need to add another day for Lions functions at this time.
large ovation, and fun was had by all. Note: PDG Lion Johnny Anderson is a second time member of our association and only went through the induction as a favor to his newest council of Governors, but he will not be charged double dues and new PDG John “Pickles” Pajkos was presented with a pickle for his induction.
President Bill Foli called for a voice vote in regard to staying with the Forum or going it alone. The count was about 98% for staying and 2% against – Next year we will convene at the MD-1 Forum. This item should be reviewed on an annual basis.
New Business PDG Lion Robert Block addressed the group and as Chairman of the 2017 LCI Convention in Chicago requested that all MD-1 PDG’s become ambassadors to represent our State (MD-1) at the 2017 Convention. PDG Bob indicated how many volunteers etc. are needed and also gave us a brief overview on the planning to date.
Wrap-up President Bill Foli thanked everyone for coming and thanked the 2011-2012 council members that attended for running the Hospitality Room.
New Business continued The benediction was given by PDG Lion Johnny Anderson and the meeting adjourned to the Hospitality Room.
A motion was made by Austin D’Souza with 2 nd by Larry Spaeth to donate $2,000.00 to the LIF Endowment fund and also $2,000.00 to the 2017 LIC Convention Host Committee. After some discussion, the motion was revised to donate $1,000.00 to each the host committee, LIF for Low Vision, and to the LCI Foundation for a total of $3,000.00. The Motion then Passed.
The left over items from the Hospitality Room were given to 1-K PDG Tom Senger for safe keeping and use in next year’s hospitality room. I wish to thank all of the PDGs that have allowed me to be your Secretary-Treasurer these past nine years, time goes by quickly and it seems I just started this job and all of a sudden nine years are gone. Thank you all and good luck to PDG Terry Knollenberg.
$16.00 was collected from those new members and guests that voted to induct and were not voting members. They were each assessed $1 and PDG Lion Steve Anton was assessed $1 but donated $10 for something.
Respectfully submitted,
Old Business
-Ralph Koller, PDG, Secretary-Treasurer-2013-14 12
PCC Bob and Patricia Polzin are cutting the ribbon to Crete Lions Park. The Crete Lions donated half of the $150,000 to build the park. The playground is constructed with all recyclable plastic.
MD1 Global Leadership Team Lion Jama Wahl showing off baskets for Silent Auction during recent Mid Year Leadership Forum General Session.
Crete Lion PCC Bob Johnson presents check to Patricia Polzin, Crete Park district director for the newly built Lions Park in Crete.
PID Bud Wahl seeking support from Illinois Lions for his bid to run for II International Vice President during next year’s State Convention in Illinois.
PDGs Harold Burkett, Jr. and Bob Block selling 2017 Centennial Convention Vests during the Forum.
One well attended class during MD1 Leadership Forum in Bloomington Normal.
WILD Team members after their successful session at the State Leadership Forum – Lion Sue Zarada, I VDG Ralph Zarada, PDG Steve Anton, ZC Gail Anton, Chaplain Di Hansen, PDG Dave Hansen, Lion Joan McMillan and PCC Dennis McMillan. Past First Lady from 1BK Debbie Senger in Lions Costume during luncheon with 1A Governor Terry D’Souza.
Lions attending CEP Session at the Forum. 14
Lena Lions Club (Previous Page) L-R Lions Dave Gruendler, Lee Wenzel, Dave Hoffman, student Will Fiedler, Bill Crichton, Jim Cox, Ben Mayer and not pictured Lee Otte. This was the last highway pickup for the year our club cleans a 2 mile stretch of highway 20. We have a cleanup 4 times a year. L-R Lion Richard Holmes present Lion Dave Finkenbinder with a check for $1,264 from a fish boil our Lena Lions Club did in May. This fund raiser is help the Lena Community Center to offset bills.
Georgetown Lions Club Invites You To
JOIN US IN CELEBRATING 75 YEARS OF SERVICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2015 6:00 P.M. CHURCH OF CHRIST COMMUNITY BUILDING 503 NORTH MAIN STREET GEORGETOWN, IL Prepaid reservations are requested. $18.00 for one or $35.00 for two. Please send your reservations and check for the meals made payable to the Georgetown Lions Club by December 31, 2014 To: Lion Linda Hall, 201 West South 2nd Street, Georgetown, IL 61846 Dinner Buffet Includes: Swiss Steak, Grilled Chicken, Green Beans, Cheesy Potatoes, Layered Lettuce Salad, Roll and Butter; Ice Tea, Lemonade, Coffee and Cheese Cake for Dessert.
Oregon Lions Learn About Sheriff's Administration Building; Don Griffin, Long Range Planning Director for the Ogle County Board, and two architects from Saavedra Gehlhausen Architect Company, spoke to the Oregon Lions Club about the progress being made on the new Sheriff's Administration Building. This building will hopefully be completed and move-in ready by March of 2015 and will house a Sheriff's area as well as space for the Ogle County Coroner and the 911 call Center. Shown from left to right: Don Griffin, Architects, Chris Martin and Mike Ryder (Picture Below.)
Oregon Lions Donate Money for Ogle County Military Memorial The Oregon Lions Club presented a check for $1,400 to members of the VFW Post 8739 and the American Legion Post 97 in support of the restoration and upgrade of the Ogle County Military Memorial which is situated on the north side of the courthouse. In addition to restoring the memorial, there will be an addition of an American Flag, a Bronze Soldier Statue, the Fallen Soldier's Tribute, 15
The Glendale Heights Barangay Lions Club held their 13th Peace Poster Contest on Nov. 1, 2014 at the hi-tech District 15 Administration Center on Glen Ellyn Road, Glendale Heights, IL.
a Memorial Plaque for Ogle County Fallen Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and two benches. The Veteran's Project is selling pavers that may be custom engraved to offer an opportunity for individuals to be remembered for their service. If you are interested in obtaining an order form, please contact the VFW in person or request forms from
More than 90 peace posters were submitted by students from Glenside Middle School, Marquardt Middle School and St. Matthew School. Students, parents, teachers and District 15 officials viewed the colorful posters that showcased the students’ talent and creativity on Lions Clubs International contest theme of “Peace, Love and Understanding.” Prizes were awarded to the best Peace Poster from each school. District 1-J Gov. Lion Chris Halsey was the guest speaker who praised the students’ creativity and ideas on the theme of “Peace, Love and Understanding.”
Oregon Lions Club Members were out doing roadside clean up along Route Two north of town on Friday, October 24th. Included in the crew from left to right are:Don Fuller, Duane Moser, Mary Jo Moser, Jim Hoff, Karl Kramer, Joe Slowiak, Clint Strouse and Jean Hoff (not shown)
Riverside Township Lions from District 1A held their meeting at the Scottish Home with Glenn 16
Cygan & Nina Nosek from Kuratko Nosek Funeral Hone discussing Veterans programs they provide.
coats, Little Master Loraine Gala, Carson Trautvetter, Little Miss, Addison Bottorff along with Little Mister North Adams Home, Collin Johnson, Little Miss, Gabriella Chatten and Grand Baby, Gracelynn Sprinkle waved to the crowds gathered along the parade route. At the end of the parade, both groups presented the Toys For Toys Santa with a donation. The Christmas toy donations were made possible through the support of the Loraine Lions Club and Physical Performance Systems.
Lansing Lions Club donated $500 to Meals on Wheels as their annual donation.
New Staunton Lions Club officers for 2014 were recently sworn in by District 1G Governor Ed Kallbrier. From left to right - Treasurer Larry Braman, 1st VP Bob Gregory, President Robin Stranimeier, Dist. Gov. Kallbrier, Secretary Julie Jarman, 2nd VP Josh Thorn.
It is Candy Day; Give Me the Money! Cool temperatures didn't stop area children from participating in the Quincy Veteran Day Parade on November 8, 2014. Equipped with smiles and warm
Quincy North Adams Home Grand Baby, Gracelynn Sprinkle is escorted by her great grandmother, Sharon Baker in the facility van driven by staff member David Schuring. Sharon Baker, a Licensed Practical Nurse is also a North Adams Home employee.
Little Mister North Adams Home, (L) Collin Johnson and (R) Little Miss North Adams Home, Gabriella
Chatten share a smile and a "Toys For Tots" contribution with Santa.
rant owners and also there were People’s Choice winners.
1A Governor Terry D’Souza with PDG King Pye on Chicago Chatham Lions’ 85th Charter Celebration at Chicago Lake Shore Hotel. A father enjoyed train ride with his new born baby.
Chicago Montclare Elmwood Park Lions held their famous Annual Chilli Cook Off at Moose Lodge in River Grove. You can see all Chilli Cooks with their Recognition Certificates. Lodge was filled with hundreds of lions and guests who came to taste Variety of Chilli cooked by these lions and some guests. Chilli was judged by professional restau-
Mt. Vernon Lions Club provided a ride on The Little Train That Could to one of its youngest ever passengers October 25. The club's principal fund raiser, The Train, was at the Carmi, Illinois, Kids' Fest when six (6) week old Kaylynn and her father climbed aboard for her very first train ride. 1st 18
Vice President Mike Ancona and PDG Jerry Clemens were engineer and conductor for the event. Jerry R Clemens (See images 1893 and 1889.)
tries, Lion Ken had a table with literature he had received from Lions International on Diabetes and Glaucoma. The Waterloo Lions Club had two schools that participated in this year’s Lions Peace Poster contest. Waterloo Junior High School winners are from left to right, 2nd place winner, Jeremy Zeidler, 1st place winner, Kylee LaRue, and Lion Luanne Ragland, Peace Poster Chairperson. Kylee also won 1st place for Lions District 1-CN.
On November 13, 2014, Zone Chairman Lion Jan Entwistle inducted two Lions into the Peoria Heights Suburban Lions Club. In the photo (L to R) Sponsor PDG Ben Dodge, inductee Lion Karl Kraemer, Zone Chairman Lion Jan Entwistle, inductee Liz Blumenshine and sponsor Club President Lion Earl Carter.
ALSO from the Waterloo Lions Club are: The peace poster winners from Sts. Peter & Paul Grade School. Left to right, 2nd place winner is Kevin Flack , and 1st place winner is Grace Floerke. Pictured with them is Lion Luanne Ragland, Peace Poster Chairperson.
Pictured: Lion Ken Gooley Albany Lions Club Secretary Ken Gooley attended the annual two day health fair held at one of the local indus19
L-R Bruce Roe, John & Carol Dotzel, Curt Freeburg, Norma & John Swanson The Stillman Valley Lions in Oct. 2014 did their road pickup before the cold weather hit. Our volunteer effort gathered several bags of trash from the highway west of Stillman Valley.
Hosting Nurses--Sugar Grove's Herb Steinmetz, left, welcomed school nurse Marilyn Yordy, right, to the Aurora Noon Lions Club luncheon meeting Monday, Nov. 17. Steinmetz is Noon Lions co-president. Yordy serves students at Hall and Freeman elementary schools in West Aurora School Dist. 129. She was among a dozen Aurora public school nurses hosted by the Lions at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. From nurses' referrals, Lions provide eyeglasses and vision exams. (Al Benson photo.)
L-R Sponsor Lion Marty Typer, New Lion Susan Carpenter, ZC Steve Boettger.
Lion Howard Gipson, ZC Steve Boettger Zone Chairman Steve Boettger of Kirkland visited Stillman Valley Lions November 2014 dinner meeting. ZC Steve inducted new member Lion Susan Carpenter into the Stillman Valley Lions Club. Lion Susan was sponsored by club president Lion Marty Typer. During same club visit, ZC Boettger awarded and congratulated Stillman Valley lions member Lion Howard Gipson with a pin for 10 Years of Service in Lions.
Winning Nurse--Maria Slaby, right, school nurse at Allen, Rollins and Beaupre elementary schools in East Aurora School Dist. 131, won a broom in a drawing at the Aurora Noon Lions Club luncheon meeting Monday, Nov. 17. Lion Joe Beary of Aurora, left, presented the broom. Slaby was among a dozen Aurora public school nurses hosted by the Lions at Luigi's Pizza in Aurora. From nurses' referrals, Lions provide students eyeglasses and vision exams from broom sales and other fundraisers. (Al Benson photo.) 20
hearing impaired requires more training and she explained how speech patterns and common expressions might be confusing. Example: “Hold your Horses” might make a ‘mind picture’ of someone picking up a horse and carrying it.
Lion Heather McDonnel spoke about diabetes and the related problems caused by diabetes. The information impressed every one of the need to find a cure, the symptoms to watch for and the importance of getting treatment as soon as possible.
DISTRICT 1-E CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS (11-152014) GMT Lion Jim Ingram and GLT Lion PDG Jani Mendenhall joined in a very entertaining skit-like presentation on membership versus leadership. They held their audience in the palms of their hands!
Carroll Jackson from Leader Dog spoke about the training a leader dog receives and about how people should let the dog do the job he was trained for. He also spoke of some of his experiences with acceptance or non-acceptance of the leader dog.
Pam Duda of East Central Illinois Special Education spoke on How a Dual Sensory Impairment Impacts Education and Daily Living. Being both visually and
The Mayor of Charleston, Larry Rennels, welcomed the Lions to Charleston. 21
Lions of Illinois Executive Administrator PDG Mario Gumino presented LIF President PDG Steve Ferguson with the award for the Foundation. PDG Steve Ferguson awarded Lion Ron Pruett with a Founda-
State GLT Chairperson Jama Wahl gave a brief introductory message and then Jeff Rasche of Chaddock explained the connection between Chaddock and Melvin Jones.
tion Fellow and the Larry Rennels, Mayor of
A project of the Palestine Lions Club to provide games for the Heritage Veterans Home in their area was embraced with enthusiasm as Lions brought games to the convention for the project. Pictured are CST Brad Cash, 1-CN DG Sandy Newsome, Lion Bridget McMunn of the Palestine Lions Club and PDG Lydia Ellis of 1-CN. Guests at the convention were International Director Cindy Gregg and her husband, Lion Tom from Pennsylvania. ID Cindy was an integral part of the convention experience. She presented awards, got acquainted with the Lions of 1-E and spoke at the banquet of her experiences and vision for Lions. One of the President’s awards was presented to 2VDG Lion Lori Bennett of the Paris Club.
Charleston, read the proclamation of Service from
the City of Charleston awarded to Lion Ron for his service as a Veteran and Lion. PID Bud and Lion Jama Wahl are pictured here as PID Bud asked the support and endorsement of District 1-E Lions at the 2015 MD-1 Convention to be a Certified Candidate for 2nd International Vice President of Lions Clubs International. Thus District 1E finished its final Convention with lots of memories and emotional feelings. Next Lionistic year, it will join 1L and these both districts combined will be baptized as District 1M. We all Lions, Lionesses and Leos in Multiple District 1 embrace this merger and wish every success in their endeavors in the coming Lionistic years.
received a coupon for a free hot dog and drink. Just might be an incentive for young ones!
Next year MD1 will have only 10 Districts due to the mergers of 1BK and 1M.
The Sycamore Lions Club had a very successful Pumpkin Festival this year from October 22 – 26, thanks to the wonderful weather that weekend. Prior to the Festival, Sycamore Lions Al John (l) and Jerry Malmassari (r) made a presentation to a local Sycamore school promoting the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival. Can you see the brightly colored Trick or Treat box sitting on the table that the Lions bring along as another incentive for the kids? (SycamoreLions_SchoolVisit)
Winners were given prizes for 1st – 3rd in 33 different categories. With outstanding weather this year, the Food Trailer and Raffle Ticket Sales brought in record amounts. The club raised over $21,000 for its Charities Account.
On the days of the Festival, the club had 1,054 entries for their Pumpkin Decorating contest. This is the second largest number of entries in the history of the con-test. Everyone who entered the contest 23
(SycamoreLions_Pick of the Patch) (SycamoreLions_Largest Pumpkin) Lots of hard work is involved in this event, but it brings so much joy to the community. Elgin Lions delivered 1,000 food items collected at Lincoln Elementary School in Hoffman Estates to the Elgin Community Crisis Center in Elgin. This is an annual project provided by the club. (l to r) Lions Bill Klawitter, Club Pres. Ken Zehnder, Tom Wahl, Jim Bacak, and Food Collection Chairperson Ed Bates. Sycamore Lions Club’s Pick of the Patch Event winner.
At the 1st Southeast Zone meeting, Naperville Noon Lion Donna Kearney won the inaugural “PigOut Dessert Contest.” Her winning dish was a Zucchini Crisp. PDG Lion Jim Addington presented her with a trophy when he made his club visit. PID Lion Russ Sarver (r) presents an award to Algonquin Lion Jerry Pracher, a 60-yr. member, at the club’s 75th Anniversary celebration.
(l to r) Sponsor Algonquin Lion Bill Moore, new member Lion John Zimka, Lion Pete Zmich who did the Induction, and Club Pres. Lion Brett Sandbloom.
(l to r) Crystal Lake Lions Zambon, Harry Siwkowski and Jim McMonigal helped register those who wished to be screened on either the Hearing Bus or the Vision Bus at the Immanuel Lutheran Church Health Fair.
River Grove Lions held Wing Fest on November 16 at the Underpass Bar & Restaurant to raise funds to little Karolina who is on the wheel chair in above photograph. Chair manufacturer donated the chair for Karolina and River Grove Lion spend their collection to have chair motorized and install spe-
(l to r) Oak Brook/Hinsdale/Burr Ridge Lions Club Pres. Lion Gloria Geske with new member, Lion David Kingsbury (sponsored by Lion Amy Pena) and District Governor Lion Chris Halsey. cial equipment to make Karolina and her parents lifeeasier. Club raised $10,000+ that day with Wi ng Fest and raffles & 50/50 cash prizes.
Dist. Gov. Lion Chris Halsey (l) presents Elgin Lion Chuck Merrell with his 40-year chevron. 25
Nancy Perlman & Francisca De Giovanni joined Chicago Mayfair Lions Club. Governor Terry inducted them during her visit to the club.
District Governor Ed Kallbrier and partner in service Rebekah made their official visit to the Highland Lions Club on Tuesday November 11, 2014. Before the meeting he chatted informally with members. Here he and Rebekah talk with PDG Earl Steiner and club corresponding secretary Dan Grandame.
Jefferson Park Lions Club donated $100 to Leader Dogs as a Charitable Donation in Governor Terry’s name during her club visit.
He presented the Highland paving brick which had been at the recently sold state office building.(5) He spoke to the Lions about the challenges we face. He also recognized the veterans among Highland’s members including PDG Earl Steiner, Max Rudolph and Ken Gieseking. During the evening he gave chevrons for years of service including a forty year chevron to Highland charter member PDG Earl Steiner. Events chair Larry Gilbert informed Governor Ed that the club will donate $100 to Lions of Illinois foundation Low Vision Screening in honor of the governor’s visit. As part of the Lions’ program to connect with local businesses One of Highland’s unique businesses, it’s Party Time! Visited the Lions. During the presentation owner Sue Chasteen taught the Lions how to make a beagle dog from a balloon. Lion Bob Freeman and Pen-
Highland Lions Club members during District Govrnor Edward Kalibrier’s visit to the club.
ny Korte with daughter found that it’s harder than it looks.
Program ended around midnight with dance, dance and dance – a real Filippino style.
Four new members were inducted to Chicago Bayanihan Sampaguita Lions Club by Governor Terry D’Souza at Diplomat West Banquet Hall in Westchester on November 21st.
A couple weeks ago the Ashton Lions put a news release in the local paper promoting the Involve a U.S. Veteran program which is a nationwide initiative sponsored by Lions Clubs International that offers qualified U.S. veterans an entrance fee waiver of up to $30 when joining a local Lions club. The waiver is available to the first 5,000 U.S. veterans, and the program runs through June 30, 2015. At the November 18, 2014 meeting, DG Jim swore in two new members, one of which is a veteran of the U.S. Army. In the attached picture is, from left to right, Lion President Ken Boehle, Army Veteran and new member, Shea Carpenter, his wife and new member, Dana Brosso, and DG Jim Kloepping. The Ashton Lions are excited to have this husband and wife team become a part of our great organization.
Lion Myrna Masangcay Received Melvin Jones Fellowship recognition. Region Chair Merilynn McCleen pinning MJF pin.
ILLINOIS STATE LION, LIONESS, LEO e-MAGAZINE. Edited and published by PDG Austin D’Souza for State of Illinois – MD1