The Illinois Lion Lioness Leo Web Magazine
Vol. 1 Issue 11
May, 2014
There are many ways to gain new members: ask someone to attend a club meeting to show them what your club does, ask someone to help with a fund raising event that you are doing in your community and then explain to them what the money raised will be used for, and make sure that you have some fun along with the hard work that we do. There are opportunities to involve the young people of your community to make them aware of what Lions do. But you have to care about your club and your community to be able to show that you care and want to continue to be of service to those that we serve.
Greetings to All! This Lions year 2013-2014 has went by rapidly and we are looking forward to our state convention coming up soon. If you have not made arrangements to attend, please do so. PDG Judy Tapper and her committee are working hard to make this year’s convention a fun learning time for us all. We are looking forward to having PIP Jimmy and Lion Velda Ross with us as our speaker.
Retention or keeping our members is a problem area for many clubs. Do you try to find out why a member is leaving your club - why does that member not want to stay in your club. Perhaps the member has to take a new job and transfer to another community, help and encourage them to look for another Lions club where they are moving to and assist them in transferring their membership. But perhaps that member is tired of being ignored or not involved in the club activities/meetings. Do you care enough to ask why they are leaving?
The Council of Governors for 2013-2014 are working hard in their districts to make their year a success. The Council has worked hard to run the State’s affairs as a business and have worked to include the 1st and 2nd VDGs in their decisions so that they will be better prepared to take on the reins of leadership in their upcoming years of service to our state.
We need quality members to step up into leadership positions, in our clubs, in our districts and in our state. Do you work with interested members to mentor them into leadership positions - or - do you just keep putting the same people into those positions and thereby not allow someone who is interested to move up. Many of our districts currently do not have a 2nd VDG in their line of succession. We need to ask ourselves why this has happened.
There are two primary choices in life ... to accept conditions as they exist, OR to accept responsibility for changing them. We all must make a choice on how the Lions, Lioness and Leos are to progress here in MD 1. Do we want to continue the downward spiral that we currently are on? Do we want to continue to allow rumors and gossip to rule us? If you are content with how the membership numbers are, if you are content with the loss of present members and not keeping them in our clubs, and if you are content with a limited number of new clubs being formed here in MD 1, then you are accepting the conditions that now exist. But if you are unhappy with the lack of membership gains, if you are unhappy with the loss of many good members from our clubs, if you are unhappy with the fact that there are many areas that need a Lions club, then I challenge you to step up and accept the responsibility for making the needed changes here in MD1.
Communication is key to success for us all. We need to make use of social media to maintain contact with our members. We need to make sure that those without computer access get the messages that are put out by our leadership. We must work at training our members (all our members) to help them to stay current on happenings in Lionism. We must stop being the best kept secret in the World. Unity is extremely important in Lionism. We cannot accomplish or meet our goals when we are not working in unity with each other. We must put our personal feelings aside many times and work on building our clubs, our districts and our state into a unified group of dedicated Lions, Lioness and Leos who are working towards the only goal of making ourselves a better
known presence in MD 1 and live up to our Lions Code of Ethics to help those that WE SERVE.
TO PROMOTE the principles of good government and good citizenship.
It is time that we all take a step back..... take a big DEEP BREATH....and reevaluate where MD 1 is heading. Are we heading upwards and onwards? Or are we going to continue to head downwards and not be around to help celebrate our 100 anniversary in 2017 in Chicago? I ask and challenge everyone to decide where you want MD 1 to be in the future years. There are many dedicated Lions here in the state who are willing and able to help with the turnaround, but we must all work together to make the turnaround happen - a few cannot do it.
TO TAKE an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and morale welfare of the community. TO UNITE the clubs in the bonds of friendship, good fellowship and mutual understanding. TO PROVIDE a forum for the open discussion of all matters of public interest; provided, however, that partisan politics and sectarian religion shall not be debated by club members. TO ENCOURAGE service-minded people to serve their community without persona financial reward, and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.
I leave you this month with this quote by a unknown author: “I always wondered why somebody did not DO SOMETHING about that, THEN I realized that I am that somebody.” In Lionism, CC Lydia Ellis 2013-2014 Editorial:
Lions Code of Ethics TO SHOW my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service.
What Happened To Lions? “LIONS” are recognized all over the world for their charitable contributions to make this world a better place to live for tomorrow. They sacrifice their wealth, health and time to help needy people in their communities and worldwide. Nobody can beat us for our community service throughout the world. We are recognized by United Nations Organization as the World’s #1 Service Organization. We donate millions of dollars for world projects, disasters and to help the needy.
TO SEEK success and to demand all fair remuneration of profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part. TO REMEMBER that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another's; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself. WHENEVER a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
So, what happened to Lions in North America? In South East Asia membership is growing tremendously and we are proud of that. Why in North America many members are coming from front door and leave from back or use those revolving doors? It is time to think before it is too late to find a solution to our issues. I know every service organization in the world is experiencing the same. But I am not concerned about others – let us think about ourselves – what happened to Lions?
TO HOLD friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given. ALWAYS to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor, and means.
How many of us read Lions Code of Ethics and follow the same? If we concerned about others in our communities to lend a helping hand, it is our duty to support our own members first and reach beyond. Let us read the following loudly:
TO AID others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy. TO BE CAREFUL with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.
Lions Clubs Objectives TO CREATE and foster a spirit of understanding among the peoples of the world.
Do Lions need any other doctrine other than our own objectives and code of ethics? It is time to change our behavior, attitude and power. Treat all members like our own brothers and sisters from a huge world family of Lions.
The Council of Governors approved the date of November 7-8, 2014 for the MD-1 Forum to be held at the Parke Regency in Bloomington. 2015 State Convention: The Council of Governors approved the date of May 1517, 2015 for the State Convention. A contract proposal is being requested from The Thelma Keller Convention Center in Effingham for review. -Submitted by: Council Chair Lydia Ellis --------------------------------------------------------------------
When we look for power, let us follow our code of ethics and learn to treat our fellow Lion members with dignity and respect. We are all volunteers and we all deserve that equal respect, Amen. -IPDG Austin D’Souza, Ph.D.
MD1 Constitution & By-Laws
My e-mail is:
Six Proposed Amendments for Publication in the MD-1 Magazine:
We have six proposed amendments going before the delegates at our upcoming state convention. As per our constitution and by-laws, notice is to be given to all clubs at least 30 days prior to the opening of the convention. As per said document, notice can be given through our state magazine.
2014 Resolutions for MD1 State Convention in Lisle: The Council reviewed 6 resolutions that are to be brought to the delegates at the State Convention. Resolution #1 is recommended for adoption by the Council. The Council feels that we ask the Incoming Council Chair and the International Convention Chair to serve then they should be allowed some reimbursement; especially since they both are required to attend. The incoming Council Chair and Council of Governors hold their first Council Meeting at the end of the Convention.
In addition, there will be a resolution requesting the approval of the merger of District 1-E and 1-L. That resolution question is included at the end of the amendments information. Please also include this merger question.
Resolution #2 is recommended for adoption by the Council. The Council feels that this is a housekeeping resolution. We have many qualified Lions who can serve as State Chairs even though they have not had the opportunity to serve on that particular committee in their respective districts.
If you have any questions regarding this submission, please contact me at your convenience. -PID Bud Wahl MD-1 C&BL Chair
Resolution #3 is recommended for adoption by the Council. The Council feels that this is a right step in the right direction for the growth of MD 1. Resolution #4 is approved by the Council of Governors for this resolution to be brought to the delegates at the State Convention to be voted on.
Lions of Illinois, Inc. RESOLUTION
Resolution #5 is approved by the Council of Governors for this resolution to be brought to the delegates at the State Convention to be voted on.
Resolution #6 is approved by the Council of Governors for this resolution to be brought to the delegates at the State Convention to be voted on. 2014 MD 1 Forum:
Subject: This proposed amendment would add the incoming Council Chairperson and the out-going International Convention Chairperson as two additional positions eligible for reimbursement of expenses for attending the International Convention.
mittee for at least one (1) year. However, Iin the event that no application is received for a State Chairperson position, or the Council is not in favor of any applications received for a particular committee, the Council may waive the one year eligibility requirement and appoint a Lion to fill the position.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 1, paragraph 3, of Article IX of the Lions of Illinois Constitution entitled State Revenue, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, by adding the phrasing marked in bold below: One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) per capita of said fund shall be available for use for this State’s participation in the International Convention. Expenses of each out-going District Governor, incoming Council Chairperson, and out-going International Convention Chairperson, in connection with his/her attending the International Convention at or near the conclusion of his/her term of office shall be considered a proper charge against this International Convention Fund and reimbursement for said expenses of such outgoing District Governors, incoming Council Chairperson, and outgoing International Convention Chairperson, out of this fund shall be on the same basis as that allowed District Governors Elect under the Rules of Audit of and by Lions Clubs International.
Resolution #2) (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends NON-ADOPTION)
Resolution #1) (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends NON-ADOPTION)
Subject: This proposed amendment would extend the time limit a Past District Governor (PDG) would be eligible to run for Council Chairperson to five (5) years. Currently, the time limit is three (3) years. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT paragraph two, of Section 2 of Article V of the Lions of Illinois Constitution entitled State Organization, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, by replacing the word "three" in the first sentence, with the word "five", as shown below:
Candidates for the Council Chairperson position must be a Past District Governor, having served as an MD-1 District Governor within the previous three five fiscal Lions years immediately preceding the year they are to serve as Council Chairperson. The Council Chairperson position shall have voting rights in any Council action.
BY LAWS - ARTICLE III, STANDING COMMITTEES, Section 1 Subject: This proposed amendment would eliminate the one year requirement of serving on a district committee before one would be eligible to serve as State Chairperson of the committee.
Resolution #3) (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends ADOPTION)
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the last two sentences of Section 1 of Article III of the Lions of Illinois By-Laws entitled Standing Committees, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, as follows: With the exception of the Long Range Planning Committee, in order to be eligible for appointment as Chairperson of a Standing Committee, the appointee shall have served as a District Chairperson of that Com-
Lions of Illinois, Inc.
the above cited mailings and in accordance with the prescribed dates. Each District shall reimburse the State for its pro rata share of the cost of the preparation and mailing of such copies, based upon the number of Clubs in the District, and also for publishing same in the last issue of the State magazine to be published prior to the State convention dates.
Subject: This proposed amendment would require all amendments originating from a club, district, or the MD-1 Constitution and By-Laws Committee, to be reviewed and approved by the Council of Governors before being presented to the delegates at a state convention for consideration.
Resolution #4) (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends NON-ADOPTION)
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 2 of Article XII of the Lions of Illinois Constitution entitled Amendments, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, as follows: Section 2. Any amendment proposed to the Constitution shall be first approved by the Board of Directors of the Club or the Cabinet of the District in which the proposal originated, and shall be submitted in writing by the Club Secretary or the Cabinet Secretary, respectively to the State Secretary-Treasurer not later than 120 days prior to the first scheduled day of the State Convention. The proposed changes shall then be promptly referred by the State Secretary-Treasurer to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee for consideration. Amendments may also originate with the State Council or the Constitution and By-Laws Committee. Amendments submitted by the State Council shall also be referred to the Constitution and By Laws Committee. All proposed amendments, after being considered and reviewed by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, shall be referred to the State Council by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, along with the committee's recommendations, by the fourth State Council Meeting, at which time the State Council shall review all proposed amendments and make the final decision as to which of the proposed amendments are to be presented to the delegates at the upcoming state convention for consideration. After its consideration, the Constitution and By-Laws Committee State Council shall report its recommendations on the proposed amendment(s) to the State Secretary-Treasurer not later than 45 days prior to the first scheduled day of the State Convention, and the State Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for mailing copies of the proposed amendment, together with the recommendations of the State Council and Constitution and By-Laws Committee, to each Club in the State at least 30 days prior to the first scheduled day of the State Convention. The Council of Governors, at its discretion, may direct the State Secretary-Treasurer to publish the proposed amendments in the State magazine in lieu of
Lions of Illinois, Inc. RESOLUTION To Amend the Lions of Illinois Constitution and By-Laws Constitution-Article IX Section 1, State Revenue Subject: This proposed amendment would change the dollar amount and the distribution of funds for the outgoing District Governor to the International Convention. Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that Section 1, Paragraph 3 of Article IX of the Lions of Illinois Constitution entitled State Revenue, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, as follows: Section 1, One Dollar and Fifty Cents (1.50) per capita of said fund shall be available for use for this States participation in the International Convention. Expenses of each out-going District Governor in connection with his/her attending the International Convention at or near the conclusion of his/her term of office shall be considered a proper charge against this International Convention fund and reimbursement for said expenses of such outgoing District Governors out of this fund shall be on the same basis as that allowed District Governors Elect under the Rules of Audit of and by Lions Clubs International. Fifty cents (.50) per capita of
said fund shall be available for registration only for each outgoing District Governor to the international convention, and no transportation or lodging costs will be included. Respectfully Submitted Lion Bonnie Bradbury Cabinet Secretary, 1-J
A. 35% thereof shall be allocated to the International Convention Fund, to be used exclusively for out of country outgoing District Governor’s convention expenses. B. 35% thereof shall be allocated to the Magazine Fund C. 30% thereof shall be allocated to the State Administrative and State Convention Administrative Fund.
Resolution #5 (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends NON-ADOPTION)
Lions of Illinois, Inc.
A 25% thereof shall be allocated to the Administrative Fund. B 25% thereof shall be allocated to the State Convention Administrative Fund. C 25% thereof shall be allocated to the MD-1 Forum. D. 25% thereof shall be allocated to be invested for future use for the State Administrative Fund.
RESOLUTION To Amend the Lions of Illinois Constitution and ByLaws
Constitution-Article IX Section 1, State Revenue Subject:
This proposed amendment would change the dollar amount going into the Promotional Fund and the distribution of funds that are over and above the cap of $50,000. Now, Therefore, Be it resolved that Section 1, Paragraph 4 of Article IX of the Lions of Illinois Constitution entitled State Revenue, be amended, effective at the close of the 2014 State Convention, as follows:
Any amount in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) held in the Promotion Fund as of May 21, 1989 July 1, 2014 shall be allocated and transferred to the foregoing funds in the percentages indicated above. Respectfully Submitted Lion Bonnie Bradbury Cabinet Secretary, 1-J
Section 1, Fifty Cents (.50) One Dollar and Fifty Cents (1.50) per capita of said Fund shall be used exclusively for the promotion, and election of candidates from Illinois to the International Board of Directors or to the office of Second Vice-President, First Vice-President and President of Lions Clubs International, provided however, that the balance to be held in such Fund shall be limited to and maintained at Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000). After this limitation has been reached, this One Dollar and Fifty Cents (1.50), or the balance thereof after bringing the Fund balance back up to the Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000), shall be applied as Follows:
Resolution #6 (The Constitution and By-Laws Committee recommends NON-ADOPTION) Merger Question: Shall Districts 1-E and 1-L Merge into One Sub-District? Yes ____ No ____ Since this is a resolution, and not an amendment to the constitution and by-laws, it requires only a simple majority to the affirmative, to pass. Simple majority is defined as anything greater than 50%.
How Full is Your Bucket?
Energize the organization
This month we will continue our look at John Baldoni’s ideas on Leadership. In his handbook 180 Ways to Walk the Leadership Talk, he identifies six important behaviors that all leaders do:
Act for the benefit of everyone
Listen and learn from others
Develop themselves and others Empower others to lead Recognize Achievement 6
Last month, we considered listening and learning from others. This month, we will consider energizing the organization.
-Develop floor plans: Plan your meeting space as well as agenda to promote interaction. Give people a chance to cross paths, literally, and share ideas.
Baldoni indicates that sometimes a leader has to become that famous bunny in the commercial we all know so well. You know the one that “keeps going and going and going”. A large piece of the leader’s job, whether at the club, district, multiple district, or international level is to bring enthusiasm, which keeps the group moving forward in the same direction.
-Create a Culture of Creativity: Celebrate thinking “outside of the box”. Encourage the sharing of ideas, piggy back one good idea on another to build success. -Get Excited about Service: Some groups sell cars, others sell light bulbs. Lions sell service to others. Share what makes you feel good about being a Lion!
Being a leader involves being excited and motivated, then sharing that positive vibe with others to accomplish the task, whether large or small. Consider these ideas from John Baldoni:
-Be Enthusiastic: Consider a problem as a challenge or an obstacle. We can always find a way around, under, or through an obstacle. -Recognize Success: Whether the goal met is large or small, give the accolades to those involved in the success. A pat on the back or note of praise is always greatly appreciated.
-Share the Success: Bring people together to share a success. Promote
-Demonstrate commitment: Work hard to get the task accomplished, celebrate the success, and then take a breath to rejuvenate before starting a new task.
positive feelings.
-Set Priorities: With everyone’s input determine the priorities. Focus on these important objectives, so that everyone is moving in the same direction. If everyone is rowing a different direction in a rowboat, it does not move forward. It either goes in a circle or does not move at all.
-Enourage People to Meet and Mingle: Plan activities that allow Lions to get together. Food is always nice, too!
-Have Fun: Lions work hard to meet the needs of others. We also need to remember to have FUN while getting the work done!
-Cultivate Teamwork: If a team, committee, or group is “working”, that means they have found a way to support one another for the greater good of everyone, especially those WE SERVE.
-Use Humor: Share a laugh or giggle. Give people a reason to smile, but not at the expense of someone else. Sarcasm is not the kind of humor that gets things done.
-Promote Team Spirit: Be the cheerleader and encourage others’ ideas to boost team morale. Shared team spirit increases commitment. -Manage Meetings: Everyone’s time is valuable. Plan ahead for meetings. Be efficient, organized, and productive whether at committee meetings or club meetings. “Git’er Done” and have time to spare!
Show your enthusiasm for service by bringing energy to your club or district! Let others know they are valuable to you as well as the service that is given to support others.
-Lion Jama Wahl, MD1 GLT Chair
LEADER DOGS: Congratulations to all of you as District Governor Elects! I wish you the best in your upcoming year of service to the State of Lions. Most of you went to Leader Dog for the Blind to visit the facility and get an understanding of what they do. I have just returned from a weekend there as well. Leader Dog has asked me to serve as State Coordinator for their Capital Fund program over the next couple of years. Those of you that made the visit have already heard some of what is coming. Those that did not make the trip to Leader Dog please reply and let me know so I can provide you with more information. The reason for this email is to ask every one of you to be sure and select a District Leader Dog Chairperson or Coordinator however you wish to title them. Once you have your selection made please provide me with their name and contact information. I’d like an email, telephone and mailing address please. This person should be fairly well known in your District and be able to make some club visits regarding the Leader Dog Capital Program. Once I have their names I will be contacting them to go over their responsibilities and hopefully be able to set up a “face to face” meeting with as many as I can. I also ask that you put me in your District Directory as your State Leader Dog Coordinator. I should NOT need any funds as what I need will come from Leader Dog so there is no expense to the District. I probably will want to attend each of your District Conventions next year along with your District Coordinator and have a short session scheduled. There will probably also be a Leader Dog person with us. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me as I want to work with you all I can. I’d like this information within the next two weeks if at all possible. Thanks again for all you do in Lions. -Paul A. Lindstrom, Immediate Past Council Chairperson Telephone: 815 738 2761; Cell: 815 297 2382
Redistricting Proposal to Merge Districts 1-E & 1-L By: District 1-L Governor Stephen Frankenstein After serving on the Redistricting Committee formed by the 2011-2012 Council of Governors, I saw, first hand, the need to make adjustments in the structure of many of the Districts of MD-1 if they are to regain “non transitional” status and once again enjoy the benefits afforded Districts adhering to Lions Clubs International’s minimum requirements of 1250 members and 35 clubs. One of the best ways to solve this problem is for two adjoining Districts that are transitional to merge together and form one combined District that would then meet the minimum criteria requirements. Districts 1-B and 1-K have just completed this process and will officially form a new District, District 1-B/K, as of July 1st, 2014. Governor Butch Guennewig of 1-E and myself began discussions of a possible merger of our two Districts almost immediately upon taking office last July. We have since included key leadership people from both Dis-
tricts, taken the issue to the membership of both Districts, and both Districts have voted to affirm their desire to merge. A formal committee has now been formed to guide us down that path. We have made it very clear to our membership that this is not a “membership fix”. This is purely an administrative move. We will become much more efficient, regain District in good standing status, and once again be able to have a say in our own future. Membership is and will continue to be an issue of paramount importance, and we should continue to aggressively try and reverse the current trends. The next step in our process is to ask you, members in good standing of MD-1, to allow us to petition LCI for approval of our proposed merger. Governor Butch, myself, and all the Lions of Districts 1-E and 1-L ask you to vote “yes” to let us continue towards our goal at the State Convention this coming May. If anyone has any questions at all, or would like a briefing on where we are in the process and what are goals are, don’t hesitate to contact either Governor Butch or myself, and we would be glad to discuss it. Thank you so very much for your consideration on this matter, and we look forward to seeing you all at The State Convention!
Lions of Illinois State Convention and Annual Lions of Illinois Foundation (LIF) membership meeting May 16-18, 2014 Hilton Hotel and Convention Center Lisle, Illinois Please bring items for the Silent Auction!! Saturday Morning at 9am: Seminars S.M.I.L.E.(Social Medial Including Lions Everywhere) , Is an initiative to centralize all information about social media for use in Lions Clubs. Is a project that
supports Lions Clubs to use social media in their social mission. Wants to build a network that supports Lions in using social media to serve the community and the misfortunes worldwide.
LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation). or Our Mission: To support the efforts of Lions Clubs worldwide in serving their local communities and the world community as they carry out essential humanitarian service projects. Alert updates, Lions Alert Plans in Action. Do you have a plan in place? Region and Zone Chair Roundtable. An open discussion about the role of region and zone chairs and getting involved. Open to all lions.
Spot ( Cutting edge technology for advanced vision screening. Identify vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, blurred vision, etc. Used by Lions clubs around the country. Check it out!
Saturday morning at 10:30am, doors open at 10:15am: LIF 40th Anniversary Brunch, served at 10:30am ONLY. Only those will meal tickets will be allowed to enter at 10:15am-10:40am. All others will be allowed in the dining area after meal has been served, approximately at 11am.
Seminar 3:00pm. Leader Dog
Sunday Morning: Special guest speaker: Karen Putz, author of six books and a Chicken Soup for the Soul contributing author. She became deaf at 19 from a fall while waterskiing. She will speak of her challenges, tools she uses and opportunities. ************************************
Lions Fund Low Vision Studio at The Hadley School for the Blind On April 5, The Hadley School for the Blind hosted Lions District 1-F members as part of their annual convention, held at the Renaissance Hotel in Northbrook, Ill. Participants toured the school, including the new Lions Video Studio, which was funded by Lions Clubs International Foundation with additional support from 1-F members. Participants also learned about the Low Vision Focus @ Hadley, a new distance education program designed to address the sharp increase in age-related low vision among adults, resulting from the conditions including macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetes. Low vision is defined by having significant difficulty seeing even after one’s vision is corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, surgery or medicine. According to 2010 research by the National Eye Institute, the number of Americans with low vision will **************************************** continue to grow dramatically, from 2.9 million in 2010, to 5 million in 2030, to 8.9 million in 2050. Currently, more than 14 percent of those over age 55, and 17 percent of people over 80 years old, experience low vision. The Low Vision Focus @ Hadley offers a unique, free distance learning opportunity -- 13 different audio lessons on CD or online. A person with low vision can learn everything from how to put raised markers on kitchen appliances to identifying their medications to using accessible technology. This series of recordings encourages independent living and teaches adults with vision loss how they can continue everyday activities that they enjoy, even with diminished vision. As part of the Low Vision Focus, Hadley will produce new interactive webinars as well as videos for people with low vision and their support networks in the new video studio, generously funded by the Lions. During their visit, Lions members learned how to identify challenges and situations that can be supported by low vision rehabilitation and Hadley’s Low Vision Focus specifically. Tom McCarville, director of the Low
Vision Focus, also invited Lions members to serve as ambassadors for the new program, help spread the word Top Right: A dining room table featuring place settings done correctly and incorrectly for someone with low vision. A pantry with items labeled for someone with low vision. Facility tour will be arranged to Lions by appointment. Please contact: -Kate Streit, Media and Marketing Specialist, The Hadley School for the Blind, 700 Elm Street, Winnetka, IL 60093. Phone: 847-784-2751 e-mail:
and refer family members, friends and colleagues to Hadley as appropriate. After the tour, participants had the opportunity to learn how to adapt a home for low vision, as demonstrated by Hadley President Chuck Young’s wife, Vicky Young, in their Winnetka home. “We are so grateful to the Lions for their generous support of our new low vision studio. We are very excited to serve the growing population living with low vision and to enable to them to continue to live independently,” says Young. Hadley will be introducing the Low Vision Focus to the larger Lions community at the 97 th Lions Clubs Annual International Convention in Toronto this summer. For more information on the program, please visit we know that we are in great company of many dedicated Lions from around the world. The staff from Lions International is very dedicated individuals who work hard to make things and events run smoothly. They spend many long hours and always are up to the task that awaits them next.
Travels With the ID Our travels began in Hamburg, Germany when ID Bill was introduced to the crowd attending the Plenary Session at the International Convention.
ID Bill and I took a Rhine River Cruise before returning home and it was a great time of making new friends, renewing old friendships and seeing so much more of the world and the history surrounding those areas. We learned that on the cruise there were 8 PIDs and ID Bill and a group photo was taken to remember the cruise. Upon returning home, we began to visit in several districts here in Illinois. We attended District Cabinet meetings, we attended celebrations of Lions Clubs anniversaries and we also attended memorial services of some dedicated Lions and friends and family of Lions who are no longer with us. It is a awesome inspiring experience to be introduced and to walk across the stage to shake the hand of the President and to be seated with the other ID’s who have been elected to serve the Lions of the world. The next two days were a true learning experience, sometimes confusing, sometimes fun, but always
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In September we attended the USA Canada Forum in Overland Park and had another great chance to meet old friends to catch up on news and to make many more new friends. We were asked by several District Governors to come and speak at their conventions in early 2014 and I will write about these visits later. Then the first of October saw us off to
Port Douglas, Australia for Lions International Board meeting. It is while at these Board meetings that we truly realize that we are representing the Lions, Lioness and Leos of the world. The Board of Directors is made up of 4 Executive Officers (President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents and the Immediate Past President) , 34 Directors, 2 Past Presidents and 6 Board Appointed Officers. The spouses and partners in service attend the first session and this was where we got to see the Hart Walker put into action by a little girl who when in the walker can walk and be out of her wheelchair. Everyone in attendance was awestruck and there were many of us with tears in our eyes at seeing her joy to be up and able to walk around the room. Then while the Board is in their committee meetings the spouses and partners are taken to see other Lions events in the area. We also have a time to get to know each other better and enjoy doing fun events together.
These are friendships that are made for life for many of us. So this is how our two years as your ID and Partner in Service have begun and I will write more in the next article.
Time to Think
and becomes a member of a very elite group of recognized Lions throughout the world.
Thank you PDG Austin for asking me to do these articles, they help me with the memories and will become a part of the scrapbook that we will put together over these two years of service. We were given some great advice by a PID who is a friend of ours. He told us “Never forget the Lions who put you two into the position that you are now in as ID and Partner�. This is great advice that we remember on a daily basis. Thank you Lions for your confidence in us to serve as your representative to the Lions, Lioness and Leos of the world. Submitted by: ID Partner in Service Lydia Ellis
Melvin Jones Fellowships!
Surely there is an individual, or two, in every Lion, Lioness or Leo Club in Illinois, that has shown outstanding service throughout the year. Why not honor them with a Melvin Jones Fellowship during the months of May or June. There is also an increased sense of pride, of being a Lion that is associated with receiving or awarding, a Melvin Jones Fellow. And, with an increased sense of pride, comes an increased outpouring of service to your community. So, everyone benefits from the recognition of individual service and the presentation of a Melvin Jones Fellow. Won't your club consider awarding one today?
Generally, during the last couple months of the Lions fiscal year (May and June), Lions clubs hold Installation Banquets in which they install their new officers. In addition, Recognition Banquets are often held to honor Lions who have performed outstanding service during the year. Oftentimes, these two events are held jointly. In either case, both events are excellent times to recognize a deserving Lion, or Lions, with a Melvin Jones Fellowship.
-PID Bud Wahl MD1 LCIF Chairperson
Awarding a Melvin Jones Fellowship to a Lion is a wonderful way of letting that individual knows how much you appreciate their dedication and commitment to your club's success. Receiving a Melvin Jones Fellowship is a unique honor. Throughout all the years of Lionism in Illinois, only 4,734 Melvin Jones Fellowships have been presented to Illinois Lions. And of those, only 283 have received further recognition with a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship. Not only does a Lion receive the recognition of being a Melvin Jones Fellow, and the esteemed honor that accompanies it, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) receives $1,000 to be used towards its humanitarian services. With every additional $1,000 given in the same Lion name, that Lion becomes a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow,
The MD-1 Host Committee has been meeting in preparation to host the Lions of the World at their Centennial Convention that is scheduled to be in Chicago, June 30 - July 4, 2017. Most of the SubCommittee Chairpersons have been filled, but there
are still openings for both Chairpersons and Vice Chairpersons. Again, our meetings for the Host Committee will be on a quarterly schedule and will meet at Lions Clubs International, and during the MD-1 Forum and State Convention. If you are interested and would like to get more information, please contract Lion Bob Block, PDG at either (219) 671-0287 or by email at The fund raising portion of the Committee has begun. The sale of the Commemorative Pin has started and the design has been well received by the Lions. Pins are available at $5.00. They can either be ordered by mail (see attached form) or purchased direct at the State Convention in May. Also, there have been a number of clubs that have made a direct donation to the committee. I would like to thank them for their donation. All moneys that are raised will help support the efforts of the MD-1 Host Committee.
As you prepare your club budget for next year, please keep in mind the MD-1 Host Committee. We are hoping that if there is something left or you have an opportunity to run an extra fund raiser, that those funds would be considered as your participation in this State Project. For most of us, this will be a once in a life time opportunity that we can celebrate this 100th year of Service to our Community
and the World. Again, this State Project will need all the support of the Lions throughout the State of Illinois. MD-1 Lions are proud to serve as the Host Committee for the Centennial Convention. Along with PDG Lion Ken Horn and I invite you to join us at the 97th Lions Clubs International Convention in Toronto, Canada. The Convention will be July 4th - 8th, 2014 and the Illinois Hotel will be the Sheraton. Please consider attending the convention and participating in the parade on Saturday morning, July 5th and attending the reception on Sunday evening, July 6th. More information will follow as it becomes available. Remember that the Lions of MD-1 needs to show our participation in all the convention and forums that will lead up to the 2017 Centennial Convention. Please stop by our table and sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter that will be sent out in the coming years. This newsletter will help to keep everyone aware and informed of the events and progress that the MD-1 Host Committee will be making in the years to come. Hope to see you at the State Convention in May. -Lion Robert Block, PDG 2017 MD-1 Host Committee, Chairman
Association’s history. The International Parade is scheduled for Saturday, July 1 and will march down either Clark or State Street.
The Lions of the World will be descending on the City of Chicago to celebrate their 100th Anniversary in 2017. The Lions of Illinois, Multiple District 1 will serve as the Host Committee for the Centennial Convention. It may sound like it is still far away, but there is a lot to prepare for in the years leading up to the convention. The Centennial Convention will be June 30 - July 4, 2017. The main venue will be McCormick Place and about 8 to 12 hotels will be used to house the more than 25,000 attendees that are being anticipated to attend this milestone in our
The Host Committee is still in need of LIONS who are willing to be an active leader. The Host Committee is responsible to promote the committee activities and the convention at various functions throughout the coming years; hosting of the visitors during their stay in Chicago; the marshalling of the parade and various sessions that will take place during the convention and the fund raising to allow for the committee to carry-out the committee responsibilities. There are various areas that LION Leaders are still needed to assist and be an active member in the planning of the committee’s activities. Right now, we have two projects that will step off our fund raising efforts this Spring. This Commemorative Pin will be available to all Lions for a $5.00 donation to the committee. Pins will be available in later February and at all District Conventions. The other is a banner patch that will be given to the club
that makes a direct donation to the committee. There are three levels of donations - $100.00, $250.00 or $500.00. Each level of donation will have its own distinct patch. Over the next couple of years, the Host Committee will be presenting programs that will inform the LIONS of ILLINOIS about the duties and responsibilities that are needed to coordinate the Hosting of the Centennial Convention. LION Volunteers will be a big part of this committee with a lot more information coming as we get closer to the convention. If you are interested in being an active leader on the Host Committee, you can reach Lion Bob Block, PDG at or by phone (219) 671-0287 for additional information.
Remember that there is always a place for YOU to volunteer.
We’re excited to finally announce the winners for Lions Clubs International’s first ever social media photo contest held in honor of #MatteosDream. In December, we asked Lions to share photos on Facebook and Instagram that show how your club makes dreams come true. The responses were great, and choosing a winner was no easy task! - See more at: m-photo-contest-winners/#sthash.WWFjU2ZS.dpuf
MD1 State Convention, Hotel Hilton, Lisle, IL. May 16-18, 2014 International Convention, Toronto, Canada July 4-7, 2014 MD1 STATE E-MAGAZINE EDITED & PUBLISHED BY: IPDG AUSTIN D’SOUZA, EDITOR FOR MD1 LIONS OF ILLINOIS E-mail: