Honoring Professor David White then the mountain states, over to the West Coast. At each stop, he’ll sit on the porch or by the fire, share a good beverage, and have the kinds of conversations that follow Mary Oliver’s instruction on how to live a life: “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” In suggesting this pilgrimage, I have an image in mind of my favorite liturgical moment—something that brings me to tears every time, like Vermeer. It’s the start of the Easter Vigil service. The sanctuary is dark. The Paschal candle has been lit and carried with song down the aisle, announcing (again!) Christ’s victory over the tomb. The community is drawn (again!) into the holy act of anamnesis that proclaims the Incarnation full circle. A single taper is lit from the candle and the flame shared with the people sitting in the first pew. The flame is passed from congregant to congregant, hopeful believer to hopeful believer, as the wave of Light that dispels the Darkness fills the sanctuary from front to back. The Exsultet is sung and we hold our candles, accepting with joy the invitation (again!) to tend the fire that burns at the center of the world. v
Teaching Vulnerability Continued from page 32 Earth. How dare he suggest that receiving and entering the extraordinary story of God comes much easier when we do not take ourselves too seriously, when we see, touch, feel, and receive the world vulnerably. Perhaps the most touching lesson I learned from this man was the realization that he was somewhat of an introvert. It made it even more amazing to realize the courage and energy he would summon to be in front of people in ways that even I, never really shy for the spotlight, struggled to be. What the heck was I doing with my life?! What call was I ignoring because it seemed hard?! I will always treasure the countless hours of playing, acting, improvising, and creating alongside Dr. White. Thank you for constantly reminding me that there is something magically good about the world, that we are somehow invited into it, and that beauty shows us the way. v 36