January 2020

Page 85

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While we may not have to deal with as much ice and snow as our Northern neighbors, it still can get pretty darn cold here in Austin. One of the worst parts is having to sit in a freezing car, waiting for it to warm up. Use these tips to help stay warm in your vehicle this winter. Park in the garage.

Keep blankets in your car.

Do you hate having to sit in a freezing car? Parking in the garage is the best way to keep your vehicle from turning into an icebox overnight. Unfortunately, not all of us have a garage, so the next best bet is to cover your car. Keep in mind that if you put a cover over your entire car, you have to deal with taking it off outside in the cold. A cover just for your windshield might be a better solution. They stick on magnetically, help keep some heat in and protect your windshield from freezing over.

During the winter months, it’s a good idea to keep a couple of warm blankets in your car—especially in case of an emergency. Also, it sometimes takes a little longer for the back seat to heat up, so having a blanket available will be much appreciated by your passengers. I also like to keep an extra jacket and gloves in my car. I hope these tips help. From all of us at Roger Beasley Mazda, we wish you a safe and warm winter!

Use remote start.

Thank goodness for modern technology. Many vehicles now allow you to remote start your car and get it warming up before you even leave your house. If you don’t have this feature, unfortunately, there isn’t really a safe alternative. Never start your vehicle and leave it idling with the keys inside. It is one of the top reasons cars get stolen during the wintertime. And, of course, never remote start your vehicle if it is in the garage with the door closed. Carbon monoxide from the exhaust can fill your home and be deadly.

Invest in heated car seats and a heated steering wheel.

Heated car seats are a lifesaver in the winter. If you don’t have them, head to Amazon, which carries heated seat covers that plug right into your car—and they’re less than $50! Many new vehicles are now equipped with heated steering wheels as well. It makes a world of a difference on icy mornings when your hands are chilled to the bone. You can also purchase covers for your steering wheel that can help keep it warm.

Photo by Linnea Kay.

Bring a hot beverage.

Taking a hot cup of tea or coffee to go is another great way to stay warm in the car. Use a vacuum-sealed mug to keep drinks hot the whole drive. If you want to take it a step further, there are even heated travel mugs available that plug into your car’s power socket. Chelsea Bancroft is the strategic-partnerships and social-media manager at Roger Beasley Mazda and a blogger at onechelofanadventure.com.

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