Australian Power and Energy News Vol18 No96 June2014

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Please see our editorial and advertisement on pages 10 and 11

VOL. 18 NO. 96 - May/June 2014

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All enquiries phone: +61 7 5478 9432 Email Enquiries: Circulated to key personnel within all Power Utilities and Power Generators throughout Australia and New Zealand each issue

New East Lake Zone Substation secures future electricity supply for Canberra’s south Pages 12-18

Below: Energising the new East Lake 132/11kV Zone Substation

Hydro Tasmania manager joins board of International Hydropower Association

Bhutan looks to Tasmania for hydropower expertise

A senior manager with Hydro Tasmania has been appointed to the Board of the International Hydropower Association (IHA). The IHA works to build and share knowledge on the role of hydropower in renewable energy systems, responsible freshwater management and climate change solutions. It has members in more than 80 countries, including many of the world’s big hydropower companies. Andrew Scanlon manages Hydro Tasmania’s sustainability and safety programs and is responsible for its integrated ISO 14001 and OHSAS18001 Health, Safety and Environmental Management System. He was appointed to the IHA Board this month. Mr Scanlon has been involved in IHA work for more than ten years. He led the development of the IHA’s Sustainability Guidelines in 2004 and of its Sustainability Assessment Protocol in 2006. He was one of two industry representatives on the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Forum, a body that included representatives of environmental and social non-government organisations, financial institutions and governments. The Forum was responsible for the development in 2010 of the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol, which guides and measures performance in the hydropower sector. Mr Scanlon is presently a member of the Protocol Governance Committee. “It is a privilege to be appointed to the Board of such an important organisation. The

Above: The Bhutan Fellows at Tarraleah Power Station Above: Mr Andrew Scanlon IHA works with members of the hydropower industry and the broader community to assist in the delivery of high standard projects. I look forward to working with my fellow Board members in advancing sustainable hydropower,” said Mr Scanlon. Mr Scanlon has extensive experience in environmental impact and sustainability assessments and has worked on hydro-electric projects in a number of countries, and wind farm, gas pipeline and transmission projects in Australia.

New tool to increase asbestos awareness for electrical contractors


LECTRICAL contractors are being urged to undertake asbestos awareness training, with a new free education tool developed by NSW electricity distribution businesses.

The online resource has been developed by Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy in partnership with WorkCover NSW and the Electrical Trades Union. Networks NSW Health Safety and Environment General Manager Nicole Albert said the education package includes information on how to identify asbestos, where it is commonly found in the electrical industry and its health risks. “Working safely is the number one priority across the New South Wales electricity networks,” Ms Albert said. “This education tool is an important initiative to improve safe work by increasing the awareness of asbestos risks across our industry.”

The resource is targeted at qualified electrical contractors who work on or near the electricity networks throughout the New South Wales. Asbestos was a common material used in homes and buildings before the 1990s. It was also used in parts of the electricity network. Network businesses Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy have been systematically removing asbestos from the NSW electricity networks for the past 10 years. “Our network business staff are trained in asbestos awareness, and this tool means electricians and accredited service providers working around our networks can increase their awareness and their safety,” Ms Albert said. Find the free e-learning education package at .



ASMANIAN expertise is helping grow renewable energy development in Bhutan. A 15-member delegation from the government-owned Druk Green Power Corporation were in Tasmania undertaking an intensive two-week training program at the Entura clean energy and water institute at Cambridge. The program included courses in hydropower development, hydrology, project economics, and environmental and social safeguards, as well as business systems and leadership. The training is funded under the Australia Awards Fellowships, administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Australia Awards Fellowships aim to develop leadership, address regional development priorities, and strengthen partnerships and links between Australian organisations and partner organisations in developing countries. Bhutan is a landlocked country located at the eastern end of the Himalayas with a population of around 740 000. It is bordered to the north by China and to the south, east and west by India. The kingdom gained international headlines in recent years for its decision to measure prosperity by gauging its citizens’ happiness levels, not the GDP. Institute Director, Dr Amanda Ashworth, said the Government of Bhutan is drawing on Entura’s expertise to help realise its aim of providing electricity to all households by 2020 and creating revenue through export of energy to India.

“The government of Bhutan sees the energy sector as a vital tool to improve the quality of life for Bhutanese people, and to alleviate poverty,” she said. “Developing capability within Bhutan in sustainable hydropower development will provide a foundation to successfully implement the government’s planned energy development projects.” Dr Ashworth said the Sustainable energy business springboard program delivered by Entura will help develop these Fellows as future leaders in the Druk Green Power Corporation, ultimately enhancing Bhutan’s hydropower capability. “Through Entura, Hydro Tasmania is able to share the learnings of 100 years of state-sponsored hydropower development and management, to benefit others who are less advanced in their renewable energy journey,” she said. “Entura employs 180 skilled professionals in Tasmania. Through our consulting and capability development activities, we export Tasmanian knowledge and expertise, enhancing the reputation of the Hydro Tasmania group and of the State as leaders in sustainable hydropower development.” The Bhutanese Fellows spent time in classroom-based learning, but also undertook field trips to some of Tasmania’s hydropower schemes, using Hydro Tasmania’s strong asset base to provide real-world experience of theory-based studies.


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Above: Mrs Damcho Lhamo getting to grips with the scale of Hydro Tasmania’s assets at Gordon Power Station

Australian Power & Energy News - Page 3

Bushfires and Power Poles


HERE has been much concern and considerable discussion on the effect of bushfires on overhead power lines and associated equipment (crossarms, conductors, earthwires, insulators, joint boxes, etc). This discussion and investigation relates not only to electric power lines but to buildings and structures in bushfire prone areas. Bushfire attack levels and the appropriate building materials are specified in AS 3959. Whilst these Standards may not apply to electric power lines, the Electricity Networks

Association (ENA) Poles Committee has independently specified a bushfire proof test standard for power poles which must be conducted by the Western Fire Centre in Kelso, Washington State, USA. TITAN are the only manufactured poles to have been submitted to and passed this demanding test. See paper by W D Gardner and J A White, Jnr, assessing the credibility of fire tests (Forest and Wood Products Australia April 2009). There are about seven million power poles throughout Australia. They are so universally present in every street and country road no-one

Above: Pole erected by Endeavour Energy in Kangaroo Valley, near Nowra, NSW

notices them (except the dogs!) But they are, literally, a decaying breed! Originally Australia’s unique eucalypt hardwoods such as ironbark, tallowwood, mahogany, etc were used exclusively for power distribution poles. They are strong, hard and durable and can last 50-70 years in the ground. As these “Royal” species became scarcer and more expensive, we resorted to the lower grade eucalypts which need preservative impregnation (first creosote and now CCA (copper, chrome and arsenic) chemicals, unwelcome by today’s environmental standards. In all cases a wood pole was once a TREE, a powerline a FOREST – and we are desperately trying to SAVE our forests! Alternatives

Above: A pole erected by Ausgrid at the Hawkesbury River

Bushfires Bushfi res and Power Poles Dulhunty Poles’ TITAN Power Poles have many advantages other than just being totally unburnable and bushfire proof. Although a bit more expensive to manufacture they are:1 Just one third the weight of an equivalent strength steel reinforced concrete pole and half the weight of an equivalent hardwood pole. This means the cost to transport, store, fit out and erect is so much less that it saves more dollars than the extra cost to manufacture. 2 Add to this is the fact that they are hollow. Down lead connections and earthing can all be accommodated internally 3 They are totally termite, funghi and teredo proof.

4 Non-corrosive in polluted air or salty soils 5 Unlike reinforced concrete and steel poles TITAN poles are non-conductive making them a viable replacement option for wood poles. 6 Contain an RFID which records the history of manufacture and details of every inspection. 7 Standard attachments can be bolted on with drilled holes like a wood pole or with bands like a concrete pole.

35 Buckley Grove, Moolap, Victoria 3221 P: +61 3 5248 1661 • F: +61 3 5248 6721 •

Page 4 - Australian Power & Energy News

include steel reinforced concrete, steel and even plastics. All have their drawbacks! Until now there has been no “perfect” pole. Dulhunty precision engineered glass reinforced cement TITAN Poles are totally bushfire proof and unburnable, not just bushfire resistant. The material from which they are made was originally developed for use in crucibles in iron and steel foundries to carry molten metals. Being hollow they protect downlead connections and earthing. Australian power distribution utilities seeking to improve bushfire risk management and minimise fire damage are well advised to trial and evaluate TITAN poles.

8 Environmentally attractive, saves our forests (every wood pole was once a tree – every powerline a forest!) Lowest Carbon footprint (Ipernica report). 9 Whole of Life Cost is the lowest – at the end of its service life it can be cut into fence posts or just ground up into useable gravel. Each utility may put a different dollar value on these advantages but in all cases the savings to be made will be far in excess of any additional initial cost!

FULTON INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA has over 30 years of manufacturing and sales experience in the electrical industry. Now, adding to its own range of products are two well respected European Brands: RIBE from Germany and SOFAMEL from Spain.

Fulton Industries Australia has been appointed Exclusive Agents in Australia to represent RIBE Germany for HV Transmission Fittings.

RIBE – Leading International Manufacturer of Electrical Fittings

RIBE is a highly respected family Company with 100 years of experience and the technical expertise to promote the development, design and manufacture of complex innovative products.

SOFAMEL S.A. is a Spanish Company dedicated to the production of Electrical Connectors, Safety and Electrical Protection. Fulton Industries is proud to be appointed the Australian Distributor for Safety and Protection Equipment. SOFAMEL range of Safety and Protection include an extensive range of Earthing Sets, which can be configured customers’ requirements. These Earthing Sets are designed to suit both Overhead Lines and Substation Earths. A range of Fibreglass Operating Sticks are available in Fixed Lengths or Telescopic, up to 11.8 Metres long and working voltage up to 380kV, tested to IEC60855 Standards.

SOFAMEL has a range of Electrical Gloves including Dielectric (0.5 – 36kV), Composite (1-36kV) and Leather Over gloves for mechanical protection. A pneumatic gauge is available to test gloves for any holes not visible to the naked eye. FULTON INDUSTRIES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD now accredited with an Integrated Management system; Quality - ISO9001, Environment - ISO14001 and OH&S AS4801

RIBE have been involved in numerous large River Crossing Projects in Europe including the BOSPHORUS CROSSING, where they designed and developed special

HELICAL Deadends and accessories. RIBE has an extensive range of products for HV Overhead Transmission, Insulator String Accessories, Power Arc Protection, Helical Fittings, Optical Cable Fittings (Optofit) (OPGW and ADSS) and Catenary Railway Fittings.

RIBE’s range also includes their unique HV Transmission Wedge Type Deadend not commonly seen in Australia however used extensively throughout Europe.

Management and Staff at Fulton Industries are already seeing the benefits of a complete Integrated Management System in practise.

Australian Power & Energy News - Page 5

Why there is a real need for the Northern Telecommunications Link


FFICIALS from TransGrid, the state’s high-voltage transmission network, have outlined exactly why there is a need for the Northern Telecommunications Link at Simpkins Creek. TransGrid explained that the telecommunication link is actually required for compliance purposes. “This work is needed to meet regulations set by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to maintain a reliable telecommunications link as a secondary support system,” said TransGrid Community Relations Manager, Laura Stewart. Currently a temporary system is in place. AEMO requires TransGrid to operate and maintain telecommunications that will protect and gather data from substations, equipment and transmission lines remotely. “TransGrid’s telecommunications infrastructure is essential to the provision of a safe, reliable and efficient high-voltage electricity network right across the state of New South Wales,” Ms Stewart added.

TransGrid is establishing 6 telecommunication sites in Northern NSW to replace the current temporary system. Ms Stewart said that confirmation of sites only proceeds after a comprehensive identification and evaluation process. “A site is only selected following our strict community engagement and consultation process, in order to minimise any direct or aesthetic impact on the broader community and the environment,” Ms Steward said. The Simpkins Creek site is, in fact, within crown land. However, a request is in place to have the ownership of that land transferred to Kyogle Council. TransGrid has been liaising with both the Crown and the Council, which have both expressed support for the project proceeding on this site.

Above: TransGrid transmission lines

South Coast electricity network upgrade nears completion


Need insulated poles?


INGAL EPS has more than 45 years’ experience designing and making steel poles. All INGAL EPS in-ground poles utilise Nukote ST from 200mm above the nominal ground line to 600mm below (increased from 400mm). This will provide the best available ground line protection and add significantly to the life of the pole. We’re also now offering to coat our poles to around 2,500mm above ground, providing insulation to the pole and greatly reducing the possibility of step and touch potential. Other arrangements are possible to cater for specific requirements. For further details on our utility poles contact Helena Nolte via email at or Paul Tessari at

© INGAL EPS. All Rights Reserved. |

Page 6 - Australian Power & Energy News


SSENTIAL Energy is nearing completion of the final stage of an electricity network upgrade which will secure the ongoing reliability and sustainability of the South Coast power supply. Regional manager South Eastern, Phillip Green, said the network improvement project involved upgrading sections of the high voltage electricity network that run through the Murramarang National Park. “Several crews have been working steadily on this project since February, moving two kilometres of the overhead powerlines underground, upgrading one kilometre of existing overhead lines, and replacing five power poles and associated equipment.” “Relocating part of the electricity network underground reduces the risk of power supply interruptions caused be vegetation coming into contact with the powerlines,” Phillip said. To allow crews to complete the work safety, a planned power supply interruption will be required to complete the final stage. Affected customers will receive advance notification. “Once this upgrade is complete, the reliability of the local electricity network around South Durras will be much stronger and better able to deliver a more consistent and reliable electricity supply,” Phillip said.

Local network upgrade completed


SSENTIAL Energy has completed the largest network upgrade in the State’s south east, strengthening the reliability of the local electricity network for residents and businesses in the Binda and Bigga areas. Regional manager South Eastern, Phillip Green, said Essential Energy had been working steadily to deliver the major network upgrade over the past five years and its completion would ensure enhanced electricity services for the rural communities between Crookwell and Bigga. “This project has been a massive undertaking with our crews upgrading a total of 52 kilometres of powerlines, replacing 299 power poles and installing 10 new transformers – definitely the largest network upgrade in the South Eastern region in recent years,” Phillip said. As part of the project Essential Energy also upgraded two transformers in Binda and Bigga and replaced part of the low voltage network with aerial bundled cable – intertwined, insulated aluminium cables that are stronger and more resistant to the elements. “To reduce the inconvenience to customers, Essential Energy sources resources from across the region to help get the work done with as little disruption as possible,” Phillip said. Over the course of the project, the crew at the Crookwell depot was supported by teams from Goulburn, Braidwood and Yass.

Hydraulic Pole Puller with 60 Ton Pulling Force N

EW at TEN Group is the powerful 60 Ton hydraulic dual cylinder Pole Puller (XHD-60) featuring cam-heads with bevelled teeth to obtain maximum grip on utility poles being pulled up to 700mm in diameter. With a 600mm hydraulic cylinder stroke, this pole puller provides superior efficiency and increased safety in comparison to traditional methods by eliminating manual handling risks such as awkward heavy bends. Utilisation of the 60 Ton Pole Puller also reduces the risk of overloading lifter borer crane winch ropes. The XHD-60 provides increased stability due to a large external footprint of 1200mm2 and increased gripping capability ensuring the pulling chain does not slip up the pole. This results in improved productivity by not having to reset chains and hydraulic ram. Used with open or closed centre hydraulic systems, the pole puller is fitted with 7.5m hydraulic hoses and utilises the existing low pressure tool circuit of the lifter borer, crane truck or EWP. Recent field trials in NSW and QLD demonstrate the Pole Puller has been very well received within

the Australian Distribution Industry. Utilities have been amazed at the speed and safety this XHD-60 provides in comparison to existing single ram pole pullers. TEN’s Technical Solutions Manager Lloyd Smith stated ‘The feedback we received indicates that the hydraulic pole puller has a much greater chance of removing a utility pole from an in-situ hole than traditional single cylinder units. It offers a more controlled form of pole extraction especially on the more stubborn poles. Traditionally larger loadings would be applied on a lifter borer winch ropes in this situation and safety then becomes an issue’.

Above: Site set up for pole changeover with Hydraulic Pole Puller

Above: Bevelled teeth provide better grip on utility poles

Above: Lifting straight over pre-prepared pole

TEN Hire understand the needs of customers requiring enhanced safety benefits and efficient solutions on jobs and as a result continually strive to improve their service to customers through investment in new equipment and technology. TEN Hire have XDH-60’s for hire and a recent rental lead to a utility purchasing the 60 Ton Pole Puller after just one operation. Whether hiring or purchasing an XHD-60, TEN provide a complete training package consisting of product overview and operation, Risk Assessment and face to face training with written and practical assessments to ensure staff are competent in the operation of the pole puller. The Manufacturer Diversified Products has been collaborating with people on the front line

REDUCE: Manual handling risks and awkward heavy bends MINIMISE winch rope | Phone : 07 3212 8999

of the utility industry for more than 15 years. By working with and listening to the specific demands of linemen, Diversified develop field-tested solutions to make jobs more efficient, productive and safe. All products are field tested and approved by transmission and distribution maintenance professionals. TEN Group’s certification to ISO9001 Quality Systems and AS4801 Safety Management Systems backs their commitment in providing quality solutions with a focus on safety to the Energy Industry. Product information and demonstration video is available at For Hire information contact Ian ‘Scotty’ Scott on 0417 772 341.

the energy network

Our|Energy, Your Power. Australian Power & Energy News - Page 7

Corona Inspection – Making the Invisible Visible!


E are all familiar with Infrared (IR) technology for detecting overheating of equipment. At the other end of the spectrum is ultraviolet (UV) which detects high voltage discharges, often referred to as “corona discharge”. Both IR and UV are invisible and a purpose designed IR or UV camera is required to observe the effects.

UV Compliments IR Inspection Infrared and Ultraviolet inspection technologies are being used to assess the condition of operating electrical components and installations. Infrared thermography detects temperature changes and is proportional to the square of the current drawn. In the absence of current no heat develops, regardless of voltage. Ultraviolet detects electrical discharges and is directly proportional to voltage and partial discharge, corona and arcing occurs whenever voltage is present, regardless of current. Both technologies are complementary and are classified as NDT - Non Destructive Testing equipment. Together they cover a wider spectral range and provide enough information to obtain a clear assessment of the condition of electrical assets. As such, both technologies are required to perform comprehensive surveys. Unlike IR which is affected by solar radiation and emissivity of the material, UV detection is effective under all lighting and weather conditions.

Corona Discharge on HV Assets Corona discharge is associated with high voltage equipment such as electrical transmission lines, transformer insulators and bushings, switchgear, motors and the like. Corona can be a sign of a defect, contamination, malfunction or bad design of electrical equipment. Being able to pinpoint corona discharge and address potential equipment failure is important and can guarantee the reliable operation of the electrical apparatus.

What is Corona Discharge? Corona discharge is a luminous partial discharge from conductors and insulators due to ionization of the air, where the electrical field exceeds a critical value. A high local electric field ionizes the air and causes a discharge. This process is accompanied by excitation of Nitrogen molecules, leading to emission of UV radiation. Build-up of ionization occurs only if electron is going fast enough, i.e. if electric field exceeds a critical value.

Corona discharge has the following damaging and environmental disturbing effects: • Generation of corrosive materials, like ozone and nitrogen oxides that yields nitric acid under conditions of high humidity. These corrosive materials shorten the life span of high voltage lines and substations components. • Corona causes damage to HV insulators, especially non-ceramic (NCI) insulators. • Radio interference (RI/ RFI) mainly to AM transmissions. • Audio noise. Radio interference and audio noise may raise customer complaints. Corona inspections can direct maintenance engineers to the exact location of the failure, and cut sharply both direct inspection costs and indirect costs of unnecessary washing, replacements, unexpected shutdown thus extending parts lifetime, deferring aging processes.

Above: UV image - discharge visible but where is it coming from?

Above: Merged visible and UV image shows clearly where the problem is

Corona Detection on the Distribution Network Material degradation due to corona discharges influences the electrical and mechanical performance of the power grid. It has been proven that partial discharge processes induce loss of hydrophobicity, increase leakage currents lead to arcs and dry bands formation, tracking and erosion and eventually to flashover. It is important to mention that under corona discharges alone the temperature would never reach the threshold of 200-300 °C required to initiate thermal degradation. Electrical distribution systems need to meet customers’ demands for continuous energy supply taking into consideration peak loads. Design, installation, operation and maintenance are the basic engineering considerations for a typical power system. Corona cameras are used to secure the ongoing smooth operation of these systems and assist utilities maintain high standard service. Although corona activity is not prevalent on distribution systems arcing is often the cause of audio noise and radio interference complaints and can indicate a defective components. In particular, discharge detection can assist in preventing timber pole fires.

Detection over long Distances Unlike other forms of discharge detection, corona cameras can operative over large distances, typically from 0.5m to infinity. It is not necessary to be close to the discharge to detect it and all cameras have optical and digital zoom.

Above: Typical HV Discharges with an Ofil Corona Camera

Above: Ofil ROM Corona Camera for aerial surveillance

Compact Hand-Held Cameras Simple single hand operation: turn-on, aim, shoot & store video clips and still pictures. UV and visible images are merged to show the exact emitting source of the discharge. All hand-held models have colour daylight visible LCD, zoom, GPS, temperature & humidity measurement and are weatherproof to IP54. Weight is between 1.4 and 2.2kg.

The Ofil DayCor Corona Cameras Pacific Test Equipment announces the range of Ofil DayCor Corona cameras. The range comprises three portable models plus three special models for mounting on vehicles, railway locomotives and helicopters.

Merging of UV and Visible Images To accurately determine the source of a discharge it is essential to be able to merge the visible image with the UV image. All Ofil cameras include image merge. Thus a problem or defect in a component creating a local high electric field will show corona activity. Some molecules are not ionized but excited – emitting photons on relaxation. Utilities are typically made aware of corona by complaints of faulty radio or television signals. Because corona are invisible in daylight with the naked eye, maintenance crews will investigate by aiming devices such a corona camera or radio antenna at suspected areas, and track corona. Corona discharge generates negligible heat and therefore is not detected with thermal (IR) cameras. Page 8 - Australian Power & Energy News

Above: Ofil UVolle Compact hand-held UV Camera

Above: Ofil Lumina Hand-held UV camera


Visible image - no discharge evident

Unit 27, 7 Anella Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154 Phone: +61 2 9659 2300 Email:

Hydro Tasmania joins forces to light up Hobart’s night sky this winter H

YDRO TASMANIA is Australia’s largest renewable energy producer and water manager. For the past century, it’s had a big impact on Tasmania’s economic, social and cultural development, and now, it’s time to celebrate.

This October, the business turns one hundred, and Hydro Tasmania is hosting a series of free community events across Tasmania to say thanks to the people who’ve helped build the business. The full program will be announced in coming weeks, but excitement is already mounting about the first event on the program. As part of its centenary celebration, Hydro Tasmania has partnered with MONA and the City of Hobart to bring a large-scale lighting installation to Hobart to transform the waterfront, in an Australian exclusive. The installation, known as Articulated Intersect, will light up the sky from dusk to dawn as part of the Dark Mofo Festival (June 13-22) and be visible over a 15-kilometre

radius. The powerful searchlights will be able to be manipulated by the public using levercontrollers on the ground to create personalised light sculptures in the sky. Created by Mexican-born artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Articulated Intersect is an interactive artwork from the collection of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. Hydro Tasmania CEO Steve Davy said partnering with MONA was a natural fit for two organisations that in different ways have played an important role in Tasmania. “The Hydro has had a significant impact on the economic, social and cultural development of the state for 100 years, while MONA has burst on to the scene in the last few years to make its mark in a unique way that has been recognised and celebrated across the world,” Mr Davy said. “We are proud to partner with MONA to present this amazing piece of public art as a forerunner to a program of events and initiatives later in the year to celebrate our centenary. “The Hydro turns 100 in October and we think it is a milestone worth celebrating.

Helping to power this installation to light up the night sky is our way of giving something back to the community that helped build the business.” The centenary recognises the creation of the original Hydro Electric Department in October 1914 which was later known as the HydroElectric Commission, the Hydro-Electric Corporation and now as Hydro Tasmania. However, it has been known and claimed by Tasmanians for generations simply as ‘the Hydro’. Mr Davy said the centenary was also a way to give thanks to the people who built the State’s hydropower system. A key component of the program of events and initiatives was collecting their stories to share with others. “The Hydro is a significant part of Tasmania’s story of the last 100 years and we think it is one worth recognising and telling,” he said. “However, it is more than just a corporate

history. ‘The Hydro’ is part of the living memory of thousands of workers and their families. That’s why we want to hear people’s stories and make them a key part of the centenary program so we can share them with others and celebrate their contribution.” To find out about the events, or to share your Hydro stories and photos, visit

Above: Shannon around 1926

Above: Tarraleah 1937

Above: Pay Day at Butlers Gorge 1948

Above: Last Bucket

Example of Articulated Intersect - Triennale Québecoise 2011, Place des Festivals, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal, Canada

You’re in control when 18 powerful lights pierce the Hobart sky from dusk until dawn. Six mechanical levers are set around the waterfront; as you move a lever, three robotic searchlights create a compound beam high above. Direct the lights to wherever you choose. As the different beams cross in the sky, they resist your control and pulsate autonomously in the darkness. So gather by the water after sunset as we illuminate our darkening sky. Embrace the open air, take the helm of Articulated Intersect on the first Friday night of Dark Mofo. The night is yours for the taking. Opening Friday June 13 - Dusk Continues until Sunday June 22 - Dusk till Dawn

Above: School group at Tarraleah 1930’s Australian Power & Energy News - Page 9

Legend Power Systems recently released a mobile phone version of their website ( for all Internet enabled smart phone users. The new initiative has been

website tracking results are showing a positive trend towards customers accessing the site in the ! " # " $ detailed images allow users to select and view product resources and technical data quickly. % & ' * + #

tweaking the program to increase the sites performance levels while adding additional content to the site.

Line Drawing


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Fault Current Rating of Lugs & Links Crimping Fine Stranded Cables Specialist Capabilities NATA Accreditation Jointing Compounds

The new smart phone website contains all of the information in the latest catalogue and also

Cross Reference Charts


Compaction Ratios Video Training



Brochures & Images Features & BeneďŹ ts


Quick and easy menu navigation


Improved search function


– Technical datasheets – Video Training

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Smart phone website screen shots

Simple As 1 2 3 Legend Power recently released website has some exciting new features. In particular the lug 1 2 3 4 5 # they are using the right combination. , $

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Visit for more information.

A New Online Arc Flash Training Module

Boundaries for Arc Flash Protection and Shock - Approach Limits

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3& + * " & ‘the training module is conducted over 4 hours and has been designed to complement your existing # 3 + , ? 8

CAT 2 Area

Unqualified Personnel • PPE & Supervision Qualified Person • Competent for Job • Approved Risk Analysis • Approved Work Procedure • EEWP • Incident Energy Calcs or HRC & PPE

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is issued. @ = $ % 3+$+ , ? $ " & # place practices. Please refer to your company policies regarding the suitability of the training module.

1.2 cal/cm2 Onset of 2nd Degree Burn

Arc Flash Protection Boundary

CAT 2 Area Unqualified Personnel • Awareness & Continuously Escorted by Qualified Person Qualified Person • Competent for Job


Arc Flash Protection Boundary Example of Detailed Arc Flash & Shock Warning Label

CAT 3 Area

No Unqualified Personnel Qualified Person • Competent for Job • Approved Risk Analysis • Approved Work Procedure • EEWP • PPE, Tools & Equipment & No Injuries is Prohibited


CAT 4 Area

No Unqualified Personnel Qualified Person • Competent for Job • Contact Work Justification Specialised Training • Approved Risk Analysis • Approved Work Procedure • EEWP • PPE, Tools & Equipment

Exposed Energised Electrical Equipment


High Risk of Shock CSAZ462 Table 1 / NFPA 70E Table 130 2 (C) Approved boundaries to Energized Electrical Conductors or Circuit Parts for Shock Protection

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Page 10 - Australian Power & Energy News


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Australian Power & Energy News - Page 11

New substation secures future electricity supply for Canberra’s South ActewAGL has recently completed the construction of the $30 million dollar East Lake zone substation as part of a multi-stage project to ensure that our network remains the most reliable in the country.


ONTINUED residential and commercial growth in Fyshwick, the Canberra Airport precinct and South Canberra has placed increasing electricity demand pressures on Canberra’s electrical infrastructure. ActewAGL Chief Executive Officer Michael Costello has officially opened the new substation which will ensure a secure and reliable electricity supply for this growing region. “The East Lake zone substation will ensure that our network can meet existing and future demand and cement the ACT’s record as the most reliable network in Australia - now and in the future.” Stage 1 of the project involved the construction of a new zone substation and underground 132kV high voltage transmission lines to Bruce and City East under the Jerrabomberra Wetlands. The state of the art substation was an achievement in technological excellence,

and environmental planning and will substantially increase electrical reliability and security in the ACT. Mr Costello welcomed the participation of construction partner Zinfra who conducted the building works on the environmentally friendly substation. “You can’t deliver projects of this size and impact without innovation, teamwork and collaboration between all parties. This complex project was delivered on time, under budget, with minimal disruption to the environment.” The works in the Jerrabomberra wetlands were carried out in consultation and with the involvement of local community, environmental and indigenous groups to ensure proper management of environmental and heritage issues. Planning and evaluation has begun for Stage 2 of the project which includes the removal of the Causeway switching station. Top: The new East Lake Substation. Above: ActewAGL CEO Michael Costello officially opens the new substation.

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PSD Energy Completes East Lake 132/11kV Substation Secondary Systems Supply and Installation


HE new East Lake 132/11kV Zone Substation was completed for energisation late in 2013 servicing growth in demand throughout the southern Canberra region. East Lake Zone Substation was built in an environmentally sensitive area and therefore required careful management, planning and diligence to specific conservation requirements. The project consisted of 10-Bay Primary Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS), two 132/11kV 30/55MVA Transformers, an 11kV (Air Insulated Switchgear) AIS switchboard and the associated secondary systems to provide the necessary control, protection and auxiliary services. A permanent concrete-section building was constructed to house the primary and secondary electrical equipment, architecturally designed with colours and features to reflect the natural surrounding environment. PSD Energy was engaged in a considerable Fensom, Zinfra Project Manager). role for the supply and installation of the new The major challenges faced during the indoor substation, specifically manufacturing supply and construction of East Lake was the and factory acceptance testing of the control accelerated time schedule. PSD were contracted and protection panels, secondary systems to install the secondary systems and all associated installation and complete site commissioning cabling. The PSD Energy site installation crew services of the 132/11kV yard. PSD utilised worked diligently to meet the stringent practical its in-house manufacturing facility in Pooraka completion date of late September 2013 so – South Australia to manufacture the control as not to disrupt the neighbouring wetlands and protection panels. A fully integrated factory breeding season. acceptance test was conducted and witnessed by PSD Energy’s final task for East Lake the client, PSD were responsible for loading the substation was the pre-commissioning and configuration files/settings and SCADA testing online testing of the entire site. This came with to a master station simulator. “We were pleased a number of challenges that were managed with the technical performance and friendly efficiently by the PSD Energy onsite testing cooperative attitude of the project team” (Matt supervisor. The schedule for practical completion

was extremely tight and the team worked around the clock to finalise the commissioning without any unplanned trips or outages. “All aspects of the commissioning were completed on time despite challenging program restrictions and uncertain handover dates with respect to the GIS equipment. The ever changing environment created by late handover of equipment was accommodated professionally and smoothly by PSD Energy, rearranging the schedule of testing to meet the original overall timeframes without any fuss” (Matt Fensom, Zinfra Project Manager). East Lake substation followed on the back of the Civic 132/11kV Zone substation upgrade which was a major Brownfield AIS upgrade in the ActewAGL network. The major capital upgrade project was the first of its kind for quite a number of years. PSD Energy were also engaged in a considerable role as the design and engineering partner for Zinfra, supplier

of secondary systems and assistance in onsite commissioning. The project experienced quite a number of challenges with respect to scheduling and design standards but were overcome with analytical thinking and a collaborative approach between PSD Energy, Zinfra and the end client ActewAGL. “We noted an extensive list of lessons learnt from the Civic Zone Substation upgrade which were transferred across to East Lake, this made for a smooth design, supply, installation and testing sequence. We managed to avoid a lot of obstacles the second time around” (PSD Project Manager). PSD Energy was pleased to play a considerable role on both Civic and East Lake Substations and found it extremely satisfying to work alongside the team from Zinfra and ActewAGL. Another successful project practical completion was achieved where numerous stakeholders united together to achieve a common goal.

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16 Williams Circuit Pooraka, SA 5095 555 Waterloo Corner Road, Burton SA 5110 1A Bayview Avenue, Earlwood NSW 2206

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Australian Power & Energy News - Page 13

Demand drives new East Lake 132/11kV zone substation Continued residential and commercial growth in Fyshwick, Canberra Airport precinct and South Canberra is placing increasing electricity demand pressures on Canberra’s electrical infrastructure.


O MEET THIS emerging demand, ActewAGL has strategically invested in a new zone substation as a part of its network augmentation planning. The East Lake zone substation will ensure that our network can meet existing and future demand and cement the ACT’s record of the most reliable network in Australia – now and in the future. The project

The East Lake zone substation project is part of a multi-stage project. This incorporates works including the future demolition of existing electrical infrastructure (Causeway switching station and overhead transmission lines and poles) and the construction of a new co-located substation/switchyard and associated underground 132kV transmissions lines around and across parts of the Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Fyshwick, Kingston and Causeway. The East Lake zone substation project has been initiated to address two separate considerations. Firstly, the need to meet existing and expected growth in demand from Fyshwick, Canberra Airport and South Canberra, as well as improving the inter-operability and redundancy capacity of the ACT 132kV electricity network. A secondary objective is to support the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) and the Land Development Agency (LDA) plans to improve the urban amenity associated with new urban development in East Lake and Kingston Foreshore by relocation (in future stages) of the existing switching station at Causeway and associated overhead transmission lines. Stage 1 of the project involved completion of a new 132/ 11kV zone substation and undergrounding of 132kV transmission lines from Bruce and City East across the Jerrabomberra Wetlands. The site at Dairy Flat Road in Fyshwick was chosen following a two-staged evaluation of approximately 30 sites. The preferred site and route was identified as having minimal impact on the Jerrabomberra Wetlands and other land uses. Construction of Stage 1 commenced in late 2012, at an estimated cost of $31.3m and with a target completion date of December 2013. The project was successfully delivered on time and under budget through an alliance agreement with Zinfra. Planning and evaluation has begun for Stage 2 of the project which involves removal Page 14 - Australian Power & Energy News

Right: Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) at East Lake Below: The new East Lake Substation

of the existing electrical infrastructure such as the Causeway switching station and overhead transmission lines and poles and the undergrounding of high voltage transmission cables to Telopea and Gilmore substations.

a particular requirement of this project due to the environmental and aesthetic considerations of the location. The gas used to insulate the substation is SF6 - Sulphur Hexa Fluoride.

Technology and innovation

Heritage and environmental aspects of the project

A state of the art substation, East Lake is an achievement in technological excellence. The utilisation of Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) offered the project a number of aesthetic, environmental and economic benefits. Utilised for the first time in the ACT, the GIS ensured that the East Lake development takes up much less space – approximately 15 per cent less – than a conventional substation and the equipment is predominantly housed indoor. Conventional substations in the ACT are air-insulated which means air at atmospheric pressure provides the insulation and subsequently requires huge spaces. A GIS substation such as East Lake on the other hand, requires much less space which was

The East Lake Stage 1 project has also been a major success in terms of environmental planning and restoration. Once the preferred site was chosen a significant amount of work was undertaken to ensure that the local environment and heritage concerns were addressed. Situated adjacent to the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve – a species-rich urban wetland that provides refuge for migratory birds as well as resident native birds, and in drought times, waterbirds from all over Australia – the environmental planning and management required for this project was demanding. Strict environmental conditions were imposed as a part of the Commonwealth and ACT Governments’ development approval processes.

The project involved consultation with local indigenous groups to ensure effective management of indigenous artefacts and heritage issues. It was also critical to effectively manage early concerns that the area contained contaminated former landfills and spoil dumps. Significant soil sampling and testing was done prior to the undergrounding of the cabling to ensure all appropriate environmental management requirements were identified and planned for. Undergrounding of high voltage lines was also as a result of consultation with the Department of the Environment. Although there was some initial concern in regards to digging a trench across wetlands this approach was seen to have the least environmental impact on the site. As part of the project exotic weeds were reoved and replaced with native vegetation, improving the quality of vegetation in the area. For more information visit the website:

Get in the Zone with Zinfra Project Manager – Matthew Fensom Zinfra’s Project Manager Matthew Fensom had one goal – how can we deliver the East Lake zone GIS substation in a tight timeframe and on budget for the client ActewAGL? This question is what drove his planning and ultimately, was the impetus behind a successful project delivery.


F THERE EVER was a vacancy for a superhero Project Manager who had the power of 360 degree vision, Matt Fensom would be a serious contender. Matt’s commitment to future planning and his ability to focus on sticking to that plan is legendary at Zinfra. The first thing most people notice about Matt is his ability to plan and execute the big picture, without missing a beat on the smallest detail. After conducting a Natural Job Aptitude Test last year, Matt discovered that he had a rare talent. He scored off the charts in focus on time, compliance, breadth (the big picture) and future planning. “Whereas a normal percentage score for future planning is 100 percent, I came in at

203 percent! I guess that’s where I can add value to the client – I am able to consider all scenarios simultaneously,” says Matt. Matt says that for ActewAGL it was really important to get the substation energised as soon as practical so the asset was operational sooner, rather than later – and that’s what Zinfra is all about. “Critical path items were my first priority. I am brutal in the pre-planning stages because if we get that right, by the time the construction team is ready, all they have to worry about is picking up their tools and the materials to start the build, without delay and without fuss,” says Matt. This design and construct (D&C) was an Alliance contract between Zinfra and

Matthew Fensom

ActewAGL and was completed in just over 12 months. “This alliance had a real camaraderie about it. We worked together, we socialised together and everyone was proud to be a part of such a signature project. There was a real sense of ownership, of pride in the team, and I think that underpinned the success of this project,” says Matt. Successful it was indeed. Valued at over $30 million, the East Lake substation is a feat in safety standards, technological excellence, environmental planning, restoration and all round stakeholder management. Situated adjacent to the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve - a species-rich urban wetland that provides refuge for Continued next page

132kV GIS Switchgear

Protection/Control Panels Australian Power & Energy News - Page 15

Get in the Zone with Zinfra Project Manager – Matthew Fensom

Continued from previous page

migratory birds as well as resident native birds, and in drought times, waterbirds from all over Australia – the environmental planning involved in this project was not for the faint of heart. With four separate environmental agencies each having a stake in this project, including the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Management Authority – who had round the clock rangers directly across the road – Zinfra’s Project Manager Matt Fensom says the strict environmental conditions that had to be met on this D&C was a triumph in itself. “We had to run underground conduits, pull and join 132kV cables for two 1.5km feeders within the wetlands itself. With the rangers on constant patrol, if you did something out of step, you’d know within the hour! We had a lot of strict conditions to meet, which we met,” says Matt. One of the main conditions was the timing. The works in the wetlands had to be completed between April to the end of September 2013 so as not to interfere with the bird breeding season. Unfortunately, Zinfra experienced a delay when one of the cable drums was dropped when offloading at Sydney Port. Despite this setback, Zinfra was able to get a new cable drum in and negotiated a short extension by working around the clock to finish the works and full restoration with two days to spare. “The Project Team did a great job. There was minimal imposition on the birds and thankfully none were harmed in the making of the substation!” says Matt. Zinfra also had to conduct heritage assessments for indigenous artefacts and soil dating, as well as check for contaminated material - as part of the wetlands used to be a dumping ground. Thankfully there was nothing to be concerned about. Being a semi-rural environment, Zinfra also needed to consider a local land owner, who had an agistment on that area of wetlands too, so keeping the cows happy was another consideration for the project team. “We got on really well with the land owner. We sat down and asked him at the outset what was important to him and how could we meet his expectations. We made sure that his cows had access to the water while we were doing works so we erected gates in the corridor so he had a path to take the cows through without impacting our work – or their drinking supply,” says Matt. Matt says that given the high level of complexity on this project, an Alliance was the best option to deliver on this type of work. East Lake was a great challenge on all fronts. It required 132kV underground cabling, overhead works, GIS equipment, which meant an enormous amount of civil works – and managing subcontractors brings its own logistical challenges. This is where planning became critical – committing to dates and enforcing deadlines was essential to being able to meet our commitment to ActewAGL. “This Alliance has been great – it’s really about dealing with project issues and knowing who is best placed to fix them. So it’s a very collaborative and effective arrangement. Having ActewAGL onsite helped us resolve issues together, and it also helped us to form a solid relationship built on trust. I would definitely do it again,” says Matt. Page 16 - Australian Power & Energy News

Aside from his substation experience, superhuman future planning ability and affability as a colleague, the thing that makes Matt so endearing to those who work with him is his simple pleasure in appreciating a job well done. “I just love being a Project Manager. The best part of this job was that I could stand back and say, wow! I was a part of that. Just for that moment, whatever the challenges we faced along the way made it all worthwhile,” says Matt.

Zinfra also had to conduct heritage assessments for indigenous artefacts and soil dating, as well as check for contaminated material - as part of the wetlands used to be a dumping ground. Thankfully there was nothing to be concerned about.

Above: 132/11kV Transformer Compound Below left: Secondary Wiring Below right: Protection/Control Panels

Australian Power & Energy News - Page 17

Sphere provides all-round service to the East Lake Zone Substation

Sphere has recently undertaken two major projects for the Zinfra/ActewAGL alliance, with the upgrade of the ACT 132kV Civic Zone Substation and the completion of the new ACT 132kV Eastlake Zone Substation.


N BOTH OF THESE projects, Sphere was engaged as the head building contractor. For the Civic Zone Substation, ActewAGL was undertaking major capital works to the sixty year old heritage listed building in order to increase the capacity of its distribution network supplying central Canberra to meet existing and growing demand in Canberra’s CBD. This project involved the expansion of the Civic zone substation building and switchyard and consisted of installation of a third 132kV/11kV 55MVA transformer and 13 panel 11kV switchboard, replacement of two aging 13 panel 11kV switchboards & provision of a new disaster recovery facility. All works were undertaken in a staged process around the live 132/11kV switchyard and switchboards. As part of its Capital Works Upgrade Program, ActewAGL also constructed a new 132/11kV Zone Substation at DairyRoad, Fyshwick. The new GIS substation includes a switch rooms, control room, communications room, amenities and separate transformer bay enclosures, all within a 2hr fire rated building. This new 132/11kV zone substation will increase the capacity of its distribution network supplying the South Canberra region. Sphere is also currently engaged in a number of projects across Canberra, such as the construction of three boutique multiunit residential complexes, ranging in scale from eight to twenty units. The group has also performed an extensive array of work for heritage- listed buildings in the city, including the High Court of Australia, Old Parliament House & The National Gallery of Australia. Despite the company’s youth within

The East Lake Zone Substation

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PHERE PROJECTS is a Canberra-based provider of quality-assured building design, construction, and project management services.

the industry, Sphere has already garnered significant recognition for a number of their projects, as finalists in the 2012 ACT Master Builders Association Awards for Excellence. The first was for the refurbishment of the Cascade Waterfall, part of the High Court of Australia, under the category of Projects of Technical Complexity and Difficulty, while the other was for the fit-out of a commercial bakery and café, in the Commercial Fit-Outs Under Half a Million Dollars section. Sphere has also achieved third party certification in the form of ISO 9001 Quality Assurance for their management systems, AS 4801 for their Occupational Health and Safety systems, and ISO 14001 for their Environmental Management Systems, certifications that they have maintained continuously for the past four and a half years.

Close, long-term relationships with suppliers, manufacturers, associations, and other industry bodies are a vital part of Sphere’s business. “We’re only as good as the suppliers, consultants, and contractors, from the manufacturers in the factory, right through to the guy who delivers it to the site. All of those guys are important and we work with them very closely,” Sid explains. “We treat them all with the same level of importance within our supply chain.” Sphere has also retained membership with the Master Builders Association since their inception, and has played an active role on the commercial council of the MBA in the ACT. Being members of such organisations has proven advantageous when putting in tender submissions, as a company that is recognised as a professional organisation reassures potential clients. The establishment of Sphere Projects was a great step forward for Sid and Zoran. “We’ve gone from strength to strength,” Sid says, “and quickly developed a long list of long term clients with repeat business.” In the coming years, Sid and Zoran are looking forward to the further development of Sphere Projects through careful, sustainable growth. “One of the main points we made when we started the company was that we wanted to keep it as a family based, local company, where both directors are personally involved in every project that comes through our door,” Sid continues. “Our clients get to meet both myself and Zoran on every single project, we both keep ourselves aware of what’s happening on every single site, and I think it’s very important for the achievement of our requirement, which is customer satisfaction, and a high level of quality on completion.”

The company was established in April of 2009 by Directors Siddhartha Rao and Zoran Sever, both seasoned members of the Canberra construction industry. Following his studies in architecture at the University of Canberra, Siddhartha has worked as a project architect at a prominent local firm, undertaken a project management role for a large fit-out company, as well as providing client side project management for the Commonwealth Government. Zoran Sever, after running his own local construction company for over eighteen years, has earned his reputation as a highly skilled and experienced builder. “Both of us had been working together on a number of projects,” says Sid, “and we decided to start Sphere Projects to get a synergy from our experience.” Design, construction, and project management are Sphere’s three core services, drawing from Sid’s architectural and management background, and Zoran’s construction expertise. The company’s comprehensive in-house design division and full range of commercial office construction and fit- out services are supplemented by Zoran’s further experience in the heritage construction sector with his project history ranging from numerous churches and other nineteenth century buildings, to structures dating as far back as the twelfth century. As well, Sphere’s management division provides project superintendence for private and Government agency clients.

GPO Box 558 Canberra, ACT 2601

p: +612 6259 0017 f: +612 6259 0014

TransGrid’s Sydney East Substation Augmentation Project Delivered 2 Months Early and Under Budget


330 kV transformer was brought in as part of the Sydney East Substation Augmentation Project.

The project itself has been a success, delivered two months early and under budget. “We’re very pleased with the overall outcome and the positives also extended to the local environment,” said Project Manager Sarah Conacher. “We’ve been planting native species from the Duffy’s Forest ecological community, which provide a habitat for local fauna and restored the surrounding land to its natural state following construction.” The transporting of any transformer is both a delicate and heavyweight project, a significant logistical event to ensure the safe arrival of a $6 million piece of equipment. Two ten axle, multi-platform trailers are

required to move a transformer as it is hauled along by prime movers. Its configuration is about 5 metres in height, 3 metres wide and almost 10 metres in length. Traffic management plans include a series of support vehicles for the large road-train, consisting of police support vehicles, several escorts from the transformer company, a back-up vehicle for maintenance purposes and a spare prime mover. Other new assets included three large oil containment tanks and a range of highvoltage switchgear. “The three new oil containment tanks were also constructed to increase the protection of the surrounding environment,” Ms Conacher added. “It’s great to know that a construction project can deliver such positive environmental outcomes.”

Above: Sydney East transformer delivery

Lend Lease installs 330 kV transformer for TransGrid


N August 2013, Lend Lease managed the road transportation of a 170 tonne transformer tank from the Port of Newcastle to TransGrid’s Sydney East Substation located in Belrose, Sydney.

Manufactured by Hyosung in Korea, the transformer was mounted between a 250

tonne beam set, pulled by four prime movers. Escorted by four vehicles, two police vehicles and a back-up prime mover, the transformer

convoy alone was 100 metres long, five metres wide and almost five metres high – creating an impressive site travelling along the M1 at night. The convoy took five nights to travel the 178 kilometres to its new home in Sydney, crossing four rail bridges and 14 intersections along the way. Following its arrival at Belrose, the Lend Lease team began the delicate operation

Above: The team begins moving the transformer through the substation

of unloading and manoeuvring the bulky transformer through the 330 kV energised substation to its waiting plinth. During the following two months, six Lend Lease personnel worked to place the 375 MVA transformer on its plinth and assemble and install all the equipment, including the external radiator and conservator tanks, MV and HV turret and bushings, the tap changer and the oil circulation lines. Finally, 190,000 litres of oil was used to fill the transformer under vacuum and testing of the equipment could begin. Commissioning of the new equipment was jointly managed by experienced technicians from Hyosung and Lend Lease. The commissioning technicians configured the dissolved gas analysis system (DGA) and conducted phase relationship testing, ratio testing, winding resistance measurement, CT polarity, insulation power factor tests (DDF) and SFRA tests. The project was completed on time and on budget, with zero safety incidents. The entire project was completed inside TransGrid’s 330 kV energised substation and; in compliance with the most strict safety rules and access procedures. This project is the first Hyosung transformer that Lend Lease has installed in New South Wales. During the past four

years, Lend Lease has also installed 24 bays of 132 kV gas insulated switchgear and eighteen 132 kV dead tank circuit breakers (also manufactured by Hyosung) at eight substations across Sydney and the south coast of New South Wales.

Above: Unloading begins as the transformer arrives at the site

New energy. Generators. Networks. Products. Lend Lease’s Services business is an end-to-end provider to Australia’s power industry. Transmission and distribution substation and switchyard construction Distribution network maintenance services delivered across five states Maintenance and major refurbishment works for base load generators Manufacture and installation of specialist power distribution products under the i.Power Solutions brand

Australian Power & Energy News - Page 19

TransGrid meets the Armidale challenge


CCASIONALLY the building and maintenance of electricity infrastructure throws up challenges for project teams – requiring them to come up with innovative ideas to achieve the desired on-time, within-budget outcome.

One such challenge was faced by TransGrid officials at the Armidale Substation in the state’s northern tablelands, which was in need of a replacement Number 1 reactor. “It’s always a balancing act when you are installing a new piece of equipment, while dismantling the existing compound,” said Senior Project Manager Denis Novakovic. TransGrid’s commitment to efficiencies and ensuring safe and reliable supply of electricity was the primary reason for the replacement, rather than returning the aged equipment to service. “We used every project management tool at our disposal to achieve the desired timing and

Energex completes $12plus million Lockyer Valley power upgrade


HE Lockyer Valley’s electricity grid received a significant boost recently with the completion of a $12.3 million upgrade by Energex.

efficiency gains,” Mr Novakovic said. “I’m pleased to say that our Capital Program Delivery and Network Services and Operations project staff kept their focus

despite time constraints and paid great attention to even the smallest of details.” Among the challenges the site team had to meet were the logistics and staging of a new reactor unit delivery and placement within the physical constraints on site as well as regular consultation and co-ordination with the contractors on timing and completion of critical milestones, together with the associated outage constraints. “Only through proper relationship management with the contractor and a practical attitude of the core project team was the project able to be delivered ahead of time and on budget,” Mr Novakovic added. TransGrid is the major high-voltage electricity transmission network service provider in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory and its role is to provide safe, secure, reliable, efficient and world class transmission services to New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and the National Electricity Market. The network provides an essential service to both the largest state capital city in Australia and the national capital. More than 7 million consumers rely on TransGrid’s network to provide them with the electricity supply on which they have come to depend.

Work included a $4.8 million upgrade to the Glenore Grove substation located on Forest Hill-Fernvale Road and the construction of a $7.5 million powerline from the Glenore Grove substation to Laidley substation. According to Russell Cross, Energex’s Asset Manager Western region, these projects have significantly bolstered the power supply to more than 6,000 homes in the Lockyer Valley and created a much more reliable rural electricity network. “The Glenore Grove substation upgrade saw equipment that had served the community for more than 50 years replaced with the most up-to-date electrical infrastructure,” Mr Cross said. “The substation improvements also allowed Energex to directly connect it to Laidley substation via a new powerline which, in most cases, will allow our crews to get the lights on faster after storm damage because they’ll be able to divert power between both facilities. “This work will also allow for future domestic and commercial growth in the region.” Mr Cross thanked the local community for their patience and understanding during the upgrade process which was hampered by flooding in 2011 and 2013. This work will also complement a recently completed $13 million upgrade of the power network in Lowood and Lockrose. Energex’s capital works program aims to improve and reinforce electricity supplies across South East Queensland, especially to meet peak electricity demand periods, and to support the increased use of residential solar power and lifestyle enhancing appliances, such as air-conditioners and flat screen televisions.

Powering Sydney Olympic Park

New Munno Para substation site works commence C M

IVIL work to install new cables in Sydney Olympic Park is now complete, with conduits installed between Mason Park and Bicentennial Park.

OBILISATION to ElectraNet’s and SA Power Networks’ joint Munno Para substation project site will commence in the second quarter of 2014.

The new substation is being built on a site bordered by Dalkeith and Coventry Roads and will meet SA Power Networks’ need to provide additional power to the Northern suburbs’ electricity distribution network when it is complete in 2015. As the project progresses through construction, residents may notice additional heavy vehicle movement, as materials and equipment are transported to and from the site. Vehicle movements will peak during early earthworks and decrease as the focus shifts to assembling equipment within the substation yards. “Noise, dust, traffic and other potential construction issues will be identified and managed from the outset. Notification will be provided to residents prior to significant works taking place, to minimise the impact of construction on their daily lives,” said Mr Phil Court-Kowalski, ElectraNet Executive Manager Network Services. The Northern suburbs have been identified as a key area for residential growth in the 30year Plan for Greater Adelaide, with the City of

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Above: Transmission lines in Munno Parra Playford being one of the fastest growing areas in the state. The Australian Bureau of Statistics projects that its current population of 82,000 people will double by 2026.

“The new Munno Para substation will provide reliable and safe power to meet the electricity demands of surrounding communities in Playford and the Town of Gawler, now and into the future,” Mr Court-Kowalski said.

Ausgrid Chief Operating Officer Trevor Armstrong said the conduits ran about one kilometre between the subtransmission station at Mason Park and the new substation. “Crews of construction workers began trenching and installing the conduits along the cable route in November last year,” Mr Armstrong said. “Once the new substation is complete, it will help meet the increasing electricity demand from the area’s growing business and residential community.” Mr Armstrong said Ausgrid worked closely with the Sydney Olympic Park Authority and the shopping outlet DFO to minimise disruption to the community as much as possible during the work to install the conduits. Ausgrid crews and contractors are now focussing on completing the construction of the new substation at Bicentennial Park. The substation has been architecturally designed to fit in with the local area and will meet the electricity demand from the area’s growing business and residential community. It is in line with Sydney Olympic Park’s Master Plan 2030 and is targeted for completion by 2016.

New Generation Battery Analysis B

ATTERY Load Testers have been around for many years but there has not been any significant improvement to the design since inception, some up to 20 years ago. The shortcomings of most battery load testers are: • Insufficient load current for many applications requiring an additional load unit, • Excessive weight giving rise to WHS concerns due to the age of the technology. • High cost of repair and maintenance also due to the age of the technology.

New Generation Battery Load Analysis The new DV-Power BLU200A Battery Load Unit will soon be available from Pacific Test Equipment and will be featured at the forthcoming TechCon 2014 exhibition in Sydney. With the DV-Power unit, measuring battery capacity is based on a stateof-the-art technology, using the most advanced power electronics solutions with coolers and fans integrated into device. The BLU200A provides that the discharge current is a true DC ripple-free current up to 200 Amps, for 10 – 300 V battery systems. The BLU200A instrument has an internal memory for storage of results, a flash drive port and USB cable for simple data transfer. All measurements are time and date stamped. A keyboard and graphical 4.3” touch-screen display is included for easy navigation. Overcurrent and overheating protection is installed, as well as protection against fan failure. An emergency stop button, external alarm trigger and galvanic keyboard isolation are included.

Ethernet interface is an option. Using DVWin the results can be arranged and printed for a report in a selectable format as an Excel spreadsheet, PDF, Word or ASCII format. Importing other types of data format (jpeg, png, doc) into standardized DV-Win report is provided. Exporting the numerical and graphical results from DV-Win into customizable report is supported. Additionally, the software provides a possibility of setting extra parameters (cell, capacity, time) for alarming and ending the test. Connecting the BLU200A to Battery Set Using two sets of cables, the device can be connected to any battery test object. The connection to the battery is made using two- contact clamps. The diagram below shows the connections for a discharge test of an eight-cell battery system wired in series and parallel (for example 24 V systems with 6 V batteries). The test setup time is minimized and the test can be started very quickly once the battery system voltage is detected and discharge current entered. For best results it is recommended that the discharge test is preceded and followed by full battery charging.

Above: Battery Load Unit – BLU series Right: Battery Voltage Recorder unit Below: Connecting to the BLU200A

Compatible with DV-Win Software

Higher Current – Lower Weight Compared to its nearest rival, the new DV-Power unit can discharge 80% more current but is 30% lighter, weighing just 14.5kg! Another competitor can get within 54% of the DV-Power’s load current but will bust your back with a massive 32kg weight penalty! Discharges Greater than 200 Amps If discharging rate higher than 200 A is required, two or more BLU200A units can be connected in parallel. The discharging can be conducted according to constant current, constant power, constant resistance and selected load profile. DV-Win Software With the included DV-Win software, a test can be performed and observed from a user’s PC, and the results can be obtained directly on the PC. Communication between the BLU200A and the PC is normally achieved via the USB cable.

Battery Voltage Analysis To compliment the Battery Load Unit, DV-Power is also releasing the Battery Voltage Recorder (BVR) This hand-held unit is intended for monitoring battery voltages and temperature while battery is either connected or disconnected from the network. It can be used during a battery charging/discharging process as well. When used in combination with BLU200 it serves as an efficient supplement to the battery capacity testing. Electrolyte Density The BVR can also provide data on the density of the electrolyte by communicating with an external

hydrometer over an infrared (IR) link. An additional feature is the compatibility with the cell tags enabling cell recognition over Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Easy to use This BVR is simple and easy to use with the possibility to systematically memorize the results of each measurement. All measurements are time and date stamped. It also has the possibility of fast and easy data transfer and storage over USB cable. Future analysis of data transferred to a PC is possible by using DV- Win set of software applications. This instrument is equipped with keyboard, graphical 3.1” colour touchscreen and voltage measurement completion indication signal.

The BVR uses the same DV-Win software as the BLU200 allowing the results to be presented as tables and graphical curves and bars. They can be arranged and printed for a report in a selectable format as an Excel spreadsheet, PDF, Word or ASCII format. Additionally, importing other types of data formats (jpeg, png, doc) into standardized DV-Win report is provided, as well as exporting the numerical and graphical results from DV-Win into customizable reports. Also, the system application provides an alarm notification when detecting cells with voltage level lower than the threshold. DV-Win enables a user to retrieve historic data on every individual cell. PACIFIC TEST Equipment Unit 27, 7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill, NSW 2154 Phone: +61 2 9659 2300 Email: Australian Power & Energy News - Page 21

THERE’S NO DOUBT that the team from Absafe know how to get around. As members of the International Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) they’re made of the right stuff.


EMBERSHIP of IRATA means that your skill is tested, you’re audited by an independent third party to prove that you have what it takes to reach those out of the way places safely and it’s no place for the squeamish. Try abseiling down the inside of a dark and narrow chimney or bracing against the elements hanging on the side of a high-rise building. This is a regular day for the Absafe team and they do thrive on a challenge. Perhaps in their world getting there might be half the fun but it doesn’t end there because that’s when the serious business begins. Having the skill to plummet the depths or climb to the top of the world and touch the sky takes a special kind of bravado but fighting corrosion in those hard to reach places is what Absafe are really good at and on that subject they’ve passed every test. Based in Victoria, Absafe Pty Ltd are a team of industry leading specialist contractors who provide expert industrial rope access inspection, remedial and maintenance services to all forms of façade and structures as well as the provision of Height Safety Services. The company prides itself on having the ability to fight corrosion in the most hazardous of areas and to do it safely and effectively.

Absafe know how to use a rope, but it’s what they do next that really matters Accreditation is important to the Absafe team. Their ability to extend the life of an asset by stopping corrosion in its tracks and the treatment applied is world’s best practice. Being qualified to access hard to reach places and to apply the correct anti-corrosion treatment once there, is paramount. As Absafe owner and Director Andy Caddy explains. “Qualifying as a member of IRATA is extremely important. It’s the benchmark, the sole global standard in safety and efficiency in the work-at-height sector and it has member companies in every continent. Each IRATA member is audited by an independent third party auditor to ensure that it has in place correct procedures and systems for industrial rope access. Member companies are obliged to work in accordance with the conditions set out in the International Code of Practice.” Andy explains how the code of practice for industrial rope access has been developed by IRATA over the last 25 years. It is now the industry preferred technique to enable access for much of the work in the offshore oil and gas sector as well as a range of projects in construction, civil engineering and when dealing with hazardous areas in a marine or natural environment. The IRATA code of practice has proven to be extremely successful in ensuring an unrivalled global safety record year after year. It’s an enviable record considering the dangers faced by those who, not only work at height but need to access that hard to reach location. Undoubtedly, such levels of safety have been achieved because the code is based on a rigorous training regime and strict workplace guidelines. The IRATA system has three main components that combine to create a safe system of work: • The International Code of Practice (ICOP) is the IRATA bible which lays out work and management systems in full. Page 22 - Australian Power & Energy News

The IRATA training scheme is the most established and respected worldwide, producing three levels of qualified operative from apprentice through to supervisor. IRATA member companies are subject to regular thorough audits to ensure their systems are fully compliant with the ICOP.

Absafe provide a comprehensive make safe service with the capacity to respond rapidly to remove unsafe materials and secure the site. The company protects business assets across all the major industries, using industrial coatings, abrasives and waterproofing. The company’s in-house talent also includes fully qualified engineers and NACE Coatings inspectors. Absafe are also qualified in the application of Cardox which is fully certified as a non-explosive device. The Cardox CO2 System is extensively used for Silo clearance and in the removal of large build ups in bulk containers. It’s also used for rock or concrete breaking, tunnel excavation, trench excavation, general open cut excavation, foundation excavation, quarry (secondary rock breaking), and underwater excavation. Absafe’s expansive client list includes Melbourne Water, Tru Energy, Yallourn Power Station, International Power, SP AusNet, Cement Australia and a host of other major clients in the mining, construction, power, oil, gas and shipping sectors throughout Australia. Absafe is also a member of ACA (Australian Corrosion Association); ACRA (Australian Concrete Repair Association and CCF (Civil Contractors Federation). ACA is a non-political, non-profit membership based organisation and Andy describes it as such; “It’s an organisation akin to a ‘learned society’ and its membership is drawn from a wide cross section of industries all united in one common purpose; to reduce the impact of corrosion in Australasia. The strength of the ACA lies in the combined experience, research and know-how of a

If you would like to know more about Absafe and the range of services the company provides you can contact them on 03 9486 3777 or visit: variety of work interests as well as the result of academic and industry training. Through this process ACA has developed a far more effective methodology in the fight against corrosion. ACA provides an opportunity for its members to broaden their knowledge through education, training and technical meetings. Of course there’s also member networking opportunities, conferences, certification and accreditation along with regular publications to support the transfer of technical knowledge from a worldwide base.” Absafe is also a member of The Australasian Concrete Repair Association (ACRA) which was formed in 1991. ACRA’s aim is to provide a forum to promote discussion and an exchange of views in the concrete repair industry to advance the technology and practice of concrete repair and associated activities.

The Association’s members are at the forefront of concrete repair technology worldwide and include companies and individuals with an interest in repairing and protecting concrete. These include specialist consultants and engineers, specialist repair contractors, specialist materials suppliers and asset owners. The Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) is another membership that Absafe enjoys as that organisation is the representative body of Civil Engineering Contractors in Australia providing assistance and expertise in contractor development and industry issues. There is no doubting the rope access skills of the Absafe team in conquering the heights or depths of those hard to reach places, but it’s supported by a wealth of knowledge and an acute ability to apply the right treatment to stop corrosion in its tracks no matter where it is.

Australian Porwer & Energy News - Page 23

NSW Government Welcomes the Next Generation of Energy Workers


INISTER for Resources and Energy Anthony Roberts recently officially welcomed the State’s next generation of energy workers.

Mr Roberts joined 58 first year apprentices at the Ausgrid Learning Centre at Silverwater. Across NSW, a total of 88 new apprentices have started training with Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy. Mr Roberts said the new workers will play a vital role in helping the networks deliver a safe and reliable electricity supply for the State. “These new apprentices will spend the next four years learning how to work safely on the electricity distribution networks,” Mr Roberts said. “They will train as electricians, zone substation technicians and distribution power workers on the overhead and underground electricity networks. “Many of them will join the emergency response teams, serving homes and businesses across NSW during storms, floods and other emergencies. “The new recruits at Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid will initially learn their trades in

Silverwater, Newcastle and Muswellbrook, before heading out into the field. “Essential Energy apprentices are being trained in Goulburn, Grafton and Parkes and will then be based at 27 regional and rural depots.” There are currently more than 700 apprentices in training across the three organisations. The apprentice class of 2014 includes: • 39 first-year apprentices with Ausgrid; • 19 with Endeavour Energy; and • 30 with Essential Energy. Mr Roberts said apprenticeships are a first step towards a career full of opportunities in a nationally-recognised trade. “Most important for these apprentices is the recognition of the hazardous nature of the electricity industry and the necessary focus on safety. “Working to keep the community, their workmates and themselves safe is the highest priority in everything they do. “I congratulate all the new apprentices and the NSW Government thanks them and wishes them the best of luck as they embark on their new careers.”

Above: Apprentices from Sydney’s southern suburbs Matthias Krieg, Jack Klees, Shannon McEwen, India Matthews-Whelan, Derrick Thomas and Luke Tisdell celebrate the start of their careers with Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy

Above: The class of 2014 first year Ausgrid and Endeavour Energy Apprentices

Training supports Power and Water’s Zero Harm goal


RAINING is a key element in Power and Water’s safety goal of Zero Harm with designated staff required to complete a range of skills exercises to prepare them for emergency situations.

Escaping from EWP buckets high in the air formed the focus of a recent training event at the Allwright Training Facility at Coolalinga. Electricians and linesmen donned safety harnesses and abseiled their way to ‘safety’ during the exercise.

Above: EWP Safety Training Page 24 - Australian Power & Energy News

The tower and pole top rescue training forms a key element in mandatory skills’ refresher training for designated frontline staff. Hopefully the training will never be needed; however in an emergency situation, a lines worker requiring a pole top or tower rescue will rely on the competence and training of fellow crew members to bring them to safety. Safety skills’ training acts as a timely reminder that complacency is

Above and left: Tower Rescue Training

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