Australian Ports News vol3 no8

Page 1

Please see our Editorial and Advertisement on Pages 14, 15 & 16

Please see our Advertisement and Editorial on Pages 20 and 21

Commissioning of MV Lonsdale for the Port of Melbourne Corporation

Feature Pages 18-19

First Grain Shipment for Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature Pages 3-9

Appointment of Nick Easy as CEO of Port of Melbourne


HE Australian Logistics Council (ALC), the peak national body for the freight logistics industry, congratulated Nick Easy (pictured right) on his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the Port of Melbourne Corporation, an ALC member. “ALC welcomes Mr Easy’s appointment as the new CEO of Port of Melbourne and we look forward to working with him on a range of initiatives to improve the efficient movement of freight to and from the port,” said Michael Kilgariff, ALC Managing Director. “Port of Melbourne is an integral component of the domestic and international supply chain, handling more than 2.5 million TEU annually and around 1000 motor vehicles per day on average. “Mr Easy’s experience delivering the Channel Deepening Project provides him with an excellent foundation upon which he can continue to build Port of Melbourne’s capacity and efficiency. “Mr Easy takes the reins at the Port of Melbourne at an exciting time in the port’s growth with more than $1 billion being invested by the Government in the facility to ensure it can meet rising freight demand. “The Port Capacity Project is critical to improving freight efficiency both domestically and nationally, and it will help to enhance Melbourne’s reputation as Australia’s freight and logistics capital,” he said Mr Kilgariff said there were a number of major freight related initiatives underway in Melbourne at the moment to improve supply chain efficiency. “These include the pending announcement of the third stevedore at Port of Melbourne,


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REMANTLE Ports has advertised nationally for expressions of interest to develop and operate a dedicated bulk liquids berth at Kwinana. The site is Fremantle Ports’ Kwinana Bulk Jetty, a common-user facility which currently handles both dry and liquid bulk trades. Fremantle Ports’ Chief Executive Officer, Chris Leatt-Hayter said there had been strong growth in these trade sectors over the past decade. “Consolidating Fremantle Ports’ commonuser bulk liquid trade to a dedicated worldclass berth as an extension to the Kwinana Bulk Jetty will increase efficiency, safe handling and capacity,” he said. “Fremantle Ports sees the development of a world-class, dedicated berth at the Kwinana Bulk Jetty as a key strategy in more efficiently servicing its bulk liquids common-user berth

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For all editorial and general enquiries the development of Port of Hastings, East West Link, the roll-out of the state freight strategy and various urban planning reforms,” he said. “Port of Melbourne is a key stakeholder in these projects, and Mr Easy will provide a strong voice to ensure these projects and reforms deliver maximum benefits for the port, and through that, the Victorian and national economy.“ Mr Kilgariff also paid tribute to retiring CEO, Mr Stephen Bradford. “Stephen has done a fantastic job steering the Port of Melbourne over the last 10 years, during which time it has reinforced its position as Australia’s largest hub for containerised, automotive and general cargo,” he said. “His efforts will reap dividends long into the future, and positions the port in a very strong position if government makes a decision down the track to offer the port to the private sector,” he said.

Fremantle Ports seeks private sector partners for port development proposals



customers while providing for continuing growth in the medium to long-term.” The envisaged development comprises a south-western, open pile extension to the Kwinana Bulk Jetty plus associated safety equipment, onshore/offshore support infrastructure and security monitoring systems. The bulk liquids berth will handle a range of commodities including petroleum products, chemicals and liquid fertilisers. Fremantle Ports had previously planned for a new dry bulk berth to be developed at this site. “In changing the concept to a bulk liquids berth, we believe there will be improved environmental outcomes and we are progressing an amendment to the existing environmental approval to permit the use of the proposed berth for bulk liquids,” Chris Leatt-Hayter said. Fremantle Ports anticipates a long-term private commercial agreement to be finalised over the next 12 months.


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Editorial Contributions Port Authorities including all industries represented within Port Authorities, associated Associations and Organisations are invited to submit editorial, photo input highlighting Port expansions, new technology being introduced to Port precincts, purchases of major equipment to assist in port handling, new senior appointments, including all associated news matters related to the smooth and efficient operation of all Port precincts to appear in all future issues of the Australian Ports News, free of charge to allow and inform our Australasian readership. In the first instance, please contact the publisher, Tom Cook for further details on: (07) 5478 9432 or email:

In this issue: • Commissioning of the Newcastle

Agri Terminal Feature Pages 3-9 • Flinders Logistics’ new Crane Supports a Billion Dollar Impact for State Economy Heavy Duty Terberg Tractors at Flinders Ports Pages 10-11 • Corrosion Control Feature Absafe know how to use a rope, but it’s what they do next that really matters Pages 12-13 • Corrosion Control Feature In the fight against corrosion, the future is here Pages 14, 15 and 16 • Corrocoat High Performance Customised Marine Protection Page 17 • Steber’s MV Lonsdale a Safety Campaigner Hi-tech patrol vessel boosts safety in the Bay Pages 18-19 • PGippsland Ports Install Sealite GSM AtoNs at Leweis & Toora Channels Pages 20-21 • Torres Pilots choose Yanmar ...again & again Page 22 • Working smarter at the border Page 23

Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

Mideco Invention a Must for Grain Removal M IDECO Dust Control Pty Ltd was founded in 1950. The company has grown into one of Australia’s major manufacturers of environmental technology and supplies a wide range of equipment to major grain, mining and processing companies. Port and export process related dust management has become a core business for Mideco.

Along the way Mideco has developed many processes and products specific to these. One such product is Burnley® Baffles, these were invented by Mideco and have become a must have when grain is being moved from a transport medium to a hopper. In applications such as this, the dust is liberated because it is carried by air that is displaced from the hopper when the product is dropped into it. This system will operate by enclosing the top of the hopper with Burnley® Baffles. This encapsulates most of the air that would have been displaced and the air “leaks”

Above: A view looking down through the grate at the Burnley® Baffles

out of the hopper. The “leak” is dispersed across the whole hopper and as a result the air speed is low. Air moving slowly does not transport or lift dust. As a result of this Burnley® Baffles alone reduce 80% of the fugitive dust. The Newcastle Agri Terminal required 100% dust management so small dust collectors we required. The Newcastle Agri Terminal used a Burnley® Baffle system, consisting of 108 Burnley® Baffles. This included 3 rows Burnley® Baffles 2 rows at 960mm wide and 1 row at 1145mm wide. Each row was a mixture of Full and Half Baffles. Burnley® Baffles are a modular design unit that links together to form a set or system. Burnley® Baffles are available in 5 different models dependant on the product that will flow through them. Each of the models have a predetermined length but the width is variable. Different lengths hoppers a catered for by missing the Full and Half Burnley® Baffles. Material of construction is altered dependant on the product being flowed, method of construction and material weight are dependent on the process, examples being flow or batch applications. Recently, Mideco has supplied Burnley® Baffles to more and more markets, examples being America, England and Saudi Arabia. International demand has grown to the point that in the last 6 months agents have been appointed in America, England, Canada and Israel. For more information on Burnley® Baffles, see the video on the Mideco web site www.

Above: Shows the complete installation including the Burnley® Baffles under the mesh and the Dust Collectors mounted high

Baghouses Mideclones Scrubbers Burnley Baffles

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Burnley Baffles for intake hoppers

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Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

First grain shipment for Newcastle Agri Terminal NEWCASTLE AGRI TERMINAL (NAT), the first major grain port development in New South Wales in over 25 years, completed loading its first ever shipment of grain at the No. 2 Dyke berth in Carrington, Newcastle recently. HE BULK cargo of 28,000 tonnes of durum wheat was loaded onto the MV North Princess and is destined for Algeria on behalf of Australian Durum Company (ADC). Durum is a high quality grain mainly used to make pasta. NAT Joint Executive Director, Jock Carter, said this was an exciting milestone in the commissioning process. He said the new facility has 60,000 metric tonnes of storage and will have the capability to unload trains and load large vessels at 2000 tonnes per hour. “As we are still in the commissioning phase, we loaded this cargo at a significantly lower rate in order to test and refine the various systems and components. Overall we were pleased with the performance of our conveyors and state of the art shiploader with its ‘Cleveland Cascade Chute’,” said Mr Carter. “We believe this project is a great example of the ‘Working Port’ concept where Australian grain growers achieve more efficient access to export markets with minimal impact on local portside communities.” NAT is operated by CTC Terminals which is headed by Mr Carter and Martin MacKay with investment provided by CTC and three leading grain exporters Glencore Grain, Olam and CBH Grain. “We are fortunate to have a great team of investors who have a real interest in introducing innovation and efficiency to the grain supply chain. However, it is testament to our position as an independent service provider that our first customer, ADC, is not one of our investors,” said Martin MacKay. ADC director, Peter Howard, said that this first bulk export from NAT was made possible with the support of about thirty-five durum growers. “The new terminal will add value for growers on the Liverpool Plains and in Northern New South Wales generally,” he said. Mr Howard said that not only is this


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landscape from Honeysuckle

the first vessel to load at NAT, he believes it is the first time that Australian durum has been shipped to Algeria. ADC is part of the Graintrend Group which specializes in the export of pulses to the Indian Sub-continent, wheat to South East Asia and sorghum and barley to China. “NAT has been extremely helpful in organizing the cargo which augurs well for future shipments. Graintrend is excited about the prospect of exporting bulk vessels of chickpeas from NAT as this was not possible from Newcastle previously,” he said. Executive Director Martin MacKay believes NAT has the potential to reinstate Newcastle as the key export facility in Eastern Australia as “competition and increased efficiency has a ripple effect right up the regional supply chain,” he said. Newcastle Port Corporation congratulated Newcastle Agri Terminal on the commissioning of its facility. “This is a key milestone in the ongoing development and diversification of the Port of Newcastle,” said Ron Sorensen, Chief Operating Officer, Newcastle Port Corporation. The NAT project has so far employed over 900 people during construction and commissioning.

An efficient grain terminal experience driven by passion Logistics are Jock Carter’s bread and butter and in his quest to find better ways to move something from A to B, it’s a pursuit that has now placed him firmly on the cusp of providing a far better solution for the grain sector particularly in how its product is delivered, stored and exported.


EEKING BETTER answers for the movement and storage of grain was a natural progression for a man brought up on a farm in New South Wales and schooled in his preferred subject of transport logistics. It was a qualification that took him around the world on a Churchill Fellowship as he extended his studies into learning how the world moves things. His extensive tour provided a further insight into international, best practice transport systems. Of more relevance to where he is today, Jock paid particular attention to those international port facilities that epitomised grain supply chain efficiency. Learn much as he did, it was never going

to be enough for Jock Carter because he had already seen inefficiencies in the transport of grain in Australia and so he returned determined to find answers and create a better solution. Of course, not much comes easy when you are trying to establish a worthwhile business enterprise. Particularly when, to a large extent, you are going where no man has been before. There are always hurdles to jump and mountains to climb and following a long journey of frustration, setbacks and small triumphs, Jock Carter can now see the horizon. In fact he can almost touch it as his company Newcastle Agri Terminal (NAT) established in 2009, is about to complete the construction of

Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

Grain designs DESIGNING THE NEWCASTLE AGRI TERMINAL NGINEERING consultancy Lindsay Dynan has played a significant role in the design of the new grain export facility currently under construction in the Port of Newcastle, NSW.


Silo foundations

a new state of the art agricultural export terminal in Newcastle. It is the first of its kind in Australia and also the first major grain port development in NSW in over 25 years. Fortunately, Jock hasn’t been alone in his quest and as luck would have it his business partner and fellow Executive Director, Martin Mackay is equally as passionate and they are very much a tight team, united with a strength of purpose. Together they are the ideal partnership as Martin was raised on a grain farm, knows the business back to front and has an acute understanding of the unique demands faced by the grain farmer on any given day. Their upbringing is highly relevant given their chosen profession and both have worked in senior corporate agribusiness roles. Investment is a key requirement in bringing the grain terminal to fruition and Martin has been highly active in sourcing sufficient funds to ensure that this worthwhile project can be completed. “We are fortunate to have had a great team of investors who have a real interest in introducing innovation and efficiency to the grain supply chain,” said Martin MacKay. “The NAT business is headquartered in Carrington and the project will create more than 100 construction jobs, long term employment in Newcastle and will be a catalyst for the growth of other new business in the Hunter region. It also has the potential to reinstate Newcastle as the principal grain port of east coast Australia,” he said. Investment for the project has been provided by the executive team and three leading grain exporters Glencore Grain, Olam and CBH Grain. From Jock’s perspective these are clearly exciting times as the terminal approaches completion which is anticipated by August this year. He sees the project as an opportunity to restore competitiveness into the grain sector and to provide a more cost effective choice for grain farmers in the delivery of their grain to the end user.

Jock Carter

The final design of the terminal has been achieved during an extensive consultation process conducted over the last three years. Jock and Martin met regularly with grower groups, grain exporters, planning authorities and the local community to ensure that the new terminal would meet the expectations of all stakeholders and interested parties. Although the long term success of every business relies on making a profit, both Jock and Martin have a strong sense of community and regard the Newcastle region as their home. They believe that apart from the obvious economic benefits due to the location of the terminal, that potentially its presence will create more business investment interest in the region. This should even extend to an uplift in the provision of transport related services in the metro and port area of Newcastle and attract other related business to the port. Jock and Martin are very much handson and are responsible for overseeing construction as well as the ongoing management of the terminal. The new terminal will also incorporate some very important features which will serve to maintain and even enhance

the quality of grain whilst in storage. According to Jock; “The terminal design will bring new standards in safety, dust and noise management. We believe this project to be a great example of the ‘Working Port’ concept where Australian grain growers achieve more efficient access to export markets while reducing the impact on local portside communities. Newcastle is a key hub for grain exports in this state, yet the recent NSW Grain Supply Chain Review conducted by the Federal and New South Wales Governments identified constraints in Newcastle as a major issue of concern,” he said. Storage capacity at the terminal itself will accommodate around 60,000 metric tonnes of grain and in terms of efficiency it will have the capacity to unload trains and on load to Panamax vessels at 2000 tonnes per hour. Finding a site wasn’t easy and there were a few disappointments along the way however, Jock is extremely pleased with the eventual site and typically, now that construction is underway, it’s turned out to be the most ideal site amongst the ones they looked at earlier. The site for the terminal is vacant portzoned industrial land at Carrington. The terminal will use existing rail infrastructure and will share access to the Dyke No.2 berth. Whilst sport tends to dominate with regard to heroic expression in the media, the real heroes in Australia are those who risk their own and their family’s financial security to launch a new business and in turn create employment. We are fortunate in Australia that there are many people who continue to take that chance. For that reason alone, Jock Carter and Martin Mackay deserve to succeed. They undoubtedly have the passion and theirs is a great initiative in a region that like so many, always needs an inspirational story and the next new job.

Lindsay Dynan has provided civil and structural design for the rail unloading facility, grain storage silo complex, ship loading wharf extension and conveyor foundations. In addition, Lindsay Dynan has played a key role in coordinating the activities of the other design consultants and equipment suppliers who have provided specialist international grain handling expertise to the project. Lindsay Dynan associate engineer Simon Gerrish, design manager for the project, said that the design of the terminal had presented some challenges. These include the limited space available on site and the fact that the terminal’s construction had to be planned to minimise disruptions to the rail corridor serving the site and to the berth in the harbour which it will share. Mr Gerrish said the terminal is designed to receive 2000 tonnes of grain per hour by rail utilising a 35m-long unloading pit under the rail tracks to receive grain from bottomdump rail wagons – two at a time. In order to minimise construction time and overcome high groundwater constraints, the unloading pit is to be constructed from two 120 tonne reinforced concrete pre-cast units constructed adjacent to the site and craned into position within a shored excavation during a period of rail track possession. The project also involved extending the steel wharf structure supporting the ship loader rails by 60m to a total length of 190m in order for the new grain ship loader to be able to accommodate larger vessels. Mr Gerrish said that Lindsay Dynan had been responsible for designing the rail support structure and steel piling for the extension. He said the piling system is especially noteworthy because it had been designed in collaboration with local piling contractor Civilbuild to be installed from the land which minimised construction costs by removing the need for a barge. The first row of piles is to be installed by a land-based piledriver and then those piles used to support the machinery installing further rows of piles. Lindsay Dynan Consulting Engineers has offices in Newcastle, Sydney, Perth and the NSW Central Coast. They are a specialist civil structural engineering consultancy with extensive experience in the design and multi-discipline design management of bulk materials handling solutions for various industries throughout Australia. Australian Ports News - Page 5

Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

CIVILBUILD flexes design and construct muscle T

HE NEWCASTLE Agri Terminal is the brainchild of independent logistics company NAT, a company formed in 2009 by Jock Carter and Martin Mackay. They were determined to produce a more efficient grain supply chain for grain exporters and in doing so, to increase farm gate returns for growers. The terminal, now completed, is a magnificent solution and will provide a vital link in the supply chain on Australia’s east coast for all concerned in the export of grain. Although Civilbuild (C/B) played a major role in the construction of the Newcastle Agri Terminal (NAT), the company prefers to see itself as merely a team player. Managing Director Stephen Wood described how the company spent 18 months on the project and although there were many challenges along the way, there was a high standard of communication between all contributors and it ensured that there was always a solution for any problem faced. As Stephen says: “All projects have their challenges and the success of this project was due to a team spirit that prevailed throughout the design and construction process. It began with the client, NAT and their designers Lindsay and Dynan, who we worked closely with, as well as Project Coordinators SSPBS. It was that team approach which was embraced by everyone involved and that includes the subcontractors, contractors, the stakeholders, including Newcastle Ports Corporation, Rail Track Corporation and Conports. It was a highly efficient and enjoyable project to work on. We’re very grateful to have been a part of the design and construction process that resulted in the Terminal being commissioned as scheduled in December 2013. It was a great project for Civilbuild.” Civilbuild’s involvement began as early as July 2012 when the company provided a preliminary budget costing on the silo piling design. However, Civilbuild prefers projects with a design component and not just those that require conventional construction as it has a wealth of experience gained over 42 years in foundation design and construction. The company had already worked on the expansion of coal storage and handling for

Port Waratah Coal Services, the world’s largest and most efficient coal handling facility located in the Port of Newcastle NSW. It had also gained extensive expertise with materials handling foundation work. For the past 30 years Civilbuild has been involved in such projects in the coal mining industry throughout the Hunter Valley. Bridge construction has also been a primary focus for the company and it has successfully completed a number of maritime projects. So with that kind of pedigree the company believed that it could make a much bigger contribution in the design of the proposed portside terminal. Fortunately, NAT was still in the early stages of planning and Civilbuild was offered the opportunity to closely collaborate in the design of the terminal with NAT’s design team, Lyndsay and Dynan. At the outset Civilbuild wasted no time and its initial response was comprehensive and the company soon presented a way forward by providing: •

• • • •

An analysis of 3 different piling systems, their relative merits and disadvantages including budget costing for the 3 piling options A proposal with costs for a test piling procedure to confirm pile penetration and suitability over the site Alternatives for pile cut off and foundation connection Budget costing for the silo foundations Suggested improvements and cost savings for the silo footing design An offer to construct all this work, and to liaise and work with Nat Grain’s designers to ensure the most cost effective solution to the project.

Casting Silo base slab onto recently completed circular stem walls of Silo.

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and therefore civil design and construction needed to be executed concurrently. In order to overcome any logistical problems, various components of the project were designed, costed, administered and built as separable portions to the initial contract. These portions included: • • • •

Silo piling and Silo reinforced concrete foundations Silo transfer tower and silo connection slabs Train unloading facility and extension of the existing ship loader Conveyor reinforced concrete foundations

Silo piling and concrete foundations

Installing tubular steel piles (up to 48m long) over water for ship loader extension.

The favourable response to Civilbuild’s presentation was immediate and the real journey then began. The Civilbuild team swung into action with dynamic load testing and a subsequent report for 12 test piles at the grain storage silos location. As a result of that report Civilbuild were also invited to coordinate their efforts with NAT designers and consulting engineers, Lindsay and Dynan and to provide advice relating to construction logistics and cost effectiveness of the design. During the course of the project Civilbuild advised on cost, program, access and viability of all major items of the project, with regard to the piling and foundations. These major items included storage silos, the train unloading facility, the ship loader extension, the conveyors and the ship loader maintenance bay. The Newcastle Agri Terminal was scheduled for completion in October 2013

After successfully test piling the silo site, Civilbuild then installed hardwood timber piles as determined by the testing. At the completion of this stage of the works the Civilbuild team had driven 1257 piles in total. They were all 280 mm minimum toe diameter with a 12.5 metre length for the ring beams and 15.5 m in length for the elevated silo base slab. The next stage of the project was the reinforced concrete pile cap over the piles and this work required 500 tonnes of steel reinforcement, 4,500 cubic metres of concrete and 7500 cubic metres of backfilling sand. The silo footings were constructed in the period from September 2012 to March 2013. Most of the formwork for the silo bases was circular with 2 different diameters. Following considerable evaluation, the Civilbuild team decided that a hired PERI system would be the best method. This formwork system was extremely cost effective and saved time. During the busiest time of the silo base construction Civilbuild employed a workforce of 20 men for approximately 3 months so that three silos could be built concurrently.

Train unload facility Once the team had the silo bases well underway they liaised with the designers on the options and alternatives for construction of a pit beneath an existing rail line that would

Ship unloader prepared for concrete access ramps.

Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

CIVILBUILD flexes design and construct muscle be suitable for unloading the grain from rail bogeys. There were 3 main challenges to overcome. The presence of tidal ground water, excavating next to an adjacent rail track and maintaining the structural integrity of the adjacent track to minimise the track down times. Five options were considered and a decision was made to install a precast pit as this was the most efficient method. It was completed during a dedicated rail shutdown with the Civilbuild team working 24 hours a day to minimise disruption. The overall size and dimensions of the two precast units were minimised to enable crane placement. Two 300 tonne cranes were used with each unit weighing 125 tonnes. Each precast unit was also filled with water to counter balance the effects of floatation due to the high ground water levels caused by tidal influences. A decision was also made in collaboration with NAT’s design team to ‘match cast’ the 2 precast pit units to assist with installation, water tightness and structural integrity. This method meant that the second unit was cast against the wall of the first unit to ensure a perfect fit when placed against each other.

rail gauge and loading facilities. This would provide greater shipping capacity and a sufficient area to store and maintain the new loader when completed. Civilbuild advised NAT on construction logistics, piling feasibility, structure durability, and potential cost savings of the preliminary design. Ultimately, the team decided to construct the entire structure including pile installation from the shoreline, instead of the more conventional methods that would require a floating plant. The reasons behind this decision were cost, program savings, access and limited interference to shipping movements. Some of the highlights of the construction process included: •

Ship loader The last major component of the grain handling facility is the loading of the stored grain into ships for export and this required a purpose built ship loader to suit the existing

• •

Driving 20 tubular steel piles up to 48m long, comprising of 4 CHS sections, spliced together from 12m lengths, 610 mm diameter. These piles were positioned up to 18 metres from the shoreline Cutting off piles, providing a concrete plug and site welding a steel WC headstock to the pile. Installing structural steel framing to support the rail line extension. The biggest lift was a 31m box girder that weighed 35 tonne, installed using 2 x 250 tonne cranes at a radius of 27metres. Modification of the existing access bridge to suit the new levels Providing a cast in situ concrete deck over some sections of the steelwork frame to

Installation of train unload pit.

enable access for delivering stores to the ships at berth. The NAT Agri Terminal is now up and running as a result of an extremely successful design and construction process. The high standards of safety and efficiency achieved during the project were due in part, to the implementation of Civilbuild’s own third party accredited management system. The company has developed the system using

Standards Australia as the initial benchmark to ensure quality, safety and environmental standards are consistently achieved on every project. During the course of the 18 month project there were no major incidents and any NCRs raised were resolved within the relevant month. For more information about Civilbuild visit;

Australian Ports News - Page 7

Commissioning of Newcastle Agri Terminal Feature

Donaldson delivers complete filtration solutions There are many complex factors to consider when selecting a filtration system for your operation. So, when Silo Services Protector Building Systems (SSPBS) won the project works for Newcastle Agri Terminal (NAT), located at Carrington NSW, they contacted Donaldson Filtration Solutions for expert advice.


INCE 1915, Donaldson’s innovative technologies have been solving filtration challenges to improve peoples’ lives, enhance equipment performance and protect our environment. Donaldson delivers a complete line of filtration solutions, coupled with superior customer service and technical support. Donaldson’s range of industrial filtration solutions maximize performance and reduce maintenance across a broad range of equipment; these include: dust, mist and fume collection, industrial hydraulic filtration, process filtration, gas turbine filtration and performance membranes. With industry-leading research and development investments, a commitment to lean operations and unmatched global reach, Donaldson is an ideal choice for filtration supplies.

Project Requirements The large-scale NAT project included five new silos that required venting and grain dust extraction on the bulk scale, screener and ship loading equipment. During the initial design stage of the project in early 2013, Donaldson Engineer, Dominique Ollitrault, and Territory Manager, Daniel Wager, worked closely with Phil Nixon and his engineering team from SSPBS. Donaldson assisted SSPBS with selection and design of the filtration system for each point of extraction to suit the requirements of Newcastle Agri Terminal and to address several areas of concern for the site.

Air Quality & Emissions Control Air quality is a significant concern for the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in the Hunter region. The EPA has several initiatives in progress in the Hunter region including: • The establishment of Newcastle Air Quality Monitoring Network - this network will consist of three air monitors located at Mayfield, Stockton and Carrington. • The Lower Hunter Particle Characterisation Study, which involves 12 months of sampling at four sites with subsequent analysis to identify sources of the PM10 and PM2.5 particles. The EPA is also conducting a study of dust deposition in the Lower Hunter in the vicinity

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of the rail corridor and coal loaders. The EPA is focused on investigating the sources and impacts of particle pollution in the Lower Hunter/Newcastle region where community concern has been growing around air quality impacts from industry. The EPA continues to consult on these initiatives with the Newcastle Community Consultative Committee on the Environment. Another initiative for the EPA is the assurance of cleaner ports. As exploratory work, PAE Holmes was commissioned to study potential measures to reduce pollution from NSW ports. Key elements of this study included the development of a detailed emission inventory and a survey of the major stakeholders involved in NSW ports on possible mitigation measures. The study provided background to support consultation with industry stakeholders on potential measures to reduce port emissions. With this attention on improved air quality and reduction of emissions, effective dust collection is a vital element of operations at the NAT site. As a result, Donaldson Filtration Solutions’ ability to provide local expertise was a major factor in SSPBS’s decision to select a local filtration supplier. With availability of sales, customer service and engineering during local business hours for consultation and site visits, Donaldson offered SSPBS the convenience and flexibility it required.

Safety Issues The risks associated with the combustible nature of grain dust presented safety concerns for NAT and SSPBS. In the process of operation, small particles of uncontrolled dust may become airborne and settle on surfaces and in crevices throughout the facility. Eventually these particles not only create a housekeeping issue, but if the particles are combustible, they can represent a potentially explosive dust cloud if disturbed. The complete elimination of combustible dust may be impractical. However, it may still be very possible to manage the dispersion of dust by using an appropriate and effective industrial ventilation system including dust collection. A well designed, maintained, and operated industrial ventilation system including properly selected collection equipment can provide effective dust control and can therefore help manage the presence of dispersed dust within the facility. This not only reduces housekeeping frequency and

Above: Extracting nuisance dust from the grain screener Below left: PowerCore CPV1, an effective silo-venting solution Below right: PowerCore CPV6 provides filtration on the ship loading equipment

expense, but can also help to reduce the risk of dust explosions, particularly the destructive secondary explosions, by helping reduce the presence of dispersed fuel. Effective Solutions Limiting the weight and size of the dust collectors was a large consideration for the NAT site. With this in mind, Donaldson recommended the PowerCore CPV and CPC dust collectors, which are ideal for grain dust applications. These collectors also offer a smaller footprint, reduced operational costs, easier maintenance and fewer filter change outs. In the case of the silo application, the installation point on the roof required consideration of the load-bearing capacity. The solution was to place six CPV1 PowerCore dust collectors per silo for vent extraction. A custom modification for the silo-venting collectors was a stainless steel slide gate, which isolates the dust collectors during silo cleaning and fumigation procedures.

Located at the top of the grain elevator, a PowerCore CPC6 collector fitted with a rotary valve discharge extracts nuisance dust from the screener while a PowerCore CPV6 extracts grain dust from the bulk scale. The small size of these two units meant they could be located at the point of extraction, requiring less ductwork and providing operational cost savings. The defining feature of Donaldson’s PowerCore technology is the PowerCore filter pack, which combines flame-retardant UltraWeb® nanofibre technology with Donaldson’s media configuration expertise allowing a more effective filter area to be packaged in a smaller space. PowerCore filter packs are small, lightweight and easily handled by one person. Durable Ultra-Web nanofibres intercept even the smallest dust particles on the surface of the media. This surface-loading keeps the filter pack cleaner and improves the effectiveness of pulse cleaning, thus lowering both operational pressure drop and energy use. Being situated in close proximity to the ocean, another specific feature of the dust collectors installed at the NAT site is their paint. A paint specification that included class 2.5 abrasive blast 40 – 50 μm blasting profile, 75 μm two-component high solids polyamide adduct cured zinc epoxy primer, 200 μm twopack high solids epoxy mastic intermediate coat and 50 μm two-pack catalyzed acrylic finish was specified. This paint process provides excellent protection from the salt air and sea spray. Donaldson Filtration Solutions have been proud to support SSPBS and NAT in bringing this project to fruition. With the project now in the final stages of commissioning, the team at Donaldson Filtration Solutions congratulates Jock Carter, Executive Director Newcastle Agri Terminal and Phil Nixon, Director Silo Services Protection Building Systems and their teams on their achievement in constructing a cost-effective, state-of-the-art facility.


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1800 FILTER / 02 4350 2066 Australian Ports News - Page 9

Flinders Logistics’ new Crane Supports a Billion Dollar Impact for State Economy

Flinders Logistics New Terex Gottwald Crane


NCREASING demand from South Australian miners for export services has led to the commissioning of a brand new Terex Gottwald mobile harbour crane at Port Adelaide. Mineral commodities with an expected annual value of around $1 billion, which include iron-ore, copper concentrate and mineral sands, will be loaded by Flinders Logistics using the new crane, a customised misting system and containers.

The purchase follows a five-year program of infrastructure upgrades at Port Adelaide’s Berth 29. Having invested around $50 million into new hard stand, sheds and rail infrastructure, the new crane is a further upgrade for the Flinders Port Holdings group’s Port Adelaide intermodal bulk handling facility. The crane will work in tandem with an existing mobile harbour crane. Mining customers will gain through increased productivity as a result of fewer stoppages and less time in port for ships carrying South Australian bulk minerals. “Efficiency in port is crucial for customers, because of its impact on supply chain costs. We commissioned this latest crane to raise the bar on service levels industry-wide,” said Andrew Pellizzari, General Manager of Flinders Logistics. Investment in the new crane follows recent purchases of two additional Terberg Terminal tractors and two new Kalmar reach stackers.

These big ticket items will be deployed for the Enclosed Bulk System, an environmentally sound system for transporting and loading minerals in containers, pioneered in South Australia by Flinders Logistics. The company is channelling investment into new equipment in response to client demand related to South Australia’s burgeoning mineral exports, with tonnages having more than quadrupled for Flinders Logistics since 2012. Flinders Logistics has won numerous awards for its environmental, safety and transport innovations in recent years, which have also had a focus on efficiency improvements. “We’ve pushed the envelope to raise environmental and safety standards. Challenging industry expectations on productivity is vital. Delivering greater efficiency in the supply chain will mean greater competitiveness for Australian miners in the global market,” said Mr Pellizzari.

Efficiency Gains on the Horizon for Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal Customers S OUTH Australia’s container terminal operator, Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal, has placed orders for two Post-Panamax Liebherr cranes as part of a 30-year strategic plan to boost service levels at its Port Adelaide terminal. With each crane featuring a baseline load-rate capability of 35 containers per hour, significant productivity upsides from the $24m investment are expected.

Peter Cheers, General Manager of Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal said, “We conducted rigorous supplier evaluations as part of our procurement process and assessed this in-line with our long-run planning for the terminal. The Post-Panamax Liebherr cranes were the best match for our requirements and will allow us to maximise the flow-on benefits for our customers.” Each crane will have a maximum lifting capacity of 80 tonnes using a special cargo beam, and the ability to lift multiple containers simultaneously. Substantial gains for customers from a raft of safety and efficiency features are also anticipated. These include a central monitoring and diagnostic system for maintenance and an ‘intelligent slow down’ feature for picking up and lowering containers. Ultimately the expectation is that vessel turnaround times will be up to 25% faster than those currently available at the facility. The new

cranes will join five newly requisitioned Noell straddle carriers, which are set to arrive at Port Adelaide in April 2014. An additional 7500 square metres of hard-stand at the terminal is expected to come on-stream as early as March 2014 in readiness for the arrival of the new cranes and straddles. “Investment in these cranes forms part of a suite of scheduled upgrades. Our aim is to put Port Adelaide on the map as a world class container facility servicing the hinterland. Increased efficiency, through reduced vessel time in port, will enable us to achieve our projected annual throughput target of over 700,000 TEUs,” said Mr Cheers. The Post-Panamax cranes, which are being supplied by Liebherr Container Cranes in Ireland, are expected to arrive in South Australia in late 2014. Once fully commissioned they will be deployed during the first quarter of 2015.

Kwinanana Bulk Jetty

Photos of the Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal Page 10 - Australian Ports News

Heavy Duty Terberg Tractors at Flinders Ports


S part of its plan to significantly increase the bulk handling capacity at Port Adelaide, Flinders Ports required a proven heavy duty terminal tractor to shuttle purpose-built containers laden with iron ore between the crane, ship and container stack. After an extensive evaluation process the Heavy Duty Terberg Model YT220 tractor was selected for the project and two units were commissioned in 2013.

Terberg YT220 Terberg had a number of clear advantages over its competitors for the application at Port Adelaide. The Terberg specified by Flinders Port is equipped with a Cummins QSB 6.7L electronic engine rated at 164kW (220HP) driving through an Allison fully automatic transmission and Kessler low ratio planetary axles. This combination allows it to haul a Gross Combined Weight (GCW) of up to 140 tonnes which is well in excess of the expected maximum of 110 tonnes for the B-Double trailer configuration. Importantly, this also leaves capacity in reserve should Flinders Port decide to increase terminal tractor productivity at a later date by moving to heavier GCW. The Terbergs at Port Adelaide also include as standard a high capacity air brake system, a 300 litre fuel tank, and a robust modern design combined with the most spacious cabin in the industry which maximises operational

productivity as well as being fully compliant with Australian OH&S regulations. These will all be critical to reliably achieving the gruelling cycles of hauling iron ore day in and day out at Port Adelaide. In addition, the two Terberg tractors are supported on site by the local agent for Clark Equipment – SA Lift & Loader. In addition to the two Terberg’s an integral part of the port capacity increase was the purchase of a second Terex Gottwald Mobile Harbour Crane to supplement the first crane also supplied by Clark Equipment in 2011. The Terberg tractors at Flinders Ports join an impressive list of over two hundred current model Heavy Duty Terberg tractors operating in Australia and New Zealand including four massive 405 HP (300kW) model RT403 tractors (pictured) for delivery to BlueScope Western Port and BIS Whyalla.

Terberg RT403 Terberg tractors and Terex Gottwald cranes are exclusively sold and supported in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific by

Clark Equipment through their extensive branch and dealer network.

For further information, call 02 9477 8446, email or visit Australian Ports News - Page 11

THERE’S NO DOUBT that the team from Absafe know how to get around. As members of the International Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) they’re made of the right stuff.


EMBERSHIP of IRATA means that your skill is tested, you’re audited by an independent third party to prove that you have what it takes to reach those out of the way places safely and it’s no place for the squeamish. Try abseiling down the inside of a dark and narrow chimney or bracing against the elements hanging on the side of a high-rise building. This is a regular day for the Absafe team and they do thrive on a challenge. Perhaps in their world getting there might be half the fun but it doesn’t end there because that’s when the serious business begins. Having the skill to plummet the depths or climb to the top of the world and touch the sky takes a special kind of bravado but fighting corrosion in those hard to reach places is what Absafe are really good at and on that subject they’ve passed every test. Based in Victoria, Absafe Pty Ltd are a team of industry leading specialist contractors who provide expert industrial rope access inspection, remedial and maintenance services to all forms of façade and structures as well as the provision of Height Safety Services. The company prides itself on having the ability to fight corrosion in the most hazardous of areas and to do it safely and effectively.

Absafe know how to use a rope, but it’s what they do next that really matters Accreditation is important to the Absafe team. Their ability to extend the life of an asset by stopping corrosion in its tracks and the treatment applied is world’s best practice. Being qualified to access hard to reach places and to apply the correct anti-corrosion treatment once there, is paramount. As Absafe owner and Director Andy Caddy explains. “Qualifying as a member of IRATA is extremely important. It’s the benchmark, the sole global standard in safety and efficiency in the work-at-height sector and it has member companies in every continent. Each IRATA member is audited by an independent third party auditor to ensure that it has in place correct procedures and systems for industrial rope access. Member companies are obliged to work in accordance with the conditions set out in the International Code of Practice.” Andy explains how the code of practice for industrial rope access has been developed by IRATA over the last 25 years. It is now the industry preferred technique to enable access for much of the work in the offshore oil and gas sector as well as a range of projects in construction, civil engineering and when dealing with hazardous areas in a marine or natural environment. The IRATA code of practice has proven to be extremely successful in ensuring an unrivalled global safety record year after year. It’s an enviable record considering the dangers faced by those who, not only work at height but need to access that hard to reach location. Undoubtedly, such levels of safety have been achieved because the code is based on a rigorous training regime and strict workplace guidelines. The IRATA system has three main components that combine to create a safe system of work: • The International Code of Practice (ICOP) is the IRATA bible which lays out work and management systems in full. Page 12 - Australian Ports News

The IRATA training scheme is the most established and respected worldwide, producing three levels of qualified operative from apprentice through to supervisor. IRATA member companies are subject to regular thorough audits to ensure their systems are fully compliant with the ICOP.

Absafe provide a comprehensive make safe service with the capacity to respond rapidly to remove unsafe materials and secure the site. The company protects business assets across all the major industries, using industrial coatings, abrasives and waterproofing. The company’s in-house talent also includes fully qualified engineers and NACE Coatings inspectors. Absafe are also qualified in the application of Cardox which is fully certified as a non-explosive device. The Cardox CO2 System is extensively used for Silo clearance and in the removal of large build ups in bulk containers. It’s also used for rock or concrete breaking, tunnel excavation, trench excavation, general open cut excavation, foundation excavation, quarry (secondary rock breaking), and underwater excavation. Absafe’s expansive client list includes Melbourne Water, Tru Energy, Yallourn Power Station, International Power, SP AusNet, Cement Australia and a host of other major clients in the mining, construction, power, oil, gas and shipping sectors throughout Australia. Absafe is also a member of ACA (Australian Corrosion Association); ACRA (Australian Concrete Repair Association and CCF (Civil Contractors Federation). ACA is a non-political, non-profit membership based organisation and Andy describes it as such; “It’s an organisation akin to a ‘learned society’ and its membership is drawn from a wide cross section of industries all united in one common purpose; to reduce the impact of corrosion in Australasia. The strength of the ACA lies in the combined experience, research and know-how of a

If you would like to know more about Absafe and the range of services the company provides you can contact them on 03 9486 3777 or visit: variety of work interests as well as the result of academic and industry training. Through this process ACA has developed a far more effective methodology in the fight against corrosion. ACA provides an opportunity for its members to broaden their knowledge through education, training and technical meetings. Of course there’s also member networking opportunities, conferences, certification and accreditation along with regular publications to support the transfer of technical knowledge from a worldwide base.” Absafe is also a member of The Australasian Concrete Repair Association (ACRA) which was formed in 1991. ACRA’s aim is to provide a forum to promote discussion and an exchange of views in the concrete repair industry to advance the technology and practice of concrete repair and associated activities.

The Association’s members are at the forefront of concrete repair technology worldwide and include companies and individuals with an interest in repairing and protecting concrete. These include specialist consultants and engineers, specialist repair contractors, specialist materials suppliers and asset owners. The Civil Contractors Federation (CCF) is another membership that Absafe enjoys as that organisation is the representative body of Civil Engineering Contractors in Australia providing assistance and expertise in contractor development and industry issues. There is no doubting the rope access skills of the Absafe team in conquering the heights or depths of those hard to reach places, but it’s supported by a wealth of knowledge and an acute ability to apply the right treatment to stop corrosion in its tracks no matter where it is.

Australian Ports News - Page 13

In the fight against corrosion, the future is here 2

The challenge in maintaining the welfare of marine infrastructure in the face of corrosion, and more importantly extending the life of that asset, is to apply an engineered solution that is not only appropriate but cost effective for the asset’s remaining service life expectancy. However, any solution when applied can contribute to enforced downtime, whether by disrupting port handling frequency or offshore oil and gas production, so when a proven and user friendly international remedy surfaces it’s time to take a closer look.


NTI CORROSION Technology (ACT) represents the new generation of energetic and proactive companies dedicated to the task of providing cost effective, engineered based solutions in the battle against corrosion and it’s a task the company takes very seriously. Established 5 years ago, ACT has a wealth of in-house technical experience stretching back nearly 40 years. With its headquarters in Brisbane and a technical supporting hub in Perth, ACT can provide a nationwide operational reach and features, as part of its extensive anti-corrosion arsenal, STOPAQ, the unique and internationally-patented visco elastic technology developed in The Netherlands. Anti Corrosion Technology is the exclusive Australian partner and agent representing the STOPAQ product range in this country. The company’s enthusiasm for STOPAQ is understandable. The product has a proven record in Australia and on the world stage, is highly flexible and easy to apply. This makes it an ideal weapon in the fight against corrosion when it occurs in the pipeline industry, the oil & gas, water and power generation sectors, and in any asset exposed to the forces of corrosion resulting from the rigours of life within a marine environment. According to Managing Director, Simon Ghobrial the exclusive affiliation of STOPAQ was a result of hands-on experience in the industry combined with research that the company routinely conducts. It’s an ongoing programme to ensure that the range of solutions that ACT provides is not only cost effective but engineered to purposely fit and to outperform alternatives so that the remaining service life expectancy of the asset is maximised. As Simon says: “We have a proactive policy in relation to observing trends and solutions applied across the globe. Apart from developing our own engineered response to corrosion, we’re always looking at the evolution of tomorrow’s technology so we constantly maintain a world view to determine best practice in the fight against marine infrastructure corrosion. STOPAQ is a result of that constant international surveillance and we are delighted to be able to offer such an exclusive and proven remedy to our clients.”

Page 14 - Australian Ports News

STOPAQ overcomes the elements in the line of duty A recent case study highlights the capacity of STOPAQ to not only, take the fight against corrosion beyond the more traditional methods, but to do so more effectively and with the minimum of effort. In this instance, a loading and unloading marine terminal constructed in 2004 was already under threat due to the failure of the existing epoxy coating to withstand the forces of corrosion. After only 5 years in operation, an inspection was conducted on the supporting piles and coating failure was detected on a number of them to the extent that they were exposed to severe corrosion activity. Obviously, this failure presented a serious risk to the terminal’s structural integrity over time. The evidence suggested that if not repaired, the coating would continue to propagate, peel and undercut. Hence, the asset owner decided to use an epoxy infill system to repair the existing coating failures. (image 1)


During the repair using the infill system, many practical problems occurred and caused a serious delay in finishing the project as per the estimated timeframe. These problems included: (image 2) • Prefab shells often did not conform to the shape of the pile and had to be modified. • The infill material did not cover 100% of the surface due to incompatibility with the shop applied coating.

• Lack of proper surface preparation combined with the timing between the surface preparation and the infill application which caused lack of adhesion and curing. • Frequent delays during application due to weather conditions and high waves. Shortly after the application of the epoxy infill system on the first batch of 18 piles, the asset owner engaged the contractor to inspect and assess this batch of piles, the findings were: (image 3)

Continued on page 16


Why STOPAQ’s Seal For Life solutions outperform conventional coating systems

s No cathodic disbondment or shielding s No loss of adhesion, deterioration or ageing s No undercut, peeling or blistering s No blasting s No pre or post heating s No primer s No curing time s No special skilled labour s No special machinery or tools s No expiry date i.e. unlimited shelf life

s No hot work permits s No environmental harm or risk s No safety issues for the applicators s No waste s No mess For more information on STOPAQ’s corrosion prevention products or ACT’s expert corrosion consulting services, please email us at or visit our website at

ANTICORROSION TECHNOLOGY Sustainable materials engineering and anti corrosion solutions

Australian Ports News - Page 15

In the fight against corrosion, the future is here Continued from page 14

• Corrosion activities were detected underneath the epoxy coating and the infill system. • Many coating cracks appeared on the prefab shells due to cold temperatures.

Anti corrosion technology focuses on team strength and a strategic mission


The Chairman and founder of Anti Corrosion Technology is Dr. Fikry Barouky, who presides over a tightknit group of targeted anti-corrosion specialists. They are all experts in their respective fields with a focus on materials engineering, specifications and best practices, research and development as well as the related corrosion risk-directed management programs from the design phase to decommissioning of all assets for most industries. Recently the team welcomed a new addition to their ranks. Technical Product Specialist Peter Jones (pictured below) is another example of ACT’s determination to excel in providing a holistic and highly qualified, engineered response for its clients.

Based on the inspection findings and the poor performance of the infill repair system along with ongoing delays in the project schedule, the owner asked the engineering firm to look at another repair option. Based on their knowledge and experience, the contractor, engineering firm and the asset owner decided to use STOPAQ systems for both splash zone and submerged areas. The unique features and benefits of using STOPAQ produces a system which is independent of the current conventional coating systems available in the market today. Its flexible application makes it possible to interrupt and resume the application at any time. This means the application can be continued while the terminals are in operation and so it eliminates or minimises associated costs during a shutdown. Splash zone application can be done separately from the submerged application of the piles. (image 4)

The repair of the terminal featured:

The STOPAQ corrosion protective products are fully flexible and do not require tensioned application. The products do not harden or cure and keep their unique visco elastic characteristic throughout the lifetime of the plant. The STOPAQ corrosion protective products are fully impermeable to water and oxygen, the two ingredients which cause corrosion. The STOPAQ corrosion protective products adhere to any surface, steel, concrete, PVC, and existing sound coatings. The product also has an unlimited shelf life with a guaranteed corrosion protection performance of 30 years. (image 7)


STOPAQ system application Surface preparation: High Pressure Water jetting, 300Bar Degree of surface cleanliness conforms to SSPC-St2-St3

Used materials: Dry section:


Stopaq Wrappingband CZH

Used equipment:

Outerwrap PVC

High pressure water unit 300-400bar

Outerglass Shield XT

Technical Product Specialist Peter Jones

Diving vessel, fully equipped for onshore surface supply diving.

Submerged section: Stopaq Subsea Compound Intermediate PVC

Personal safety protective wear application crew:

Outerglass Shield XT24

5 persons (diving crew) (image 5 & 6)


The unique capabilities of STOPAQ have been quickly embraced throughout the world with well over 3 million square metres applied at the time of writing. It’s used by most of the biggest international oil and gas operators such as Shell Global Solutions BV, Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabia), Gasunie (Netherlands), Nerefco (Rotterdam), Esso (Germany), ExxonMobil, Caltex, PDO Shell (Oman), Iranian Gas Company and Gaz de France along with a number of Australian companies.

Peter’s extensive frontline experience in port and marine infrastructure construction, operational maintenance and management provides the Australian marine industry with an invaluable source of knowledge in terms of operational support, logistics and appropriate cost effective solutions. As Managing Director Simon Ghobrial says, “The appointment of Peter Jones adds an extra level to the range of highly skilled services that ACT provides its clients. Peter brings a wealth of hands-on experience and knowledge which adds value to the STOPAQ training and certification program. It’s one we conduct for all applicators around Australia in order to enhance their competency in applying STOPAQ products in the field. With the benefit of having a bullet proof solution like STOPAQ in our arsenal, the Anti Corrosion Technology team is equipped to accurately respond to the asset owner’s need to win the fight against corrosion with the right engineered solution. Even better, we can do it cost effectively and with no or minimum disruption to the services our clients provide.”

For more information about Anti Corrosion Technology and the range of STOPAQ products visit: Page 16 - Australian Ports News

Corrocoat High Performance Customised Marine Protection C

ORROCOAT is a corrosion engineering company and a world leader in the production and application of high performance anti corrosion industrial coatings. Our coatings and linings are used extensively in the Oil and Gas, Mining, Marine, Petro Chemical, Power, Infrastructure and Structural Steel industries.

Corrocoat Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd, provides local marketing, engineering and application of the heavy duty coatings for projects throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, and surrounding islands.

Please keep Corrocoat in mind next time you need any corrosion coating related services, or if you would like more information please check out the website au or contact directly on 1300 728 887 or via email at

Above: Propeller Before

Above: Propeller After

High performance anti-corrosion industrial coating systems

Extreme weather. Extreme environments. Extreme performance. As the largest glass flake coating producer in the world, with operations in some 30 countries, our experience and organisation spans the globe. Our unique heavy-duty composite coatings have proven themselves everywhere, from the North Sea to Alaska and LUMINOSITY 3905

Corrocoat has a focused area of expertise and an enviable set of core competencies. These include: corrosion, mechanical and chemical engineering, the manufacture of heavy duty composite coatings, selection, application and testing of these coatings. Over the years this focus has resulted in the production of high performance, anticorrosion industrial coating systems for plant and equipment Corrocoat provides a total solution from initial design consultation, through to manufacturing and application. The bespoke nature of the service enables the company to respond swiftly and accurately to individual customer requirements. Through years of relationship building and thousands of successful projects, we have earned our place in the market as a company that can be trusted to carry out work right, first time every time. The coatings use glass flake fillers, which are impermeable and significantly increase the diffusion path through the coating. This produces a barrier layer, slowing moisture diffusion and the corrosion potential to an almost non existent level. The flakes of glass orientate themselves within the coating film to reduce the passage of moisture vapour. This effect is known as the tortuous path. Corrocoat’s sister company produces the unique, uniform, and high aspect ratio glass flakes. Substantial coating improvements are achieved by using these flakes rather than the variable and much thicker flakes or beads available in other coatings. The end result is Corrocoat materials achieve better corrosion protection. In the marine environment Corrocoat materials offer effective protection in areas where contact with seawater or a salt-laden atmosphere greatly reduces equipment life expectancy. Typical applications include on and around hulls, high erosion areas such as bow thrust tunnels, installations operating cooling water systems using seawater and structural steelwork. Components treated include: Pumps, Pipes, Valves, Seawater intakes and outflows, Riser pipes, Filter screens, Deck areas, Marine superstructures, Stern frames, Stabiliser arms, Ballast tanks, Piling, Sea walls, Evaporators, Fresh water tanks, Manifolds, Strainers, Valve chests, Flotation buoys, Ice breaker lines, Splash zone steel and Sub-sea structures. The extensive range of advanced coatings is used for both the repair of existing equipment and protection of new plant and equipment. In many cases we are able to use basic carbon steel and advanced coatings as an alternative to expensive metallurgical solutions. The improvements in glass flake quality, have allowed for the production of superior grades of industrial coatings. These have been formulated to offer not only high performance, but also excellent application properties. The range of coatings extend from some available for high temperature chemicals to single coat structural steel protection. The coating application is often the time restricting factor during the fabrication process. Due to the rapid cure of most of our products, the cost and time benefits when using our materials can be hugely advantageous.

Corrocoat’s highly skilled work force is available to carry out coating work at our Canning Vale facilities south of Perth or by our site application team. Many customers find our unique fly in fly out work force more cost effective and efficient than full time, onsite workers. We are so confident our coatings will perform in the most arduous conditions we will provide a material and labour warranty on any coating that is applied by Corrocoat’s specialist applicators. With international operations in over 30 countries, Corrocoat is truly a global operator with extensive overseas network offering a comprehensive service with fully trained personnel and technical support available from the UK Research and Development laboratories if required.

Argentina to New Zealand. Everywhere we’ve applied our engineering expertise and polymer technologies, we’ve saved our clients’ equipment, plant and ultimately, money.

To find out more about how we can protect your new assets, or repair and refurbish existing ones, visit Alternatively, call 1300 728 887 for more information. Australian Ports News - Page 17

The Boat Building and Commissioning of the MV Lonsdale for the Port of Melbourne Corporation

Steber’s MV Lonsdale a Safety Campaigner P

concealed sliding seat in the cabin. For communications the vessel includes a Blue Ray Mantex Security System connected to a backto-base mobile phone and incorporates bilge & fire alarms. A heavy duty tow bollard is located in the centre of the cockpit and rope cutters are fitted to the shafts.

ORT of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) recently deployed a new hi-tech, water patrol vessel as part of its ‘Steer Clear’ boating safety campaign. The MV Lonsdale, designed and built by Steber International, was officially launched on Monday 10th March by Victoria’s Minister for Ports, The Hon David Hodgett MP.

However, the MV Lonsdale is no ordinary vessel, it’s purpose built and equipped to fulfil a range of duties. Its main task on behalf of PoMC is to assist in ensuring the safety of the many smaller recreational craft that share busy Port Phillip Bay with around 8000 commercial shipping movements each year. The launch of the MV Lonsdale also serves to highlight the extraordinary and consistent success of Steber International. Here is an award winning, family owned and run manufacturing entity. A company that has been on its own incredible voyage since its launch in 1946. Along the way Steber International has continually excelled, not only in Australia, but on the international stage as well. The very fact that Steber has survived for the last 67 years despite the ebb and flow of an unstable economic climate and the rigours faced in an extremely competitive maritime sector, is testimony to both the company’s strategic endurance and the quality of workmanship that flows from its headquarters in Taree NSW. Managing Director Alan Steber, one of three brothers involved in the company is rightfully proud of his family’s business and tells me that his parents who founded Steber International are still hard at work. Alan believes that a set of basic business principles have guided the company through the good and bad times and its willingness to change with the times represents the key to the company’s ongoing success. As Alan says; “We’ve always been proactively flexible and willing to change our manufacturing processes to suit the latest maritime technology available. “For instance, when my parents established the business we worked with timber but then in the fifties the company made the transition from

Other dimensions include: Measured length 11.38 Waterline length 9.83 Beam amidships 3.84 Draft 1.00 Dual Survey 2C & 2D for 14 persons

MV Lonsdale (Photo courtesy Andrew Mackinnon) timber to fibreglass. In the seventies we moved from making small boats to larger vessels. “It’s also our ability to customise our product to suit our client’s specific needs that sets us apart. Whether for recreational, industrial or commercial purposes, scientific research or in the case of the MV Lonsdale, for security of our seaways, we build boats to the highest standards in quality to do the job required.” Steber International has won many awards over the years and recently the innovative Steber 38 commercial hull won a design award for its unique, low shaft angle which features plug inserts to the mould. The MV Lonsdale features the Steber 38 and the shape of the hull is extremely dry and soft riding so it ‘corners’ exceptionally well even at full throttle. Obviously, the ability to change direction quickly at high speed is a vital attribute when dealing with the security and safety of the myriad of craft that frequent Port Philip Bay. The Steber 38 has a full moulded keel with customised modifications leading into the keel mounted transducer system. The chines are 250mm in width (aft) and provide an extremely stable platform.


The MV Lonsdale, which will share its duties with the earlier MV Tim Muir, is a similar vessel but far more advanced with extra features. It has the ability to work 24/7 in all weather conditions, keeping the navigation markers and shipping channels clear for the port as well as providing port security and sea bed mapping facilities. MV LONSDALE EQUIPPED FOR THE TASK AT SEA The vessel is 12.2 metres long and powered by 2 x 420hp Yanmar diesel engines (Model 6LY3AETP). It has a fuel capacity of 1,350 litres and it displaces 11 tonnes when loaded. The MV Lonsdale includes an aft facing toilet/ shower room opening to the cockpit and a 7 KVA Onan genset. It has a 16000BTU reverse cycle air conditioning unit with a de-mister system to forward windows and features a ‘breathe easy’ in-duct air purifier. Special Solar Solve blinds provide extra comfort for the crew. A cockpit canopy (2500mm LOA) also provides the crew with further protection from the harsh sun and inclement weather. On board there is easy engine room access with hatches directly above the engines and the MV Lonsdale has additional remote access via a

Steber for the best in quality

Apart from designing and building boats, the maritime service that Steber International provides is extensive and includes complete servicing and refit facilities, not just for Steber designed and built craft, but for other makes of vessels. The company has exported over 50 vessels for international customers. As a leader in the maritime sector the Steber family has always shared their knowledge with others in the industry. The executives of the company also sit on Standards Committees and on Marine Industry boards in a proactive effort to continually improve standards throughout the industry. Steber International has played a role in several joint ventures in an endeavour to keep marine manufacturing in Australia. The latest R & D project is the SSS Blue Bottle which is an unmanned surface vessel designed to assist a wide range of government departments. In effect, it is a platform at sea with ample power and the ability to manoeuvre to and from waypoints, collecting and transmitting data on the way. Steber International is currently working on a quantity of Marine Rescue boats as well as Fisheries Research vessels and has tendered overseas for 4 x 60ft vessels covering hydrographic and ambulance duties. Steber International is an undoubted success story and Alan Steber believes in maximising Australian technology and know-how in every vessel they design and build. For more information about Steber International visit;

Australian Made

and customisation.

22’ to 65’ recreational & commercial vessels individually built to meet the needs of the most discerning client.

WWW.STEBER.COM.AU Page 18 - Australian Ports News

PO Box 90 Taree NSW 2430 Phone +61 2 6592 0777 Fax +61 2 6592 0770

The Boat Building and Commissioning of the MV Lonsdale for the Port of Melbourne Corporation

Hi-tech patrol vessel boosts safety in the Bay


HE Port of Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) has strengthened its water patrol capability as part of the ‘Steer Clear’ boating safety campaign with the deployment of its new hi-tech vessel MV Lonsdale, officially launched by Minister for Ports David Hodgett recently.

“With around 8,000 commercial ship movements in Port Phillip Bay every year, the Lonsdale will play an important role in reminding boat operators on the bay to ‘Steer Clear’ of the shipping channels,” Mr Hodgett said. Mr Hodgett commended PoMC for its diligence in promoting boating safety and the initiative to deploy a vessel in the south of the bay. “The launch of the Lonsdale represents a significant investment in safety and the Bellarine community through PoMC’s foresight to have this vessel locally berthed and locally crewed,” Mr Hodgett said. PoMC Chief Executive Officer Nick Easy said that the Lonsdale had multiple capabilities and would complement the work of her sister vessel, the Tim Muir, which was deployed in 2010 and named after PoMC’s late Harbour Master. Above: MV Lonsdale ( Photo courtesy Andrew Mackinnon)

Above: The MV Lonsdale was officially launched by Minister for Ports David Hodgett and Tania Hodgett who formally christened the new vessel in ceremonial fashion

“Torres Pilots is the biggest provider of pilotage services on the Great Barrier Reef. In this business, a reliable and safe service is paramount. That’s why Torres Pilots is repowering their fleet with Yanmar marine diesel engines. Alpha is the most recent vessel to be repowered... it’s a 13.21m hull built in 2007 and now has a pair of Yanmar 6CXB-GT engines on board.

“Steer Clear is an important safety message to promote and enforce because large commercial ships and small recreational vessels cannot be in the same place at the same time,” Mr Easy said. “The best way for recreational fisherman and boat operators to enjoy their time on Port Phillip Bay is to do so responsibly by steering clear of large ships.” Built by Stebercraft, the Lonsdale has an overall length of 12.2 metres with a maximum speed of 31.5 knots. In addition to its incident response capability, the Lonsdale has also been fitted with sophisticated hydrographic survey equipment to determine seabed depths using a multibeam echo sounder. The vessel also uses the advanced military technology for its navigation and guidance systems. In keeping with the maritime tradition of eminent women launching new vessels, the Lonsdale was christened by Mrs Tina Hodgett in ceremonial fashion at Queenscliff Harbour. The Lonsdale was named in recognition of Captain William Lonsdale, one of Victoria’s

early administrators who was closely associated with good governance and the law in the establishment of the young colony.

Above: PoMC staff get behind the Steer Clear boating safety campaign at the Corporate Triathlon in March


These Yanmar engines are quieter than the old diesels and big fuel savings are being logged. At a comfortable 2100 rpm, Alpha is good for 20.5 knots. Reliability is everything for Torres Pilots and that’s why we chose Yanmar in general and the 6CXB specifically.”

YANMAR 6CXB-GT 6 Cylinder in-line 24 valve 509mhp @ 2700 rpm Purpose built marine engine 837 kgs light Mechanical governor and fuel injection controls

Australian Ports News - Page 19

Gippsland Ports Install Sealite GSM AtoNs at Lewis & Toora Channels Limiting stock on hand requirements (and) saving on time spent unnecessarily following an incorrect report of a light outage” were also mentioned by Alan Smith.


N late 2012 Gippsland Ports, the local marine authority responsible for a number of major ports and inland waterways in southern Victoria, Australia, instigated a two-stage upgrade program for the main channels leading into Port Welshpool and ExxonMobil’s Barry Beach Marine Terminal.

GPS Synchronised & Sequential Flashing The Lewis Channel leading into Port Welshpool was first to be upgraded with 22 Sealite GSM lanterns. Installed on piles, the lanterns are set to Sealite’s Seaflare™ flare-path style flash sequence to clearly distinguish the safest route to port around the curved channel. The Toora Channel leading towards ExxonMobil’s terminal was then upgraded with 9 Sealite GSM lanterns being set to a synchronised on/off flash sequence.

Alan Smith, Port Manager of South Gippsland, & Assistant Harbour Master of Gippsland Ports who managed the upgrade program commented:

“The channel structures of the Corner Inlet region are large and visually complex when viewed from the water level by inward and outward bound vessels. The waterways are subject to strong tidal currents and aggressive wind regimes for the majority of the year. The distances from the harbours at Barry Beach and Port Welshpool to the outer entrance of Corner Inlet is approximately 12 nautical miles direct with island formations impacting upon radio frequency transmission reliability. Knowing that the navigation aids were operational was dependent upon regularly accessing the systems. Due to the remoteness and exposed locations in a waterway that is generally subject to poor sea states, it was difficult to manage and could introduce unsatisfactory risk to staff attempting to access the systems. The introduction of GSM monitoring has given us an understanding of the system integrity from an office location whereby a response can be mobilised as soon as the weather permits. I believe GSM has the benefit of reliability as compared to radio frequency reporting”.

Above: Remotely monitor the operating status of the GSM lantern and the health of its battery using a cell phone, tablet or PC Utilising a proactive, efficient, reliable and cost-effective solution to AtoN maintenance was a priority for Gippsland Ports, and with many lit navigation aids and multi-directional channels converging in the region, the need to clearly define each channel was also essential particularly for the large vessels continuously servicing the oil and gas fields of Bass Strait throughout the night.

“The benefits (of GSM monitoring and control) are that the system integrity can be accessed when opportunity allows. Having this

level of knowledge at your finger tip allows greater confidence to focus on additional workloads without the nagging uncertainty following a violent storm or extended period of a maintenance regime” said Alan Smith.

Self-Contained, Solar-Powered AtoNs “The cost savings are represented in the smaller unit size of system components, and manpower savings where systems were maintained in situ, now they are removed as a unit and recovered back to the works depot.

When asked about the flash synchronisations of each channel, Alan Smith commented: “Feedback from mariners is positive. We have two major channels that diverge away from each other in vicinity of the Inner Entrance at Corner Inlet. Both the Lewis Channel and the Toora Channel proceed for a further 4 Nautical Miles to the harbours.

The problems relate to the confusing aspect of multiple flashing lights with varying elements of curvature in the channels. One (channel) is synchronised and the other is a flare path. This gives the impression of one set of lights racing up the channel towards the harbour whilst the other is synchronised to flash at the same time in a distinctly different characteristic”.

Web Portal & Email Alerts Daily diagnostics about each individual lantern in these channels is sent via GSM to Sealite’s secure web portal, where Gippsland

(Continued on Next Page)

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Gippsland Ports Install Sealite GSM AtoNs at Lewis & Toora Channels (Continued from Previous Page)

hours of darkness, therefore decreasing the potential for costly accidents to occur.

Ports’ have a unique login to view their network. Charted information is used to forecast future maintenance scheduling and to be ahead of any potential issues that may arise. Alarm emails set up from the portal also alert key personnel to AtoN asset issues for immediate attention.

With GSM systems now operating with low power requirements, they can be internally integrated into solar LED marine lanterns without modifying existing power supplies or significantly affecting the autonomy or lantern intensity.

“The Sealite portal provides real time information regarding the operational integrity of each light. It is easy to use and provides graphical presentations for each unit in respect of the power usage status. It also provides for power failure, off station and alerts sent direct to the cell phone. This level of understanding provides us with a warning mechanism for those units that may be in trouble before any incident occurs. In general the latest GSM technology has proven itself and I feel confident the step in this direction is a positive outcome for Gippsland Ports and maritime operators” commented Alan Smith.

Sealite GSM Lanterns Sealite’s GSM enabled solar LED marine lanterns provided the perfect solution for enhanced asset management, allowing Gippsland port to remotely monitor the operating status of the lantern and the health

Above: Sealite GSM module, SIM card & electronic hardware all housed within the selfcontained lantern of its battery using a cell phone, tablet or PC. This minimises the need for costly onsite visits, and allows for real time interrogation and control of the lantern’s functions such as flash character, intensity and mode of operation (e.g. always-on or dusk-to-dawn).

Timely information is crucial for port authorities and their maintenance crew to effectively manage their navigation assets and minimise potential light outages. Enhanced reliability of navigation aids also means improved safety of vessel traffic during

Above: : Sealite GSM lanterns mark Gippsland Ports’ Toora & Lewis Channels, Corner Inlet, Victoria

New tug for Ports of Auckland P

ORTS of Auckland recently announced it is buying a new tug and two new straddle carriers, as it prepares to meet continuing growth at its container terminal. The new tug, and the two new straddle carriers, are already under construction and will be delivered later this year. This investment, worth around $12 million, will allow the port to handle bigger ships and boost container handling speed and efficiency. Ports of Auckland CEO Tony Gibson said “Container volumes are up, Auckland is growing fast, and this investment is all about handling that growth efficiently. This new equipment will help us get the most out of our compact central city site.” Ports of Auckland Senior Manager Marine Services, Allan D’Souza said “I am excited to be able to buy this powerful new tug. Bigger ships are on the way, so we need more power and manoeuvrability on the water. Our new tug is perfect for the job.” Right: An artist’s impression of the new tug


Straddle carriers

• The ASD 2411 tug is being built by Dutch shipbuilder Damen at their facility in Changde, China.

• Two Noell Eco-drive SC634E straddle carriers, equipped with the latest safety and driver-assist technology, similar to modern cars.

• It has 68 tonnes bollard-pull, and will be the strongest tug at Ports of Auckland. The port’s current strongest tugs, Waipapa and Waka Kume have 51 tonnes bollard-pull. • Length (LOA): 24.47m; Beam: 11.33m; Draft: 5.35m; Engines: Two caterpillar 3516C TA HD/D engines with a total output of 4180 kW at 1600 rpm; Two Rolls Royce US255 thrusters deliver the tug’s power and manoeuvrability.

• 180 degree rotating driving position, to improve comfort and reduce driver fatigue. • They re-use energy generated from braking and lowering containers and have lower fuel consumption, lower emissions and make less noise. • The straddles can be made taller, to stack containers four high. The current maximum is three high.

Above: The new tug under construction Australian Ports News - Page 21

Torres Pilots choose Yanmar ...again & again T

ORRES PILOTS is a the largest GBR pilotage provider in the three compulsory pilotage areas on the Great Barrier Reef being the Great NE Channel, Torres to Cairns route and Hydrographers Passage. In order to board and disembark pilots to ocean going commercial ships, Torres Pilots operates a fleet of purpose designed and built transfer vessels. With up to 80 shipping movements serviced monthly out of Cairns, Torres Pilots is kept busy year round. Commercial ships which include bulk bauxite carriers, Maersk container ships, small bulk sugar vessels and cattle ships all use the inner reef passage as they travel along the Queensland coast. Each of these vessels must have a pilot on board and it is the Torres Pilots vessels like Alpha which provide the service to transfer these men of the sea. Systematically, Torres Pilots is going through the process of re-powering their fleet with Yanmar marine diesel engines currently 75% of the fleet are Yanmar powered. Transferring pilots is an operation which not only depends on reliable engine power year round, under all sea conditions, but it is also one operating in the largest and most pristine coral reef system and national park in the world. The most recent pilot transfer vessel to be repowered with Yanmar commercial diesel engines, is the Alpha. Launched in 2007 the 13.21m vessel was still powered by her original dual USA built 373kW diesel engines mid 2013, when one of the engines failed. Torres Pilots were well prepared for the event and had a pair of Yanmar 6CXB-GT engines on hand in anticipation of the repower project. The old engines were removed through the purpose built engine service hatch forward of the wheelhouse and onto the aft deck with the Yanmar engines going back in the same way. The seamless engine swap was undertaken by Yanmar Marine Dealer KG Mechanical in Cairns. Yanmar’s 6CXB engine is commercially rated, IMO Tier 2 emission compliant and weighs in at only 856kgs. The new generation 6CXB series comes from a proven pedigree with the earlier 6CX series already establishing an excellent reputation with many Australian boat owners. The Yanmar 6CXB is a mechanically governed, freshwater cooled, six-in-line marine diesel engine displacing 7.4 litres. It has a shrouded dry turbocharger cylinder block inspection ports and is equipped with Yanmar’s own proprietary fuel injection equipment. A dual cylinder head design, combined with front mounted filter positions makes for easy servicing.

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Yanmar 6CXB-GT engines ■

IMO Tier 2 emission compliant


7.4 litre freshwater cooled six-in-line marine diesel

While the re-power project was underway, the opportunity was taken to strip the engine room of electrics and exhaust for a complete refit. New engine beds were made up, but the original ZF transmissions were retained. The replacement exhaust system was increased from 150mm diameter to 200 mm diameter to reduce back pressure and deliver a better exhaust flow. According to Michael Cox, Launch Master at Torres Pilots in Cairns, the new Yanmar 6CX BMGT engines have delivered an enhanced level of performance to the Alpha. With 3 months and 190 hours of operation behind them, the benefits of the new Yanmar engines are already showing through. “Our fuel data confirms that we are saving more fuel with the pair of Yanmar 6CX engines on board Alpha,” Michael Cox said.

“With the engine room being mid ships, the engines are fitted just forward of the helm position. The crew are operating all through their watch on top of the engine room. The Yanmar engines are definitely quieter than the old diesels and the wet exhaust further reduces the noise level.” Operating from their base at Cairns Marina, the Alpha makes a round trip run of 1 hour and 30 minutes to drop or collect a pilot. Such a trip uses about 110 litres of fuel. Under normal operational conditions, the Yanmar 6CXB engines tick over at a comfortable 2100 rpm for a speed of 20.5 knots. During sea trials the maximum performance was achieved at 2800 rpm for 28 knots. “We’re really comfortable operating at 2100 rpm,“ Michael Cox said. “But it is also really comforting to know that there is a lot more power there for when it is needed.” Operating in Far North Queensland from bases in Cairns, Thursday Island and Mackay, the Torres Pilots vessels frequently operate in very remote and environmentally sensitive areas. “Reliability is everything for us, especially in the harsh tropical conditions in the Torres

Straits” said Michael Cox. “That is one of the reasons we are using Yanmar engines in general and the 6CXB specifically. If ever we have a problem at sea, the crew need to be able to be resourceful and manage the situation themselves. The Yanmar 6CXB engines depend less on advanced electronics for the fuel management system and that allows us to better manage problems at sea, as operating electronic engines in the remote regions has proven to be more difficult.” Another recent re-power undertaken by Torres Pilots was their 9.76m vessel, the Bob Guy. This vessel is used under lighter weather conditions and now has a single Yanmar 6LY2A in the engine room. With eight vessels in the Torres Pilots fleet, all but two are Yanmar powered providing a synergy with in the fleet for servicing and parts Power Equipment is the exclusive and authorised Australian, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and South Pacific Distributor of Yanmar Marine and Industrial diesel engines, JCB DieselMax, MASE diesel marine generators, Gori high quality folding sailboat propellers, PSS Shaft Seals, and Arctic Steel products.

Working smarter at the border Working together and working smarter is the guiding philosophy of the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service (ACBPS).


O HELP ACBPS stay one step ahead of international crime syndicates, the ACBPS is overhauling its cargo risk assessment processes while continuing to build capability by further investing in technology and training. ACBPS received an $88 million funding boost from the Australian Government in January 2014 to tackle crime at the border and it will be using the funding to expand and modernise its systems and increase inspections of international mail, air cargo and sea cargo. Training will also be an important component of the Service’s enhanced cargo screening approach and ACBPS is developing a new Specialist Examination Capability to train officers in the latest search and examination techniques. ACBPS Chief Executive Officer Michael Pezzullo said the funding will allow ACBPS to harden Australia’s borders against the importation of illegal drugs and firearms. “Criminals are using more sophisticated methods of concealment which makes the physical examination more important. This funding will allow ACBPS to increase the intensity of cargo examinations and invest in the capabilities and technology required to improve the detection of illicit goods and in particular drugs and firearms,” he said. Australia represents a very profitable market for transnational organised crime groups with the prices of illicit drugs amongst the highest in the world. The average cost of a kilogram of cocaine in Australia can be up to $300,000, compared with Colombia, where the price per kilogram is estimated at $2500 and in Mexico, where it is around $12,500. ACBPS is also seeing increasingly varied and sophisticated attempts to bring illegal drugs across the border such as multiple and scattered air express and postal packages, travellers with drugs embedded in their luggage, vast quantities concreted into the hulls of small craft and sophisticated concealments within shipping containers. Mr Pezzullo said despite the best efforts of ACBPS officers, Australia’s attractiveness as a market for organised crime groups is only likely to increase.

“Today, more than ever before, crime has no boundaries. The Service’s role in border protection is becoming more challenging and complex. We are up against serious and violent criminal syndicates that have access to enormous resources. These syndicates use their resources to fund elaborate networked capabilities, involving front companies, complex business and financial structures, and sophisticated communications and transport arrangements,” he said. Mr Pezzullo said ACBPS is aiming to be at the forefront of innovative approaches in combating transnational crime. “ACBPS is exploring new advanced analytics and intelligence systems and maximising opportunities to automate its risk analysis, profiling and targeting activities. We are also working with the private sector to improve our ability to share information with trusted partners,” he said. ACBPS is also establishing a new National Border Targeting Centre that will identify high-

Australia represents a very profitable market for transnational organised crime groups with the prices of illicit drugs amongst the highest in the world.

The Australian Government’s additional $88 million in funding will enable ACBPS to: ■

Increase inspections of international mail, which has been identified as a vulnerable area for the importation of illicit firearms and firearms parts, by 25%;

Increase air cargo inspections by 33 per cent;

Increase examinations of sea cargo in Sydney and Melbourne by nearly 20 percent and expand the operation of Container Examination Facilities in these ports from six to seven days a week;

Create a new Cargo Investigation Squad to investigate and arrest firearm and drug traffickers;

Purchase new equipment and technology to assist in detecting increasingly sophisticated concealments, including an enhanced cargo examination capability, CCTV upgrades, mobile and static x-rays and mobile technology trucks;

Increase the capacity of the Detector Dog Program to conduct more inspections and further develop currency and firearms capabilities; and

Develop a new Specialist Examination Capability to train officers in search and examination techniques.

risk international travellers and cargo through the application of better data and analysis tools. The Centre’s initial focus will be on improving the Service’s targeting processes and capabilities, and designing a 24/7 multiagency operating model for coordinating border intelligence that will inform our tactical law enforcement response on the ground. “Through the National Border Targeting Centre we will work closely with border protection, intelligence, law enforcement and regulatory agencies, and collaboratively with regional partners and similar targeting centres in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and New Zealand,” Mr Pezzullo said. The future outlook for Australia’s border is challenging and the Service is continuing to look for smarter ways of doing business. Over the next four years, air cargo volumes are expected to increase by 85 percent and sea cargo containers by 20 percent. ACBPS

will continuously review and update its risk assessment and intervention strategies in order to minimise disruption to legitimate trade, while at the same time ensuring regulatory requirements are met. Mr Pezzullo said that as cargo supply chains become longer and more complex, the Service’s partnerships with industry become more vital. “Continued collaboration between ACBPS and industry is integral in Australia’s response to border threats. Throughout the region, industry are our eyes and ears. They play a vital role in helping ACBPS protect Australia and keeping illegal drugs and weapons off our streets,” he said. Industry is encouraged to help ACBPS in tackling crime by reporting suspicious border activities to its national information collection program, Customs Watch. To contact Customs Watch, phone 1800 06 1800. Australian Ports News - Page 23

Port Hosts First Cruise Ship Visit of the Year


HE Port Hedland Port Authority (PHPA) hosted the arrival of the first cruise ship to the port this calendar year, which is expected to bring thousands of tourists to the Pilbara town.

Lighting the way for safety on the water


YDRO Tasmania, Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) and the Inland Fisheries Service (IFS) have joined forces to improve safety on the water for anglers.

The three organisations have installed navigation lights at 30 of the state’s most popular fishing spots, managed by Hydro Tasmania. “Anglers had expressed concern about the lack of navigational aids on inland waters as the light fades during the evening,” said Hydro Tasmania’s Michael Bidwell. “Working with MAST and the IFS, we have installed solar-operated lights at boat ramps in remote fishing locations. The lights have a range of five nautical miles in clear conditions.” MAST’s Peter Hopkins said the project, managed by the Inland Fisheries Service, will greatly enhance safety on many inland lakes. “Many of the installation locations are in areas with little or no other landmarks, features or lights from shacks or roads to help with The Celebrity Solstice, which carries up to 2,850 passengers and 1,000 crew members, berthed at the port on Monday, 24 February 2014. The 316- metre long cruise ship was the first of three cruise ships expected to arrive at the Port of Port Hedland this year. The PHPA’s Chief Executive Officer Roger Johnston said the PHPA, a member of Tourism WA’s Cruise Western Australia Committee (CWAC), was committed to diversifying trade through the world’s largest iron ore export port and facilitating cruise ship visits where possible.

navigation,” he said. “These lights will help ensure the safety of those returning after dark by providing light near the boat ramp.” The project was funded by equal contributions from Hydro Tasmania and MAST. Mr Bidwell said the project is part of a joint effort by Hydro Tasmania, MAST and the IFS to continually improve boating infrastructure on inland lakes. “Work will begin soon on a new double lane ramp and pontoon at Bradys Lake,” he said. “This will complement work undertaken late in 2013 with the installation of a pontoon at Swan Bay on Great Lake and at the dam wall on Arthurs Lake.” A full list of new navigational light locations and grid references is available at http://www. %20location%20details%20030314%20..pdf Lights will be installed at three additional locations at a later date - Bradys Lake, Lake Rowallan and Lake Crescent.

“Whilst the port is regarded as one of the world’s largest and busiest iron ore terminals, the PHPA is also keen to support local tourism and give passengers the opportunity to disembark and explore this unique mining town,” he said. “Since 2011, the PHPA has facilitated the visit of 8 cruise ships with plans to accommodate the visit of more cruise ships in the coming years,” Mr Johnston said. One of the world’s largest cruise ships, the Voyager of the Seas, arrived at the port on 30 March 2014, and was preceded by the visit of the Radiance of the Seas on 6 March.

Investment grows fertiliser trade


GRI-BUSINESS is booming in Townsville with Ravensdown Australia driving year-to-date fertiliser imports to outstrip full-year records.

More than 136,000 tonnes of fertiliser and fertiliser additives have been imported through the Port of Townsville to 20 January, which is well advanced on the previous fiscal year record of 129,898 tonnes set in 1997-98. The tonnage increase is the largely the result of Tran-Tasman business Ravensdown’s decision to bring all company product into Townsville where it is blended, bagged, and freighted to farmers across Queensland. Ravensdown Sales and Business Development Manager Bruce Keenan said the business had also invested in new infrastructure on port land to meet current demand and future growth as its market expanded. “Ravensdown’s Queensland business is only young and as a result of increasing sales as we gain additional customers throughout the state,

we have imported additional fertiliser this year all of which now comes through Townsville port,” he said. “We are proud to say that earlier this year we chose to make a significant investment in developing and installing new blending and bagging equipment in the shed on Hubie Taylor Place and that the majority of this work was carried out by local Townsville firms.” Port of Townsville Limited acting CEO Ranee Crosby said Ravensdown’s performance was an illustration of the role local port activity played in industry and communities throughout Queensland. “That Townsville is the distribution hub for the fertiliser needs of agricultural, horticultural and livestock businesses across the state is another big tick for the regional economy,” she said. “Ravensdown has been enthusiastic and proactive in investing in the infrastructure required to grow its business for the benefit of many, and we congratulate the company on the

Abopve: L-R Ravensdown Australia Senior Storeman Paul Holmkvist and Store Manager Lance Hopkinson with the company’s new fertiliser blending and bagging plant at Townsville Port Page 24 - Australian Ports News

Above: Navigation aid installation at Arthurs Lake in the Central Highlands of Tasmania. The light is a Vega VLB2

Largest ship welcomed to the Port of Newcastle


UXURY cruise liner, the Celebrity Solstice, made a record breaking maiden visit to the Port of Newcastle recently and received a warm Novocastrian reception on her arrival. The 317 metre long Celebrity Solstice is now the largest ship to visit the port. The record was previously set by the 315 metre long bulk carrier, the Iron Pacific, in 1986. Members of the community lined the

Foreshore as the Celebrity Solstice entered the port at 7am. Local dignitaries, including Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Councillor Jeff McCloy, welcomed the Captain, passengers and crew following the vessel’s arrival at the Channel Berth. A Fort Scratchley gun salute farewelled the Celebrity Solstice on her departure. The Celebrity Solstice is set to be a regular visitor to Newcastle with a return visit booked for March 2015.

Above: The 317 metre long cruise liner, the Celebrity Solstice, entering the Port of Newcastle on her record breaking maiden voyage

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