June Rodeo News

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JU NE 20 2 1 Calendar 26 June 2021

23 July 2021

POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0429727108 VENUE: Emerald Showgrounds RODEO START 5:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 11:00 AM DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Destiny Downs Cattle Co Pty Ltd Hank McArthur Michael Sypher Ross Ford NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. GST APPLIES: Y ROP SW L-Barrel L-BAR $1000.00 EF $161.70, SB BB $1000.00 EF $167.20, TR $2000.00 EF $161.70, BR $1000.00 EF $169.40 2ndSB 2ndBB $300.00 EF $66.00 J-SR J-Barrel J-BAR $300.00 EF $55.00, J-TR $600.00 EF $55.00

POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0428658751 VENUE: Bowen Showgrounds, 120 Mount Nutt Road RODEO START 5:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Malcolm & Eddie Gill Bros Rodeo NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back SB $140, BR & BB $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to website, prior to entering in case there is a change. 3. Events being run by the committee – Mini Bull Ride 8-10 years & Mini Bull Ride 11-14 years. 4. Open Saddle Bronc entries capped to a maximum of 25. Current and former Australian Saddle Bronc Riding Champions will be exempt from being drawn out. 60% of the remaining entries will be those highest placed in the current season Saddle Bronc Riding standings as of the 30/6/2021. 20% will be made up of the highest ranked contestants from the previous season pro tour Saddle Bronc Riding standings. 10% randomly drawn from remaining entries and 10% selected in liaison with APRA director and event committee. GST APPLIES: Y SB $5000.00 EF $216.70, BR $3000.00 EF $174.90, BB $3000.00 EF $172.70


9 July 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0429727108 VENUE: CQLX Gracemere Saleyards; 16 Saleyards Road. RODEO START 9:00 AM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Destiny Downs Cattle Co Pty Ltd NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100 2. Championship Points - subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. 3. Entries to be paid in cash only, payouts will be done in cash. 4. No dogs allowed. 5. No BYO 6. Camping to be booked through CQLX GST APPLIES: N ROP SW L-Barrel L-BAR $1000.00 EF $147.00 TR $2000.00 $147.00 J-Barrel J-BAR $300.00 EF $37.00, J-TR $600.00 EF $37.00

17 July 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0428750564 VENUE: Taroom Showgrounds; Cranmer Street RODEO START 2:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 10:00 AM DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Garry McPhee Rick Knudsen Frank Biddle Peter Barber NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. GST APPLIES: Y ROP SW TR L-Barrel L-BAR $1320.00 EF $167.20, SB BB $1320.00 EF $180.40, BR $1320.00 EF $182.60 2ndSB 2ndBR 2ndBB $440.00 EF $66.00 J-SR J-TR J-Barrel J-BAR $275.00 EF $22.00


24 July 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0437372713 VENUE: Dalrymple Equestrian Centre RODEO START 6:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 10:30 AM DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Malcolm & Eddie Gill Bros Rodeo Mark Gibb NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. 3. Extra events run by the committee – Junior Local Barrel Race and Poddy Ride. GST APPLIES: Y ROP SW-TR L-Barrel L-BAR $1000.00 EF $156.20, SB BB $1000.00 EF $161.70, BR $1000.00 EF $163.90 J-SR J-Barrel J-BAR J-Bull $300.00 EF $35.20, J-TR $600.00 EF $35.20

30 July 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0437620385 VENUE: Richmond Rodeo Grounds RODEO START 6:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR:Malcolm & Eddie Gill Bros Rodeo Garry McPhee Mark Gibb NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Open Saddle Bronc entries capped to a maximum of 25. Current and former Australian Saddle Bronc Riding Champions will be exempt

from being drawn out. 60% of the remaining entries will be those highest placed in the current season Saddle Bronc Riding standings as of the 30/6/2021. 20% will be made up of the highest ranked contestants from the previous season pro tour Saddle Bronc Riding standings. 10% randomly drawn from remaining entries and 10% selected in liaison with APRA director and event committee. GST APPLIES: N SB $5000.00 EF $172.00, BB $3000.00 EF $162.00, SW $2000.00 EF $152.00

31 July 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0437620385 VENUE: Richmond Rodeo Grounds, RODEO START 5:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 10:00 AM DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Malcolm & Eddie Gill Bros Rodeo Garry McPhee Mark Gibb NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. 3. Local events run by the committee, entries to Nicola Lillyman 0437620385 – Junior Local Barrel Race and Poddy Ride. 4. Feature event: Damon McCoy 2nd Division Saddle Bronc Ride, winner will receive a trophy buckle and $1000 bonus prize money. GST APPLIES: N ROP SW TR L-Barrel L-BAR $1200.00 EF $152.00, SB BB $1200.00 EF $164.00, BR $1200.00 EF $166.00 2ndSB $600.00 EF $60.00, 2ndBR $400.00 EF $56.00, 2ndBB $400.00 EF $54.00 J-SR J-TR J-Barrel J-BAR $300.00 EF $24.00

6 August 2021

CLONCURRY JUNIOR RODEO, QLD POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0428350158 VENUE: Cloncurry Equestrian Centre RODEO START 8:00 AM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- Committee 0428350158 STOCK CONTRACTOR: TBA NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to website, prior to entering. GST APPLIES: Y J-SR J-TR J-Barrel J-BAR $500.00 EF $24.20

6 August 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0428350158 VENUE: Cloncurry Show Grounds, Station Street RODEO START 07:00 PM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- Committee 0428350158 STOCK CONTRACTOR: TBA NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back BR $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. GST APPLIES: Y BR $6000.00 EF $185.90

Rodeo News 6-7 August 2021

CURRY MERRY MUSTER RODEO, QLD POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0428350158 VENUE: Cloncurry Equestrian Centre RODEO START: Friday 12:00 PM | Saturday 10:00 AM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- Committee 0428350158 STOCK CONTRACTOR: TBA NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $100. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is an change. 3. Open Saddle Bronc Memorial Chute Out. 4. Team Roping is one run per team. One member from each team must enter with both membership numbers. 5. Local events run by the committee, entries to committee – Poly Buckjump. GST APPLIES: Y ROP SW TR L-Barrel L-BAR $5250.00 EF $172.70, SB BB $5250.00 EF $183.70, BR $5250.00 EF $185.90 2ndSB 2ndBB $1000.00 EF $90.20, 2ndBR $1000.00 EF $92.40 J-SR J-Barrel J-BAR $500.00 EF $24.20

12-15 August 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 07 47432706 VENUE: Buchanan Park Events Complex RODEO START: Thursday 8:00 AM | Friday 9:00 AM | Saturday 9:00 AM | Sunday 9:00 AM SLACK IF NEC: N DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- TBA

STOCK CONTRACTOR: Darren Brandenburg, Garry McPhee, Ross Ford, Mick Sypher, Mark Gibb NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back timed events $110, BR $128, SB BB $100. 2. For full details on entries, restrictions, event details, camping and ground rules please refer to the Mount Isa calendar listing at prorodeo.com. au. It is the competitors’ responsibility to ensure they have read these full details prior to entering. 3. Championship Points - subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. GST APPLIES: Y SB ROP L-Barrel L-BAR $10,000.00 EF $189.20, TR $10,000 EF $167.20 BB SW $15,000.00 EF $189.20, BR $24,000.00 EF $222.20, TR-55 $1,500.00 EF $113.30 , OB-40 $3,500.00 EF $181.40 2ndSB 2ndBB $2,500.00 EF $112.20, 2ndBR $3,000.00 EF $112.20 J-SR J-Barrel $1,000.00 EF $44.00, J-TR J-BAR $200.00 EF $24.20, J-Bull $500.00 EF $36.30

20-21 August 2021


POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 0412827454 VENUE: NQ Elite Rodeo 1994 Hervey Range Road TOWNSVILLE RODEO START Friday 20th 6 PM | Saturday 21st 5:30 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 10 AM Saturday 21st DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to: APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: John P Gill Darren Brandenburg Mark Gibb NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back open events $120, SB BB $110.

Central Entry Information Entry times: Wednesday and Thursday 9am–4pm


DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE PLEASE NOTE MODIFIED ENTRY DATES AND TIMES FOR CLONCURRY CLONCURRY RODEOS - XTREME, JUNIOR AND MAIN - Entries are early, see dates in table below. Late entries and cancel outs are Friday, 23 July & Wednesday 28 July to Friday, 30 July from 9am to 4pm. No late entries or cancel outs Monday the week of the Rodeo. MOUNT ISA - Details on dates and method of entry to be advised.

June 16/17

Emerald, QLD

June 30/July 1

Gracemere Timed Event, QLD

July 7/8

Taroom, QLD

July 14/15

Bowen Xtreme Broncs, QLD; Charters Towers, QLD

July 20/21/22

Richmond Xtreme Broncs, QLD; Richmond, QLD; Cloncurry Junior Rodeo, QLD; Cloncurry Xtreme Bulls, QLD; Cloncurry Rodeo, QLD; North Queensland Elite, QLD

July 28/29

North Queensland Elite, QLD

August 11/12

North Queensland Elite, QLD

August 18/19

Capella, QLD

August 25/26

St Brendan’s College Rodeo, Yeppoon, QLD

When phoning central entries please state your membership number, rodeo and event only in quick succession. It’s important to keep calls brief so other competitors are not kept waiting. Thankyou.

2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. 3. Extra events being run by the committee – Under 11 Poddy Ride, Under 11 Mini Bull Ride and Under 14 Mini Bull Ride. GST APPLIES: Y SB BB ROP SW TR L-Barrel L-BAR $3000.00 EF $200.20, BR $4500.00 EF $213.40 J-SR J-TR J-Barrel J-BAR $200.00 EF $35.20

28 August 2021


4 September 2021

ST BRENDAN’S COLLEGE RODEO, QLD POINTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO PHONE: 07 49399424 VENUE: St Brendan’s College Rodeo Grounds; 139 Adelaide Park Road, Yeppoon RODEO START 5:45 PM SLACK IF NEC: Y 1:30 PM DAY MEMBERS: Y Entries to:- APRA STOCK CONTRACTOR: Destiny Downs Cattle Co Pty Ltd NOTES AND CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: 1. Add back all open events $80. 2. Championship Points – subject to change if any hotspots or border restrictions arise. Refer to the website, prior to entering in case there is a change. GST APPLIES: Y ROP SW TR L-Barrel L-BAR $1100.00 EF $139.70, SB BB $1100.00 EF $145.20, BR $1100.00 EF $147.40 2ndBR $500.00 EF $64.90 J-SR J-Barrel J-BAR J-Bull $350.00 EF $37.95

Phone 07 4661 4766 H Members Note: Entries will not be taken without your membership number. H Cancel Outs - Monday 9am until 12 noon (the week of the rodeo unless otherwise stated. A fine of $5 applies per rodeo to all cancel outs. After this penalties as per Rules 22.1 to 22.8 apply. H L ate entries are taken Friday 9am to 4pm and Monday 9am to 12 noon unless stated differently below. If there are more than 12 in an event, a late fee of $50 applies. 12 noon Monday is the absolute latest to enter, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will further entries be taken after this time. The only exception is if there’s less than 12 in an event. H All times strictly Queensland Eastern Standard Time where daylight savings does not occur. H In case of a dispute on your entry, all entry calls will be recorded. You will be given a call back number which you should keep as your confirmation of your entry. This number will be needed if you claim a mistake has been made with your entry. H Keep your calls to an absolute minimum - where call is answered strictly state membership number, rodeo and event. H Entries are only taken on two days except where there are entries for five or more rodeos. Check entry dates carefully! If entry dates fall on a public holiday check this page for altered dates/times. H All contestants must have a zero balance in order to enter rodeos. If you have unpaid fees you are currently ineligible to be put in a draw. H False communication with Central Entry system, regarding entry procedure. ACTION: A fine of $30, first offence; $60 second offence; $100 upon the third complaint. H Entries will be accepted via email or by fax providing they are received in the correct timeframe i.e. between 9am on entry open day and 4pm on entry closing day for extenuating circumstances only. No responsibility will be accepted if emails or faxes are not received by Head Office. Email:apra@prorodeo.com.au Fax: (07) 4661 4990. Entries will not be accepted from members with outstanding accounts.

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