June 2022 West Edition

Page 38

Day Job/Night Job

Ed Attanasio is an automotive journalist based in San Francisco, California. He can be reached at era39@aol.com.

with Ed Attanasio

She Sold Her Auto Body Shop to Become an Artist buy bird seed. Somebody walked etc. I even used a cat toy the other In the world of collision repair, the- forward? up to my brother and punched him day to create an interesting texture. re are a ton of multi-talented people doing other things when they’re not Lack of education! As cars and he fell and fractured his skull. with Gary Wickert Where do you create the art? repairing vehicles. are ever-changing with legi- He went into a coma, and three and I would bet the average custo- ons of new technology, it is imperati- a half weeks later, he was gone. The murderer got 18 years—semer does not realize the tech, painter ven years suspended—but My studio is in a climateor estimator working on their car is a he has been messing up in controlled three-car garage musician, artist, actor, writer, movie director—even the owner of a champrison, so it looks like he that has exactly enough room for pion Frisbee dog! I have enjoyed inwill be in there for a long zero cars due to all of my artwork terviewing thesewith mega-talented intime. My brother was a reti- and supplies. Stacey Phillips dividuals since I started this column red doctor and I think about in 2008 when I wrote a story about How long does it take to him every single day. I mainly create abstracts Chris Mashburn, a body tech, and create a piece? his beloved Frisbee dog, Mindy. in acrylic, and will paint on This story is about Bianca any surface I find interesFrom start to finish, approRauser, who stepped away from the ting. I choose colors based ximately three weeks. I have with Stacey Phillips world of collision repair and sold on my mood that day. Ra- several art projects going on simulher shop to enjoy life and pursue her rely using brushes, I opt for taneously all the time. I am always art. A major tragedy in her life caunon-traditional methods of looking for new and exciting things Bianca Rauser sold her shop to step away from the crazy sed Rauser to fast track her journey, life of collision repair and pursue her passion for making application such as bubble to create, and that’s why I am doing and part of that includes creating art art wrap, cookie cutters, fun- things like tables, coaster sets, and that has quickly become a signifinels, plastic grocery bags, people seem to like my clocks as cant part of her retirement plan. ve to constantly train to keep up with water bottles, blow torches, marbles, well. with Stacey Phillips correct procedures. I hated the fact How did you get into the col- that I had to fight with the insurance lision repair industry? companies so that we could make safe, OE repairs. I could see that I was working for an in- quality wasn’t always a priority and surance company, and had it began to become an issue. When to interact withwith body shops a lot. I people’s safety is involved, quality is Stacey Phillips was getting tired of the Evil Empi- not negotiable, in my opinion. re when a shop owner offered me a job. I took it, and I absolutely loved How did you get into creamy position. He taught me how to be ting art? Please describe your an estimator and I loved everything process. about it. with Stacey Phillips Art became an outlet for my What were the most satisfyanger and sorrow after my ing and challenging parts of brother was murdered in a random your role in the industry? The Right Part Makes the Difference. There are people out there www.KiaofCarson.com who aren’t crazy about wowith Victoria Antonelli men working in this industry. It has gotten better, but it still exists. When Serving I could make customers happy after S outhern going through the stressful situation C a lifornia of an accident—I loved that part. It 310.507.8595 Fax has also been rewarding getting to 22020 Recreation Rd Mon-Sat 7am-7pm with Victoria Antonelli Bianca Rauser is selling her pieces both know and interact with some of the Carson, CA 90745 Sun 8am-5pm through major galleries in Arkansas and most knowledgeable people in the nationally industry. • Genuine Kia OEM Parts • Efficient Service on All Orders act of violence. I was talking to him • Fast Free Delivery • Find Us On: What are the biggest obstac- on the phone one day, and he told les for the industry moving me that he was going to the store to

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