Autumn Magazine Issue 27 | August 2017

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Love, Faith, and Purpose in Life

OUR MISSION Autumn Magazine is designed to spark engagement, conversation, and growth surrounding God for our readers. Through stories, videos, creative art pieces, and article tips, Autumn encourages and enables readers to improve their relationships with God and strengthen their love for others in their lives. Autumn gives readers information that they can relate to, as well as a medium where they can express, empower, and enhance themselves through all life’s changes.

OUR VISION To represent: God's Unfailing Love in our lives

Building Faith in God's will

Finding Purpose in Life through glorifying God


AUTUMN MAGAZINE is published monthly by Autumn Magazine, Inc., Address: P.O. Box 46171, Phoenix, AZ 85063. Website: For advertising inquiries, contact: REPRINTS AND PERMISSION: Š 2017 Autumn Magazine and Golden Wings Press LLC, the writers, photographers, and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher.

MASTHEAD ISSUE 27 | AUGUST 2017 | ISSN 2377-9128



CONTRIBUTING TEAM Every month we have a selection of external talent that helps contribute material to make our magazine what it is. We thank them and also welcome your skills at the table. Interested in contributing to Autumn Magazine? Contact us at:

Owner and Editor Jayme Parkinson

Audio Video Director Kevin Parkinson


Barry Espy Summerour (cover and pg 42)

Copy Editors

Dameta Sanders


Kacey Hartung, Joan Dance, Ivy Villaflores, Kaela McKaig, Brooke Brown, Samantha Lorin, Aqueela Maddox

Image Image courtesy of Kyson Dana (pg Acknowledgments 16&17), Owen Walters (pg 22&23), Charlie Foster (pg 26), Jesse Orrico (pg 30) Clem Onojeghuo (pg 31), Rawpixel. com and Slava Bowman (pg 32), Alexander Dummer (pg 34), Jex Timms (pg 49) at Unsplash. Netter Productions & Summit Entertainment (pg 52).

Art Director Ashley Gaffney

AUTUMN MAGAZINE is published bi-monthly by Autumn Magazine, Inc., Office: P.O. Box 46171, Phoenix, AZ 85063. Website: For advertising inquiries, contact:

Senior Journalist Brittany Clark

REPRINTS AND PERMISSION: Š 2017 Golden Wings Press LLC, the writers, photographers, and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher.

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22 ART & ENTERTAINMENT Poem: Through Life's Waves

26 RELATIONSHIPS Don't Curse Your Influence

30 LIFE & ADVICE Ways To Gain Control At Work

34 HEALTH & FITNESS You Are In Control


46 PERSONAL NARRATIVE Motivation: Upward And Outward

48 CULTURE & MEDIA The Shack

50 36 22 28

16 50


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BIBLICAL REFERENCES PHILIPPIANS 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. PHILIPPIANS 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. JOHN 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-6 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil. 2 CORINTHIANS 5:12-15 For we do not commend ourselves again to you, but give you opportunity to boast on our behalf, that you may have an answer for those who boast in appearance and not in heart. For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you. For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again. EPHESIANS 5:15-16 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. PROVERBS 22:29 Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men. PROVERBS 25:28 Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls. ISAIAH 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

LETTER from the


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This month's issue of Autumn Magazine focuses on gaining control. For me, the toughest part of this concept is battling with emotional and mental distress. Philippians 4:13 reads, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In our efforts to push towards our goals and aspirations, to be disciplined and not waiver, we can sometimes discourage ourselves. I have three examples of ways I am able to maintain my motivation and check my emotions. Try speaking and thinking positive things. Whenever you start doubting yourself immediately start talking positivity into your situation. In some of the toughest times in my life, I have decided to use blind faith and start working and preparing for my new levels as if God is already working behind the scenes on my behalf. Isn’t that what He’s doing anyway? I imagine that for every step back that God has ordered my steps in another direction and continues to have greatness waiting for me. So, if I believe this why wouldn’t I live as though greatness is ahead? Why wouldn’t I continue to glorify His name, praise Him, and allow myself to feel blessed and happy? At the end of the day I’d rather choose to be optimistic than to live in a sinister world of pessimism, doubt, and fear. Don’t allow others to define who you are. I know it can be heartbreaking and crushing when someone steps on your dreams or questions your abilities, especially if the person is someone who is related to you or close to you. You should have cheerleaders in your corner. Make sure you surround yourself with people who encourage you and lift you up. It’s easy to allow people to rent space in our minds and make us believe we aren't good enough. If you have a toxic relationship in your life, it’s time to let go. Know that there’s a difference in constructive criticism and haters. Is your friend questioning you in a way that pushes you towards your dream or are they doubting you and specifically telling you that you’re not good enough. There is a big difference. Make the distinction. I recommend either removing these people from your life or correcting them.

13 Don’t be afraid to be different. This point is close to home for me. I’ve always felt a little out of place growing up. Being different always felt like a bad thing. I wanted to belong and not feel like I stood out. For a short period, I would try to act and look a certain way or surround myself with people who I thought would eventually conform me to a person of who I thought I was supposed to be. It always seemed easier to simply, fit in, but the truth is it was a lot of work to pretend to be somebody I was not. I love the scripture, John 15:19, If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Don’t be afraid to stand out. It’s what makes you, you. God loves the person you are. To gain control and maintain it you have to be true to yourself, speak and think positive things, and surround yourself with people who build you up. If you practice these task in your life daily you’ll find that the battle with your negative thoughts and other peoples discouragements won’t hinder your ability to move forward in your life. Have blessed month!



By Kacey Hartung



ave you ever had a week where it seems like you are faced with a challenge everywhere you turn? Have you ever had a few days at work where it seems like no matter what the topic, you’re on a different page than everyone else? How about a time where you were just hoping that one thing could go right because you just didn’t have the bandwidth (or energy) to take on one more thing if it went wrong? That is how my work week started. My days always involve jumping from project to project, that’s what keeps things interesting, but this week it seemed as though every project had an urgent matter that needed resolving. In years past I would have allowed the individual events to build up, not realizing the added stress I was feeling or the impact it was having on me. This time was different; I recognized I was stressed out. I tried to do things throughout the day to diffuse the stress by allowing myself mental breaks, like reading a personal email or getting out of the building for a shortened lunch. It appeared to be working. I still had a ton to do and felt the weight of those deliverables, but I thought I was managing the stress of it fairly well. Little did I realize, under the surface, the waves were growing. Late in the afternoon on Wednesday, I was multitasking, as usual, when I received an update I had been waiting three weeks to receive. The update was not the answer I had been hoping for, and I would have to wait longer to receive a final resolution. Though disappointing, it should have been a situation that was easy to handle, however, given everything else that had gone on over the last three days it was the final straw. My first instinct was to get away from the situation as quickly as possible, to call it



18 a day and start again tomorrow. But I knew I couldn’t do that, so I sat down at my desk and took a couple of deep breaths. It was not enough. The wave of stress and emotion that had been building for days swept me up and came crashing down. The tears came, and I was unable to hold them back any longer. At the moment I was feeling defeated, hopeless and a million other feelings, including the desire to just disappear. After a few minutes, I pulled myself back together, finished what needed to be finished and headed for home. What happened next is what makes this story different than the times before. Driving home I was sullen, tired and still stressed out. It would have been easy to go through the drive through for dinner and let the kids watch TV while I opened a bottle of wine and replayed the event over and over in my head. But I didn’t do that, and I couldn’t do that. I refused to let the stress of the day ruin my night. I chose to focus on everything else. When I picked up the kids, I was happy to see them and asked them about their day. Before starting dinner, I hung up some pictures I had received in the mail the day before. Looking at the pictures and having them out in the open for us to see was an instant mood lifter. As the night went on, I continued to focus on those around me. I reached out to a couple of friends, spent some time journaling and started a new book I had wanted to read. I didn’t let the events of the day derail me like they had done so many times before. I chose differently.

balance (which changes daily), but obviously, it’s not always enough. We all have days where balance sits firmly on one side. It reminds me of a teeter totter with the heavier person stuck on the ground while the lighter person has their feet dangling in the air. What I realized this week is that it is always easier to stay stuck on the ground. It feels impossible to move. You feel helpless and hopeless. But like the teeter totter, the only way to shift is to slowly start adding things to the other side. Each little thing helps – time with your kids, looking at pictures, reaching out to friends, reading a book. One at a time you start stacking small things on the other side and little by little you start to rise. You may not even realize that you’re no longer stuck on the ground. Too often we feel like balance requires big measures and for this reason, we believe it is too hard to achieve. But don’t overlook the impact of stacking up a lot of small actions. Kacey is a Life Coach with a passion for helping parents be the parent they can be. Autumn subscribers can receive a free 1:1 session, visit for details.

I am passionate about work life balance. I work very hard trying to maintain my definition of LOVE & MARRIAGE


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Through Life's Waves BY JOAN DANCE

While we search for answers, peace, relief While on life's fitful sea Then Satan's pretty pictures come All that the eyes can see Thanks to God the Holy Spirit is ever near To gain relief on sea or land Release the knot that is in your hand



By Kate Lewis

BY: Aqueela Maddox


elationships are beautiful. Yet, they are very much so, work! Hey, I’m simply stating the facts. You have two individuals with two separate journeys, experiences and values, coming together to coexist intentionally as partners...and that’s only the half! We haven’t even mentioned emotions, property, family influences, previous relationship experience,etc.! So, now that we have that out of the way, we are going to talk about various factors that effect the state of the relationship’s health. In this article, we will talk about manipulation. RELATIONSHIPS



When it comes to romantic relationships, things usually start off pretty blissful...She is open to his opinion and advice and vise versa. Along the journey, the two become more acquainted, and the influence they have on one another grows. Influence is a very important part of the relationship. Without it, it's as if two associates or even enemies are walking hand in hand. Influence is the ability to affect the decisions or actions of another person. Where there is no influence, there is little respect, productivity, and understanding. This very important quality can also be used in negative ways as well.

produce the result they want.

When the relationship is still new, both parties are usually very interested in pleasing the other person. They want to be well received and accepted, so there tends to be quite a bit of flexibility and catering. Example, in situations where one party doesn’t want to participate in a specific event or activity, the other individual could usually be persuasive, by giving a look, (i.e. puppy dog eyes, pouty lips) showing some type of affection (i.e. hug, kiss, massage) or “cutesy” begging (i.e. pleeeeeeease, honey, babe, bae).

Love is not self-seeking…(1 Corinthians 13: 5 NIV) This means that LOVE considers the other person, not just SELF. And although you may have good intentions about the outcome you want to see, this process is not just for you. Let’s use your finances as an example. Say you don’t agree with making a large purchase that your mate wants to make; so you show your anger or frustration in various ways, like not cooking dinner, giving the silent treatment, & going to bed early. This may be their ability to experience a situation in the relationship, which may not yield the result YOU desire but afford them a genuine, experience to learn. The deceiver wants you to be anxious (Philippians 4:6 NIV) for the outcome, which is what also provokes self-induced, creative tactics. And as we’ve seen over and over, in not just our lives, and others around us, but also in the Word of God, when we make

However, as the relationship matures, those same “tactics” don’t work the same way. And when important and passionate subjects, such as spending habits, inlaws, children, residence location and so forth arise; where influence is needed... individuals tend to get more creative to

As a Relationship Coach, I’ve heard several couples share the frustrations that arise within their relationship, and the different attempts they’ve made to get results. From the “silent treatment” to withholding affection, to being stand-offish, to taking personal “unsupported” vacations. All of these strategies can be used as manipulation. What is manipulation? Great question! It is the action of influencing or controlling someone or something to your advantage. (Cambridge Dictionary). This is not a healthy quality of relationships!

28 anxious decisions, the consequences may not be to our liking. Take Sarai for example. God told her and her husband, Abram; that they would bear a child in their old age. And with her lack of faith, and personal desire to see a baby manifested, she manipulated the situation by telling her husband that the Lord has kept her from having children. In this situation, it seemed she used her influence to guilt her husband into having a baby with another woman, of which we later see, she wasn’t thrilled about.

there is no pressure to be perfect. Patience is needed here again...this time for yourself! Failing is not the worse thing you can do. Thankfully, you can re-evaluate your choice and try again. So as the thoughts enter your mind through your anxiety, frustration, and fear, recall that you were already created good...but greatness is developed over time...for not just you, but your mate also!

How do we deal with anxiousness or frustration in our relationships that encourage us to manipulate the situation the way we desire? Patience is key. Being that Love is patient, it is only right that we extend this type of love toward our mates in these situations. Know that the Love attribute you sow, will not return without producing fruit. (Isaiah 55:11) Sometimes, that fruit is merely an apology for them not working together in making a decision. No matter what, you both are being sharpened through your experience. You, as you trust God and the work He is doing in your mate and your relationship; and your mate, as they learn to trust you, God, and themselves. Fear of failure is another way the deceiver suggests we manipulate a situation. Your responsibility is to be a good steward over the people He trusts you with, grow through your experiences, live, love, and do your best at everything you do. With that,






Work – it’s a four-letter word that we either love or hate. Most Americans spend a majority of their day at work, which can cause anxiety and stress. Whether we love or hate our jobs, we must always remember that they are both a blessing and calling. Even if we don’t understand why God put us there, we must remain faithful to the fact that he has a purpose and plans for us there. Knowing that there is meaning to everything, it’s still sometimes hard to find balance with stress. Here are a few ways we think could help gain control at work.



Do the opposite! Often, we dwell a bit too much on what our superiors, clients, coworkers, and others think. It’s ok to have a difference of opinion, but as long as we keep it in check and let go of the fact that we simply cannot control everything, we find that things work out for the best. Things aren’t always as bad as they seem. If you know you did your best, be more than happy with yourself: be proud! Don’t let criticism get the best of you and know that when you have put forth your heart and soul into a project, meeting or the like, you’ve already achieved so much. Perfection isn’t the goal – it’s making sure you did your job right and with all the wonderful tools, knowledge and expertise that got you hired in the first place! Take a breather and remember: you’ve got this!





Similar to letting go of control, we are also so obsessed with the process rather than results. It’s always ideal and expected to do a job that exceeds expectations, but if you focus on the process more than you focus on the results, you may just find yourself with a less than stellar outcome. Before starting a particular task, ask yourself: Am I taking the time needed to do a quality job? How high or low should this be on my priority list? From there, you can assess your timeline and gain great results. Make mini-goals happen first, and you’ll see that the bigger goals and picture will fall right in line! Remember – God didn’t create the world in just one day! Try making small weekly lists, then move onto daily lists to create faster-paced results that will eventually become a great habit you’ll build upon!



In every job, there is always going to be some conflict, whether it’s small or big (which we always want to avoid). We aren’t always going to see eye-to-eye with another coworker, or we may find that their communication skills aren’t exactly the nicest. Aside from doing the actual job itself, we also have a job of being able to get along and communicate well with others. If someone at work is rubbing you the wrong way, it can be difficult to find a tactful way to express this to them. Take some time to figure out what it is exactly that you want to convey to them before you approach them. Is it the way they phrase things? Their consistently late replies to you? Whatever it is, focus on just that instead of making a mountain out of a hill. Too many times we start picking apart everything we don’t like about that coworker, but if we pinpoint what it is exactly and find a compassionate but firm solution, it can often be worked through.


Experience Living Waters Home Collection Living Waters Home Collection offers soy candles that are infused with fragrance oils. They make a great addition to any home. We take pride in offering candles that burn clean, come in great sizes and have an elegant look. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.​" - John 7:38 KJV







ou’ve got the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce!” How many times have you seen that post on social media? How does that make you feel? Do you immediately roll your eyes and say in your mind, “Ya, well if I had 40 people working for me, I’d get all that stuff done too! She doesn’t have to work a 9-5 job and come home and cook for and clean up after five children and a husband. She’s not taking six classes a day!” In the book of Ephesians, Paul wrote many instructions. We are to be imitators of God in all ways. “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people). Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16 AMP). The principle of this scripture is that we redeem the time. Take control of your life and take control of your actions. Buy up the moments others seem to throw away and save all you can for the best purposes. Take the moments back from the hands of sin, idleness, procrastination, worldly pleasure, television, video games, social media; whatever your time stealer may be. Be honest with yourself about what your time stealers are. Decide where you need to make changes and again, take control of your own life. By doing this, you will steadily improve every present moment and the joy and purpose of your life. The Bible also says, “A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls” (Proverbs 25:28). When I read this verse, I HEALTH & FITNESS

picture a city full of parks and gardens, trees and beautiful houses, with huge walls built up all around it. Beautiful gates with guards decide what comes in and go out. Those inside the walls are protected against anything from the outside. Self-control is like this. Your character and your wisdom live inside these walls. You have rule over yourself, your spirit, and your actions. You maintain the government of your appetite, your passions, your desires. When temptations come before you, you have these strong walls of willpower and confidence and self-control guarding you and keeping you governed. Without self-control you are like a city without these walls where anything comes and goes, destroying and wreaking havoc in every area of your life. I encourage you to consider areas of your life that you struggle to have control over. Areas that you are not as disciplined (not as you should be but) as you want to be, areas that steal your time. I am all for taking rests and rewarding yourself, but this is your life, and at the end of the day, you are the one who will make an account for how you lived. It’s up to you. You make the choices. You govern your life. You decide. Yes, you have the same amount of time in a day as Beyonce, as your friend, your neighbor, your mother, your daughter, the school teacher, the athlete, the janitor, and the ice cream man. Use your time wisely and purposefully. Plan your days. You’re worth it.






ASK AUTUMN! “Ask Autumn� is an anonymous advice section. Readers have the opportunity to ask and submit personal questions. Each question is read and reviewed by a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and answered in the following issue of Autumn Magazine. Email or Visit And Include The Following: SUBJECT*

Folk Art Treasures By: Joann Dance AGE*


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WOMAN OF THE MONTH CALISTA PHAIR DRIVEN, OUTGOING, & DETERMINED Calista Phair, a young woman from Seattle, Washington with a very bright future sits down with the Autumn team. Phair discusses ways she is trying to give back to the community and how she took control after facing rejection. Watch and read how this HBCU grad started her marketing firm from the ground up and has a strong will to help small businesses grow through new media marketing techniques.


AUTUMN: How are you using your past experiences to drive you? Calista: During my junior year of high school, I had an early disenchantment with reality and race. As well as the factor of people limiting my success. I had a teacher in high school who met with each of us and wanted to meet with us about our dreams, goals, and aspirations. In that conversation, she asked me, what do you want to do? So, I let her know that I wanted to be a political science major in college, go to law school, and have this great goal in mind of Prosocialities #WCW for month of July featured on Good Day Charlotte Fox46 being the Secretary of college. That was definitely fuel to the fire to State. She pulled up every Congressperson in the State of Washington be able to prepare myself for the next level on her computer. She said, does anybody of success, as well as, being raised by my look like you? So, I’m looking at this Caucasian grandmother, working while going to college, teacher and me as a young African American and having parents in and out of my life. All female with goals and dreams beyond where of those experiences helped mold who I am I was. Even though Seattle is only 4% African today and basically let me know that nothing American I wanted to be in a place where I in your past can stop you from where you could grow and be cultivated. That was a fuel want to be in the future. to my fire. That was a fuel for me to attend an HBCU. That was fuel for me to help other AUTUMN: This month’s issue is focused people who have had other experiences on the theme, Gaining Control. Talk to us where teachers might have told them they about how you practice discipline and how couldn’t even go to school. My teacher had it effects your goals? told me that I could only go to a community WOMAN OF THE MONTH



Calista: The way I keep up with discipline is with time management and making sure I am keeping up with my clients and the time lines that I’ve set for myself. Also, I make sure I follow through. If I get a card from a networking event, within 24-hours, I am responding. I make sure I follow up with individuals even if they don’t follow up with me. Following up will definitely set you apart and making sure that you not only are disciplined, but you are disciplined in a way that other people will always remember who you are. AUTUMN: We know you have paid internships available for Bennett students and want to have the

White House for President Barrack Obama honoring the University of Connecticut Women's Basketball Team

ability to provide scholarships in the future. Currently, how are you or your business giving back to your community? Calista: SKKY marketing primarily helps entrepreneurs, non-profits, and small business in the community who might not have a multi-million dollar marketing budget to excel or have the resources that they need for their business. I got started being an Intern in the city of Greensboro where I was a legislature Intern developing a project for youth ages 18 to 25. In that particular project, I saw that there was a gap between resources that were in the community and what was accessible to those who lived there. I started consulting with individuals and meeting with people even before I had a business and I was a sophomore in college. That basically spun the birth of SKKY to be able to allow those business and entrepreneurs that don’t feel they have what it takes to give them what it takes to make their business succeed. I’ve done workshops and went to Universities: North Carolina, Charlotte, South Carolina State University, as well as


Barry Espy Summerour

43 other campuses. I did this to provide access for students to gain resources on how to write a resume or how to create a LinkedIn account, networking 101, learning the art of branding yourself. All of these workshops are free to the campus, so I can help those individuals jump into success. AUTUMN: Do you have a favorite scripture or motto you live by? Calista: One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 22:29 Men be diligent amongst business owners. I will make you ruler amongst Kings. My favorite quote is, "The best way to create the future is to invent it" by Alan Kay. Business Etiquette 101 at South Carolina State University

Speaker at Eta Omega Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity at University of North Carolina in Charlotte






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"Even though Seattle is only 4% African American I wanted to be in a place where I could grow and be cultivated. That was fuel to my fire." - Calista Phair


By Brooke Brown


’m alone with my thoughts an awful lot, not often by choice. My mobility limitations i.e. not being able to go anywhere on a whim unless someone is willing to drive my wheelchair accessible van, frequently leaves me feeling stuck. I always intend to be productive with my long hours at home, but the best intentions sometimes fall short. Back and neck pain steal my stamina shortly after I pull up to my computer to write and edit, more often than I’d like to admit. And it’s in those times dark clouds of depressed self-pity and loneliness roll in. I won’t lie and say there aren’t days when those clouds overtake me and all I can do is stew in my human weakness. The Lord never allows my wallowing to last long, PERSONAL NARRATIVE

though. He always finds ways to remind me there is a purpose in the mundane quiet. It’s an opportunity to look up and listen. To know Him better and further uncover my ultimate purpose in life. On the days I find the will to stamp down my lethargy and fatigue to open the Word in prayer, God rewards me with a new burst of energy and focus. The truth is whatever I achieve has nothing to do with my own abilities, but rather Jesus’ power flowing through me. 2 Corinthians 5:12-15 says, “Are we commending ourselves to you again? No, we are giving you a reason to be proud of us, so you can answer those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart. If it seems we ISSUE 27: AUTUMN MAGAZINE

are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” This means I must strive to keep my perspective looking outward. With a little effort, I can see God bringing the small things together everyday. I’m learning to be grateful for frequent long hours at home. They’re God’s way of giving me time and space to purposefully accomplish everything He asks

of me. One can’t reach greatness by skipping steps because God’s Glory is enhanced by taking each one. I will encourage more people’s hearts when I’m diligent with my gifts. The blessings of that diligence are not only seen by others. Lately, as I’ve put more consistent effort into writing my experiences, God has revealed His reasons behind a very hurtful circumstance in my past.


The story of one man's Journey of letting down his walls and inviting God in






hat if you were so close to God that you called him Papa? Based on William P. Young's novel with the same name, Stuart Hazeldine's The Shack, is a compelling film that personifies one man's Journey to God, and his efforts towards spiritual deliverance. Mack Phillips (Sam Worthington), unlike his family, has a strained relationship with God (his wife is so close to God she calls Him “PaPa”). It is his happy family that helps him put his rough childhood, with an abusive alcoholic father (Derek Hamilton), behind him; his wife Nan (Radha Mitchell) and three kids, teenagers Kate (Megan Charpentier) and Josh (Gage Munroe), and youngest Missy (Amelie Eve). Everything changes, one weekend, when Mack goes camping with his kids. While saving his eldest from a canoing accident, his youngest, Missy is abducted and murdered by a mysterious man, in a secluded shack. Mack's inability to shake off his despair and guilt is the beginning of his journey. One day, a mysterious note turns up in his mailbox asking him to come to "The Shack" the following weekend; it is signed “Papa." When he gets to the shack, which is covered in snow and ice, there is nothing to be found. As he is getting ready to leave, a man, who we soon find out is to be Jesus (Avraham Aviv Alush), appears and leads him to the correct

location. Suddenly, the surroundings change from ruthless winter to spring. At the end of the path is a beautiful cabin where Papa, (Octavia Spencer), and the Holy Spirit, also known as Sarayu (Sumire Matsubara), wait. An important tool this film utilized, to amplify its message and Mack’s journey, was its use of nature. Viewers are immersed in a colorful world where living creatures lived harmoniously. Mack's life is like a once beautiful garden that needs tending too, his pain like black rough waters, his journey like a path up a beautiful mountain, and his deliverance like a great sprouting tree. Another important tool: questions. Throughout the weekend, Mack unloads his questions, and is forced to answer the questions that plague him: If God loves me, how could he let this happen? How can I forgive a killer? How can I forgive myself? Questioning, and listening for God's answer proved to be successful; an important point for the viewer. It was a strong instrument because it made Mack think past his emotions. It helped him tackle the different adversities one may face on their path to deliverance: Selfrighteousness, judgment, anger, anger towards God, and even guilt. There is a lesson to learn with in each question. The greatest lesson: the power of God's love. Love has the power to heal old wounds,


create trust, and help someone forgive. As Mack grows, his journey only becomes harder; another important point for the viewer. In a powerful sequence, the film deals with two important topics: trusting God, and forgiveness. In the middle of a peaceful forest, Papa asks Mack to forgive the murderer. He spews hate, and distaste when Papa still shows love even for the murderer, "his child." As if speaking a new language Mack says the words: "I forgive you." Papa then takes him to the spot where Milly's body is buried. Mack soon realizes that a funeral is planned for his child. He repeats the mantra: "I forgive you." His struggle is clear, but so is his level of trust. Mack isn't only burying his daughter, but this chapter of his life; it started with forgiveness. Once Milly's body is underground, something amazing happens; the Holy Spirit takes a vile of Mack's collected tears, "healing water," and sprinkles it over the patch of ground. Suddenly, a large tree sprouted from the ground. It is a beautiful moment, highlighting that good can come from adversity.

Once home, his change is evident. It becomes clear: it doesn't matter if what he saw was "real" because his change and deliverance are; the most important point for the viewer. As a film, The Shack does a great job at catering to believers at all levels. It is an invitation for further exploration and a call to action.

At the end of the journey, Mack is given a choice: stay or go back home. Assured that they will always be with him, he decides to go home. Mack wakes up on the ground of the original shack, leaving the viewers to ask: was that a dream?



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 Presented by: Brooke's Butterfly Touch: Creative Storytelling Services Sat., August 26, 2017 at Focus Employment Services 11225 N 28th Dr. #D110 Phoenix, AZ 85029 Cost: $35 (Includes workbook)


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In this interactive workshop, writer, speaker and dancer Brooke Brown will help you discover the Power in YOUR Story with the Butterfly Touch! As a woman who has had to overcome countless societal barriers due to having a physical disability, she understands that sharing our own personal stories is our most powerful tool for advocating for acceptance while cultivating hope, healing and new opportunities in our community. Brooke will guide participants to start on their journey to find the most comfortable form and perfect

voice for their stories, so they can be shared with encouraging intentions. There will be writing prompts, format/presentation tips, discussion questions, and a few speaking exercises to help you see what works best for you. You can even take home your own workbook to keep the creative juices flowing! “A little faith is all it takes to transform the heart of YOUR story and give it wings…”

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