Autumn Magazine Issue 28 | October/November 2017

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Love, Faith, and Purpose in Life

OUR MISSION Autumn Magazine is designed to spark engagement, conversation, and growth surrounding God for our readers. Through stories, videos, creative art pieces, and article tips, Autumn encourages and enables readers to improve their relationships with God and strengthen their love for others in their lives. Autumn gives readers information that they can relate to, as well as a medium where they can express, empower, and enhance themselves through all life’s changes.

OUR VISION To represent: God's Unfailing Love in our lives

Building Faith in God's will

Finding Purpose in Life through glorifying God


AUTUMN MAGAZINE is published monthly by Autumn Magazine, Inc., Address: P.O. Box 46171, Phoenix, AZ 85063. Website: For advertising inquiries, contact: REPRINTS AND PERMISSION: Š 2017 Autumn Magazine and Golden Wings Press LLC, the writers, photographers, and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher.




CONTRIBUTING TEAM Every month we have a selection of external talent that helps contribute material to make our magazine what it is. We thank them and also welcome your skills at the table. Interested in contributing to Autumn Magazine? Contact us at:

Owner and Editor Jayme Parkinson

Audio Video Director Kevin Parkinson


Victoria McDaniel (cover and pg 36 and 41)

Copy Editors

Dameta Sanders


Kacey Hartung, Joan Dance, Ivy Villaflores, Kaela McKaig, Brooke Brown, and Samantha Lorin

Image Image courtesy of Morgan Sessions (pg Acknowledgments 16&17), Corina Ardeleanu (pg 22&23), Jazmin Quaynor (pg 28), Stil (pg 29) Priscilla Du Preez, Caique Silva, and Digeo Sulivan (pg 30), Jeremy Vessey and Climate Kic (pg 31), Davide Ragusa (pg 32), Cala (pg 46) at Unsplash.

Art Director Ashley Gaffney

AUTUMN MAGAZINE is published bi-monthly by Autumn Magazine, Inc., Office: P.O. Box 46171, Phoenix, AZ 85063. Website: For advertising inquiries, contact:

Senior Journalist Brittany Clark

REPRINTS AND PERMISSION: Š 2017 Golden Wings Press LLC, the writers, photographers, and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher.

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22 ART & ENTERTAINMENT Poem: 1 Peter 4:12-13

28 LIFE & ADVICE Ways To Prep Yourself For Work Daily

32 HEALTH & FITNESS The Small Steps Are The Big Steps


44 PERSONAL NARRATIVE Finding God's Purpose In Your Passion

46 CULTURE & MEDIA Who Says Halloween Is Just For Kids

48 32 22 28

16 36


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BIBLICAL REFERENCES JAMES 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 1 PETER 4:12-13 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. PROVERBS 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. LUKE 16:10 Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. 1 CORITHIANS 12:14-20 Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 1 PETER 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

LETTER from the


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Fill out the survey, so we can mold what we publish to you to fit especially for you. Or do you have a question? Ask through Autumn’s anonymous form to have your answer published in the next issue of the magazine by a Marriage and Family Therapist.

This month's issue of Autumn Magazine focuses on finding joy in your work. Many of us go through the rat race of life just merely existing and getting by. Is that really how God wants us to live? Do you find joy in your everyday life? These questions are reflected throughout this issue. The articles that are featured surround themes of how to focus on God daily, making the best out of any situation, and how to progress through challenges you may face. James 1:2-3 NIV reads, Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. We may not be able to make sense of life when facing oppositions, but we should take solace in knowing that our experiences build us up and prepare us for something bigger. This thought in itself should give us some delight; it should allow us to see the bigger picture and to see little pieces of God's plans for our lives. I've learned over time to appreciate the little things daily like playing with my daughter; I enjoy seeing life through her eyes. My family recently went on an overseas trip, and although we were faced with some bumps during or travel, it didn't take away from all of the beautiful moments we had together. Looking back on the long 11 days I realize that some of my favorite moments were right after our adversities. After a long 12-hour flight and an 8-hour layover, we found our next and last flight rescheduled at the last minute. That meant we'd have to stay in a hotel and wait for the next flight out 24 hours later. We were furious because we were losing a day in South Africa and a paid day at our hotel. But as we reflected on the situation we realized we had a whole extra day in our layover city, London. Not such a bad place to be, especially because the airline booked us a 4-star hotel. So that night, we stayed up, our three-person family unit, bathed and clean, watching UK based TV shows and eating our packed airline snacks, and lounging. My baby girl went back and forth between my husband and me eating pieces of the snacks and bouncing on the mattress and

13 mimicking our laughs at the TV show. It completely beat sitting on another 10-hour flight, and it was much easier to go through the last flight the next day fresh and relaxed. I say all this to remind you that even when on vacation you have to step away and find joy in the difficult moments. Sometimes it's easier to do than others, and sometimes it's harder because you need to strengthen from the experience. Know there is peace in any of the joy that you find. Peace is better than wallowing in anger. Have blessed month!



By Kacey Hartung



elebrate good times, come on! - Kool & The Gang’s iconic song, “Celebration” has been played at every major sporting event, wedding, corporate pep rally and any time people are looking to clap their hands and cheer. It’s impossible not to feel the energy in that song, want to dance and of course celebrate. It’s easy to celebrate the big milestones – graduation, promotion, new car, wedding, new house and baby. But what about all the other events, big and small, that you experience every day? Maybe you’ve exercised more this week than you did last week. Or maybe your boss paid you a compliment for a job well done. Or maybe you made your last payment on your credit card and you can now say you are debt free. Or maybe you finally cleaned out that junk drawer and never knew a clean drawer could bring you so much satisfaction. Sure, you could share these successful moments on social media, but what would other people think? Growing up, many of us were told we shouldn’t brag or boast. We were taught to be humble. Females especially have been taught selflessness is a virtue. After being given a compliment, many women are quick to respond “Oh, it was nothing” or deflect the praise to someone else, “Well I really couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help.” It’s almost like, if we take all the credit we will somehow make a positive experience a negative one. Add to that, we are living in a time where we are focused on lack as a society. It seems as though



18 we can’t stay in a positive space of abundance and appreciate our accomplishments. We must underscore our success with something negative. Using our previous examples, you may have exercised more this week than last week, but, you still have more weight to lose. Your boss may have given you a compliment, but you know you’ll never be as good as John. You paid off your credit card, but you wish you had more in savings. Yes, the junk drawer is clean but there are still 3 more rooms in the house you need to tackle.

you are happy you accomplished today. Second grab your phone/iPad/computer and go to YouTube. Kool & The Gang are waiting there for you and are ready to start your celebration. Kacey is a Life Coach with a passion for helping parents be the parent they can be. Autumn subscribers can receive a free 1:1 session, visit for details.

This has got to stop! When someone gives you a compliment, look them in the eye, take it all in and simply say, “Thank you”. When we feel proud of an accomplishment, we need to stand proud and own it. I will go first – recently I wrote my 200th blog post. 200! Have you ever done anything 200 times? Let me tell you, it takes a lot of work and dedication, but at the same time it is incredibly rewarding. I was excited about my milestone, so I let my readers know. Of course there was a voice inside me that felt like I was bragging and pandering for my readers to tell me what a great job I did, but I didn’t care. I was proud of my accomplishment. I wanted everyone to share it with me and really that’s what it’s all about. When something good happens, no matter how big or how small, we need to share it and be happy for one another. Our lives are abundant. Why are we afraid to declare that to others? Why are only the big moments worthy of appreciation? No more holding back. First, I want you to think of one thing LOVE & MARRIAGE


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1 Peter 4:12-13 BY JOAN DANCE

Baby Moses in a basket on the river Hidden in plain view Raised in Phoraoah's mansion's splendor But in anger Moses killed an Egyptian man Then buried him in the sand Fast on the run to the backside of the desert Dissapointments day by day Bleak misery Not to worry God's all possibilities still heal the sick, Raise the dead, And set the captives free

Experience Living Waters Home Collection Living Waters Home Collection offers soy candles that are infused with fragrance oils. They make a great addition to any home. We take pride in offering candles that burn clean, come in great sizes and have an elegant look. "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.​" - John 7:38 KJV




Getting into the habit of routine is a great way to not only stay on top of being organized for work, but to find joy in it. Here are some steps to prepare yourself for work on a daily basis.



Find out what form of organization works best for you. Is it a daily planner that you write in and fill out? Or perhaps keeping organized electronically works best for you. Filling in whatever type of organizer you use helps keeps you on track to building a routine that you’ll stick with. You don’t have to have everything filled in to each hour or day, but making sure you have a clear agenda of what you’re planning on doing is a great way to start the day. Take a quick glance the night before for what you have on schedule the next day, but don’t dwell on it too long. In the morning when you wake up, you’ll at least have a notion of what lies ahead in the day.





Weave prayer or meditation into the first part of your day. Give thanks, ask for guidance, take quiet moments to yourself. Setting aside 15 minutes is a great amount of time to truly tap into your gratitude. Find a quiet space just for you, or if you commute, turn off the radio and phone and dedicate that time to only you.


Set your mind in knowing each day you are set to do something wonderful. Ok, so maybe that won’t happen everyday, but the attitude itself will give you positive vibes. Tackle each task or project, no matter how mundane or small it is, as if you are approaching a big job. By treating each task or project as if they are all equally important will show! Definitely prioritize each task, but put the same effort into each one.


Incorporate lightheartedness or humor into your day. We all take our jobs seriously, but it’s also important to alleviate stress and not be so uptight. Make a playlist with upbeat tracks to listen to, or download a funny podcast. Little things like these will help you stay positive and motivated throughout your day.





Converse with a coworker that you have a good relationship with. Have a great idea for an upcoming report or project? Let them know – it shows that you’re a team player. Ask how their kids are, if they’ve seen good movies recently, things that are light and airy. Conversations don’t always have to be deep, and when the work week gets draining, a quick chat can always perk yourself and others up!



At the end of each day, reflect on how your day went. What did you enjoy? Did you do something you wish you had a better attitude about? Take a few moments to enjoy the good things, but also don’t dwell too much on things that didn’t go your way. Work isn’t always fun, but for most, it’s also as never as bad as it seems. Have an attitude that reflects positivity, and you’ll see a difference!








re you a “glass half full” or “glass half empty” person? Is one better than the other? Either way, you have the same amount of substance so what’s the big deal, right? Are you someone who often begins what could be a powerful affirmation with, “Well, let’s be realistic…”? It’s time to check yourself! The Bible is clear about our words holding power, in fact in Proverbs 18:21, we are taught the power of life and death is in our tongue. That scripture alone should encourage us to be positive and affirming with our words.

of potato chips passed up, every choice of stairs over elevator: CELEBRATE!

Setting new goals and making changes in your life is not easy. It’s not supposed to be. As a personal trainer, I witness a lot of success for my clients. However, often times what I see as a milestone or a successful moment is met by a response of, “But I still can’t do it fast enough,” or “I wish I would have lost more,” or “I’m still so far from my goal.” Do these statements ring true in your own life? In these instances, I fight hard for a celebration, a smile, and a high-five. My aim is for you to see the success in yourself that I see.

Remember the 5K race you are working toward, the dreaded final 10lbs to your goal, or the little black dress in the back of your closet you’ve been dreaming of fitting in? When you run one minute without stopping (and last week you could only run 45 seconds); celebrate! When the scale says you are down even half a pound; celebrate! And when you get that zipper up even just one inch closer; celebrate! You did the work, you reap the reward. In all things, big and small; celebrate!

We all like to hear others complement our success, but even more important is that we complement and celebrate ourselves. Our own voice speaks louder in our minds than any other. There is, however, a voice that should overpower even yours, and that is the voice of God; and He says you are a winner. He says you are beautiful. He says you are successful. He says you are worth celebrating.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities” (Luke 16:10 NLT). Yes, this scripture is a direct reference to stewardship and wealth however, we are able to pull this principle into every area of our lives. We are encouraged to remain faithful in the little things. Great or small, every success is still success. Every step forward is a step forward. Every pound lost, every extra push-up, every second off the clock, every soda not ordered, every bag HEALTH & FITNESS






ASK AUTUMN! “Ask Autumn� is an anonymous advice section. Readers have the opportunity to ask and submit personal questions. Each question is read and reviewed by a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and answered in the following issue of Autumn Magazine. Email or Visit And Include The Following: SUBJECT*

Folk Art Treasures By: Joann Dance AGE*


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WOMAN OF THE MONTH LIBRYIA JONES ADAPTABLE, PASSIONATE, & CREATIVE For many, having a life in which you can both do what you love and travel is a dream come true. Wanderist Life Founder, Libryia Jones sits down with Autumn Magazine and describes her inspiration in creating exactly the type of culture and lifestyle that fulfills many a dream.

38 other campuses. I did this to provide access for students to gain resources on how to write a resume or how to create a LinkedIn account, networking 101, learning the art of branding yourself. All of these workshops are free to the campus, so I can help those individuals jump into success. AUTUMN: Do you have a favorite scripture or motto you live by? Calista: One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 22:29 Men be diligent amongst business owners. I will make you ruler amongst Kings. My favorite quote is, "The best way to create the future is to invent it" by Alan Kay. Business Etiquette 101 at South Carolina State University

Speaker at Eta Omega Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity at University of North Carolina in Charlotte








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"Balance is deciding every day what you're okay with failing at." - Libryia Jones


AUTUMN: How are you using your past experiences to drive you? Calista: During my junior year of high school, I had an early disenchantment with reality and race. As well as the factor of people limiting my success. I had a teacher in high school who met with each of us and wanted to meet with us about our dreams, goals, and aspirations. In that conversation, she asked me, what do you want to do? So, I let her know that I In this interactive workshop, writer, speaker and dancer Brooke wanted to be a political science Brown will help you discover the Power in YOUR Story with the major in college, go to law school, Butterfly and have this great goal in mind of Touch! As a woman who has had to overcome countless societal Prosocialities for month of July featured on Good Daythat Charlotte Fox46 barriers due to having#WCW a physical disability, she understands sharing our being the Secretary of college. That was definitely fuel to the fire to State. She pulled up every own personal stories is our most powerful tool for advocating acceptance while prepare myself for the next level Congressperson in the State of Washington cultivating hope, healingbe andable newto opportunities in our community. on her computer. She said, does anybody of success, as well as, being raised by my grandmother, whiletogoing to college, will guide participants to start onworking their journey find the most comlook like you? So, I’m lookingBrooke at this Caucasian and having parents in and out of my life. All teacher and me as a young fortable African form American and perfect voice for their stories, so they can be shared thosecan experiences helpedjust mold whoperformed I am female with goals and dreams beyond intentions. where of encouraging A story be written, shown, spoken, today and basically know thatThere nothing I was. Even though Seattle isoronly 4%have African it may a little bit of everything. It’s uplet to me the storyteller. will be in your past can stop you from where you American I wanted to be inwriting a place where I prompts, format/presentation tips, discussion questions, and a few want to be in the future. could grow and be cultivated. That a fuelto help speaking was exercises you see what works best for you. You can even to my fire. That was a fuel take for me toyour attend home own workbook to keep the creative juices flowing! an HBCU. That was fuel for me to help other AUTUMN: This month’s issue is focused on the theme, Gaining Control. Talk to us people who have had other experiences “A little faith is all it takes to transform the heart of YOUR story and how you practice discipline and how where teachers might have told them they about give it wings…” couldn’t even go to school. My teacher had it effects your goals? told me that I could only go to a community Saturday, 10/28/17 WOMAN OF THE MONTH 2-4pm

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Cost: $25 (Includes workbook) Focus - Metro Office ISSUE 28:Employment AUTUMN Services MAGAZINE 11225 N 28th Dr. #D110 Phoenix, AZ 85029


Calista: The way I keep up with discipline is with time management and making sure I am keeping up with my clients and the time lines that I’ve set for myself. Also, I make sure I follow through. If I get a card from a networking event, within 24-hours, I am responding. I make sure I follow up with individuals even if they don’t follow up with me. Following up will definitely set you apart and making sure that you not only are disciplined, but you are disciplined in a way that other people will always remember who you are. AUTUMN: We know you have paid internships available for Bennett students and want to have the

White House for President Barrack Obama honoring the University of Connecticut Women's Basketball Team

ability to provide scholarships in the future. Currently, how are you or your business giving back to your community? Calista: SKKY marketing primarily helps entrepreneurs, non-profits, and small business in the community who might not have a multi-million dollar marketing budget to excel or have the resources that they need for their business. I got started being an Intern in the city of Greensboro where I was a legislature Intern developing a project for youth ages 18 to 25. In that particular project, I saw that there was a gap between resources that were in the community and what was accessible to those who lived there. I started consulting with individuals and meeting with people even before I had a business and I was a sophomore in college. That basically spun the birth of SKKY to be able to allow those business and entrepreneurs that don’t feel they have what it takes to give them what it takes to make their business succeed. I’ve done workshops and went to Universities: North Carolina, Charlotte, South Carolina State University, as well as


By Brooke Brown


od doesn’t create anything without a purpose,” says Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life. So that means He has reasons for giving this body and mind, right? Even though I have times of doubt and frustration with my physical limitations due to cerebral palsy, God has shown me He knows exactly what He’s doing with these spastic muscles. I began using creative writing as a way to express myself to others without the barrier of my speech impairment at age 10. My knack with words allowed people to quickly see my physical limitations has no effect on my thinking. It didn't take long for me to figure out that writing would be a big part of my future. During the rest of elementary, middle and high PERSONAL NARRATIVE

school, writing became a release from the constrictions of my body. Through my stories I could go anywhere and do everything independently. I knew God had given me this gift as compensation for my physical limitations, but I didn't realize the full extent of its implications. I begun to dream of writing a book that would move its readers, but I knew a publishing deal would be a long shot. As a journalism major in college, I discovered many of the ways I could support myself with my writing skills. It gave me a sense of identity. I'm a writer. I tell people's stories. But, it goes much further than that. It's only recently that I've begun to fully understand God's plan for me. Writing and storytelling in general with all its forms, is my ministry. I may not be able to go into the world mission ISSUE 28: AUTUMN MAGAZINE

field myself, but I can help those who are going learn how to articulate what God has done for them in a way that will open the hearts of whomever they encounter. I can also comfort those right here at home who are enduring daily pain and suffering by sharing my own experiences in this wheelchair. I'm just as important of a part of the Body of Christ as my typically-abled peers. I am exactly where God wants me. The same goes for all of you reading this. As 1 Corinthians 12:14-20 says: "For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, 'Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,' that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, 'Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,' that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body." Writing, preparing to speak to others and/or creating visual story projects can be tedious because it strains my neck and shoulders, but it brings me joy because by engaging with my passions in the name of The Lord, I'm living my purpose. And therefore, drawing closer to Him, the source of true, eternal Joy. He helps me find remedies for my aching muscles and fills my typing fingers with guided endurance. I know not everyone has their "dream job," but what I've learned is this: if we are listening to

God, then can find joy in whatever work we're doing because at this moment we're where He wants us. Therefore, be aware of what's going on around you. Is God trying to teach or prepare you for something? Is there someone who needs to hear your story? Could God use this work to lead you to your true calling? And while you're thinking about the purpose of your work, don't discount your greatest passions as not part of God's plan for you. If what you truly love to do can bring Him glory in some way, then rest assured He gave you that passion and being the infinitely creative father He is, He'll find a way to use it. His gifts are always wrapped in joy. “God's gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully.� -1 Peter 4:10





Who says Halloween is just for kids?! You are never too old to be creative and embrace all that Halloween has to offer. Who says there Halloween is justyou forcan kids?! You are never too old to be creative and Though is so much do on Halloween as anHalloween adult, the has list only getsThough there is so much you can do on embrace all that to offer. longer as you getadult, older,the here a listgets of 15longer as you get older, here is a list of Halloween as an listisonly 15things thingsone onecould coulddo doduring duringthis thisseason: season:

1. Classic Halloween Movie Marathon: There is nothing like a classic Halloween movie binge fest to really kick things off. Even if you can quote the lines from each film word for word, binge watching these films will never get old. 2. Bake Halloween Themed Treats: This can be a trick or a treat (depending on your cooking skills) but will be 100% a great time. Find recipes, or create your own, that take every day goodies and transform them into Halloween themed creations. 3. Throw a Halloween themed dinner: This is another item that requires creativity and some (enough to avoid a fire) skill in the kitchen. This is a perfect way to tie Halloween into your day. 4. Carve Pumpkins: Show off your artistic skills with this Halloween tradition. Get as creepy and creative as you want.

5. Throw a Halloween Party: What is more perfect than a party that is 100% your taste! This Halloween, plan your party around your style. 6. Have a Bonfire: Halloween doesn't have to be creepy. A great alternative to the classic Halloween party is a Bonfire. This is the perfect way to hang out with friends, tell stories, and snack on treats under the night sky. 7. Have a costume contest: One of the best parts about Halloween is the costumes. Whether you are one or one hundred, a costume contest will take any get together to the next level. 8. Have a picture party for Social Media: Taking themed pictures, is a fantastic way to show off your Halloween night. Create custom hashtags, and filters, and become your own photographer. 9. Prep for Trick or Treaters: Celebrating at home? Why not help the


kids celebrate (you were them once). This is another time-honored tradition on this list. Not only can you prep for the eager trick or treaters, but you can have some candy of your own (guilt free). 10. Turn your home into a Haunted House: instead of visiting a haunting house, how about turning your home in to one! This item is a two for one: decorating your house, and watching the scared faces of your victims.

season to life. Attending a service could be a perfect way to spend your night. Halloween can mean different things for different people. One thing is for certain: Halloween is the time of year to celebrate the stranger things in life (there is no age limit for that). What never gets old: having fun during the holidays!!

11. Visit a Haunted House: Nothing says Halloween more than visiting a local haunted house. Do some research and visit a location that is your vibe. 12. Visit a Pumpkin patch and 13. Go on a Hayride: These items are often offered together. The Halloween season can be about more than horror and gore (it can be romantic too). 14. Attend a Local Festival: This is a great way to celebrate the season with the community and hang out with people of all ages and walks of life. Put some research in and find a festival that suits you. 15. Attend a church service: There are many churches that bring the Autumn



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