ISSUE 26 | JUNE 2017
Love, Faith, and Purpose in Life
AUTUMN MAGAZINE is published monthly by Autumn Magazine, Inc., Address: P.O. Box 46171, Phoenix, AZ 85063. Website: For advertising inquiries, contact: REPRINTS AND PERMISSION: Š 2017 Autumn Magazine and Golden Wings Press LLC, the writers, photographers, and artists. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from the publisher.
CONTENTS ISSUE 26 | JUNE 2017 | ISSN 2377-9128
07 TEAM 08
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Facebook reminded me that today marks a year ago from my official social media announcement of my pregnancy. My beautiful baby girl was born a couple of months later in August last year. I studied the announcement with a photo of my husband and my hand on my large tummy smiling at each other and then down at my little one sleeping beside me. Time has moved so quickly. I feel so blessed to be given such a light and joy that is now my Autumn Elizabeth. But in my moment of reflection, I couldn’t help but remember one other fact. This time also marks two years from when my husband and I found out that I had a missed miscarriage. First, I’d like to state that I don’t allow my happiness to wane because I recollect a painful time. I am still very blessed and grateful. As a matter of fact, instead of feeling mournful, I find myself thinking about the strength and aid that God had granted me during such a painful time. Joshua 1:9 reads, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” The day that my husband and I had found out we may have had a miscarriage was a surreal one. We had gone to the doctor for our second ultrasound, and when they could not find a heartbeat and the growth of our baby didn’t fit my weeks, they suggested that we come back a week later. That was perhaps the longest week of my life. I remember praying over and over again. I prayed for a miracle, I prayed for strength in my relationship with my husband, I prayed for guidance, and most of all I prayed for understanding through my surreal and numbing state. With one day left until our next appointment, I found myself singing at church on Sunday during praise and worship. I want to state this; I don’t always understand why God chooses to allow certain things to happen but I truly believe that He equips us with what we need to get through any situation. As I lifted my voice in song and my hands in prayer my heart and soul cried out to God; every thought and painful feeling I released. Immediately, I felt someone’s hand touch mine. A woman who was sitting not to far from me held my hand. She looked at me and smiled. We didn’t talk; she just worshiped with me. I knew that God had put on her heart that I was in need. I felt that God himself was telling me that I was not alone, that He was here. I cried. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reads, “Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor; If either of them falls, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lies down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” I’ve always contributed the above scripture with marriage, and though a cord of a man, wife, and God is strengthened, I believe the same goes for a friend of God. I was strengthened by this lady. She helped me up and kept me warm. As strong of a person as I am and as much as I sometimes hate to admit, I am weak at times. My God is my strength, and He gives me my husband, friends, and sometimes an angelic stranger to lift me up during some of the toughest times in my life. Again, I am grateful. I am humbled by all of my experiences. God’s miracle may not have been during that season in my life, but I can not deny His gift and my treasure of a daughter he brought me almost a year later. Have a blessed month!
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CONTRIBUTING TEAM Every month we have a selection of external talent that helps contribute material to make our magazine what it is. We thank them and also welcome your skills at the table. Interested in c ontributing to Autumn Magazine? Contact us at
Owner and Editor Jayme Parkinson
Audio Video Director Kevin Parkinson
JNC Photography (cover and pg 20-25)
Joann Dance, Ivy Villaflores, Kacey Hartung, Brooke Brown, Jaysie Sheppard, and Kaela McKaig
Image Image courtesy of V-B-T (pg 8), Acknowledgments Elijah Henderson (pg 13), James Michael Neri (pg 14), Nabeel Syed, Anna Vander Stel, and Aaron Burden (pg 15), Dave Contreras (pg 17), Kalen Emsley (pg 31)Dan Carlson (pg 34) at Unsplashed. Art Director Ashley Gaffney
Senior Journalist Brittany Clark
By Kacey Hartung
rowing up I spent many days, nights, and weekends on a softball field. Before every game, the teams would line up along the baseline and recite the Pledge of Allegiance and the Little League Pledge. All these years later, I’m sure that I could ask any of my former teammates and they would all remember the words: I trust in God, I love my country and will respect its laws I will play fair and strive to win But win or lose, I will always do my best. When you recite something over and over again, from the age of 9 – 18, the words blend and become routine. These days, I still spend a lot of my time at a softball or baseball field, but now I’m on the other side of the fence. A couple of seasons ago, my daughter's team lost in the semi-finals. They battled until the very last out and ended up losing 4-3, a score that rarely happens in 10 and under softball. As they stood along the baseline to receive their participation medals, a few of the girls fought back tears. My daughter, however, stood proudly, not a tear in sight. After the ceremony, she consoled her teammates, and that is when her own tears started. She was sad that they were sad. She has always been our empathetic heart, always feeling the emotions of her friends ever since she was a baby at daycare. Now on the softball field, it’s no different. In the scenario above, I would have been one of the girls with tears of disappointment from losing. In talking with a good friend about our softball days, she described me as “intense,” which I can’t deny. In hindsight, I would have had more fun if I could have dialed it back and spent more energy enjoying playing the game. I have been very aware of this from the first day my kids began to play. I have tried hard not to reflect my former intensity on my daughter. I’ve let her set the tone for her experience. This particular season started with her getting hurt during her first
practice. It would have been easy for her to give up and quit, but she showed her toughness and kept going. She never got discouraged when she struggled with her hitting. She stepped into the batter’s box and approached every pitch with the optimism that she could do this. She was a great teammate, always cheering, always friendly and always smiling. Most important, she had fun. Around this time, I watched an interview with Dr. Shefali Tsabary where she talked about her book “The Conscious Parent.” One of the quotes from the interview was, “Our children are showing us a mirror to our undeveloped self.” She goes on to explain how traditionally the parental role focuses on the parent teaching the child, but in reality, it is the child that teaches the parent. It would have been “normal” for me as a parent to try to create a “mini-me” on the field. I could have taught her about softball based on my experience, instilling in her the drive to practice hard and see success in the number of wins. If I had pushed her to do things “my” way, things would have been much different. I know my daughter would not have responded to that kind of pressure. It would not have been true to who she is. By allowing her to create her own softball experience, with her own motivation, she has developed her own love of the game, where she has fun playing, improves a little every year, and has developed great relationships with her teammates. Before her games, they don't recite the Little League Pledge, but it turns out she doesn’t have to, “Win or lose, I will always do my best” comes naturally to her, and I couldn’t be more proud. Kacey is a Life Coach with a passion for helping parents be the best parent they can be. Autumn subscribers can receive a free 1:1 session, visit for details.
Hooray for Love By Joann Dance
Samson loved Delilah Which brought him shame That evil spirit plays a cruel game Springtime or through winter's blast When the "love bug bites" The die is cast All now is lost Love's spell holds fast The Queen of Sheba Surely failed spirit's test
Cupid's busy All the time, by love The die is cast my friend It's much better to have loved and lost For agape love trumps all love In the end
Yielded complete abandonment of self At such a cost Poor Romeo and Juliet Do say Captain Smith and Pocahontas Alas, All was lost
“It takes a village…” That saying is so strong, and not only applies to raising kids, but to friends, family, and coworkers. We all need a helping hand, and offering encourage, support, and strength is one of the best ways to not only be there for others but to serve God as well. Here are a few tips from the Autumn Magazine team in finding ways to achieve this!
POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Often, we become so caught up in building “constructive criticism” that we almost forget the power and importance of positive reinforcement. Instead of always pointing out ways to improve, it’s just as important to highlight others achievements and excellence. Did your son make up his bed without being asked? Has a coworker always been consistent with communication with you? Does no one else’s chocolate chip cookie recipe compare to your aunt’s? From home to school to work, we are surrounded by positive practices and influences. The more we acknowledge the good and lovely things people do that they may not even be aware of, the more of a positive-balance environment and energy it creates!
SUPPORTING SIGNIFICANT OTHER We are all probably pretty attentive to this, but paying extra attention to certain needs of our significant others is sometimes needed. Take the time to listen and communicate, and offer support even when they don’t ask for it. While we can’t be mindreaders, we can always keep in mind to do simple gestures they can appreciate. Creating a simple surprise dinner and date night at home, sending a “just because I’m thinking of you” text or a random hug out of nowhere are easy and thoughtful ways that aren’t frivolous at all and will always be appreciated.
GOOD OL’ DAYS Did you have a good friend back in school or that one-of-a-kind coworker from a former job that you always had a good laugh with? As time goes by, it’s easy to lose touch with others. Even if we have Facebook or other means of social media, sometimes sending a note- even if it’s online- is a great way to recognize old friends and reconnect again. It doesn’t have to be very long or formal. A quick check in to see how they’re doing along with a mention of a fun memory can uplift someone, and it makes us all appreciate life’s precious moments.
RANDOM DAY-TO-DAY ACTIVITIES It’s been said and done, but if you do see someone who you feel could use a laugh or a smile, extend the grace of God in life. Perhaps the guy at the checkout line looks very tired. Even just replying to his obligatory greeting of, “Hi, did you find everything alright today?” with “Yes, thanks. How are you?” can go a long way. It may not always bring a conversation to fruition, but just the interaction in itself and replying to his question can make someone feel important and validated at their job! Such a small and almost automatic response can change someone’s mood or day!
ou know that feeling when you know you should do something but just don't want to? Or the feeling of always pushing yourself to the limit, loving a challenge, but just wish it were more fun? Whether you struggle with selfmotivation or not, having an accountability partner is a great idea in any endeavor you embark on.
exponentially. Each of us had significant others that were far away, and we relied on each other to get through the tough times. We talked, we laughed, we walked, we ran, we sweat, we cried, but we kept going. We began to enjoy running. One night we decided to just go for a walk along the water, and within ten minutes I said, “Do you want to just run?” Her reply: “Might as well.”
“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17 NLT
Everything was changing: our fitness level, our endurance, our speed, our friendship, and now even our need for each other. Others would say they wanted to run with us, but when they flaked at the last minute, we felt relief. Running together was our time.
We are each responsible for our own lives, but why not use a friend to assist us along the journey? A sidekick can be there to push you, encourage you, and sharpen you. A healthy lifestyle is meant to be enjoyed. Why keep all that to yourself? In the summer of 2013, I wanted to run a race. I was already in great shape, and although I played basketball in college, running was not enjoyable for me. But I loved a challenge. With that, I told a couple of friends my goal for the summer was to run a 5k race without stopping. That same day, my friend Kim said, “Me too! Let’s do it together!” I was so used to doing things by myself I wasn’t sure if I wanted to reach this goal with a partner. But I committed. It came time for our first “running date” (that always sounded better to us than “training session”). I put on my Garmin GPS running watch (a 2009 investment that had been collecting dust – this was not my first attempt to run a race). We warmed up with a walk, then I started my watch, and we began to run. Side by side we ran; breathing hard, arms pumping, Lululemon from head to toe, fitting the look of every other runner along the path. I looked at her and gave the ‘walk break?’ nod. She agreed. I checked my watch to see our amazing progress… THREE MINUTES!
We had ran 5k, 8k, and 10k races and then things got crazy. We registered for a half marathon to cap off the summer. Following a guideline, we trained the best way we knew how – together. When race day came, we were ready. Matching from head to toe, goofing around at the starting line, but determined with a goal of running the entire 13.1mile course, without walking, and crossing the finish line in less than 2:15:00. Do you have an accountability partner? Is there someone you need to encourage and walk alongside? How would your healthy lifestyle change if you had a partner beside you every step of the way? A friend, a spouse, a co-worker, a child, a trainer - whoever it is, work together. On September 7, 2013, Kim and I ran. We didn’t just run. We laughed, we sweat, we gossiped, we complained, we smiled, and we cried. We crossed the finish line of the Wine Country Half Marathon in 2:02:42 side by side. With medals around our necks and embracing, it was clear, that summer we had sharpened one other.
That summer spawned something so special. The relationship between Kim and I grew
“Ask Autumn� is an anonymous advice section. Readers have the opportunity to ask and submit personal questions. Each question is read and reviewed by a Registered Marriage and Family Therapist and answered in the following issue of Autumn Magazine. Email or Visit
Folk Art Treasures By: Joann Dance Shop online to find more information by going to the direct link below!
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WOMAN OF THE MONTH CYNTHIA LUCIETTE IMAGINATIVE, FIERCE, FUNNY Hollywood is known as the “City of Dreams” but, to many those same dreams could have the potential to test your faith. One woman explains how keeping her circle strong and her faith stronger has been her recipe to what keeps her moving up the ladder in a positive direction. Cynthia LuCiette, better known online as a ‘Creative Creator’ is an actress, comedian and internet personality with well over 100K online followers who is also making a name for herself in Hollywood. LuCiette joins Autumn Magazine’s Senior Journalist, Brittany Clark in Hollywood Hills to discuss her accomplishments and why she decided to move from the ‘Big Apple’ to ‘Sunny City’ as a teenager to follow her dreams.
Brittany: What three words would you use to describe yourself? Cynthia: I would describe myself as imaginative, fierce and funny. The key to life is using your imagination. God has an amazing imagination, whether you look at flowers, fruit, or look at yourself. I’m like wow God really likes using imagination. That’s the biggest gift that he has given me is the ability to tell stories and to be able to create visions. The second one I said was fierce. I’m just fierce. Whether I try to be or not I’m just aggressive and fierce, and I just own it. Funny, that’s a label people keep on giving me. Brittany: Through your social media platform you’ve described yourself as a creative creator. What does this title mean to you? Cynthia: This title means that I don’t have a corny bio like everyone else. I was really sick of seeing the actress slash dancer slash model slash writer slash producer slash director slash everything in the world and I feel like now a days everyone that does create we have multiple platforms and wear multiple hats, and we are taking the power and putting WOMAN OF THE MONTH
it in our own hands to create content that we believe the world needs. I’m past labeling myself as all these things. Put me on a project, and I will creatively create something and make it better. Simple. Simplicity. Brittany: You’re from New York, and about six years ago you moved to California. How has it been trying to make it in Hollywood? Cynthia: Man, when I first moved to Hollywood I really did not like it. I didn’t like the people. I’m from New York, and I'm used to a different type of personality. I'm used to louder people, more honest people. I'm not use to snakes in the grass. And so when you ISSUE 26: AUTUMN MAGAZINE
come to Hollywood you realize everybody is chasing their dream, but everybody is willing to throw you under the bus for their dream. You have to really, truly make sure you are on God’s path for you. So many doors have opened for me that I would have never expected. I was on the Wild N Out Stage like I remember being in New York watching this. I didn’t even ask for this on my wish list. God was like there you go, and I’m like well thank you! I’ve met so many people, and I have been so blessed. When your steps are ordered, and you are really on your path the doors will open. If they keep slamming in your face, try some windows, drive a little further, try a different door, something.
Brittany: You mentioned Wild N Out. How was that experience? Where were you when you got that call? Cynthia: Wild N Out was a big deal. It was a unique experience. They have a specific idea of who they want on the cast; they really like to put their cast members in a box and brand them a certain way. That brings me back to the creative creator bio. I don’t want to just be the black girl in the cast. I did learn they are all about brand. If you have a strong brand, you will stand out. It’s about solidifying your brand and making it clear so you can reach people. If anything that’s what I learned. Make your brand very clear. Brittany: Are you inspired by anyone? Cynthia: Oh you know who I love. This girl her name is Cynthia Luciette. She is so funny. I really watch my videos the most. No, I think you can’t consume too much. I got to the point of whether it is movies, tv shows, or playing videos, if you are a creator and you’ve been called to create you are on track to consuming too much. It’ll start messing with your mind. You’ll either compare yourself
to that or subliminally be influenced by that. Do not consume. Create. Brittany: Was it hard not to compare yourself to other while living in Hollywood? Cynthia: No, because I’m a leader on accident. Oh hold on this is an old school car driving by. It reminds me of my uncle every time I see an old school car. It reminds me that I have to work hard to buy him one. I’m going to surprise him one day. I’ll just pull up in New York and be like, “I got you an oldie what up!”
Still from, Don't Be The Talker, promoting Kevin Hart's movie, "What Now?"
I was a leader by accident, and I never understood it until I got older. I was like, you know what? You accidentally don’t follow people. A lot of people just fall into doing what other people do. If they’re doing this, then I gotta do that. If they’re saying this, then I got to say that. I’ve always been like, I like what I’m doing, and I’m just going to do that. So, really really like what you’re doing, and you won’t care what anyone else thinks. You’re having fun.
Brittany: What has been the hardest thing that you’ve done so far, character wise? Cynthia: I feel like it’s the one that I did with Kevin Hart and his skits. Kevin had flown a whole bunch of influencers out to Hawaii to promote his new movie. Universal was talking about how he changed the game. Normally people pay companies to promote, but he used the promotional budget to have influencers shoot sketches with him to promote his comedy special. I was in about three or four different sketches that day with all these influencers, and everybody had
different ideas. We're hotel lobbyist, then the next we’re waiters over here then we’re doing this and then that. It was insane jumping from one character to the next. On top of that everyone was nervous because it was Kevin Hart but he was great. He made every sketch funnier. I learned so much that day. No matter where you go make it better, make it funnier. It was great that he brought all of us together. It was stressful. Everyone was a little scared, but afterward, we felt accomplished.
When he walks in you know, he’s in the room. I want to move like that and feel good. Don’t ever let people mess with your light. Keep it protected. That’s what I learned. Brittany: Where you are now, was it your ultimate goal when you first started? Cynthia: No, social media has grown so much, in general, I didn’t even know this was a thing. When I got my first job they were like look up YouTube because we’re
Brittany: What do you think you took away from that experience? Cynthia: For me, when he walked in a room you can tell he has a light, and it is very protected. That’s something that I am learning in the industry. When you have a big heart and a lot to give, people can take away from it and pick at it. I think he’s at a point where he can give and share his light without it getting misinterpreted or interrupted in any way. He’s very protective of the light that he has. He’s able to be in a more powerful position.
about to do a YouTube show. I’m like, all I’ve ever seen is cat videos and fight compilations and Vevo. What do you mean y'all are making billionaires off of this. Y'all
sound stupid. So, when I started to learn the online world and know that this is the way to be an entrepreneur now a days I am floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee out here. I’m like okay, I got it. It’s a platform, but the goal is to always have a multi-platform. TV is losing ratings, and online is growing, but TV has more money, but online also is getting it, so I need to do both. I need to be on all the platforms in every way. Honestly, wherever God wants to send me, I’m like, I’ll go. Even if I feel stupid, even if I don’t get it or understand it, I’ll go, and it normally ends up being amazing. On of my greatest joys is walking around LA and seeing lost people and talking to them. They’ll say, “I just really don’t know what I’m doing.” I’m like, well let me help you find your calling. What’s your passion? Finding my calling has been the one thing that has kept me going through all my hardships. That’s something I want to go back and teach young people at an early age, especially females. Before they get that first heartbreak, listen, you need to find your calling. Brittany: I see feminist on your shirt. What does that mean to you? Cynthia: It means that I support women. I want all women to be equal. I am all about girl power. Until one of them, text my man WOMAN OF THE MONTH
and then I’m like, first of all, what you need to know. I think girls are amazing. We bring life onto the earth. That’s something that God has even told me, and part of my journey is figuring out how special women are to His heart. We are made for a purpose, and we do something that men can’t do. It’s like having a super power. I can create something inside of me. That’s amazing! I think for me that’s definitely going to be an overall journey that you guys will see by the end of it; what I have done to help younger women find out what they mean to God because we are so special. Brittany: This month’s theme is two are better than one. How does that relate to you and your career? Cynthia: Man, listen, the biggest thing that I can say is God is showing me that I have a lot of favor and the people that I keep around me are going to get residual favor. I have to be very careful who I am keeping in my camp and who is around me. You can’t have the wrong people on your team. You’ll think you’re growing and they’ll steadily nip at your Achilles heel. You’ll be like, why does that hurt. I didn’t even realize you were back there doing that. You’re trying to help them come up the heel, and they’re stabbing you. I pray for my friends now. Before I wasn’t doing ISSUE 26: AUTUMN MAGAZINE
that and I was letting all types of people in. You left your door open, and moths start flying in and mosquitoes flying in. You’re wondering, how did I get these bugs. Stop leaving your door open with your friendships and your relationships. I’m learning now to bring them before God. Are they cool or nah? You’ve got a plan, and if they’re not in it, they’ve got to go because I’m moving fast.
Brittany: Is this something at a young age you wanted to do?
Brittany: Do you have a favorite quote or scripture that you live by?
Now, I am grown out here and I feel like a little baby. I feel like a baby Christian and I feel like I’m growing in that. When I hear happy birthday or things like that I think, I am a little baby in God and I’m growing. I am really maturing and growing. I feel like a little kid sometimes. Sometimes I see little kids acting bad and think, I know that’s how God sees me. Trying to tip over the car and being bad. I’m whining and crying.
Cynthia: I have a favorite scripture. It’s Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.") it’s been the one verse where when I get to my lowest points I think, am I supposed to be doing this because I am tired of people. I’m not the one to put up with people, and I always see that verse come up right on time with my devotions or somewhere on my Instagram feed. Keep enough around you so that when you do get low, there's something to remind you and bring you back. That verse has been the anchor to always bring me back. Even just the eleven number and everything about it has always got my attention. You’re going to have an expected in, and your promises that I’ve given you are real, follow me. That’s been my verse, and it’s such a blessing.
Cynthia: Twice I was a little newscaster, weather channel person in Rochester. We have tapes of it. I was ad libbing. I would say something like, it’s 70 degrees and it’s going to rain so you might want to curl up with a book. Why was I ad lib bing? I didn’t get it.
Brittany: What are different outlets people can follow to follow you and your journey and story? Cynthia: Make sure you guys check me out on all of my social media platforms @cynthialuciette check me out watch my sketches, watch my content, follow me. I’m doing funny stuff all day. You’ll be inspired. Check me out.
Directed by Vinark Motion Pictures Directed By Vinark Motion Pictures | Kevin Parkinson Interview By Senior Journalist, Brittany Clark
"Stop leaving your door open with your friendships and relationships. I'm learning to bring them before God." - CYNTHIA LUCIETTE
By Brooke Brown
rue lasting progress requires patience and time and then more patience. It can be excruciatingly frustrating when you’re chasing a dream and have to wait for the assistance of others to complete your goals. Everything may start out moving at a nice steady pace, but then things come to a screeching halt because people helping you become preoccupied with their own obligations or projects and delay in responding to you. Perhaps you try to continue on yourself, but you don’t get much of anywhere because your energy wains and you don’t have all the resources you need (the reason you asked for help in the first place). I know this predicament well because I have been in it more times than I can count and I’m actually faced with it as we speak. So what’s the solution? You may have an overwhelming urge to sulk or shake your fist and snap at your “helpers.” I’m right there with you, but trust me, it won’t fix anything. Over the last few days, I’ve had to take a deep breath and try these steps: • Go to God. People often disappoint me. My body is weak, and I frequently come up short on backup. However, God has never left me hanging, just as Psalm 6:9 says, “The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer.” When I honestly ask the
Father for physical assistance, His response always amazes me. I simply whispered, “Lord, please help tomorrow work out…” the night before I was going to have a booth at a disability fair without my regular assistant to help me in the restroom or clarify my speech for everyone who stopped by the table. I felt guilty having to ask my parents to sacrifice time together on my dad’s day off to do something for my business. The Lord heard my heart, though. Barely two hours into the fair, my best friend (and usual backup aide), who was supposed to be at his full-time job all day, showed up to take over. His employers randomly decided to let him off five hours early! My parents got to have a relaxing day together, while I got to be fully independent and productive. • Speak in love and be grateful. I have a few friends who have graciously offered to lend me a hand with some important tasks to grow my ministry/ business recently. But, accomplishing said goals is taking much longer than I expected because they are also busy with their own work and personal commitments, so therefore slow to respond. My frustrated, impatient flesh has wanted to lash out at their delays over the last couple weeks. The Holy Spirit has been reminding me that while these friends have never intentionally let me down, they
are human and need to be shown grace, like Ephesians 4:2 describes: “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” I know they’re doing all they can to bless me, as much as I strive to show them God’s Love. Things will get done eventually if we work in harmony, as illustrated in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” • Keep building endurance. One would think by now I’d fully grasp that circumstances in this life aren’t always going to occur WHEN or HOW I WANT them to. If they did, there would be no room for God in my life. It’s what my friend, pastor, and author John S. Dickerson calls, “the
intentional inefficiency of God.” Yes, He could easily get me out of my wheelchair and give me everything else I’d ever need or desire in the blink of an eye, but then I’d never learn anything. I wouldn’t need HIM. God would be reduced to the genie in the sky at my beck and call. By giving me space and time to grow, He continually teaches me to trust and lean on Him. By allowing me to wait and sometimes struggle, Jesus becomes my strength, and I can finally recognize the glory in His well-laid plans. "Patients endurance are what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised." -Hebrews 10:36 It’s not about all the small stuff you get done today. What matters is the big picture you see at the end of the long haul.
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Rally and Treasure Walk
Event Features: Presenting of the Colors
United States Marine Corps Color Guard
National Anthem
United States Navy Retired Petty Officer First Class, Steven Powell
Saturday, June 24, 2017 10:00am - 2:00pm
A fundraising event to beneeit Treasure House, a West Valley nonprooit organization. Treasure House will be a supportive living community for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Treasure Walk
Where: University of Phoenix Stadium
Cost: $45 per person
Family fun one mile walk inside the stadium led by Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts of America Live Entertainment Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders Arizona Cardinals Big Red & other mascots Vendor Fair FREE Activities for all ages $5 Raffle for a chance to win an autographed Kurt Warner football and helmet
Closing Ceremonies
Co-founders of Treasure House Kurt & Brenda Warner
1 Cardinals Dr., Glendale, AZ 85305
$25 for children ages 6-12 $35 for seniors and military FREE for Children 5 and under * Tickets can be purchased in advance online at
For more information on West Valley Gives and Treasure House visit West Valley Gives
“So God created human beings in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
oney what are three things you need for our marriage to work," I said this while looking at my husband right in his eyes. Of course, he probably thought it was a trick question, and if he answered wrong I would be angry with him. He replied and said, "Why are you asking me that question?" Then I quickly said, "just give me three." There was a quiet pause, and then my husband answered slowly in low deep voice, "I guess it would be Order, Discipline, and Commitment." As I walk slowly away, I think in my head he must think I'm a football player and he is my coach. He has to be kidding me. "Well," I said, "Mine would be God, affection, and communication." I knew my needs were exactly what anyone should have, but I couldn't really be mad that both of our needs seemed completely different because we play different parts in our marriage. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirt all are one but have three separate roles and authority. I believe when God said "in the image of God he created them," he was talking about marriage. God gave us complete roles that made one beautiful image of him. Marriages between male and female are the strongest and most powerful beings on earth. This perfect image, God had in mind of what he has between Jesus (Yashua) and the Holy Spirit. The three have a role and an order that make a completeness that nothing can ever break. God, the head, gives his final word and permission to Jesus on whatever to do. Jesus then gives the Holy Spirit for the world to have. When Jesus stayed within the complete image and obedience of God, the Holy Spirit was released to the world as a comforter. This marriage is unbreakable and becomes one Spirit. We all have the opportunity to be unbreakable in our marriages. I know there are needs we have in our relationships. No one wants to go through adultery and lose commitment. No one wants to be lied to, then loose affection and trust. These things can make us all feel like we are ready to break. Though when I look at the image of God (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) and how each one respects one another's roles, I know I can be in order in my marriage. First, I must start by trusting in God's image and how perfectly he made Jesus. That will help me understand that everything he makes is perfect
including my marriage. I know that when my husband and I come together, the Holy Spirit becomes a part of us as he is with God. We all have to understand that we were made on this earth to be unbreakable. Just like Jesus, there is a cross we have to bear to be given a new authority and power to "level up" into God's plans for our lives. Marriage can just be your cross, but just like Jesus, we can't give up. We have to believe in God's complete order and plan. Jesus came to earth to put us back in the image of God. This image was broken by Satan, and just like he did back, then he tries to do it the same way today. I have seen brokenness in a marriage, and it seems too far and too hard to be unbreakable. The enemy can tempt us to forget our roles and forget how to respect one another as we were originally made to do. Why didn't God just come down instead of Jesus and do his role, or Jesus disobey God and just listen to Satan and try to be God? This confusion will never happen to God our creator because he is perfect. Our marriages were made to be perfect too. Even in failure, God's image can still prevail in our lives. I have felt this failure in my marriage. How do we prevail even when you feel like you have done nothing wrong. Then I realize it was wrong to believe there was nothing wrong. If I was not living in God's image, which is God's complete love, we are all wrong. Its, of course, easier said than done, but I rather try a perfect effort for an image that never fails. I can imagine when we fail in our marriages it seems easy to quit if we have no one to look up to or an example of a perfect marriage that never failed. Though this will never be true for believers because in our imperfection God always makes perfect. In our weaknesses, he strengthens, and especially in His image we are made one. Now when I think of what my husband's needs are, I may not understand them, but I can respect them and know that if it's in God's Image, we will achieve them together.
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