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PediNeoSIG: Share to Support
For more information on the PediNeoSig and how to join: www.avainfo.org/pedineosig
Mary Beth Hovda Davis | Chair-advisor, PediNeoSIG Developing your clinical expertise in pediatric and neonatal vascular access can sometimes feel isolating and lonely. Some of us have the benefit of working in robust children’s hospitals with wellestablished vascular access teams, while others may be starting a peds program for the first time or scaling our skill set from adult to pediatrics. Wherever you are in your pediatric/neonatal vascular access journey, the Pediatric Neonatal Special Interest Group (PediNeoSIG) is your resource for support, benchmarking, and networking.
Members of the PediNeoSIG come from a variety of institutions all over the world and have a lived experience of developing their skill set and knowledge in this unique and vulnerable patient population. It is through this shared experience that the PediNeoSIG has implemented several conference offerings designed specifically to share our unique cases, complex patients, and lessons learned while advocating for best care for our tiniest and not-so-tiny patients.
In the next month there will be a few options to share your experience at our conference. One major opportunity is through our annual PediNeoSIG International Grand Rounds. Please don’t be shy in selecting a patient, a scenario, or a population that you find unique and challenging in your clinical experience. It is through sharing these cases that we collectively learn more about what priorities we need to focus on and what helps us identify next steps when we encounter a similar situation in our own practice. May 26. We love reading through the great work that has been implemented at a variety of healthcare settings and that focuses specifically on the kids! There is a wide range of topics we are interested in, from improving infection prevention standards, device securement, insertion training practices, developing and sustaining competency, clinical knowledge sharing, and quality improvement work (to name a few). Please take the time to submit an abstract! We all benefit from your contributions.
Lastly, our annual Call to Action Award will be reinvigorated this year and is meant to highlight a clinician or institution who has fully embodied and implemented our PediNeoSIG mission.
Please nominate your team, your colleague, your friend or someone who inspires you in their clinical or scholarly work. Every year - but in this year especially - we need to celebrate our work, our dedication and our clinical specialty. Pediatric and Neonatal Vascular Access Clinicians are so important to our healthcare teams and we want to recognize you! Join the SIG for free.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing everyone at conference!