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Network News
Jan Elliott
AVACNY was proud to have Jack LeDonne, MD, VA-BC™, FACS, share a presentation on the “Quality Improvement in Vascular Access: Is the Dressing Just a Dressing?” for our first Central New York webinar on April 22, sponsored by Eloquest Healthcare. Thank you to Eloquest and team for always supporting our Networks. We appreciate the continuing education your team provides.
Dr. LeDonne’s presentation sparked a lot of interest with our members actively participating in the discussion and chats. Many shared their own experiences dealing with different “sticky” situations and adherence to dressing integrity. Several practice points and product availability were discussed to improve catheter outcomes and create favorable dressing change methods for skin integrity and securement.
We were blessed to have our officers together for this event to plan our 2021 goals with ongoing education through webinars and in-person presentations. Founder Suzanne Herbst was available to join us and give her expertise and input on network challenges and how best to move forward after a pandemic. Plans are underway and she will be presenting on the history of the AVA and its roots at the 12th Annual AVACNY Infusion Therapy & Vascular Access Teaching Day Symposium in November.
Standing from left: Jennifer Lemon, Courtney Davaiu, Rick Simpson, Jennifer Smith. Seated from left: Jan Elliott, Suzanne Herbst (AVA Founder) and Jill Holland.
We are looking forward to another excellent educational event in Syracuse. For more information about what is going on with AVACNY, visit us online at avacny.com
GulfVAN has partnered with FLAVAN to continue virtual meetings for 2021. Kay Coulter from Infusion Knowledge Inc. presented “Infusion Risks Related to Implanted Venous Ports” in April. This presentation was supplemented with case studies from network members. GulfVAN plans to keep its meetings virtual until we are able to book group meetings at our local hospital again.
Diana Melton, MSHA, RN, CRNI, VA-BC™ | FLAVAN President Meagan Capen, CPNP-AC, MSN,VA-BC™ | FLAVAN President-Elect Caitlin Soldati, BSN, RN, VA-BC™ | FLAVAN Secretary Crystal Penna BSN, RN, | FLAVAN Treasurer

FLAVAN has continued to collaborate with GulfVAN to provide live Webinars for our members! In February we covered Best Practices in Ultrasound Reprocessing, March provided a much needed WorkLife Balance informative hour, and April discussed Infusion Risks with Implanted Central Venous Access Devices! Our members are enjoying learning at home, but are hopeful for future in person meetings! We have 3 more webinars planned for the second half of this year! The majority of FLAVAN’s BOD attended the encouraging and informative AVA Network Leadership Meeting in March!
We are ALL looking forward to the annual AVA Scientific Meeting in our home SUNSHINE State of Florida in September 2021!
For more FLAVAN news and upcoming events please visit our website by clicking the link FLAVAN and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!

AVA currently has 52 active networks
The Association for Vascular Access is committed to providing an opportunity for members to broaden their knowledge of vascular access and related fields through networking opportunities and education. AVA Networks offer vascular access professionals the opportunity to network with other professionals in their area of expertise. Network meetings offer educational sharing opportunities, continuing education credits, dinner meetings and quality dynamic speakers. Do You Know Where Your Nearest Network Is? www.avainfo.org/networks