2 minute read
How Are You Doing? Self Care Today and Every Day
Staci Harrison, DNP, RN | 2021-22 Director-at-Large, AVA Board of Directors
When someone asks you “How are you doing?” you may respond, “Great”, “I’m good”, “I’m fine” or “living the dream”. We are finally seeing the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, however we are not good, great, fine, or living the dream. We, as healthcare workers, are exhausted mentally, physically, socially and spirituality. We are running below a quarter of a tank and yet we keep going.
How are you taking care of yourself to take care of others? This is an important question to ponder. We bring our “A” game to work, family, friends, and school, yet we are barely passing when it comes to ourselves. Learn to take care of yourself daily. Here are a few suggestions: • Mentally – spend quiet time with yourself, listening to music, meditate, read/listen to a book, take a break.
• Physically – walk, run, do any type of exercise for a minimum of 10 minutes, clean the yard (make it fun), increase your water intake.
• Socially – stay connected, have an early meal with an old friend, you can eat outside. This past year was tough and caused burnout. You are all we have, and if you need refueling, then you must make time to take care of yourself. If we take care of ourselves then we can take care of others. Refuel, reenergize and revitalize your mind, body and spirit. We all rebound differently so do what is best for YOU!
While AVA is a multidisciplinary organization, I hope all of you took time to truly celebrate National Nurses Week, May 6-12. Nurses have been among the most important of our pandemic heroes. You deserve to take a break and know this to your core.
Bio: Staci Harrison is an innovative leader with more than 25 years of experience in nursing. Currently, she serves as the Southern California Regional Director of Medical-Surgical and Critical Care for Kaiser Permanente, where she leads the vascular access workgroup. Staci has proven success in leadership roles where she has collaborated with groups to achieve excellent patient care outcomes. She has been instrumental in fostering the collaborative efforts across the Kaiser Healthcare system while leading the vascular access workgroup. After earning her Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2017, she lends her knowledge at various universities as an instructor in their online curriculum. As a member of the board, she will utilize her collaborative and leadership skills to transport the mission and vision of AVA. As evidenced by the success enjoyed by the Kaiser workgroup, Staci’s passion for vascular access exceeds all expectation. Healthcare needs that passion and Staci’s collaborative leadership now more today than ever, and she along with AVA will be there to lead the way.