L'Amour Diversity Magazine Issue 1 Aug 2015

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Table of Contents From Our Home to Yours (Designer Spotlight-Micky Doctorow) .........................................................................16 I Am What I am with Ado Hansome.......................................................................................................................................22 Arts and Culture.........................................................................................................................................................................................30 Destinations.........................................................................................................................................................................................................34 He Said, She Said............................................................................................................................................................................................39 Styling with Sita Writer (Wicca Merlin, Designer)..........................................................................................................40 The New Faces of Second Life Modeling...................................................................................................................................46 Pick of the Litter.............................................................................................................................................................................................50 Movin’ & Shakin’.............................................................................................................................................................................................54 Biker’s Alley...................................................................................................................................................................................................56

Letter from the Publisher Like anything in life there is a time and place. The stars line up and you just know it is time. I have wanted to start a magazine for a long time. The stars aligned and the right people were in my life for this venture to happen. L’Amour Diversity was born. At the helm the most amazing Solde Rothmanay as Editor In Chief, Sita Writer, Head Writer, Trinity Aironaut, Head Photograher, Also other writers Nickle Sparrowtree, Starr Wulluf, Mephis Wulluf, Cacilia McMasters, Photographers Rudmellowen Laguna, and Lilian Howley under the guidance and direction of Solde. My visions for the magazine are simple ones, to highlight the diversity of the grid and creativity of the souls that inhabit the magical world of Secondlife. Let The Ride Begin.

Ava Jhamin CEO Publisher

Letter from the Editor Where do I begin? When I was first asked to be the Editor-n-Chief of L’Amour Diversity magazine, my head was spinning with the possibilities of what type of magazine I wanted to create. My idea was to find a team that would be awesome to work with first of all. So, I reached out for those that I knew had talent. With Sita Writer as my lead writer and Trinity Aironuat as my lead photographer, I knew that the base was perfectly set. On this great foundation, I then went after others that would complete this house that I wanted to build. So, in came Starr Magic, Rudhmellowen Laguna, Lilian Howley, Bai Nightfire, Cacilia McMasters, Nickle Sparrowtree, Memphis Wulluf, and my wonderful Marketing team JoJo and SweetAlibi. Then, with the team in place we proceeded to create articles that would appeal to everyone, not just the modeling culture within SecondLife. My vision was to find all the interesting and appealing events, destinations, activities and people across the entire grid. Opening our eyes to possibilities outside of our personal bubbles. With this first issue, I believe we have accomplished the vision that I dreamed of. There is so much yet to come with future issues, so much is out on the grid that will amaze, shock, entice and provoke thought from each of us. I have learned so much from this process as well as from my fellow Lifers and I am sure that my education is just beginning. I look forward to working more with this wonderful team, as well as what they bring to this magazine for our readers. Our readers will be an integral part of this magazine by giving us ideas, and leading us to the stories that everyone across the grid wants to read. Some of the articles will make you laugh, some will make you say “wow”, and yes, some may make you cry, but every article will be written for you, the reader. Let’s take this journey together!

Solde Rothmanay



Ava Jhamin

Bios I came to sl from another site on the insistence of a friend. I came and well the rest they say is history. What I love so much about sl is visiting all the beautiful sims, dancing, racing motorcycles, being just silly with my friends and family. I have loved taking pictures since pretty much my first day on Secondlife. I see all, as a photo opportunity. I have almost 5,000 pictures on my flickr. I started my first agency in 2009 and had a few with partners. It wasn’t up to my expectations and in 2011 L’Amour opened it’s doors. I have

grown by leaps and bounds since then have also opened L’Amour Productions, L’Amour Nexus University of Fashion, Pazzo Style Challenge, Mr. & Miss Model International and now L’Amour Diversity Magazine. I know that if it wasn’t for all the team I surround myself with that I would be who I am today. I am very grateful to all of the TEAM from L’Amour. I have had the pleasure with the years on Secondlife to meet some of the most amazing designers on the grid. I cherish my relationships the most on Secondlife. I know it’s a game but for me these people are real in every way. I would of not made it through some really hard times had it not been for my family and friends here on Secondlife.

Lillian Howley

Hello there, my name is Lilian, one of the magazine’s shutterbugs. I joined SL nearly 8 years ago out of curiosity and I kind of.. never left. I have been taking pictures of my SL since I found out there was a button for that and it is the one thing that allowed me to show my creativity in-world. Besides that I ride my motorbike, go dancing and listen to music, and chat with friends all around the world! And yes, if I hear my SL name in rl, I listen automatically :p This really is my second life...

Bai Nightfire I spend a lot of time styling outfits for clubs and dancing as I love to dance. I always say “If you look like crap, then why are you here?” So I always looked my best. When my friend suggested I do Miss Model International contest I jumped at the opportunity as we just had to be ourselves. I had not done any real modeling before but knew lots of models so I learned along the way. I had few expectations and was surprised when I made it to the finals. Since then I have entered two schools, Nexus Modeling University and Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy, been in several shows and worked hard to do my best. I also joined L’Amour Modeling Agency as a model and later as Ava’s Jhamin’s assistant. So proud to be working for Ava and helping her out. I have met many fun and interesting people and love what I do.

Memphis Wulluf

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is memphis Wulluf and I will be writing a monthly article titled Pick of the Litter. First, a little about myself. I have been a resident of Second Life for almost six years and have had many jobs including DJ , and Co-Owner and performer in a tribute band. I have DJ’ed in real life as well as Second LIfe for over 11 years. Some of my favorite bands include Pink Floyd,Slipknot and Mushroomhead. Currently,I am working solely for L’amour Diversity Magazine as the entertainment writer. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my beautiful wife,Starr Wulluf, who is also a writer for the magazine,playing games,watching movies and beating her in Greedy! :)

My article will include reviews on recent movie releases, the hottest new video games as well as new music from all of your favorite artists. I am looking forward to filling you all in on what’s hot in entertainment and to hearing from all of you. If you have any ideas for my article , just send me a message.

Starr Magic

Hello and welcome to the very first edition of L’amour Diversity !Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Starr Magic and I will be writing on three different topics. First, I will begin by telling you a little about myself. I have been in Second Life for almost eight years and have had many jobs including dj,manager,customer service rep,you name it!! Currently,I am a sales rep, minister and DJ for Eternally Yours Weddings. I am also a model, a beginner designer and also the Sales Manager for Soulful Moments Photography. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my husband,Memphis Wulluf,playing games,watching movies and just creating general silliness!

I will be writing on a variety of topics for the magazine including an Arts and Culture feature. I have also been dubbed the “Event Queen”. This is due to the many wonderful fashion events and sales rooms all over the grid that I will telling you about. Last but not least, I will be doing an interactive article titled “He said,She said”. In this feature, I will select one female and one male to give me their personal opinions on a given topic. It is always interesting to see how opinions differ between men and women. I look forward to the amazing future the magazine will have and look forward to hearing from all of you. If you have any ideas for “He said,She said” or would like to be considered for one of the subjects for the article, just send me a message.

RAWR!!!! I am Rudhmellowen, I’m a shutterbug and sometime writer for this lovely publication. Writing and taking photos was not something new to me, I’ve been writing my journal of a blog for almost 4 years now and it’s an addiction that gets worse with every post, but this is my first time working with what I love to do! I’m a fairly crazy and diverse person when it comes to my everyday SL. One minute I’m a hard-working MC Secretary, then next I’m skipping around dressed as some fantasy creature, that’s what I love about SL... That and my collection of international friends and family...

Rudhmellowen Laguna

Micky Doctorow by Cacilia (Cassie) McMasters-Solar A few weeks ago I had a friend show me a house that she liked on Market Place. Being that I am a collector of houses I had to see for myself if this would be my next new home. Would it take its place among the 100s I have collected over the past 5 years? I quickly went to the Market Place store, Modern Living Prefab Homes and Home Decor owned by Micky Doctorow, and scoured the site for The Evening Shade Manor. My friend had said it was “AMAZING” and since I need a support group to curb my home buying, I had to see for myself. I found it and OH MY GOODNESS this was one of the nicest homes I have seen in a very long time ! It has 3 bedrooms, a possible 4th (could be used for bathroom) huge rooms, sun room, garage (with a studio above) and a boat house (another studio above). The home was right up my alley and I had to have it ! I looked for the price and it was only $395 Lindens ! I couldn’t believe the price...and about that time it was given to me. YES ! I couldn’t wait to put it out and see the quality for myself. (Gotta love those who can appreciate my need for just one more home). I quickly put out the rezzer box and I was in LOVE ! This house was everything and more than the pictures showed it to be. The house is modifiable and you can change out the textures to make it even more your style. While I was doing just that I made a huge mistake and I called on Micky once...ok, maybe a few times, to help me fix my blunders. He was more than gracious to help me. I finished it and it is exactly as I dreamed my home in Real Life might look like. I had to get to know Micky and buy more of his homes. So, I set up an interview with him to see why he builds..what gives him inspiration and just to make a new friend. He was so kind it’s hard not to want to have a good friend like that. So, over to his platform I went with a friend. We were just in time to see his newest build...The Morning Glory Estate. As I’m writing this it is now available at his Market Place store and he is working on his next build a beach cottage.

Micky’s homes are at such a low price for the quality of his mesh builds. He said he grew up poor and now poor again, due to health issues and the crappy economy, he believes that everyone should be entitled to live a life they only dream of in Real Life. He prices his builds so that anyone can afford them. He says that the enjoyment he gets from hearing about the happiness that his homes bring people makes it all worthwhile. Micky does hope to make some extra money in SL to help with some of his health bills in Real Life but for now he is just enjoying making homes that everyone can afford. All of his newer homes are about 95% mesh and he is working hard at learning blender so he can save money to build more homes and to keep his prices low. Building the mesh pieces himself instead of buying them from friends or off market place will keep his prices lower.

Micky has a few sets of furniture that you can buy to add to your home and hopes at some point to make more to go with his incredible builds. Real Life, Micky is 43 and is from Kansas, so he is a farm boy at heart. I think that part of him is directly reflected in his last few homes. The Watercrest Cottage, Evening Shade Manor and his latest and biggest build, The Morning Glory Estate. This is just the latest of his amazing work. The large rooms, the attention to detail and amazing textures are only a few reasons you should check out Micky’s work. If your family is growing, you need a smaller one bedroom home or you are just a house collector like me you won’t be disappointed in the designs of Micky Doctorow. You can access his Market Place store at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/5656. I’d like to thank Micky for taking time to answer my questions and to show me his fantastic homes. I love my Evening Shade Manor and have plans on purchasing The Morning Glory Estate also...I need room for my growing family ! I look forward to future homes... remember “Home is where the heart is” and at Modern LIving Prefab Homes and Home Designs there is a lot of HEART !

I Am, Who I Am!! With Ava & Ado


Ava Jhamin

As a writer with a background in investigative journalism, I found it a stigma of men playing women on second and vice versa, women playing men on Secondlife. I know this is a subject that is touchy to some. But those brave enough to step forward and tell their stories are the ones I will focus on. Hopefully by telling their individual stories it will shed some much needed light on this unspoken subject. In my humble opinion it’s your Secondlife to do as you see fit. I thought it appropriate to make the first story with the L’Amour Mr. Model International winner Adonis Hansome. Adonis will also be doing some of the writing of these stories for our L’Amour Diversity readers. I brought this subject up to Ado in casual conversation and he loved the idea. Adonis is a woman who plays a man on Secondlife. I know for me and as the winner of MMI I don’t care who you are. I want someone that is going to represent my brand in the best possible way. Adonis has lived up to that expectation. He also granted me right to pick his brain on this rather controversial issue. I sat down with Ado and put the questions out there. Q. First Ado what brought you to Secondlife? A. I saw a news program about it, basically showed a good and bad side to SL. I was intrigued so I decided to see what it was all about. Q. I know Ado that all people come to Secondlife wanting to get something out of it to best suit who they are. Can you share with us what that was when you created Adonis Hansome? A. Well Ado was not my first avi in SL, I had one a year prior, a female avi. I was never one for the dress and heels so I dressed in jeans etc. It was hard to get items that I did like to wear to fit my female shape, so a friend suggested I try a male avi. So I did and never looked back since. This avi is more of who I am, how I like to dress in rl...An extension of me you can say. Q. Was it something that you wanted to keep secret and if so why? plain more for our Diversity readers?

If not please ex-

A. For those that truly get to know me and are close to me, it is not a secret I keep from them that I am female in rl.. Shortly after I created Adonis, I started to model under the male avi, I always loved styling and when MVW came about in 2012, I had to keep who I was behind the avi a secret if I wanted to complete since a rl voice interview was and still is a must these days to enter MVW.

Most of my close friends in the fashion world know who I am behind the avi. I am not ashamed of who I am in my rl but in this sl world, it seems a lot of people play the opposite gender of who they are in rl and for various reasons we shouldn’t be judged, it is after all a second life, we can be furry, elves etc...What does it matter who we are in rl? I, myself, can style a male avi better than a female one because I can relate to the “boi“ in me. Q. Do you feel any negativity toward you being of the opposite gender you portray? A.

No I have not, people are very accepting.

Q. Have you seen changes in the general population on Second Life regarding this matter? A. A lot of the women I know in SL through various groups are now going to the male avi, like I said earlier, for me it’s more who I can relate to, maybe it is the same for the others. Q. I know that a lot of the competitions on the grid voice verify. Do you feel that is fair and please explain either way? A. No I do not, this is a Second Life ,after all, the competitions should go by who we are in SL and not who we are behind the avi. In Real Life society judges us for who we are, love etc., why do we have to have it in SL as well...Everyone has different experiences and reasons to be on SL, we all should be free to do what we enjoy in whatever SL avi we are most comfortable with... Q. I know with L’Amour MMI competition we didn’t care what you were behind the screen. Was that part of the reason you did MMI? Please explain. A. Yes it was, I love styling and I love competitions that challenge me. I would have loved to be a part of MVW again but that was a VV rl male to be in it...Part of me enter contests to win, as we all do for the most part, but I love a challenge when it comes to styling and we all learn from each other....maybe one day such contests won’t have the stigma attached to it.. Q. Do you think a lot of amazing model will be left out of competitions due to the voice verifying? A. I can’t say for sure..like I said I can’t enter certain ones because some know who I am in rl and that puts a halt to some I do want to do...Maybe others feel or have the same happening to them... Thank you Adonis it was very informative and I learned a lot. I know the readers of Diversity will enjoy seeing the different perspectives of who and why a people are who they are behind the avatar in Secondlife. Please stay tuned for the next riveting I am who I am in Secondlife.

What Do We Have Here? Arts and Culture by Starr Magic-Wulluf Dysphoria sim Dysphoria-A state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life

On a recent adventure to seek out a sim for a photo shoot, I stumbled onto a most magnificent place called Dysphoria. Dysphoria is simply the most incredible Alice in Wonderland themed sim I have ever seen and was created by the incredibly talented Muse Muliaina Alice in Wonderland is a novel written by Lewis Carroll that tells of a girl named Alice that falls into a rabbit hole and into a magical world of wondrous and strange creatures. Upon landing on the sim,the first thing you notice is the rabbit at the base of a large tree, the hole in the base of the tree is the entrance to his magnificent world.Once you step inside the hole, you start to fall farther and farther down.The freefall comes to a stop upon a mysterious spinning carpet.Floating in the air around me are various pieces of furniture and even a deer! Once you step off the edge of the rug, you will fall even deeper into the hole. The fall again comes to a stop and you will find yourself in a room with a large table.On top of the table is a large key that is needed to unlock the door to the rest of them sim. By clicking the item at the bottom of one of the table’s legs,you will receive a notecard explaining that the sim was designed to be viewed at midnight and it also tells of some of the key spots to visit on your journey. There is a small group fee for the tag that you will need in order to access the sim but it is definitely more than worth the small price!After activating the new group tag, simply click the small door on the wall and step into this strange new world!Down a few steps and you are faced with a lush green fern lined path.I can only assume that this is the beginning of the Enchanted Woods and Garden are that is mentioned in the notecard that I received before walking outdoors. The area is just simply gorgeous and is that the Cheshire Cat that I see perched on a tree limb? “And how do you know that you’re mad? “To begin with,” said the Cat, “a dog’s not mad. You grant that?” I suppose so, said Alice. “Well then,” the Cat went on, “you see a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags it’s tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.” ? Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

Not much farther along the path you will come upon a lovely little pond with a large leaf floating on top of the water. The leaf seems to be guided by the biggest rabbit you will have ever seen!Once across the pond, you will see a dark mysterious cottage.This is the home of the White Rabbit. Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it’s getting! -White Rabbit The house is dark and wonderful with several floors to check out. While you are visiting, be sure to sit on the chair in the bedroom.There is also a nice quiet place to sit and relax upstairs in the attic. Just past the cottage is another pond, but, this one is different! The pond is full of blood and skulls line the bases of the trees that surround it! Moving on past the bloody swamp is my personal favorite spot on the sim! The Mushroom Garden is full of beautiful mushrooms of all sizes and all colors!It truly is just breath taking! There are many more must see spots on this glorious sim that I will leave you to find for yourself such as the Red Queen’s Realm,and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. There are also free gifts hiding hiding in the hats so do be sure to get those and also the balloons in the trees can be used to fly! Not only is it a stunning place for a photo shoot, it truly is a place that you will want to visit over and over again and I plan to do just that! “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat. ‘I don’t much care where -’ said Alice. ‘Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,’ said the Cat. ‘- so long as I get SOMEWHERE,’ Alice added as an explanation. ‘Oh, you’re sure to do that,’ said the Cat, ‘if you only walk long enough.” ? Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland SLURL - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oxygen%20Island/145/128/857

Destinations in SecondLife By Rudhmellowen Laguna

SL is full of some of amazing places. There are places for romance, places for adventure and there are many places where you can live your dreams, so every month, or for a few issues at least I will be travelling through SL to capture some of these places, in not only my memory but in yours... If you have any suggestions for locations that should be shared, please feel free to contact me in-world, I’d love to come check them out and I’m sure you’d all love to see them...

The Hum and Shiver (WL Setting Used = Places Cornfield) This place is like something straight out of my own personal imagination. It’s a fantasy location that has many hidden nooks and crannies to explore that you will find yourself getting lost in for hours. Hidden amongst the hills and valleys, there are secret corners to dance with your loved ones, some amazingly whimsical photo locations and the odd sprinkling of dark and macabre if you look closely enough. SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Picklemoon/224/199/25

Solaria (WL Setting Used = Places Pathfinder) This is one of those romantic get-away locations that will have you feeling like you’re somewhere in the Mediterranean. You can wander through the many pretty streets, dance beneath the trees or even explore the romantic cuddle places on the beach. Personally I think I’ll be going back to explore the rocky caves around the boat, I have an urge to be a pirate!! SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SOLARIA/129/123/30

He Said, She Said will be a monthly feature where I hear from one male and one female about their thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. I have always found it interesting to see how opinions vary between males and females. Topics will vary and so will the persons that I speak to. Want to share your thoughts with the world? Let your voice be heard? You could be next! Just drop me an instant message inworld or pass me a notecard letting me know that you would like to be on the list for He Said, She Said. You could even earn a few Lindens! On May 28, the folks at Linden Labs announced that premium members can now be a member of up to 60 groups. This has outraged some non-premium members that feel that the higher number of groups should be allowed to all residents and not only the ones that pay a monthly subscription fee. This month we hear from 2 differing sides of the coin. What are you thoughts on this recent change? The post from Linden Labs can be found here : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Premium-Membership-in-Second-Life-Just-Got-Better/ba-p/2936342 Beginning with one female’s opinion on the matter: AprilRayne Beaumont says: In my opinion,giving 60 groups to premium members only is really just not fair to the rest of the Second Life residents. It’s not like it’s just 4 or 5 extra group slots, it’s a full 18 extra groups! I feel that extra groups should have been given to all residents regardless of whether or we are premium members or not. The monthly subscription fee is not worth it for a tiny house on a shared mainland parcel and 300L per week allowance. Do they not realize just how far 300L goes these days?? Why not just give all residents an equal amount of groups and maybe just have an option where those who want them can pay a small fee for them as needed? Almost like a group join fee inworld or something? I could even agree to perhaps giving 3-4 extra groups to premium members, however, I feel that 18 is to many. It seems to me that Linden Labs just continuously looks for ways to make us all go to premium accounts. Free accounts are important too though especially to those trying out Second Life for the first time.

From a male’s point of view... Allan Daylight says: It is my personal opinion that Linden Labs made the right move. What so very many people seem to forget is that first and foremost, Linden Labs is a business.And that, of course,means that they are in business to make money. Through out the last few years,the residents of Second Life have begged and pleaded for extra group spaces. Now that they are being offered as an added perk for being a premium member, the complaints start flooding in. However,ten bucks is really a small price to pay if you are one of the many residents who want and/or need those precious group slots. Even if a person goes premium purely in order to get the extra group space,it averages out to just over 50 cents for each added group.

Styling with Sita

Wicca Merlin --- I Feel the Music… (and Fashion) in Me Sita Writer “I think the music comes first, then comes the fashion, and thus, the lifestyle. I believe it starts with music, and then the person delivering it delivers the lifestyle, the fashion. Madonna is a great example of that. “--Questlove

Wicca Merlin is a superlative blogger; one that has been nominated as an Avi Choice Blogger in the SL Fashion category for many years. Reading her highly original blog that is always imaginative detailing both the latest SL trends with a whimsical eye that is fashion forward is like Aladdin discovering the riches his magic lamp bestows on him. Wicca’s blog is a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration for old and new avatars alike, models and just those of us hanging about on the grid? Wicca, a RL musician, was told to check out SL from a fellow musician because it was a platform to meet people from all over the world that would give her the opportunity to listen to new music and share ideas. “My friend told me about all the different types of musical clubs in SL that played every genre of music imaginable; I was really curious about the possibilities and excited to learn that live music was also performed virtually.” It is often said that music crosses cultures; no matter what culture you are from, everyone loves music; it touches humanity and brings people together in both lives. Wicca has a tremendous sense of humor and admits her first experience in SL was “mega confusion*giggles* “-- and, we all know that feeling! “I entered SL after a phone call from a friend and when I saw my avatar for the first time back then I was like … OMG is that ugly*laughs*! I had a learning curve because after my friend teleported me out of the newbie Hub, he had to leave and I had to figure out how to walk and how to navigate the grid… it was a challenge but great fun!”?One thing musicians are aware of is fashion. Music and fashion are a reflection of the times and what people need and want. “In RL I have an addiction to certain fashion trends and looks; as a musician you always seek to have a look that is outstanding especially when you are performing. In SL it was again a friend that I met at a shoe store that told me she was a model in SL. Fashion and music in SL and modeling… this made me so curious that I decided I had to check it out and become a model.” Wicca’s blog dates way back to 2008 when she first began her modeling career because she realized there was more to modeling than just walking the runway – even though for most of us, this alone is a big challenge; never mind writing about what you are wearing and how it makes you feel. “I realized that in SL as a model, I had an almost unlimited platform to express myself. I had the freedom to blog my looks; plus it gave the designers that allowed me to model their designs more exposure than just a few minutes on the runway.” Wicca’s blog evolved rapidly because she was a consistent and very good blogger that inspired many of us; like music and modeling, blogging came naturally.

“When I started blogging, I didn’t have the knowledge that I have now of how to create good images but I worked to continually improve my photography skills. My looks have also evolved and changed over time, even my English has gotten better. Initially, my blogs were simple style cards; but, more and more I wanted to put words and expressions in my posts. I really believe that blogging is much more effective and intense when you actually really write reviews and put text to the images instead creating a simple style card.” As professional models know, modeling and blogging are part of the drill; but -- Wicca being Wicca, is just not any model or blogger, she has a creative spirit and one that likes to evolve…she just can’t stop learning. “Blogging and modeling kind of went hand in hand and at some point, I really had the urge to create apparel on my own. I wanted to experience the designer side of SL as well as the blogger and model side. I will never give up my blog. I love to blog for a number of fabulous SL designers there are so many I respect. It was a big step for me to create Wicca’s Wardrobe – for me, it is like a dream of mine that actually came true. I started the brand on my own and now I have developed a full team that works together in creating, designing and having fun – and the fun is the most important aspect of all.” Wicca has been so successful with her new line of clothes, that Wicca’s Wardrobe had the distinct honor of being elected as the #1 NEW designer for Women’s Fashions in SL by Avi Choice Awards; and of course, her blog was also nominated as one of SL’s top blogs. In terms of the future, there will be a consistent evolution of Wicca’s blog and Wicca’s Wardrobe. “For Wicca’s Wardrobe we are now able to make our own mesh --- so the doors for all our weird and crazy ideas are open. For the blog, I hope that my photography skills will continue to grow with every new image that I create. I have some ideas for the blog like special categories and special features, but that will be in the future.” Knowing Wicca, we know they will happen… and we look forward to that. Wicca, has sage advice for bloggers, and we should all think long and hard on her advice, as she is iconic in SL. “Never lose your passion, never make your blog a mass production. If blogging stops being fun and feels like a nasty duty or burden just dare to stop it and step away for a bit… Then maybe -- maybe you can find your fun back; it is all about fun and creativity, fun and good friends.”

Sita Writer Mr. X & the Abode of Love - Wicca Merlin’s new release Mr. X told me about the gardens of Shalimar whose name in Sanskrit means abode of love. Built for Nur Jahan (light of the palace) it is an oasis of true beauty that overwhelms. Tonight, I plan to overwhelm Mr. X in this new jumpsuit called Nuella by Wicca’s Wardrobe as we explore this ancient landscape. Nuella is fresh, flirty and fun, in a retro vintage way that makes it a must have for summer. I love the sharp seams that add shape to the top and the way the waist breaks into pleated legs with a tapered silhouette. The romance of flowers! I love the soft colors of this vintage inspired floral texture of this sleeveless jumpsuit with its delicate midriff silken accent and casual scarf at the neck. The square cut low back adds notes of distinction to Nuella.Shalimar has a subtle air of leisure and repose, it casts a romantic indefinable spell, Mr. X and I wander through this leafy garden of dim vistas and pavilions, past smooth sheets of falling water and wide canals whose calm reflections are broken by the stepping stones across the streams. Wearing - Wicca’s Wardrobe *New* - Nuella Jumpsuit http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ New/113/141/22 Skin- October 4Season Skins - Lalia Marigold Make Up #5 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/October%20Enterprises/115/126/3003 Shoes - Ghee -*New* - Chiffon Ankle Fringe Heels http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ Qeestein/32/224/1501 Hair - Truth - Holly - Dark Red

Bai Nightfire

New Faces of SL Modeling We welcome the new faces of modeling and thase models are up and coming in the fashion industry. Included are some information about these two beautiful ladies. We hope that you welcome these faces to the fashion world.

From the words of Bai Nightfire: I spent a lot of time styling outfits for clubs and dancing as I love to dance. I always say "If you look like crap, then why are you here?" So I always looked my best. When my friend suggested I do Miss Model International contest I jumped at the opportunity as we just had to be ourselves. I had not done any real modeling before but knew lots of models so I learned along the way. I had few expectations and was surprised when I made it to the finals. Since then I have entered two schools, Nexus Modeling University and Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy, been in several shows and worked hard to do my best. I also joined L'Amour Modeling Agency as a model and later as Ava's Jhamin's assistant. So proud to be working for Ava and helping her out. I have met many fun and interesting people and love what I do. I also love photography and have a small flickr to show off my photos. I was honored to be a part of Trav Summerwind Solar's "Faces" exhibit recently with many other excellent models.

Haylie Moonshine

When I started Second Life over 7 years ago, I had no idea what an amazing life it would turn out to be. With my passion for glamor, Second Life has become a place where inner beauty and outer appeal can meet and become one. For me, beauty is not only defined by the reflection of who you are on the inside, but how you treat others as well. Fashion and attention to detail has always been part of who I am, along with the love of people and places that express that. I began my journey as a model with Flair Modeling school in June 2014. My first modeling job after graduation was for Glint Jewelry. I enjoy the thrill of runway. Doing runway for Hilly Haalan, Eternally Yours, and SMA. The creativity of being a print model for Pizzazz, WE at Home Furniture, and for Faces of sl exhibit, were all amazing experiences seeing each persons individuality and creativity. Who knew you could be on live sl tv! Being on Good Morning Maxine, was experience I will always remember. Professional modeling is not the easiest profession to be in. It takes dedication, an eye for perfection and hard work. One has to remember you’re representing someones incredible work and its up to you to make it shine by carrying yourself with grace, poise, and kindness. Having a great support system and inspirations is the best thing to have as a model. My husband, my amazing parents and family are my biggest inspiration.

Every issue will cover a couple of new faces from the Second Life modeling community. Please feel free to contact these models directly if you are looking for a gorgeous face and professional model for your store. Photos by Trinity Aironaut

Pick of the Litter The views and opinions exspressed here are soley the writters and do not reflect the views and opinions of everyone else in the free world with that in mind please fasten your seatblets make sure your tray tables are in their upright positions we are about to take off.... Welcome ladies and gentleman , boys and girls, children of all ages gather round and take a look at this months Pick of the litter. What is the “pick of the litter” you might be asking yourself right now... Basically it’s what I feel have stood out the most to me in the entertainment world i.e Music, Movies, television, games ect.

MUSIC: In a world dominaited who sing along to look across

by pop music ruled by artists computer generated music I the top 25 on the music charts and I think to myself where have all the bands gone? Where are the Heros of Rock n Roll? Where are the Shredders, the face melters, the thundering drums , the pulse pounding bass lines??? Not in the top 25 I can promise you that. With that being said, one of my picks of the litter is, Slash feat Myles Kennedy and the Conspiritors. The Top hat wearing, Gibson weilding , solo shredding master of mayhem is BACK in a major way Teamed up with Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge and together they have created a BEAST of a album in “World on Fire” from the Title track “World on Fire” to the complexity sound of “Wicked Stone” and least we forget the powerful hit the ballidesq “Bent to Fly” they have delivered everything you want in a Rock album. But hey dont take my word for it check it out for yourself..... Time to shift gears and go a little faster, Slash and Myles got the blood pumping and now I wanna go a little bit faster, let’s get the blood racing and pulse dancing, time to switch albums but what to listen to now? Well kiddies I’ve got just the thing. Stonesour, “Meanwhile in Burbank” an ep of epic porportions. Now in the technological age most of us get our music from Itunes or illegal downloads ( dont worry superman your secrets safe with me *wink* ) or free music sites such as Spotify and Pandora you might be asking yourself “what is an Ep” by definition, “ EPs cover the middle ground between a single and a full length album. They are usually around 5 or six songs in length.” What started as a cover song for a movie project front man Corey Taylor was involved in with legendary Scream King Robert Englund (Nightmare on Elm St) of a Metal Church song “The Dark” moved into a 5 track Ep of covers that leaves me in both shock and awe in that to me they pulled it off. They actually took some Legendary tracks that much like the evil Idol on the Brady Bunch you just shouldnt touch, but they touched it and unleashed something magical.

Taking tracks from bands like , Alice in Chains “We Die Young” The Legendary “Love Gun” by godfathers of rock KISS, “Creeping Death” by Metal Masters Metallica this Ep has a few choice cuts that will keep you rocking in the free world... if only they would have covered that too. When asked about the covers ep frontman Corey Taylor had this to say, “This is something that we’ve been talking about since the first album came out, with STONE SOUR. We’ve always wanted to do this. Even as people have come, people have gone, this is still something we’ve always come back to, and we just never had the opportunity to do it. And we just kind of said, ‘Well, screw it.’” also adding , “You’re going back to these songs that you just love to listen to.” Movies/Television In a category controlled by the three R’s remakes, reboots and reality tv, eventually there are a few that stand above the rest my pick of the litter Television: This one comes in the form of Netflix’s New Series “Orange is the New Black” HA you thought I was gonna say “DareDevil” didn’t ya.. well get to that another time... Netflix has proven yet again that they can dish out at good series and don’t need cable tv to pull it off. The story follows Piper Chapman , sentenced to fifteen months in prison after being convicted of a decade-old crime of transporting money for her drug-dealing girlfriend, and the cast of characters she encounters along the way including the drug-dealing girlfriend. The show often flashes back into the history or significant events from the inmates past that either leads into why they are there or background of the character, the show just now starting its third season has already picked up some awards as well as nominated from prestigious ceremonies such as Golden Globe, Grammy Awards, Primetime Emmy, GLAAD Media, Peoples Choice and both the Screen actors and Directors Guild. The Following has even sparked its own gathering like the styles of Comic Con, in their own Orangecon.

Movies: There are alot of promises of good movies coming out this year , and to save time and not go into lengthy detail and possibly spoil the movie for you in any way I am just going to rate a few on scale of 1-5, 1, being the worst movie ever, 2 well there goes a few hours of my life I’m never getting back, 3 it’s worth a watch, 4 that was really good and I’m more than likely going to watch it a few more times, 5 OMG that was the most epic movie ever and im gonna watch it til I can recite it. and here we go,

Avengers 2 Age of Ultron, 4 stars When Tony Stark and Bruce Banner try to start a docile peacekeeping program called Ultron, things go horribly wrong and it’s up to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to stop the villainous Ultron from enacting his terrible plans

Unbroken (2015) 4 stars Tells the true story of a near-fatal plane crash in WWII, Olympian Louis Zamperini spends a 47 days in a raft with two fellow crewmen before he’s caught by the Japanese navy and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.

Poltergeist (2015) 3 stars the retelling of A family whose home is haunted by evil forces must rescue their youngest daughter after the apparitions take her captive.

Games: I am a gamer of all sorts, video game, table top, dice, card, deck building, resource management, I’m into it all, sometimes you just need a good game to play to break the monotony of life. This months pick of the litter are, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare ( all platfoms) The first person shooter is back again with the latest offering , The game features several significant changes; unlike other installments, Advanced Warfare does not use a traditional heads-up display (HUD); instead, all information is relayed to the player via holographic projections from the weapon equipped. Gunplay remains unchanged, apart from new mechanics, such as ‘Exo’ movements , Exo movements are performed from the Exoskeleton, which can boost, dash, and sky jump. After each mission, the player is given a certain amount of upgrade points that can be used to upgrade the Exo suit or weapons. The amount of points given, is determined by the players performance in the missions. The player may earn additional points by completing specific side objectives, one of which is collecting the game’s lone

collectable ‘Intel’. . The game is the first in the Call of Duty series that allows the player to choose differing types of conventional weaponry; for example, the game features regular conventional firearms, but the player can choose to use laser or energy directed weaponry, both of which have differing attributes. On Line play : The Pick 10 system in Black Ops II returns as Pick 13, allowing players to pick weapons, attachments, perks and score-streaks within a total of 13 allocation points. Score-streaks are also upgradable with different modules, allowing for additional abilities/effects, at an extra score cost, the biggest down fall for me in this game was the zombies were DLC (crowd booing) ... Well folks there you have it all my picks of the litter for this month, there is so much cool stuff out there that I just cant possibly go over it all, until the next time , keep on rocking in the free world. .MW.

Movin’N The Spin Club with its, electrifying dance tunes and hypnotic beats, I couldn’t help but to be drawn in. I was instantly greeted by Angelynn the club promo manager who welcomed me. Then by DJ Amy Hyandi who was playing the awesome tunes like techno, house, and electronic. The DJ danced on stage with 3 others including her host an adorable gray lama. The atmosphere was filled with sounds that made your body move. Even though there were not many people the music was not being wasted, the groove was definitely in the house.The Spin Club is an electro, trance, house and dance club, with the exception of doing other genres, it is a very diverse club and welcomes everyone, but there will be no hardcore hip-hop or country played here. They have a Dj playing every day 2-4 sets a day depending on their schedule, so you always have the chance to come here and dance except Monday which is the clubs day off, but they do offer anyone willing a chance to DJ on Monday. The Spin club holds special events on their contest board, depending on the DJ’s theme is for their time slot. The Spin club, which is owned by Marvin Hammill, is a lovely prefab with a black and gray layout and blue neon stairs to the left and right. It has a sunken floor with click-able dances, saving you from having to deal with your own dances. In the near future they will be getting a custom built club, along with a formal club added. Outside of the club is a mall with stores and ad boards for rent, they also have sky boxes for rent. This club is listed in the destination guide and can be easily located on the map. I had a wonderful opportunity in speaking with Angellynn (AngelEyez) who shared with me that the Spin club has a wonderful and strong working staff, a great professional organized boss in Marvin Hammil, and has a group of over 1 thousand VIP members. The Spin Club is well run and doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere for a long time. When the 2 hour segment ended I was greeted by the next host Mr Jean Paul Mendoza , with Marvin Hammil the owner as the DJ who will be rocking for the next 2 hours. All in all I found this club to be magnetizing, I hated to leave because I enjoyed the music so Much, the atmosphere of the crowd and the fact that the staff was so pleasant.

N Shakin

SL is made up of a wide variety of social groups, of which Role Play is often a very central part. Be that role play as magical beings, or historical cultures or even as a RL style 2.4 family. Yet some groups are often labeled with a bad reputation, something which follows the lifestyle and taints everyone involved with the same brush. One of those is the SL Motorcycle Club Scene. Over the next few months I will be taking an in-depth look into the world of the SL MC’s - a group that seems to have picked up a rather dark reputation as a place full of blackmail and griefing, with the goal of helping to change that opinion. One or two members of the community created that reputation, but with the help of the Biker Code, and a look into the heart of the community, I intend to showcase the good that exists in a bad bunch. First though, Biker Code... For those of you thinking this writer is mad, does exist as a concept that many of us adhere to. It’s an unwritten set of rules, guidelines if you will, for any MC that wishes to be taken seriously in the community, and if you don’t follow these rules then consequences can be tough. There is nothing worse than being shunned by your peers, even in a virtual reality world. I will share more with you about Biker Code in a follow-up story, but for now I ask you to think of it as something as important to the bikers as the pirate code is to Jack Sparrow (you know the one from the Pirates of the Caribbean Movies?!) To delve more deeply into this world, I plan to take a long hard look at an MC I know very well... As a founding member and part of the executive team for the Gators MC, the everyday running of this crazy group falls in part to me. It was founded, in collaboration with my SL to RL husband, two and a half years ago. He had played an active role in a number of MCs prior to expressing his desire to run his own club... Many of these clubs held ideals that were so dissimilar to his own, that things seemed tainted, difficult and a lot less fun than they were supposed to be. After hours of discussion, planning and research The Gators MC was formed. Now, there are a number of various ways that different MC groups role play within the community, some follow the strict ranking system that RL MCs are known to have, some act as if they are true to RL MCs and others – perhaps you could say like the Gators – are groups of people that enjoy messing about with motorcycles, exploration and friendship. The founding principles of our MC - or should I say our family - are simple... Everyone is treated with respect, everyone has a voice and everyone is included in any decision we take. We never leave anyone behind, and stand by the belief that SL should first and foremost be a place for fun and relaxation. This has proved to be a successful set of ideals for us, we’ve been around for a number of years and although people come and go, there are very few who would say they hated their time being a part of us. Everyone always leaves with fond memories – no matter the circumstances surrounding their departure – and that, to me at least, says something very important about the relationship of our group.

For me, I can hand on heart say that I was never really interested in motorcycles, and when my husband had been a part of his former MCs, I, myself, tried to steer very clear by refusing to have anything to do with them. I had heard the rumours, and I had seen the dramas, but as someone on the edge looking in, I could see that it was just your average, everyday soap opera style drama which being frank exists in every lifestyle genre of SL. Yet I will admit that taking the decision to dip my toe into the water, when the Gators MC was formed, still took a lot of mental wrangling. However, in hindsight – and excusing the times when drama did erupt – I am beyond happy that I took that plunge… I have some of the best MC Brothers and Sisters I could have asked for, the kind of people that are there to pick me up when I fall but also those who don’t sugar coat things and I can rely on to be honest, no matter how much it might hurt. These people have become so much a part of me that my RL would not be complete without them. Apparently I am not the only one that thinks this way either… I asked each of the members what they loved most about being a Gator, and although the responses did not entirely surprise me I was pleased to see the similarities in each of their answers. Some hint at the fact we’re “a group of crazy assess” whereas others suggest we are the “funniest, care free, down to earth” group that they had been looking for and they felt lucky “to meet some of the best, loyal, truest friends” in not just their SL but their RL too, but what stands out the most is that we’re family, and people feel they can fit in whilst still remaining true to themselves. We’re here to provide love and support – just as you might find in any social circle in SL – we have a support network that reaches not just our MC family but into other MCs at the same time, and to quote one Gator, “There is a huge sense of family and belonging. I know that in my roughest and best times that I have a family to listen to me, to support me and to lean upon” that can at times cover the entire MC community. By now you may be thinking that I am adding a glossy sheen, trying to mask what lies beneath to convince that MCs are not as bad as you may have heard and to lure you in so that you will become trapped in this sordid and unfriendly world. But I ask you, if anything – no matter how small – that you’ve read in this article peeks your interest, why not come and see for yourself, why not give the MC world a chance by dipping your toes into the water as I did two years ago? You never know you too might find yourself meeting your own truest friends that seep into your RL as much as they dominate your SL… Come meet the Gators in our own little swamp – you can find us here; Cadair Idris (32, 65, 21) or drop me a message in world – I cannot promise we won’t bite, we’re Gators after all, but you never know you might be lucky and catch a little of the crazy for yourself!

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