3 minute read
Utilizing the Power of Prayer All Year
Did you know the United States has set aside a day for pause and prayer together every year since 1952? This year, National Day of Prayer took place on May 6—but as we know, merely one day of prayer isn’t enough. Our local communities, the nation, and the world should continue to look to God to guide our path and to bring hope, healing, and restoration.
The YMCA has been an organization that has understood the impact prayer can have for more than 176 years. George Williams, our founder, knew it wasn’t the one who prays but the one who hears. George had no idea he’d be starting a global movement by simply praying for those he worked with and inviting them into a relationship with Jesus, but this simple act led to one of the largest Christian nonprofits dedicated to supporting every individual, no matter who they are or where they come from. Below are a few activities you and your family can do to remember to rely on the power of prayer all year!
Go for Prayer Walks
It really is a simple as it sounds! Go on a walk or run while you pray for the people and places you see along your journey. Start off by asking God to make you aware of those around you, and be guided by the Holy Spirit. You could choose a specific scripture or verse for the walk, or get inspired as you journey along. For instance, pray for the safety of neighbors you see riding by on bicycles, or pray for the well-being of anyone who might sit on a bench you see on the trail.
Start a Prayer Journal
Some find it easier to concentrate and stay focused if they write, so find a paper or notebook to write your prayers. Remember to look back through your journal to see how God has been working in your life.
Submit a Prayer to the YMCA Prayer Wall
The Bible commands us to carry one another’s burdens. Our virtual Prayer Wall allows us to carry the burdens of those in our community and have other help carry our own burdens. Let us know how we can pray for you and see how you can pray for others. Suggested areas to focus your prayer time on beyond your family, friends, and church include: • Government employees in local, state, and federal positions to lead with our nation’s best interests at heart, • Military members, both active and veteran, so they know their service is appreciated, • Men and women in the media so they may continue to shine a light on the truth, and • Educators, so they may continue to persevere through all obstacles and prepare the leaders of tomorrow.
Do the Hand Prayer (Children’s Activity)
As you work look at your hand as a guide pray for the following things
• Thumb: those closest to you like your friends and family
• Pointer: people who lead and guide you, such as teacher, pastors, and coaches
• Middle: local, national, and world leaders who have to make impactful decisions every day
• Ring: all of the individuals who may be sick, lonely, or struggling
• Pinky: the smallest finger reminds us to pray for ourselves last
Adopt Healthier Habits
“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in the world, and all who live in it...” Psalm 24:1
Do we truly believe these words? Are we living our lives as people who believe that everything belongs to God? That would mean that our families and relationships are His, and our spirit, mind, and body are as well. While our bodies are not our own, our attitude towards it should never be one of neglect. Recall in Genesis that God has called us stewards to care for his creation. We must recognize that our bodies are, too, part of that command and His creation. We only have one body this side of eternity: do one thing today to care for it well! Choose to go for a walk or hike on one of the scenic trails across Central Florida, check out our healthy recipes and add a healthier option to your weekly menu, or come take a group exercise class at the Y.