2 minute read

Life on the Rocks
When Coronavirus shut down the world it had a shocking rippling affect. It changed people’s lives everywhere. For me it took our family from being a single income family and me being a stay-at-home mom to a standstill. We had to get innovative and QUICK. With two small kiddos my options were limited, so I started a business I could run from home. A crystal and mineral company called Life on the Rocks I run almost entirely on Facebook!! Once things settled down some, I knew I had to find more ways to get my business out there. I started attending a farmers market the second Saturday of every month. I loved attending it so much I eagerly started searching for more venues to attend. I quickly realized that most markets were also a casualty of the virus, and my options were extremely limited. The ones that remained either had no openings left or far too high of a vendor fee for me to justify. Once again, I decided to take things into my own hands!! That’s when I had the idea to start the East Orlando Freedom Market!!!
I am very blessed to live on the same street as Orange County Academy in Bithlo. We have been going to the school to play with the students and attending various affairs there since we bought our house in 2017. Knowing the school and Timothy McKinney’s community-based mission I knew they would be the perfect people to ask about starting my very own market right in Bithlo!! Without hesitation, Tim said yes, and we got right to work making the first event a huge success!
We hold the market the last Saturday of every month from 10AM to 2PM at 18415 11th Ave. Orlando, FL 32833. The market is filled with small business owners from the community just like me!! We try to keep a wide variety of vendors in attendance so there really would be something for every person who attends. Including delicious food trucks that rotate every month. Last month we even had a free bounce house for any of the kids who came! I am really excited to watch the East Orlando Freedom Market grow into a community staple. But to do that we need your help!! Find us on Facebook to stay up to date on all of our events or even better come by and visit us in person the last Saturday of every month!!