2 minute read
The Future Promise of Bithlo
In what has been a ten-year relationship, Rotary Club of Avalon Park finished another service project at Transformation Village in Bithlo. The project, in partnership with Avalon Park Kiwanis Club, entailed the purchase and installation of new gutters on two buildings where the roofs had been replaced. The gutters were badly needed as the small-town lacks infrastructure that most of us take for granted. Things like water, sewage and improved transportation.
“When it rains, our team knows what needs to happen,” stated Tim McKinney, Executive Vice President of Global Outreach (UGO). ”We mentally prepare to get the pumps ready to prevent our buildings from flooding.” The gutters Rotary installed diverted the run-off water into a downward spout, making the flooding situation much more manageable.
Since 2010, UGO has been focusing on nine key areas of improvement: education, transportation, the environment, health care, basic needs, sense of community, economic opportunity, the arts – and housing.
UGO is continuing to work hard breaking the cycle and circumstances of generational poverty. The reality of the situation is that lives have been lost – both children and adults.
“Last Saturday our Rotary Club took a tour of Transformation Village provided by Tim McKinney,” stated Jim McQueeney, Rotary President Elect. “Tim shared stories and updates on Bithlo’s main street, which has a combination library/coffee shop, K-12 schools, a hydroponic lab, on-site mental health clinic, church/multipurpose room and plans for new housing. All things long missing from Bithlo. What they have accomplished to date is absolutely amazing and there is much more work to be done.”
What is their greatest need? A water system - solutions are currently being reviewed. They also need mentors to visit the kids once a week at Orange County Academy and donations such as playground equipment, a coffee bar for their gatherings and picnic tables. Please show your support of Transformation Village with optimism.
“Rotary Club of Avalon Park has been the cornerstone for Transformation Village,” Tim stated. “They were the first group to reach out to us in 2010 and that outstretched arm by Jim Foulks, club president at the time, opened up many doors for us and I am a proud honorary member.”
“We stand by as a club ready to step up our commitment to UGO and partner with other groups who are willing to help,” stated Jim McQeeney. “And we encourage other clubs to do reach out to us and/or UGO.”
For more information: https:// www.ugo2.org
Rotary, Connects the World and Opens Opportunities.
Come join us each Wednesday morning @ 7:30 at the Pavilion located at 13401 Tanya King Blvd. Meet your neighbors, find out what Rotary is about and how you can Serve to change lives. For more information click on this link: Take Me There!

Rotary Club of Avalon Park seven years ago installing a wheel chair ramp at Transformation Village.