The Road is Always Greener Why traditional neighborhoods emphasize connection and accessibility, and how their use of streets and parks make for a more connected, successful community.
In last month’s article, we discussed street design, accessibility of public spaces, and how mixed-use developments work in harmony PAGE 2 with a diverse community. Now, we will delve further into both the street networks of traditional neighborhood developments along with parks and other open spaces to understand how they interact and influence traditional neighY & A V A L O N P A R K A R E Eborhoods. X C I T E D As T Opreviously ANNOUNCE mentioned, key characteristics of traditional neighborhood developments are its variations of living which then lead to streets PAGE 3 spaces, mixed-use land with consistent speeds and uses, a main street, and an traffic volume. In other easily navigable and walkFEATURING words, conventional subable design. While all of urban developments are these features play off and ultimately dominated by interact with one another, the automobile with less it is “context-based” street regard to pedestrians. design which allows for traditional neighborhoods On the other hand, trato work in this way. ditional neighborhood ck, pizza & drinks will be available for To reiterate a prior concept, developments are, again, purchase. extremely supportive of “context-based” street det or a lawn chair & enjoy the movie, while multiple modes of transsign is an approach which PAGE 4 port and also emphasize practicing social distancing. proposes that streets can smaller blocks to increase M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 2 0 | M O V Iand E Sshould T A R Tanswer S A Tto7the P M walkability and create a varied needs of a certain network of streets, allowing L I N E L O O P F I E L D | F Rarea, E E Awhether D M I Sinstitutional, SION for multiple routes of transF S T E T L E R D R , T A V A R Eresidential, S , F L 3 2or7 commer78 port. This, again, ties into cial—and the streets of the mixed-use aesthetic of traditional neighborhood traditional neighborhoods: developments do just multi- and single-family that. Typically, this design homes are blended with model includes organized blocks, alleys, and patterns apartment and townhome living, which generates a which, with the help of natural buffer for traffic public spaces, foster a flexand is further maintained ible transmission of foot, by generally lower speed bicycle, and automobile traffic. To contrast, conven- limits for motor vehicles. PAGE 6 This aids in constructing tional suburban developsafer spaces for pedestrians ments often feature large and bicyclists, and the orCOMMUNITY blocks and low-traffic local ganized network of streets streets that feed into streets UPDATES with higher levels of traffic, and blocks renders it easy
and accessible for residents to find their way around the neighborhood. As we have examined in these articles, the many facets of traditional neighborhood developments must work in conjunction with one another in order to exist. Just as parks and open spaces rely on context-based street design, so too does street design depend on the existence of parks and open spaces. Like mixed-use spaces and combinations of different sizes and types of living arrangements serve to buffer traffic, large, often circular fields of grass are utilized for the same reason: automobile drivers must slow down and become mindful of the roundabouts that permit the flow of automobiles in one direction, which effectively and naturally mitigates traffic. This, however, is just one use of open spaces and parks in traditional neighborhood developments.
Parks and open spaces can act to establish the perimeter of traditional neighborhood developments in order to disconnect neighboring areas that might consist of different land uses, and they can also be utilized for gathering or recreational purposes. As an example, the presence of a park or open outdoor space, sometimes including a lake, in the heart of a pedestrian shopping center allows for things like relaxing, fishing, and holding events that promote business for surrounding shops and restaurants. And like street trees work to reduce visual pollution, parks and green spaces afford visual breaks from the architecture of a built environment. Public social interaction is essential to building a strong community, and parks provide the space to do that, unlike conventional suburban developments whose majority of parks and outdoor spaces are composed of fenced-in backyards, where there is little opportunity or chance for social interaction. Overall, it is clear the ways in which street design influences public spaces, just as public spaces influence street design. Traditional neighborhoods do much to create synergies between elements, displaying a true concern for their residents’ needs rather than focusing on the influence of the automobile as conventional suburban developments do.