IN THIS ISSUE 3 greetings 4 spring training conference 5 new district staff members 6 governor’s project 7 summer 8 key leader 9 contact information 10 remind 101
Greetings from your Lt. Governor
Hey Division 1N Key Clubbers! We’ve made it through another school year! Summer is right around the corner, or may have started already for some, and we can all look forward to more sleep and relaxation. As the school year comes to an end, I hope you remember to stay as committed and motivated as ever to service and helping those around us. It is hard to believe that I’ve served as your Lieutenant Governor for almost two months. It has flown by but I give you my thanks for making it such a great start. As we celebrate a brand new Key Club year, I would like to congratulate all of the graduating club members for their service and accomplishments. It has been a great year, and to those who will be continuing on, let’s try to make this new year even better.
Saginaw HS Officer Induction
If you have any pictures that you would like to share for me to put in my newsletter, or even so I can see, please send them to me. Also, feel free to invite me, and even other clubs in our division, to any service projects or meetings you hold over the summer, as I would love to attend.
Yours in Service,
Trimble Tech and Saginaw officers
Region 7 Lieutenant Governors
Thanks to both Trimble Tech HS and Saginaw HS for coming out to STC on May 16! It was a lot of fun and new officers learned their duties. If you did not attend and want the officer materials that were covered, let me know!
1N and 39S LTGs
Matthew Riley
Megan Reynosa
District Editor
Convention Liaison
Brendon Nguyen District Technology Producer
This year’s Governor’s Project, chosen by Rachel Iselin, focuses on strengthening KFamily Relations. One way you can start is by getting in touch with your local Kiwanis, Aktion, CKI, Builders, and K-Kids clubs.
Task of the month for May: Describe in detail what plans your club / goals your club hopes to reach in the next year for the Governor’s Project
Summer is almost upon us, or may have already started for some, and we all have to remember to stay active over the summer. Unlike school, Key Club does not stop. Without having to go to school for 8 hours a day, it should be easier to find time for Key Club and service. This is a time for officers to ease into their position without all of the pressures of school, which will be beneficial once school starts.
Try to have at least one service project each month—a car wash, volunteering at the soup kitchen, anything! Hold a board meeting with officers every month If possible, try to have a normal meeting with all members at least once---it could be something fun like a picnic or ice cream social Remember to report each month!
Key Leader What is it? Key Leader is a weekend leadership program that focuses on service leadership. Its main principles are personal integrity, personal growth, respect, building community, and pursuit of excellence
When and Where? November 13-15 at Pineywoods Baptist Camp in Woodlake, TX Register online at If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me!
Why go? I went last year (and might be going again this year) and it was a blast! You have the opportunity to meet other key clubbers from all over Texas and form new friendships. Also, gain leadership skills and trust in fun activities in the woods. Not to mention they have amazing food!
Contact Information
Rachel Iselin
Crystal Loh
Emily Zhao
District Governor
District Secretary
District Treasurer
Megan Reynosa
Brendon Nguyen
Convention Liaison
District Tech Producer
Matthew Riley District Editor
Donna Newsham Region 7 Advisor
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