Ave Maria College Newsletter - Vol 107 No 9 - Friday 16 December 2022

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Ave Maria College Newsletter

Volume 10 7 No 9 – Friday , 16 December 2022


Loving God, we pray for our College community and wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

From the Principal

Fireworks Exhibition

Each year Ave Maria College Students completing a Unit 3 and 4 Art or Design subject have their folio work entered into the Moonee Valley City Council’s Annual Art & Design Award as part of the Fireworks Exhibition held at Incinerator Gallery. Congratulations to the following students from Year 11 and 12 who currently have their work on display as part of this exhibition.

Studio Arts: Alice La (Drawing)

Hannah Masters (Painting)


The outstanding folio works of these students are wonderful for both them and their teachers who have worked with them to produce these excellent quality art works. Their work can be viewed at the Incinerator Gallery from Friday, 9 December 2022 to Sunday, 22 January 2023.

Additionally, I would like to acknowledge Alice La who has received the Mayoral Award for Art. I am sure you will join me in congratulating Alice for a wonderful achievement and to Claudia Filippone for guiding and supporting Alice as her subject teacher throughout the year.

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Media: Alexandra Priestley (digital photography) Design and Technology: Alex Rivette (Garment construction)

Ave Maria Community Awards

During the last week of term, the College held the Ave Maria Community Awards (ACAN) as a combined onsite/online event. As always, this night was a wonderful celebration of student achievements in a range of pursuits – academic, creative, artistic, sport and social justice, recognising the many ways that young people can excel and reach their own personal best. Students who received awards were recognised for the following characteristics in their chosen area:

• Personal organisation, self-reliance and resilience

• Participation, effort and contribution

• Enthusiasm and passion in a particular area

• Consistency in effort

• Creativity and originality

• Commitment, dedication and perseverance

• Personal growth

• Pursuit of excellence

I would like in particular, to acknowledge the following two award recipients who received our most prestigious awards of the night:

The Helene De Chappotin Award which is awarded to a student and is open to all students at the College. The award acknowledges exceptional commitment to the dimensions of the College mission statement: Faith, Caring and Learning. This award symbolizes the motto 'Striving for Truth through Love'. The criteria for this award includes academic effort; participation in faith and social justice activities; displayed leadership qualities; participation in and membership of different groups operating within the College; and a general commitment to and support for the College charism. Congratulation to Emily Bock and Ella Grace Arnold both students from Year 12 who are the 2022 recipient of this highly regarded student award.

The Francis Staff Service Award which was awarded to Brooke Poynton, a long serving and well-respected staff member of the College. Brooke was recognised for going above and beyond her normal duties, volunteering her time, and, her involvement in multiple areas of the College, including school productions, arts festivals, assisting with staff events, assemblies, camps, overseas study tours and SCSA sports teams. Brooke is very much a person of service and action. Brooke typifies the line in this year’s theme ‘For it is in giving that we receive’. Congratulations Brooke!

I am sure you will join me in congratulating all the award winners for which a list has been included in this newsletter in the article prepared by Ms Jo Hammer, Assistant Principal (Community and Growth).

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Thank you and farewells

Finally, as the year ends, I would like to thank the entire Ave Maria College community –students, staff, and parents - for their ongoing support.

I particularly, would like to thank the following staff for their many years of serve to our community as they transition to retirement at the end of this year – Mrs Tyana Viti, Mr Patrick Jurd and Mr Chris Moss. I wish Mr Tony Spanti, and Mrs Jennifer Lorimar best wishes as they take a year of leave in 2023. I would also like to say thank-you to the following staff who will be leaving us at the end of this year – Miss Claudia Barresi, Miss Jacquie Bigby, Mr Kristian Davies, Mrs Cara McMahon, Miss Kate Molony, Mrs Michelle Robertson and Miss Tania Stangherlin. Each of these staff members has committed themselves to wanting the best for students at this College and ensuring they have received the best education possible during their time with us. We thank them sincerely for their commitment and efforts, we wish them all the best in their new endeavours

Thank you to members of the College Leadership Team – Mrs Michelle Robertson (Deputy Principal – Learning, Staff and Operations), Ms Joanna Hammer (Assistant Principal –Community and Growth), Ms Leonie Rushbrook (Assistant Principal – Students and Engagement), Mr Patrick Jurd (Director of Catholic Identity and Mission), Mrs Natalie Meddis (Director of Student Wellbeing), Miss Kate Molony (Director of Learning and Pathways), Mr Allan Thompson (Business Manager), Mr Anthony Kirley (Human Resources and Compliance Manager) and Miss Amy Chapman (EA to the Principal). I thank them for their commitment, service to the College and agile leadership modelled throughout 2022.

As always, I extend the hand of gratitude to the Ave community for your continued support and I wish you all a safe, relaxing and blessed Christmas with family and loved ones. As Christmas approaches it is a time where God comes to us in person when his son Jesus Christ is born. The story of his birth is one of love, joy, kindness, and simplicity. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus who came to show us how to live, let us place our trust in God and look to him when we think about what this means for each of us and our families. In closing I would like to finish with the following Franciscan Prayer for Christmas:

In turning on the light of the Christmas tree, we wish for the light of Christ to be in us. Let there be light in the soul, in the heart, let there be forgiveness to others, let there be no hostilities or darkness. Let there be the beautiful light of Jesus. May there be light be in our hearts, in our families, in our cities. And now, with this wish, let us turn on the light. Amen

God bless and as a community may we continue to strive for truth through love.

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Deputy Principal

Year 7 – 11 End of Semester Two Reports

End of year reports are now available via the Parent Access Module. A reminder that subject specific feedback for all summative and formative assessment tasks has been provided continuously throughout the semester on Ave Learning. If you have not accessed this feedback to date, I strongly encourage you to do so.

Congratulations to all students on the successful completion of another year of learning! In readiness for 2023, all students should take the time to reflect on their achievements and areas for growth in the coming year. As always, the most beneficial way to do this is to take some time to reflect on the Learner Attributes from our Ave Charter for Education that we all as learners aspire to achieve:

Thank you

I take this opportunity to thank all families and especially the students for the support and encouragement I have received at the College in my role as Deputy Principal over the past four years. I take with me fond memories of a warm and welcoming Catholic community. May you all enjoy a blessed Christmas and every best wish for 2023 and beyond.

God bless, Michelle.

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Assistant Principal (Community and Growth)

Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN)

The Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN) is the annual celebration of achievement by staff, students and community of Ave Maria College. This event is our celebration of excellence and high performance in a number of areas – College spirit, sporting and cultural contributions, community recognition and, of course, academia. Well done to all award recipients, who are listed at the conclusion of the newsletter.

Earlier this month we announced on our social media that we are launching our first ever College Podcast. “Voices from Vida St” is a wonderful new initiative that has been many months in the making. The podcast will include interviews with College Alumnae, current students and staff and members of the wider community.

Episodes will be launched regularly and be available via Spotify, with links through our social media channels for easy access. Keep an eye out for our introductory episode and first interviews which will launch very soon!

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Voices from Vida St Podcast

Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement)

Orientation Day – Year 7 2023

It was with great excitement that our newest members of the College community joined us for their orientation last week. The Year 6 students from many schools in our area joined us for their first full day at Ave to meet their peers and get familiar with the College environment, with a warm welcome from staff and peer support leaders

As the Year 6 students prepared to begin their journey with us in 2023, I left them with some further preparation that I wanted them to complete over the holiday break. This preparation is also encouraged for all our community:

Be kind to all those you meet

Serve others by doing what you know needs to be done without being asked.

Be respectful to people in shops and where you eat out.

Listen with your full attention and be present by asking interesting questions Be responsible on social media and think twice before you send texts, pictures or information.

Parent partnership in supporting young people

I thank parents and carers for all the support this year in working with our young people. I often re-iterate that it is in partnership with our parents that we can achieve the best outcomes to help young people grow As staff and in conjunction with parents, we need to model what we want to see in our young people. If we want to see less screen time, then we need to ensure that we model less screen time ourselves I suggest going for a walk or a bike ride, reading, completing a jigsaw, learning a new craft, or baking together. There are many possibilities to strengthen relationships, communication, and connection. The stronger the communication and connection the stronger the resilience of each human.

I wish you all the best in the season of Advent as we prepare for Christ’s birth. I hope that each student and family have a safe and joyous break

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Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

End of Year Masses

We are grateful to the celebrants of our end of year Masses: Fr John Hannon from St Therese’s, Fr Nhan Le from St Martin de Porres and Fr Tony Doran, from St Vincent’s and St Monica’s, Custodian of Mission. They enabled the College to finish the year well and faithfully.

Year Level Faith and Social Justice Charities

As each year level concluded their school year, they took time to focus on those in need through generous donations and gifts aligned to their Year Level Faith and Social Justice charities.

Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project

Years 7 and 8 students made Christmas decorations to give to the families of asylum seekers.


As part of their end of year program, students in Year 11 contributed to buy gifts for the children of those who have endured human trafficking.

Pictured: Olivia Sadiq and Kiara Di Matteo, Year 11 Franciscan leaders with Sr Therese Power from ACRATH

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Vinnies’ Hampers – Year 9 Carmen Merrigan and John O’Connor from the Essendon Conference of St Vincent de Paul attended the end of year Mass to collect hampers for needy families in the Essendon area. Thanks to Year 9 students and families for those donations. Ava-Jai Wroblewski and Olivia Batey Year 9 Franciscan leaders with John and Carmen from St Theresa’s church. ACRATH – Year 11

Catholic Social Teaching

As a Catholic school what is of singular importance is encouraging and supporting our young people to live our faith. This can occur through the principles of Catholic Social Teaching such as dignity of the human person, solidarity, and preferential option for the poor. This can occur through the social justice focus at each year level (Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project at Years 7 and 8, St Vincent de Paul at Years 9 and 10 and ACRATH at Years 11 and 12) or Mission Action Day to support St Maria Mazzarello in Venilale, Timor Leste Another opportunity for Years 1012 students is through Homework Club aka refugee tutoring. In this final newsletter for the year it seems apt to share this feedback from Georgia the Team Leader at Homework Club:

It has been so incredible having the Ave Maria students join us this year. For our first full year back face-to-face, it was wonderful to have some very happy and supportive faces around to engage the students in different activities and support in facilitating the sessions.

I cannot stress enough how much of an impact the student tutors have on our participants and how much they love having them around. We are very lucky to have Ave Maria join us on our programs, and I hope that this relationship can continue

Thank you

As I finish after 12 very happy years at Ave Maria College and 41 years in Catholic Education in the archdiocese, I would like to thank students, families and staff for their support. I have been privileged to be part of this wonderful Franciscan community

Pace e bene – wishing you peace and all good – always!

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Director of Learning and Pathways

Class of 2022 VCE Results

Congratulations to our class of 2022 for the outstanding results achieved. Whilst a new year now starts, I want to take this moment to give thanks for all the hard work put in by both students and their wonderfully dedicated teachers. May they go in to follow bright pathways on whatever journey that takes them. The students are to be congratulated for their achievements this year.

Thank you

It has been a delight working with students this year in my capacity as Director of Learning and Pathways. Personal reasons do see me moving on to another Catholic school in 2023, to be closer to family in the South-eastern suburbs. I have loved my time working at Ave Maria College, and my relationships with the students and their families have been both a pleasure and a privilege. I wish students all the best for their bright futures in learning, and a happy new year to you all. Best wishes!

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Careers Education Leader

Year 7, 8 and 9 Careers Activities

During our end of year activities, Year 7, 8 and 9 students were able to consider their interests and strengths that could lead to a career. Students were inspired by some exciting Ave Alumnae journeys. Each student completed a Career Action Plan, including career interests, favorite subjects, and activities they enjoy. Our Year 9s were able to update their Resume and apply for some Christmas casual work.

Unit ¾ VCE subject results (Year 11 and 12 students)

The ATAR was released on Monday 12 December, 2022 together with VCE subject results via the Results and ATAR website. For any FAQ see: https://resultsandatar.vic.edu.au/results/html/faqs.htm

All students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from VCAA via post, from Monday 19 December, 2022. Only students who have applied for courses through VTAC, will receive an ATAR statement in the mail.

Year 12 Final Change of Preference

After receiving results and ATAR, students had the opportunity to change tertiary course preferences, but final changes were due by 12pm on Wednesday, 14 December 2022 Our Careers Advisers, Ms Viti and Mrs Ibrahim, were available for advice at this time. All Universities/TAFEs have 1:1 counselling hotlines and online service for students. Contact details are available here


• Offers are released at 2pm on Wednesday, 21 December 2022, emailed to applicants and in VTAC account.

• To accept an offer, follow the instructions in the offer message from VTAC.

• Instructions on how to enrol will be in the offer message.

• Deferring – check with the institution on deferment process. Every course has different deferment options.

• Change of preference is open for 24 hours until Thursday, 22 December 2022, then again after the January round on Friday, 13 January 2023. See dates here

Always accept your first offer, as you can withdraw later if offered something higher on your preference list in a later round. 80% of offers are made in Round 1 so don’t count on later round offers.

Enrolling in University or TAFE

You MUST either attend, or enrol online to:

• Pay students amenities fees

• Select subjects

• Pay tuition fees or defer payment (provide USI and Tax file number for for HECS/HELP Loan)

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Ensure you have a Tax File Number – you cannot enrol in course without one. It is also required to defer your payment of tertiary fees and access to government supported places (or free TAFE if applicable)

All new higher education students will need a USI in order to be eligible for Commonwealth assistance (Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) and/or HELP loan). It will be a mandatory field on the electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) for new students. Students should have a USI from registering for VTAC. If you have forgotten your USI go to Find your USI

Considering a Career in Medicine?

Other than prerequisite subjects for direct medical entry in Australia and New Zealand, a UCAT test must be undertaken during Year 12 as part of the admission process. There are several private companies who offer commercial preparation programs – www.nie.edu.au/ and www.medentry.edu.au/ are examples. It is important to note that the universities who use the UCAT do not endorse any of these companies and you can access free preparation materials from the UCAT site at https://bit.ly/2tjIewA

Coming up on these school holidays, a private provider (NIE) is offering an intensive online and interactive UCAT Training Workshop. To register click here

Career Exploration

School holidays are an opportunity for students to continue their online research of careers and courses. Students are encouraged to explore occupations, labour market growth and careers using our Ave Maria Careers website. On the homepage, students can search the VTAC site, which contains all Victorian university courses by entering a keyword ie. architecture, law, medicine, engineering. Career Bullseye Targets are a great way for students to see the careers that favourite subjects can lead into. Latest newsletter articles available on our here.

• Summer schools in Science, Engineering or Filmmaking

• Jobs – Christmas casual positions

• Careers in journalism, disability services, sport, tourism and travel

• Calling all entrepreneurs

• Policing and criminology

• Fine arts and music

• Fee-free and low cost TAFE courses

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Community Award Recipients


Future Leaders Awards

• Year 7: Mila Lloyd

• Year 8: Gemma Hill

• Year 9: Emilia Morda

• Year 10: Ellie Smith

• Year 11: Giulia Elia

Horizons Rising to the Challenge Award

• Charlize Bacarac (year 8)

Moonee Valley Foundation Award

• Ruby Calnan (Year 12)

• Simona Mussie Brhane (Year 12)

Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship (Melbourne University)

• Abbey Kerr (year 10)

ADF Future Innovators Award

• Isabella Ewing (Year 10)

• Olivia Cartwright (Year 12)

College House Awards

House Co-Curricular Sport Awards

• Mila Pickett (Junior)

• Natasha Costello (Intermediate)

• Elizabeth Curtolo (Senior)

House All-round Champion

• Mila Pickett (Year 8)

Major College Academic Awards

Spirit of Ave Award

• Year 7: Victoria Golz

• Year 8: Charlize Bacarac

• Year 9: An Hoang

• Year 10: Sienna Athaide

• Year 11: Olivia Sadiq

• Year 12: Olivia Grande

AMPOL All-rounder

• Majella Portelli (Year 12)

ADF Long Tan Award – Leadership & Teamwork

• Sophie Smith (Year 10)

• Alexandra Evans (Year 12)

House Co-Curricular Cultural Awards

• Mila Pickett (Junior)

• Sophie Smith (Intermediate)

• Katie Grocock (Senior)

Year 7 Honour Roll: Dominique Venables, Lukia McKerrell, Mia Reddie, Victoria Golz, Mary Douglas (DUX)

Year 8 Honour Roll: Gloria Crnov, Indiana Cambon, Mila Pickett, Millicent van Diemen, Isabella Del Re (DUX)

Year 9 Honour Roll: An Hoang, Jocelyn O'Keefe, Mia Rillstone, Ruth Waring, Maya Touma (DUX)

Year 10 Honour Roll: Alannah Boccabella, Ellie Smith, Isabella Ewing, Scarlett Colson, Abbey Kerr (DUX)

Year 11 Honour Roll: Alice Hengel, Alice la, Grace Mulgrew, Jade Dalla-Fontana, Emma Lemke (DUX)

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Helene de Chappotin Award : Ella-Grace Arnold, Emily Bock St Staff Service Award: Brooke Poynton

Congratulations to the following students who were recipients of one or more awards at ACAN 2022:

Abbey Kerr

Abbey Ronald

Adriana Dinoto

Aine Whiting

Alana Bozzo

Alana Centofanti

Alannah Boccabella

Alannah Clarkson

Alessia Gibaldi

Alessia Marino

Alessia Palazzolo

Alex Rivette

Alexandra Evans

Alexandra Papadopoulos

Alexandra Raimondi

Alexia Vourgaslis

Alexia Zhang

Alice Hengel

Alice La

Alisa Villani

Aliza Hall

Alyssa Caruso

Amelia Luppino

Amelia Medici

Amy Smith

An Hoang

Andrea Evdokimou

Angel Melifronides

Angelina Ngo

Anica Raspudic

Anna Nguyen

Ari Weidman

Armani Milesi

Ava Elwood

Ava Shafik

Ava-Jai Wroblewski

Ayla Karlovic

Aylin Dogan

Bethany Kerr

Bianca Villani

Carla Stanojevic

Carmela Maisano

Carolina Pizza

Celeste Failla

Cerise Ferracane

Charlize Bacarac

Charlotte Arnold

Charlotte Rowbottom

Chelsea Atkins

Chloe Hughen

Chloe Pimpini

Claudia Dunstan

Dahlia Cambon

Dominique Venables

Elizabeth Curtolo

Ella-Grace Arnold

Ellie Smith

Emilia Morda

Emily Andronikou

Emily Bock

Emily Tripodi

Emma Lemke

Erica Di Matteo

Eva Rendina

Evelyn Zuccarelli

Gabriela Lugemwa

Gagani Lokukaluge

Gemma Hill

Georgia Cullie

Giulia Elia Gloria Cernov

Gloria Crnov

Grace Colson

Grace Kulyk

Grace Mulgrew Heidi Riddell

Hwanhee Kim Indiana Cambon Ines Hrkac

Isabella Chiaravalle Isabella Del Re Isabella Ewing Isabella Matic Isabella Stefanovski Isabella Taranto

Issabella Mingaars Jade Dalla-Fontana

Jaida Dramis Jasmine Minhas Jenna Hadeed

Jessica Hadchiti Jessica Volpato Jessika Duryea Jocelyn O'Keefe

Julia Torcaso

Julia Vendramini Juliette Latina Juliette Santilli Katerina Vassilopoulos Katie Grocock

Kiara Hagidimou Kina Fenton

Kristen Hagidimou Lara Ganino

Lara Malvaso

Lauren Facciolo

Lauren Hadeed Lauren Sabatino

Layla Batres

Lilliana Anastasio

Lily Peel

Lindsay Cecil Lola Arellano

Lucy Harrop

Lukia Mc Kerrell Mackensie Wilson

Madison Phillips Madison Scholl

Majella Portelli

Manuela Cano Gomez

Mary Douglas Maya Ryan Maya Touma Mia Bacci Mia Darmanin Mia Leccadito Mia Reddie Mia Rillstone Mia Soloma Mia Tavoletti Mia White Mietta Condidorio Mila Lloyd Mila Pickett Milla McManus Millicent van Diemen Natalie Caridi Natalie Hanna Natasha Castello Nathalie Dong Ocean Ho Olivia Andrews Olivia Cartwright Olivia Morey Olivia Sadiq Paisley Brooker Piper Mollica Rebecca Giglio Renata Raspudic Ruby Calnan Ruth Waring Saskia Delaney Scarlett Colson Shenuki Silva Sienna Athaide Sienna Staropoli Sienna Stylianou

Simona Mussie Brhane Sofia Valerio Sophie Smith

Sophie Watson Stella Xie

Stephanie Hensley Tahlia La Rocca Tara Tatam Tayissa Kekoc Teale Laing-Whiteman Tiana Ziccarello

Tylah Bell

Victoria Golz Zara Donovan Zara Laskowski Zoe Ng

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Parent Access Module (PAM)

Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM)


The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up to date with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time.

Families can:

• place student online lunch orders.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit.

College Calendar

Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar.

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