Ave Maria College Newsletter - Vol 109 No 2 - Friday 10 March 2023

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Newsletter Volume 109 No 2 – Friday, 10 March 2023

From the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome

to our second newsletter for Term 1.

I invite you to read this edition of our newsletter to hear about what is happening around the College, in particular a show case of the following recently held events:

• House Swimming Carnival

• Student Leadership Seminar

• Year 11 Wellbeing Day

In my article for this edition, I would like to draw to your attention to the following:

• Lenten Message

• Catholic Education Week

• Opening School Mass

• Senior Awards Ceremony

• School Advisory Council – Call for Nominations.

Lenten Message

During Lent, Pope Francis encourages us to listen to what Jesus wants to tell us through the Scriptures and through others. Pope Francis tells us that one of the ways Jesus speaks to us is through the Word of God, which we can hear at Mass. He also speaks to us through others, through our encounters with the people that we meet, especially in the faces and stories of those who are in need.

Through this year’s College theme, ‘Maywe treasure God’swordlikeMary’ , Mary exemplifies the words of Pope Francis. Mary’s faith was nurtured through prayer and reading the scriptures. She did so all her life which enabled her to say ‘yes’ to God at the Annunciation. Her faith gave her the strength to continue as she watched Jesus suffer and die.

Pope Francis’ second suggestion for Lent is to confront the difficulties of ordinary life remembering that Lent is a period that leads to Easter. He reminds us that, the light of Jesus showed to the disciples, is an anticipation of Easter glory. It is therefore Lent that leads to Easter. Through lent we are being prepared to experience the Lord’s passion and cross with faith, hope and love so that we arrive at the resurrection.

Pope Francis’ Lenten message calls us to commit to our faith and to follow Jesus on the way of the cross.


Catholic Education Week

This year, Catholic Education Week will be celebrated across the Archdiocese of Melbourne from Sunday 12 March to Sunday 19 March, 2023

The week is an opportunity for our College to join all 334 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese to celebrate our distinctive Catholic identity, our achievements, and the role our school plays within our parish and local communities.

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The theme for this year’s celebrations is ‘Forminglivesoffaith,hopeandloveinthelightof Christ’.

Catholic Education seeks to provide students with a high-quality education that is inspired by the example of Jesus Christ and fosters the development of the whole person, forming individuals with more than just skills, but with the virtues to live life as transformative agents in our communities.

As part of these celebrations, we will be taking a group of Ave students to attend the Mass of St Patrick for schools, held on Friday 17 March, celebrated by Archbishop Peter Comensoli.

The Creative Arts Exhibition, which showcases the wonderful artwork of students in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, will run from Tuesday 14 March to Saturday 18 March and is open to the general public. The details regarding the exhibition have been included below:

Catholic Leadership Centre

576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne. Tuesday 14th – Friday 17th March from 9am – 4pm Saturday 18th March 12pm – 4pm

I am pleased to announce that Alexis Stephanou currently Year 9 has had her two-colour lino print created in Year 8 Visual Art 2022 selected for exhibition I am also pleased to announce that Bronte Basil, Year 12 2022, has had her lino print also selected for exhibition. This is a wonderful achievement for both Alexis and Bronte, and we extend our warmest congratulations to both young people for this achievement.

Liturgical Celebrations – Opening School Mass

Our Opening Whole School Mass was held on Thursday 16 February led by Fr. Tony Doran. In the Gospel reading from Mark 8:27-33, You are the Christ. The Son of Man must suffer many things, Jesus asks his disciples, ‘Who do you say I am?’ This is an incredibly powerful question for which the way we each answer says something about our faith and who we are as people. It challenges every member of the Ave community to continue developing a deep relationship with God and ensure our actions are a reflection of our beliefs and values. This year we have been working with students to set themselves high expectations and ensure that their actions reflect our College values in all that they do.

At the conclusion of Mass, student leaders were presented with their leadership badges following a blessing and then offered a pledge of service to the community. Our Year 7 students were officially welcomed and presented with a Tau Cross as were new staff to the College.

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Bronte Basil Alexis Stephanou

Senior Awards Ceremony

On Wednesday, 15 March the College held the Senior Awards Assembly. This assembly is an integral part of College life, where as a community we both recognise and celebrate the achievements of our senior students completing a Unit 3 or 4 subject During this assembly we acknowledged the highest performing students from the cohort including the top performing student for each Unit 3/4 subject; students with 40+ scores; and students with a 90+ ATAR. It was wonderful to see so many students return to the College to acknowledge their achievements The College was also pleased to host the parents and grandparents of this group of wonderful young women.

During the assembly, Kate Stephens, the 2022 College Dux, delivered an inspiring speech to our students. Kate shared her tips for success in study which included:

• Believing in yourself

• Studying efficiently

• Finding balance

• Focusing on the areas that you need to grow and develop in

• Choosing subjects that you are passionate about

• Experimenting with different study techniques until you find the one or two that work for you; and

• Not being afraid of failure. A poor mark in an assessment can be disheartening but it can also be the fuel that helps you to improve and grow.

Again, well done to the Class of 2022 as we congratulate them for their achievements and wish them every future success and happiness.

School Advisory Council – Call for Nominations

2023 marks the second year of the Ave Maria School Advisory Council. The Council has a mixed membership including parents, the Custodian of Mission (which is a local parish priest) and the College Principal. The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspectives are available to inform and support the decisions made by the college for the good of our students, with a view that student learning, wellbeing and outcomes are central to these decisions.

As part of the School Advisory Council’s role, there are also two sub-committees which support the work of the College. These include the Policy and Curriculum Committee and the Finance and Property Committee. The Policy and Curriculum Committee was established to assist in the development and implementation of key policies and curriculum initiatives. The Finance and Property Committee was established to assist in the development of the school budget; capital resource planning and maintenance; and school master planning.

There are two vacancies on the School Advisory Council. While the two sub-committees, which are relatively new, have up to four additional spots for parents to join.

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Meetings for each occur six times a year, so the commitment is minimal. This is a great opportunity to help plan future direction and development of the College. If interested, you can email Amy Chapman via PrincipalsEA@avemaria.vic.edu.au for more information.

Conclusion and Prayer

In closing I would like to share the following prayer with you.

The Spirit of God

The Spirit of God tells us that we should fast, because it will awaken us to our own poverty and to the many millions of people who do not have enough to eat.

The Spirit of God calls us in the season of Lent, to renew our baptismal promise to live a Christian life of faith, hope and love.

The Spirit of God reminds us, that we are responsible for everyone, everywhere, until the end of time.

The Spirit of God challenges us, to live a life of forgiveness, for this is the only way to be set free from the overwhelming power of sin.

The Spirit of God whispers in our hearts, that wealth and appearance, background and prestige are not important –everyone is worthwhile, lovable and to be cherished simply because they are alive.

The Spirit of God embraces the sick and the handicapped, for people who are deeply aware of their limitations are often the people who are most alive.

The Spirit of God believes that the great spirit of life, is not quenched in death, but is transformed into a new and deeper life.


God bless and in the words of this year’s theme, may we treasure God’s word like Mary.

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Executive Deputy Principal

Reminder – Schedule of Classes

Please find below a reminder regarding alterations to the schedule of classes for Term 1 2023 as published on the College Calendar.

Monday 13 March 2023 Labour Day Public Holiday (College closed)

Thursday 6 April 2023 Term 1 2023 Concludes (3.25pm dismissal)

Specific information regarding key events will be distributed to families over the coming weeks.

Academic Reporting

The 2023 Academic Reporting Cycle has commenced. The first round of reports that families will receive access to are the Year 7-12 Progress Reports. These aim to provide families with a snapshot of student progress in relation to the Learner Attributes within the Ave Maria College Charter for Education. The attributes that feature in the Progress Report include:

• Respect

• Confidence

• Critical Thinking

• Independence

• Curiosity

• Resilience

The Term One Progress Reports will be available for families online from Friday 17 March 2023. These will be complemented by Parent Teacher Student Conferences.

Establishing Strong Learning Partnerships

Families are reminded that they can access information associated with their child’s learning program via Ave Learning/PAM. Families are able to use this tool to access lesson plans, home study, feedback on assessments, key messages etc.

This is a great tool to assist you as you support your child with their learning whilst keeping abreast of key messages and developments around the College.

Families requiring support or key information associated with using Ave Learning/PAM are welcome to contact the College.

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Learning Program Spotlight:

The Ave Maria College Tertiary Preparation Program

As part of our celebration of student learning, each Newsletter will feature a different learning program. This aims to educate the community in relation to our wide range of offerings as well as celebrate the different pathways the students have the opportunity to engage in. This edition of the Newsletter will focus on the Ave Maria College Tertiary Preparation Program

The Tertiary Preparation Program is available to Year 12 students at Ave Maria College in partnership with St Bernard’s College.

The Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation is designed as a unique guaranteed pathway to university, for Ave Maria College students of all backgrounds. It prepares students for further study, providing the academic skills needed to undertake Vocational or University studies. Students will explore specialised streams designed to give them an introduction to an area of future study. Students will develop the academic skills, knowledge and confidence required to participate in higher-level qualifications and enhance their future career opportunities. Completion of this Certificate provides guaranteed pathways into a variety of RMIT courses.

Students will have the opportunity to pursue one of the following specialist pathways:

• Engineering

• Business

• Science

• Health

As part of the program students will explore different tertiary options and develop an individual pathway to prepare for further study.

Year 12 students involved in the Tertiary Preparation Program completed classes onsite at Ave Maria College and at RMIT University each week.

Families wanting more information regarding the Ave Maria Tertiary Preparation Program are welcome to contact the College.

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Assistant Principal (Community and Growth)

Staff Professional Learning

Professional Learning (PL) in schools is a fundamental part of growth and innovation. In 2023, Ave Maria College has launched a Professional Learning and Growth Framework (PLGF) that outlines what PL is, looks like, and aims to do for our staff. Whilst not an entirely new program, the new framework draws together the range of professional learning activities, events and foci, through a more cohesive and deliberate structure

The AMC Professional Learning and Growth Framework is a commitment to the ongoing growth and development of our staff, in particular teaching staff and their pedagogical practice. The PLGF is underpinned by the College strategic plan and in 2023, the overarching themes of the PLGF are Purposeful Teaching and Engaging Learning, two of the principles within our Charter for Education

In practice, the PLGF includes a range of different activities, for example: last week, all staff participated in a PL day led by Cassie Kitani, as part of our partnership with Real Schools. The sessions focused on deepening our understanding and application of Restorative Practices. This week, as part of our fortnightly PL sessions, teaching staff were led through a range of practical differentiation strategies by Glen Pearsall. We are excited to be working with Glenn this year and look forward to having him back for a full day in August.

The College’s dedication to continual professional learning and development ensures our staff are well equipped to educate our students, fostering a culture of academic achievement with an emphasis on wellbeing

Save The Date! 60th Anniversary Trivia night event

As part of the College’s 60th anniversary celebrations, we will be hosting a family trivia night Save the date – Friday, 12 May. More information and booking details will be shared shortly Gather your team, get out the trivia books, and get ready for a wonderful community celebration.

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Back to Ave Day 2023 – Next week

Next Sunday, 19 March 2023, the ‘Back to Ave Day’ event will take place to celebrate and welcome back those students who finished in 2018, 2013, 2003, 1993, 1983, 1973 and 1963 (the first year of the College).

The event will run from 11.00am – 1.00pm, including speeches, College tours and light refreshments. RSVP via: https://forms.office.com/r/1yWP5em03s

A reminder that the College has an Alumnae portal – Ave Belong which we encourage you to register on. This is our primary way of contacting Alumnae about events such as our back to Ave Day reunions and collaboration opportunities.

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Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement)

It has been a wonderful start to the 2023 Academic Year. Students are fully embracing the opportunities across learning, co-curricular and social interactions. There is a real sense of joy of being able to embrace the opportunities with limited effect of Covid-19 interruptions.

One such opportunity was the House Swim Carnival. With high temperatures forecast, our Hot Weather Policy was enacted, making a family decision to attend It was wonderful to see the Year 12s who led the way with their participation and encouragement of the students in their houses. Following is a report from two Year 7s, Hannah Marazita and Alexia Inguanti (7D) who had their first Ave House Swimming Carnival from:

“Our first swimming carnival at Ave Maria College was inspiring, although it was very hot. The Year 12 students looked proud and confident in their house colours as they ran their lap of honour. This is a rite of passage that as year 7’s we look forward to”

Students wasted no time getting involved in the swimming races. Each house made posters, and everyone cheered loudly gaining as many points as possible for their house. This was so much fun. There was a sea of sparkly hats, coloured tutu’s in orange, purple, blue and green. This made us feel a sense of connectedness to our house.

Although it was very hot; it was still a magical day. There were 100-metre, 50-metre and 25metre swimming events to participate in. There were also novelty races that included water ball games such as volleyball and many other fun water activities. We made new friends and the whole school came together to share in this special and inclusive event.

Another highlight was led by Emma Doyle, an international coach/speaker who presented to our Year 8-12 leaders at the Student Leadership Seminar reported by Natasha Castello 10E:

“Emma Doyle's presentation at our leadership seminar was an unforgettable experience for me. As she walked in, she was beaming with energy and her first words were, "lead with energy," because leading with energy makes an engaging and passionate leader. She started as a young girl from Keilor East and has since grown into an amazing individual who has certainly inspired me and everyone else in that room that we, too, can make a difference through leadership.

Emma Doyle inspired me to become not just a leader, but an energetic leader who engages, listens, supports, and acts. The opportunities she showed me were

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incredible, from teaching us to reframe common challenges to looking through the hawk eye perspective, which allows me to see not only the staff's and leaders' perspectives but also the viewpoint of students and the larger community. I also learned how to apply my ideas using the G.R.O.W model: Goal, Reality, Options, and Way forward. Emma Doyle is a leader and a coach, but she is also an inspiring individual to everyone and a true role model to me.”

The connection and voice of our students continues to be strengthened at Ave, leading our young people to embrace life, grow in their resilience and support their wider communities.

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From the Director of Learning and Pathways


The NAPLAN online test window at Ave Maria College will commence Wednesday 15 March. NAPLAN online testing provides more precise results and are more engaging for students. One of the main benefits is the tests are adaptive, where the test presents questions which can vary in difficulty depending on a student’s responses.

The testing will be completed online; therefore, students will require headphones and ensure their device is fully charged and operable at the time of testing. The College will provide all other testing materials. Where possible, we will arrange for individual students who are absent at the time of testing to complete missed tests at another time during the test schedule.

VCE Assessment Calendars

Unit 1 and 3 Assessment Calendars are now available to access for students studying a VCE subject. VCE students have access to these calendars via School Links on Ave Learning.

Unit 3 and 4 Trial Exams

Unit 3 and 4 trial exams will occur from the 25 September to 29 September 2023. The practice exams given to students in preparation for their final exams. These exams are administered by schools and identify areas where they may need additional review and study before the actual exam.

Trial exams are designed to be like the final exam in terms of format, structure, and content. They are often timed and may be given under exam-like conditions to simulate the experience of taking the real exam.

The purpose of trial exams is to provide students with an opportunity to assess their understanding of the material, identify areas where they need additional review, and practice exam-taking strategies. Trial exams can also help students become more comfortable with the format and structure of the final exam, which can help reduce anxiety and improve performance.


VCE students have access to the school Edrolo subscription. This is an Australian-based education technology company that provides online learning resources and platforms for secondary school students. Edrolo includes video lessons, practice questions, assessments, and analytics to help students improve their academic performance. Overall, Edrolo aims to enhance the learning experience for students, by providing a comprehensive and flexible platform that supports academic growth and success.

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Director of Catholic Identity and Mission


The season of Lent is a key time for Catholics, which points us towards the high point of the liturgical calendar, Easter. Ash Wednesday was celebrated at the College in Mentor Groups, with Mentor teachers leading the liturgy with the assistance of our College Captains and Franciscan Captains who distributed the ashes to students and staff. Thank you to all those involved in making our liturgy a prayerful experience for all.


The key focus for the start of our Lenten journey has been Stillpoint, a central part of our day at Ave Maria. Stillpoint is a moment of silence built into the timetable for all staff and students. It is designed for us to appreciate the profound value of silence in our busy and noisy world and to be a moment of quiet reflection

Catholic Education Week

Catholic Education Week, 12-19 March, 2023 is an opportunity for all Catholic schools across Victoria to celebrate their Catholic Identity This year's theme is 'Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Christ'. Ave Maria will have activities in Religious Education classes that celebrate our Catholic identity and heritage.

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Director of Student Wellbeing

Visible Wellbeing

Each term we draw on the principles of Visible Wellbeing to help structure our wellbeing programs. This term the theme is Relationships. Throughout the Mentor Period sessions we have focused on building connections and strengthening the relationships between our students and with their teachers. Building relationships, especially new ones, can be challenging and we appreciate that our students stretch outside of their comfort zone to make new friends and connections as they encountered new classmates at the beginning of the year. We know that that a broad social circle helps a young person as they navigate the complexities of teenage friendships, giving them a range of influences and perspectives.

Year 11 Wellbeing Day

Our Year 11 students have had an opportunity to explore this in depth through their Wellbeing Day on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 Hosted by Flourish Girl, the day presented our students with the opportunity to consider the judgements and negative thoughts that might occupy their minds, to listen to each other and realise that they are not alone and to make new, authentic connections with other students. It was a privilege to hear our students share with each other and show compassion and positivity. The students finished the day surprised at how deeply they had thought about some issues, and they were empowered to challenge the negative thoughts that can be a barrier to them engaging fully in the opportunities around them.

Year 7 Peer Support Program

Our Year 7 Peer Support Program has been so successful that we have extended it into Year 8 this year. We have a fantastic group of Year 11 students who are working with Year 8 Mentor Groups. They are running activities, supporting Mentor Period and providing our Year 8 students with peer role modelling. This leadership opportunity has allowed more students to engage with their talents, to collaborate with each other and to make a contribution back to the community. The Peer Support Program allows the students to create connections with other year levels and helps our Year 8 students to have a positive influence at a pivotal age. We are looking forward to a lot of fun activities throughout the year.

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Parent Access Module (PAM)

Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM)


The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up to date with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.


CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time.

Families can:

• place student online lunch orders.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases.

• add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit.

College Calendar

Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar.

Medical Management Plan

Families are reminded that any changes or updates to the medical management plan of students should be communicated to the College via email to the AMC Health Centre AMC.HealthServices@avemaria.vic.edu.au and updated by the parent/carer on PAM.

Community Announcement – School Drop off / Pick up

Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regularly patrol the area around the College and will issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are;

• Stopping in a “No Stopping” area - $165.00

• Stopped in a Bus Zone - $99.00

• Parked for a period longer than indicated - $83.00

• Stopping on or near a children’s crossing - $165.00

• Stopped on a footpath - $99.00

• Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access - $99.00

• Parked / stopped on a nature strip - $99.00

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