Ave Maria College Newsletter - Vol 105 No 7 - Friday 16 September 2022

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Ave Maria College

Newsletter Volume 105 No 7 Friday , 16 September 2022

• Father’s Day Breakfast

Loving God, we pray for the dearly departed in our College community. We keep their families in our hearts and minds. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to our final newsletter for Term 3.

• Ave Tertiary Preparations program

• Public Holiday Closure Dates

• Real Schools Parents Evening

I invite you to read this edition of our newsletter, to hear about what is happening around the College, in particular a show case of the following recently held events:

• College Co Captains 2023

I am sure you will agree with me that the recent performances of our college production Beauty and the Beast were a wonderful celebration of the singing, acting and dancing talents of our students. Student performances were both outstanding and polished with students supported admirably by the backstage crew, families and staff. I would particularly like to thank our students for their dedication, for volunteering to be a part of our first production in three years, sharing their talents, and for their ongoing commitment, attending rehearsals.

From the Principal

• Parent Forums

• DATA Dashboard

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• Year 8 Faith Formation Day

• NAPLAN Congratulations


• College Production

• College Production

• Tuning into Teens program

• Canteen Volunteers

• Year 10 Faith Formation Day

• Year 12 Practice Examinations

College Production

In my article this week I would like to draw your to attention to the following:

NAPLAN Congratulations

Isabella Radatti Excellence in Numeracy

Over the past four weeks Leonie Rushbrook, Stephanie Farrugia and Lynette Lear have led the Year 11 students through a process to help select the College Co Captains for next year. Following the conclusion of this process I am pleased to announce on behalf of the Ave community, the 2023 College Co Captains


I would also like to thank the staff, first and foremost Cassandra Hutchison, Jo Hammer, Katie Houghton and Sophie Maclure who led the production, but also the forty five plus staff who worked togehter and supported students to ensure the production was a success. This was very much a community event and again, I thank all of our families for their wonderful support throughout this production.

Madeline Piccione

NAPLAN is an annual assessment for our students in Years 7 and 9. It tests the types of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. These tests cover skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken every year.

Well done to these four students for representing Ave proudly and with distinction.

I am sure that you will join me in congratulating both Chelsea and Madeline wishing them all the best in their new leadership roles. The College will formally recognise both Chelsea and Madeline along with all members of the 2023 Senior Student Leadership team once all leadership positions are finalised in Term 4.

Jade Sorbello Excellence in Numeracy

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I am pleased to acknowledge and congratulate the following Year 9 students who received certificates of achievement following their participation in the NAPLAN assessments.

Natasha Costello Excellence in Numeracy

College Co-Captains 2023

Ruth Waring Excellence in Numeracy and Reading

Year 12 Practice Examinations

It has been a busy year for our Year 12 students who are in the final weeks of their formal studies at Ave. I wish all of our Year 12 students the best for their upcoming practice examinations which are scheduled for the second week of the school holidays. This is an important preparation tool to help to ensure our students are ready for their final examinations, which commence in late October.

Parent Forums

Ave Maria College throughout 2022 has been involved in the School Improvement Framework, a process which facilitates the setting of future goals. The five dimensions of the School Improvement Framework are:

• Religious Dimension,

Phase One concluded at the end of Term 2, with Phase 3 commencing in Term 4. As part of Phase Two parents are invited to attend a discussion forum. The dates of the dates of the discussion forums are:

Thursday 27 October 2022 6.00pm 8.00pm or

• Student learning, engagement and program offerings

• Enhancing the health and wellbeing of students

• Learning and Teaching Dimension,

Canteen Volunteers

The College continues to actively seek parents who can assist in the Canteen. Please see the notice in this newsletter for more information.

The College will be closed on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September during the holiday break due to public holidays. It will reopen on Monday 26 September.

Wednesday 9 November 2022, 6.00pm 8.00pm

• Catholic life of the College

• Leadership and Management Dimension,

• Wellbeing Dimension; and

Public Holiday Closure Dates

Finally, on Sunday 4 September our community celebrated Father’s Day, for some this was a joys occasion for others who may have lost their father recently it was a more sombre day. As a community, we remember all fathers and the contribution that make to their families.

• Parent school partnership and communication

Discussion Groups

A letter has been sent via email to all current families. Families are asked to RSVP following the instructions outlined in this letter.

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• Community Dimension.

God bless and may we follow the way of our college patrons as we continue to strive for truth through love.

Tanya PrincipalHutton

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those who have left this earthly world and whose family are experiencing a deep sense of Grantloss.this through Christ our Lord.

Strengthen them by your love that they may be and become all that you intended them to Blessbe.

God our Father,

In your wisdom and love you made all things.


Bless those fathers who have taken up the responsibility of parenting and for the care and love they show their family.


Deputy Principal

Year 7 and Year 9 parents/carers should have received their daughter’s NAPLAN results via the post this week. NAPLAN results allow parents/carers and educators to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy over time individually, as part of their school community, and against national standards. At Ave Maria College, we will be using the results to celebrate success, inform our planning and address areas requiring improvement. We will collectively look at cohort trends to reflect and seek continued improvement in our learning and teaching programs.

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Wishing all families a well earned break and may all of our students return refreshed and enthusiastic for the final term of learning for 2022!

In the second week of the Term break, all scored Unit 3 /4 students will be undertaking trial exams in preparation for the end of year VCAA examination period. These exams are compulsory for students and offer an excellent opportunity to practise completing an exam paper in timed conditions. We wish all of our 3/ 4 students well as they begin to prepare for their final assessments and exams.

VCE Trial Examinations Monday, 26 September Friday, 30 September

Father’s Day Breakfast

Assistant Principal (Community and Growth)

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On Thursday, 1 September the College was thrilled to be able to host our traditional Father’s Day breakfast. Nourished with Bagels from Round The Way, entertained by the VCDE music student’s wonderful rendition of California Dreaming, and Nathalie from year 7 with a piano interlude whilst the Kahoot competition took place. The highlight of the morning was our guest speakers, Molly (2016) and her father, Hayden, Kennedy. Their presentation on what life has been like since leaving Ave, as well as raising a daughter was both insightful, entertaining, and inspirational. It was great to see so many students across year 7 12 enjoying the morning with their dads.


Thank you to the families who have completed the 2022 MACSSIS survey. We appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback that will help us in planning for 2023. All families would have received an email on Wednesday, 31 August with their unique login details and PIN. You have until 5pm on Friday, 16 September to complete the survey.

On Wednesday, 10 August, the Data and Growth Team launched our customised data dashboard, affectionately known as DASH (Data and Statistics Home), This project, which began in 2020, and occurred in partnership with ACER Australia and The University of Technology Sydney, has seen an idea become a reality. the dashboard now provides teaching staff with quick and easy to use features that allow us to know our students better.

The Data and Growth team are looking forward to continuing the work of working with teachers to navigate DASH and to continue to develop data analysis skills that will help to improve student learning experiences and outcomes. Over the next 12 months we will continue to develop the dashboard, including a student / parent portal. We must thank our partners at UTS, Professor Fang Chen and William Li, as well as Rod Bassi and Robyn Bassi from ACER.

The launch began with a workshop and a ‘passport’ for all teaching staff to work through. The College has worked hard over the last 18 months to build staff capacity in data literacy, beginning with data conversation starters, and now the dashboard.

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Data DASHboard

We would like to acknowledge and thank in particular Fang Chen, Distinguished Professor and William Li from UTS and Rod Bassi and Robyn Bassi from Acer for Education for bringing this project to life.

To find out more about our DASH project read HERE or watch this short VIDEO

It is a delight to guide young people as they strive to discover their strengths and where their place is in this world. Due to the nature of adolescents and their developing brains, at Ave Maria we choose to use the best information available to support teachers and families with helping young people be their best. For this reason, we have partnered with Real Schools to work towards parents and staff sending consistent messages to young people to help them make the best choices. The invitation to attend a parent evening has been sent to all parents and a video can be found HERE

Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement)

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Real Schools Collaboration: Parent Evening Thursday 6 October.

Year 8 Faith Formation Day on Tuesday, 30 August was a joyous day where we were able to embrace the theme of ‘our gifts within’. We first listened to the inspiring words, of Sister Brigid from the Brigidine Asylum Seekers’ Project as she shared stories of her experiences with Asylum seekers; these words unlocked gratefulness in us and touched our hearts. We then participated in many fun activities that enabled us to celebrate our gifts and showcase our talents. Overall, it was a fulfilling day that I am sure all the year 8’s are grateful for, as well as the hard work that Mr. Jurd put into this special day. (Sienna Inguanti 8E and Millicent van Diemen 8D, Franciscan Leaders)

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Year 8 Faith Formation Day

On Thursday, 25 August we had our Year 10 Faith Formation Day at the Moonee Ponds Bowls Club. During this day we participated in various activities including Caring for God’s creation, acting out scenarios, learning about St Vincent de Paul Society and we also had a liturgy. All these activities helped us to recognise how we can make a difference and have a positive impact on others around and us and even the environment. Throughout the day everyone engaged in activities and contributed ideas in discussions. The day also gave us the opportunity to hold a drive for St Vincent de Paul where we collected winter clothes and blankets, as well as food to donate. (Beth Gollant 10B and Anna Jackson 10A, Franciscan leaders)

(Olivia Sadiq 11F and Kiara Di Matteo 11C, Franciscan leaders)

Choc Toss

Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

On Friday 2 September the Ave Maria senior school Franciscan leaders held the choc toss, an annual fundraiser for their senior school organisation ACRATH. The Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans works in the Australian community against any form of human trafficking. The choc toss saw the senior students generously donate fair trade chocolate bars for the operation of the whole school fundraiser. The choc toss was held in the Piazza, students of the wider school community used their gold coin donation to win themselves a chocolate bar. The Franciscan leaders thank everyone who took part in this year’s choc toss, especially Mr Jurd and those who helped organise the fundraiser, and marvel at their generosity which ensured that the fundraiser was a success.

Year 10 Faith Formation Day

Each student at Homework Club coloured in a person, representing their cultural heritage. The hands of these colouring ins were then glued together, creating a paper chain which celebrates the diversity of their classroom.

Refugee Homework Club

All those who participated in refugee tutoring in term three found the opportunity an extremely rewarding experience. We were challenged through the way we communicated to the students, including discovering ways to better explain concepts that made sense to the students. Ave Maria students involved were able to enhance their skills of building rapport with others, finding common ground and interests with both the students and other tutors. We also loved getting to know the students that we tutored every week, where part of the program was not only tutoring, but helping the students learn through play, including getting involved in lots of fun activities towards the conclusion of each session. As a group of Ave Maria students, being a part of this wonderful program assisted us in getting to know each other better, and ultimately, we have walked away with not only the skills acquired from the program, but also many new friendships we have formed as a group. (Charlotte Rowbottom 10A and Sophie Smith 10E)

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Mentor Program Term 4

Tuning in to Teens Program

The program will be facilitated by Ivana Crabb and Cara McMahon, our College Counsellors. Tuning in to Teens is a 6 week program that will start on Thursday, 13 October and run until Thursday, 17 November. The sessions will start at 5.30pm and finish at 7.30pm and will be held at the College. We are restricted to about 10 participants, so we ask that you register your interest on this form by Friday, 23 September. We will run the program again in Term 2, 2023 for families who we are unable to accommodate this time or who are unable to participate in Term 4.

There are three Mentor Period sessions scheduled for Term 4 featuring the following topics. All Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) teach the Respectful Relationships program which seeks to support young people to have positive, healthy relationships. The topics below teach students about representation in the media and the way power can be used. At Year 10 we also teach students about the law around consent and how they can articulate their boundaries. We teach all topics through the lens of Catholic formation, ensuring that our values around dignity, respect and healthy relationships are central to our discussions.

Director of Student Wellbeing

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We are very excited to be able to run the Tuning into Teens program in Term 4 this year. Tuning in to Teens is a well established program that teaches parents skills to support them as they navigate the challenges of the teenage years. The program focuses on the emotional connection between parents and their children. Parents develop their skills in managing their own emotions and learn about responding to young people with an emotion coaching approach. Young people who develop these emotional skills are better able to negotiate the ups and downs of life.

Year 9

Year 10

Year 7

Looking forward to Year 11 in 2023 Panel

Year 8

Toolbox Education: Mental Movies Looking forward to Year 10 in 2023 Panel Stress and Performance

Respectful Relationships: Consent Exam preparation

Year 11 Time management and study skills Exam preparation Exam period

Looking forward to Year 9 in 2023 Panel

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To see more of daily life at the College, follow us on: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

Respectful Relationships: Positive acts of peer support Managing change

Around the College

Respectful Relationships: Gender norms Respectful Relationships: Power and privilege Looking forward to Year 8 in 2023 Panel

• Start your own business!

One Ave Maria College student applying for University of Melbourne in 2022 will receive $5000. Another two Year 12 students, who apply for VU Guaranteed, will be eligible for $2000 Newslettereach.

• Engineering focus exciting courses to explore

• Scholarships nursing and midwifery

Ave Tertiary Preparation Program

• Compare university courses and institutions

Tertiary Scholarships

Congratulations to our many successful Year 12 students who have been recognised for their community contribution and skills through early entry programs. Many tertiary institutions are using more than ATAR for selection. At La Trobe University, ACU, Swinburne, RMIT and VU, students that demonstrate school or community involvement, employability skills and/or good Year 11 results, can apply for early entry. If successful, students are guaranteed entry with a lower ATAR.

• Careers in medicine podcast

• Psychology focus study pathways and specialisations

• Tertiary application resources

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articles available here. Topics this week:

Our Year 11 students who will be undertaking a Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation course at RMIT next year, had their first orientation day on Tuesday 13 September. This unique partnership with RMIT provides students with a Certificate IV and their VCE Certificate, in their final year of secondary school. This program also guarantees a pathway into a number of vocational courses at RMIT.

Early Entry Programs

Careers Education Leader

• Upcoming career events, bootcamps, experience days, and programs.

• Year 12 revision lectures

Canteen Volunteers

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The Canteen is operated by the College to provide a service to our community. To enable this work to occur we are seeking an expression of interest from members of our community who are interested in volunteering as a Canteen Assistant. Rosters and times of attendance are flexible and will be discussed on an individual basis.

Business Manager

All Volunteers are required to have a current Victorian Working With Children Card, VIT registration or other valid exemption. Volunteers must also meet the Covid 19 vaccination requirements in place at the time of attending. Currently you will need to have received three doses of an approved Covid 19 vaccine. Please email your contact details to Anthony.Kirley@avemaria.vic.edu.au. An application form and other child safety documents will then be sent to you

• add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit.

Families are reminded that any changes or updates to the medical management plan of students should be communicated to the College via email to the AMC Health Centre AMC.HealthServices@avemaria.vic.edu.au and updated by the parent/carer on PAM.

College Calendar


• place student online lunch orders.

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The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications.



• add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases.

• Stopped on a footpath $99.00

• Stopped in a Bus Zone $99.00

• Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access $99.00

Families can:

Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar.

Medical Management Plan

• Parked / stopped on a nature strip $99.00

Parent Access Module (PAM)

• Stopping on or near a children’s crossing $165.00

Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM)

CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time.

Community Announcement School Drop off / Pick up Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regularly patrol the area around the College and will issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are;

• Stopping in a “No Stopping” area $165.00

• Parked for a period longer than indicated $83.00

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Community Reminder

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