Ave Maria College Newsletter - Vol 106 No 8 - Friday, 4 November 2022

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Ave Maria College Newsletter Volume 106 No 8 – Friday, 4 November 2022

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Prayer Loving God, we pray for the Class of 2022 as they finish their final examinations. We keep our graduates in our hearts and minds as they move out into the world. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

From the Principal Dear Ave Maria College Community, Welcome to our final newsletter for Term 4. Farewell to the Class of 2022 In the week beginning Monday, 17 October 2022, the College said farewell to the graduating class of 2022. To make their farewell special, the College held their final Year 12 Assembly as a formal farewell, a celebration day and then the Graduation Mass and Valedictory Dinner. The three days of celebration were a wonderful mark of respect to this incredible group of young adults. Throughout their time with us, they have given witness to the legacy of our four-house patrons: Like Mary, they have learnt to believe and trust in the truth within themselves. Like Frances, they have been willing to give of themselves, delighting in their gifts and talents. They have been willing to be a voice for the less fortunate and vulnerable modelling the values of respect and inclusion. In doing so, they have looked for the face of God in others. Like Clare, they have modelled a strong sense of self, sisterly love, and care for their peers. Like Helene, they have worked hard, been committed, and shown a readiness to contribute not only to the Ave community but also for the world you are about to step into. In this way they have truly striven for truth through love. We sincerely thank them for their contribution to the Ave community. Their legacy will live on for many years to come. The journey through secondary school is different for each young person and it does not occur without the support of families and staff. In fact, we often say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to educate one. To our parents and carers, thank you for the ongoing support, love and care you have given your daughters during their time with us. And for the ongoing support, love and care they will continue to receive from you throughout their life journey. Most importantly, thank you for trusting us with their secondary school education. Thank you to the outstanding work of our teachers and staff, whether this year or in previous years. You have challenged, encouraged, guided, shaped, and taught these young adults and are deserving of our highest praise. I thank (in particular) the way the Year 12 Mentor Teachers and more specifically Ms Lear and Ms Rushbrook for their dedicated care and service to you over the course of this year. Page 2 of 17

As I conclude, I would like to share the following Graduation Blessing that was shared with the community at the Valedictory Dinner. May you go out with confidence, knowing that the God of love will lead your way. May you go out in unity, taking your gifts and talents with you so you can give them to the world. May you go out with strength, clothed, and equipped with all you have learned. May you go out with wisdom, as God renews your mind each day. May you go out with kindness and blessings to give away. May you go out taking what you have learnt to bless God’s beautiful world. May you go out with freedom, knowing there is so much more to see, enjoy and learn. Adapted from a benediction taken from www.lords-prayer-words.com Finally, to the Graduating Class of 2022 congratulations and sincere best wishes for your coming examinations and for the future. And may you continue to strive for truth through love in the years well beyond your time at Ave. Year 12 Student Leadership Team 2023 As you may remember in the last newsletter, it was my great honour to announce the College Co-Captains for 2023. Since then, the College has finalised the remaining Year 12 Student Leadership appointments. It is with great pleasure that I share the below information with you as part of this newsletter publication. College Captains:

Chelsea Atkins and Madeline Piccione

Franciscan Captains:

Ethnie Lobo and Kiara Di Matteo

Academic Captain:

Sandra Kalta and Stella Xie

Arts Captain:

Isabella Mingaars


Ava Carrick and Alessia Torcaso

Francis House:

Piper Mollica and Amy Marazita

Helene House:

Elizabeth Curtolo and Katie Grocock

Mary House:

Ella Colomer and Abinaya Arunan

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Each of these leaders will bring their own talents, aspirations and ideas to the team and their leadership role. We wish them all the very best as they take up their important positions of student leaders at Ave Maria College. Arts and Technology Festival 2022 Congratulations to all our students for the wonderful work submitted and displayed as part of the Arts and Technology Festival. The subjects represented included: •


Studio Arts

Visual Communication and Design


Music Performance; and

IT and Product Design.

The creative talent of our students is both inspirational and a cause for celebration. Well done to all! A special thank-you to the Arts and Technology staff who worked with our students to make sure this event was the success that it has been. In particular, I would like to thank Eloise Davies, Domain Leader: Visual Arts, Cassandra Hutchison, Domain Leader: Performing Arts and Carolyn Mills, Domain Leader: Technology, for their vision and collaboration to put this event together. Thank-you to all the students, staff and families who attended on the night. God bless and as a community may we continue to strive for truth through love.

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Deputy Principal Year 9 – 11 Examinations As per my recent letter to families, end of year examinations will be taking place on the following dates:

Year 10 and 11 students Tuesday, 8 November – Tuesday 15 November 2022

Year 9 students Wednesday, 23 November – Friday, 25 November 2022

End of year examinations are an excellent opportunity for students to review their year’s learning and to gain valuable practice in sitting timed exams. Examinations are compulsory for all Year 9 - 11 students. 2023 VCE ‘Head Start’ Orientation Program Students in Years 10, 11 and Year 9 students accelerating into the VCE will participate in a VCE Units 1-4 ‘Headstart’ Program from Thursday, 17 November to Friday, 25 November 2022. This program provides an important opportunity to ensure our students are well prepared for the rigor of VCE studies in 2023. A timetable for this program (and resource materials) will be published via MS Teams early next week. This is a compulsory program for all 2023 VCE students. Semester Two Reports End of semester reports will be available to families via PAM on Friday, 9 December 2022. A reminder that Wednesday, 16 November 2022 is a student-free day, to allow staff to complete exam/assessment marking and reports.

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Assistant Principal (Community and Growth) Class of 2022 Graduation The final days of formal schooling for the class of 2022 saw a range of activities take place, culminating with a wonderful Graduation Mass and Valedictory Dinner celebrated on Wednesday 19 October. Working with the senior student leaders, celebration days included some embellishments to the uniform with ‘a touch of pink’, and ‘funky fits’. This was followed by ‘alternate reality day’ where students dressed in different uniforms including other schools, and impressively some came in uniforms for the careers they aspire to. On Monday, 17 October 2022, following their final formal classes in the morning, the entire school came together for a farewell whole school assembly. It was wonderful to be able to reimagine the tradition of the handover ceremony between the Year 7 and Year 12 students. This assembly also marked the handover from the 2022 Senior Student Leaders to the incoming 2023 leaders, with the new College Co-Captains, Chelsea, and Madeline, giving their inaugural address, whilst the outgoing Co-Captains, Alexandra and Majella, gave emotional speeches capturing their highlights and imparting final words of wisdom. The assembly concluded with a guard of honour from the Year 11 cohort. Tuesday, 18 October was the Year 12 students’ final day on campus before their exams. This was a day of celebration. Beginning with a bagel breakfast, the students came in their favourite celebrity / icon fancy dress, with everything from superheroes to rappers, and even a minion! Following breakfast they had their final mentor period, followed by their own rock concert in Francis Hall, led by our very own 2022 Arts captain Caitlin and her band “Emergency Exit”. Following the high energy singing and dancing, the students then received a memento signature book and took the time to exchange messages of thanks and appreciation to their classmates. The day culminated with a picnic lunch, with individual food boxes from Mary Eats Cake, before one final countdown to the bell. The Graduation Mass and ceremony were followed by a three-course dinner at Hyatt Place, Essendon Fields. The students and their families enjoyed a relaxed evening of socialising and final farewells. The Valedictorian, Olivia Grande, provided an emotional and entertaining account of the journey the class of 2022 had been on over the past 6 years. Olivia was also awarded the Year 12 Spirt of Ave Award, whilst Isabella Brewster received the School Advisory Council Award. All in all, the final days for the class of 2022 were a wonderful celebration of a delightful group of students. We wish them all the very best as they continue to complete their exams over the next few weeks and look forward to seeing what the future holds for them. Go well class of 2022.

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2022 Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN) – 1 December 2022 The College will once again hold our awards evening on the final day of classes for Year 7-9 students, Thursday, 1 December 2022. This event will occur at the College, in Francis Hall, from 6:30pm. Awards are presented for academic excellence to students in Years 7-11 and for community achievements, both within the College, and from external organisations. Students who are receiving awards will receive an email invitation by Friday, 25 November 2022. We look forward to celebrating with students and their families. If you have any questions about this event, please email events@avemaria.vic.edu.au.

Save the Date – Back to Ave Day 2023 We are getting in nice and early for those members of the Ave Alumnae who are celebrating their 5 year, or decade reunion in 2023. The ‘Back to Ave Day’ event will take place on Sunday, 19 March 2023 to celebrate those students who finished in 2018, 2013, 2003, 1993, 1983, 1973 and 1963 (the first year of the College). Keep an eye out on our social media over the coming months for more information about how to register your interest in attending. A reminder that the College has an Alumnae portal – Ave Belong which we encourage you to register on. This is our primary way of contacting Alumnae about events such as our back to Ave Day reunions and collaboration opportunities.

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Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement) Leadership 2023 The Year 12 Leadership Handover ceremony occurred Monday, 17 October 2022. It was very pleasing to see the number of students who applied to be either the College Co-Captains, the Franciscan, Academic, Arts or House Captains. It was a rigorous process that involved applications, interviews, speeches and plans for future directions. The voice of the students is growing at Ave Maria, and we are proud to announce our Year 12 Captains for 2023. Please see Ms Hutton’s article for the full list of senior leaders.

Our Year 12 2022 Finish Proudly It was a wonderful celebration of the Year 12’s finishing their final days of schooling. There were a multitude of events to ensure the year level spent valuable time together, recognising what the journey has meant to them. These events included breakfast, band, picnic lunch, Leadership Handover ceremony and the big finale of the Valedictory dinner with parents. There were plenty of tears as the girls recognised their school days were fast coming to an end. The tears also recognise that they are very special to our Ave community and that they are now ready to go out into their chosen pathways. It has been pleasing to see the Year 12’s so composed heading into their final exams. Their preparation has been measured and dedicated. Their support of each other has been outstanding as they collaborate to get the best out of each other’s viewpoints and understanding of each trial question. They have been supported by their teachers to ensure each student is able to perform at their best. Year 9, 10 and 11 students also head into exams in the coming weeks, and it is important that at home routines are put into place that ensure: •

the environment is conducive to allow quiet study

that notes are compiled into sections that are labelled in terms of what students know well, what students need to refresh on and what students need to work on to achieve greater understanding of the content covered. Page 8 of 17

Not all stress is bad. Stress called eustress is a positive form of stress that has a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being. Being prepared helps students to lessen anxiety and to optimise their academic and well-being outcomes. As parents you can support your young person by telling them that some stress is good as it motivates them to act on areas that need greater attention. Please also ensure that healthy snacks and breaks are part of the routine at home. Where stress becomes an issue, you are asked to contact the Sub-School Leader or the Counselling Team to seek further support. Seasonless UNIFORM: Students chose the option of which uniform they wish to wear As mentioned in the last parent letter regarding uniform, we will now have seasonless wardrobe options for the remainder of this term and onwards from 2023. This means that students can choose to wear either the full summer uniform or the full winter uniform on days to suit their comfort. The school jumper is not worn as an outer garment coming to and from school. The PE uniform must only be worn on timetabled PE days. I thank the many parents who work in partnership with us and have ensured that uniform follows our uniform policy and upholds the high standards we have at Ave. Please ensure summer dress lengths are to the knee and that enough long white socks have been purchased to be worn with the summer dress so that your young person does not default to wearing their sport socks. Sport socks are expected to be white and again having enough purchased ensures students are not caught out wearing the incorrect ones.

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Director of Catholic Identity and Mission Year 12 Graduation Students, parents and teachers gathered at St Therese’s Church in Essendon on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 to thank God for the Class of 2022 students and the many ways that they have enriched the College community. Prior to students being presented with their graduation certificates, the cohort recited this pledge, led by Hannah Masters, Academic Captain: We, the graduating class of Ave Maria College 2022, pledge that we will live each day to the fullest. We will get the most from each hour, day and age of our lives. We will be ourselves - but always remember that we live in community, looking after the last, the lost and the least. We will dare to be different and to follow our own star, striving for truth through love.

The Letter The film features Pope Francis and tells the story of how the climate crisis is affecting life on Earth. This film is the fruit of many years of work between the Laudato Si' Movement, Off the Fence, the Oscar-winning production company for My Octopus Teacher, and the Vatican. There is also a significant Franciscan focus that develops through the film. LINK Mary Artwork Students, staff and the School Advisory Council have shared their thoughts about what should be included in a proposed artwork to celebrate Mary after whom the College is named. The College is about to enter a new phase where there will be discussions with an artist. Further details to come.

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Director of Student Wellbeing Peer Support Leaders This week we celebrated the incredible contribution of our Year 11 Peer Support Leaders. Throughout the year they have worked with their group of Year 7 students to support the transition to Ave Maria College. Our Year 7 students have benefited from the sense of community and sisterhood that this program offers. The groups have met regularly throughout the year to help our Year 7 students develop new friendships and to have an older student to guide them. We have had plenty of questions throughout the year as our Year 7s have navigated the demands of schoolwork, managed their lockers and got to know new classmates and teachers. Our Peer Support Leaders have capably juggled their commitment to the program with the demands of VCE, many of them completing a Unit 3 and 4 subject at the same time. Their commitment to the program is a measure of how much it has meant to them. Throughout the year they have developed leadership and organisation skills which will help them in Year 12 and beyond. We look forward to introducing our 2023 Peer Support Leaders soon. These students will show the commitment to Ave Maria’s values and be wonderful role models to our new Year 7 students arriving in 2023.

Visible Wellbeing As our students are engaging in the end of year programs, including examinations, the skills of Visible Wellbeing become particularly important. Parents can support their young people by using the language of Visible Wellbeing, focusing on strengths and asking students to concentrate on how they harness their attention. The study habits that students develop in the younger years influence their confidence in approaching exams and in managing the workload associated with the last weeks of school. Healthy study routines include: • Making daily plans • Allowing time for breaks, socialisation and exercise • Healthy sleep routines • Regular snack breaks • Discussing learning with someone else. Page 11 of 17

Young people should also be mindful of quality of their study time. Distractions, such as phones and social media, can significantly reduce the quality of study and this will mean that less is achieved in the time allotted. Students can put their phones in another room or turn off notifications to help them maintain attention. By scheduling social media time, they can still engage and use this as a break, but also give their full attention to their study.

Around the College

To see more of daily life at the College, follow us on: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

Careers Education Leader Early Entry Programs Congratulations to sixty-six Year 12 students, who have an early entry offer to tertiary study. These offers may be for a preferred or pathway course. There are now seven different early entry programs available for students for tertiary entry. Each has different requirements but mostly recognise students’ community involvement, volunteer work, employability skills, or any leadership roles. ACU Guaranteed and the new, La Trobe ASPIRE Year 11 Conditional Offer programs, look at Year 11 results.

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Successful applicants receive either •

Entry into preferred course, with a lower ATAR, or

A conditional offer with only prerequisite study scores required, not based on ATAR

Now open, is the new La Trobe ASPIRE Year 11 Conditional Offer program for Year 11 students to apply, until Monday, 6 February 2023. Offers are based on Year 11 results and a school recommendation. Students must meet prerequisite study scores in Year 12. Students are encouraged to get involved in their school or community to be eligible to apply. See more information on Early Entry Programs here. Women in Politics Well done to Sophie Smith (10E), who attended the Women in Politics Seminar on Thursday, 6 October and spoke to a panel of female politicians.


Local Job Opportunities Ave students 15 years and older, are encouraged to apply for casual summer work in all entry level areas. Due to the jobs boom, now is a great time to apply! Jobs are advertised on business windows, company websites and on employment websites. Recent advertisements have included Quest Apartments (reception), Kmart Airport West, Grill’d, Ascot Vale Leisure Centre, MVRC and Playtime. Tips to apply are in this week’s newsletter.

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Free Short Course With government funding, William Angliss Institute is offering students a free, three day, ‘Learn to Earn’ program in December. Participants receive a Safe Food Handlers, RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) and ABC Espresso Making Certificates. To register click here. Unit 3/4 VCE Subject Results (Year 11 and 12 students) All students will receive a statement of VCE study scores from VCAA via post. To access the Results and ATAR Service online or via the App, from 7am, Monday 12 December 2022, students will need to register on the Results and ATAR website before this date. Students will be asked to provide their name, VCAA student number, date of birth, email address and create an 8-letter password. The password created will be valid for use in both the app and website. For more FAQ see: https://resultsandatar.vic.edu.au/results/html/faqs.htm Year 12 Transition (Year 11 and 12 students) Information ATAR The ATAR is released on Monday, 12 December 2022 at 7am, together with VCE subject results via the Results and ATAR website. As per instructions above, students must register to access their results and ATAR online. Final Change of Preference Students can change tertiary course preferences if desired, but final change of preference closes Wednesday, 14 December, 2022 at 12pm. All Universities and TAFEs have 1:1 counselling hotlines and online service between Monday, 12 December - Wednesday, 14 December 2022. Our Careers Advisers, Ms Viti and Mrs Ibrahim, will be available at this time for counselling. Phone or email for an appointment careers@avemaria.vic.edu.au. Offers and enrolment • • •

Offers are emailed to students & in VTAC account on Wednesday, 21 December at 2pm Enrolment = accepting the offer (due within a few days) Always accept the offer o MUST attend/or enrol online o pay students amenities fees o choose subjects o pay tuition fees or provide a Tax file number for HECS Officially defer prior to enrolment date, as per University email instructions.

Latest newsletter articles available on our Ave Maria Careers website. Topics this week, include: •

University of Melbourne VCE Summer School

Western Civilisation Program Summer School ACU

Early entry programs: La Trobe University & Victoria University Page 14 of 17

Finding employment for the summer break

ADF Cyber Security Gap Year

Careers in technology

Early childhood education

Interested in taking a gap year?

Information for students applying apprenticeships & traineeships

USA tours

Upcoming events

Business Manager Fees and Payments Thank you to the many families who have either finalised their fee obligations for 2022 or have approved arrangements in place. Payment of the 2022 Fees should be finalised by Saturday, 31 December 2022. A reminder that if you are experiencing difficulty in meeting your fee obligations, please contact email me at BusinessManager@avemaria.vic.edu.au or by phone 9331 9303.

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QUICK LINKS Parent Access Module (PAM) Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM) SkoolBag The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up to date with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications. CDF Pay CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time. Families can: •

place student online lunch orders.

add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases.

add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit.

College Calendar Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar. Medical Management Plan Families are reminded that any changes or updates to the medical management plan of students should be communicated to the College via email to the AMC Health Centre AMC.HealthServices@avemaria.vic.edu.au and updated by the parent/carer on PAM. Community Announcement – School Drop off / Pick up Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regularly patrol the area around the College and will issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are; • • • • • • •

Stopping in a “No Stopping” area - $165.00 Stopped in a Bus Zone - $99.00 Parked for a period longer than indicated - $83.00 Stopping on or near a children’s crossing - $165.00 Stopped on a footpath - $99.00 Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access - $99.00 Parked / stopped on a nature strip - $99.00 Page 16 of 17

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