Ave Maria College Newsletter - Volume 101 No 3 - Monday, 11 April 2022

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Ave Maria College Newsletter Volume 101 No 3 – Monday,11 April 2022

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Prayer Loving God, thank you for instilling in us the Franciscan values of compassion and love. May we continue to care for those in our lives. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

From the Principal Dear Parents and Carers, Child Safety At Ave Maria College we are committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of our students and see this as a central and fundamental responsibility of our college. Our commitment is drawn from the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospels. Our College Motto, Striving for Truth through Love, guides our collective efforts in enabling our students to thrive in recognising the truth of God’s love and their own call to seek truth and love, in themselves and in their relationships with others. The following principles underpin our commitment to child safety at Ave Maria College •

All students deserve, as a fundamental right, safety and protection from all forms of abuse and neglect.

Our college works in partnership with families and the community to ensure that they are engaged in decision-making processes, particularly those that have an impact on child safety and protection.

All students have the right to a thorough and systematic education in all aspects of personal safety, in partnership with their parents, guardians and carers.

All adults in our school, including teaching and non-teaching staff, clergy, volunteers and contractors, have a responsibility to care for children and young people, to positively promote their wellbeing and to protect them from any kind of harm or abuse.

The policies, guidelines and codes of conduct for the care, wellbeing and protection of students are based on honest, respectful and trusting relationships between adults and children and young people.

Policies and practices demonstrate compliance with legislative requirements and cooperation with the Church, governments, the police and human services agencies.

All persons involved in situations where harm is suspected or disclosed must be treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect.

Staff, clergy, volunteers, contractors, parents and students should feel free to raise concerns about child safety, knowing these will be taken seriously by collegel leadership.

Appropriate confidentiality will be maintained, with information being provided to those who have a right or a need to be informed, either legally or pastorally

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As part of our policies and procedures the College has a Child Safety Reference Group which includes both student and staff representation. This group meets regularly throughout the year. The College also has two nominated child safety officers who are: Ms Leonie Rushbrook, Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement) Mrs Natalie Meddis, Director of Student Wellbeing Parents and carers who wish to access more information regarding child safety at Ave Maria College are welcome to visit the Child Safety section on our College website in the ‘About’ tab. Democratic Principles and Values for Education Additionally, at Ave Maria College we recognise that the school plays a vital role in advancing democratic ideals and principles. For democracy to continue to thrive, children must be taught democratic ideals and principles and to value its way of life. Ave Maria College will explicitly and implicitly support and promote the principles of Australian democracy, including a commitment to: •

elected government

the rule of law

equal rights for all before the law

freedom of religion

freedom of speech and association

the values of openness and tolerance.

At Ave Maria College we are committed to the Values for Australian Schooling which include: •

Care and Compassion - Caring for self and others.

Doing Your Best - Seeking to accomplish something worthy and admirable, trying hard, pursuing excellence.

Fair Go - Pursuing and protecting the common good where all people are treated fairly for a just society.

Freedom - Enjoying all the rights and privileges of Australian citizenship free from unnecessary interference or control and standing up for the rights of others.

Honesty and Trustworthiness - Being honest, sincere and seeking the truth.

Integrity - Acting in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct, ensuring consistency between words and deeds.

Respect - Treating others with consideration and regard, respecting another person’s point of view.

Responsibility - Being accountable for one’s own actions, resolving differences in constructive, non-violent and peaceful ways, contributing to society and to civic life, taking care of the environment.

Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion - Being aware of others and their cultures, accepting diversity within a democratic society, being included and including others. Page 3 of 22

School Advisory Council Sub-Committees The College held its first School Advisory Council Committee for the 2022 years. In this meeting the council ratified the introduction and establishment of two new sub-committees which are: Finance and Property – The purpose of this sub-committee is to engage in discussion and provide feedback/recommendations to the Principal on matters related to the college budget, property, facilities, capital resourcing and master planning. Policy and Curriculum – The purpose of this sub-committee is to engage in discussion and provide feedback/recommendations related to policy development/updates and new curriculum initiatives being considered by the college. The College is now seeking expressions of interest from parents or carers for these two subcommittees. Interested parents or carers will need to go through the volunteer process and have a Working with Children Check and comply with the: •

School’s Child Safety Code of Conduct

MACS Code of Conduct for School Advisory Council members

MACS Conflict of Interest Policy for Employees, Contractors and Consultants

Any interested parties are asked to email me directly via prinicpal@avemaria.vic.edu.au. Term One Congratulations Before concluding I would like to congratulate all students for their participation, resilience and commitment throughout Term One. There has been a lot happening this term with the College returning to events and programs as close to normal as possible. The ability of students to adapt and remain focussed to their goals so they can continue learn and grow is to be commended. They have a lot to celebrate. Term One has definitely been a little longer than usual with both students and staff earning a well-deserved break. I hope that all our students, staff and their families have a relaxing, restful and safe Easter break. We look forward to welcoming our students and staff back on Wednesday 27 April for the start of Term Two.

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As Easter approaches, I would like to wish all families a blessed Easter as I conclude with the following prayer: My Lord, Jesus, You have risen to a new life! Give me new eyes with which to recognise your presence in the world around me. Sharpen my vision so that I see beyond the ordinary events of each day and into the extraordinary reality of your grace. Brighten my view of the world with renewed hope in the coming of Your Kingdom. Soften my gaze so that I view others with the kind of tenderness and compassion you showed so many. May each day of this Easter season provide glimpses of your glory. Amen

God bless and may we follow the way of our College patrons as we continue to strive for truth through love.

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Student Leaders On international women’s day (Friday the 4 t h of March) we, the senior academic captains attended a breakfast with the lord mayor of Melbourne, Sally Capp at parliament house. At this event we had the privilege of listening to her stories and advice inspiring the young female leaders of tomorrow and here are some of the takeaway messages from our experience. Sally was the first directly elected female Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne. In 2004, she made history as the first female board member of Collingwood FC. Today, Sally is involved in several charities, currently sitting on the board of the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute, the Mary Jane Lewis Scholarship Foundation and the Melbourne University Faculty of Business and Economics. She shared stories about the women who have inspired her journey to leadership such as the unshakeable Vida Goldstein who was a member of the suffrage movement and an advocate for women’s rights in a time where women had little freedom. She was one of the first females to run at a federal election in Australia. During the international Women’s Day Breakfast, Sally stated that when in groups dominated by males, girls speak 75% less. However, many young female students aim to defy these statistics and develop confidence in using their voice, so that in the post school world, they can speak up in whatever spaces they find themselves. When entering Town Hall after being elected, she realised out of 104 portraits, 101 were men. Just 3 were women, including her. Three, white, middle-class women. Over 177 years, women have led this city for a grand total of 4 years, yet Sally is the longest serving with less than 2 years served. Due to this, Sally realised firsthand the large gap between men and women in Melbourne’s political and civic fabric. Therefore, Sally aims to break the bias by encouraging women to stand up and speak out to be the passionate female leaders of the future. Thus, on this year’s international women’s day, we pledged to be bold, be brave, and be us. #BreakTheBias 2022 Academic Captains – Alexandra Priestley and Hannah Masters.

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Deputy Principal Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences Thank you to the parents/carers who attended our online VCE P/T/S Conferences on Tuesday evening. These conferences provide a very important opportunity to connect with your daughter’s teachers in the view to working in partnership with the College and home. Ave Learning is also a valuable resource to access information regarding subjects, class task and lesson plans. Continuous reporting provides the opportunity for students and parents/carers to receive feedback on assessment tasks that is timely and designed to enhance student growth and future learning. Year 7-10 parents/carers will receive this week Progress Reports for Term 1. Please take the opportunity to reflect on these with your daughter/s as they will indicate how well she is working towards exhibiting the Learner Attributes in her learning. Years 7- 10 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences will be held on Monday, 16 May 11.30a.m. – 7.30p.m. Tuesday, 26 April Curriculum Day – student free A reminder that the first day of Term 2 is a staff professional learning day. The first day of Term 2 for Years 7-12 students is Wednesday, 27 April. May I extend my best wishes to all families for a safe and enjoyable term break and blessings for the Easter season.

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Assistant Principal (Community and Growth) Back to Ave Day On Sunday, 3 April the College was thrilled to host our first Back to Ave day in 3 years. The event saw former Ave students from years ending in 0, 1 or 2, as well as those finishing in 2015, 2016 and 2017 (their 5-year reunion). Attendees included Rosemary, from the graduating class of 1972, who travelled from NSW to be here, several siblings, and even a few current parents who were able to see just how the physical spaces have changed since their time here as students. We were fortunate to enjoy the delicious fare from Alumnae Carla Tarascio (2011) from Carla’s Cucina and Laura Caserta (2011) from Catering by Laura Caserta. Guiding our guests around the College were 22 of the Student Leaders, from years 7 12. These wonderful ambassadors where able to share their stories of what secondary school is like today. Special thanks to our College Captains Majella and Alex, who gave a speech on behalf of the current students, as well as Alumnae Abbey Baker (2011) whose reflections were shared on her behalf, and Andrea Lane (2002) who shared her story, highlighting how the canteen has changed and the first uniform change. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff who made this wonderful event possible – Ms Catherine McCarthy, Mrs Maria De Fazio and Mrs Clara Morgan and the College IT and maintenance team; and those who attended on the day to join in the celebrations: Ms Tanya Hutton, Mrs Michelle Robertson, Mrs Natalie Meddis, Mr Allan Thompson, Mrs Joanne Thompson, and Mrs Poppy Ibrahim. A reminder that all former Ave students are invited to join Ave Belong, our Alumnae platform. This is a great way to reconnect with former classmates, as well as keeping up to date on community and alumnae events.

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Mother’s Day Breakfast – SAVE THE DATE The college is very excited to be able to host our first Mother’s Day breakfast since 2019. As has been the tradition, we welcome students in all year levels and their mothers / significant female to join us for a light breakfast on Thursday 5 May from 7:15am to 8:15 am. We will hear from Ave Alumnae, be entertained by the VCE music students, and take time to acknowledge and thank the wonderful women in our community. To register your intention to attend, please CLICK HERE for the RSVP.

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Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement) This Sunday is Palm Sunday, and the second reading is from the Philippians. This reading goes to the heart of being a member of our Catholic community: “Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” As we approach the Easter Resurrection it is with hope, that we too, promote God’s kingdom whilst on earth, through our actions, our words, and our service to others. This hope of care and service to others has been in much evidence throughout Term 1 at Ave Maria College: Year 7s: encouraged each other at camp and opened themselves up to getting to know and include students who they did not know so well from other primary schools.

Year 8s: warmly welcomed the Year 7s at the joint Year 7 and Year 8 Assembly and led the way telling them that they were available if any of them needed help settling into their new school.

Year 9s: reflected on their preparation for the upcoming Outdoor Education Camp. Focused listening and support occurred, particularly when students were sharing their vulnerable thoughts of concerns and challenges, they might be feeling about the camp. Year 10s: Walked through nature at Wilson’s Promontory and were grateful to experience God’s wonder of creation in the environment and in the creation of each student with their individual strengths.

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Year 11s: Peer support Mentors guided and supported the Year 7s at the Year 7 camp to ensure they had someone to help them if they were anxious or unsure what an instruction was. They also facilitated the memory making concert with the Year 7s whilst on camp.

Year 12s: Whilst bringing great joy to all the school community with their dress ups and cheering, it was their care and concern for all the junior students that displayed the Year 12 commitment to serve without expecting anything in return. The Year 12s also led the sign up of the Anti- bullying sticks with Year 7s and explained to them that at Ave Maria College we have a zero tolerance for bullying (including cyber bullying) and violence. They extended this message to all Mentor classes were pledges of action were made to make each class environment a kind place to learn.

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Student Leadership for 2022 There are many opportunities to lead at Ave Maria College, congratulations to the following students who will lead in 2022 serving the College community:

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Wellness: We thank families for continuing to conduct the Rapid Antigen Tests to check for Covid. It has ensured that Ave Maria has remained opened and that classes are a healthy environment for learning. As we enter the autumn/winter months of the colds and flu season, it is very important that students do not come to school if they are experiencing sore throats, runny noses, headaches, or other cold and flu symptoms. This allows our community to stay healthy and prevents other students/teachers/other family members missing days if they also catch the infection. Uniform: Over the holidays we ask that students check their Winter uniform to ensure it fits well and complies with the length to the knee if wearing the kilt. We ask that students do not have additional ear piercings or new nose piercings as the length of time to allow for removal is not long enough before Term 2 begins. We also ask that if fake eyelashes are put on for events over the term break that they are removed before April 27th when Term 2 for students begins. Students may wear their summer uniform until the 6 May. After this date full winter uniform is required to be worn. Car parking: Thank you to all parents for keeping our students safe at drop off and pick up times. Many members of our parents are now asking their student/s to walk a little bit further down Vida St to ensure that all students, staff, and the crossing supervisor remain safe. May the joy of Christ’s resurrection be with all of you,

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Director of Catholic Identity and Mission Holy Week Liturgy Years 11 and 12 gathered in Francis Hall while Years 7 to 10 were in their Mentor rooms for a Holy Week Liturgy on Thursday 7 April. Franciscan leaders, as well as Drama and Music students helped break open the stations of the cross to reveal their contemporary meaning. Year 7 and other students new to the College, along with new staff received a Tau cross a symbol of their belonging in the Franciscan family.

As a part of the Easter Liturgy, Year 9 Digital Technology students created a short video exploring the theme of ‘Hope’. Please click HERE to view the video.

Mission Action Day Our Mission Action Day walkathon occurred on Friday 8 April. By supporting St Maria Mazzarello school in Venilale, Timor Leste, we are contributing to girls’ education. Education of women is the greatest single factor that helps the development of a country. Our donations of money, which can be made via this Trybooking link, ensure that we are giving to those in need during Lent. Our donations of money are also a way that we live Catholic Social Teaching through the principles of the dignity of the human person, solidarity and a preferential option for the poor.

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Young Voices Awards Organised by the Jesuit magazine 'Australian Catholics' in association with ACU, the Awards are an opportunity for young people to have their voice heard on the theme 'Media for good'. Whether it’s by crafting an inspiring article, capturing some profound images, or recording an informative podcast or video – the Awards are an opportunity to get inspired and creative and make a difference. For more Information, go to the Young Voices Awards website.

Refugee Homework Club This excellent service opportunity will begin in Term 2. Students who have registered their interest can access the roster now, via Ave Learning or Teams. Parents will be sent a consent closer to the date. On the day, students gather out the front of Clydebank at 3.30pm sharp.

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Around the College

To see more of daily life at the College, follow us on: Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn

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Careers Education Leader Ave Maria Careers website Our careers website can be easily accessed via our main website links or by clicking here. It is a wonderful tool for students and families to explore relevant career information and resources.

Industry Immersions There are many upcoming industry immersion opportunities, including the Ocean Youth Marine Project, Victoria Police seminar, Australian Defence Force, Dramatic and Performing Arts and more. To register for these exciting programs, see the links provided in this week’s newsletter. There are also some wonderful campus tours over these school holidays to visit at ACU La Trobe, Monash and Deakin Universities. Year 10 Morrisby Profile Individual reports are now available to access, using student login details. All Year 10s will develop an individual Career Action Plan using their individual Morrisby profile. Parents are welcome to attend a 15 minute, 1:1 meeting with their daughter and a Careers Adviser in Term 2. Appointments will be emailed to students in advance, with the date and time confirmed. In addition, notes from these individual meetings will be provide to students for further discussion at home before subject selection. Page 17 of 22

Events and News To view our Career Newsletter articles, click here. Topics this week include: Year 12 students • Australia National University – Tuckwell Scholarship applications now open • ADF Gap Year Program – applications now open • Medicine and Dentistry – registrations for the UCAT ANZ are now open • NSW University early entry programs now open All students • Join the Ocean Youth Marine Project • Marine Discovery Centre Queenscliff 1 day event • Defense Force for women events in April • Victoria Police information sessions • NIDA short courses in acting, theatre, costumes • Filmmaking competition • Biomedical and health science at Monash • Food and Hospitality careers • Book a university campus tour for you/your family at La Trobe, Deakin or Monash

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Business Manager School Fees A friendly reminder that Term One Fees are now overdue. Thank you to all the families that have made a payment or have provided details of payment plans. Where payment has not yet been made, kindly complete either Direct Debit or Credit Card Authorisation Form, previously supplied, and return to the college immediately. Term Two Fees are due Friday 29 April 2022. Camps Sports Excursion Fund If you hold a Health Care Card or another concession card which names your child, we strongly encourage you to complete the CSEF application form and return to the college immediately. Families who successfully claimed the CSEF Rebate in 2021 and have no changes to any details on the application, there is no need to complete a new form for 2022. Families with a student in Year 7 will need to complete a new application. Please contact the Finance Office on 9331 9307 should you have any queries or concerns.

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QUICK LINKS Parent Access Module (PAM) Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM) SkoolBag The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications. CDF Pay CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time. Families can: • place student online lunch orders. • add funds to student accounts to be used for over-the-counter canteen purchases. • add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit. College Calendar Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar. Community Announcement – School Drop off / Pick up Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regular patrol the area around the College and will Page 20 of 22

issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are; • • • • • • •

Stopping in a “No Stopping” area - $165.00 Stopped in a Bus Zone - $99.00 Parked for a period longer than indicated - $83.00 Stopping on or near a children’s crossing - $165.00 Stopped on a footpath - $99.00 Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access - $99.00 Parked / stopped on a nature strip - $99.00

The College values being part of the local community and asks you to respect our neighbors by always obeying the road rules. Please assist Moonee Valley City Council and complete this survey Better Moves Around Schools (BMAS) expanded program is a long-term partnership between Council and school leaders in Moonee Valley to encourage walking and cycling to and from school, and to reduce road safety issues around schools. Your response to this survey will assist us in better understanding current travel patterns to and from school. This survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and is designed for parents and their child/children who attend school in Moonee Valley. We encourage parents to complete this survey with their child/children as the input of students is valuable. Your responses to this survey are completely anonymous and will be presented in group form alongside the responses of other people who participate. For further information, please see our privacy policy.

PARENT SURVEY Link: https://tinyurl.com/uzrkjbaf QR code:

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