Ave Maria College Vidian 2015

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Principal's Message


Mathematics and Information Technology


Board of Governance




Deputy Principal - Leadership and Learning


Individual Differences Unit


Director of Faith and Religious Education


Education Resource Centre


Heads of School


Mary Centre


College Captains


Teaching and Learning


Faith and Social Justice Captains


Secondary Catholic Sports Association


Academic Captain


Student Counselling


Dux 2014


Careers and Pathways


Valedictorian 2015


Academic and Community Awards Night


Timor-Leste Fundraising


Year 7 Team Leader


Venilale Immersion Trip


Year 7 Learning


Ave Maria Day


Year 7 Photos


Faith at Ave Maria College


Year 8 Team Leader


Clare House


Year 8 Learning


Francis House


Year 8 Photos


Helene House


Year 9 Team Leader


Mary House


Year 9 Learning


Religious Education


Year 9 Photos


Visual Arts


Year 10 Team Leader


Year 12 Arts


Year 10 Learning


Excellence in the Arts


Year 10 Photos


Design and Food Technology


Year 11 Team Leader


Performing Arts - Drama


Year 11 Learning


Performing Arts - Music


Year 11 Photos


The Wiz


Year 12 Team Leader




Year 12 Learning




Year 12 Photos


Extended Learning Tour


Class of 2015


Health and Physical Education


Staff Photos


Languages other than English


Beyond the Classroom


Indonesian Study Tour


honouring Qod’s Creation

From the Principal

What a privilege our staff, teachers and support staff alike, have in

community who raised in excess of $20,000 over the course of the

this daily work. The staff of Ave Maria College have once again this year been exemplary in their work and care of our students. Each day,

year to support this remote village. These were but a few of our

they look deeply at our students and create opportunities for growth and newness for them. I thank each of them most sincerely for their

commitment and skill.

firsts this year.

Amongst the most significant firsts of 2015 has been the development of the Mary Centre, encompassing Science, The Arts, a Research Hub and general classroom. I am delighted with this new

It is of course our students with whom and for whom we work.

learning environment for our students and know that it will provide

Ave Maria College confesses a certain feel, one both real and intangible. Essentially, it is about the girls and the culture that is

a place for our girls to explore their creativity and deepen their discovery. On this note I thank the College Board of Governance

established when people care for one another, want the best for

and Business Manager Allan Thompson for their great support

each other and therefore treat one another with care and warmth.

of our master planning. This year we were pleased to welcome Fr Bill Attard as our newly appointed Canonical Administrator of

It is our students who model and witness this, every bit as much as staff. This reality has been demonstrated in all ways, old and new.

A distinguishing feature of 2015 has been a significant number of 'firsts' within our community. The development of a new Strategic Plan for the period 2016-2019 helped shape some of

these initiatives as we strive to continuously improve learning and growth for students. From the beginning of the year, a new

the College. Fr Bill has already lent his wisdom, expertise and faith for our benefit and we trust he will enjoy many years of leadership within our community.

A final noteworthy first is the introduction this year of Co-Captains and I note this as my final commendation as the year draws to

a close. I thank Wendy Ibrahim and Grace Farrant for their fine

five period daily timetable has been in place. Included in this has

leadership of the student body this year. As Co-Captains rather than

been the introduction of Stillpoint, a daily practice of silence and

the Captain/Deputy model in previous years, we have seen two

stillness throughout the College just prior to lunch. This moment of sacred pause has been very well practised by all. The new

students who have complemented one another beautifully. I thank each of them, along with the whole Year 12 Student Leadership

Curriculum framework introduced a new subject at middle school,

team for their generous giving, creative ideas and very real kindness

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), again

to all students this year. They epitomise what it is to be an 'Ave girl'.

a very successful first. The College Production, The Wiz, was for the first time this year conducted off site at Darebin Arts Centre. This provided a professionalism worthy of the calibre of student and

staff talent in the performing arts. The latter half of the year saw

two wonderful firsts for student learning. The Extended Study Tour, created by MrTim Nolan, saw 31 very excited students head off with five staff to England and Europe during the September break. This journey was steeped in global learning with each student

required to plan and research a particular aspect of the history, culture and language of the places visited. Another very significant first is the strengthening of our partnership with Timor-Leste, with the first group of College students travelling there in 2015.1 wish

to personally acknowledge Molly Kennedy, Faith MacGregor, Clare

One of the great aspects of a College Yearbook is the fact that it unifies the College experience for that year. Whilst an impossibility in some respects as it can never encapsulate each, every and all

dimensions, it nevertheless offers readers a sense of 'what was' over the year. A bringing together of many elements which forms an

impression of a community; and what a wonderful community ours

is, by virtue of the people within it and God's good grace, together. It could be said that education itself is like this. Education at its

best unifies, strengthens, expands, and encompasses the individual

and the community. We hope you enjoy reflecting on our 2015 year, Honouring God's Creation.

Mrs Elizabeth Hanney, Principal

Whelan, Giulia Paulin-Martinengo and past student Julia Bediaga

who willingly offered themselves, along with Mr Patrick Jurd, Ms Mel Zahra and Ms Sharon Walsh in service and fellowship to

our friends at St Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale. This was coupled with very generous fundraising on the part of the whole


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Board of Governance Report

toFirstly, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all Board


members for their continued support and time they have devoted to Ave Maria College in 2015. In particular, I would like

to acknowledge our principal Elizabeth Hanney for the positive impact she continues to have in the College community. Her

collaborative leadership style and positive attitude is a great asset to the College and the Board of Governance. As Board members, we are always well informed and have full confidence in Elizabeth's vision and plans to make Ave Maria College a great college for young women.

2015 continues to see Ave Maria's reputation strengthen as evidenced in a growing demand for enrolments and interest in

our College. Our reputation is a tribute to tne entire community of teachers, staff, students and parents who make up Ave Maria

College and dedicate their time to making the College among the best. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank you for your commitment and contribution.

This year we welcomed Fr Bill Attard as the appointed President of the Delegated Canonical Administrators, and our newest member

and parent representative, Mr Victor Carreto. Integral to our Board are Mr Peter Devery and Mr Adrian Klep (as Delegated Canonical Administrators) and I would like to acknowledge the continued support and wealth of experience they are able to offer the Board.

Early in the year we had a review of the 2014 VCE results and an update on leadership and learning initiatives in the College.

Throughout the year we reviewed and ratified a number of updated policies along with progress on the new and exciting Mary Centre project. We also attended a seminar held by the

Australian Institute of Governance that included other school Boards and offered a number of useful insights and perspectives. As done in previous years, we took the time to reflect as a Board in light of our mission and how we function to serve the College.

As for building works, the completion of the new Mary Centre marks

a memorable occasion and one to be truly celebrated. We also saw the formation of a working party this year that comprised teachers,

staff, students and parent representatives tasked with developing a Master building plan for our College over the next five years. It will

undoubtedly be an exciting time to be at Ave Maria College over the coming years to see these plans materialise, and the College transform to include both creative and state of the art learning spaces.

Over the years we have had several questions as to the role of

the Board, and parents seeking further information on how they can contribute or join. We encourage you to visit the Ave Maria

College website at www.avemaria.vic.edu.au and inform yourself

of our role and the opportunity to get involved. On behalf of the Board, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2015 and wish them every success with their future endeavours.

Mr Fernando Schiavone, Chair, Board of Governance

MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Mary is the Mother of God and she is our mother. She teaches us how to say yes to God. Her whole life is marked by self-sacrifice By making her attitude our own, we share in Mary's mission of love and peace. The symbol for Mary House is Sister Water because as a plant is nurtured by water so too does Mary nurture our faith in God. She inspires, renews, and heals us and as she gave life to Jesus, so too are we given the promise of eternal life through the waters of Baptism.

Deputy Principal - Leadership and Learning

Mindful of our College theme, Honouring God's Creation, we are

in leadership; delegation, empowerment and accountability.

focussed on learning. In honouring the gifts our God has given us we are obliged to make the most of our extraordinary capacity

These are, for us, key pillars of leadership for driving learning

to learn. We are a community of learners and as such we

approach to leadership has underpinned the growth and success

question, we challenge and we wonder the what-ifs. We try new approaches with the positive attitude and growth mindset that

of our staff and student leaders in 2015.

says regardless of how far we progress, there will be learning in this journey. In 2015 we have promoted three areas of growth

in the teams and individuals we lead. This learning-focussed

Mr Phillip Tascone, Deputy Principal - Leadership and Learning

Director of Faith and Religious Education

Faith and Religious Education should be part of every class and every relationship. The College Mission Statement reminds us that

Our analysis of the data from the Enhancing Catholic School Identity survey led to a 2015 Faith Formation Plan. Six staff participated in

"we are called to see the good in others" and that our relationships

the Franciscan Schools Australia Conference in March. A week later,

should be "imbued with integrity and compassion between all

the whole staff gathered with the staff from Our Lady of the Nativity

members of the College community". This is seen in masses, liturgies and faith formation days. It is also seen in the work of

school (a first!) for professional learning about St Clare.The Board of

the Faith and Social Justice group through the Year Level charities,

sessions, while a Parent-Daughter Spirituality Evening was held in April. I participated in a Franciscan Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Winter Appeal, Winter Sleepout and the Edmund Rice Homework Club in St Albans. We also live our faith through Mission Action

Day where the whole College undertook a walkathon around the

Maribyrnong River track to raise awareness and money for the St Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale, Timor-Leste. This year also saw the first Venilale Immersion Trip by a group of students and

staff from Ave Maria College. This occurred during the September holidays, as we continue to build relationships with the Venilale community. The College Student Leaders co-ordinated our

Governance and the Leadership Team also engaged in faith formation

course in Cebu, Philippines in July. This was a rich experience as we look to live our faith and engage further with other members of the Franciscan family.

The College is most grateful for the priestly ministry of our appointed chaplains, Fr Nhan Le, Fr Minh Tran and Fr Joseph Olickal who preside at a

variety of whole school, and Year Level Masses. The musical leadership of Ms Sims and the choir adds greatly to a variety of College Masses.

Papua New Guinea. The Dav Cavill School offers free education to

Some people may separate good works from more formal expressions of faith, but Catholic education takes its cue from the Letter of James: 'faith without works is dead'.

those kids who, without this help, would not have any educational

Mr Patrick Jurd, Director of Faith and Religious Education

participation in KickArts, the talent showcase for dance, music or drama which raised over $7,700 for the Dav Cavill school in

opportunities, especially to get them ready for work.

Heads of School

The greatest joy of our very busy roles is the constant and varied

Student Voice and Initiatives

contact we have with our wonderful students. Their enthusiasm, humour, questioning and genuine engagement in their learning

Perhaps the initiative that we are most proud of from 2015 is the increased opportunities for student voice. There is, we know,

are a constant source of pride. As we near the end of another

a perception from some in the community who feel that when

academic year it is important to note and acknowledge the great weight of effort that our students have put into their studies this year: not simply memorising or answering, but more importantly analysing, judging, considering and asking. We have been likewise very pleased to be involved with, and watch develop, a number

students voice a frustration, we listen to them and change things. While it is not true that we jump to every student whim, we are proud of the fact that we listen to them, that students have an

increased voice in the direction of both their learning and of the school. This year we have seen such in things as:

of great initiatives in the school in 2015, which we would like to make mention of.

once a term, Student Leaders come together to share ideas, undertake some leadership training, and of course share lunch;

Student Learning Goals This year we have made much fuller use of the mandated student learning goals process, choosing to view it as not merely an

administrative requirement, but an opportunity to spur real reflection and growth. In addition to the students themselves, this

year staff and parents have likewise been given copies of student learning goals, allowing for more targeted, specific and useful

discussions about each student's aims and areas for growth in their studies.

Overseas Study and Cultural Tours We have been very pleased to watch the excitement building

around the two new international study tours that were offered this year: an English and History learning tour to Europe; and to build our growing relationship with St Maria Mazzarello in Venilale, Timor-Leste. These tours are in addition to those to

Italy and Indonesia in alternating years, and collectively provide

a wealth of challenging and rewarding learning experiences for our students.

the newly implemented Student Leadership Workshops where,

feedback opportunities on the new learning and teaching program and on student laptop choice;

student initiatives such as the Senior Student Leadership

Team's highly successful A LoVEly Week, which won the YLead Community Action Award for 2015. So, for a highly successful, wondering, contemplative, challenging,

intriguing and inspirational year of learning, well done all.

Ms Joanna Hammer and Mr Michael Horne, Heads of School

College and Academic Captains

2015 has been an extremely rewarding year for both of

us. The role of College Captain was at times challenging

but we each gained so much knowledge about ourselves,

the importance of community and what it is that makes Ave Maria College so special. It was with the undivided support of the additional eleven members of the

Leadership Team that we were able to achieve so much and fulfill our roles to the best of our abilities and for this we cannot thank them enough. Some of the highlights of 2015 included the leadership conference, 'yLead' which was held at the beginning of the year and AloVEly Week,

a senior leadership initiative that focused on improving the social environment at Ave Maria College. We were

from high school, we are saying goodbye to a community

very lucky to win the yLead Project Action Award

which has practically been our second home over the last six years. It was within the very corridors of Ave Maria

following the submission of AloVEly Week. Other school events such as Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, Ave

College that everlasting friendships were made, copious

Maria Day and Mission Action Day all encompassed

lessons were learnt and unforgettable memories were created. The time we have spent at the College has truly

the caring, faith and love we are all about. We feel very blessed to have had this opportunity to represent

that we are forever grateful. We once again wish to take

and give back to the students and staff of Ave Maria

College and can honestly say we have learnt was the true meaning of being an Ave Girl' is and we could not

have fulfilled our roles successfully without the help of many people including our leadership mentor Mr Phillip Tascone, Principal Mrs Elizabeth Hanney and most importantly the students of Ave Maria College. It was during the writing of this article that the realisation of what will be leaving behind really hit home. We both

found ourselves truly nostalgic and perplexed as to how

we were to sum up our time at Ave Maria College in such a limited amount of words. We are not just graduating

shaped us into the young women we are today and for

this opportunity to acknowledge and thank both staff and students of Ave Maria College for the friendship, love, support and laughter they have provided for not only

ourselves but whole 2015 cohort over our time. We would like to wish the Ave Maria College Community the best of luck into the future and remind the girls one

last time to truly embrace their inner 'Avemarianess' and cherish every moment as an Ave girl'.

Thank you!

Grace Farrant and Wendy Ibrahim, College Captains

Academic Captain

Exciting, stressful, chaotic and rewarding. My last year at

gave the girls an opportunity to make new friends, even

Ave Maria College has exceeded all of my expectations, and my position in leadership as Academic Captain has made it even

outside their own Year Level. In addition, I spent time with

more worthwhile. Working in collaboration with the Leadership Team, and the Learning Leader Ms Coyne, I have tried my best to promote

each Year 8 Homeroom to promote the Positive Education Program. This particularly emphasised a growth mindset

and general positive attitude to how learning, and even life itself, is approached.

a positive learning culture throughout the College. Learning is something some students may have reservations about, however,

When looking back at my time at the College, I cannot express

through my initiatives I have tried to promote participation, particularly to the Junior Year Levels.

learnt certainly have prepared me for life after school. All students are extremely privileged to attend such a loving school and I hope

Introducing the Book Club was an effort tc encourage younger students to participate in academic activities outside the classroom and to show off their passion *or reading. It also

my gratitude in words. The friends I have made and things I have

that in the future years at Ave Maria College, a positive attitude

toward learning will continue to be emphasised.

Rebecca Micallef, Academic Captain

Faith and Social Justice Captains

2015 has been both extremely busy and rewarding; we are

Faith and Social Justice Team, AveSonic 2015 - Ave Maria's

truly grateful for the opportunities the College has provided

first lunchtime disco which had successfully strengthened

us, both as Faith and Social Justice Captains and members of

Ave Maria's community spirit and our connection with St Maria

the Ave Maria Community. We have had the opportunity to

Mazzarello School in East Timor. We are honoured to have

work with the Faith and Social Justice Captains from Years 7

to 11 through regular meetings which enables us to discuss

represented the College this year and are truly appreciative of the support and encouragement we have received in our roles

social justice issues occurring in Australia and around the globe.

and in previous years.

These meetings strengthened our understanding of the needs

Cassandra Da Costa and Monique Fatmous, Faith and Social Justice Captains

of others and the actions we could take to help. These actions took form in traditional events such as KickArts and Year

Level fundraisers as well as a new initiative organised by the


After a few hours of contemplating, furious typing on Google and many YouTube videos; I have come to the tragic conclusion that I am not a very funny person. So instead, I'd like to start by talking about astronomy. From the moment that humans first looked up, the skies have been a mysterious source of wonder - knowledge borne out of the observations of the moon and the stars. By the year 1969, mankind accomplished the unimaginable. Mankind had finally touched the skies. Mankind had reached the moon.

This is really the beginning of our story.

Since the Apollo 11 mission, research on astronomy and astrophysics has boomed. We have witnessed the birth of new stars and the death of old ones, found black holes billions of light years away, discovered planets from other galaxies and now, we are on the front steps of Mars. In fact, NASA is planning on launching its first manned mission to Mars by the year 2030. If we were to assume that the people in charge of the mission to Mars will be around the same age as Armstrong, when he flew to the moon; it seems that the first person who will land on Mars could potentially be a 13 year old boy or girl at this point in time. Who's to say that this person may not be you?

to say the words “impossible".

I believe that school gives us the opportunity to fall in love. I am not talking about romantic love; I am talking about the love for a passion that will drive you to work hard for yourself. Do not simply leam for the sake of passing a test. Leam because you are curious, because you want to know more and because you want to challenge yourself. Never simply try to accept what the teacher or the textbook says. Feel free to always question "why?" or "why is it the way that it is?" Some of the greatest thinkers are the ones who challenged what we know and looked further into things.

I leave you with the same words of advice that Steve Jobs left us with: Stay hungry - never be satisfied; push to learn more. And stay foolish dare to do the things deemed impossible. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Ann Phan, Dux 2014

Our story begins on a fresh summer's day. A pack of wide eyed 12 year olds, our hands shaking with apprehension, drowning in our oversized blazers

To the class of 2015, my friends, you are all undeniably blessed. No single word can encapsulate your talent, dedication and overall kindness. Our

and the glow of our pristine white socks.

wicked sense of humor and a unique variety of personalities have all brought us together. We have all experienced one another's breakdowns

The friendships we created on our first day were by helping one another crack each other's locker combination. But over the years, we also formed

irreplaceable friendships that were extremely helpful for cracking the code of the challenges we would face during high school. We shared special moments as a Year Level where we truly came to realise the importance and

through every SAC, every folio and every performance. I'm sure we will all be thrilled on 18 November when we can finally let our hair down. Although we have been preparing and anticipating the end of our high school journey all year, it still takes us by surprise. While some of us may still

value of not only each other but also of ourselves, embracing our own quirky characteristics and uniting as a sassy bunch of girls.

not be able to reach the top shelf of our lockers, we have reached the end of high school. At the start of our high school lives, we dreamed of what might

Six years later we take a deep breath and prepare ourselves to face our greatest enemy, the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA). 2015 has been our toughest challenge by far, with the year bringing stacks

be. Now six years on, as one adventure ends and another begins, never forget

of homework and one 18,h birthday after the other. So many precious

memories, especially our last Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, the last Ave Maria Day and of course our #trendingoutfits for the Year 12 Cabaret.

that sense of adventure that both excited and scared us at the beginning of Year 7. And most importantly remember "we all have magic inside of us." We are all going to amaze the world with our passion and utter brilliance. Congratulations Class of 2015. With this cast of gold, anything is possible.

Emma Scully, Valedictorian 2015

Timor-Leste Fundraising


In 2015 the College hosted two major community fundraising

events to support the St Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale, Timor-Leste. The first event, held on 13 June at Lakeside Events in Albert Park, was the second Annual Benefit Ball. Attended

by nearly 250 guests, the formal event brought together staff, parents, senior students from Years 11 and 12, former students, members of the College Board of Governance and Members of Local Government.The night included a delicious two-course meal,

spectacular views of the city skyline, wonderfu1 entertainment from the five-piece band "Ticket to Vegas" and our mega raffle and silent auction, where there were close to 50 prizes on offer.

There was quite a bit of dancing too, especially from the staff. It is

always a sign of success when the dance floor is still full right up until the last song! The event resulted in a huge fundraising effort,

with more than $5,000 raised. Of course an event like this does not happen without a great team of peopie, and the Timor-Leste Benefit Ball committee, made up of staff, students and parents,

prizes were won by a mix of both staff and students. This event raised just over $800.

worked tirelessly and brilliantly to produce a wonderful event. The second event, held for the first time, was our Movie Night

These two community events present a wonderful opportunity for all members of the Ave Maria College community to get involved

fundraiser, which took place in August at the Sun Theatre,

and support our friends and neighbours in Timor-Leste, both in

Yarraville. We had almost 60 people attend including staff, students, parents and friends, and each guest was treated to

a fundraising and awareness raising capacity. We thank all who

a drink and popcorn and the movie “PaperTowns”. The night concluded with the drawing of the school-wide raffle, where the

10 *


attended or supported these events and look forward to seeing more people involved in 2016.

Venilale Immersion Tour

Over the last five years the College has been building a relationship with the St Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale. Ms Sharon Walsh, one of the attending staff

members, has previously organised students to donate sports equipment, stationery and other practical items. There have been two separate visits by staff members over the last two years, as we have looked to build our relationship. The College has raised money for the running of the school through our Mission Action Day and the TimorLeste Benefit Ball. The group that visited Venilale in the September school holidays were accompanied by Mr Patrick Jurd, Ms Melanie Zahra and Ms Sharon Walsh. It

was the next logical step in the building of the relationship between the two school

communities. We learnt first-hand the wisdom of "it's in giving that we receive". "I'll never forget you", they said.That is one thing we will never do. We will never forget the Venilale Immersion Trip 2015. The girls, the Salesian Sisters and the whole community

of Venilale have left an imprint on our hearts. In giving them a chance to increase their English skills by sharing our life stories, role plays, discussing the continuous question

"do you have a boyfriend?" or dancing the night away to traditional songs, or the 'hokey pokey' they have given us an insight into true happiness. I cannot express in words our experience, but the one thing I can say, every time I think of that week, I smile and say

"I now have over 170 sisters and brothers." Thank you Venilale.

Molly Kennedy, Year 11

Ave Maria Day Ave Maria Day 2015 was again a wonderful celebration of all

that is great about the College; a showcase for student talent, a day for fun activities, and a time for quiet reflection on all we

have to be grateful for. Following the traditional Assembly and House Talent Show, we moved into a sacred space for Mass,

simultaneously welcoming Fr Bill Attard from StTherese's as the

new College Chief Canonical Administrator. Fair activities, lunch and the legendary Staff vs Students debate then took the focus before the College came back together for the annual House

Dance Competition, won in fine style by Francis House.

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Faith at Ave Maria

College Opening Mass

Moonee Valley Youth Summit

The school year commenced with Mass celebrated and led by

The Moonee Valley Youth Summit provided an inspiring,

Fr Bill Attard. It was an opportunity to highlight the College

informative and truly beneficial session, involving a diverse range

Leaders as well as reinforce our connection to the Franciscan family worldwide through the distribution of Tau crosses to all

of schools across Moonee Valley. We were all given the ability to

students who are new to the College.

voice our opinion in relation to current and specific issues that are relevant to the youth of today.

Zara Propadalo and Isabella Gabriele, Year 11

Refugee Homework Club Fora number of years, students and teachers f-om Ave Maria College have volunteered at the Edmund Rice Homework Club in St Albans. The Refugee Homework Club provides a supportive environment for children who are investing in their future learning. I am happy

to be involved in this tutoring program tnat facilitates access to education and learning through one-on-one sessions.

Cassandra Da Costa, Year 12 We are thankful for the opportunity and friendships we made

throughout the experience of the Refugee Homework Club. We were given the opportunity to tutor young refugees in Mathematics and

English before spending some time playing games with them. It was such a rewarding experience allowing us to reach out to the community.

Emily Young and Ciara Browne, Year 11

Catholic Education Week During Catholic Education Week the Faith and Social Justice Leaders represented the College at St Patrick's Cathedral. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet Archbishop Hart and other student leaders from Catholic schools across Melbourne and discuss how

student leaders can aim high and lead by the example of Christ.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal The St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal was led by Year 9 students. The whole school community participated with Year 9 students

raising a total of 923 winter items. Congratulations everyone for making a huge difference to so many lives.

Ms Stangherlin a'nd Year 9 Student Leaders

Australian Catholic Bishops Social Justice Statement On Tuesday, 15 September, some of the Faith and Social Justice leaders, along with Mrs Hanney and Mr Jurd, attended the launch of the Australian

Catholic Bishops Social Justice Statement. After being

led in prayer by leaders from different schools, we listened to Bishop Vincent Long and Sr Brigid Arthur speak about the issues asylum seekers are facing. This was a great experience.

Olivia Siracusa, Year 8

Winter Sleepout The Winter Sleepout was a great night in which a group of 15 students and teachers dedicated their Friday night

Annual Mission Action Day

to experience what over 1,000,000 Australians face due

Students and staff undertook a 7km walkathon from

to homelessness. We truly cherished this experience as it

the College to the Maribyrnong River and back, raising

opened our eyes to the struggles of homelessness, providing

money for the St Maria Mazzarello School which

us with compassion, empathy and understanding.

educates young women in Timor-Leste. The money raised

Monique Fatmous, Faith and Social Justice Captain

school's facilities.

is used to pay teachers a just wage and to improve the

Clare House

As Clare House Captains we were thrilled to see the level of

participation in Clare House. The Swimming and Athletics Carnivals were full of enjoyment and smiling faces. The Clare House Assistants supported and helped us, encouraging

participation in all events and students were really enthusiastic. This was a team event which allowed all Year Levels to bond and become closer and to create new memories in Clare House.

Olivia McDonald and Brittney Woodford Clare House Captains

Ave Maria College community. We are brought together to celebrate

from the sidelines could be heard all day long and races were filled

each other's talents, cheer on our House and have fun! The day was

with students looking to participate for their House. Everyone in

sunny and the competition fierce, this year's Athletics Carnival was by far one of the best that Ave Maria College has ever had!

Francis House left the day with a big smile on their face feeling victorious. Both our Junior and Intermediate Year Levels were the

Monique Cudina Francis House Captain

overall winners for the day. Let's hope we can continue this winning streak next year!

Phoebe Cahir Francis House Captain


* /7

Helene House

The Swimming and Athletics Carnivals were action-packed days

filled with great sportsmanship, participation and House spirit. We were treated to days filled with high energy, great costumes and plenty of sunshine at the end of Melbourne's Summer and Autumn. As Helene Captains we were pleased to see the excitement of the Year 7 students at their first carnivals.

Charlotte Dawson and Camille Russo Helene House Captains

Our Athletics Carnival was a fun-filled day and we were all encouraged

Everyone involved had such a great time, seeing all those

to get out of our comfort zones and have a good time! The traditional Year 12 parade, House enthusiasm and the friendly competitiveness

smiling faces in and around the pool was amazing.

made the 2015 Athletics Carnival a truly memorable day.

There is something special about a day where so many people get involved and create a sense of togetherness.

As well as learning about the richness of the Catholic Church and its traditions and history, Religious Education needs to be holistic and provide opportunities to touch hearts. At Ave Maria College

we achieved this through reflective classroom activities, as well as making connections with the Year 12 Retreat, Year Level Faith Formation Days and College Masses. There are opportunities

at each Year Level to engage with real life situations. It might be the unit on relationships studied by Year 12, the bioethical dilemmas covered in Year 11, the FIAT community service

project that links with social justice studied in Year 10, Hope and Redemption studied by Year 9, A Just Society studied by Year 8 or Do Unto Others studied by Year 7. The Opening School Mass and the Ave Maria Day Mass allow the College to celebrate its rich Catholic, Franciscan and Marian heritage. There are also opportunities such as the Year 7 Elders' Mass and the Year 8 Special Persons' Mass. The College Easter Liturgy allowed students and staff to reflect upon the richness of the Catholic

tradition of the Stations of the Cross in the context of life today.

The Religious Education Domain explored data from the Learning

and Teaching Review. This led to a review of our Religious

Education courses in Years 7-10, so that each Year Level will have an explicit theme and the content links between Year


Religious Education

Levels are clearer. One of the goals of the Annual Action Plan

for the Education in Faith sphere of the College is to "continue activities that enhance our Catholic school identity towards

a lived Franciscan faith”. Having noted that the data gained from

the Enhancing Catholic School Identity survey indicated a need for further professional learning in the area of biblical studies,

a professional learning session in the Gospel of John was held. Three members of the Religious Education Domain attended the Franciscan Schools Australia Conference held in March at the Catholic Leadership Centre. In conclusion, I am grateful to my colleagues for their efforts

and energy in this challenging and rewarding subject. I am

also grateful for the openness of our young women, as we accompany them on their faith journey.

Mr Patrick Jurd, Director of Faith and Religious Education

St Francis of Assisi is our spiritual father We look to him for inspiration. He is our model of Franciscan living and relationship with God, others and the world around us. For Francis, true power does not lie in wealth, but in detachment and love. The symbol for Francis house is Brother Sun because just as the sun gives us light and warmth, St Francis with his enthusiasm and passion lights our way and provides us with a connection to God. It teaches us to show warmth in our relationships and see people as our brother and sister

Visual Arts

2015 will see the end of an era when we move our classrooms to the third floor of the newly completed Mary Centre, an amazing new

facility that is contemporary in design and an innovative learning

environment. For 23 years, the Hugh Ramsay Art Wing has seen wonderful learning and production, and has been a place to celebrate

and showcase the unique and creative talents of our students in all areas of the Visual Arts.

Throughout this year studio work in the Visual Arts continued to flourish, producing many personal and skillful responses across

all Year Levels. Art forms in both two and three dimensional areas have demonstrated the refined and highly developed skill sets of

our students. Studio Arts students experienced workshops with the Artist-in-Residence program enabling personal achievements in

photographic and computer software skills. In Visual Communication

Design classes students worked with industry-standard software

Year 12 VCE folio subjects of Drama, Food and Technology, Media, Music, Product Design and Technology, Studio Arts, and Visual Communication and Design. Students' work was showcased in

producing a range of outcomes reflective of both Tertiary and

live music performance, cooking production, and horror movies,

industry expectations in areas of two and three dimensional concepts. In Media, our budding filmmakers and photographers

as well as an extensive display of Visual Arts folio work from all

also utilised opportunities through our Artist-in-Residence program, working with a variety of media forms and technologies to produce

areas of Years 7-11. The evening was a wonderful success, with an overwhelming number of people from our community, including

many former staff and students, joining us to view the range of

very personal responses and thematic work.

creative styles on exhibition. My congratulations and thanks must be

The new elective program at Year 9 saw the introduction of

extended to all members of the Arts Domain for not only this night but also for their creative energy and commitment throughout 2015.

individualised Arts subjects and innovative programs with specific directions that were warmly embraced by the students, who were

We are looking forward to the move to the new Mary Centre at the

able to choose from a number of specialised subject areas.

beginning of 2016, in readiness for continued creative pursuits.

A huge celebration marked the final week of the Class of 2015

Ms Cheryl Kerin, Domain Team Leader Arts

with the dynamic and popular annual Arts Festival. We celebrated achievements with a display of Visual Arts folio work along with

Year 12 Arts

Danielle Pozzebon • Product Design and Technology

Rachel Calleia • Visual Communication Design

Kate Duggan • Visual Communication Design

Taylah Zampieri • Media

Kayla Longato • Studio Arts

Rachel Calleia • Visual Communication Design

Rachel O'Rafferty • Studio Arts

Tehanni Crisara • Media

Excellence in the Arts

2015 has again seen many wonderful achievements and recognition of our Arts students in the wider community. The year began with success from the Class of 2014, with

the following students being shortlisted for the VCE Season of Excellence 2015, a wonderful achievement given the high number of entries from schools across Victoria. For Top Designs, Product Design and Technology - Kristen Frewen and Media Floriana Delio and for Start-up Top Arts, Studio Arts - Renee

Edera. Both Floriana and Renee's folios went on to be exhibited at these prestigious events. Furthermore, Renee received

recognition with all three sets of her 'Reconstruction' Digital prints being requested for loan to the Department of Education. Her work will be exhibited in the office of Hon James Merlino, Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Treasury Place, East

Melbourne until Friday, 24 July 2016.

In February at the Incinerator Gallery, Fireworks: Art and Design by Bright Young Things exhibition featured the work of Kristen Frewen, Chantelle McDonnell, Lia Micallef (Class of 2014) and Year 12 student, Isabella Serrano. The Fireworks exhibition, now in its third year, featured exceptional works from VCE art and

design students who live, work or go to school in Moonee Valley. This exhibition gave many young artists their first opportunity

to exhibit in a professional gallery and offered a glimpse of the future of art and design students. On the evening Kristen Frewen was selected as the overall winner of the show.

In March a number of student works were successful in being exhibited in Catholic Education week, Visual Arts Exhibition. Pieces represented included a range of studio forms from painting, collage and drawing as well as group entry of Papier Mache Hats from 7D (2014). Individual entries featured the works of Aria Giuliani, Matea Hrkac, Caitlin Priestley and Cassie

da Costa.

At a Junior Level Lara Gallo and Chloe Dalla-Fontano prints were selected as to be included in the exhibition of finalists (Student section) in the 2015 Silk Cut Award for Linocut Prints.

A wonderful achievement as the award drew entries from all schools Australia-wide.

Design Technology - Textiles The Textiles curriculum has offered a wide-ranging course at each Year Level. Students worked in ample, light filled spaces with large communal tables and individual access to sewing machines, undertaking units designed to increase skill and confidence in textile production

work. In year 7, they were introduced to the fundamentals of understanding and working

with fabric and patterns through the creation of their own personal material equipment bag, pincushion and colourful frogs. Year 8 explored the design process and created their own

pyjamas, personalised with embellishments. The new elective course at Year 9 saw students' skills developed through a curriculum that emphasised a comprehensive understanding of the design process, materials fibres and fabrics, production methods and creative techniques.

The area of VET Applied Fashion and Design has grown and further developed this year to

include complex fibre construction, block pattern making and investigation into sustainability.

Students were taught fashion illustration techniques, utilising a wide variety of materials incorporating contemporary and traditional drawing methods and computer programs. Our VCE Product Design and Technology students again pursued innovative design projects combined with expressive application of skills and techniques developed and inspired from

earlier years in Textiles. Overall ethical and environmental issues have been present at the core of all programs with students being educated on the life cycle of fibres and fabrics and the impact that textile

production has both socially and environmentally, ensuring our students are educated to

design with a conscience.

Design Technology - Food The specialist rooms G6 and G7 have again seen rich and skilful

programs in all areas of the Design Technology curriculum.

Food Technology at Year 7 begins with a basic introduction into the world of food preparation. The students' excitement

and enthusiasm is often limitless and sets up a lifelong love of

food and cooking with a key focus on safety in the kitchen and breakfast as an important meal. In Year 8 students produced a wide variety of tasty dishes including hamburgers, quiches,

environment and the responsibility of consumers in food selection and purchase. As a new area of study it heightened students' awareness of 'food miles', organic food, labelling and country of

origin. The Year 12 food class has been on an exciting journey of discovery and development. Beginning the year with a focus on

food safety authorities and regulations in Australia, they then moved into learning about some fundamental cooking techniques

and the chemical, sensory and physical properties of foods.

salads, biscuits and pizza scrolls, building on the knowledge

VCE folio work was a major assessment piece with each student

gained in Year 7 to develop a greater understanding of safety and hygiene in food production and the design process. 2015 also

designing, planning, producing and evaluating a major piece

saw the introduction of Food Technology as a standalone elective

of work around a self-selected central theme with quality and creative results. The other highlight of Year 12 was our 'paddock

subject in Year 9 replacing Materials. The focus was on two units;

to plate' excursion. We had the opportunity to visit the Melbourne

Nutrition and Dinner, where the students used the design process

Wholesale market, Conways Fish Supply, a traditional Italian

to develop products inclusive of a wide range of clients, including those with special dietary requirements and cultural backgrounds.

that raises cattle and sheep and grows an array of fruits and

Year 10 students studied a wide range of topics including

sustainability in food preparation which focused on the

Patisserie, a country bakery and a small family hobby farm

vegetables in a sustainable manner.

Drama "What is Drama, but life with all the boring bits cut out?" Year 7 can be a stressful transition from the rhythms of

primary school, and it is such a pleasure to be able to offer our newest students a subject where the childlike instinct

of creative play is both valuable and necessary. Year 7 Drama is all about retaining and refining imaginative play, first in the meditative and elegant style of Mime, and then in the energetic and physical Commedia dell'Arte

performances. The students demonstrated energy and

subtlety in their creative expression and five students represented the College as the youngest entrants at the KickArts performing arts festival. In the first iteration of Year 8 Drama, students tried their hands (and feet!) at the effervescent art of Bollywood dance. Industry professionals shared their cultural heritage of colour and celebration, and the students

dusted off their dancing shoes to perform beautiful and

challenging movements.

year, students used the non-naturalistic stylings of Epic and Verbatim theatre to develop a piece that explored the perceptiveness and precociousness of children. During

the devising phase, they were armed with the wisdom of esteemed practitioners Laban and Grotowski and with this,

pinched and flicked their ways to inventive and refined

Clocktower performances to an audience of fellow VCE

Drama students and a panel of markers. Inspired by the exceptional solo performances seen

"If drama seems to follow you everywhere, maybe you belong on the stage" Truth is truly stranger than fiction, and this was evident this year as Year 9 students delved into their family trees for character inspiration. We saw outstanding expression

and empathy in the way these characters were realised on stage, and the students developed their intuition as they

on our excursion to Top Acts, the students set about creating and developing their own solo performances in the second half of the year. Stanislavski and Meyerhold, Shakespeare and even Jung were at work magically blessing the students with processes and inspiration to use in the development phase. A character-building

workshop run by the magnificent writer and actor

performed in improvised scenes throughout the term.

Bethany Simons (whose one-woman play 'Reception' left the students in awe) gave the students even more fuel to

Year 10 also had a family theme this year, and for

add to their creative fires.

their first solo performance the students interviewed their teachers to explore stories of motherhood. These

vignettes revealed both the compelling diversity of experiences and histories in the community, and also showcased the students' rapidly increasing skill in

nuanced expression. Most of these students have elected

to continue their journey as performers next year and will embark on the challenge of VCE Drama. I love Drama because I get to express myself a different

Beyond the classroom Both Years 8 and 9 performed to audiences from Our Lady of Nativity Primary School students this year. In Year

8, students were cast as ghoulish and creepy characters in an adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and they performed this to a Grades 5 and 6 audience. Year 9 students were further challenged to devise Musical

way, and explore my different creative ideas.

Theatre performances based on fairy tales for an audience of Preps, and we saw outstanding audience engagement

Yvette Discipio, Year 9

and interaction from all actors. This experience of having

a true audience is invaluable to the development of

"In the language of an actor, to know is synonymous with to feel"

students rose to the challenge.

VCE Drama students embarked on not only a journey of creative pursuits but one of emotional and personal

Ms-Jessica Kemp and Miss Nisrine Amine, Drama Teachers

growth. Working in ensembles for the first part of the

performance skills, and we were amazed at the way the


Performance Opportunities

three-part vocal harmony for pieces throughout the entire show.

From College assemblies, Masses and lunchtime performances; to the Talent Quest, the Arts Festival or 'The Wiz', the students

This was incredibly challenging for many students, as they were exposed to part singing, and reading music for the first time.

of Ave Maria College have had their fair share of performance

They developed skills in sight reading, intonation and theoretical

opportunities this year! Whether it be as part of the College Rock Band, Vocal Ensemble, Production Band or self-formed groups -

concepts throughout the rehearsal period.

our students have sung, played and blown us away with talent,

by the lifelong connections they make with students across year

enthusiasm and musicality well beyond their years.

levels, which is something they often do not have the opportunity to acquire within the conventional classroom. The memories that

Instrumental Music

our students have made over the last six months will stay with them for a lifetime. I encourage them to continue to work hard

This year has seen the introduction of a Co-Curricular Instrumental program, operating after school hours. Under the careful guidance

of Caleb Garfinkel (Guitar/ Bass Guitar) and Piera Dennerstein (Voice), this program has proved very popular and successful within the College Community. I would encourage any students interested in participating in this program to contact me for more information.

Students most benefit from an experience such as a Production

on their craft and to remain as dedicated and passionate about the Performing Arts as I have seen throughout this process. It has been an absolute pleasure working with the talented students,

as well as my colleagues, Caleb Garfinkel, Jessica Kemp, Nisrine Amine and Melanie Zahra. Without this team, this absolutely amazing show would not have existed. Bravo!

'The Wiz' The College Production this year, 'The Wiz', brought with it some fantastic opportunities and challenges for our students. 'The Wiz',

with its catchy and memorable score, allowed students to delve into the effervescent Rock Theatre genre, where they experienced both conventional harmonic and rhythmic conventions of Musical

Theatre and Popular Music alike. With the combination of a student band of nine, and an additional four professional musicians, the students rehearsed challenging

repertoire and developed skills in ensemble playing, sight reading and musicality. The students were incredibly fortunate

to gain experience playing within a band and to also work with

professional musicians who have several years of experience and knowledge to share with them. Being a Rock-infused Musical, 'The Wiz' also had a large focus on ensemble singing. Thirty-five students met weekly, rehearsing

Ms Kayla Sims, Music Teacher

The Wiz Best experience EVER! I I love all of the people involved and would do it ALL OVER AGAIN! 1

Chloe Braybrook Year 10, Cast as 'The Lion' The Wiz was an unforgettable way to spend my final year

at Ave Maria College.

Grace Farrant Year 12, Cast as'The Tinman'


Being backstage in 'The Wiz' was an amazing experience. I learnt so much and made heaps of new

friends. It is a memory I will cherish forever.

Giselle laconis Year 7, Backstage Crew An experience like no other which made me discover things I never knew about myself. Dedication pays off big time!

Chelsea Ciantar Year 10, Cast as 'The Wiz' When I first read my name on the top of the casting list as Dorothy I had a huge flip

out, I was so excited to be a part of such an iconic musical and ecstatic to be able to play my dream role!

Caitlyn Barrasso Year 10, Cast as 'Dorothy' 'The Wiz' gave me the opportunity to practise and showcase my talent on my violin. It also allowed me to practise playing in a band.

Rachel Waring Year 9, Band Member I found it really enjoyable and such a confidence builder considering I am in Year 7 and did not know anyone. Now I am really close with all of the crew members.

Alicia Brooker Year 7, Backstage Crew It was fun taking photos for The Wiz and I got a sneak preview of how good

the show was!

Larissa Fazzari Year 7


Things are always busy in the English Domain at Ave Maria College, and 2015 has certainly been no exception. The staff in

them the vibrancy of live performance. In partnership with the Religious Education Domain, Year 7 students were privileged

the English Domain are always trying to find new and interesting

to have a special screening of the Australian documentary

ways to challenge our girls, and it has been truly wonderful to be witness to the amazing learning that has occurred.

Freedom Stories.This was coupled with a very generous and special Q&A from the producer of the film, Steve Thomas, to

It is important that through English our students find and cultivate their individual and unique voices. From the very

beginning at Year 7, our students develop this voice and learn

put into context their study of asylum seekers and refugees in

Australia. The Complete Works Theatre Company again visited the College to perform a series of scenes from Romeo and

to speak up and speak out, and they learn about the issues that matter in contemporary society, but also of mistakes and

Juliet and Macbeth, and the excitement and entertainment at

triumphs of times past. Our bread and butter? The study of

reintroduction of the College debating competition, which saw a fantastic participation of opinionated students from across all

diverse and rich texts. Loved or hated, the texts that we explore in each and every English classroom invite our students to delve deep into the world of characters and appreciate their contexts.

They call on students' integrity and empathy, and they invite

this year's performances were unsurpassed. 2015 also saw the

year levels. For this competition the school came together, with many teachers from other subject areas coaching, adjudicating, and even spectating the stellar efforts of our passionate debaters.

students to debate their feelings and question the way they see their world and the worlds of our brothers and sisters. It is

I am looking forward to seeing how this will progress in the near future.

through the study of texts that the English educator equips the

The English educators at Ave Maria College are dedicated

student with the various lenses with which to view the world past, present, and future. The English Domain has seen an array of activity beyond the

classroom and into the broader College community. Our Year 9

level was blessed with a visit from Melbourne author Alice Pung, who taught them the value of extracting personal stories and crafting personal memoirs. Year 10 Literature students enjoyed

individuals whose level of passion for their craft and

commitment to their students would not be seen anywhere else. I must thank each member of the English Domain for their

support, generosity of spirit, and professionalism. Our students have been, and will continue to be, in good hands.

Mr Timothy Nolan, Domain Team Leader English

a modern-day performance of Sophocles' Antigone, showing

Debating Association of Victoria - Ave Maria College Junior Team Members Charlotte Durrington, Isabella Garra, Genevieve Leonhill, Stephanie Fedele, Alysha Franze, Marianne Finlay. Absent, Madi McLeod

2S ’

Humanities It is a commonly held view that education is a preparation for life; in

fact, education is life itself. Nowhere is this latter better exemplified

than in the study of Humanities. In 2015 students at Ave Maria College have: experienced the establishment and running of a small

business, visited and spoken with inmates of a Victorian prison, as

well as our visited our Courts of Law; investigated sustainable gardening and then established and maintained their own garden; debated contemporary issues and arrived at consensus, even where our politicians fail to do so. Below you will find some examples of

the life our students have lived this year.

Mr Chris Moss, Domain Team Leader Humanities

Year 12 Legal Studies Excursion - Marngoneet Correctional Centre Year 12 Legal Studies Class was fortunate to experience a day at

Marngoneet Correctional Centre. The journey to the correctional centre was filled with nerves yet deep down we were all very excited to see what it really was like. Each and every one of us had this misconception

of what a stereotypical prison and its surroundings looked like. However, the class alongside myself was shocked to see that it was the complete opposite to what you see on the TV and in movies.

Poyntons Nursery. We then cleared a planting space for our plants. The following week we planted our plants. Each group had very different plants and it was good to see what everyone chose. After a

couple of weeks you could already see the progress. This was a great feeling because we had accomplished the task and all the plants had made progress. I hope the plants grow more and I am looking

We met with some prisoners, something we were all looking forward

forward to seeing them at the end of the year.

to. Honestly, I expected so much worse, more like what you would see in those criminal movies. We broke off into groups and started talking

Lily Robinson and Brigette Auld, Year 9

to the prisoners who were very honest about their sentencing, their view on the legal system, which footy team they barracked for and

how often there are issues in the media regarding victims of the drug, ice. Going to the Correctional Centre was something that I will never forget because it has expanded my knowledge of criminal sanctions

and imprisonment in itself. It has encouraged me to reflect on the decision we teenagers make when we are out in public and the dire

ramifications if we become in breach of the law.

Year 10 Civics visit from MP Mr Ben Carroll The Year 10 Civics class was visited by our local State Member for Parliament, Mr Ben Carroll. He is currently the member for Niddrie. Mr Carroll spoke to the class about how he got to his position, as well as his role in Parliament. He spoke about new Bills and Laws the

Government is working on passing at the State level, as well as his plans on improving transport that he would like to implement within our community. Mr Carroll also asked our opinions on what we would

like improved in our community, especially to do with improving public

Business Management Excursion - Melbourne Wholesale Market

transport. Overall his visit was informative and we gained extensive

Year 12 Business Management and Food Technology students arrived

Olivia Fazio, Year 10

at school at 5.00am to start our journey to the Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market, the Flower Market and lastly the Footscray Market. After spending the Unit learning about operations management, we finally got a personal insight of how it all comes together.

Kayla Longato and Catheryn Pangallo, Year 12

knowledge and are richer because of this experience.

Shrine of Remembrance It was a huge honour to be able to attend the 2015 ANZAC Centenary and to be part of something so special and memorable in our history. Natarsha Kemp in Year 11 and I had the huge honour

of laying the Ave Maria College Wreath near the eternal flame. It is

Year 9 Creating a Sustainable Garden This year in Geography we worked on creating our own vegetable garden. The process to creating this was very enjoyable and an. easy, creative task. The first thing we had to complete was buy our plants.

We listened to a short presentation on sustainable gardening at

now up to us, the next generation of young Australians, to keep the

ANZAC Spirit alive and the eternal flame burning and to ensure that the ANZAC Legacy is never forgotten. Lest we forget.

Monica Barca, Year 12

Extended Learning Tour

In September and October of this year I had the privilege of

open bus tour, driving and stopping at places such as Big Ben (of

coordinating the inaugural Extended Learning Tour to Europe.

course), the Tower of London, St Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham

This Learning Tour was designed to give students the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the confines of the classroom

Palace, the London Tower Bridge, and the modern London Eye. We also visited Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, and travelled to the

walls and see things out in the real world. Chocsing the locations

Warner Brothers Harry Potter Studios, for which many of us were

for the itinerary was easy, as one simply had to look back on the curriculum from Humanities and English over tne years to see

very keen. We visited the town of Oxford and all the universities

what our students learn. Central to the aims cf the Extended Learning Tour was to give participating students an experience of

some of the diverse cultures of our world and to reflect on their learning both past and present. The challenge for our students was to develop a folio and learning project that focussed on an aspect of the itinerary in a subject of their choosing. What we

have seen is rich learning that is student-centred and studentdriven. The participating students soaked up the learning

opportunities of this tour and made it their own. The attending staff and I were blessed to have such dynamic and zealous 31 students to lead on an amazing journey that will surely be felt by all for many years to come.

Mr Timothy Nolan, Mr Phillip Tascone, Ms Joanne Fastuca, Ms Christine Lovell, Miss Sandra Mamo

there and went to see a performance at the West End theatre district, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'. In Stratford-upon-

Avon we learned all about Shakespeare's life and family as it is the town he grew up in. We learnt so much from every place we went, about the culture and history in England, as well as having so much fun together and exploring new places every single day.

Natarsha Kemp, 11C Bonjour France! After England, our next stop was Belgium where we made our

way to several war memorials to both pay our respects and to

further our knowledge of battles of the World Wars. We were fortunate to attend the Menin Gate ceremony in Ypres, where each night the Last Post is played in ceremony to commemorate

those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in war. From Belgium we

London Calling! England, the first country that we would explore on our amazing

then moved to France. On arrival in France we were given the opportunity to visit the Fromelle's Pheasant Wood Museum

Extended Learning Tour of Europe. The country with so much to

and Cemetery. The whole group was deeply affected by the

do and so much rich history. We were all so excited to be staying

overwhelming loss of Australian lives and it was a solemn

in the heart of London. England was jam packed with visits to amazing sights and places. We began our time in London with an

experience for each of us. Our travels took a more cheerful tone when we arrived in Paris, the city of love. Home to the Eiffel

Prost! Munich was our first stop in Germany after our incredible time in France. The village in which we stayed was very traditional

with very few English speakers, which was quite a challenge! We quickly immersed ourselves in German culture at Oktoberfest, where we scared ourselves silly on rollercoasters, listened to traditional folk music and dressed up in Dirndls alongside the

locals. At the beautiful Neuschwanstein Castle, built by King Ludwig II, we absorbed the breathtaking views and learnt of the "Mad King's" reign. Our travels took on a more sombre mood when we visited Dachau Concentration Camp, the first

of the Nazi concentration camps in Germany. It was both an educational and moving experience which allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the events leading up to, during and after World War II. Each of us left the memorial with a new perspective on humanity and the sanctity of life. The historical city of Nurnberg was another standout of the trip. Dating back to

Tower, the Louvre and the Champs Elysee. Paris is steeped in culture, and had something to give to everyone, whether it was

architecture, food or even shopping! Our visit to the Palace of Versailles, the former residence of the French Monarchy, was awe inspiring. When given free time we all (teachers included)

had the opportunity to go bike riding around the gardens of

1050, Nurnberg allowed us to surround ourselves with medieval

architecture and history as well as visit the sites of the Nazi rally grounds and the famous Nurnberg trials. Our final stop in Germany, and last destination of the Extended Learning Tour, was

Berlin, the bustling capital rich in culture. Here, we toured the city

Versailles, giving us the opportunity to soak up the magnificence

and visited the famous sites of the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie while we learnt about life before and after the collapse of

of Versailles as well as to reflect.

the Soviet Union on both the East and the West sides.

Holly Oakley, 11B

Emily Young, 11C

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education teaches skills in a number of areas such as sports like volleyball, cricket, netball as well as

providing the necessary information about health practices, all of which give us the tools to participate in life outside of school. Of course not everyone will be an elite athlete nor will everyone demonstrate the health skills to become a doctor.

What is important is that every student always gives their

best. The ability to work as hard as you can is always going to be a good leveller of talent. In your years here at Ave Maria College I challenge you to work as hard and as smart as you

can in order for you to achieve the outcomes that you so richly deserve. With the conclusion of 2015, the Health and Physical

Education Domain has implemented Outooor Education at Year 10. Students have been really challenged in this subject to improve their skills in Environmental Studies, Geography and Camping. In 2016 the Domain is really excited about the new curriculum offering in Years 10 and 11, Certificate III in Sport

and Recreation. This is going to give students greater vocational options upon exit from the College.

I take this final opportunity to thank the fantastic energy and work ethic the Health and Physical Education Team has put in this year. They have worked tirelessly at improving

themselves and the content they teach. And last but by no

means least, we thank Mr Marin for his devoted years of service to education and in particular to the Health and Physical Education Domain. He has been a valued member of this team and will surely be missed by students and staff alike.

Mr Garry Whicker, Domain Team Leader Health and Physical Education

Languages Other Than English

Learning a language is a challenge, it extends the mind and

variety of co-curricular activities and competitions offered by the

teaches us about other people and their way of thinking. All of

different language associations, or simply preparing themselves and taking part in different performances in order to fulfil a

this from learning a few words and phrases and identifying patterns in word order and using affixations. The beauty

and essence of a country and its people is brought to life via language and culture. So what are we on about in the LOTE (Language Other than English) Domain? The LOTE Domain strives to develop students' curiosity and assist

variety of classroom outcomes. By participating in a range of extension activities offered via

our incursion and excursion programs, students connected with our Italian and Indonesian communities, reaching out and searching for truth and understanding of current issues. Both Italian and Indonesian senior students attended a film

them to accumulate knowledge of the diverse values and cultural traditions of both Italian and Indonesian societies. We are

festival at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and

all members of the one humanity and yet at times we think and value things differently and this is the beauty of creation.

explored current youth issues. Years 9 and 10 students connected with the local Italian and Indonesian communities and reflected

This is what draws us to explore further, to travel, to look for comparison and reflection. In this way we become inter-culturally

on their contributions to Australian society through the different

aware persons, equipped with knowledge and understanding,

clubs and museums. Hopefully the photographs on this page will give you a glimpse into our world.

endeavouring to keep up with our role in this ever increasing

global community. We have had a mantra in the LOTE Domain this year - "Choice,

Chance, Change". In our multilingual environment we entrusted our students to make the choice to try hard and learn new things. We asked them to take a chance and communicate as best they

could without fear of making errors and we challenged them to change and be responsive to other people's views.

Throughout the year we saw many students decide to make a Choice, take a Chance and rise to the challenge through the

programs offered at COASIT, CERES, and different galleries, social

I take this opportunity to acknowledge the incredible work done by the LOTE Team in developing and offering creative and engaging learning activities, for extending our students and

teaching them to love learning a language.

Mrs Carla Godoy, Languages other than English Domain Team Leader

Indonesia Study Tour Indonesia a place of diversity, rich in colour, offering a myriad of

experiences awakening all our senses. There is no other way I can

modes of transport to get to Mt. Bromo finally reaching the sea of sands. We mounted a small horse to reach the base of the crater

describe the adventures and extraordinary opportunities we had

and then climbing the last 200 steps up to the rim where we peered

throughout our 16 day journey. Each day this country revealed something new and different, occasionally astounding, often

down the crater to see the molten lava. There were times where the

marvelling and at times taking our breath away as we wondered at the beauty of creation.

extraordinary landscape made us feel like we were on Mars. Earlier in Bandung we saw the efforts of local entrepreneurs in maintaining the culture and traditions of the surrounding villages

The climate could not have been better, bright and warm everyday

by organising an after school program where children learn

holding back on humidity allowing us to travel with ease and

the art of performance in traditional theatre, music and dance. We were treated to a beautifully choreographed performance of

comfort. No tropical downpours meant the colours of buildings,

costumes and flora presented as brightly as they could bathed in sunshine heightening also the luxuriant green of the surrounding padi fields and forests.

Javanese dances followed by an angklung recital. It is still beyond us how such beautiful sound can come from shaking a simple bamboo instrument.

As we travelled from north to south of Java we explored parts of the island that few westerners visit. Our journey took us to the

Interestingly whilst the majority of the Indonesian population are followers of Islam, when you peel away the layers you see

tea plantations in Malang East Java where we learnt how green

evidence of times gone by with eighth and ninth century temples

tea and black tea derive from the same plant and is dried and

dotted around the country. A captivating highlight was the Buddhist temple of Borobudur as it revealed itself to us at sunrise

packaged for retail and export around the world; South of the island where we had our most amazing experience; Using various

34 *

and equally enchanting was the Hindu temple of Prambanan

with its tale of challenge and love at dusk. In the capital

as we collected them from school each day. There are so

Jakarta we saw the Istiqlal Mosque situated across the

many other memorable occasions one could recall from

road from the Catholic Cathedral (dedicated to Our Lady

our tour; the evening becak ride to the Sultan's Palace for dinner, the horse and buggy ride through the countryside,

of the Assumption), each congregation worshiping side by side harmoniously. The regular calls to prayer from the

drinking Luwak coffee and visiting local villages observing

minarets in Java were a contrast to the quiet burning of

how village communities etch a living from little backyard

incense and gentle aromas emanating from street-side

factories producing cassava chips.

Balinese offerings.

In brief, it was an extraordinary experience for everyone

Yogyakarta the Sultan's city, introduced us to local cuisine, artisans and craftsmen. Here we tried our hand at making

and I am certain that all who participated have enjoyed

batik, a piece of silver jewellery and cooked a meal with rudimentary tools fanning our little coal burners but

producing the most amazing satay sauces. Yogyakarta

also gave us an opportunity to really get a handle on our Bahasa proved by the effervescent chatter of the girls

sharing their experience with friends and relatives and hopefully carry these beautiful memories for years to come.

Mrs Carla Godoy, LOTE

Mathematics and Information Technology


“Do you want to hear a Maths joke?"

Mr Papaleo: “OK" Mia:

“The teacher said I was average and

I said 'that's mean!'" Class:


Mia Ranalletta, Year 7

Year 7 and 8 students were invited to participate in the Mathematics Talent Quest, an open-ended competition for

students to explore a mathematical question that they may have an interest in. Alysha Franze and Alessia Graziano, both from Year 7, investigated the effect of marking success on a team's match results in a game of AFL football. The girls collected all

of the marks statistics from every game, entered them into a spreadsheet, explored relationships, created graphs and then showed mathematically that teams with higher marking

In 2015, the Mathematics and Information Technology Domains

differentials over the season ended up higher on the ladder.

continued to work through a number of strategies to improve

For their efforts, the girls earned a Credit Certificate from the Mathematical Association of Victoria.

student learning in these areas. Year 7 and 8 teachers participated in classroom projects that looked at improving student learning outcomes by using more differentiated tasks.

Three students from Year 9 attended the “Doing Mathematics

The Year 7 team participated in a Monash University study looking

Like a Mathematician" program conducted by the Statistics Department at The University of Melbourne. The students found

at how fractions are taught and whether the use of “Challenging

the program to be a very good introduction to what further

Tasks” from the outset of the unit, in a supportive classroom

studies in Mathematics could lead to and how Mathematics is used to solve many different real world problems.

environment, allowed the students to solve problems that would normally not be considered until a later stage. By focussing on

differentiating the curriculum in a different manner than we had in the past, we found that our students responded extremely well

to the tasks which led to a better understanding and knowledge of fractions. As a result, the Year 7 teachers incorporated the Challenging Tasks approach into other units of work. The Year 8 Mathematics teachers, together with the Year 8

Science teachers, also embarked on differentiating various units of work to cater to the various levels of understanding in the classroom. Both of these projects allowed continued improvement in how we are teaching Year 7 and 8 Mathematics

and these approaches will be extended into 2016.

We introduced two extension classes at Year 9 and Year 10 in our

Twenty-six students from Year 10 participated in the very successful Year 10 Endeavour Day at The University of Melbourne. Students interested in studying Mathematics, Physics or

Chemistry were invited to participate in this program to explore Engineering projects undertaken at the University in an effort to get Year 10 students interested in Engineering courses.

The Year 12 Information Technology class received feedback from

a project two students participated in during Year 11. Stephanie Arturi and Rachel Calleia completed a spreadsheet project to solve a problem for a food manufacturing company. During 2015,

the company’s IT solution failed and as a quick solution, the

company retrieved Stephanie and Rachel's solution and found

efforts to prepare more students for VCE Mathematical Methods.

that it was robust and accurate to use. Due to its ease of use, the company continued to use their solution and plan to use it as a

The success of this initiative will be seen in the next few years

backbone to other systems. Congratulations girls.

as we track the number of students who will go on to study Mathematical Methods in 2016.

Year 12 Mathematics students participated in a September school holiday revision seminar for both the Mathematical

Methods and the Further Mathematics classes with most students attending. Feedback from the students informed us that this program needs to continue.

Mr Joseph Papaleo, Domain Team Leader Mathematics and Information Technology


Marie Curie It is through Science that we are able to understand the world around us and consequently truly see the beauty of God’s creations.

ecosystems at the Queensdiff Marine Centre, Year 11 Physics class

Science enables us to understand how everything on the earth and in the universe mysteriously fits together as God designed it to be. In

Chemistry students investigated the properties of water at La Trobe

2015, the Science team has worked vigorously with the students to

Science Centre where they used analytical instruments such as Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, VCE Physics Students went

understand the world we live in.

What an exciting and busy year we have had with a multitude of opportunities for the students to extend and enhance their learning

attended an international Masterclass in Particle Physics, Year 11

University, Year 12 Chemistry class also attended the Victorian Space

to Luna Park to investigate motion, and Year 12 Biology class visited

the Gene Technology Access Centre.

in Science. Year 7 students explored the universe with Starlab as well as the mysteries of Forces with Little Devils Circus. Year 8

This year during Science Week we reached for the stars with our

students built a robotic car to navigate a maze with The University

throughout the week. One of the highlights of the week was Family

of Melbourne Engineering students and explored renewable energy

Science Night. What a superb evening! Fizzics Education delivered on their promise of 'Big Science Big Fun' Show with flying toilet

technologies in a CERES Mobile Energy Classroom. Year 9 and 10 students were shown the properties of liquid nitrogen with a highly

dedicated Science team showcasing numerous fun science activities

paper, bubbling liquid nitrogen demos, fire-balls, and much more!

engaging show from Fizzics Education. Year 10 Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) class went to the Victorian

A very special thank you to all those who were involved. I look

Space Science Centre to investigate space exploration and selected

Mrs Carmel Anile-Saade, Domain Team Leader Science

students participated in the Melbourne University Spaghetti Machine Competition. Year 11 Biology class studied the rocky shore

forward to another extraordinary year in Science next year.

Individual Differences Unit

The Individual Differences Unit (IDU) aims to empower, build

learners to one another in new and powerful ways with sources of

capacity, develop resilience and foster a growth mindset in an environment that is safe and where our students are valued and

knowledge and innovative applications. Human Resources such as the Royal Children's Hospital, Scope and the community, support

have a sense of belonging and connectedness within and beyond

our efforts towards equity amongst all learners.

the classroom. The IDU team understands the importance of balancing intellectual, physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing, recognising that it is central to developing and implementing

strategies and programs which cater for students with a

variety of learning needs. We oversee enriching programs and

differentiating learning programs tailored for students. The IDU promotes a culture of learning for students and staff.

Teachers and teacher aides work collaboratively to design and facilitate learning. Learning is developed through using real

world contexts and contemporary issues. Teaching is inclusive, personalised and student centred. Technology is used to connect

Our students are encouraged to be optimistic, creative, self-directed, critical thinkers who cherish curiosity and are inspired to learn. We build on students' passion, capabilities

and strengths and make learning engaging, challenging and enjoyable through a variety of Individual Learning Plans. The

IDU incorporates personalized learning through fortnightly visits to IGA and areas within our local community and provide support for classroom practice.

Ms Bernadette Stuttered-Lane, Individual Differences Unit Team Leader

Education Resource Centre

The ERC is the College library but there is nothing quiet about this space. It is

always abuzz with busy students. This year students have enjoyed playing the puzzles and games available at lunchtime and recess. Scrabble, Uno and

Connect Four are favourites. A group of Year 9 students worked for a whole

term to complete an 800 piece jigsaw puzzle. The book group Readers United has met regularly to discuss books and reading. In May six students attended

a conference at the State Library of Victoria on Young Adult literature which was a memorable and inspiring event. The Creative Writing Competition gave budding writers a chance to shine. The winner of the Judge's Choice was Hannah Davies from 8C and the People's Choice was Charlotte Dawson of 12E.

It was wonderful to read the work of these young writers. Perhaps one day their books will be in our College ERC.

Ms Gabrielle Douglas, Education Resource Centre Team Leader

Mary Centre

It has been a year full of activity at the campus, with construction

This year has seen ongoing collaboration between architects

and completion of the new facilities in the Mary Centre.

at Hayball and key teaching staff and also students. In recent

The Mary Centre will comprise a range of learning spaces across

months an array of furniture samples has been 'road-tested' by the students, with their input helping to decide which key pieces

Science, Visual Arts, Media and general learning. Refurbishment to the ground floor will include a new Research Laboratory for multi-disciplinary learning, an outdoor science laboratory

would feature in the new facility. Representing Hayball throughout this process is Marissa

and an informal tiered seating area for class groups to gather.

Cavalchini, who has brought a personal insight to the project as

The first floor will see new general learning spaces, set to foster a collaborative environment in a range of different settings.

a former student of Ave Maria College. The Ave Maria College community and Hayball look forward to delivering a 21st century

The landmark addition at level two will be the new home for The Arts Domain, creating an open plan studio environment

learning facility which is the first step in future ambitions for

which extends outdoors to an open air studio deck with inspirational views of the city skyline. The new Gallery space will

Hayball Architecture

learning across the College.

be a permanent display, exhibiting the work created by students

throughout the year.

Teaching and Learning

Throughout this year, how many times have you heard about the power

challenged everyone to rethink what has always been. 2015 has been

of 'yet' or used the word 'but' when justifying your response? No doubt quite a few. One of the ways teachers have been supporting student

one in which all of the above has taken place!

learning is to talk about the growth mindset of 'I can't do this yet' as opposed to "I can't do this!'. Often students have been reminded about the importance of keeping an open mind, to not stop questioning and that learning truly is a lifelong journey. No matter what stage of your

learning you are at, the power of positive thinking and positive talk is the best possible preparation for success.

This year has seen an increase in learning visits by teachers, new and innovative ways to use technology in the classroom, new subject

offerings such as STEM, Multimedia and IRIS, and the many rigorous discussions around what type of assessment is 'good' assessment has

The dedication and professionalism of the Ave Maria College staff never ceases to amaze me. Outside of the classroom, the College community

present at conferences and workshops, assess VCE exams or are active members of their professional associations, all of which ensures we are well informed regarding student learning. So with 2015, another wonderful chapter in the life of the College under our belts and we look forward to what is 'yet' to come!

Ms Debra Coyne, Learning Leader

Secondary Catholic Sports Association

The Secondary Catholic Sports Association (SCSA) promotes and provides secondary school students with the opportunity

Another fantastic effort was given during the SCSA Athletics Competition on 8 May at Lakeside. Our senior team finished

to compete in a wide variety of sports and carnivals within

second overall out of nine schools which is an amazing effort.

a Catholic environment. Our girls have participated in a

Along with the junior and intermediate results, it placed Ave

wide variety of sports this year and have done so with great enthusiasm, pride and determination. Most training is conducted

Maria College in fifth place overall.

in students' own time either before school, after school or at

lunchtimes. We always have an abundance of girls who want to

get involved in the program not only to compete and share their talents but to help out on the day by taking photos, scoring or assisting the coaches. The sports that Ave Maria College participate in are Tennis, Swimming, Indoor Cricket, Indoor and Outdoor Soccer, Athletics,

Basketball, Cross Country, Hockey, AFL, Volleyball, Netball and

Softball. Ave Maria College hosts some of these events where

students volunteer their time to help put together fixtures, score

Ave Maria College hosted the SCSA Hockey tournament played on

24 June at Footscray Hockey Centre. We entered two junior teams and for the first time in three years, a senior team. Unfortunately our Senior team and Junior B team finished on the bottom of the

ladder, but our Junior A team went on to play in the grand final and took home the trophy. A big congratulations goes to Bianca Sprague (8A) who won Best Player in the grand final.

Words cannot explain the domination Ave Maria College experienced during the Outdoor Soccer competition played on 18 August 2015 at Darebin. All junior, intermediate and senior teams

and assist during award presentations.

played and won their grand finals with our intermediate team having the biggest win of 3 - 0. An amazing effort by all teams and

Ave Maria College had some great success in 2015 with

a big congratulations to Lauren LeToille (12B) and Chontai Mifsud

many of our teams coming home with some silverware to

(9C) who were Best on Ground during the grand final.

add to our trophy cabinet. Indoor Cricket was our first big win of the season. This was played at Box Hill on 16 April.

After excelling in all three levels last year, Ave Maria College

We took three teams along and competed well throughout the whole day. Our junior team placed third overall and both

had moved up in division for the Volleyball competition held at MSAC on 27 August. Even though we were playing in a higher

the intermediate and senior teams placed first after finals.

competition, three teams made it to the grand final; Junior C, Senior A and Senior B. Our Senior B team comprising of Year 11

A special congratulations goes to Ally McNab (1OC) and Abbey Kelly (11 A) who both received Best on Ground after

students was able to win comfortably with Carla Solarino (11D)

their grand final.

winning Best on Ground during the grand final.

Last week of Term 3 saw Ave Maria College take seven teams to Waverley to compete in Netball.

I look forward to seeing what next year brings to Ave

The competition was quite fierce with a lot of talent in

Ms Melanie Zahra, House Leader

all schools. Ave Maria College had two teams compete in the grand final, Junior B and Senior B. Senior B were able to hold on in a nail biter.

In October we competed in the final SCSA sport for 2015, Softball. Our students put in an outstanding effort

Maria College and the SCSA program.

SCSA Breakfast Ave Maria College was invited to Marian College as

part of our affiliation with the Secondary Catholic Sports Association. Guest speaker at the breakfast was Kate

with both intermediate and senior teams taking out the

Moloney who plays for the Melbourne Vixens Netball

competition. Special mention to Abbey Kelly (11 A) who

team and her presentation highlighted the many

received Best on Ground during the grand final match.

achievements of women in sport.

There is a lot of hard work that goes into putting together

It was a great opportunity to recognise House Captains

a team and a lot of it could not be done without the hard work and enthusiasm of the staff who volunteer their

from Ave Maria College and their participation and leadership in the Secondary Catholic sporting community.

time to coach teams. It is not an easy job but it is one they do with great passion and persistence.

Clw TUo/im

' 41

Student Counselling

Walter E. Disney

The student counselling service is one component of the

Student Wellbeing Program at Ave Maria College. The aim of the counselling service is to help students overcome their immediate problems and also to equip them to meet future problems.

When students meet with either counsellor, information about the biological, psychological and social factors impacting their wellbeing is gathered. This is then used to help students gain

The student counselling team supports the teaching staff to facilitate Student Wellbeing programs, and during 2015 such

programs have included presentations and workshops on

mindfulness and meditation, managing stress and anxiety, and positive body image. This year, the team has also been involved in establishing the Compassion, Acceptance, Respect and Empathy

(CARE) group which is a student-led initiative with a focus on promoting a culture of respect and tolerance, building resilience,

insight into any difficulties they are experiencing.

celebrating difference and addressing bullying.

The Student Counsellor office is a safe environment that encourages self-exploration and

Ms Cecili Tankey and Mrs Sue Hall, Student Counsellors

self-acceptance. With empathetic understanding and warmth,

students are guided to find the solutions to their problems.

Careers and Pathways

The Seven Ages of Man by William Shakespeare

Students in Year 10 at Ave Maria College begin the process

of assembling and constructing their working identities by exploring opportunities in a variety of directions and adding to their career capital. Madelynn Nathan was selected to undertake a placement at the Royal Australian Navy Engineering Camp in 2015. The camp

provided Madelynn with an overview of life in the Navy as an Engineering Officer.

Eusebiana Apparicio-Moleo undertook her placement with Ellerton Zahra Racing at Flemington Racecourse. Eusebiana

looked after racing horses for a week. On reflection Eusebiana

advises future students looking for work experience to "choose something you never thought to do before as it may open doors you never thought would be open".

Sarah Condon completed a week of work experience at Myer

Melbourne. Each day she was assigned to a different department.

Ms Helen Aliaga, Pathways Coordinator


Academic and Community Awards Night The Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN) is the annual celebration of achievement and all that is great about

the staff, students and community of Ave Maria College. We acknowledge excellence and high performance in a number

of areas - College Spirit, Sporting and Cultural contributions, Community recognition and, of course, academic excellence.

In 2015 the number of academic award recipients was expanded with the introduction of Excellence Awards for the five highest performers in each subject in each Year Level in addition to the Subject Dux Award. A Year Level Honour Roll was also introduced which recognised the top five performers in each Year Level, inclusive of the Year Level Dux. One final addition was the introduction of the Chrysanthe Bursary for staff research.

In all, nearly 250 students were acknowledged and recognised for outstanding achievement. This is more than a quarter of the student body and is indicative of the depth and breadth of our students' academic capability. Well done to all award recipients.

Major Award Recipients

Intermediate: Gemma MacGregor (Year 9)

Year Level Honour Roll and Dux

Helene de Chappotin: Molly Kennedy

Senior: Madeline Perini (Year 12)

Year 7 Honour Roll:

St Clare Service Award (parent):

House Woman of the Year:

Kathleen McCord

Katie Earnshaw (Year 10)

Lara Slavich, Danielle Reed, Alicia Librandi, Breanna Farley

St Franics Staff Service Award:

Sportswoman of the Year:

Year 7 Dux: Chloe McMahon

Jo Hammer

Whitney Knight (Year 9)

Year 8 Honour Roll:

Chrysanthe Bursary: Debra Coyne, Bridget

Spirit of Ave Award

Blackburn, Stuart Hensley (STEMD research)

Future Leaders Years 7-9: Manon Tickle (Year 9) Years 10-12: S'ThembileTlhabane (Year 10)

House Awards House Coordinator Acknowledgement: Madison Anderson (Year 7)

Year 7: Stephanie Nind Year 8: Georgia Wheaton Year 9: Pauline Boutros

Year 10: Jacinta Conti Year 11: Olivia Turville Caltex All-rounder Lauren LeToille (Year 12)

Abbey Kelly (Year 11)

House Cultural Award: Junior: Monique Moore (Year 8) Intermediate: Chiara Disipio (Year 9) Senior: Clare Whelan (Year 11)

House Sports Award: Junior: Bianca Sprague (Year 8)

Moonee Valley Foundation Award Rebecca Siriani

Sarah Giuffre-Fittipaldi, Madeleine Grande,

Lucy Nathan, Madeline Saxton

Year 8 Dux: Meg Gleeson

Year 9 Honour Roll: May Beard, Brianna Benito, Isabel Conti, Rachel Waring,

Year 9 Dux: Caitlyn Fitzgerald Year 10 Honour Roll: Faith Andres, Marissa Buttigieg, Olivia Robertson, Katie Earnshaw Year 10 Dux: Mary Kadar

Year 11 Honour Roll:

Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship

Julia Belcastro, Rachel D'Andrea,

(Melbourne University)

Agata Spanti, Georgia Tankey

Katie Earnshaw

Year 11 Dux: Veronica Pham

Year 7

Who is your hero?

What is the highlight of 2015?

My hero would probably be my mum because my mum taught me to be independent,

It has been seeing the growth of my Year 7 students from Orientation through to

hardworking and very appreciative of the

now, and seeing how well they adjusted

opportunities that I am given.

over time.

What was your favourite cartoon as a child?

What is your favourite place to take students on excursions?

The Flintstones.

The Parliament and courthouse. It is great to see how laws are made and if our laws are

If you had to rush out of your house forever what three things (other than family) would you take? My phone because it has lots of memories and photos, my wedding album and my

children's little box of keepsakes.

What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate, eating way too much chocolate.

not followed what the consequences are.

If you were the ruler of the world, what change would you make?

What were some of your nicknames growing up?

I would have more females in positions of

What was your favourite moment at high school and why?

I had two nicknames. One was Petal and the other was Smiley Tilley because my

front bench of Parliament.

Probably my Year 10 Prom. It was a time

maiden name was Tilley.

What is your motto? Be grateful and positive. Also positive

energy brings true happiness.

to go out with my friends and have some

leadership in company boards and on the

What is your favourite place in Melbourne?

independence. It made me feel more like a

Who is the funniest staff member?

I love beach areas so Elwood and

young woman than a child.

Mr Spanti and Ms Morgan. Oh and

St Kilda area.

Miss Ooi. Three funny ones.

What is the most exotic place you have been to?

What is your favourite way to procrastinate?

normally you cannot really access that so it

Some small islands off the coast of Lombok in Indonesia. It is very remote and small,

Listening to music, because I always get

distracted and never end up doing what

What do you love most about teaching at Ave Maria College?

you can walk around the whole island.

I was meant to be doing.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

What is your favourite piece of clothing?

Finishing my Master of Education.

I love my whole shoe collection, I like shoes.

What do you love to do in your spare time?

What is your favourite food?

If you had any super power, what would it be?

My favourite food is watermelon, I can

To read people's minds, especially my students.

I like spending time with my daughter

and my husband, I also like exercise and events such as fun runs and things

to do with wildlife.

eat a whole watermelon quite easily.

has got a lot of security and the girls enjoy it.

The students, the students are great at

Ave Maria College. They are positive and well-mannered and they try hard.

Finally, what is your guilty pleasure?

What is your favourite place to take students on excursion?

Chocolate, definitely chocolate.

My favourite place to take the students is the

Interviewed by: Natalie Zuccarelli and Julia Hiron Year 7 Homeroom Ambassadors

Indonesian Consulate, I normally take the

students there. They get to meet the staff and

In August we participated in our first Ave Maria Day as Year 7 students. The day started off with assembly before watching

Jordan Sholl, Year 7

the fantastic talent quest in which many Year 7 students were

"My favourite activity was the Vertical Challenge because you

involved. Next we attended Mass then enjoyed a lunchtime full of activities such as sumo wrestling and delicious food, especially the

do not get to climb something like that every day."

hot jam donuts. Finally it was time for the big event of the day the House Dance competition. We all had a great day and cannot wait for the next Ave Maria Day.

Mia Kefenhoerster, Year 7 "I liked the low ropes challenge and bouldering."

Holli Bates, Year 7

Stephanie Nind, Year 7 Student Leadership

"I loved the rock climbing - it definitely helped with my strength! I am so proud that I made it to the top! Everyone did so well.”

Being part of the Student Leaders Seminar gave me an opportunity to reflect and come together as a team to discuss the

Olivia Pereira, Year 7

importance of being Faith Leaders. We made two commitments

that Year 7 would focus on: to incorporate more positivity into our Year Level Assemblies; and to make an effort with the daily

Stillpoint. The Leaders Seminar encourages girls to put their hand

up and say something because their opinion could potentially change the whole school!

Alyssa Chiarilli, Year 7

Year 7 Camp

The best experience in Year 7 was the camp. It was filled with so many awesome experiences.

Bianca Carrivale, Year 7 My best experience of the year was the Athletics Carnival.

Scarlett Bibby, Year 7 Year 7 at Ave Maria College provided me with lots of new

Following a successful transition into the Ave Maria College

friendships and different opportunities. The best experience was camp and all the fun activities we did there.

community, Year 7 students set off to camp in Marysville during Term 1. Students experienced bushwalking, bike riding, canoeing,

Alicia Brooker, Year 7

cooking, rock climbing, sport and balancing. A highlight of the three days was the Talent Show, which brought many laughs and smiles..

Year 7 Photos

Giuseppina Agresta

Madison Anderson

Emily Asta

Eliza Auld

Leah Bacak

Jayda Balas

Tyrah Banks

Holli Bates

Juliet Battistella

A A A A A A r kjh

Mikaela Benito

Scarlett Bibby

Elise Bonaguro

Elyse Borderick

Mya Borderick

Lauren Borg

Alanna Boyle

Carla Boyle

Alicia Brooker

AA A A A AAA Jemma Bustard

Isabella Caccamo

Emily Camilleri

Olivia Canturi

Talia Capasso

Liana Capito

Jennifer Carreto

Bianca Carrivale

Lily Cervetto

Alicia Chiaravalle

Alyssa Chiarilli

Lara Cipolla

Tara Clark

Leanne Colaco

Natalie Crea

Livia Cuce

Stephanie Damiano

Chloe Davis

Natasha Deiesi

Adriana Di Biase

Brigitte Di Pietro

Lara Docking

Nina Dougall

Ashton Driscoll

Charlotte Durrington

Laura Elia

Nishmmah Eric

Isabella Farfaglia

Breanna Farley

Claudia Favrin

Alessia Fazio

Larissa Fazzari

Nicola Fazzolari

Stephanie Fedele

Marianne Finlay

Mikayla Flood

Holly Fortuna

Claudia Fox

Olivia Franjic

Alysha Franze

Isabella Garra

Olivia Gaston

Amelia Gennaccaro

Rachel Fitzgerald


Alessia Graziano

Giselle laconis

Lauren Greige

| Briana lacovone

Jessica Grey

Alicia Guarnaccia

Naomi Hadla

Chloe Hanna

Sarah Hill

Sara Hinton

Julia Hiron

Jemima Jaggard

Brigette Johnston

Rebecca Keenan

Mia Kefenhoerster

Amy Kirk

Jasmine La Rocca

Alanna La Spina

Clementine Leonhill

Genevieve Leonhill

Catherine Lewis

Sarah Lia

Alyssa Liberman

Alicia Librandi

Stephanie Loschiavo

Bridget MacGregor

Julia Marchese

Briana Marino

Alessia Massara

Sophie McAllister

Chanel McKay

Madeleine McLeod

Chloe McMahon

Michaela McMahon


*». hi ZA hl U rOt zl Georgia McShanag

Alana Montegan

Isabel Moore

Kara Murone

Anna Nguyen

Stephanie Nind

Angelique Pereira

Karsha Pereira

Olivia Pereira

Jenna Pertot

Lucia Piaia

Josephine Porcheddu Abby Port

Simone Potter

Nadine Rabie

Mia Ranalletta

Danielle Reed

Georgia Reid

Mia Ristevski

Anastasia Roumeliotis

Elese Rukavina

Tia Ryan

Alannah Sajkoski

Carla Scalise

Jordan Sholl

Lara Slavich

Kahlia Szabo


Tahlia Tassone

Bridget Tennant

Charlotte Vinecombe

Rebecca Waring

Bijanka Orfini

Carly Parente

'S' kA bi


Danielle Thompson

Meg Thornton

Caitlin Trovatello

Eliza Wilson

Johanna Zoccali

Natalie Zuccarelli

Claudia Turco

Olivia Vasiliadis

ft f Jessica Kemp 7A

Carl Marin 7B

Claudia Vendramini

Homeroom Teachers

Susy Vianello 7C

Joanne Thompson 7D

Mary Younes-Hickland 7E

Jessica Hall Acting Year 7 Team Leader

Casey Janides Year 7 Team Leader

Year 8 Team Leader

Where is your favourite place to take students on an excursion?

You can do the things you think you

What are some of this year's highlights for you?

The zoo. I like the zoo, and Science Works.

cannot do.

Starting the Positive Education Program

What were some of the special events held by your department this year?

If you had to rush out and leave your house forever what three things would you take?

What do you love most about teaching at Ave Maria College?

The Year 8 sausage sizzle, coin line and wellbeing day.

My cat, food and my phone.

The friendliness of staff and students.

What is your favourite animal?

What do you love to do in your spare time?

What is your favourite motto?

in Year 8.

What was your favourite cartoon growing up and why?


Read or walk, meet up with friends.

Josie and the Pussycats and also Scooby Doo. And the Flintstones.

What is your favourite place in Melbourne?

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

Anywhere around the Port Phillip Bay.

Positive Education Course at Melbourne

What is the most exotic place you have been to?


What was your favourite moment in high school and why? Seeing Desmond Tutu.


Do you have any strange phobias? I don't like birds.

What cheers you up? Small, furry animals.

What is your favourite time of the day?

Who is your hero?

Around 7:00 at night when you can relax

What is the best prank you ever pulled at Ave Maria?

a bit.

I haven't pulled any, not here anyway.

I have two, Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela.

What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate.

What were some of your nicknames growing up? Cara.

What are you currently listening to? Beyonce.

How do you like to procrastinate? Eat and go for a walk.

What is your favourite food? A variety of Pizza and Thai food and curries.

Who is the funniest person on staff? Ms Ooi and Ms Morgan.

What is your funniest childhood memory? When by brother got drunk at the age of two years old.

What was the last book you read? Small Island.

What is your favourite piece of clothing? My new jacket.

Interviewed by: Meg Gleeson and Hannah Shaw Y’ear 8 Homeroom Ambassadors

Year 8 Learning A group of Melbourne University Engineering students

Year 8 Special Persons Mass was a wonderful opportunity

came in to talk to Year 8 students about how engineering

to spend time with a special person in our lives.

is everywhere. They set us a challenge to create our own remote control cars out of pieces they supplied to us, and

We presented our guest with a plant to symbolise the

then drive the car through a course in under two minutes.

Antonia Kerrison, Year 8

love and bond between student and special person.

Grace Hengel, Year 8 Best thing about Year 8 is that I made new best friends The CERES Mobile Energy Classroom came to talk to

Year 8 students about renewable energy. We discussed

and that I got new teachers.

Isabella Fabiani, Year 8

non-renewable resources such as oil and coal and the damage that they cause to the earth. We participated in

Best fun, happy experience including 'The Wiz' and

activities such as a bike connected to different light bulbs

new friends.

and a kettle. You wouldn't believe how much hard work is required just to turn on a simple light bulb for a few

Amelia Frigo, Year 8

seconds, let alone boil water!

Monique Moore, Year 8

Life is short so smile while you still have teeth.

Jessica Jackson, Year 8

Year 8 Photos

Maria Agnesi

ElisabettaAndronaco Taylah Barbara

Carissa Acquaviva

Sarah Addinsail

Erin Adorno

ui Annabelle Beard

Giorgia Bernardi

Za kk Zk Alexandra Bemyk

Madeline Bonnett

Lauren Bowen

I Sarah Burke

Helena Calafati

Danielle Carbone

Jessica Castro

Olivia Chan

Julia Chiera

Stephanie Chmielewski

Natalie Cierpisz

Joanna Ckuj I

Chantelle Crifo

Abbey Crowley

Laura Curcio

Chloe Dalia-Fontana

Sally El-Rassi

Isabella Ellul

Isabella Fabiani

Giordana Faggiano

Christina Gatiragas

Teagan Gatt

Cristina Gattellari

Monique Grech

Emilia Grosso

Marcelle Ishak

Ella Ladds

Chantelle Costa



Olivia Anderson

Stephanie Battershill


LA Monica Campione

Serena Capozzi

Bridget Collard

Paris Condidorio

*.j faj H Danielle Davies

Hannah Davies I

Monica Failla

Isabelle Formosa

Renee Giuffre

Sarah Giuffre-Fittipaldi

Basma Hadchiti

Elyssa Hancock

Genevieve ludica

Elizabeth Jackson

Alessia Latina

Katelyn Le Toille


Isobel Bava

Adalia Di Vincenzo

Alexandra Duma

Amelia Frigo

Isabella Galea

Lara Gallo

Meg Gleeson

Ella Goddard

Eliza Gollant

Madeleine Grande

Aristea Havelas

Grace Hengel

Dalia Hirmiz |

Shevonna Hormoz

Gemma lacobaccio

Jessica Jackson

Grace Kemp

Michelle Kent

Bridie Keogh

Antonia Kerrison

Tabitha Knight

Hannah Liu

Giuliana Lombardi

Angela Lopez

Shanaie Lyons

Isabella Magazzu

Elise Marsden Southworth

Isabelle Marzico

Marianna Monarca

Xj Ik Sophia Masiero

Domenique Massoud

Bridie McGuire

k^ XL A A Emily Meilak

Angelique Mendes

Maree Milionis

Kiara Mitchell

Monique Moore

Alexandra Moran

Julia Myszka

Lucy Nathan

Andrea Nesci

Hannah Newman

Amelia Njegac


ill H

Niamh O'Hara

Amber Orellana

Olivia Palumbo

Angel Perkovic

Katia Pietrolungo

Hannah Portelli

Caitlin Priestley

Telesia Pua

Chelsea Reid

Charlotte Ronke

Hannah Rutherford

Mia Salvador

Madeline Saxton

Neisha Scully

Hannah Shaw

Natalie Shilston

Olivia Siracusa

Alyssa Soloczynskyj

Lauren Sponza

Bianca Sprague

Ella Stivala

Jessica Storey

Taylor Sweeney

Bianca Tanti

Abbey Taylor

Eliza Velthuis

Rebecca Thompson

Marlee Victor

Keely Thornton

Georgia Wheaton


/I —* A A

Jessica Tieppo

Monique Williams

Aleshia Torcia

Isabella Winton

Isabella IsabellaTortora Tortora

Teresa Tran

Isabella Trinchera

Alysha Witham

Rhiannon Youngson

Olivia Zieba

Homeroom Teachers

Maria Gianni 8A

Maria Saunders 8B

Sarah Kline 8C

Suzanne Morgan 8D

Debra Coyne 8E

Carolyn Mills Year 8 Team Leader

Year 9 Team Leader

What were some of the special events held by your Year Level this year?

Who is the funniest person on staff? Christine Lovell.

Year 9 First Aid and HPE week.

What was your favourite cartoon growing up and why?

What is your funniest childhood memory? Making stilts out of pot plants.

Ariel, because I liked her bathers.

What cheers you up? What accomplishments are you most proud of growing up?

Exercising and laughing when people scare me.

Fastest swimmer in Victoria.

What cheers you up?

What are some of this year's highlights for you?

Watching 'Friends'.

Year 9 Camp.

What is your guilty pleasure? Hedgehog and lollies.

What do you love most about teaching at Ave Maria College?

How do you like to procrastinate?


Being part of the girl's high school

Find anyone to talk to.

What is your favourite food? Mango.

What is your favourite motto? Character is how you treat people when they can do nothing for you.

If you had to rush out and leave your house forever, what three things would you take? My runners, my phone, and a snack.

What is your favourite place in Melbourne?

What do you love to do in your spare time? Going on adventures.

Do you have strange phobias? Yes, Raffles.

What was the highlight of Year 9 this year? Camp and Year Level Assemblies.

What is the best prank you ever pulled at Ave Maria College? When I dressed up as a gorilla and scared Mr Whicker and Ms Virgato.

The Airport - because it means I am

travelling somewhere.

What is the most exotic place you have been to? Hawaii/Greek Islands.

Interview by: Year 9 Homeroom Ambassadors

Year 9 Learning

Year 9 Adventure Camp The most exciting experience in Year 9 was our first outdoor adventure camp. We all thought it would be

a daunting experience - not realising that we would have the best time. We had to overcome our fear of sleeping in the middle of nowhere, being paranoid about every rattle we heard outside our tents. In orienteering we were forced

to read our maps even though it delayed arrival to our final destination. This experience helped us to feel more

comfortable to talk to people outside of our friendship groups as well as to get know the teachers a better.

Pauline Boutros, Year 9

Year 9 Photos

Priyanka Acharya


Elizabeth Alicandro

Cindy Allen

Olivia Barca

Madeleine Barette

May Beard

Georgia Busuttil

Chloe Cacopardo

Chelsea Camilleri

£k 21 tA 21

Sarah Arturi

Yasmine Athaide


Anastasia Bacchin

Elisabeth Barba

Olivia Belcastro

Brianna Benito

Sophie Borak

Leah Borderick

Pauline Boutros

Georgia Boyle

Patricia Carter

Francesca Catanzariti

Ella Cervetto

Lia Chiarilli

Teresa Chiera

Nicole Cicconi

Daniella Daniella Alvarez Vargas

Jk Ji Ji 21 H £k hl 21 21 H £L 2121212121212^ H 21 21 2112* d 212121 il 21 21 21 uA 21 2L la k*j 21 kA' 112

Keely Clark

I Tasharny Claudius

Isabel Conti

Olivia Cooke

Maddison Cottle

Georgia Coxhead

Emily Curtis

Alannah Cutajar

Vanessa D'Andrea

Chiara Di Sipio

Marisa Dimattia

Yvette Discipio

Catherine Dowd

Katherine Drossos

Emily Duggan

Brianna Dugo

Diana Eid

Julia Ellul

India Else

Scout Else

Rose Esposito

Belinda Eyar

Maci Farrell

Molly Farrell

Alannah Fastuca

Valentina Favrin

Deanna Fimiani

Cattlyn Fitzgerald

Teresa Florio

Julia Fox

Natasha Franjic

Cassandra Fratangelo

Juliette Gaston

Kate Gazzola

Marisa Gleeson

Madeleine Graham

Naomi Gregory

Emily Grey

Georgia Grimaldi

Sara Guarnaccia

Stephanie Hadchiti

Freya Hamilton

Mikayla Harris-Grey

Georgia Hellyer

Mia lanchello

Gabrielle Italia

Sarah Jackson

Sarah Jackson

Evelyn Joyce

Melissa Kassis

Whitney Knight

Sophie Koster

Nina Kotowskyj

54 ’


Olivia Koutoukidis

Taylah Kraljevic

Stephanie Lewis

Emilia Lofaro

Bethany Logan

Tahlia Lombardi

Sarah Loschiavo

Aisling Macgregor

Gemma MacGregor

AA A AA/V » Blk Xk

Julia Maio

Alexandra Marin

Melissa Marinelli

Sarah Martelli

Tahlia Martelli

Breanna Marzico

Alessia Masiero

Abigail Masters

Bridget McAllister

Alannah McCarthy

Claudia McGee

Ariane McLeod

Lucy McNaughton

India McNeill-Wren

Corrina Merolli

Serena Mezzadra

Chontai Mifsud

Josephine Mirarchi

Alanna Murone

Mia Mustapic

Amanda Nguyen

Anita Nguyen

Jenny Nguyen

Annie Nollet

Elli Packham

Madison Pettinella

Isabella Pisano

Chiara Pitruzzello

Taylah Prochilo

Clara Pupillo

Livana Raczynski

Jenna Raiti

Chloe Reaby

Carla Rendelmann

Monique Rinaldi

Laura Robinson

Lily Robinson

Bridgette Ryan

Marianne Salib

Adele Scalise

Carissa Shamoon

Celeste Sidari

Olivia Soares

Julia Solarino

Sarah Solarino

Elisabeth Spanti

Deanna Spataro

Leila Tadinac

Sarah Tamburro

Sophie Taubitz

Tess Thorogood

Manon Tickle

Sally Tran

Alicia Trovatello

Brittany Vella

Tiffany Villani

Hien Vu

Emily Vukovic

Tess Waddington

Alicia Walker

Otilia Wallis

Rachel Waring

Nicolette Webb

A-' - AAA Homeroom Teachers

Caitlin Whelan

Jade Zammit

Kate De Bolfo 9A

Carmel Anile-Saade 9B

Scott Fraser 9C

Jennifer Lorrimar 9D

Kayla Sims 9E

Stuart Hensley 9F

Tania Stangherlin Year 9 Team Leader

Year 10

Interviewed by: Teesha Pacifico and Olivia Fazio, Year 10 Homeroom Ambassadors What accomplishment are you most proud of?

provided good messages about looking after Australia's

Coming back to soccer after 15 years and still being able to play in the Women's Premier League (WPL) the past two years.

National Parks.

What cheers you up? Who is your hero?

My two little West Highland white terriers, Barkley and Hunter.

Growing up it was David Boon as he was a batting sensation and cricket ruled my life. However, in recent times it would be my

They are just so cute and have the funniest little personalities.

parents, cliche I know, but they are both amazing people.

What is your favourite motto and why? "Live your dreams, don't dream your life" -1 think there is

Who is the funniest person on staff?

something in that for everyone.

Ms. Lovell, because she is hilarious and she comes out with the most random comments.

What is your favourite place in Melbourne and why? Anywhere I can escape the hustle and bustle of the city and

What do you love most about teaching at Ave Maria College? The community feel around the place. I will always remember the

spend time in nature.

What is your funniest childhood memory?

first day I ever came for an interview here and it was recess time

My brother and I playing every sport possible, but never

and as soon as I walked in the gate obviously looking confused as to where to go and a smiling student instantly asked me if they

allowing my little sister to play because she was not good enough. But so as to not get in trouble from mum for not

could help. You don't get that at most schools.

letting her join in, we brought her a bucket of chalk and

What is the best prank you ever pulled at Ave Maria College? We were at Year 12 Outdoor Education Camp and we were staying

in a massive house, with an open fire and there was an axe for

cutting the firewood. We were going out to the waterfall one night,

let her keep score. We still laugh about it and my sister still states that is the reason she is still uncoordinated to this day.

What was the last book you read? Bear Grylls - Blood, Sweat and Tears. A must read for any adventurer.

and in front of the students Ms Fastuca and I started having a 'conversation' in front of the girls about needing to put the axe away when we got back. When the girls got on the bus, I hid the axe in the

Do you have any strange phobias?

cupboard. When we got back the axe was 'missing', which made the

any day. It also does not help my nephew has three as pets.

I'm absolutely petrified of lizards, give me a snake overthat

girls think there was an axe murderer in the house. They then made us check every room in the house to make sure there wasn't.

What was your favourite moment in high school and why? On the last day of school, we had dress up day. The police car picked up my friends and I and gave us a lift to school. We got out and the teachers thought that we got arrested for doing

something dodgy.

What was the highlight of Year 10 this year? Watching the girls fight for each other's socks in the personal safety self-defence lessons.

What was your favourite cartoon growing up, and why? Blinky Bill - the original version where there were puppets and it was based in a National Park. It was entertaining and

What do you love to do in your spare time? Sport, Sport, Sport..... either playing or watching it.

What is your favourite food? Crocodile cooked by traditional Australian Indigenous methods. Otherwise anything that can be thrown on a BBQ.

How do you like to procrastinate? Read and analyse the match reports of every WPL game played that week.

What is the most exotic place you have been? I have travelled quite extensively through Europe as I taught in London for two years before coming to Ave Maria College. I guess the most remote place has been East Timor where I have gone the

last two years to visit our sister school in Venilale.

Year 10 Learning Year 10 Leadership Team attended a Sustainability Summit excursion to the Clocktower Centre in Moonee

and the different ways we could motivate other students to take action with us. We also did workshops

Ponds, along with other leaders from various schools in Melbourne. At the seminar representatives of the

and activities to further our understanding of climate

Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) explained to

excursion, the Year 10 Leadership team of Ave Maria College not only broadened their knowledge, but met so

us about the issues of climate change and how small actions such as reusing, recycling, reducing waste

change and how we can make a difference. During this

many new and different people along the way. It was a

and having sustainable energy sources can make a

highly enjoyable and beneficial experience for all of us.

significant difference to the world. We discussed with

Liz Nguyen, Year 10

our volunteer buddies, Linah and Jono, about how we can make our school a more sustainable environment,

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* 57

Year 10 Photos

JI & A A fed fed Faith Andres

Lauren Anthony

Leah Antonelli

Eusebiana Apparicio-Molea

Kate Arrowsmith

Anna-Lisa Barbaro

Caitlyn Barrasso

Gabrielle Bassi I

Carla Benedetti

Brydie Biddlestone

Chloe Braybrook

Simone Buccheri

Marissa Buttigieg

Madelyn Campbell

Alana Capasso

Madeleine Carrick

Bridget Casey

Chiara Cassar

Carla Catalano

Hannah Cawthray

Jasmine Christodoulou

Chelsea Ciantar

Karina Coiro

Sarah Condon

Jacinta Conte

Emily Defina

Celeste Di Natale

Kimberly Di Pietro

Olivia Di Sisto

Gabrielle Dimattia

Claire Dobbin

Caitlin Doody

Emily Duggan I

Katie Earnshaw

Isabelle El Hage

Maddison Ellul

Lauren Espenschied

Tayla Falvo

Stephanie Farah

Bianca Fastuca

i Oljvia Fazio_________ Victoria Flynn______ Tatyana Fonseca

Marie Fratangelo

Olivia Galea

Maree Galle

Courtney Gatt

Tayla Gattellari

Elisia Giaquinta

Adriana Goodwin

Chelsea Gregory

Rebecca Griffiths

Emily Haber

Tiffenee Harrison

Dana Heyes

Paula Hirmiz

Chantelle Hormoz

Isabella Hynes

Angela leria

Rosie Jaggard

Ashley Jones

Amanda Jusup

Mary Kadar

Tara Lesnjak

JX ZX Lexie Kargiotis

Emily Ktona

Alanna Kurosz

Paris Luu

Heidi Macuz

1 Isabella Marazita

Grace Mazzarella

JIA * a Caterina Lettieri

Monica Lettieri

Lisa Lewis

Annabelle Lloyd

Jessica Loche

Catherine McCarthy

Molly McCord

Alexandra McNab

Laura Meneze

Lauren Mezzatesta

Emma Morabito

Madelynn Nathan

Bianca Nguyen

Liz Nguyen

Alana Ongarato

Teesha Pacifico

Sienna Paolone

Laura Paolucci

Isabella Pelle

Alisa Pino

Tayla Pisani

Chloe Raad

Anne-Marie Refalo

Olivia Robertson

Gabriella Rosace

Stephanie Said

Sabine Schiavone

Gabriella Serrano

Jennifer Shevlin

Clare Shu

Stephanie Sleiman

Cassandra Smart

Chariize Somerset

Celia Talbot-Roche

Siena Tavoletti

Chloe Taylor

S'thembile Tlhabane

Antonia Topic


Jenny Tran


Vivien Tran

Amelia Trovatello

Lauren Verlaque

Alana Visalli

Abbey Williams

Brigitte Williams

Carina Wilson

Alyssa Zampieri

Alexandra Ziamos

ABSENT: Laura Mammoliti Naomi Vella Johanna Zoccali

Helena Zovko

A mA

Jenny Papassarantopoulos 10B

Helen Eischeid 10C

Nadia Di Salvatore 10D

_ Lisa Castles 10E

Homeroom Teachers

Sharon Walsh Year 10 Team Leader

Year 11

What were some of the special events held by your Year Level this year? Year 11 Faith Formation Day as the Year 11 students bonded and were very enthusiastic; the Elevate Education sessions

What is the most exotic place you have been to? A small and deserted Island in Fiji.

What is your favourite time of the day?

as the students got something valuable out of them; and also the Year 11 Fundraiser for

Night time after or during dinner. Whether

ACRATH because a lot of awareness and

my pyjamas on the couch. I love it!

money was raised and everyone had fun for such a good cause.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? When I went back to university part time, whilst working full time. I did really well, but

it's out with friends at dinner or sitting in

What is your funniest childhood memory? My sister and I once tried to sneak out of the house in the middle of the night. We climbed through the window but we

more importantly I learnt a lot about myself

got scared and so climbed back in. Little did I know my mum had heard us and had

and what I was capable of doing.

hid in my bed and waited for me. So when

Who is your hero?

I climbed back through my window and back into my bed, I got such a fright to find

My mum, because she has struggled through her life with a disability and raised three daughters on her own. Despite this,

my mum there.

What is your favourite piece of clothing?

What do you love to do in your spare time? Eat - breakfast, lunch and dinner, if I have good food and good friends I don't care what else is happening around me.

Which celebrity would play you in a movie about your life and why? Cameron Diaz because she is a beautiful person.

What was your favourite moment in high school and why? My Year 11 Psychology class. I loved my teacher, John Brick, he made the classes enjoyable and it changed my life. He is the

reason I am where I am now.

Do you have any strange phobias? I have a fear of spiders, but when I was younger I had a phobia of caves with water in them. I did overcome that phobia on a

Any jeans.

trip to Thailand when my sister made me canoe through a cave with water in it.

something I don't want to do I just go out.

What are some of this year's highlights for you?

Spending time with close friends.

she has always been so positive and strong.

How do you like to procrastinate? I am a big procrastinator. If there is

I’ll catch up with my friends or go shopping

The first practice of the Ave Maria Day

to pass the time.

dance (Year 11 Clare House), everyone

What is your favourite food?

danced and got involved, they worked together and everyone contributed. I saw

Crumbed Lamb Cutlets with my corn salad.

real leadership potential in the Year 11 's.

What is your favourite motto? "Life begins at the end of your comfort

zone." - Neale Donald Walsch

If you had to rush out and leave your house forever what three things would you take?

What cheers you up?

What is the best prank you ever pulled at Ave Maria College? In my first year I was teaching at the

Also I enjoyed the Faith Formation Day

College, I was with Ms Walsh at the boom gate. The thing about the boom gate is

as Michelle Newland inspires me every time I hear her story. I know the students

you have to press a button for it to open. Brooke was in reception at the time and

were also inspired. They were also inspired

Ms Walsh and I pushed the buzzer and hid

after hearing Scott Darlow the Aboriginal

and as Brooke was asking "Who's there?"

speaker. A number of Year 11 's spoke to

Ms Horton (former Principle) drove up

me afterwards and they were moved and

behind us. We pretended we weren't doing anything. Brooke got fed up and opened

thought it was amazing.

My phone, purse and my favourite pair

the boom gate and afterwards Ms Horton

of jeans.

What do you love most about teaching at Ave Maria College?

What is your favourite place in Melbourne?

The students. I know that's a given but

An obscure or quirky restaurant or bar

young women and are able to have a good

down an alleyway.

laugh makes coming to work each day easy.

honestly the fact they are such friendly

thanked Ms Walsh and me as she thought

we were doing it for her.

Interviewed by: Jessica Nardella and Zara Propadalo, Year 11 Ambassadors

Year 11 Learning Elevate Educate Workshop

Faith Formation Day

Year 11 students, with the support of Elevate Education,

Our Faith Formation Day was held at Victoria University,

participated in a study skills workshop facilitated by current Victoria

accompanied by guest speaker Michelle Newland who shared

University students. The 'Study Sensi' seminar provided the students with a road-map for what work they will need to do during the

as many people as possible, to help inspire others

coming years, breaking down the study process step-by-step.

to face their own obstacles with courage and

her remarkable story of recovery. Michelle is determined to reach

strength. Michelle suffered a massive asthma

Peer support Being a Peer Support Leader is such a rewarding position to be

in when you can be someone that the girls can confide in, be comfortable with, and most of all create the best memories from all the good times we've shared together!

Gabrielle De Pietro, Year 11 Aboriginal Guest Speaker This day was a moment to remember. Year 11 students were exposed to the real nature of the life of an aboriginal, the horrors, the time, the apology and the truths through Scott's stories and music. At first Scott appeared to look like any Aussie, but through listening to his unique sound and his hysterical jokes we discovered

what an amazing journey he has been on in order to reach where he is. We all became aware of the struggles that this society has suffered and discovered how close and tight they are as a society.

attack and "died" in her mother's arms. Michelle was then found to be revived and

was left with a severe acquired brain injury. Michelle's inspiring story gave us an insight

into how she was told that she would never be able to function on her own, although Michelle did everything she possibly could to prove the doctors wrong.

Maggie Attalla, Year 11 Chocolate Toss The Year 11 Chocolate Toss is a tradition at Ave Maria College. The aim of the Chocolate Toss is to raise money for Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH), the Year

11 Charity, which helps those who are affected by human trafficking. Although this is the main cause of the activity, another is to give students a chance to come together, enjoy themselves, meet new

Molly Kennedy, Year 11

people while laughing at their failed attempts and maybe even win

Italian Poetry Competition

some chocolate along the way. We did extremely well this year raising around $570 to send to a great cause while at the same

I was fortunate enough to participate in the finals at the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition where I memorised an

Italian poem to recite to a panel of judges. This was a wonderful opportunity to further my appreciation of the Italian language

time spreading the "Ave" joy.

Michela Modica, Year 11

and was also an enriching learning experience.

Julia Cantone, Year 11

• 6/

Year 11 Photos

Isabella Agresta

Shania Allen

| Samantha Aloe

Maggie Attalla

Joanna Barbary

Ruby Barbuto

Isabelle Barrasso

Isabelle Barton

Julia Belcastro

AAAAAAAAA Siobhan Brennan

Ciara Browne

Stefanie Caccamo

Julia Cantone

Isabella Capodiferro

Ava Carbone

Nadine Castaldi

Sarah Chiodo

Tanisha Cocchiara

Natalie Condemi

Amy Condon

Sarah Cristallo

Stephanie Curcio

Olivia Curtis

Tori Cutajar

Lili D'Aloia-Facey

Rachel D'Andrea

Erica Dalia-Fontana

Isabella Dariol

Ciara Davis

Gabrielle De Pietro

Monique Di Sisto

Victoria Duma

Jade Dussi-Trevascus

Sarah Fak

Janelie Farley

Claudia Favata


Tayla Ferreira

I Stephanie Fichera

Matilda Finchett

Isabella Gabriele

Carla Ghilardi

Cara Giglia

feA ftX

ClaireGoodman Goodman Sabrina Gleeson___ Claire



Courtney Grocock

Matea Hrkac

Dayna Isola

Laura Ketsakidis

Madeleine La Ferla

Emily Lapolla

Alexia Italia

Samantha Leaney

Montanna lulianella

Faith MacGregor

Abbey Kelly

Chelsea Mamone

Grace Kemp

Timara Mar

Amelia Grimaldi

Natarsha Kemp

Bridget Marchese

Molly Kennedy

Julie Merola

AH A «.A A A A ajani.lAL .Ja

Michela Modica

Aimee Muller

Cassandra Muscari

Jessica Nardella

Kayla Napoli

Zoe Nathan

Holly Oakley

Danielle Orlando

Claudia Padovano

Emily Pedron

Madeline Pereira

Kathleen Perry

Stephanie Perta

Veronica Pham

Mellanie Pinheiro

Isabella Pozzebon

Zara Propadalo

Sarina Raiti

Sarah Ravaioli

Ebony Rocci

Julia Roumeliotis

Mary Saad

Monique Sandham

Hannah Semaan

Carla Solarino

Agata Spanti

Aileen Spencer

Elana Szabo

Christine Tadros

Nika Talia

Georgia Tankey

Anneliese Taubitz

Rhiannon Tenace

Rheanna Thomas

Ruby Thompson

Alyssa Trentin

Olivia Turville

Olivia Velthuis

Fiona Ven

Veronica Venios

Melissa Venuto

Natalie Villani

Elaina Vlassopoulos

Clare Whelan

Elise Young

Emily Young

ABSENT: Claire Papaleo

Chelsie Zaffina

Elizabeth Zampogna

Homeroom Teachers

Garry Whicker 11A

SueOoi 11B

Emily Raffaele 11C

Christopher Moss 11D

Cheryl Kerin 11E

Christine Lovell Year 11 Team Leader

Year 12

Life Advice for Year 12 Students Firstly, there is no secret to success, it is there for everyone to

know. If you want to find any measure of success in life, do not be afraid of hard work. To be honest, I doubt you will get

anywhere in life unless you put in the effort. Do not complain

hand the number of really close friends you have you are a lucky person. Sometimes a friend will make mistakes and let you down and they shouldn't. Sometimes you may let them down. But a true friend will always work it out with you. They will not let their ego get the better of them. They will accept you for you.

about hard work or try to get out of it. For when you really work hard, when you put in the hours, that is when you will

They will forgive and will encourage you and not be jealous.

find success and happiness. Do not be scared if some things

A really close friend will call during the good and bad times,

do not come natural for you. Do not whine when things seem to be easy for someone else. Do not get caught up in the

instead of texting. They will share memories that make you feel alive and will be there to tell the story decades later. You may

complaint that life is unfair. Sadly it can be unfair, sometimes in

not see them for years, but when you do, you have a history

devastating ways. Sometimes you will make mistakes. But you have to get up and keep going. You only have one shot at this

and a story. Always keep your friends close in life.

life, so always get back up and keep fighting for what you want

And my advice about your family. The people sitting next to you

to achieve. Yes we all want happiness, but it is not the only

tonight have a most treasured possession. It is you! What is amazing about your family is that they accept you for who

emotion in life. You will experience sadness, disappointment and frustration. These are not bad things. Let them mold and shape

you are. Sometimes they will make mistakes, but so will you.

you, feel what you are supposed to feel when life does not go to

plan. Just do not take too long to get back up and keep working towards what you want. It will be worth it in the long run.

Secondly, do not take this the wrong way, but it is OK to be ordinary. This may sound strange because we all want to be awesome and extraordinary. I believe that the best way to

Sometimes they will make decisions that seem unfair, but so will you. Your family is who you got in life. You must never forget how lucky you are to have them, despite the craziness

that seems to surround you all. There is no point comparing and wishing they were like other families, because you cannot get a refund. They are unique and they love you for you. No matter

what. When I was younger I know I took my parents for granted,

plain, or boring. Being ordinary is not feeling the pressure to

probably like a lot of you here. And I wish someone told me not to. As you get older, so do your parents. You must cherish every

be like someone else who is more glamorous or intelligent or the pressure to look like the beautiful women you see in society,

the silent treatment, just work it out. Compromise with each

find happiness is from just being you. Ordinary is not ugly, or

moment with them, even after the worst fight. Do not give

life in a true and real way, where you can really learn who you

other, respect each other. Own your mistakes. Give a kiss, a hug, tell them you love them. Girls you are so blessed and lucky.

on TV or follow on Instagram. Being ordinary will make you see

are and what you love. Where you appreciate your family, your

Your family will help you to follow your dream and will always

friends and are not owned by money or possessions and looks. Being ordinary means that nothing can pull you off your balance

believe in you.

that could prevent you from catching happiness. So be yourself and try new things, discover your passion and build your life

successful. My advice is to work hard, find the beauty in being

around it. Be it photography, music, history, arts, sport, dancing, travelling or helping others. Make it a love that gets you out

of bed in the morning. You will be so successful and happy.

So to finish off, remember to make your life wholesome and

ordinary and true and always value your family and friends. Thank you Class of 2015 for being a great Year Level. I had

a pretty easy job this year. Good luck and make the most of the life that is awaiting you.

Ordinary is just being you and I think it is pretty perfect.

My last bit of advice, is to always remember how important it is to have a good relationship with your family and friends. Do not neglect them and do not forget how lucky you are to have them in your life. As time goes on you will lose contact and

make new lifelong friends. If that lifelong friend is here tonight, you are really lucky. For some you are still yet to meet them. My advice to you is when you find that lifelong friend, cherish

and never lose them. In 10 years time if you can count on one

Ms Joanne Fastuca, Year 12 Team Leader

Year 12 Learning Despite being the most academically challenging year

of our lives, the memories and the friendships we have formed will truly last a lifetime. The bonds that we both created and melded with each other, is what has allowed us to collectively become the spirited, yet strong-minded

women that we all are. Whether it be our Year 12

Retreat, or our ability to let our youthfulness run wild in

the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, or whether it be the stress and challenging pressures of this year, it has undoubtedly been a year that we will cherish forever. I am sure I speak on behalf of the Class of 2015 when I say

that we would not have had our final year at Ave Maria

Year 12 Retreat - Kinglake

College any other way.

The Year 12 retreat held at Kinglake Wilderness Camp

Monica Abdelmalek, Year 12

for three days in February was an amazing experience in which we were able to learn more about our peers

Apparently one of the most demanding years of our

and ourselves. We were given the opportunity to reflect,

schooling, Year 12 certainly lived up to this expectation.

participate in fun activities and bond with our cohort in order to strengthen our connection with one another as

The chaos and stress of the year fuelled my motivation, and without the enthusiasm and gusto of the Year

we embarked on our final year at Ave Maria College.

As we read our Year 9 letters to ourselves - we laughed, smiled and yes, cried during an emotional journey that

revealed to us the type of women we have strived to become. However, our most rewarding and positive experience came from the words of our peers as we wrote in one another's journals. This enabled us to

12 cohort and our teachers, this year would not have

been such an incredible journey. From my experience,

I have found that the years of schooling before Year 12 are crucial in attaining good study habits, but more importantly, keeping them consistent right through VCE in

order to achieve our best.

Rebecca Micallef, Year 12

recognise each other's greatness and reinforced that we truly are living our Year Level motto "We started as many

but will finish as one." - Class of 2015

Monique Fatmous and Cassandra da Costa, Faith and Social Justice Captains

Meeting Archbishop Hart The Archbishop's conference held at Genazzano College was a great learning experience for the Student Leaders

who attended. Not only were we privileged to meet

Archbishop Denis Hart and listen to him speak about

Year 12 Reflections Vale week gave us a chance to celebrate our past six years at the College and all the friendships that we made along the way. On Monday morning we had a morning tea with

the staff and had the chance to say thankyou to all of the support staff that helped make our College years unique. The afternoon bought our #Trending cabaret, this was an exciting

his faith journey, we had the wonderful opportunity to meet other student leaders from Catholic schools

across Melbourne. Together, we discussed how we as Student Leaders can aim high and lead by the example

of Christ. From the words of Blessed Pier Giorgio Fiassati, "The higher we go, the better we shall hear the voice of Christ."

experience which we were able to share with our parents, friends and fellow students. On Tuesday we celebrated our last day final Liturgy exchanging bookmarks with the Year 7

students and hearing the final addresses from our College

International Women's Day College Captain, Grace Farrant, was guest speaker at Moonee Valley City Council International Women's Day

Captains. On Thursday we had our Vale Mass and Dinner, this

breakfast on 5 March 2015. Grace spoke very powerfully

was an amazing evening to finish off our schooling years and gave us the opportunity to say goodbyes and thank yous

about the rights of all.

to those who surrounded us over the past six years.

Bridget Howard, Year 12

Year 12 Photos

Hl ill £ Claudia Balbuziente

Monique Barbaro

Monica Barca

Mia Barrett

Isabella Bortolotto

Debbie Boutros

Christina Bulic

Phoebe Cahir

Rachel Calleia

Bianca Canturi

Amanda Caserta

Belinda Catalano

Isabella Centaro

Tehanni Crisara

Olivia Cuda

Celeste D'Souza

Cassandra Da Costa

Trang Dao S||

Charlotte Dawson

Georgia Deltiglio

Julia Di Salvatore

Aine Donohoe

Kate Duggan

Monica Abdelmalek

Stephanie Arturi

Morgan Busuttil

Monique Cudina

&&&&&&&&& Jorja Dunne

Renee Edera

Shammah Eric

Julia Failla

Grace Farrant

Monique Fatmous

Natalie Fatmous

Renee Fear-Gook

Monique Federico

Melissa Alippone

Jasmine Gili

Jessica Girdlestone

Vanessa Goodwin

Sohani Goonetillake

Rachael Grbac

Erin Greaney

Chloe Hadchiti

Olivia Hemala

Georgia Hosking

Bridget Howard

Emma Hunter

Wendy Ibrahim

Raffaela leria

Mary Ishak

Laura Jusup

Adana Kotowskyj

Emma Laino

Lauren LeToille

Bianca Lia

Jessica Librandi

Melissa Lilantha

Kayla Longato

Maggie Lowe

Isabella Lussi

Alanna Macuz

Miranda Malone

Brigita Marijanovic

Vivienne Markabawi

Olivia McDonald

Rebecca Micallef

Izabella Minas

Avital Miskella

Danni Molinaro

Marcellina Moussa

Rebecca Neumeister

Lily Ngu

Mai Nguyen

Carla Nickels

Elena Nollet

Meg O'Callaghan

Rachael O'Rafferty

Courtney Oakley

Catheryn Pangallo

Giulia Paulin-Martinengo

Madeleine Perini

Shae Peters

Laura Phypers

Miranda Pitruzzello

Danielle Pozzebon

Claire Quiason

Sebrina Rabie

Emily Robinson

Bridget Romano

Deanna Rosace

Camille Russo

Kartia Sandham

Marea Santiano

Samantha Saunders

Emma Scully

Isabella Serrano

Rebecca Sirianni

Megan Snelleksz

Alyce Stocco

Leaza Tabone

Caitlin Telford

Eliza Thompson

Ashleigh Thornton

Monique Trajkov


Chiara Urban

Lauren Van De Griendt

Lucille Van Den Ham

Amy Vassallo

Christine Verbovetski

Chloe Versace

Isabel Viavattene

Dayna Webster

Mikaela Wilson


Brittney Woodford

Taylah Zampieri

Isabella Zoccali

Timothy Nolan 12A

Sandra Mamo 12B

Louise Newton 12C

Elizabeth Allsopp 12D

John Condello 12E

Joanne Fastuca Year 12 Team Leader

Class of 2015



Staff Photos

Ms Lina Salvo

Mrs Maria Saunders

Miss Kayla Sims

’ i.v

Ms Bernadette Stutterd-Lane


Miss Tania Stangherlin

Mrs Joanne Thompson

Mrs Susy Vianello

Ms Sharon Walsh

. i

4* fit

Mr Phillip Tascone

Mrs Helen Smith

Mr Allan Thompson

ABSENT: Ms Lisa Castles, Mrs Ann Contini, Mrs Sue Hall Mrs Nanda Ochoa Mrs Ceci Tankey Mr Garry Whicker

Mrs Tanya Willmott

Mrs Pam Wiseman

Mrs Mary Younes-Hickland

Miss Melanie Zahra


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Beyond the Classroom

Ave Maria College gets Social in 2015 Social media was officially launched to Ave Maria College in 2015. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram were introduced to share and celebrate what is happening around the College.



14-22 Vida Street, Aberfeldie 3040 Telephone 03 9337 1666 Facsimile 03 9331 1637 avemaria@avemaria.vic.edu.au www.avemaria.vic.edu.au Ad veritatem per caritatem


ABN 41 797 220 262

A Cofnotic College for Young Women

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