Ave Maria College Vidian 2016

Page 1


Principal’s Message


Health and Physical Education


Board of Governance Report


Languages Other Than English


Deputy Principal - Leadership and Learning


Extended Study Tour to Italy 2016


Director of Faith and Religious Education


Mathematics and Information Technology


Heads of School




College Captains


Learning Enhancement Team


Academic Captain


Education Resource Centre/Helene Library


Faith and Social Justice Captains


Opening of the Mary Centre


Dux 2015


Teaching and Learning


Valedictorian 2016


Secondary Catholic Sports Association




Timor-Leste Fundraising Ball


Venilale Immersion Trip




Ave Maria Day


Academic and Community Awards Night


Faith at Ave Maria College


Year 7 Learning


Clare House


Year 7 Photos


Francis House


Year 8 Learning


Helene House


Year 8 Photos


Mary House


Year 9 Learning


Religious Education


Year 9 Photos


Visual Arts


Year 10 Learning


Year 12 Arts


Year 10 Photos


Excellence in the Arts


Year 11 Learning


Design and Food Technology


Year 11 Photos


Performing Arts - Drama


Year 12 Learning


Performing Arts - Music


Year 12 Photos


Spectacular Spectacular


Year 12 Class of 2016




Back to Ave Day




Staff Photos


Ave Maria College 1

2 Be Messengers of Peace


Work with and for young people is filled with the sentiments of Pope Francis.

relationship with Saint Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale. For a second year,

Our students are endlessly big hearted, courageous and wonderful! This year

a group of staff and students visited this remote village in September.

brought with it a number of significant highlights which exemplified the spirit

of Ave Maria College and more specifically, the gift and spirit of our young women. Of particular note was the Blessing and Opening of the Mary Centre, our newly extended and refurbished north building. Encompassing Science,

Arts and general classrooms, the Mary Centre was dedicated to Our Lady by

Ave Maria Day was particularly significant this year with the installation

of our sculpture of Helene de Chappotin, Foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Helene stands humbly in a gesture of welcome to the

College community and with outstretched hands in ready service and peace

to others, as she did in her life ministry.

Archbishop Hart in April. We were very pleased by the presence of a number

of Franciscan Missionary of Mary sisters, along with invited guests.

These events are significant in the life and history of our College community. It is however, the daily work of students and staff which make up the true

The students of Ave Maria College continue to thrive within the classroom and within our rapidly expanding co-curricular program. Spectacular Spectacular was once again a Performing Arts highlight with student talent in script

writing, drama, dance and vocal performance a joy to witness. The creation of such programs as Book Club, C.A.R.E. group. Cultural Week, WHODUNIT and Creative Club ensured that students were given many opportunities to

participate, learn and build connections with their peers throughout the year.

significance of a school year. The daily routines of effort and endurance, of endeavour and excellence, of encouragement and expertise - these are the triumphs in a school year, where achievement and growth for our students is at

the heart of our celebrations of success. On this note, I commend the exemplary work of College staff and thank and congratulate our Year 12 College captains, led so very well this year by Isabella Gabriele and Ciara Browne. Similarly, the

College Board of Governance, led by Mr Fernando Schiavone as Chair has once

Two ‘firsts’ occurred in the College in 2016. In June, we welcomed two

again extended exemplary service and leadership to our community in 2016.

Salesian sisters from Venilale, Timor Leste. This was their first visit to

I extend sincere thanks to all involved in the success of this school year.

Melbourne and they were warmly welcomed by our community, into the homes of staff members and into the classrooms during the day. In a very

short period of time, they came to love and be loved by staff and students

alike. This visit marked an important stage in our developing, reciprocal

Elizabeth Hanney Principal


of governance report

Firstly, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our Board members

teachers, staff, students and parents who dedicate their time to making our

for their continued support in 2016. In particular, Fr. Bill Attard, Mr Peter

College a great place. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank you for

Devery and Mr Adrian Klep (as Delegated Canonical Administrators) for

your commitment and contribution.

their support and wealth of experience they bring to the Board each year.

We are fortunate in the Ave Maria College community to have our Principal

Elizabeth Hanney who has demonstrated again in 2016 her passion and commitment to making Ave Maria College a great college for young women.

Her leadership continues to see our College improving and striving towards excellence both academically and spiritually.

Throughout the year, a number of areas were reviewed and brought into

focus during our Board meetings. They include the 2015 VCE results and initiatiives to drive further improvement, the potential introduction of

an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, initiatives to drive community engagement, a review of Ave Maria College's strategic plan along with a number of policies. We also took the time to reflect as a Board on

This year marked a memorable occasion with the official opening of the Mary

our mission and how we best serve the College. As a Board, we continue to

Centre. It offers a contemporary and innovative learning environment for both

see positive progress each year and remain confident in Ave Maria College

our students and teachers. It also marks the start of further developments we

meeting it’s strategic goals into the future.

will witness at Ave Maria College over the next five years as part of the Master Buiding Plan. Without doubt, the coming years will be an exciting period in Ave

Maria College’s history with the College environment transforming to enable greater innovation for teachers and students in the way they interact and learn. Our demand in enrolments and interest in our College was again strong in

2016, and is testimony to the great work we see by the entire community of

4 Be Messengers of Peace

On behalf of the Board, I would like to congratulate the Class of 2016 and

wish them every success with their future endeavours.

Fernando Schiavone Chair, Board of Governance

Deputy Principal - Leadership

Director of Faith



Reflecting on one’s journey and learnings is something we all do at one point or

Faith and Religious Education should be part of every class and every

another in our lives. There are those of us who are 'reflection masters’ who take

relationship in a Catholic school. The College Mission Statement reminds

the time to journal their thoughts, feelings and ponderings at every opportunity.

us that “we are called to see the good in others” and that our relationships

There are those who simply mull over their experiences as they walk the dog

should be “imbued with integrity and compassion between all members

or sit on a train staring blankly out the window. Each of us could be either at or

of the College community.” This is seen in Masses, Liturgies and Faith

somewhere between the ends of a spectrum; the extravert who needs to talk

Formation Days. It is also seen in the work of the Faith and Social Justice

about and share experiences with others as their way of sense-making or the

Group through the social justice focus at each Year Level, Winter Appeal,

introvert who does the same without the need to verbalise their thoughts at all.

Winter Sleepout and the Edmund Rice Homework Club in St Albans. We

Whatever and however we engage in reflective practice, I believe it is critical

also live our faith through Mission Action Day where the whole College

to our growth as people of learning. In my role as Deputy Principal Leadership

undertook a walkathon around the Maribyrnong River track to raise

and Learning it is my responsibility to drive learning both for our students and

awareness and money for the Saint Maria Mazzarello School in Venilale,

our staff with a continued emphasis on the importance of taking the time to

Timor Leste. This year also saw the second Venilale Immersion Trip by

deliberately reflect on our learning. This theme underpins the professional

a group of students and staff from Ave Maria College. This occurred

learning of our staff and in particular our leadership development program.

during the September holidays, as we continue to build our sister school

This year as leaders we explored how we enact learning-focussed leadership,

how we deal with change as individuals and lead our teams through change and the spirituality of leadership. The strength and effectiveness of such programs

relies not only on the content but just as much on the individual's reflections and willingness to make changes, big or small, to their practice. This applies just as

much to our students and we have this year continued the evolution of our student

relationship with the Venilale community. The College Student Leaders co-ordinated our participation in Kick Arts, which is the talent showcase

for dance, music and drama for students from St Bernard’s College, St Columba’s College and Ave Maria College which raised over $3,500, also

for Saint Maria Mazzarello. Our analysis of the data from the Enhancing Catholic School Identity survey

learning goals program where students set goals and are expected to articulate in

led to our 2016 Faith Formation Plan. The Board of Governance and the

one form or another how they are working towards them. This process demands a

Leadership team also engaged in faith formation sessions, while parent­

level of reflection and contemplation that we believe is critical in their development

daughter spirituality evenings were held in April and August. The Staff Faith

as learners ready to cope with all manner of challenges. So too our teachers have

Formation Day in July was facilitated by Dr Ernesto Valiente. We explored the

continued the Objective for Improvement Plan (OIP) process of setting goals based

topics of Jesus’ Cross and Resurrection, The Christian Preferential Option for

on our strategic direction and collecting feedback from students and peers which

the Poor and A Liberating Spirituality for a Suffering World. It is so important

give evidence to their success in meeting these goals. The cycle of gathering

for staff to be fed spiritually with a faith that can be lived every day.

feedback, reflecting on it, changing practice and then collecting further feedback

to measure impact is an expectation of teachers as they strive to improve and maximise growth in student learning.

The College is most grateful for the priestly ministry of our appointed

chaplains, Fr Bill Attard, Fr Nhan Le, Fr Minh Tran and Fr Joseph Olickal

who preside at a variety of whole school, Year Level and class Masses.

Being truly open to feedback is a very challenging experience. It can be

The musical leadership of Ms Sims and the vocal ensemble adds greatly to

well-meaning and presented as nicely as ever but no one likes to hear about

a variety of College Masses.

the things they are not doing well. Strangely still, we are drawn to this kind of feedback ahead of the positive feedback! However we all know on some level that our greatest learning can come when we are in the midst of our most

challenging experiences; experiences that force us to step out of our comfort zone. If we are to maximise our learnings from 2016 we need to ask hard

questions, be open to the responses and be prepared to change our behaviour in observable ways as we head into 2017.

Some people may separate good works from more formal expressions of

faith, but Catholic education takes its cue from the Letter of James: ‘faith without works is dead’.

Patrick Jurd Director of Faith and Religious Education

Phillip Tascone Deputy Principal - Leadership and Learning Ave Maria College 5

heads of


There is a sense of pride, enthusiasm and gratitude that is unique to the

Academic Committee, a steering group for promoting academic success

students at Ave Maria college. Whether our students refer to themselves

and high achievement. Likewise the introduction of new co-curricular

as an ‘Ave Girl', a staunch supporter of the ‘Ave Army’ or even just a

activities including Lab Rats and Code Club, the wellbeing workshops

member of the ‘Phamily’, there is something deeper in their collective

offered by our Student Counsellors, and the continuation of the C.A.R.E

thinking and their giving that continues to enrich the culture of the College.

group are other examples of the wide range of inclusive activities on

A healthy school culture is a key ingredient that all schools seek to

offer. The respective wellbeing programs at each Year Level also provided

enhance the experiences of their students, but at Ave Maria College is not

diverse opportunities for personal growth and development. Some

an idea that is dictated to the students as opposed to one that is dictated

highlights of these included guest speakers from the Victorian Police and

by them. In short, the degree of appreciation and love that our students have for their school community is nothing short of exceptional.

Resilience Project, as well as workshops for mindfulness and yoga. Student leadership has continued to advance in 2016. Development

Events such as: Hero's Week; Mission Action Day; Spectacular,

workshops for Student Leaders across the school took place in a variety

Spectacular; Ave Day; Sporting Carnivals; Faith Days; Cultural Week; and

of formats. In Term 1 our leaders joined with students from St Bernard's

numerous lunchtime activities, all combine to make Ave Maria College a

College to develop their understanding of the qualities of leadership. In

vibrant and thriving community. But what is most pleasing about all these

Term 2 the focus was on the 'caring' pillar and two core elements of our

events is the level of participation and ardour by which they are taken up

caring community - Restorative Practices and Creating and Maintaining

by our students. It speaks of a community that is inclusive and focused

a Positive Learning Environment (CAMPLE). In this workshop the students

towards its own success. It's also reflective of the manner in which our

deepened their understanding of the programs and processes associated

ladies approach their development as a student here at the College and

with these two elements. This workshop provided a real opportunity for

a role model in the broader community.

student voice and the discussion and feedback was both mature and

Our roles as Heads of School, whether it be at Years 7-9 or Years 10-12,

is to support the intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth of each individual student and the student body as a collective. The College offers

a range of programs and activities that facilitate this growth. In 2016 it has been wonderful to see the establishment of new programs such as the

professional, a testament to the quality of our students. Finally in Term 4, the workshop focus was on the ‘learning’ pillar. The focus here was on how to lead students during heavy assessment periods in a supportive

and empowering way. The year concluded, as always, with the respective End of Year Transition

programs. During this time students undertook their final assessments

in examination format, but also participated in classes and workshops to prepare them for the forthcoming year. In a year where the theme was ‘be

messengers of peace' it is fair to say that our students have once again embraced all that Ave Maria College has to offer, in a manner that Helene de Chappotin would not only be proud of. but that which she would also

admire and celebrate.

Joanna Hammer and Matthew Smith Heads of School

6 Be Messengers of Peace

College Captains


2016 has granted us so many different opportunities both within our role as College Captains and within the wider Ave Maria College community.

Our role as College Captains came with lots of hard work, challenges, but amongst the heavy workload, blossomed a lot of incredible experiences that

we are truly blessed to have been involved in. When planning to write this reflection, the two of us immediately thought of HEROes Week as being the highlight of our year. The week entailed a four-day initiative which celebrated

happiness, enthusiasm, reflection and opportunity within the Ave Maria College Community. Other major school events that were highlights include

Kick Arts, Swimming and Athletics Carnivals and Ave Maria Day. These

events all encompassed the faith, caring and learning that we celebrate

within Ave Maria College. We are incredibly grateful to have been blessed with this amazing

opportunity to lead and represent the College. This role has allowed us to learn more about the values of the Ave Maria College community and also how proud we are to be a part of the 'Ave Army’. We could not have

fulfilled this position successfully without the guidance and support from our incredible Principal Mrs Elizabeth Hanney and Deputy Principal Mr Phillip Tascone, the entire teaching staff and of course, the unconditionally

compassionate Year 12 Coordinator Ms Tania Stangherlin.

It was in the act of writing this piece that we realised how difficult giving up this role is going to be. We have come to love our positions of leadership and

have truly felt at home here at Ave Maria College. It was here in the corridors of the College that we built relationships with over 800 different students,

learnt lessons and created memories that will stay within our hearts forever.

We are forever grateful for the way that the Ave Maria College community has shaped us and made us feel a true sense of belonging.

Being College Captains has made us realise how lucky we are to have

something as special as this role because it makes saying goodbye so much more difficult.

Thank you

Ciara Browne and Isabella Gabriele School Captains

Ave Maria College 7

Academic Captain

The last five years at Ave Maria College has gone by in the blink of an eye,

many students eager to get involved and have some fun. The week not

and Year 12 is no different, except the stakes are higher, the workload is

only allowed for participation in something outside the classroom, but

greater and the experience is more memorable. Words cannot express

also sparked conversation among peers and teachers about the mystery

how grateful I am for everyone who has made my Year 12 ourney possible,


particularly my supportive family, friends and teachers.

It has been an absolute privilege to represent the Ave Maria College community

in my position as Academic Captain. This year, Mrs Hall and I were able to start an Academic Committee, comprised of the top 3 students in last year’s

honour roll from Years 8 to 11. Through this committee, we have been able

to brainstorm and introduce several initiatives to encourage a curiosity for

On a final note, I would like to present my ‘P.H.A.M Pillars' one last time, as

this is what I hope to be my legacy here at Ave Maria College.

P - Phamily

H - Have fun A - Achieve your best, aim high and be a stand out M Make a difference

learning and promote a fun, positive learning environment. One of our initiatives was an academic-focused week called "Whodunit?

Week”. Each day involved a different activity where students had to

Veronica Pham Academic Captain

attend to gain clues for the suspected murderers. It was great to see so



Social Justice Captains 2016 has encompassed a variety of social justice opportunities that have

enabled us to raise awareness, extend our faith and raise funds for those within our own community and even on a much broader scale extending

to our sister school in Venilale, Timor Leste. We feel honoured to share this experience among our entire team of Social Justice Leaders which includes

two Captains from each Year Level whom we met with fortnightly. As a team

we have recognised the need to support each other as a whole school in everyday situations as well as in the more difficult circumstances. This has

been achieved through small notes of encouragement around the school, the 'Winter Sleep Out’, to our newly implemented 'Go Grey In May’ campaign; which allowed students to reflect on those affected by cancer in each of their

lives in honour of one of our own, Olivia Carland- Class of 2014. A continual recognition of our relationship with Saint Maria Mazzarello has also been

extended through Kick Arts, Mission Action Day, Ave Maria Day and this year's new initiative; 'Cultural Week', celebrating cultural diversity amongst our College. As Faith and Social Justice Captains of 2016, we can say that

this year has been an invaluable experience that we will never forget.

Matea Hrkac and Molly Kennedy Faith and Social Justice Captains 8 Be Messengers of Peace


From the beginning of my years at Ave Maria College, Year 12 seemed like a huge mountain that I was too scared to conquer, and this was because I had not discovered the hard and fast formula to VCE success. But as Year

12 classes began, the answer became apparent - there wasn't one. Each

person has their own route to success, to ensure they reach their academic

goals. The most important advice I can possibly offer is to find the way you learn best as early as you can, and stick to it. Year 12 is not about studying

from 6.00am to midnight each day, but working effectively and ensuring that you make the best possible use of your time. Year 12 is also about your last year as a high school student, so enjoy the

recesses and lunch times with your friends, those laughs you share with a teacher and the opportunities to bond as a Year Level. When it all seems

too hard, there is absolutely no reason you can’t pick yourself up and try

again - even those who stumble can win. You do not require the IQ of

Sheldon Cooper to achieve VCE success - all it takes is passion and a little self-discipline.

Thank you to the College for providing me with so many amazing

opportunities to not only develop academically but also as an individual. A big thank you to my teachers, there was never a time they were not willing to help! Thank you to my family and friends for their love and constant support.

Rebecca Sirianni Year 12 Dux 2015

Valedictorian An excerpt from the 2016 Valedictory speech

I’m sure I'm not the only one to think this but we are one of a kind. At the start of this year we embarked on a journey down to Federation University to reflect on how far we have come and to prepare us for the Year

12 journey ahead. We did a range of activities and workshops. We had the

opportunity to read a letter written from ourselves that we wrote in Year 9. Things within this letter included friendships at the time, personal reflection of

Year 9 and our Year 9 self-wishing us luck for the future. These letters brought

of stress felt within the year ranging from eustress to distress, however we all did it together as one family. Helping each other out through the thick and thin of friendship problems to the added pressure of VCE. I think back to the

start of the year when our inspiring Year Level Team Leader ‘Miss S’ warned

us that we were about to start a marathon. She alerted us about the dangers of sprinting and the challenges that waited ahead. We have all managed to overcome fatigue and pushed through and now the finish line awaits us.

back many tears, memories and emotions. I concluded my letter with “Liv good

Ave Maria College is committed to ‘developing young women who bring

luck, pass Year 12 and do it with a positive attitude and this is your last year,

to her life and her relationships confidence, courage and a generosity of

enjoy” as you can tell my English skills weren't quite up to scratch however

spirit to all. Women who are committed to excellence and an ability to work

I think those last encouraging words have gotten me and probably others

both independently and collaboratively in the pursuit of learning successes’

though this year. On retreat we came up with our Year Level motto, ‘individually

We thank the staff of Ave Maria College for their ongoing commitment to

we are ranked, together we are one’. This has been an underlying support to

empower us to develop these personal characteristics. There is no doubt

each and every one of us that we will all come together in challenging times.

that we will take these personal attributes into the next phase of our lives.

Class of 2016, we have nearly overcome one of the hardest challenges in our

Olivia Turville Valedictorian

lives! We all managed to overcome the amount of SACs and the different types

Ave Maria College 9

Timor-Leste fundraising Ball The 2016 Timor-Leste Benefit Ball was held on Saturday, 18 June

and intentions for the pilgrimage to Venilale, which would occur in the

at Lakeside Events, Albert Park. The chilly winter night didn’t deter

Term 3 holidays. The joy and happiness that our support and friendship

the 150 staff, students, parents and members of the wider Ave Maria

brings to the staff and students of St Maria Mazzarello school, as shown in

College community from enjoying a fabulous night of entertainment and

a short video on the night, emphasized the importance of the Ball and the

delicious food. The celebrations included a raffle and silent auction, which

fundraising effort. An event such as this is not possible without the hard

collectively raised almost $5000 for the St Maria Mazzarello school in

work and commitment of a wonderful group of people. The Benefit ball

Timor-leste. The focus of this event was to raise awareness and generate

committee, including staff, Year 11 and 12 students and parents worked

support for St Maria Mazzarello, so it was an absolute delight to have

tirelessly to plan and prepare the event.

the Principal, Sr Virgilia and the Directress, Sr Floriana, as our guests of honour. Students from the 2016 Immersion trip spoke about their hopes

10 Be Messengers of Peace



faces of the local children when receiving a toy koala or kangaroo were

Five of our students Julia Ellul, Maddison Cottle, Caitlin Whelan, Alicia Walker

heart-warming moments.

and Brigitte Williams visited the St Maria Mazzarello school in Venilale, Timor-

I feel extraordinarily privileged to have visited Venilale and the St Maria

Leste with Ms Zahra and Ms Walsh and myself. It was a truly humbling

Mazzarello School on behalf of the College. Thank you to Br Michael

experience for us all and allowed us to see first-hand the day to day life

Lynch for supporting our visit and to our students, parents, staff and local

of the young women at the school. Since 2014, Ave Maria College has

businesses for supporting our efforts to maintain a valued connection.

fundraised much needed funds for the school and this year more money

than in the past, was raised! The funds from Mission Action Day walkathon,

the annual Ave Maria Benefit Ball, numerous raffles with prizes donated by many Essendon community organisations, book sales and a Cultural Week

helped to pay for teacher salaries, purchase a much needed photocopier as

well as assisting Agueda, a local Venilale student to complete her teaching degree in Dili. Our connection with the school was strengthened this year with Sr Virgilia, Principal of the school and Sr Floriana visiting Ave Maria

College as our guests.

Debra Coyne Staff member - Venilale Immersion Trip The Trip to Venilale was no doubt the most amazing experience I have ever had the privilege of partaking in. It’s strange to think that this amazing and beautiful

country is in such close proximity to Australia, yet the lifestyle there is completely

different. St Maria Mazzarello is such an incredible school that I absolutely loved

helping out at, and I'm so glad that we support them. The people of East Timor are the happiest and most welcoming people I have ever met, and I am very

In Venilale, at night the students sang with our students and showed off their favourite dances and eagerly practised their English speaking and

writing skills with us in and out of the classroom. Watching the local soccer

matches, visiting the local orphanages and seeing the wonderment on the

grateful to have witnessed how simple yet incredible their lives are.

Julia Ellul Year 10

Ave Maria College 11

Ave Maria Day Ave Maria Day 2016 was a very special day for our students and also the College community. The morning started with the Ave Maria Talent Show which showcased some amazing talent in the fields of music, dancing,

comedy and even some sport. The Talent Show also made way for the new

‘Ave Film Festival' with two of the finalists being shown to the College on the big screen. We as a College warmly welcomed the newest member of the community, Helen de Chappotin. The life size bronze statue was unveiled during mass and was blessed. The Mass was a time to reflect on the 2016 theme ‘be

messengers of peace' and asked the question of how we may be able to live

in the footsteps of Helene de Chappotin. Lunch saw students and staff enjoying the sunshine, eating lots of doughnuts, playing games and competing against one another as Sumo

Wrestlers. Another competition taking place was the famous Staff vs Student debate. This year's topic ‘diamonds are a girl's best friend’ with staff debating the affirmative and students enjoying the difficult task of debating

the negative. It was very close but with the combination of costumes and Rihanna lyrics, Ms Joanne Fastuca, Ms Olivia Pearce and Mr Tim Nolan won

by only one point. Finally, it was time for everyone to get on their dancing shoes ready for the

Ave Day Dance Contest. This year’s theme ‘sounds from the lounge room' representing familiar songs from our favourite movies ano TV shows. It was

a fantastic display of colour, moves and House spirit. It was a very close call but judges Mrs Elizabeth Hanney, Dr Helen Eischeid and Ms Brooke Poynton

all agreed that Helene would be crowned the 2016 Ave Day House Dance Champions.

Ave Maria Day 2016 was a fantastic day which brought the College community together. It was great to see so much display of talent, sportsmanship and love for not only the community, but Ave Maria College.

Melanie Zahra Co-Curricular Coordinator

12 Be Messengers of Peace

Ave Maria College 13

Faith at Ave Maria

Agata Spanti and her ‘buddy’ at Homework Club

The 2016 College theme was "Be messengers

of peace”. This timely message, steeped in the

Franciscan charism, speaks to us in many ways, I need to be at peace with and accept myself -

and all the goodness that God has placed in me.

Each of us needs to foster relationships that are marked by acceptance and compassion - thus

spreading peace.

Most Mondays during the year, seven senior

students will be driven from the College to ‘Homework Club' which is run by Edmund Rice

Refugee Services in St Albans.

On Friday, 27 May 2016, the whole school were able to witness Aboriginal Australian singer

Ruby, Lara, Bella and Grace with Jake, Scott and Petrus

songwriter, Scott Darlow and his band. Scott

Darlow taught us ‘FLUTE’ which stands for,

Forgiveness, Love, Understanding, Tolerance and Empathy. He taught us to spread the word

‘FLUTE’ to others around us to make our society

a better and equal place.

On Wednesday, 4 May 2016, the Year 11 cohort

listened to the story of Sherene Hassan the first woman Vice-President of the Islamic Council of

Victoria. Through this experience, we learnt that Islam is not a religion of extremism and violence but a religion of peace, protection of all life and

faithfulness. Sherene Hassan inspired us to

think about our own faith and how we can live out God's love as strong, independent women in

society today.

Sherene Hassan speaking to Year 11

14 Be Messengers of Peace

Clare Shu 11B

Year 10 Faith Formation Day - environmental pledge

We each individually came up with our own environmental pledge (e.g. “to

have shorter showers”...), wrote this out on a leaf template (either hand­ drawn or traced), decorated it, and then stuck it on our homeroom poster paper, to remind us daily about our personal pledge.”

Rachel Waring 10D Thanks to all those families who donated their old uniforms which

were collected by Mrs Mary Calthorpe. These uniforms will be used

in Timor-Leste through the work of the Salesians

(From left) FMM sisters, with sculptors Chris and Regina and Mrs Hanney

A focus of Ave Maria Day was the unveiling of sculpture of Helene de Chappotin

Clare Shu and Katie Earnshaw participated in World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland:

Being surrounded by the young people from all over the world who share

the same faith, celebrating and praying with them was both inspiring and overwhelming. It really showed me how faith unites people and gives hope to so many.

Clare Shu 11B

Helene de Chappotin, foundress of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Ave Maria College 15

Clare House has really shined this year as a result of the studentss positive

attitude and willingness to participate! The House Spirit has made being

a Clare House Captain a fulfilling and rewarding role. The first time the

students really shone was at the Swimming Carnival, their determination to compete in all of the novelties was something we all enjoyed. Involvement

with activities carried all the way through to Athletics Carnival where the students continued to participate at full speed. The highlight was Dance Contest where Clare House

to work with one another

skills. We can’t

Gabrielle De Pietro and Carla Solarino Clare House Captains

16 Be Messengers of Peace

Ave Maria College 17

This year Francis House has shown great success and achievements

ranging from individuals showcasing their talent at whole school events such as the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals as well as the group performances at Spectacular Spectacular and at the Ave Maria Day

House competitions. In our opinion the most significant achievement was

winning the Swimming Carnival this year. This was a day full of fun, great participation and most importantly showcased the unity of the Fancis Hoi

As Francis House Captains we gave ourselves the challenge of increasing 'House Spirit' in an attempt to bring the House together and form friendshi that would last for the rest of the students schooling. The opportunity to

be the Francis House Captains is something that we will tx)th always valui

Vlerola and Emily Lapolia

18 Be Messengers of Peace

This year Helene has had an extremely fun-filled and successful year!

Together as House Captains we have been privileged to watch our 'Helenians' grow and participate in wonderful events such as the Swimming

Carnival, Athletics Carnival, Spectacular-Spectacular, House Debating and the House Dance Contest. We are extremely proud of our success,

particularly in winning Athletics, 'Spec-Spec' and the House Dance Contest. It was so wonderful seeing so many students and teachers getting involved throughout the year and more importantly enjoying their time together. The unity built throughout the year is greatly appreciated and valued.

Courtney Grocock and Georgia Tankey HaIada HniisA Cantain.q

20 Be Messengers of Peace

Ave Maria College 23

Religious education

As well as learning about the richness of the Catholic Church, its

The RE Domain implemented the units that were reviewed in 2015.

traditions and history, Religious Education needs to be holistic and provide

Staff have looked for ways to listen to and engage with student voice.

opportunities to touch hearts - through reflective classroom activities, as

Ave Maria College is a Catholic Education Melbourne focus school for the

well as making connections with the Year 12 Retreat, Year Level Faith

renewed RE curriculum which has an inquiry-based approach. Four staff

Formation Days and College Masses. There are opportunities at each Year

Level to engage with real life situations. It might be the Struggle and

Redemption unit studied at Year 12, the bioethical dilemmas covered in Year 11. the FIAT community service project that links with social justice studied in Year 10, Hope and Redemption studied by Year f, A Just Society

studied by Year 8 or Do Unto Others studied by Year 7. The Opening

School Mass and the Ave Maria Day Mass allow the College to celebrate its rich Catholic, Franciscan and Marian heritage. There are also

opportunities such as the Year 7 Elders’ Mass, the Year 8 Special Persons’

have been involved with the support of Mrs Hanney. Whether in class discussion or in written responses, our young women continue to indicate their desire and need for meaning that comes from

faith and spirituality. I am grateful to my colleagues for their ministry of engagement, as we accompany our young women on their faith journey.

Patrick Jurd Director of Faith and Religious Education

Mass and the Year 10 and 11 Family Mass. The College Easter Liturgy allowed students and staff to reflect upon the richness of the Catholic tradition of the Stations of the Cross in the context of life today.

Arts poster, winning design by Alicia Guarnaccia

24 Be Messengers of Peace


Settled into the new Mary Centre, all areas of the Visual Arts produced

Our grand finale, the Annual Arts Festival on Wednesday 12 October 2016 was

inspiring curriculum that was both engaging and challenging within the

presented to the community across all levels of the Mary Centre where we

newly established learning environment. The third floor of the newly

celebrated achievements with a display of Year 12 VCE folio subjects of Media,

completed Mary Centre has offered an amazing open plan facility,

Studio Arts and Visual Communication and Design. Also a variety of students'

contemporary in design and innovative as a learning space not only for

work was showcased in live music and drama performances, cooking

scheduled classes but also for senior students to access during their

production, film and photography, as well as an extensive display of Visual Arts

Independent Study Periods.

folio work from all areas of Years 7-11. The evening was a wonderful success

Creative pursuits continued consisting of units of work in both two and three dimensional media forms, from ceramic figurines, papier mache

hats and birds, skilful lino cuts, digital photographs and tonal paintings

which filled the new open and luminous Art rooms. Combined with

and celebration of student achievement and the new Arts facilities, supported by a large number of people from our community, including many former staff

and students, joining us to view the range of creative styles on exhibition.

Finally I would like to acknowledge and thank all members of the Arts

innovative teaching approaches, collaboration and a supportive learning

Domain team for their creative energy, thoughtfulness, passion and

environment our students were inspired and continued to flourish with the

commitment during 2016.

many wonderful opportunities. Throughout this year Visual Arts continued

to celebrate the talents of students, producing many personal and skilful responses across all Year Levels, demonstrating the refined and highly

Cheryl Kerin Domain Team Leader Arts

developed skills set of our students.

Ave Maria College 25

Year 12 Arts

Tori Cutajar. Visual Communication Design

Christine Tadros, Media Studies

Annabelle Lloyd, Studio Arts

Dayna Isola. Media Studies

Elyse Paone, Visual Communication Design

Elaine Paolucci, Media Studies

Montanna lulianella,

Visual Communication Design

26 Be Messengers of Peace

Caitlin Doody, Studio Arts


2016 has again seen many wonderful achievements and recognition of our Arts students in the wider community.

The year began with the VCE Season of Excellence which showcases outstanding work from VCE students across Victoria in the areas of Media,

Studio Arts, Visual Communication Design, Design Technology and Food

Technology. The exhibition involved a rigorous selection process, in the recognition of students' creative flair and outstanding achievement in these subjects. It is always a mark of honour for any school to have its students

acknowledged given the high number of entries from schools across Victoria. Danielle Pozzebon (Class of 2015) is acknowledged for being shortlisted for Top Arts and congratulations to Giulia Paulin-Martinengo (Class of 2015) who was chosen for her series of cropped photographic images titled 'Lapse' which were displayed at the Top Design Exhibition, at the Melbourne Museum.

The success continued with Danielle Pozzebon (Class of 2015) Studio Art work being featured in the Fireworks: Art and Design by Bright Young Things

exhibition, at the Incinerator Gallery. The Fireworks exhibition, now in its

fourth year, featured exceptional works from VCE art and design students


who live, work or go to school in the Moonee Valley area. This exhibition gives many young artists their first opportunity to exhibit in a professional

gallery and offered a glimpse of the future of art and design students.

In March a number of student works were successful in being exhibited in Catholic Education Week, Visual Arts Exhibition 2016. Pieces represented included a range of studio forms from painting, lino cuts to Photoshop applications. Congratulations to the following students for their work from 2015:

Jessica Storey, Chloe Dalia-Fontana, Erin Adorno and Cristina Gattellari

In July, the following students had their Lino cut prints- ‘Sunflowers' (from Unit 1 Studio Arts 2015) exhibited in the Zart Art Student Gallery

exhibition for Term 3,2016. A fantastic opportunity to have their work

in this dedicated space for young artists to showcase their work to a wider audience. Students included: Rheanna Thomas, Sarah Chiodo, Amy Condon, Ruby Thompson, Caitlin Doody, Rachel D'Andrea,

Aboriginal Dot paintings.

Montanna lulianella, Monique Sandham, Nadine Castaldi, Matea Hrkac,

Teresa Chiera, Belinda Eyar, Lucy Me Naughton and Melissa Kassis

Olivia Curtis, Gabrielle Dimattia and Christine Tadros.

Egg studies, acrylic paint on board.

In October it was announced that Lauren Sponza and Antonia Kerrison

Abigail Masters, Cindy Allen, Nicole Cicconi, Monique Rinaldi,

were State Winners in the Year 9 Category in the WooMSchool competition.

Taylah Prochilo and Laura Robinson

Students were required to design an outfit tor thier favourite Australian sports

DVD Covers, Photoshop applications.

team that conveyed the Aussie team spirit. A wonderful achievement for all as the exhibition drew entries from all schools Australia-wide with over

Caitlin Doody, Christine Tadros, Ruby Thompson and Amy Condon

'Sunflowers’ - Black and White Lino cuts.

12,000 entries. Madeleine Saxton, Sarah Giuffre-Fittipaldi and Katelyn LeToille are also recognised for their hard work and innovative designs.

Teresa Chiera, Belinda Eyar, Lucy Me Naughton and Melissa Kassis were

recognised with a High Commendation award for their acrylic paint on board, Egg studies.

Year 9 Acrylic Egg Compositions

Giulia Paulin-Martinengo, Top Designs

Danielle Pozzebon, Fireworks Exhibiton

Ave Maria College 27



Food technology

FOOD TECHNOLOGY 2016 may be the beginning of a successful food career for many students at Ave Maria College. Each Year 7 student has been given the opportunity to develop skills in food preparation and the designing of food products to meet the needs of a design brief. Throughout the year students have been excited and delighted by the food

products they have created.

In Year 8 students have focussed on fruits and vegetables and experimented with new ingredients to prepare a range of salads and fruit based recipes. The students have been given the opportunity to demonstrate their

creative flair in presenting a range of food products. The Year 9 focus was on nutrition and dinner. Students worked in teams to design, prepare and evaluate

meals and developed their skills in table setting and food presentation.

Year 10 challenged the students with the introduction of new equipment and cooking techniques. The science of food was explored and the baking unit enabled students to present a range of products which

required complex skills.

Students examined Australian food laws and the importance of food safety at the commencement of the year in VCE Food Studies. Students learnt new cooking techniques and researched innovations in kitchen equipment. The students produced many complex food products and explored the role of a healthy diet in today’s society.

2016 TEXTILES-VET APPLIED FASHION DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY - PRODUCT DESIGN TECHNOLOGY The specialist textiles room has again seen innovation and skilful programs in

all areas of the Design Technology curriculum. Textiles at the College begins in Year 7 with a basic introduction into

sewing construction techniques, garment designs and the study of fibres. The students produce pin cushions and a textiles equipment bag, practical

pieces students use in Textiles through the following years. In Year 8 the students continue to develop their skills on the machine by producing a pair

of pyjama pants. These are individualised to each student’s specification with embellishments and fabric selection. They continue to refine their ability to

be creative in a design task, producing pyjama designs for a client. Year 9 Textiles allows students to further increase their garment construction

skills with a technically challenging ‘hoody’. The process has the students sampling sewing techniques and then using these skills to produce their final product. At Year 9 students are also encouraged to begin ‘pushing the

boundaries' when designing for a client, choosing creative themes and taking the idea of the ‘hoody’ into cutting edge ensembles.

Further to this, five Year 9 students entered an Australia wide design competition WooMSchool, to design an outfit for an Australian Sporting

team - Congratulations to Antonia Kerrison and Lauren Sponza who were state winners in the Year 9 category. The area of VET Applied Fashion and Design Technology has grown and further developed this year to include complex fibre and fabric

28 Be Messengers of Peace

construction and investigation, block pattern making and investigation into sustainability. Certificate III students completing Units 3 and 4 also visited the National Gallery of Victoria in Semester 1 to view the exhibition;

200 Years of Australian Fashion. This gave them ‘real life' experience

into the changes in fashion over time and fashion trends for each decade.

The students were also lucky enough to take a trip to Spotlight to select

suitable fabrics for their skirt construction. For the first time in a number of years VCE Product Design and Technology was offered at Year 11 and

students have pursued sustainable fashion resources to design, construct and develop collaborative outfits.



"ACTION!!!!" This year in Drama we have witnessed an incredible amount of enthusiasm,

change, growth and excitement. All Year 7 students were introduced to

the Performance Skills of Mime and Commedia Dell'Arte. Their classroom performances were hilarious and engaging. At Year 8 we danced to the beat of a Bollywood inspired performance.

With expert Bollywood dancers instructing the students in the elements of the genre, they were energised and excited by the challenge of choreographing their own Bollywood dance. Some lucky Year 7 classes were

audience members for the horror / comedy adaptation of Frankenstein.

Our very creative group of students at Year 9 who chose this elective were able to perform their own fairy tales, with music accompaniment, to a small audience of children from Our Lady of the Nativity Primary School. The young audience were mesmerised with the professionalism and magic generated.

We stepped into the world of German theatre in Year 10, learning about playwright Bertolt Brecht and his Epic Theatre for the people! The students

devised non-naturalistic ensemble performances about young women letting their inner beauty shine that travelled through history and educated some lucky Year 7 students. Leaving their nerves behind, they embarked

on a solo performance devising a monologue telling the story of someone special. With energy, commitment and collaboration, this Year Level put on

a fabulous show this year. VCE class worked tirelessly on the development of characters in

a non-naturalistic performance style. We worked with two other local schools and showcased our Ensemble performances in front of their

works when we travelled to Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College. What an incredible experience!

Claude Ferrarese and Olivia Pearce Drama teachers

Ave Maria College 29

Music 2016 has been a massive year for Music at Ave Maria College. It has seen the

"I love music because it has given me the confidence to perform in front df-

return of the Music Performance Evening, growth in the Instrumental Music

people and not to be as nervous as I used to be. I have a passion fonpiusic

Program and many more performance opportunities on offer to students.

and I've enjoyed learning new things in the after school extension classes.

With the College Vocal Ensemble growing to over 40 members this year, there

It has made me think more about music and how it's used in everyday life.

has been a significant shift in the performance culture and co-curricular culture

I can't wait to perform at the Music Performance Evening and if I didn't

of the College. Students have showcased their talents in assemblies, lunchtime

have music in my life I'm not too sure what I would be doing. Miss Sims is

performances, performances at Milleara Mall Shopping Centre, Ehe Music

a great teacher and has helped me strive in my music theory and also in

Performance Evening, Spectacular Spectacular, as well as Liturgies and Masses,

my performances.”

where they sing both challenging popular and secular repertoire pieces. This year

has also seen the implementation of an Advanced Theory and Ear Training class,

running after school, where students from Years 8-11 participate in complex

Isabella Trinchera Year 9

and extended aural work in preparation for external examinations or a VCE

Music course. I am extremely blessed and lucky to work with such talented and dedicated students, who make me proud every day. Their gift of musicianship is

something they share with each other and our Ave Maria College community.

Kayla Sims Music Teacher

“Music in general is what I love: to study it and be in a peer group who do as well, is something I cherish the most. I find that Music has always been

a subject that I am interested in, I enjoy it to the point where it actually

doesn’t feel like a subject anymore, it's more of a hobby or a thing that feels effortless. ‘If you love what you’re doing, you don't work a day in your life'."

Chiara Di Sipio Year 10, accelerated VCE Music Performance

30 Be Messengers of Peace

Spectacular spectacular Spectacular Spectacular is a College House event that is run every two

years It is a variety show that encompasses the skills of dancing, acting and singing whilst portraying a message. The four Houses compete against each

other in front of external judges who will mark them on the following criteria;

dancing, acting, singing, costumes and how the theme was portrayed. It is a student run event with students taking on many various roles such director, costume and prop designer, choreographer and script writer.

The 2016 Spectacular Spectacular theme was 'Messengers of peace’. To be a messenger of peace, as Helene de Chappotin urges, asks our community

to be at peace with one another. As messengers of peace, we deliver that

message by going out to others, promoting forgiveness and harmony, respecting the God-given dignity of others and having relationships that are

truly loving. It speaks of the strong link between peace, justice and action, working for those in need. Each House was responsible for coming up with how this theme could best be represented in an act showcasing the criteria above. Students

worked across Year Levels to work on developing a story and characters that embodied the message of Helene de Chappotin.

CLARE: THE BOOK OF PEACE Two mischievous young kids go against their grandmother and discover a magical book. The kids read about a story of two girls from opposing sides of war, who set aside their differences and become friends.

FRANCIS: PEACE THROUGH TIME Young and slightly ignorant Natalie from a wealthy family is forced to spend

a weekend at her grandparents. It is here she is taken back in time by the

Time Travelling Tradies to discover that her family has not always been rich. She learns the lesson of compassion, equality and most of all peace.

HELENE: SEARCH FOR JUSTICE A murder has been committed with four suspects in question. Detective Adams is in search for the truth and to provide justice for the victim's family.

A whodunit murder mystery that will keep you guessing right until the very end.

MARY: THE PEACEMAKERS When two best friends, Taylor and Courtney, get into a huge fight over a guy,

their friend, Ally and Madison, are stuck on how to fix them. It only gets worse when fights begin to break out among the friendship groups all over

school. Will Courtney and Taylor ever make up?

The night saw a spectacular display of talent, comradery and friendship. The cast and crew did an amazing job creating a very difficult time for the judges. Congratulations to Francis House who won the acting component and Helene House who won the dancing and singing. Overall, Helene took out the 2016 competition winning two out of the three categories. Well done

to Courtney Grocock (12B) and Georgia Tankey (12B) the two Helene House

Captains. A fantastic display of leadership from all our House Leaders who supported all members of their House.

A special thank you goes to the Spectacuar Spectacular committee of Mrs Jessica Hall, Ms Christine Lovell, Mr Claude Ferrarese, Ms Olivia Pearce, Mrs Kate De Bolfo, Ms Kayla Sims, Ms Carolyn Mills and Ms Brooke Poynton

for their hard work and diligence in putting together a fantastic evening. I very much look forward to what 2018 has to bring for Spectacular Spectacular.

Melanie Zahra Co-curricular Leader

Ave Maria College 31


As always, it has been a busy year in the English department.

Here are a few highlights. Our Year 7 students produced fabulous online newspapers this year that were shared amongst the other classes, highlighting their

writing skills and eye for layout design. At Year 8 students took this a step further by publishing their own Zine on a topic of their choosing, as long as they were passionate about it. The results were very impressive. Once again the Year 9 cohort were lucky enough to

be visited by the ever delightful Alice Pung, who discussed her book

Her Father's Daughter and the nature of writing memoirs. Both Year 9 and 10 students saw performances by the Complete Works

Theatre Company, who acted out scenes from Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. And last, but by no means least, our VCE students

had their heads down, working hard towards achieving their goals, with many taking up the offer of extra study sessions, writing

workshops and one-on-one sessions with their teacher. Another

great year of English.

Kate De Bolfo Acting Domain Team Leader English

32 Be Messengers of Peace


I would like to think that these words inspire us today in education as we


focus on providing the environment in which all our students can prosper

On Monday, 16 May 2016, students in Years 10-12 studying Politics, Civics

and grow. In Humanities, a stimulating array of opportunities for learning

and Legal Studies were given the opportunity to listen to Her Honour Justice

have been provided to create individuals who are capable of doing new

Rita Zammit, talk about her journey to becoming a Supreme Court judge.

things, not just repeat what has happened before. This has included:

She talked about her schooling and how an ATAR is only a number that

competitions such as Bond University Mooting, Victoria University iPAB, both

doesn't determine your future. We were also inspired when she told us that

of which resulted in outstanding results for our senior students; various

excursions and incursions, including a visit to Margoneet Prison and Melbourne Water; a fieldwork trip to Altona Beach and, guest presenters that

included Justice Zammit of the Victorian Supreme Court.

Christopher Moss Domain Team Leader Humanities WORK EXPERIENCE AND VET BUSINESS For my work experience placement, I went to Elders, Kyneton. During my

time there, I did a variety of tasks such as attending livestock sales, speaking with clients of the business and helping in the saleyards. One of

the tasks I did related directly to what I have done for VET Business. I used my VET skills that I studied in class to record cattle sales into a spreadsheet

she received the second highest score at university, whilst studying law, and

was raising a family at the same time. Her Honour also spoke about great

role models, like Cathy Freeman and everyday heroes like Sophie Murphy. She also highlighted inequalities within the courts, not only concerning gender, but also people with multicultural backgrounds.

Caitlyn Fitzgerald and Natasha Franjic Year 10 VISIT TO THE VICTORIAN PARLIAMENT On Tuesday 3 May 2016, the Australian and Global Politics class visited the Parliament of Victoria where we experienced what it was like to be in

question time and to sit and talk with State Member for Niddrie, Mr Ben Carroll. The day began with a tour of parliament in which we were able

to experience sitting in the chairs of the ministers in both the Legislative

and into an invoicing system. From my VET Business, I was aware of how

Council and the Legislative Assembly. This gave us a greater understanding

they laid out their documents, and the importance of style and consistency

of what it would be like to have a position of power like the ministers and the

across all documentations at Elders.

formality of the whole process during discussion in the two Houses.

Alicia Trovatello Year 10

Liz Nguyen and Olivia Robertson Year 11

PRISON VISIT We visited Margoneet Correctional Centre for Legal Studies, which is a

medium security men's prison. We met both young and older men who had committed a variety of crimes, including culpable driving, armed robbery and drug trafficking. We learnt about their crimes and their process through the

legal system as well as what their lives are like in prison. We were surprised

and shocked at some stories they told us of their experiences in the jail and

we learnt a lot about the weaknesses of the legal system as a result. It was definitely an interesting and rewarding experience and we learnt a lot which

we have since applied to our Legal Studies ciass.

Emily Young, Isabella Pozzebon and Amelia Grimaldi Year 12





It is what it is. It is war. War is war. Blood is blood.

Tears are tears.

Hope is hope. Love is love. Death is death.

Screams are screams.

Silence is silence. It is what it is. It is war.

Abbey Williams Year 11

Ave Maria College 33





In 1936, Jesse Owens became the first American in Olympic Track and

will be achieved without effort. An athlete will always give their best, not

Field history to win four gold medals in a single Olympiad. This remarkable

always will they get to the podium, but they will be happy with their effort.

achievement stood unequalled for 48 years.

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes

Every learner should follow this mentality - Always give the maximum effort

in all that you do in order to make dreams a reality.

an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.”—

Many students embraced the spirit of Jesse Owens. Of mention are:

Jesse Owens

Year 9: Hannah Davies (9D) and Jessica Storey (9D) who placed first and

Jesse Owens had a clear message that goes beyond just sport. Education

or probably better stated learning is very much like training for the Olympics.

second respectively in the Mental Health Foundation essay competition.

The courageous 12 students who finished the Kokoda Challenge and of

It takes students time to develop the skills in order to be at their best

course all VCE students. Let's hope that self-discipline, effort, determination

academically. Learning doesn’t come without determination, we need to

and dedication are ingrained in your behaviours going forward.

be able to continue forward even when results don't always go the way we had planned. Dedication and self-discipline will be tested time and time again when time demands pull the learner this way and that, but just like an

athlete the learner prioritises in order to achieve their best. Finally nothing

34 Be Messengers of Peace

Garry Whicker Domain Team Leader Health and Physical Education

Languages Other Than English

So much to say and so few words to say it in. In fact did you know that one only needs to know about 3,000 words in any language to be able to

communicate? That's all it takes to be able to talk about all sorts of things

in Italian or Indonesian. Every year as Year 12 LOTE students prepare for

the Language Oral Exams, I reflect and recall the rudimentary beginnings of young students as they enter at Year 7 and am absolutely amazed at what these students achieve over the 6 years of language learning. From not knowing a single word to communicating in a second language.

In the LOTE Domain we take the challenge of making all learning activities

relevant and communicative, guiding our students as they develop their identity as global citizens. We delve deep into the culture of the people

whose language we are studying and learn about world views, becoming

more open-minded and understanding people. There have been many highlights throughout the year including some

extraordinary opportunities for our students. A new focus this year was Year 8 Italian, where students after completing their space language training

visited the Victorian Space Science Education Centre. Here they suited up for two missions, one as an astronaut in the Space Laboratory, and one as

a mission controller, completing all communication activities in Italian. At Year 10, some Indonesian students participated in the Australian-ASEAN Youth Forum. A program organized by the Asia Education Foundation with the aim

to teach students about the world of politics and diplomacy. The culmination

of the day was the writing of a formal Declaration.

As another College year comes to an end. I acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of each of my colleagues in the LOTE Domain.Together we celebrate

the achievements of all our students and support them on their road to becoming polyglots.

Carla Godoy Acting Domain Team Leader Languages Other Than English (LOTE)

Ave Maria College 35

Extended Study Tour EasTer.time in Italy is a busy time with local Italians and travellers from all

over the world taking a spring break and coming to visit beautiful sites in Italy. Being Easter, many people in search of a spiritual connection, visit key locations such as St. Peter's in the Vatican City, the Basilica in Assisi, and

St. Mark’s in Venice. Travelling at this time can be challenging but with the

wonderful support of each member of the team and the positive approach of our students to every aspect of the Study Tour, we had a fantastic experience,

saw marvellous places some touching us with curiosity as we pondered on the skills of people in times gone by and their legacy.

We travelled across the country visiting the Lazio, Umbria, Toscana, Liguria and Veneto regions and travelled through time from the Etruscans, Ancient

Rome, Byzantine, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque to modern day

Italy. It was like a “minestrone”, a melting pot of experiences touching all the

senses with surprises and challenges at every turn. The students embraced each day with a sense of wonder and adventure. Each day becoming

more independent; more self-reliant and of course more self-confident.

Their resilience both mentally and socially was tested in all sorts of situations and I can say they all came through with flying colours. I know that each student will cherish their new friendships and beautiful

memories of Italy and their first travel experience for a very long time.

Carla Godoy Tour Leader

36 Be Messengers of Peace


Italy 2016

Ave Maria College 37

Mathematics and Information Technology — Ft - Dr Geoff Garrett Queensland Chief Scientist

Another exciting year of opportunities for our students to realise and experience the importance of mathematics and technology in their everyday

lives. We keep the conversations going with our students about the power of

'I can!”, the power of persistence and grit, thinking like mathematicians from the moment you walk into the room and of course, that practice does makes

perfect and success can come from effort.

Mathematics connects with all other areas of learning in the College and

we are pleased to be working closely with the other domains to promote students engagement and participation in the STEM disciplines and in what ways can we collaborate to design courses that showcase numeracy skills not only in the Maths classroom.

What a plethora of opportunities Ave Maria College students have had so that they grow, achieve, tinker, investigate and explore! Code Club - NCSS Coding Competition, Maths and Science Week - Year 7 and 8 students

met Marty Ross from MathsMasters, Absolute Maximums - expanding to Mondays and Thursdays, Year 7 Maths Games Day at Ovemewton College,

Maths Perfect Competition finished 9th out of 190 Victorian schools and

the Mathematics in Industry Challenge for Year 11 and 12 students. Any Domain is only as good as the team of teachers who commit

themselves to providing the best learning environment for our students. They have my thanks and appreciation for all that they do.

Debra Coyne Domain Team Leader Mathematics and Information Technology

38 Be Messengers of Peace


The Science Team at Ave Maria College grew and evolved in 2016, adapting


to their new habitat in the Mary Centre. New abiotic factors such as 3D

Maddy and I were creating a filter that would produce clean water using

printers, write-on-walls, digital screens, as well as biotic factors like one

a limited amount of money that was given to us by the Engineers without

hundred and forty budding Year 7 Scientists made for an innovative and

Borders. We created the filter using products that were readily available

novel year. However, like the speed of light travelling through the Universe

to us including stones, cotton balls, Chux wipes and empty water bottles.

some things remained constant, the inquisitive students, thought provoking

This exercise was a real challenge and got our minds working.

excursions and an exciting Science Curriculum. Milikan, a Nobel Prize winning Physicist suggested ‘Science walks forward

on two feet, namely theory and experiment' and the students at Ave Maria

Lucy Turner Year 7

College were certainly walking in a bipedal manner in 2016, conducting experiments and expanding their scientific knowledge. This year nineteen

Year 10 students were awarded the CSIRO Bronze Crest Award for conducting experiments, investigating questions such as “Does the colour of

a drink effect the perception of taste?”, and “Which brand of hand soap has

the best antibacterial qualities?" The Year 7 students designed parachutes to explore why objects fall, and at Year 8 students investigated heat transfer.

Science is the culmination of the knowledge of many, and this year students

at Ave Maria College had the opportunity to learn from leading experts.

The VCE Physics class attended a talk by Dr Catalina Curceanu a researcher at Italy’s National Institute of Physics, and the Year 9 and 10 Students heard

from Dianne McGrath, a Mars One Candidate who could embark on a one way journey to Mars. Like Charles Darwin exploring the unknown on the HMS Beagle, students left

Ave Maria College on excursions seeking out new discoveries. Forty Year 9

students attended the 'Be a Chemist for a Day' event at Victoria University where they explored topics such as Electrochemistry and Chromatography.

Students in Year 12 Biology attended a workshop at the GTAC Centre in Parkville where they looked at the mysteries of chromosomes and

inheritance. Whilst at GTAC the students completed an experiment involving Gel Electrophoresis. The VCE Chemistry students went to the Victorian Space and Science Ed. Centre in Strathmore where they learnt how to calibrate and use analytical instruments and the Year 10 STEM class investigated the

bio-science of Astronauts.

One of the best things I feel about the Science Program at Ave Maria College is the opportunity to collaborate and work with others. It has been fantastic to

work alongside such a dedicated and marvellous Science Team at our school.

Bridget Blackburn Domain Team Leader Science LAB RATS SCIENCE CLUB This year we joined the Lab Rats Science Club. Along with our friends, we

made Valentine’s Day accessories and the following week we made sherbet and ice-cream. We really enjoyed doing these activities because it was a great

way to learn about the science while having fun. We’re really looking forward to doing many more activities to learn about science and the world around us!

Priyenka Anand and Karen Habashy Year 7 Ave Maria College 39

Learning Enhancement


The Learning Enhancement Team (Previously known as the IDU).

with real life situations. The small focus groups also allow for students

The LET is a team of dedicated and experienced staff who work with

to develop personal and social skills which are a vital element of being

Year Level Leaders, Subject Teachers, our school Pathways Leader and

connected to the school community.

External Consultants, incorporating SCOPE, RCH and medical experts

The LET team aims to provide the best possible options and support to

in order to provide personalized learning programs to cover a range of

inspire and challenge girls to fully engage in their learning community and

specific learning capabilities, needs and styles. It endeavours to provide

reach their full potential across the curriculum.

a learning environment where students feel successful in order to increase their performance whilst respecting each and every student’s social and emotional development. We are committed to supporting every girl to fully

Michelle Lawlor-McNamara Learning Enhancement Leader

engage in the life of the school.

LET Team: Rosie Haber, Janeane Millar, Belinda Leonello

The LET team recognizes that each girl brings with them a wide range of

and Silvia Surace

gifts, talents and interests and with this in mind we plan and implement a personalized program recognizing that each girl is at a different stage of her

learning journey. The LET team work with teachers to meet the needs of the girls who

require specific modification to the curriculum within the classroom setting. Staff work under the guidance and collaboratively with the subject teacher, assisting in classroom activities, school routines, and the care and management of students.

The LET team also work with students in the LET learning space. Here, small

groups work with staff on differentiated programs designed to meet the needs of the students and to provide varying opportunities for immediate

feedback, which allows students the ability to refine skills and master the learning intention. A wide variety of teaching techniques including

Designing and demonstrating

Creating and appraising an

technology are implemented to assist the girls to link theoretical concepts

working accurately to a grid

original board game

EDUCATION RESOURCE CENTRE/ Helene Library This year the library has had many changes - the biggest being the

renaming to the Helene Library accompanied by the colourful new entrance

in Helene House green.

In my role as the Helene Library Team Leader I bring my passion of books and reading to the library and have focused on improving the collection with

a vast and varied selection of new books, wonderful displays and promotions. This along with the efforts of Ms Smith and Ms Stronach have resulted in

one of our biggest years of borrowing ever. Vibrant, colourful and lively students are drawn to the Helene Library for research, quiet study, lunchtime games, co-curricular Book Corner and Creative Spaces.

We are thankful for the student’s enthusiasm which inspires us to build relationships and provide the best library service we can.

Laura Pugliese Helene Library Team Leader Student quotes: “The Library is a great place for me to interact with other students and share

my love of reading " Karen Habashy 7E “I like the opportunities it gives us when having classes in the library"

Alexandra Moran Year 9E “The librarians are so helpful and they know us personally, which is great because they know what you like to read" Teeshia Pacifico Year 11C

40 Be Messengers of Peace

THE OFFICIAL BLESSING AND Opening of the Mary Centre

The morning of the 26th of April, 2016 Ave Maria College was characterised

The vocal performances, hymns, and reading of the Word of God, were

by the angelic voices of the vocal ensemble, the wise words of the

expressions of the beauty the Mary Centre has created in the college.

archbishop, and the hard work of many teachers and students. All immersed

Because truthfully the centre has meant more than merely an extra building.

in ensuring the blessing and official opening of the Mary Centre was

The hallways have become a place where friendships are built, ideas are

something to be long remembered.

shared, and encouragement is given. The classrooms, a birthplace of

I sat, on the far left side of the room, the entrance door to my right and my

knowledge and learning and a place for creativity and personal development.

head turned slightly towards it to ensure the best possible view of the guests

The blessing and opening ceremony provided a time to honour and be

as they walked in. Slowly, one by one, the guests arrived. As each new

thankful for the opportunity we, as Ave Maria College students, have been

arrival took their seat, and Archbishop entered, the atmosphere stilled itself

given. An opportunity to learn and grow, and inspiration to reach our full

to a gentle reverence. Every person gathered to honour the work of those

creative and academic potential.

involved in making the centre what it is, each to be thanked for what was being presented today and dedicating it to Mary, the mother of God.

And for that opportunity I am extremely thankful, to Catholic Education Melbourne and to everyone involved in making the Ave Maria College,

Equiped with classrooms specifically designed to ensure the greatest

Mary Centre what it is to the young women in the college.

learning experience for each and every student, the Mary Centre succeeds

Thank you.

in providing a space were creativity, innovation and learning are encouraged. Giving each student a platform to excel in everything they are called to be.

S’thembile Tlhabane Year 11

Teaching and Learning It has been wonderful this year seeing the range of learning opportunities

‘It's inspirational' - Ms Mamo

provided to students both inside and outside of the classroom. There have

‘I find working with kids entertaining' - Mrs Morgan

been a number of teaching and learning foci for teachers as we seek to

'To see those kids who struggle succeed' - Mr Martini

keep up with 21st century learning styles. A core theme this year has been both collaboration and differentiation. The collaboration between

teachers was further strengthened through the Peer Observation program

and Professional Learning Communities that help to facilitate the learning from and with colleagues. The theme of the Teaching and Learning Day

was Differentiation: What if...? This day was a great opportunity to discuss

‘To share my passion for learning and fuel the future’ - Ms Sachetta ‘Because I enjoy going to class every day’ - Mr Spanti

Jessica Hall Teaching and Learning Leader

the individual needs of our students and work on the identification of and catering to our high achieving students. Poet William Butler Yeats remarked, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but

the lighting of a fire." Truer words were never spoken. For many students, a passion for education is often ignited by an inspiring teacher. Teachers here at Ave are dedicated, to say the least. They work long hours as they seek to

innovate curriculum, provide students with worthwhile feedback, and do

everything they can to make sure their classrooms are safe and welcoming for all students. Still, teachers don't receive the recognition they deserve.

What keeps them motivated? What fuels their passion for teaching? I was curious:

Ave Maria College 41

Secondary Catholic Sports


The Secondary Catholic School's Association (SCSA) promotes and provides

Hockey was the last sport we competed in for Semester One with us taking

secondary school students with the opportunity to compete in a wide variety

two representative teams. Our Junior A team dominated the competition,

of sports and carnivals within a Catholic environment. Our students have

taking out the honour. A big congratulations to Bianca Sprague (9C) who

participated in a number of sports this year and have done so with great

won the best player in the grand final.

enthusiasm, pride and determination. Most training is conducted in students' own time either before school, after school or at lunch times. I appreciate the dedication from not only the team, but from those that come to support

them in the roles of scoring, assisting coaches or adjudicating. It has been

wonderful to see the amount of participation grow every year.

In Term Three, Ave Maria College hosted the SCSA Volleyball at MSAC. This was only our second year competing in Division Two and we had great success.

All three of our junior teams made it into grand finals with two of the teams winning. A true honour was seeing that in all three finals, three Ave Maria College students won woman of the match, showing displays of sportsmanship through

In 2016 Ave Maria College has participated in Tennis, Swimming, Indoor

the game. Congratulations to Madison Anderson (8B), Marina Androustos (7B)

Cricket, Indoor and Outdoor Soccer. Athletics, Basketball. Cross Country,

and Danielle Reed (8E). Both of our senior teams progressed to grand finals with

Hockey, AFL, Volleyball, Netball and Softball. Students travel to all parts

one of the teams winning their division. In the losing grand final Chloe Braybrook

of Victoria to compete at junior, intermediate and senior levels. Ave Maria

(11 A) was awarded woman of the match. A fantastic job to all those who

College was lucky to host SCSA Athletics and SCSA Volleyball this year.

participated and those who assisted on the day.

Ave Maria College had some great success in 2016 with a lot of our teams

Netball was our last big competition for the year and again successful. We took

coming home with some silverware to add to our trophy cabinet. Tennis was

seven teams who participated in early morning training sessions for weeks

the first event we competed in and it was great to see some early success.

in the lead up. The Intermediate A team had great success and ended up

In the junior division, Ave Maria College placed second with Chanel McKay (8A)

winning the overall division. A big congratulations to Chelsea Reid (9E) who

receiving the best player in her grand final. Our intermediate team placed first

won best on ground in the winning grand final.

overall with Georgia Hellyer (10C) winning player of the match in her grand

final. Our senior team placed third overall which was a great achievement.

There is a lot of hard work that goes into putting together a team and a lot of it couldn't be done without the hard work and enthusiasm of the staff whom

Our biggest win for the year was at the SCSA Swimming competition which

volunteer their time to coach these teams. It is not an easy job but it is one

took place the night before Year 7 camp. Our junior, intermediate and senior

they do with great passion and persistence.

teams all won their individual divisions crowning Ave Maria College as the

2016 Champions. Our team spent weeks training in the early hours of the

I look forward to seeing what next year brings to Ave Maria College and the

SCSA program.

morning twice a week and it was great to see the hard work pay off.

Ave Maria College should be very proud of their efforts at the Athletics competition. We took our biggest team this year and had a lot of support from parents and staff. The College finished third overall with only 50 points

separating us from first place. This is very promising for the future.

42 Be Messengers of Peace

Melanie Zahra Co-Curricular Leader



C(CCc cc

Ave Maria College 43




As a mental health practitioner, I adopt a holistic approach to working with

On cold days and nights there is nothing nicer than keeping warm under

students, considering all aspects of a person including mind body, soul and

a cosy blanket; especially if it has been knitted by someone who cares.

spirit. Earlier this year, I facilitated a lunchtime workshop series covering a wide range of topics, to encourage students to take more responsibility for their own wellbeing and to think more broadly about wellness and self-care.

Students learnt useful strategies to address stress and anxiety, while also adopting practical approaches to study, managing sleep issues, creating

balance, and finding ways of connecting to self, others and the world around them. It was a fantastic response from students, and I look forward to

The C.A.R.E. group was established in 2015 by a group of students who show Compassion, Acceptance, Respect and Empathy (C.A.R.E). This year I have enjoyed meeting with the C.A.R.E. girls on Tuesday lunchtimes.

We knit squares for rugs which will be donated to a charity in Term 4. The idea behind C.A.R.E. is to provide a get-together for students who

would like to meet new people; however it's nice to know that our efforts

will be helping someone less fortunate stay warm.

running this initiative again in the future. I am not the best knitter but I do enjoy a good chat. I would like to thank the

Ceci Tankey Student Counsellor

C.A.R.E. girls, Ms Wiseman and Mrs Hunter for their dedication this year.

It has been a pleasure getting to know you.

Sue Hall Student Counsellor

Careers In Careers and Pathways we are committed to

I needed to continue to study one of my most

developing Ave Maria's most valuable resource its

favoured subjects. It helped me pick my subjects

students. We aim to educate, train and provide high

for VCE as well as pursue my love for fashion.

value work experiences. Students are encouraged

Olivia Barca

to explore their curiosity and build their educational experiences by participating in work experience

opportunities, attending Career Expos, listening to speakers, exploring their options, engaging with the community, creating personalised pathway plans and

a Career Portfolio.

STUDENT REFLECTIONS: I chose to do my work experience at fashion design

studio with a designer named Jason Grech. I decided

to do my work experience with him as I have always loved fashion and wanted to experience

this particular industry for myself. Throughout my week with Jason, I learnt so much. I was given

responsibility and worked alongside Jason and his

team as well as alone. I worked on his garments,

For my work experience, I went to a travel agency called World Strides who organise school trips for

primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary education either domestically or internationally.

Some of the tasks I undertook were: entering student data into an excel spreadsheet, addressing letters to schools regarding ski trip insurance, entering accommodation enquiries into an excel document,

filing invoices, organising itineraries, paying resort

entry fees, and putting together ticket wallets for Italy school trips. I think work experience is a great idea for year 10 students because it prepares us for

a career in the future.

Sarah Loschaivo

hand stitching lace onto a flower girl dress and labels and combs onto bridal headpieces. I also got

the opportunity to help out with a photoshoot. It had a great impact on me as it gave me the reassurance

44 Be Messengers of Peace

Helen Aliaga Pathways Coordinator


The Academic and Community Awards Night (ACAN) is the annual celebration

of achievement by staff, students and community of Ave Maria College. This event is our forum for recognising and acknowledging excellence and high performance in a number of areas - College Spirit, Sporting and Cultural contributions, Community recognition and, of course,

academic excellence.

In 2016 the academic award recipients again included the Subject Honour Roll, for which the highest performers in each subject, in each Year Level, are recognised. The highest performer, taking in to account all assessments

- both formative and summative, is awarded the Subject Dux. This year saw an increase in the number of students being acknowledged for their

academic success, a testament to the depth of ability across the respective cohorts. Once again we acknowledged the top 5 students in each year level

in the Year Level Honour Roll. These students have excelled across a number

of subjects, with consistently high achievement in both semester 1 and 2.

The Year level Dux is awarded to the overall highest performer in each year level. Well done to all award recipients.



Year 8 Honour Roll: Chloe McMahon,

Helene de Chappotin: Matea Hrkac

Rachel D'Andrea (Year 12)

Sara Hinton, Mia Kefenhoerster, Claudia Fox

St Clare Service Award: Janet Martin


St Francis Staff Service Award:

Clara Browne

Helen McCormick

Chrysanthe Research and Development Bursary: Extension and Acceleration led by Jessica Hall

FUTURE LEADERS Years 7-9: Madeline Saxton (Year 9)

Years 10-12: Olivia Fazio (Year 11)

HOUSE AWARDS Co-Curriculum Leader Acknowledgement Award Bianca Sprague (Year 9)

Year 8 Dux: Alicia Librandi Year 9 Honour Roll: Antonia Kerrison. Chloe Dalia-Fontana, Bianca Sprague


Year 9 Dux: Madeline Saxton, Meg Gleeson (tie) Year 10 Honour Roll: Vanessa D'Andrea, Yasmine Athaide, Isabel Conti, Olivia Barca


Year 10 Dux: Caitlyn Fitzgerald Yasmine Athaide Agata Spanti

Year 11 Honour Roll: Bianca Fastuca, Laura Paolucci, Katie Earnshaw, Lisa Lewis


Year 7 Honour Roll: Methinya Somarathna,

Year 11 Dux: Faith Andres

Mariam Touma, Mia Sciberras, Jessica Lima

Year 7 Dux: Monica Trang

Carla Rendelmann (Year 10)

House Cultural Award Junior: Sophie McAllister (Year 8)

Intermediate: Abbey Crowley (Year 9) Senior: Chloe Braybrook (Year 11)

House Sports Award Junior: Charlotte Bates (Year 7)

Intermediate: Tess Thorogood (Year 10) Senior: Gabrielle Bass! (Year 11)

House Woman of the Year Madeline Langenbacher (Year 7)

Sportswoman of the Year Bridie Keogh (Year 9) - Taekwondo


Year 7: Bonnie Meggs Year 8: Lily Cervetto

Year 9: Abbey Crowley Year 10: Maddison Cottle Year 11: Teesha Pacifico

Ave Maria College 45

Year 7 Learning

The Year 7 students let their Inner Beauty Shine in many ways this year.

In Term One the girls settled and adjusted enthusiastically to Secondary

The Year 7 Level Captains, Faith and Social Justice Leaders and Homeroom Ambassadors were chosen. They have lead amicably and have displayed respect, compassion and INNER BEAUTY.

College life. They formed new friendship groups and developed a real sense

of belonging to the Ave community.

The Year 7's embraced their Peer Support Leaders and have enjoyed

the Peer Support Sessions, in particular the small group activities and

The girls enthusiastically participated at the Swimming Carnival, swimming

for their Patron House and having fun in the novelty races.

a shared lunch. In Term Two it was reassuring to see the girls become engaged, creative

Camp Marysville was, of course, the highlight of the term. The girls are

and inquisitive about their learning.

to be commended for the way they participated in every activity and for

Faith Formation Day was a wonderful opportunity where the girls were

the way they encouraged and supported one another to have a go at

introduced to their House Patron Saints and encouraged to walk in their

something new.

footsteps. The girls in Helene House were lucky to have a guest speaker,

46 Be Messengers of Peace

Sister Heather, share the beautiful story of Helene de Chappotin. We really

The Elders' Mass was an ideal opportunity to remember and celebrate

appreciate Sister Heather joining us on this day.

those who have influenced and guided us as well as it being a celebration of

One of the many highlights in Term Three was the Personal Development

our faith as Catholics.

Day. Students made a real IMPACT in workshops designed for them

Term Four is a celebration of the girls' achievements as they reflect on

to recognise their potential as successful learners. The focus was on

the year that was. As they move forward and upward may they continue

developing academic study skills, strategies to empower students to


maintain a positive outlook and build upon their support networks within

Joanne Thompson Year 7 Team Leader

the school environment. Through the year 1 Social Justice Focus - Samaritan’s Purse: Operation

Christmas Child students developed a deeper appreciation for action in our Catholic Faith. They enthusiastically filled shoeboxes to be delivered to

children in third world countries, on Christmas Day, so show these children

that they are loved and not forgotten. We were blessed to have Sister Virgilia and Sister Floriana from our sister school Saint Maria Mazzarello visit our classroom. Their gentle nature,

wisdom and knowledge left a profound impact on us all.

Ave Maria College 47


7 Photos

Grace Abboud

Emihe Autolitano

Ashleigh Brooks

inn Cefai

Mikayla Abraham

Lucy Barbuto

Alyssa Africano

Jessica Amarella

Monique Amarella

Priyenka Anand

Elisha Andres

Taylor Andronaco

Ji □ £1 tfi c3i Zi Chiara Barrasso

Charlotte Bates

Leile Baxter

Angelina AngelinaBellesini Bellesini

Madeline Bellino

Marina Androutsos

Alissia Bellistri

Chloe Borraccino

Dayna Bryce

Alexia Bugeja

Emmerson Busuttil

Natalie Cachia

Amelia Cain

Emily Carter

Mia Caruana

Isabella Caruso

Mia Cerato

Samantha Com.to

Simone Cooke

Alisha Corso

Tayla Couti

Claire Crowden

Kimberly Cu

Olivia Curtolo

Jane Kartal

Arijana Kekoc

Cassandra Kennedy

Charlize Kraljevic

Jessica Lam

Madeline Langenbacher

Jessica Lima

Leah Lombardo

48 Be Messengers of Peace

Ai Tess Marazita

Sahra Marchese

(21 Isabella Massoud

Taylor McCarthy

Chloe McLaughlin

0 l! (Di S ■ Madelin Modica

Mya Mollica

Lilianna Morgan

Emily McMahon

Bonnie Meggs

Olivia Motta

Talia Motta

Alicia Meilak

ljI Abbey Nagle

Talia Miatello

Heidi Milne

Bui-Amanda Nguyen

Rachel Nguyen

Deahna Orfini

Leah Palmieri

Lucy Parente

Olivia Patti

Emma Peel

Kira Pejcinovski

Madeleine Perta

Isobel Pedersen

Paris Pedinella

Linh Pham

Abigail Philip

Jacqueline Raso

Tara Riitano

Keely Robinson

Li (Di

Claudia Schiavone


Jessica Tanti

Lauren Tenace

Mariam Touma

£1 lJ tji Emily Romano

Taylah Ronald

Stephanie Ryan

Alana Siccita

Ella Soloczynskyj


Bianca Salas Daniella Sarah Sanfilippo HiT” mScambiatterra

Rachel Tamburro

Mariah Taylor Somarathna


lj Monica Trang

Lucy Turner

Haylee Victor

Michaela Vimba

Jacinta Walker

Mikayla Wyllie

Mia Sciberras

Natalie Zampaglione



Juliette Zanellini

Absent students: Mae Camerodo Jessica Disher

Alessia Zoccali

Homeroom Teachers

Jospeh Papaleo 7A

Nadia Di Salvatore 7B

Kate De Bollo 7C

Melanie Zahra 7D

Susy Vianello 7E

Joanne Thompson Year 7 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 49

Year 8 Learning

This year, Year 8 students have tackled the year with gusto and enthusiasm.

The Year 8 students are determined and positive young women who have embraced the year level theme ‘Awakening your awareness of yourself, others

and global issues'. They have been equipped with skills of mindfulness, the

importance of sleep, how gratitude & empathy promotes internal happiness and what it means to be a good friend. As a year level we have celebrated

individual and group achievements. I commend the girls for their active participation in College life. The girls have been supported and guided by their

Homeroom teachers in which they have participated in a number of wellbeing activities and initiatives. The annual Coin Line competition was fierce and

homeroom groups worked together to raise money for our Social Justice Focus the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’. I would like to wish the

girls all the very best for the future and hope that they remember that “hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard”

Casey Janides Year 8 Team Leader

50 Be Messengers of Peace


Ave Maria College 51


8 Photos

Josephine Agresta

Madison Anderson

Emily Asta

Eliza Auld


Jayda Balas

Tyrah Banks

Holli Bates

Juliet Battistella

Mikaela Benito

Scarlett Bibby

Elise Bonaguro

Elyse Borderick

Mya Borderick

Lauren Borg

Alanna Boyle

Carla Boyle

Alicia Brooker

Ji Ji Ji b & & JJJ

Jemma Bustard

■ Isabella Caccamo

Emily Camilleri

Olivia Canturi


Liana Capito

Jennifer Carreto

Bianca Carrivale

Lily Cervetto

Chloe Davis

Alicia Chiaravalle

Alyssa Chiarilli

Lara Cipolla

Tara Clark

Leanne Colaco

Natalie Crea

□via Cuce

Stephanie Damiano

Natasha Deiesi

Adriana Di Biase

Brigitte Di Pietro

Lara Docking

Nina Dougall

Ashton Driscoll

Charlotte Durrington

Laura Elia

Jl J J| Ji Ji Ji J, £1 Isabella Farfaglia

Breanna Farley

Claudia Favrin

Alessia Fazio

Larissa Fazzari

Nicola Fazzolari

Marianne Finlay

Rachel Fitzgerald

Mikayla Flood

Holly Fortuna M

Claudia Fox

Olivia Franjic

Alysha Franze

Isabella Garra

Olivia Gaston

Amelia Gennaccaro

Alessia Graziano

Lauren Greige

Jessica Grey

Alicia Guarnaccia

Naomi Hadla

Chloe Hanna

Sarah Hill

Sara Hinton

Julia Hiron

Giselle laconis

Briana lacovone

Jemima Jaggard

Brigette Johnston

Rebecca Keenan

Mia Kefenhoerster


52 Be Messengers of Peace

^iti Ji Amy Kirk

Jasmine La Rocca

Alanna La Spina

Ji Clementine Leonhill

Genevieve Leonhil!

Catherine Lewis

Sarah Lia

Alyssa Liberman

OiutL Alicia Librandi M

Stephanie Loschiavo

Bridget MacGregor

Julia Marchese

Briana Marino

Alessia Massara

Sophie McAllister

Chanel McKay

Madeleine McLeod

Chloe McMahon

Michaela McMahon

Georgia McShanag

Alana Montegan

<2i faJ bS & ZJ

Isabel Moore_________ Kara Murone_________ Anna Nguyen Nguyen

Stephanie Nind Nind

Bijanka Orfini Orfini

Carly Parente Parente

Angelique Pereira

til Karsha Pereira

Olivia Pereira

Jenna Pertot

Lucia Piaia

Josephine Porcheddu

Abby Port

Simone Potter

Nadine Rabie

Mia Ranalletta

Danielle Reed

Georgia Reid

Mia Ristevski

Anastasia Roumeliotis

Elese Rukavina

Tia Ryan

Alannah Sajkoski

Carla Scalise

hl 4^



Jordan Sholl ■

Lara Slavich

Kahlia Szabo

Phebe Tadinac

Tahlia Tassone

Bridget Tennant

Danielle Thompson

Meg Thornton

Caitlin Trovatello M

Claudia Turco

Olivia Vasiliadis

Claudia Vendramini

Charlotte Vinecombe

Rebecca Waring

Eliza Wilson

Johanna Zoccali

Absent students: Wanyea Boyes Nishmmah Eric

Natalie Zuccarelli

Homeroom Teachers

Marisa D’Astoli Carinci 8A

Debra Coyne 8B

Sue Ooi 8C

Sarah Kline 8D

It Jessie Geraghty 8D

Elizabeth Allsopp 8E

Casey Janides Year 8 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 53

Year 9


Year 9 often gets the unfair label of being the difficult year. However I can

9B Ms Saunders - 9B is a vivacious group that are not afraid to face

proudly say that in 2016 the Year 9 cohort were a wonderful and interesting

a challenge or create one for those around them. Their varied personalities,

group of girls. Under the Year Level Theme ‘My Relationships, My Community,

talents and love of laughter makes this class dynamic and interesting

My Responsibility' the girls participated in everything willingly and made

to teach.

the most of their opportunities. While there was a bit of apprehension about the Outdoor Adventure Camp, the girls stepped up to the challenge, worked

as a team, and showed a personal resilience that helped them with other obstacles throughout the year. They were totally engaged h the IRIS project, Faith Formation Day, St Vincent de Paul Fundraising, and even gained their

9C Dr Eischeid - 9C have been a delight to be with in 2016. The students

are buoyant, energetic and caring. Each girl has demonstrated her unique personality through the expression of her views and has shown respect for

others by listening attentively to their ideas.

Level 2 First Aid Certificate. What was most impressive about this year level

9D Mr Hensley - 9D are a diverse group with a broad range of interests,

was that the girls worked hard and were kind and respectful to each other.

wonderful enthusiasm and great compassion. They are dedicated students

They had a reputation for being such a lovely group of girls. Each student

that have learnt a lot together and from each other.

had something unique to offer, whether it was representing their country

9E Ms Sacchetta - 9E are a dynamic group of young ladies who created

and state in sport or dance, winning writing competitions, or just being the

a fun, safe and friendly learning environment. They shared jokes, stories

person to cheer others up or show empathy when someone was down.

and their learning with one another. 9E truly became a unified and

Every single one of our girls in Year 9 has a beautiful gift to offer and I have

enjoyable homeroom.

really enjoyed working with them this year. 9A Mr Condello - 9A is a class with unique personalities and idiosyncrasies. Overall they are very friendly, funny but talented group.

54 Be Messengers of Peace

Joanne Fastuca Year 9 Team Leader

YEAR 9 CAMP In April this year, the year nines embarked on an outdoor adventure camp at Great

Otway National Park near Anglesea. True to its name, there was lots of adventure, and lots of outdoors! We hiked, orienteered, set up our own tents, built fires, surfed,

walked along the beach and prepared our own meals. We were faced with many

challenges that put us out of our comfort

zone, whether it was carrying all our gear in backpacks, discomfort and, let's just say, we all needed a good shower when we got

home! From the team building and new

experiences at the camp we will take with us new friendships and life long memories.

Abbey Crowley

Ave Maria College 55


9 photos

Carissa Acquav^H

Sarah Addinsail

Erin Adorno

Mane Agnesi

Olivia Anderson

Elisabetta Andronaco

Taylah Barbara

Stephanie Battershill

Isobel Bava

Annabelle Beard

Gkxgia Bernardi

Alexandra Bemyk

Madeline Bonnett

Lauren Bowen

Emily Brown

Sarah Burke

Helena Calafati

Monica Campione

Serena Capozzi

Danielle Carbone

Jessica Castro

Olvia Chan

Julia Chiera

Stephanie Chmielewski

Natalie Cierpisz

Joanna Ckuj

Bridget Collard

Chloe Dalia-Fontana

Danielle Davies

Hannah Davies

Adalia Di Vincenzo

AIM! ft Chantelle Crho

Abbey Crowley

Laura Curcio

Paris Condidorio

Chantelle Costa

Alexandra Duma

Sally El-Rassi

Lara Gallo

Teagan Gatt

Cristina Gattellari

Renee Giuffre


Meg Gleeson

Ella Goddard

Eliza Gollant

Madeleine Grande

Monique Grech

Emilia Grosso

Basma Hadchiti

Elyssa Hancock

Aristea Havelas

Grace Hengel

Dalia Hirmiz

Shevonna Hormoz

Gemma lacobaccio

Isabella Galea

। ■■■■■■■I

Marceile Ishak

Genevieve ludica

Elizabeth Jackson

Jessica Jackson

Grace Kemp

Michelle Kent

Bridie Keogh

Antonia Kerrison

Tabitha Knight

Ella Ladds

Alessia Latina

Amber Lawes

Katelyn Le Toille

Hannah Liu

Giuliana Lombardi

Angela Lopez

Shanaie Lyons

Isabella Magazzu

56 Be Messengers of Peace

Elise Marsden Southworth

Isabelle Marzico

Sophia Masiero

Domenique Massoud

Bridie McGuire

Emily Meilak

Ayla Mesic

Maree Milionis

Kiara Mitchell

Marianna Monarca

Monique Moore

Alexandra Moran

Julia Myszka

Lucy Nathan

Hannah Newman

Amelia Njegac

Niamh O'Hara ■

Amber Orellana

Olivia Palumbo

Angel Perkovic

Katia Pietrolungo

Hannah Portelli

Caitlin Priestley

Telesia Pua





Chelsea Reid

Kara Riggio

Charlotte Ronke

Hannah Rutherford

Mia Salvador

Madeline Saxton

Neisha Scully

Hannah Shaw

Natalie Shilston

Olivia Siracusa

Alyssa Soloczynskyj

Lauren Sponza

Bianca Sprague

Ella Stivala

Jessica Storey

Taylor Sweeney

Bianca Tanti

Rebecca Thompson

Keely Thornton

Eliza Velthuis

Marlee Victor

Georgia Wheaton

L fcJ £1 L A & Jessica Tieppo

Aleshia Torcia

Isabella Tortora

Teresa Tran

& £» £i & Stephanie White

Monique Williams

Isabella Winton

Alysha Witham

Isabella Trinchera

Rhiannon Youngson

Absent students: Hannah Dimevski Julietta Ibrahim

Olivia Zieba

fl John Condello 9A

Homeroom Teachers


Maria Saunders 9B

Stuart Hensley 90

Natalie Sacchetta 9E

Joanne Fastuca Year 9 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 57

Year 10 Learning

2016 has been a year of tremendous growth and learning for our students in Year 10, and I feel truly privileged to have been a part of this stage of our girls' lives. Year 10 this year was all about choices, and each and every one

of the students found themselves, whether they liked it or not, making big

decisions in their lives that had the potential to affect their pathways forever. The students learnt of the importance of planning and foresight when making decisions - big or small - and they also reflected on how sometimes

in life the rash decision is most appropriate.

In living our Franciscan charism, the Year 10 students poured their energies into environmental initiatives this year that saw them take charge and

campaign for all of us to be better global citizens. In support of the World

Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Year 10s raised money to contribute to their efforts for the Great Barrier Reef.

2016 was definitely a big year for our girls and it could not have proceeded so smoothly without the stellar leadership of all the leaders: Yasmine Athaide,

Olivia Koutoukidis. Manon Tickle, Rachel Waring, and Monique Rinaldi. Thank

you, girls! Thanks a bunch!

Timothy Nolan Year 10 Team Leader

58 Be Messengers of Peace


Ave Maria College 59

Year 10 Photos

■ Priyanka Acharya

Elizabeth Alicandro

Cindy Allen

Daniella Alvarez Vargas

Sarah Arturi

Yasmine Athaide

Brigette Auld

Anastasia Bacchin

Olivia Barca

Madeleine Barette

May Beard

Olivia Belcastro

Brianna Benito

Sophie Borak

Leah Borderick

Pauline Boutros

Georgia Boyle

Georgia Busuttil

Chelsea Camilleri

Patricia Carter

Francesca Catanzariti

Ella Cervetto

Lia Chiarilli

Teresa Chiera

Nicole Cicconi

Keely Clark

Tashamy Claudius

Isabel Conti

Olivia Cooke

Maddison Cottle

Georgia Coxhead

Emily Curtis

Alannah Cutajar

Vanessa D’Andrea

Chiara Di Sipio

Marisa Dimattia

Yvette Discipio

Catherine Dowd

Katherine Drossos

Emily Duggan

Brianna Dugo

Diana Eid

Julia Ellul

India Else


Pl A Pi Pi Pl Belinda Eyar

Rose Esposito

Maci Farrell

Molly Farrell

Alannah Fastuca

Valentina Favnn

Deanna Fimiani

Caitlyn Fitzgerald

Juliette Gaston

Kate Gazzola

Marisa Gleeson

Madeleine Graham

Naomi Gregory

Emily Grey

Julia Fox

Natasha Franjic

Georgia Grimaldi

Sara Guarnaccia

Stephanie Hadchiti

Freya Hamilton

Mikayla Harris-Grey

Georgia Hellyer

Mia lanchello

Jessica Isola

Gabrielle Italia

Sarah Jackson

Evelyn Joyce

Melissa Kas

Whitney Knight

Sophie Koster

Nina Kotowskyj

Olivia Koutoukidis

Taylah Kraljevic

Stephanie Lewis

H Fratangelo ■

60 Be Messengers of Peace

Emilia Lofaro M

Tahlia Lombardi

Sarah Loschiavo

Aisling MacGregor

Gemma MacGregor

Julia Maio

Alexandra Marin

Melissa Marinelli

Sarah Martelli IM

Tahlia Martelli

Breanna Marzico

Alessia Masiero

Abigail Masters

Bridget McAllister

Alannah McCarthy

Ariane McLeod

Lucy McNaughton

Corrina Merolli

Serena Mezzadra

Chontai Mifsud

Josephine Mirarchi

Alanna Murone

Mia Mustapic

Amanda Nguyen

Anita Nguyen M

Jenny Nguyen

Annie Nollet

Elli Packham

Madison Pettinella

Isabella Pisano

Taylah Prochilo

Clara Pupillo

Livana Raczynski

Jenna Raiti

Chloe Reaby

Carla Rendelmann

Monique Rinaldi

Laura Robinson

Lily Robinson

Bridgette Ryan

Carissa Shamoon

A & fit A

A £i

Marianne Salib M

Adele Scalise

Celeste Siclari

Olivia Soares

Julia Solarino

Sarah Solarino

Elisabeth Spanti

Sophie Taubitz

Tess Thorogood

Manon Tickle

Sally Tran

Alicia Trovatello

> Deanna Spataro M

Leila Tadinac

Sarah Tamburro

.<..uaDn ms

Brittany Vella

Olivia Pearce 10A

Tiffany Villani

Richard Cosway 10A

Tess Waddington

Kayla Sims 10B

Alicia Walker

Emily Raffaele


Rachel Waring

Carla Godoy 10C

Nicolette Webb

Jenny Papassarantopoulos 10D

Caitlin Whelan

James Gigacz ■ 10E

Jade Zammit

Suzanne Morgan 10F

Absent students: Sarah Jsckson Otilia Wallis

Homeroom Teachers

Timothy Nolan Year 10 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 61

Year 11 Learning

This year has been one of many opportunities for the Year 11 students.

Year 11 students have attended a High Tea for women in the Defence Force,

They were inspired to be the best VCE students they could be through two

a simulated United Nations meeting, Refugee Tutoring, World Youth Day, and

engaging Elevate Education sessions and most embarked on their first Unit

the Next Generation Youth Forum and run their own Peer Support sessions.

3 and 4 Subject. The opportunity to meet Michelle Newland at the Year 11

I hope that this year has been an opportunity for the Year 11 students to be

Faith Formation Day gave the girls a chance to be grateful for the small

inspired and to ultimately inspire others.

things in their lives. They raised an incredible amount of money through the annual Chocolate Toss competition, which will go to ACRATH to help raise awareness and support those trafficked and exploited here in Melbourne.

62 Be Messengers of Peace

Christine Lovell Year 11 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 63


11 Photos

Faith Andres

Lauren Anthony

Leah Antonelli

Eusebiana Apparicio-Molea

Anna Barbara

Caitlyn Barrasso

Gabrielle Bassi

Carla Benedetti

Brydie Biddlestone

& JI

t2i Chloe Braybrook

Simone Buccheri

Marissa Buttigieg

Madelyn Campbell

Alana Capasso

Madeleine Carrick

Bridget Casey

Chiara Cassar

Carla Catalano

Hannah Cawthray

Jasmine Christodoulou

Chelsea Ciantar

Karina Coiro

Sarah Condon

Jacinta Conte

Emily Defina

Celeste Di Natale

Kimberly Di Pietro

Gabreille Dimattia

Claire Dobbin

Caitlin Doody

Katie Earnshaw

Isabelle El Hage

Maddison Ellul

Lauren Espenschied

Tayla Falvo

Stephanie Farah

Bianca Fastuca

Olivia Fazio

Victoria Flynn

Tatyana Fonseca

Marie Fratangelo

Olivia Galea

Maree Galle

Courtney Gatt

Tayla Gattellari

Elisia Giaquinta

Adriana Goodwin

Chelsea Gregory

Rebecca Griffiths

Emily Haber

Tiffenee Harrison

Katja Heard

Dana Heyes

Paula Hirmiz

Ashley Jones

Mary Kadar

Lexie Kargiotis

Emily Ktona

Alanna Kurosz

Annabelle Lloyd

Jesscia Loche

Paris Luu

Heidi Macuz

Laura Mammoliti

Tara Lesnjak

Catherine Lettieri

64 Be Messengers of Peace

Monica Lettieri

Lisa Lewis

Isabella Marazita

Grace Mazzarella

Catherine McCarthy

Molly McCord

Alexandra McNab

Laura Meneze

Lauren Mezzatesta

Bianca Nguyen

Liz Nguyen

Alana Ongarato

Teesha Pacifico

Sienna Paolone

Laura Paolucci

Isabella Pelle

Alisa Pino

Tayla Pisani

Chloe Raad H

Anne-Marie Refalo

Olivia Robertson

Gabriella Rosace

Stephanie Said

Sabine Schiavone

Gabriella Serrano

Jennifer Shevlin

Clare Shu

Stephanie Sleiman

Cassandra Smart

Charlize Somerset

Celia Talbot-Roche

Siena Tavoletti

Chloe Taylor

Thembi Tlhabane

Antonia Topic !■

Ally Tornese

Jenny Tran

Taylah Tran

Vivien Tran

Amelia Trovatello

Lauren Verlaque

Alana Visalli

Abbey Williams

Brigitte Williams


Carina Wilson

Alyssa Zampieri

Johanna Zoccali

Absent students: Kate Arrowsmith Jennifer Tran Naomi Vella

Helena Zovko

Homeroom Teachers

Robert Martini 11A

Carolyn Mills 11B

Jennifer Lorrimar 11D

Christine Lovell Year 11 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 65

They began as tiny, delicate, innocent caterpillars. Now, they have

I, along with their homeroom teachers and subject teachers are very

transformed into beautiful, elegant and independent butterflies.

proud of all their hard work and determination, but now it's time for

Their journey began early in the year with their Year 12 Retreat, where

these once tiny caterpillars to spread their wings and begin to fly. I have

they were given the opportunity to explore their faith and work together

no doubt that they will continue to grow and flourish and leave a lasting

to create their year level theme ‘Individually we are ranked but together

impression on the world, just as they have on the Ave Maria College

we are one’. This set the tone for the remainder of the year as these

community, and just as they have on me.

butterflies spent countless hours in the new Mary Centre studying and

Good luck girls!!

revising for their SACs and VCAA examinations. However, they definitely

worked together as one, raising money and awareness through the Bake

Sale for their Social Justice Focus, Caritas, as well as Developing Heroes Week in an attempt to unify the College. As a cohort they participated in

a number of initiatives including: the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, Ave Maria Day, Elevate Education programs such as ‘Study Sensei',

the newly introduced Frontiers for Success and University Experience, Homeroom activities and number of Year Level Assemblies.

Messengers of Peace

Tania Stangherlin Year 12 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 67

Year 12

Isabella Agresta


Shania Allen

Samantha Aloe

Maggie Attalla

Joanna Barbary

Ruby Barbuto

Isabelle Barrasso

Isabelle Barton

Julia Belcastro

^.-,3 Ciara Browne

Stefanie Caccamo

Julia Cantone

Isabella Capodiferro

Ava Carbone

Nadine Castaldi

Sarah Chiodo

Tanisha Cocchiara

Natalie Condemi

Amy Condon

Stephanie Curcio

Olivia Curtis

Tori Cutajar

Lili D'Aloia-Facey

Rachel D'Andrea

Erica Dalia-Fontana

Isabella Dariol

Ciara Davis

Stephanie Fichera


Matilda Finchett


Isabella Gabriele

Carla Ghilardi

Cara Giglia

Sabrina Gleeson

Amelia Grimaldi

Courtney Grocock


Dayna Isola

Tatiana Kekoc

Grace Kemp

Natarsha Kemp

Molly Kennedy

Laura Ketsakidis

Madeleine La Ferla

Emily Lapolla

Samantha Leaney

A £ ,9m


Faith Macgregor

Chelsea Mamone

Timara Mar

Bridget Marchese

Julia Merola

Kate Mills

Michela Modica

Olivia Moffatt

Aimee Muller

Nicole Murraylee

Cassandra Muscari

Kayla Napoli

Jessica Nardella

Zoe Nathan

Holly Oakley

Danielle Orlando

Claudia Padovano

Lara Palermo

68 Be Messengers of Peace

Livia Pantalone

Elaine Paolucci

Elyse Paone

Claire Papaleo

Emily Pedron

Madeline Pereira

Kathleen Perry

Stephanie Perta

Veronica Pham

Mellanie Pinheiro

Isabella Pozzebon

Zara Propadalo

Sarina Raiti

Sarah Ravaioli

Julia Roumeliotis

Mary Saad

Monique Sandham

Hannah Semaan

Carla Solarino

Dora Somody

Agata Spanti

Aileen Spencer

Elana Szabo

Christine Tadros

Nika Talia

Georgia Tankey

Anneliese Taubitz

Rhiannon Tenace

Rheanna Thomas

Ruby Thompson

Alyssa Trentin

Olivia Turville

Olivia Velthuis

Fiona Ven


Melissa Venuto

Natalie Villani

Elaina Vlassopoulos

Clare Whelan

Elise Young

Emily Young

Chelsie Zaffina

Elizabeth Zampogna


Veronica Venios

Homeroom Teachers

Sharon Walsh 12A

Carmel Anile-Saade 12B

Christopher Moss 12C

Tony Spanti 12D

Tania Stangherlin Year 12 Team Leader

Ave Maria College 69


12 class of 2016

70 Be Messengers of Peace

Ave Maria College 71

Back to Ave Day. September 2016

This year Ave Maria College held an inaugural 'Back to Ave Day1.

'Back to Ave Day’ celebrated the College, however the day was about Ave

Over 400 Alumnae arrived to revisit Ave where so many rich friendships

women. Their laughter, honesty, clear eyes and features are echoed in so

had been forged. In the Francis Hall memories partially forgotten resurfaced

many of our current students. We thank them for coming and extending

prompted by the familiar faces of school friends, teachers and events

our Franciscan family.

recorded in the photograph display covering six decades.

Over Devonshire tea in the Piazza, many stories were told and the Piazza rang with happy laughter. Sisters, cousins, aunts and friends shared the

bond of being Ave Maria College Alumnae. With their parents, Ave Maria College saw girls become women, nurtured them as they traversed the sometimes turbulent path of adolescence, watched anxiously as they sat

final examinations and watched a little wistfully when they left. But they came back on Sunday. The Alumnae searched for their original homerooms, walked the strangely familiar corridors, searched for favourite

places now veiled under fresh bright colours and new buildings. They mused over the original three House names, and marvelled at the modern facilities.

72 Be Messengers of Peace

Dr. Helen Eischeid Staff Member

Staff Photos


Ave Maria College

AVE MARIA COLLEGE A Catholic College for Young Women

14-22 Vida Street, Aberfeldie 3040 Telephone 03 9331 9300 Facsimile 03 9331 1637 avemaria@avemaria.vic.edu.au www.avemaria.vic.edu.au Ad veritatem per caritatem ABN 41 797 220 262

Designed and printed by Kreate Graphics Phone: 03 9416 3577

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