Ave Maria College Vidian 1980

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Principal’s Report The first year of the new decade has brought to Ave Maria financial recognition of its success in providing a high standard of education for the Catholic Community. The recognition came in the form of a Commonwealth Government Capital Grant of $132,000 to assist in financing the new Northern Wing, and an Innovations Grant of $1,000 to initiate a practical, computor-based, business administration project as part of our Year 11 Commercial Studies course. This year has also seen further success on the sports field, with magnificent efforts by our swimmers in gaining second place in the Division A Combined Colleges Carnival and two age-level championships (Caroline Whitty and Angelique Hickey); two CSSNA Netball Premierships and a representative (Catherine Hogan) in the state team; and Essendon Districts Cross-Country Championship (Martina Curry).

The PFA Debutante Ball and the College Year 10 Ball provided outstanding opportunities for both students and parents to appreciate that there are better, and more enjoyable, levels of music, dancing, dress and social behaviour than In addition to the enjoyment experienced those exhibited by the disco crowd. by participants, I was particularly pleased and impressed by the level of maturity displayed by our students in both dress and behaviour, and by the high level of family involvement in both functions. In curriculum development, new courses in Music, Citizenship and Hygiene were introduced at Year 7; Drama and Craft course at Year 9; and Computer Appreciation, employing the College's newly acquired Apple 11 micro­ computer, at the senior levels. Of course, the most significant college development in this area was the extension to Year 12 - the first time since 1974 Ave Maria will present candidates for the H.S.C. Examination.

The Senior Classes of 1980 has worked conscientiously and consistently throughout the year. With the assistance of their teachers, seniors have laboured for many long and hard hours in preparing for this final academic test. I wish both graduating classes (Year 12 HSC and Year 11 Business Studies) success in their subsequent education or employment. I hope that you all enjoy satisfaction and fulfilment in your adult lives. Finally, a word of congratulations and gratitude to the editorial, artistic and photographic staff of the Vidian. The 1980 Ave Maria yearbook has once again achieved admirable standards of content and presentation. I am certain that all who read the Vidian will be impressed by, and appreciate, the excellence of their




Back Row


Mr. Corliss, Miss Darcey, Mrs. Callinan, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. White, ■Mrs. Harasti, Mrs. Eischeid, Miss Feehan, Miss Rees, Miss Daws, Miss Beehan, Miss Harding, Miss Roberts, Mrs. Opie, Mrs. Sahiberg, Mr. Cheney.

Middle Row .

Mrs. Sercombe, Miss McCarthy, Mrs. Watson, Sr. Bernadette, Mr. Hogan, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Minkoff, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Sijmons,

Front Row ;

Mrs. Day, Miss O'Donnell.




Head Prefect

Agnes - E.Mears, Francis - K.Hillas, and Assunta - M.Brown.


Since 1962, it would not be possible to estimate the number of teachers I have personally interviewed and employed, nor would I be able to recall another more clearly than Mrs. Addie Callinan, because she was my first and so the first teacher appointed to the staff of Ave Maria when we opened in February 1963.

It was an extraordinarily busy and unique year, our needs were multiple but so were our helpers. The Parents and Friends Associa­ tion began with organised work groups each weekend, they sealed the dustbowl which was our playground and regularly met to plan how best to assist the growth of the College. Among their members and my best supporters was Mr. Frank Callinan since recalled by the Lord himself. Margaret was one of the 66 pupils who comprised the original Year 1 and 2 and she was soon followed by her sister, Frances. Mrs. Callinan enthusiastically planned and built up the Needle­ work Department and at the end of our first colourful year we proudly staged a Mannequin Parade. Our guests were amazed at the standards of work displayed and that standard spread through all departments as the school developed.

Yes, when I recall the start of Ave Maria I shall always remember Addie, Frank and the girls, and with gratitude and affection number them among my friends and co­ workers. May the Lord and his Mother bless you Addie and grant you a well earned and happy ret irement. Dear Mrs. Callinan our sincere gratitude for your dedication in your work during our years at Ave Maria Sr. Audrey Graham as Principals. Principal 1963-1966

We wish you every blessing and happiness for your future retirement. Sr. Anne Turbini Principal 1967-1969

Sr. Josephine Quinn Principal 1970-1971 During the years as Principal at Ave Maria College found Mrs. Callinan a person of great integrity, She was a great support to me and to the other staff members by her sincerity, devotion to duty, interest in the girls and above all her honesty and great faith.

She was a modern version of "The Valiant Woman mentioned in Scripture. Thank you Addie, it was great knowing you and a privilege working with you.

Sr. Carmel O'Rourke Principal 1972-1973

Many thanks Addie for standing by me during those turbulent years in the seventies. Your understanding and ever­ ready helping hand, aided in bringing happiness to me and to all at Ave Maria.

May God grant you the grace to live each day to the fullest through a life time filled with joy. Sr. Mildred Morrissey Principal 1974-1976

GIRL STUDENTS IN FASHION PARADE The final public function of the year presented by the students of Ave Maria College Essendon was a fashion parade

as a past student of Mrs. Callinan, I would like to express the appreciation we all feel for the efforts she has put into teaching needlework. She has encouraged us all to work to the best of our ability.

Several of us have won prizes in the Royal Melbourne Show and this is certainly a reflection on the talents of Mrs. Callinan. Mrs. Callinan has always expected a high standard from her students and it is when we see our finished garments that we really appreciate her efforts.

It is a great misfortune that we are losing Mrs. Callinan but we wish her the very best in the years of her retirement. By

Michelle Lehane 11B










This year 35 spunky chicks, decided to take the plunge and attempt their H.S.C., despite the fact that even at the age of eighteen we do not know how to wash and dress ourselves.

To Mrs. White - Thank you for teaching us to think clearly even though we cannot spell. To Mrs. Day - "You're a real bonza sheila," from the H.S.C. Literature girls. To Miss Harding - who's married name will remain anonymous, shall the wrong answer always be right? To Mr. Hogan - Thank you. To Mrs. Harasti - Do not lose hope, for your assignments will arrive. To Miss McCarthy - You have been really good oh. To Mr. Brick - May you find the rest of your load.

To Miss Beehan - Vote 1, Marijuana Party. To Mrs. Sijmons - Thank you for your sincere and helpful guidance throughout the year.

To Miss Roberts - Due to your guidance we are now professional Swahilli Linguists. To Mrs. Eischeid - Thanks for the psychological analysis. To Mr. Cheney - May you always cause such chemical reactions in

And we cannot take Mrs. Watson into account! The product of their work is 35 straight jacket candidates.


Year 12 Students.


At the beginning of the year we welcomed a new y mistress, Mrs. Watson. / Mrs. Watson takes us for various subjects and she has also introduced us to the computer, and shown us its value.

g g

This year the year elevens have been busy with school work but r we have managed to have quite a few excursions or visits from various people. We all would like to thank Mr. & Mrs. Hartley for their enjoyable talks on Russia.

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The Commercial and Legal Studies group have been to Pentridge to see a play by the prisoners, in division A, called / "12 Angry Men." It was very interesting. J The C.L.S. girls also went to the civil courts in the city. We have also had a visit from a warden at Pentridge, Mr. Brian Ryan. The Economics girls are going to visit the stock exchange and say hello. ▼

g g g

The best excursion was the camp. Everyone had a great time on the four day camp, from sending clothes up the flagpoles to putting flour in some ’ teachers pockets. The food was great. We would like to thank the teachers for a great time. We have also had a social with Year 11 and 12's at St. Bernard's. The drama girls competed in the Victorian Drama Festival and did fairly well. In the sporting scene we have beaten the teachers twice in volleyball. The netball team ended sixth on the ladder, not a bad effort. We raised money this year by having a sausage sizzle.

We would like to wish all the girls who are leaving, all the happiness and good fortune in the future.

By Marie Greaney Linda McManus.

Year 11B




11 R report 1980 has proved to be a most enjoyable and fulfilling year for the Year 11 Red students. We have participated in numerous beneficial excursions throughout the year. One of these was the Camp at Wallan, where we came to know and appreciate each other more. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. White, Miss Feehan, Mr. Hogan and Mr. Corliss for making the Camp possible. In term two, the Work Experience Program proved to be both an enlightening and rewarding encounter, for which we will be ever grateful to Mrs. Sijmons for organising.

This year, 11 Red, have sponsored a child through World Vision to contribute our small part to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We hope that next year, the Year 11 students will carry on this sponsorship. Some Year 11 girls, together with students from St. Bernard's, participated in a Catholic Schools' Drama Competition. The girls put a great amount of time and effort into the Plays, and through their dedication they received high praise for their work. Our numerous other outings have included excursions to the Law Courts, the Stock Exchange, the Essendon Library and an enjoyable day was had by all who went to the Tulip and Herbs Farms in the Dandenongs.

We would also like to take this opportunity to say goodbye and good luck to the girls who are leaving us this year. We hope that whatever they set out to do, they will achieve and have a happy and successful life. Miss O'Donnell, is also leaving us and we would like to thank her for all her enjoyable classes and wish her well for the future. Last, but not least, we would like to thank Mrs. White most sincerely for being a fantastic Form Mistress and a great help to us all.



Debut antes

Back Row


G.Hogan, K.Hogan, P.Whelan, M.Voight, A.Lennard, M.Spence, D.McSweeney, S.Hurry, I.Christie, J.Goss, S.Curry, R.McDonall, S.O’Prey, L.Mears.

Second Row :

G.Hillus, T.Tralongo, P.Ryan, N.Sulzberger, K.Cross, L.Zucal, D.Lewtas, P.Slavin, J.Macintosh, D.Hogan, A.Peart, P.Walker, B.Saundry, M.Overman, P.Hogan.

Middle Row :

T.Pineen, H.Pappas, J.Waddell, E.Kett, C.Tregea, L.Wilson, K.Holding, J.Vinecombe, L.Byrnes, B.Brown, J.Cafarrello, B.Stockdale, D.Gawart.

Front Row


J.Widdison, C.Hillus.


Lunche on Cooking for the year eleven Home Economic Group has been rewarding and very enjoyable. At the beginning of the year, we were involved along with the rest of the Home Economics Department, in a Health Week Display. Each class contributed to the exhibition by making up sample tables of different healthy foods. The aim being to instruct students in nutritious eating and a balanced diet.

From then on, all efforts were concentrated on the Luncheon for the Employers who aided the school during the year eleven's Work Experience Program. Everybody, from year eight to ten, contributed in some way to make the Luncheon a success; and the year eleven girls are greatly appreciative of their help. There were several mishaps during the pre­ luncheon period: Firstly, much of the food was spoilt when the freezer's power was cut off; and secondly, the ice-cream souffles had to have their tops re-made as the cream was over-whipped. However, we all agree it was worth the effort to reconstruct them. The sewing room had been transformed into an immaculate, elegant dining room and at 12.00 O'clock guests began arriving. They were served by the well groomed and courteous year ten and eleven Home Economics girls, and the consensus was a meal very much enjoyed by all. We greatly appreciate the contributions that our mothers made towards the success of the luncheon and a special thanks to Mrs. Barrett for her donation of the beautiful flowers which were admired by all.

We would like to thank Mrs. Johnson and especially Mrs. Sercombe for her patience throughout the year. She is a teacher and a friend to all of us. Throughout the year we have learnt a great deal and are grateful to Mrs. Sercombe for it.

Christine Bettinelli Ann Fehr Lucy Vassallo Carolyne Mills Leonie Hede

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Year 11 Camp In early April both Year 11 classes spent four days at Wallan. Our aim was to find out more about our friends but most importantly to find out about ourselves.

As soon as we settled into our cabins we were told the rules for the next four days and also the curriculum. The Business girls set out first, for the customery hike which was a real challenge. All of us made it back alive (almost alive) but we had very sore feet afterwards. There was only one casualty out of the whole twenty. One young adventurous auburn haired girl, Loretta Barrett, had a slight accident while walking down the hill, but fortunately she did not hurt herself. We had many lectures on how to handle life in the years to come which were very helpful. Mr. Hoskings, Mr. McDonough, and Mr. Howe came and gave us some very interesting talks about their jobs and what they look for in young girls when applying for a job. On the light hearted side of the week we held a talent quest in which every cabin entered an act. The girls did a fantastic job in the short time we had to prepare the act. The winners were told that they would have a lovely prize awaiting them that night. The girls were very excited but their bright faces soon turned sour when they saw jelly and ice-cream awaiting them. As the week drew to a close we had a Year 11 mass with the help of Father and Miss Feehan. It was a great success. We wish to thank Mir. Hogan, Mir. corliss, firs. White and Miss Feehan




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Back Row






A. Smith, J. Dargan, D. Scheldt, M. Kolceg, C. Roelke, E. Polson, A. Carra, A. Hamilton, M. Curry, D. Leuschner, J. Newman, V. Derman, W. McCallum.

Middle Row : B. Vandenberg, N. Shone, M. Xuerub, J. Papaliea, B. O'Connor, B- Baeur, M. Curby, M. Thomas, D. Parente, S. Vale. Second Row : M. Cuzzilla, J. Scapello, K. Spence, C. Morhem, R. Kociancic, S. Cardona, I. D'Andrea, T. Germano, M. Dannielle, S. Shipano, C. O'Connell.


Front Row :

A. Mirabello, M. Riotto, I. Fitzpatrick, C. Cinanni, B. Choy.

Teacher ;

Mr. Corliss.

As prefect of IOC, I am proud to say, "That 1980 has certainly been a year of endeavour and achievements." Upon commencing our industrious studies, we discovered yet another subject - S.A.P. (Structured Activities Programme). This saw many different adventures throughout the year. In first term, we visited the Careers Centre and participated in various debates and general knowledge quizes. At the conclusion of the term, S.A.P. supplied us with a debate and a mastermind competition, that was followed by a barbecue and then a social with Salesian College in Sunbury.

In second term, ballroom dancing occupied our S.A.P. Programme; our instructor being Mr. Corliss and our instructress Mrs. White. Therry College was privileged enough to share with us the experience of this social activity. This all culminated to the Year 10 Ball, held on the 20th of August at the Brunswick Town Hall. It indeed resulted in an evening of great success. Second term, also saw various scholastic activities, including a visit to Melbourne Univeristy where we took part in a poetry competition. Some girls, in the Home Economics class also assisted in the preparation of the famous annual luncheon. This was also a tremendous asset to all the girls together with the reputation of the high standard of the college.

Throughout the year, we have been very proud of the athletic achievement our form has attained. We offer congratulations to Martina Curry who won the Inter-School, Cross-Country run. Praise is also in order to all the girls who participated in the interschool swimming and athletic carnivals, and especially to the under 16 netball team who came third in the Victoria State Finals. We give them our warmest congratulations.

The commencing of third term, saw the struggle for victory between the IOC's and lOD's, in the annual football match. Unfortunately our skill didn't pay off and we were defeated. At the moment, we are taking part in various social work for S.A.P. From this we gain a tremendous experience and have a chance to witness the living standards Of the elderly. As the year draws to a close, I offer my thanks to Jackie Newman who has been a very helpful vice-prefect, and I express my thanks to Mr. Corliss who has been a fine and just form teacher (sometimes). We now look forward to the remaining years at Ave Maria and hope that they are as rewarding and enjoyable as the past!

Tina Germano.



10 M














Back Row .

T. Turner, B. Lowe, C. Neylon, M. Joslin, S. Bedson, C. Sieger, M. Curry, P. Calvao, K. Spicer, C. Marano, E. Merlino, A. Patuto, A. Mimmo.

Middle Row :

F. Comito, M. Jurczyluk, J. Spence, J. Giandinoto, L. Thomas, A. Smith, B. Ericson, L. Logan, N. Scott, P. Fragicomo.

Second Row ;

G. Gusman, C. Pupillo, S. Rennison, H. Kennedy, P. Forti, T. Portelli, D. Wilson, R. Luca, S. McConnell.

Front Row .

K. Stewart, E. Borg, L. Sgro, C. Favasuli.

Teacher :

Miss O'Donnell.














1980 has been quite a hectic year for the girls of Year 10D. Our prefect, Nathalie Scott, has been very responsible and helped our class immensely with our problems. Our student activity program has been very successful and worthwhile.

Year 10D students had their first social with Salesian College of Sunbury in May, which was quite an experience for most of us.

Term two, both Year 10's had ballroom dancing with Therry College which at the end of our practice time we had a very enjoyable and successful ball. To conclude term two, Year 10's were asked if they wanted to be part of the Mt. Bulla Snow Trip which was departing at 5.00 a.m. We had a very exciting time and despite the early start, most girls stayed wide awake. A few spills were included but on the whole, the majority of the girls had a fantastic time. Term three, kicked off with the training for the annual Year 10 football match, which was a great success (for us, 10D) because of course we won (55-23). IOC were very disappointed but I don't think they held a grudge against us for winning the game. Over all, the afternoon was enjoyed by all the girls as well as the few staff spectators. Our Form Teacher, Miss O'Donnell has been extremely helpful throughout the year, although sometimes we couldn't understand what she was trying to say because of her accent. All the Year 10D girls have enjoyed the year thanks to her and the rest of the staff, We wish Miss O'Donnell the very best for the future.

2 3

Year 10 Ball At 7.00 pm on Wednesday 20th August there we were all nervous as we walked through the big doors. The music started at 7.15 pm - with the girls all dressed in assorted beautiful dresses, and the boys in suits - even a few in tails ! !

The first dance was the progressive pride of erin. At first it was really hard to get started but after the first dance we became used to the music and started enjoying ourselves. The night went on with our parents watching us eagerly, our dads waiting for their chance to dance with us at last. As the night progressed our feet started to get really sore and soon we were wishing to take off our shoes !!!

For each dance a different boy had to ask each girl (hoping to select the one he liked'!) but little did Mrs. White and Mr. Corliss know how many times each boy asked their favorite!!!

For the "Charmaine," our partner had to escort us to supper, and back to our seat when we had finished. After this dance we had to ask our father to dance for the pride of erin and the boys their mothers. It was really different seeing everyone with their mother, father, or a teacher. We had a birthday boy, Paul Crotty, who received a birthday song from the band who were extremely good all through the night.

As the night drew to its end, we became more tired but less willing to go home. The last dance was the Progressive Jive in which we said all our good-byes. It was a memorable and successful night for all of us, even the teacher and parents, and we would like to thank Mrs. White, Mr. Corliss and Miss Feehan for their help all through the term and their helping us in getting ready. We would also like to thank the staff and boys at Therry College as without them it would not have been the great and successful night as it was.




Back Row


S. Hogan, Y. Andriesz, S. Mildern, S. Overman, C. Faraday, E. Beck, C. Hogan, V. Kolceg, M. Leury, J. James, D. Dargan, C. Schmidt, K. McMahon.

Middle Row : M. Hayes, J. Xuerub, R. Cencig, M. Forte, M. Randello, S. Pelle, S. Bettinelli, S. Gauci, P.Harrison, A. Scavo, S. Wilson, C. Moss. Second Row : J. Druzic, N. Glavan, D. Blizzard, R. Bucci, V. Halikopoulos, A. Di Pasquale, K. Ciantar, N. Tenni, J. Ramsay.


Front Row :

J. Cochrane, I. Singh, J. Mento, C. Scapello, V. Ottelli, C. Dow, R. Tripodi.

Teacher :

Miss Daws.

First term of 1980 was rather a quiet one for the girls in 9D. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but we just settled into another year of hard work and many challenges and more experiences.

During second term, our class held a car wash to raise money for "Project Compassion." We charged $2 if we washed a car and 12.50 for the outside and inside. In all, we raised nearly $30. We also went to see the "Dancers of Harlem" at the Palais Theatre. Along with hundreds of other students, we were shown various steps to dancers, and two complete dancers. This was a very interesting and worthwhile time for us all. The lighting was incredible and the whole performance lasted for about two hours.

Another excursion we went to see was the 1980 Vocation Exhibition. We were given sheets to fill in and whilst looking at the well-presented display boards, the people who organised and put this exhibition together played music, which was very nice. These people also performed a play for us all, called "The Call on Matthew," which was •ell acted, and it was acted in today's version and not in the time of Jesus. The play was humorous and well -performed; we were there for the same amount of time as we were for the Harlem Dancers. We' d like to thank our form teacher Miss Daws for helping us through the year, and we all hope that next year will be as interesting as this year has been.

By Maria Randallo




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Back Row .

K. Braddy,’ J. Fisher, L. Duggan, P. Slevison, C. O'Dea, R. Cianta, M. Scott, J. Blair, A. Hally, A. Hofstede, D. Disipio, B. Grant, D. Bakker.

Middle Row .

L. Freeman, J. Brown, S. Urbaniak, M. Boyle, S. Dymas, M. Meoli, S. Incorvaia, H. Robinett, F. Wicks, J. Kett, P. Sciarrone.

Second Row ;

J. McEwan, L. Kennedy, M. Courtney, F. Merino, L. Sanza, L. leria, P. Dodd, S. Xuerub, E. Sorraghan.

Front Row .

J. Shone, D. Ferlazzo, L. Pike, A. Pereira, J. Cooper, N. Aparo.

Teacher .

Mrs. Eischeid.

Deep in the heart of 9E (that's if we have one) you can find to compare with any other class. Beauty being one of our better qualities (students and of course where there is beauty there is a beast, Mrs. Eischeid) Our class consists of all types of girls, some quiet and some noisy, some smart and some not so smart, some good and some mischievious. Here is a little account of the mad cap things our girls have been doing over the past year. Pina our devoted prefect (she was the best we could do) is a slave to the beast, while Smurfee Brown still undecorated has joined the garbo's and has gone on strike. Lyn and company, those students Mrs. Minkoff cannot do without, willingly devote their time to hard-work playing TRUTH OR DARE. Suzy who has never been wrong yet, competes with Jenny and Dianne for her share of the floor during debates.

We are concerned for our little Avril, whether she will make or perhaps she should start looking for a job, sticking labels on Felicity disagrees loudly with everything, but Melia never says a some very modest naughts and crossers champs as well as Elizabeth surely broken the world's sneezing record.

it to Year 10 bottles. word. We have who has

Joanne the bell ringer, rings the bell five minutes early to get us out of a boring class, a duty she very successfully performs. Jennifer Shone who turned cooking cream to butter, will join a dairy firm to compete with Peter Russell Clarke and Kathy Cervetto, told to make "burnt butter biscuits," took it literally. We have not been able to mention all the girls in our class but they have been great people to work with.


Francis Marino Rita Cianta.




Back Row



K. McLoughlin, K. Camiller, K. Cleary, F. Hogan, D. Kirn, M. Campagnoto, A. Barrett, T. Hoey, S. Duffy, K. Anderson, A. Davis, D. Rowan, A. Smith.

Middle Row : A. Gauci, S. Ashdowne, R. Dughetti, M. Riotto, A. Day, S. Willach, M. Swanson, F. Rodillas, L. Borg, V. Paraskevas, T. Diodata.

Second Row : M. Pantelleresco, B. Clanchy, M. Hanlon, A. Guarnaccia, M. Milone, K. Morcom, E. Sweerts, T. Price, N. Stanway.


Front Row :

L. Carney, K. O'Prey, J. Joslin, R. Aylmer, J. McLetchie, M. Flannery, S. Anderson, D. Cooper, J. Tait.

Teacher :

Miss Darcey.

1980 has been an exciting and profitable year for 8D. We started off the year by assisting in some fund raising activities. 8D held a cake stall and a "guess how many jelly beans" contest. We have been able to go on several excursions this year. A needle-work display was first, followed by the Pompeii excursion at the National Art Gallery. That was definitely a thing not to be missed.

Many thanks to the teachers who organised the trip to see the Harlem Dance Company at the Palais Theatre in St. Kilda. Thanks again to Mrs. Sahiberg and Miss Rees who took us roller skating at the end of term two. Apart from the soreness of all those tumbles and falls, it was quite an enjoyable morning. So far this year we have had two class masses and would like to thank class-mate Theresa Hoey for playing the guitar and leading with the singing. The pride and joy of Year 8, (us of course) was the A and B netball teams, who won their grand-finals. I must add that most of them were from 8D. Our latest expedition was a trip to McDonalds for high marks obtained in a test. It was a different way of spending lunch-time. Thanks to our drivers. In signing off I would like to say it has been a very happy and rewarding year for all. Thank you Miss Darcy.

3 1


Back Row



E. Georgostathi, K. Knott, J. Lau, S. Allen, T. Hosking, L. Fisher, C. Fitzgerald, J. Harris, J. Chivilo, C. Barton, J. O'Loughlin, J. McDonagh, F. Carmody, M. Hogan.

Middle Row : S. McConnell, L. Ryan, E. Gusman, P. Herrera, M. Courtney, S. Ortisti F. Mandozzi, J. De-Jong, B. Morham, T. Ludekens, T. Bartolo.

Second Row : T. Zoiti, C. Riotto, S. Storno, B. Gatt, K. Sears, L. Delre, K. O'Connell, K. Kirby, M. Borg.


Front Row :

J. Cavalli, M. Jellard, M. Coxhead, J. Edwards, F. Tamburro.

Teacher :

Mrs. Harasti.

Year 8H began an exciting year by meeting our form mistre Mrs. Harasti. We had the task of electing prefects- Jackie Ma Donagh(prefect), Tina Zoiti (vice prefect). While doing this, we also elected sports' captains, which are as follows: Agnes- Melinda Jellard Assunta - Kim Kirby Frances - Jeanette Lau. As well as meeting some new classmates we were introduced to some new teachers: Ms Harding- science, Mrs. Johnson- Home Economics, Miss Darcey-Maths and Mr. Corliss -Physical Education.

8H have experienced some interesting excursions throughout the year. Miss Rees organised for our form to visit "The European Folkdress and Fibre Exhibition" at the meat market craft centre. She also arranged for our form to go to the exhibition of "Pompeii A.D.'79 " at the National Art Gallery. 8H took part in the excursion to the "Harlem Dance Company Ballet" at the Palais Theatre. 8H participated in many fund raising activities such as ”40 hour famine," and "M.S. read-a-thon." Quite a large amount of money was raised from these activities. There were also a few girls in 8H, who played in the Year 8's netball team, which proved to be a success. On June 2nd, Year 8H said "farewell" to classmate, Therese Bartolo, she and her family went on a three-month holiday overseas, to Italy. We welcomed her back on the first day of 3rd term.

Our humanity teacher, Miss O'Donnell, asked us to produce a play called, " The Prince and the Pauper." There were many girls who participated in this play. These were: Louise F, Sandra 0, Ellen G, Janet 0, Monica C, Bernadette G, Colleen R. Melinda J, Jenny C, Jenny D, Camela R, Maria B, Julie E, Michelle C, Lynne R, Tricia H, Lina D, Amanda C, Carol B, Jackie M,(director), Trelene L, (producer). This turned out to be a successful play that all the class enjoyed. Our religion teacher, Mrs. Harasti, organised a class mass for 8H which was held in the Seminary Chapel. 8H has had an enjoyable year with the help and co-operation of Mrs. Harasti.

Maria Borg Bernadette Gatt


Back Row



L. Cameron, N. Naughton, J. Jones, S. Warner, C. Rudd, K. Pierra, M. Hayes, J. DeGabrielle, L. Grant, A. Brosnon, H. Pawlawski, E. Curry, D. Jergulatto.

Middle Row : N. Howe, J. Davis, J. Cochrane, C. Mildern, J. McDonagh, R. Germano, F. Lotta, C.. Corkill, S. Lauri, S. Becker, D. Bugeja. Second Row : T. Bras, J. Tripicchio, J. Rainford, M. Silluzio, E. Daly, C. Steward C. Barnes, L. Matthews, A. Sabato, D. Andriesz, C. Carney.


Front Row :

N. Foley, S. Palmer, L. Tenni, C. James, M. Morham, L. Colvin, C. Smith.

Teacher :

Mrs. Minkoff.




For us Year 7M'S it was very hard settling into a new and strange school but Mrs. Minkoff our form teacher helped us a great deal to make us feel at home.

We are proud of our effort for the missions by raising over S100. We raised this amount by raffling a stuffed rabbit surrounded by Easter eggs and also by having a cake stall which helped a great deal. We enjoyed our excursion to the Forum Theatre with Miss Darcey, to see "Jesus."

We would like to thank Mrs. Minkoff for taking us to see the Pompeii Exhibition at the Art Gallery. It helped our knowledge of volcanoes extremely as we were studying them in Geography at the time. We enjoyed going roller-skating for the first time as part of Ave, and Mrs. Sahiberg and Miss Rees took us. We all thought it was a terrific way to end second term.

The whole class enjoyed having swimming lessons and when the time came for the swimming sports we all swam and had a tremendo time. All the people in Agnes are very proud for their team won in the first year of being at Ave Maria. We are all proud of Helen Pawlowski for coming third in the schoolgirls championship for running. She ran the 100 metre sprint and came third out of Victoria.

We all feel that the teachers have been terrific in helping us to settle into the school and we are all looking forward to another year at Ave as Year 8's.


Back Row


J. Rudd, E. Cambareri, S. Mauldon, J. Andrews, M. Amato, J. Collins M. Cengic, J. Richards, T. Spence, S. Mimmo, J. McConnell, P. D'Andrea, K. McDonnell.

Middle Row : K. Wood, D. Foster, S. Lau, A. Thompson, J. Hughes, L. Peluso, G. Port, R. Davis, D. O'Connell, M. Bourke, S. Elliott.

Second Row : T. Cudmore, M. O’Prey, A. Panzera, L. Hayes, K. Brennan, A. Dalli, L. Marotta, J. Cardona, M. O'Connell, A. Shone, E. Raffa.


Front Row :

D. Stewart, A. Hickey, K. Bassett-Smith, C. Vandenberg, J. Corboy, A. Jellard.

Teacher :

Mrs. Sullivan.

This year 7S went to the Art Gallery where the Pompeii Exhibition was held. It was quite a fascinating experience. We also went to see the Harlem Dance Theatre which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

Being a year 7 student at Ave Maria makes us proud-proud of going to a good catholic school that gives good education. In 7S it is much different from primary school and it's one big step in reaching year 7. The advantage in being in 7S is having good education from a helpful teacher, Mrs. Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan taught us many interesting things for example, we were taught about uncivilised men, Egypt, Mesapotamia, Italy, Greece, Volcanoes and the most interesting of them all was learning about the world in general.

All sorts of things were achieved by 7S. Having a cake stall to raise money for the foster parents plan was a fun way of earning money. In the hockey team Lisa Peluso was fortunate enough to score the first goal for Ave Maria. Other than learning, a few humorous things happened. In one instance one girl, who shall remain nameless, accidently locked herself in the toilets. She missed out on a whole period of English and half a period of maths. Another time was when another student, who will also remain nameless, thought she lost her sports skirt. Mrs. Sullivan checked all the year 9 students to see if they had picked it up and put it on by accident. They hadn't. Later, the student who had lost her skirt realised that she had left it on under her school skirt. (she had forgotten to take it off). 7S had a very exciting year. in many ways.

All thanks to Mrs. Sullivan who has helped us









The Age of


This year Ave Maria purchased a mini­ computer. The co-ordinator is Mrs. Watson and she has been very busy teaching both Year 11 and Year 10 its various functions. We have learnt such things as; how to play games eg. Lemonade, simple and complex calculations, how to store information in the memory and its use as a word processor.

Many people think that programming is difficult but with the basic teachings of the fundamentals, it is quite simple to understand. Today in the world of computer technology the school's computer will prove to be a great asset for all students who will learn the basics, of how a computer works.

I think this is one of the many good things the school has spent its money on.

Joanne Sheppard 11B


Health Week During Term 1, 1980, the P.E. staff of our college organised a health week. At the beginning of the week, apples were given out to all the students to promote health week. Throughout the week, several activities were held. One of these activities was a poster competition which was won by Tania Price of 8D. The prize was a bag of grapes.

The second activity was a fun run around the block which was organised by Miss Rees, and Mr. Corliss. Many girls as well as staff participated in this event. The third activity was excercises held by Mrs. Sahiberg and Miss Rees. The excercises took place on the netball courts. These excercises were accompanied by music. Mrs. Davis and other ladies in the tuckshop sold fruit such as, apples, oranges, and bananas Also sold at the tuckshop were dairy products such as flavoured milk and cheese.

At the conclusion of the health week many of the students realised that good health is very important for a good healthy mind and as a result of health week, we came to appreciate the goodness of eating good healthy foods.




We waited for about ten minutes and all was quiet, when my head seemed to fall and roll down my back. It was such a dazzling and gorgeous sight. Everyone's face seemed to match the colours of the fireworks. As the golden tears flickered against the wind and the fire leaped up into the heavens and a shower of joy seemed to cover and fill the hearts of every living thing. We watched in amazement for over

THE WORM I try to pick it up, It cringes up my arm; I get goose bumps. I try to flick it off. It falls on the ground and I stamp it to death. By

Kerrie Wood 7S

Help me oh God, To let sorrows lie and die, For my soul is but a frivolous thing, That can reach its ultimate in ecstasy; or put me through the deepest torment. Help me oh God, For I know now it is not my soul that feels this. But my heart- that wretched thing that gives me nothing but pain. The soul, dear God, is our release from pain! By Robyn Hecht 11B


Editorial The time has come again for another Vidian to be produced. As the Editor it is not an easy task to put into words the thoughts and feelings of twelve months. The re-introduction of Years 11 and 12 has proved to be very successful. Students can now complete their secondary education in the pleasant homely atmosphere of Ave Maria.

A belated welcome to our Year 7 students. Starting in a new school can be a trying and worrying situation. I am sure that they will be happy at Ave Maria as I have been in the past five years. My thanks are due to many people for their assistance in producing this year's Vidian - To the girls who wrote articles, Patsy Cooper for her help and support; Joanne Sheppard "part-time" photographer and general right hand girl; Kathy Elliott and Jenny Howe for their work in developing photographs. Special thanks to Sister Bernadette for her patience, understanding and practical help. Sister has shown me many helpful hints in producing a magazine.

Finally I would like to also thank Mr. Hogan, Mrs. Kelly and Staff for their help and support in the last few weeks while putting together the Vidian. .... ,



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