Ave Maria College Vidian 1981

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It is only fitting that on Mr. Hogan's departure, we reflect upon his achievements as Principal of Ave Maria College from 1977 - 1981. Prior to Mr. Hogan's appointment in 1977, the college community viewed the future with some apprehension. Having assessed the sit­ uation, he then set about the task of developing the college into not only an educational centre of an extremely high standard, but one of renewed spiritual ethoso As a student who has been at the college since Mr. Hogan's arrival, I have witnessed such innovations as -

The addition of HSC classes, in 1980 - the first time since 1974, Course improvements, particularly in the Business Studies area, which have diversified opportunites for students, The acquisition of audio-visual and computer equipment to aid studies, The valued edition of the new building - The Sister Bernadette Memorial Hall, and the beautification of the college grounds, The college has expanded in terms of student and staff membership, but at the same time, remaining small enough to maintain necessary interpersonal relationships.

Mr. Hogan's guidance and encouragement has resulted in numerous achievements, not only in sporting activities, but also in fund rais­ ing efforts, which have united the college in a common cause. Ave Maria has attained a reputation for accomplished sportswomen, as well as caring members of society. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the valuable assistance and guidance that Mr. Hogan has given to the HSC students this year, and in fact, to all students during his time as Principal. The HSC Mathematics class, in particular, has had the opportunity to benefit from his teaching skills, and despite his demanding role as Principal, Mr. Hogan gave up so much of his own time to help us in every possible way. On behalf of the students of Ave Maria, I would like to extend sincere thanks to Mr. Hogan for his dedication and inspiring leader­ ship, during his years as Principals We wish him every success in his new position, and are sure that he will continue in his high standard of educational leadership.

TRIBUTE Because of my long association with the college, I was pleased to be asked to write on behalf of the parents, a tribute to Mr. Hogan. Having girls in the college right from it's beginning, I felt that the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary had tried to develop a spirit of family community. This was aided by the smallness of the college, because of student numbers. But myself, like many parents, was concerned with the stop-start progress that was becoming evident in the climb towards Matriculation standard in the college.

From the time that Mr. Hogan became Principal, the college seemed to regain that feeling of knowing where it was going. We have all witnessed the steady growth toward academic standing, plus some wonderful achievements in the area of sport, so much so that Ave Maria College is known now to be a force to be reckoned with. This is quite an achievement for a small college.

Because of Mr. Hogan's gocd administration, we now have a well equip­ ped college, with all of the resources that the students, and staff would normally require in their striving towards academic excellence,.

Speaking for myself, and I am sure, for many other parents, I feel that Mr. Hogan has always been completely dedicated to the welfare of each of our daughters, and in particular he has, by example and conviction, endeavoured to see cradled within the Catholic beliefs, whichmany of us see as the hope of the future. I am sure that all of the parents in the college would join with me in thanking Mr. Hogan for a job well done, and offering our prayers and best wishes for his future.

/A\ AA

Parents and Friends Association







On 17 September 1981, Sister Bernadette celebrated her Silver Jubilee - twenty five years as a teaching sister in the Order of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. Almost half of that life of devoted service has been spent at Ave Maria Collegeo

During her appointment at the College, Sr. Bernadette has been called upon to fill many different roles. She has taught Religious Educat­ ion and Mathematics at all levels, Geography and a number of Craft subjects. Jewellery making and Photography classes were introduced and developed under her supervision. The excellence of this public­ ation, the Vidian, is in no small way due to the guidance and assist­ ance which she has given the editorial staff throughout this year. Sister's organizational and timetabling skills were as an administrator. She was Vice-Principal of the Sister Mildred, and for the first three years of my Her constant loyalty and support during my years as been both invaluable and deeply appreciated.

put to good use College under appointment. Principal have

Sister Bernadette worked closely with the parents of our students, through the Parents and Friends Association, and with substantial positive effect, through home visitation. During her last two years at the College, she has accepted the difficult task of school counsellor, and has also achieved notable success with remedial mathematics programs at school level.

Much of the excellent reputation of Ave Maria College as of Catholic Education, can be directly attributed to the but dedicated efforts of Sister Bernadette. The College very much the poorer for the loss of Sister, in fact, it be quite the same again.

an institute tireless will be will never

On her Silver Jubilee Day, as an expression of our gratitude and affection, the new multi-purpose area was named the 'SISTER BERNADETTE JUBILEE HALL1. A bronze plaque at the entrance to the hall comm­ emorates Sister Bernadette's commitment to the college:

"Named in honour of Sister Bernadette Cheng FMM, who devoted twelve years of her life to the education of Ave Maria students"

Dennis Hogan




All of us who know and love Ave Maria College, know and love Sister Bernadette, who has been associated with the College for twelve years. In saying "Good-bye", to her, we end our association with the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, who were the founders of the College.

Endowed with many talents, her versatility is truly remarkable, she has taught Mathematics, Religion, Photography, jewellery and Copper Work to a professional standard, together with many other crafts. Many old girls will remember her Maths lessons with great affection. Her skill as a photographer is evident in many editions of Vidian, for no school function was complete without Sister Bernadette; click­ ing away with her camera.

Later she developed and printed her photographs with great artistryo Staff parents and friends will remember the delicious Chinese meals she cooked for them on special occasions. For a school concert, she not only taught Chinese dancing in the Junior students, but also provided them with magnificent costumes. Sister is so gentle, so efficient, so quiet, and so thoughtful for us all, and yet her personality has left, and will continue to leave an indelible impression on every one with whom she comes in contact. She has visited and comforted the sick, and counselled both parents and students. Although she moves about so quietly, she is always aware of every­ thing that is going on around her - from the tone of the College to the little cat who needs feeding!

We say:

"Thank you Sister Bernadette for being an inspiration to us all, and we feel greatly privileged for knowing you. We wish you happiness and success in the future, we hope that you will be a frequent visitor to the school where you will be assured of a great welcome."

Judith Sercombe, Dorothy Minkoff.

★ ★★★

★ * ★ ★

Back Row:

Mrs. Sahiberg, Mrs. White, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Higginson, Mrs. Harasti, Mr. Szysz, Miss Feehan, Miss Daws, Mrs. Minkoff, Miss McCarthy, Mrs. Sijmons, Mr. Corliss,

Middle Row:

Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs.

Front Row:

Mrs. Johns, Miss Behan, Miss Roberts, Miss Brown, Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Day.



Darcey, Miss O'Donnell, Mrs. Opie, Eischeid, Mr. Hogan, Mrs. Malouf, Harding, Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Watson, Sercombe.









All of you out there


Suzie Cardona


A short note

We have decided that we had an unreal year. It was a pretty hard decision, but we all had come to an agreement and voted unanimously to our conclusion. It would not have been like this, if it wasn't for the help of all the teachers who were involved with us through­ out the year Miss McCarthy:

Thanks for everything from all •the 'pills..'

MrSo Johns:

’ I*

Miss Feehan:

Thanks a million 'Mr. Lawler.' We will always remember you because you were an organised you, and taught us a lot, thanks. We knew you would finally throw the chalk at one of us. You have been a grouse teacher so forth.

Thanks for all the advice, will be in the back of all minds when having physical contact with males. Thanks for teaching us about the cars, and we finally learnt that petrol is put in through the tyres, and the car works through air flowing in the windows.

Sister, you have been like one of us, and we will always cherish your friendship.


SENIOR PREFECT & Lisa Senior Prefect Lucy Vassallo


Elvira Bordignon

Sports Captain Suzanne Dargan




MONDAY, October 5th, was proclaimed to be the day when the three teams AGNES, ASSUNTA and FRANCES were to take to the arena and prepare themselves for battle.

There was speculation about the weather, but as usual Melbourne turned on a pleasant day, perfect for the fierce competition that was to start within an hour or so. The preparations proved rewarding as the marching was a close contest with AGNES scraping in as winner.

Race after race, event after event the day flowed smoothly. Time sped away especially for the cheering brigades, since this year every minute counted as points and these were being allocated hourly. The student-teacher race was to be a major highlight of the day. The teachers as usual trying their uttermost to outsmart the students. They didn't, but the latter lost because one particular teacher made it to the microphone before the students and declared themselves the winners. We were not prepared to argue in case we were put on punishment squad. As the day came to an end there were sore throats, sore feet and weary athletes waiting in anticipation for the results. Awards were presented with the trophy for the team with the most spirit going to ASSUNTA (they may not possess the fastest runnners but they certainly have the loudest voices). FRANCES was to have a quiet day but she was still in there trying. AGNES, well what can we say? They took off the major awards and were the best team on the day.

I would like to thank the organizers as well as the sports captain, Suzanne Dargan, and to the girls who participated.

Lif,a WULaoh.

1 3

L. Vassallo

M. DiPasquale M. Cullen

M. Grande E. Bordignon

C. Dooley S. Dargan

M. Greaney J. Bugeja S. Fabbi M. De Jong

L. Hall V. Carmona

P. Hartley B. Choy



12 For HSC we had pretty awkward timin'To have for our form teacher, Mrs. Sijmons But we have no reason really to complain At least you tried to keep us sane. To look at our grammer and get things right We had for Inglish, dear ol' Mrs. White. We read Dickens, The River and Lord of the Flies But we'd like to tell ya, we're girls - not guys! Mrso White was also a freak for Lit, and of course all her students were fantastic. We looked at the symbols, at the plot and the theme Sometimes, Mrs. White you were a real scream.

In History, we let time away You didn't mind, did you, Ms. Day? Although we learnt a lot from the past We saw our future cornin' up pretty fast. Miss Harding we think you are one of the best Cos' you taught us how to say Yes! Yes! Yes! And after you calm down and stop being wild We wish you good luck with your new born child. To win a legal vote from you, Miss Behan We want you to know we do not think you're mehan. We hope that we will remain good ol' buddies But never mention Politics or Legal Studies! Miss Roberts, you really taught us how to talk And also how to eat speghetti with a fork! We are also happy cos' we can count to trentatre You have been really great because you led the way.

1 6

Mr Szysz we think it is because you are pretty tall That you must think we are pretty small From all we have learnt about the spheres? Is there really anything between your ears? Miss McCarthy, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! You like economics cos' of the dough, dough, dough! Keep enjoying yourself and laughing a lot Maybe one day you will hit our funny spot. It is easy to say why everyone hides ' When they see the tall, grim, Helen Eischied! With brushes and paint and sloppy clay Yeh, we'll ’give in and admit you are okay. To our friend with the glasses, Mrs Opie We don't really think you are all that dopey But we all know why you read so many books So that the beauty you read is reflected in your looks. So on account of you, Mrs Watson We hope in our exam we won't be floppsin' But we all can say you have been one hell of a tutor Since you're the very best at handling the computer.

Mrs Harasti helped us to say our prayers But we seemed to get into deeper snares But do not give up, you will still have a chance To laugh and sing in your underpants! Mr Corliss and Mrs Sahiberg took us for sport We swam and bowled and played squash on a court Even though we never came to mention You really did help to relieve the tension Mr Hogan even though you are the last You have been a good man in the ’past Your maths has never failed to compute And you look really swell in a SAFARI SUIT!!!

Lucy VcmaZo 1 7


Back Row:

R. Luca, T. Manglaviti, S. Lee, C. Spence, J. Giandinoto, A. Byrne, B. O'Connor, P. Fort!, D. Parente, C. Pupillo, T. Germane.

Middle Row:

A. Mimmo, R. Kociancik, S. Sshipano, V. Derman, M. Drobski, C. Whitty, K. Spicer, A. Patuto, /I. McCallum, H. Kennedy, A. Smith.

Second Row:

M. Cuzilla, M. Danielle, S. Rennison, A. Wilde, D. Hood, S. Cardona, J. Scalpailo, E. Borg C. Cinnani.

Front Row:

A. Mirabella, L. Sgro, M. Riotto. Wendy McCallum

Class Prefect: Class Monitors:

Teacher: 1 8

Liz Borg,

Mrs. D. Watson

andrea Byrne

For all of us girls in 11B, 1981 has been the most prosperous year since we started in 1977. Each girl has learnt from either the Business, the Humanities or the Math's course. We have all been on some excursions, but the one that stands out the most is our camp at Wandong. Even though we were dragged out of bed at 7 a.m. by Mr. Corliss, we all had a fantastic time, and we would like to thank all the teachers involved in making it such a success. On behalf of all the 11B students, I would like to take the chance to thank Mrs. Watson for her endless help and guidance. Over the past year, she has really been a great * help, and even during the winter ’ -x months, while the other classes t were locked out of their rooms, we were allowed inside to keep warm! 1 3?

The most significant part of 1981 will be the last day for half the Year 11 students, as it will be their last day of school forever. Though the rest of us might be stay­ ing at school, we will all miss you very much, and hope that each one of you have a very successful and happy life. Next year, when you are all working hard, just remember a little prayer for us, because I think by that time, we will be half dead and needing more than a prayer! Anyway, take care and best of luck in whatever you wish to do.

Robyne Kociancic




Back Row:

M. Thomas, J. Papalia, M. Xuereb, B. Vandenberg, B. Lowe, 8. Bedson, J. Dargan, J. Newman, C. Marano, E. Merlino, T. Portelli.

Middle Row:

F. Comito, D. Leuschner, C. Roelke, C. Sieger, L. Polson, C. Hogg, D. Scheldt, C. Neylon, M. Curry, M. Kolceg.

Second Row:

J. Spence, P. Fragicomo, M. Jurczyluk, B. Bauer, M. Rita, M. Kirby, N. Shone, N. Scott, L. Thomas.

Front Row:

B. Choy, I. Fitzpatrick, I. D’Andrea, D. Wilson, C. Favasuli.


Nathalie Scott


Mrs. D. White

At last the year has ended and this we do not regret, Form Five has been the hardest year that we have encountered yet.

The newspaper and its committee it was produced in only a week, While everyone waited impatiently just to get a peek.


This year we helped the disabled, * see, we can do something good! The sweets caused pimples, the cars were a mess, but we did the best we could. Some classes went to restaurants at ours we had bread without honey. But the meal was nice, the price was so cheap That they even refunded our money. The Commercial girls go driving I doubt that they can drive at all, Maybe they can, but it cannot be a car, they drive the instructor 'up the wall.1 We went for a camp in the country there were noises and creaks in the night, A centipede was found in a sleeping bag The girl got a terrible fright. To our favourite teacher called Mrs White, The only teacher that could teach us right. To the girls leaving at the end of the year, Good luck for the future, and think of us stuck back here.

Jacqui Millard


2 2


Our annual ladies luncheon was held in perfect conditions on 28th October 1981 in the pleasant grounds of the Divine Word Seminary. A great day was had by all. Good food, wonderful company, and we thank the ladies who entered into the spirit of the day and wore hats - providing the entertainment - causing much merriment, or alternatively, gasps of delight. Mr. Hogan did an admirable job as our unbiased judge for the hat parade.

We were very pleased to see so many teachers able to be present, and to the ones whohad to "hold the fort", we hope to see them next year.

2 3

2 4

Back Row:

J. Kett, S. Gauci, S. Bettinelli, M. Randello, H. Robinett, K. McMahon, S. Hogan, p. Sciarrone, A. Scarvo, S. Incorvaia, F. Wicks.

Middle Row:

M. Hayes, J. Fisher, V. Kolceg, 8. Mildern, A. Hofstede, R.Ciantar, J. Blair, C. Faraday, Y. Andriesz, D. Dargan, B. Grant.

Second Row:

J. McEwan, R. Bucci, J. Brown, M. Boyle, 8. Dymas, V. Halikopoulos, K. Ciantar, J. Xuereb, C. Dow.

Front Row:

N. Aparo, V. Ottelli, A. Pereira, P. Dodd, E. Sorraghan, I. Singh, T. Nolan, R. Tripodi, J. Shone.


Miss O'Donnell



Although Year 10D to you may seem to be amazingly quiet, hardworking and refined, we assure you of being perfectly wrong.

First term began with the usual meeting of the form teacher, the 'infamous1 Miss O'Donell, who on arrival hit us with that now famous phrase 'GET ORGANIZED!!!' During term 2 we danced our way through with Therry College at our side. We dazzled the teachers and boys when we arrived at the Brunswick Town Hall - looking of course absolutely beautiful - we danced superbly and the evening was a great success. Term 3 began with the refined students of Year 10 learning FOOTBALL TACTICS. This was followed by the end of year 'grudge match' when the 'Egrish No­ awls' (10D) confronted the 'Jaybirds' (10J) in which 10J's bribe paid off, as they managed to win. We also met Therry College once again, when we competed against them in Mastermind, debates and Challenge. We showed them Ave's drama skills, when various girls performed plays. At the end of this, a bush dance topped off the day, altogether a very enjoyable dayo

In closing, we would like to say how our class has been one of the best we have been in, mainly because of the fantastic personalities of the girls.

Sue Mildern, Christina Faraday, Roberta Bucci and Liz Sorraghan


Back Row:

S Wilson, D Blizzard, M Meoli, M Forte, C Schmidt, S Urbaniak, D Disipio, D Bakker, K Braddy, A DiPasquale.

Third Row:

R Cengic, L Duggan, M Leury. A Hally, P Slevison, K Cervetto, M Scott, C O'Dea, S Overman, E Beck, C Hogan, J James, J Mento.

Second Row:

S Blair, N Tenni, L Freeman, L Kennedy, N Glavan, L leria, F Marino, J Druzic, J Ramsay.

Front Row:

C Moss, M Widdison, L Pike, S Xuereb, C Scalpello, L Sanza, J Cooper, D Ferlazzo, J Cochrane.


Maria Forte.


Mrs C Johns.



1 0

Class of '81 for 10J was a class with character.

We had fun all year around

thanks to Mrs Johns who made it one to remember.

She had a way of turning the morning

class assembly

i nto a dis­ cussion for recess. There

was an amusing

character evident amongst the girls through­ out the year.

Given the title of class monitor

took to Maria's

head as she was able to reverse

the situation of taking over one

of Mrs Johns' classes. Everyone not only

in class but at all good things

end and so

got on wel1 together Socials too!


must come to an does 1981, which

will end a very significant year, although not yet realised.

It is the first hill

that is to be climbed when we graduate

from Ave Maria in two years' time. 27

IX c


Back Row:

L. Delre, A. Ganci, K. Sears, F. Mandozzi, S. Willach, A. Bay, J. De'Jong, M. Hogan, S. Ortisti, N. Stanway, P. Herrera, M. Riotto, M. Milone.

Middle Row:

M. Jellard, C. Barton, S. Rijke, A. Davis, S. Duffy, T. Hoey, A. Barrett, D. Kirn, T. Hosking, A. Smith, L. Fisher, M. Swanson.

Second Row:

M. Pantalleresco, B. Clanchy, K. Boucher, S. McConnell, B. Morham, J. O'Connell, S. Storno, K. Morcom, D. Cooper.

Front Row:

L. Carney, M. Borg, M. Flannery, M. Coxhead, T. Bartolo.


Maria Milone


Mr. W. Corliss

9 C

Well, Well, Well, "WALLY'S ANGELS" have done it again - survived another year of torture! We have succeeded in venturing from beyond the barbed fence. We enjoyed (ha ha) our observat­ ions of Parliament House, the Treasury Gardens, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and those boys from CATHEDRAL 1 As for fellow inmates, we are very proud of their successful attempt to destroy the sanity of all our teachers. However, we are a little worried about some.

Amanda Davis who auditioned for Playschool, but did not have the brains. Jenny DeJong we fear might be suffering from over work due to all the assignments she does. Michelle Swanson who is not the athletic type. Sharon Duffy who never shuts up. Nicole Stanway and Angela Day; Miss Daws' pets and last but not least, Michelle Courtney, who never disputes what our fearless teacher Mr. Corliss says.

Thanks for a great year at Ave - one which will not be easily forgotten!!

Michelle Courtney, Angela Day and Nicole Stanwayu l



3 0

Back Row:

E. Sweerts, T. Price, R. Dughetti, J. O'Loughlin, k. Camiller, 3. Allen, K. Anderson, S. Ashdowne, L. Borg, T. Diodato, V. Paraskevas.

Middle Row:

3. Anderson, J. Lau, C. Fitzgerald, D. Rowan, J. Chivilo, J. Harris, M. Campagnolo, J. McDonagh, F. Hogan, K. Nott, K. Cleary, K. McLoughlin.

Second Row:

T. Ludekens, B. Gatt, M. Hanlon, C. Reilly, F. Rodillas, L. Ryan, A. Guarnaccia, L. Aylmer, K. Kirby.

Front Row:

F. Tamburro, K. O'Prey, J. McLetchie, A. Campanella, J. Edward, T. Zoiti, J. Tait, C. Riotto, J. Cavalli.


Robyn Aylmer


Miss I. Daws


This year's class of 9D has very much been a successful one. From honorary mentions in the Italian Poetry compet­ ition, to second place in the Computer Studies competition. Our sporting abilities also received recognition throughout the school, with The 1 A' our brilliant netball teams team reached the semi-final whilst 'B' team achieved runners-up. Our fund-raising efforts consisted of a few cake stalls, and a raffle in which we raised over $200 in aid of the International Year of the Disabled. We also raised money by participating in the annual 40 Hour Famine. I am sure all the year 9D1s will agree 1981 has been a very enjoyable year with Miss Daws We would like to thank her for all her assistance throughout the past year, and look forward to returning to Ave Maria as the 1982 Year Ten

Susan Ashdown, Jane McLetchie




Back Row:

D. Foster, J. Davis, D. Jurgelait, A. Thompson, J. McConnell, K. McDonell, L. Potts, R. Germano, E. Cambareri, L. Paluso, L. Daly, S. Lau.

Middle Row:

M. Morham, J. Cochrane, P. D'Andrea, H, Pawlawski, M. Hayes, K. Pereira, M. Congic, T. Spence, C. Rudd, A. Amato, N. Naughton, J. McDonagh.

Second Row:

L. Colvin, A. Shone, M. Assenza, K. Brennan, 8. Becker, L. Matthews, K. Wood, J. Cardona, A. Panzera.

Front Row:

A. Jellard, C. Smith, J. Corboy, A. Dalli, E. Raffa, M. O'Connell, K. Shannon, D. Stewart, T. Bras.


Miss M. Darcey

This year, 8D has been highlighted by a variety of things, such as the ever popular cake stalls in which we raised in the vicinity of $37 for Project Compassion.

Of our excursions, the Art Gallery seemed most interesting. A 'Fasion Parade' was held, show­ ing a vast amount of historic fashions and how fashions have changed over the years. In second term, we went roller-skating. It was to be one of those days - Jenny misplaced her jeans! After she and Miss Darcey searched the whole school, they still could not be found. So Jenny was forced to borrow a pair of track­ suit pants. When we returned to school and packed our bags with the endless pile of homework books, Jenny found her long lost jeans folded up in her desk.

Term 3, famous for its exams and school sports Ave Maria witnessed another up and coming marathon runner. Elizabeth Daly received her first trophy for her outstanding performance in the 1500 metre race. Congratulations, Elizabeth. Many thanks must be awarded to our class teacher of 1981 - Miss Darcey - for putting up with us, and thosehabits of ours.



3 4

Back Row:

C. Steward, G. Port, F. Lotter, C. Barnes, R. Davis, C. Mildern, B. Curry, M. Bourke, S. Maulden, C. Corkill, M. Silluzio.

Middle Row:

J. Hughes, C. James, J. Rudd, A. Brosnan, L. Cameron, J. De Gabrielle, J. Andrews, S. Warner, J. Collins, L. Grant, S. Mimmo, S. Lauri.

Second Row:

L. Marotta, S. Palmer, D. O'Connell, S. Elliott, N. Howe, L. Hayes, L. Tenni, J. Rainford, J. Trippichio.

Front Row:

A. Hickey, T. Cudmore, C. Vandenburg, A.M. Sabato, M. O'Prey, K. Bassett-Smith, N. Foley, D. Andriesz, C. Carney.


Louise Hayes


Mrs. E. Harasti



Back Row:

B. P. R. C.

Pereira, A. Stinson, C. Rodgers, L. Troy, Clanchy, N. Hofstede, L. Emerson, K. Hosking, Vella, J. O'Neill, C. Senserrick, M. Brosnan, Leonard.

Third Row:

H. H. A. S.

Nastri, P. Comito, J. Runting, P. Dooley, Smith, V. Thornton, K. O'Gorman, K. Gaffney, Dal Tio, L. Blair, C. Sharp, M. Lane, Butler, M. Marra.

Second Row:

S. Portelli, L. Morcom, M. Healy, L. Weaver, J. Sabato, S. Parente, H. McElligot.

Front Row:

E. Schmidt, P. Davis, M. Druzic, N. McGregor, H. Peterson, Aa. Palmer, D. O'Brien.


Miss A. Brown


Donna O'Brien


A. Banner, J. Deasy,



7 B

Rules that are held in my classroom are obeyed by everyone. We can't use liquid paper so we never get much done. We will get in real big trouble if our homework is handed in late. You see if we do, our teacher will, get in such a terrible state.

If you didn't do your book report, last night or the night before you make an excuse and tell her "I ... I ... left it in the grocery store". She and And she

usually tells you off, tells you to sit in your seat. if she is in a bad mood, will give homework and an extra sheet.

If you do something stupid or something really odd. It means all of this adds up to, getting put on Punishment Squad!

H-ctda Noa&u.



Back Row:

Ao Panzera, M. Cochrane, S. Comerford, A. Morganti, J. Tronconi, F. Schipano, M. Rodillas, L. Evans, U. Dughetti, C. Purcell, G. O'Neill, C. Maurici.

Third Row:

H. L. Vo D.

Second Row:

C. Peluso, K. O'Connor, L. O'Prey, E. Hayes, H. Peterson, S. Mariani, M. Pentecoss, C. Ryan, S. Nevins, S. Camiller, K. Lawes.

Front Row:

M. Hoey, A. McEwan, M. Vanenburg.


Mrs. R. Sullivan


Sally Howard.


Hornsby, J. Slace, B. Dargan, M. Thompson, Comerford, C» Barmby, M. McMahon, S. Howard, Bakker, K. Woolley, L. Brennan, C. Dillon, Bugeja, A. Shanahan.

S. Singh,

A. Druzic,

7S made one for the books when they commenced their year with an outstanding figure of 356 dozen lamingtons. Many thanks to Sarah and Lisa Comerford's contribution of 100 dozen lamingtons. Another fund-raising effort was the Easter Raffle where the proceeds were donated to Project Compassion.

Some of the excursions we went on were: The visit to the National Art Gallery to see the Aboriginal Art Exhibition.

Trying to make a revolution of the roller­ skating rink is a somewhat speculating experience.

The viewing of 'Clash of the Titans' which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended. Mrs Sullivan's class this year not only have the vigour but the the athletic blood in them too, with some of Ave Maria's promising swimmers and runners, which when added together make a champion netball team.

But overall, our class of '81 has had a lot of fun along with the hardwork that is initiated on us as primary school recruits. To finish off, I would like to thank on behalf of year 7S, Mrs Sullivan for the hardwork and Mrs Sahiberg for the good fun!

Yourjfor another five years,

i 39

In this yezvi’4 UZcUan, we /iave -taxed to put togethea all possible 'goings-on' behind the Vida Staeei gales Into one. complete annual.

what meets the naked eye.

Howevea, theae Is moae to tt than

We fcound that the junloa

fcoajms weae getting up to things In class that we didn’t know about when we weae theae? ? ?

It takes a tot ofc contacts to fclnd out what Is happening wlth-ln these walls.

So we would like

to thank these contacts fcoa aeveallng thela knowledge and contalbullng to the Vidian. We will, howevea, aeveal a veay slgnlfclcant fcace that has been seen wandealng the school

gaounds ovea the past twelve yeaAS - that ofc Sistea Beanadette.

She has been a gaeat help

and although SlsteA Is leaving, we can only hope that the yeaa 1O's will caaay It on.

We would also tike to thank Beanadette Ealckson and Mas Johns fcoA thela assistance. We hope that you fclnd enjoyment out the plctuaes and do tay to make an efcfcoat to aead

Vouas fcalthfcully

Kathy Spence and Suzle CaAdona


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