6 minute read

Year 12

Year 12 Homeroom Captains

NadiaTribuzio 12H, Marcelia Daniele 12M, Nicole Place 12V, Ms Pauline Cutajar

Absent - Melissa Romania 12C

It seems like only yesterday that I was addressing the Class of 2000 at the beginning of the year. I reminded the girls to make the most of the year, to work hard and to enjoy their friends because before they knew it the year would be over. Well, it is incredible even to me how true those words are!

It has been a very busy final year for the girls. There have been SACs and SATs to contend with, exams to study for, level Assemblies to attend, final Assemblies and Valedictory celebrations to plan.

Our students have been motivated and challenged by a number ofguest speakers throughout the year in the Religious Education Seminar program. The Class of 2000 have given generously to many causes, including the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal, the Sr Vincent de Paul Society and Caritas to name but a few.

It has been a busy time for me also. Returning to work with a small baby, in

the role ofCoordinator has been challenging. However not once have I regretted my decision. I have often

reflected on this. Just what is that keeps one going despite those sleepless nights! I

believe it is the warm, friendly, genuine and generous students we have come to associate with our College Community.

It is the willingness ofour students to live out our motto To Truth through Charity. It is the student who offers assistance before one has to ask. It is the group of girls organising flowers for someone suffering a loss. I believe this sense of community is the essence ofwhat the Class of2000 will take with them as they move on, ready for the many joys and challenges life has to offer.

Class of2000 be confident, brave and passionate in everything that you do. Reach for the stars. Cherish the time you have with family and friends. As you continue on rhe journey that is life, rich blessings to you and those close to you.

I would like to very much acknowledge and thank the work of the Homeroom teachers. Antonia Caridi and Louis Papadimitriou 12C, Mary Hennessy 12H, Suzanne Morgan 12M and Filina Virgato

12V, many thanks for your hard work.

Ms Pauline Cutajar

Year 12 Coordinator


The beauty of memories is that we cannot choose what we are going to hold onto and when it is going to appear. Hearing one song from rhe Deb could bring back hours ofdance practice, the heartache of finding the right partner and rhe perfect dress, hours in the hairdressers, falling down stairs or completely blowing the budget. Fortunately this may be followed by recalling the biggest thrill of all: impressing both parents and friends. They probably had no idea you had grace, charm or dancing skills. They may still be unaware of that! I think the biggest thrill was being able to relive the Deb for a fortnight with hundreds of identical photos.

Next year, every Year 12 is going to have

~to stand up on their own and face the

world. At this point we will realise that secondary school was not just a place that aimed to destroy our social lives. In fact, secondary school was helping us find out that we are part ofa much bigger picture.

Frances Henry 12H

As my secondary school life comes to an end, many memories flood back to me over rhe last six years at Ave Maria College. I have been taught to be the person that I am, to look ar life in a positive way and to appreciate those around me especially family and friends.

Renee Fedoruk


Year 12 Drama class Shauna-Maree Campbell, Rebecca Carlson, Carla Ziino

Tanja Dunat, Kate McGinty Rosette Khaled, Belinda Bavaro, Marcella Daniele Lisa Conidi, Melissa Romania

As Year 7s we entered the school gates as timid little girls. In Year 12 we exit as confident young women.

Chantal Elias 12V

I he end of the year came so quickly. When I realised it was here, 1 didn’t want to leave. But I look back now and my

greatest memories ever are with

friends I still have now. the best

Danielle Ragone 12V Year 2000 has been full of great memories, aspirations and hard work. I will always remember my six years at Ave Maria, especially the ISPs, the Common Room, Reflection Days and Assemblies. So many grand times preparing Valedictory celebrations and our final Assembly knowing that in a short time I will be experiencing life outside Ave Maria. Being free from stress, school rules and timetables. I would just like to thank all rhe Year 12s and staff members of Ave Maria College for a worthwhile and rewarding experience.

Carly Sredwell 12C


Row 4: Alexandra Vrakas, Felicity Kennedy, Christina Grosdanis

Row 3: Francesca Zurzolo, Rosette Khaled, Jackie Hau, Stephanie Volpe, Jade Miggiani, Natalie Tancredi Row 2: Rosa Galante, Nicole Meneghetti, Renee Fedoruk, Belinda Bavaro, Stefanie Menta, Deearrn Curley, Carly Stedwell Row 1: Melissa Romania, Olivia Lopez, Kathryn Toohey, Erin Griffin, Fiona Sheahan, Helen McGeown, Jessica Bennett, Catherine Angel Absent: Sarah Monagle



Row 4: Kate McGinty, Shauna-Maree Campbell, Daniela Fusca. Row 3: Frances Henry, Erin Kilty, Rebecca Crook, Samantha Karlis, Loran Scollo, Meagan James Row 2: Kylie Nanfro, Rachael Ferighetto, Bonnie Churchill, Sian Whitaker, Amanda Gregory, Melissa Galea, Amelia Mallinson Row 1: Mary-Anne Monaco, Nadia Tribuzio, Andrea Leury, Lisa Conidi, Stephanie Salpietro, Natalie Harding, Rebecca Papoulkas, Jade Barry TEACHER: MRS MARY HENNESSY


Row 4: Paula Giangrave, Hannah Wait Row 3: Raelle Kelly, Sue-Ellen Christofidis, Lara Lazzaro, Mary Jelincic, Sarah Farmer, Marina Kosmatos, Josephine Woodward, Mary Anne Karthaus Row 2: Joanne Woodhouse, Monica Cottee, Tanja Dunat, Natalie Nisbet, Jacqueline Sweet, Donna Gregory, Marcella Daniele Row 1: Maree Arcuri, Maria D'Agostino, Gail Carter, Lauren Pannell, Rebecca Carlson, Annette Micarelli, Jessica Campbell, Angela Maturana TEACHER: MRS SUZANNE MORGAN


Row 4: Mariana Varela, Priscilla Ramien

Row 3: Sarah Barlow, Carla Ziino, Chantal Elias, Louise Van lersel, Carla Donato, Sarah Catania, Nicole Place, Wilissa D'Souza

Row 2: Raewin Youssef, Natalie Raffaele, Joanne White, Emily Considine, Danielle Ragone, Kirsten Smart, Diana Marcato

Row 1: Jacqueline Ghyselinck, Mary-Grace Barbaro, Angela Rizzoli, Corinne Migliorisi, Kelly Jackson, Tamara Sanders, Jessica Meiorin, Teresa Patti


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