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Class of 2000

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ANGEL Catherine Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Midnight walk on Year 9 Camp. My Saturday night buddy.

Gym in Year 11. Ambitions and Aspirations: To have a sip ofcoffee from every country around the world. School Diaries.

ARCURI Marie School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-10. Ash Wednesday liturgy. Class Captain Year 9. SRC Year 10.

Soccer Year 11. 40 hour Famine Year 7-9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Singing "Lean on Me" to Mrs O’Brien in Year 10 Maths. Waiting with Belinda

for the world to end in Year 10 Italian.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy in my chosen career.

BARBARO Mary-Grace School Achievements: Dante Alighieri. Soccer. Most Memorable Occasion/s ar Ave Maria: Mary-Anne’s banana split. My past

Ambitions and Aspirations:

To become the next big successful fashion designer. someone that is crazy in love with me. 17 birthday gifts. To always be inspired. To get married to

BARLOW Sarah School Achievements: Chess Club Year 7 & 8. Book Club Year 7 & 8. Common Room Committee.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: "Cooking" with NatalieT in Year 8. Getting up and realising I

after discovering my legs were asleep on the quadrangle. Big M girls in Year 12. Year 9 Camp. could not walk

Ambitions and Aspirations: my career. To own a Volkswagen Beetle 1967 model. A farm with lots of animals and horses. To succeed in

BARRY Jade School Achievements: Goolagong House Captain. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Choir Year 12. Cross Country Year 10.

Open Days. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Being rescued by Jackie on my first day. Throwing the flower bomb on Felicity’s

head on Year 11 Camp and trying to convince her we were all asleep. Dan falling on all fours.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To train my cheek muscles to smile.

BAVARO Belinda School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-9. Ash Wednesdav liturgy. Soccer Year 11. 40 Hour Famine Year 7-

9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 Italian with Mrs Vianello. Singing ‘Lean on Me' in Mrs O’Brien’s Year

Maths class. Waiting with Maree for the world to end. Ambitions and Aspirations: To one day own my own Cafe in Union Road. Ascot Vale.

BENNETT Jessica School Achievements: Netball Year 7 & 8. General Excellence Award Year 10. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12.

Acceleration Program Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: 1 he enormous size to which Nicole’s mouth can open. Falling down a steep hill in

Year 8 and getting covered in mud. Ambitions and Aspirations: To become a successful lawyer in New York, while shopping on 5TH Avenue after having parked my BMW with the valet in front of my Park Avenue apartment.

CAMPBELL Jessica Most memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Aerobics Year 9. Year 9 Camp.

('AMPBELL Shauna-Maree School Achievements: Open Days. Fete.

SC$A Cheer Squad. Duke ofEdinburgh Student Representative Council Captain. SocialJustice Group. Peer Support.

- Bronze, Silver & Gold. General Excellence Award Year 9 & 10. Goolagong

Assistant Captain Year 9, 10 & 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 8-12. Aerobics Year 9 & 10. Gown ofthe Year Year 10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: ofthe forest with an asthma attack. Year 8 . Duke of Edinburgh Camps. Losing Gail and Tracey and nearly being airlifted out

the entire year in general. Being the first Year 12s with Becci and Carla to go up

the Clydebank tower. Ambitions and Aspirations: To always be a little star and to have shopped in every fashion capital ofthe world by 2006.

Camp. Year 11 Maths. Ambitions and Aspirations: 1’he future belongs to those people who believe in the beginning oftheir dreams.

CARTER Gail School Achievements: Swimming. Basketball. Volleyball. Netball Year 7-12.

Most Memorable Occasion/sat Ave Maria: Year 11 Maths.

Camp. Ambitions and Aspirations: To live the part}' life everyday. Being lost for four hours in the bush with Tracey on Year 10

CATANIA Sarah School Achievements: SRC Year 11. SRC Captain 2000. Winter Sleepout Year 12.

Excellence Award Year 9. English Award Year 10. RCH Good Frida}' Appeal Year 7.

liturgy. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 10 Maths. /Ml ofYear 11. 40 Hour Famine Year 11 & 12. General

Class Captain Year 9. Ash Wednesday

Ambitions and .Aspirations: To be a poet.

CHRISTQF1DIS Sue-Ellen School Achievements: Soccer. Ash Wednesday liturgy. Most Memorable Occasion/s ar Ave Maria: Year 11 Camp. Swimming Carnival.

Day. Ambit.ons and Aspirations: To be successful and choose a career in Psychology. Common Room with friends. Athletics

CHURCHILL Bonnie School Achievements: Duke of Edinburgh Excellence Award Year 9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: - Bronze. Class Captain Year 9. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. General

Duke of Edinburgh Camp with Mr Collins’ midnight walk. Year 8 Homeroom.

Going to Pakistan in Year 8 with Jackie. Year 11 Science.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be a teacher at Ave Maria College.

CONIDI Lisa Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Debutante Ball. Year 9 Italian with Melina.

and Maria 1 (Melissa). .Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in everything I do and to live a happy life. Year 12 lunch with Maria 2 (Natalie)

CONSIDINE Emily School Achievements: Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze, Silver & currently Gold. General Excellence Award Year 8 &

1 1. SRC

Year 10. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Spending lunch times with my friends. Attending the swimming carnival as life-

size Primas. Deb ball. Ambitions and Aspirations: decides it. To begin a career in Forensic Science. To remember we can only plan our future, it is God who

COTTEE Monica School Achievements: General Excellence Award Year 7. Annie - Stage Manager. Peer Support. Social Justice group.

Vincent de Paul Society. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 9 Camp. Cutting Mr Dunlop’s hair. Thunder storm during Year 11

Methods class. Deb Ball. Ambitions and Aspirations: 'lb travel, and have a successful career and family. St

CROOK Rebecca School Achievements: Silver, Gold. General Bonney House Captain. Excellence Award Year 11. Peer Support. SCSA Cheer squad Year 7-12. Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze,

Gown of the Year, Year 10. Curriculum Committee. Winter Sleepout.

Softball Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Going up the tower with Shauna and Carla. Duke of Edinburgh Camp to

Lome. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful, live life and ‘go with the flow’ .

D’AGOSTINO Maria School Achievements: Class Captain Year 10.

Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition Year 7-12. RCH Good Friday Appeal. General Excellence Award

Year 12 Italian Academic Award Year 11. Year 9, 10&11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Being "concussed" by Mary-Anne K at Year 12 Reflection Day. Rolling down a

hill and having our tent attacked by a wombat at Year 9 Camp. Falling from the top bunk during the night and waking

everyone up at Year 7 Camp. Ambitions and Aspirations: To hopefully travel around the world and live a happy and fulfilling life without regrets.

D’SOUZA Wilissa School Achievements: 40 Hour Famine Year 7-12. Class Captain & Vice-Class Captain Year 8. General Excellence Award

Year 8. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Social Justice Group Year 12. Blood Bank Year 11. Ash Wednesday liturgy.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 9 Camp with Mr Dunlop. Year 9 Maths classes with Mrs Curtain.

Camp with my friends. Feeling dizzy from donating blood. Ambitions and Aspirations: To live my life to the fullest and always aspire to achieve my personal best. Year 11

DANIELE Marcella School Achievements: Class Captain Year 12. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 Psychology. Year 11 Religion with Mr Platt. Year 11

Ambitions and Aspirations: To become successful and travel the world. To stay friends with my group. Drama Production.

DONATO Carla School Achievements: Book Club Year 7 & 8. Dante Alighieri Competition Year 9-11. Social Justice Group Year 12. Choir

Year 12. Peer Support Year 12. Annie - Make-Up. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 9. 40 Hour Famine Year 7 & 8. St

Vincent de Paul Year 9. Ash Wednesday liturgy. Ambitions and Aspirations: To travel the world and live a happy life filled with courage and belief to overcome any obstacles which may stand in the way ofmy dreams.

DUNAT Tanja School Achievements: Book Club Year 7. Netball Year 7-12. Class Captain Year 9. General Excellence Award Year 9.

Soccer Year 9. Cross Country Year 9-11. RCH

Year 11. College Sports Captain. Athletics Year Good Friday Appeal Year 12.

Basketball Year 12. 11.

Swimming Cheer squad Year 7-12. Choir Year 12. Open Days. Softball

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Seeing Sarah throw a softball through the Home Economics window during Year

8 PE. Having the best fringe ever in Year 7 and receiving an award for it.

ELIAS Chantal

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Getting lost for 3 hours at Year 9 Camp. Year

Eischeid. Ambitions and Aspirations: To have fun and take life as it comes. To own a funky cafe. 11 Formal. Psycholog).- with Mrs

FEDORUK Renee School Achievements: Geography distinction Year 7. 40 Hour Famine. RCH Good Friday Appeal. School Fete. Open

Days. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: A fox rating our food at Year 9 Gunp.

into the pole with the car. Year 12 Food Technology classes. Year 10 Drivers Ed with Beck running

Ambitions and Aspirations: To keep in touch with my friends and be happy and live life to the fullest.

FER1GHETTO Rachael School Achievements: General Excellence Award Year 11. Softball Year 9 & 11. Indoor Cricket Year 7,8, 9 & 11. Peer

Support Year 11 & 12. Social Justice Group Year 11

2000. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 12 & 12. Annie - Stage Manager. Rotoract Communitv Service Award

Homeroom with Mel. Year 11 Camp. Annie production.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To become a secondary Science teacher or a research scientist.

a E E E E E E S

Ambitions and Aspirations: To

prove that capitals of the world by the year 2006.

GALANTE Rosa School Achievements: Peer Support Year 11 & 12. 40 Hour Famine Year 7, 8 & 12. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 9-11.

Dante Alighieri Competition. Year 7 & 8. General Excellence Award Year 7, 8 & 10. 2 Maths distinctions Year 8. Book

Club Year 7. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 Deb Ball. Year 12 Formal. Falling in the creek on Year 9 Camp. Year 12

Psychology with Mrs Eischeid. Lining up in the corridor in an attempt to act as neurons. Getting my licence and taking half

of the class for a spin. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy in everything 1 do. To never have any regrets. To marry the man ofmy dreams and

be successful in my chosen career and to never forget my time at Ave.

GALEA Melissa School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal. Assistant Chisholm Captain Year 10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Eating 12 pringles in one mouthful. Year 12 lunchtime. Year 12 Textiles with Ms

Nunn. Year 12 Homeroom with Mrs Hennessy. Ambitions and Aspirations: To live life to the fullest and be very happy and successful in my chosen career path. I would also

like to travel the world.

GHYSELINCK Jacqui School Achievements: Tennis Year 9-12. Soccer Year 11. Cross Country Year 9-11. Duke ofEdinburgh Award - Bronze.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To gain success in my chosen career and to always keep smiling no matter what!

G1XNGRAVE Paula Scnool Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-10. Peer Support Year 11 & 12. General Excellence Award Year 8.

Dante .Alighieri Year 10. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: moments my friends at Ave have given me. Doing the ‘Thommo’ dance with Rebecca and Samantha.

Laughing all the time, thanks to Rebecca and Samantha. All the memorable

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be the best 1 can be in everything I set out to achieve. To live life to the fullest and enjoy what

it has to offer. To never forget and always keep in touch with the people who got me through Ave - my friends.

GREGORY Amanda Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 2000 Swimming Carnival. Garbage Gang 2000.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To go on "Survivor" and win a million dollars. Year 9 and 1 1 Camps.

GREGORY Donna School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal. Cricket Year 9. Softball Year 9.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Falling through the bridge at Year 11 Camp. Duke ofEdinburgh Camp.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To succeed in my chosen career path. To live, love and be happy.

GRIFFIN Erin School Achievements: College Vice-Captain. Peer Support. Social Justice Group. SRC Year 11. Choir Year 12.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: My arrival to Ave Maria in 1998. Becoming friends with the best bunch of girls

ever. Year 11 Business classes with Ang, Kel and Sarah. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be just that little bit different and unpredictable.

GROSDANIS Cristina School Achievements: Peer Support Year 11 & 12. Soccer Year II. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 10. Annie - Make-Up &

Backstage. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Getting lost with Nadia on Year 9 excursion to Sovereign Hill. Making up our own little adventure and feeling a huge reliefonce we were found. Year 9 Camp sitting down and crying with Olivia, because the both ofus did not have anymore strength to continue with the walk. In the lake with all my friends on Year I 1 Camp, tipping over and seeing Alex nearly drown. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in my chosen career. To always stay the same content person that 1 am. To reach a point in my life where I am very happy and satisfied with whatever I achieve.

HENRY Frances School Achievements: Co-hosting the English week Debate and Talent Quest.. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Amanda falling down rhe stairs and Nat twice. with Dan. Ambitions and Aspirations: To co-host a show on Triple J. Year 12 Drama. Canteen days

JACKSON Kelly School Achievements: Book Club Year 7. SRC Year 11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Sarah and Erin. Getting busted with Sarah Jackies dirty socks and Sian’s smelly sock. in Year 9. Year 11 Business class with Andrea,

Ambitions and Aspirations: To stand next to Gypsy from Home and Away and reveal no similarities.

JAMES Meagan School Achievements: Netball. Softball. Volleyball. Athletics. Indoor Cricket. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12.

Excellence Award Year 8, 10 & 11. Peer Support. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Dropping glasses case offYear 7 stairs. Year 11 Methods with Mel. General

Ambitions and Aspirations:

To be happy and successful in everything perseverance knows no tailure".

I do. Living by Denis Pagans words "Persistence and

JELINCIC Mary Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 12 Textiles class. Year 8 Camp.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To keep in touch with everyone and to be successful Year

12 An Class. in what I do. Year 7 Chess Club.

KARLIS Samantha School Achievements: Soccer Year 8-11. Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition Year 10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: with Rebecca and Paula. Year 11 Deb Ball. Having a laugh in the common room at lunchtimes.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in life, achieve all my goals and to travel. Doing theThommo dance

KARTHAUS Mary Anne School Achievements: Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Softball Year 9. St Vincent de Paul.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Giving Maria D a

NatalieT. Midnight strolls. Year 11 General Maths. ‘concussion’ at Year 12 Reflection Day. Year 11 Camp with

Ambitions and Aspirations: To become a successful graphic designer.

am 30. To gain a position in Carla Ziino's straw factory. To own a Mercedes Benz E-Class or CLK by the time I

KELLY Raelle School Achievements: Netball Year 7-12. Choir Year 12. Cross Country Year 9 & 10. Diving Year 8, 9 & 10. Indoor

Cricket Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria:

Year 7 & 8 Maths with Ms Davis. Home Ec with Hannah. Swimming Carnival. Garbage Gang 2000. Fiona falling into the lake at the snow. Year

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy.

KENNEDY Felicity School Achievements: Class Captain Year 7. General Excellence Award Year 7-9. Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze . RCH

Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Duke of Edinburgh Gimp midnight walk with Mr Collins.

shorts. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy and live life the way 1 want to. Helen splitting her

KILTY Erin School Achievements: Gown of the Year finalist Year 10 & 12. General Excellence Award Year 10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Religion and Psychology with Mrs Eisheid Year 11. Being in Mrs Hennessy’s

Homeroom in Year 12. Making our Swimming Carnival Prima costumes. Ambitions and Aspirations: Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it is done right.

KOSMATOS Marina School Achievements: SRC Year 8. Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. Distinctions in the

Australian Schools English Competition. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria:

Cath’s tent part}' and the great artwork that was produced for it. lunchtime discussions about anything and everything with my friends and sharing daily laughter with them. -Ambitions and Aspirations: To be able to look back, laugh and have no regrets in life. Memorable

LAZZARO Lara School Achievements: Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition Year 7-11. 40 Hour Famine. General Excellence Award.

Wednesday liturgy. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Lunchtime spent with my friends in the common room. Year 11 Camp.

Dressing up as a fairy at this year’s Swimming Carnival. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in the career I pursue. To travel around the world and be happy in life. Ash

LEL’RY Andrea School Achievements: Book Club Year 7. Soccer Year 9. Netball Year 7-12. Swimming Year 11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria:. Year 11 Business class with Erin, Kelly and Sarah. Peer Support Year

Ambitions and Aspirations: To stay single until 1 am 28 so I can go to the Desperate and Dateless Balls with Sian. 11 & 12.

LOPEZ Olivia School Achievements: Class Captain Year 10. Vice-Class Captain Year 12.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: The hundreds ofAnaconda moves made by Christine during Year

Ambitions and Aspirations: To live La Vida Local 12 English.

MALLINSON Amelia School Achievements: /\sh Wednesday liturgy. Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition.

Famine. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Italian class with Mrs Godoy RCH Good Friday Appeal.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To own an exclusive chain ofhairdressing salons and to always be happy. 40 Hour

MARCATO Diana School Achievements: Book Club Year 7 & 8. General Excellence Award Year 8 &

Social Justice group Year 11 & 12. Drama Play Year 11. 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 10-12.

Year 11 Blood donation. Annie - Make-Up Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria:

Year 9 Camp with Mr Dunlop. blood, and nearly fainting at the same time as Jade Miggiani. Ambitions and Aspirations: To become a primary school teacher. Year 1 I and 12 Drama class. Year 1 I donation of

MATURANA Angela School Achievements: General Excellence Award Year 7. Class Captain Year 7. SRC Year 8. Book Club Year 7. Choir Year

12. DanteAlighieri Poetry Competition Year 9-11. St Vincent de Paul Year 9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Garbage Gang 2000. Stacks on Dan at every possible occasion. Year 11 Italian

class with Stefano. Year 12 with Carla and Melissa. Ambitions and Aspirations: To marry' and settle down with a successful Psychology career. To stay in touch with my friends.

McGINTY Kate School Achievements: Basketball Year 7-12. Peer Support. General Excellence Award Year 11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria:

Sarah, Fran, Sian and myselfmaking fools of ourselves on our Year Crying my eyes out at last year’s final Assembly. Ambitions and Aspirations: To have my own fashion label. To be happily married by the age of25. 11 CP video.

MEIORIN Jessica School Achievements: Peer Support. Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze. Soccer Year 8-10. Fetes. Open Days. Dante Alighieri

Poetry Competition Year 7-9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: The fox caring our food on Year 9 Camp. Surviving the Duke ofEdinburgh

Camp. Outdoor Ed day at Mount Buller. Ambitions and Aspirations: To get into my chosen University course. To be happy and have fun. To see Geelong win a


MENEGHETTI Nicole School Achievements: General Excellence Award Year 7. Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 8-12. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Spending Friday classes organising the weekends. Going up the hill/mountain in Year 9 Camp. Meeting the great friends 1 have today. Ambitions and Aspirations: I aspire to be an influential character in the fashion business scene and run an exclusive Hollywood Night Club with Deearrn.

MENTA Stefanie School Achievements:

Duke ofEdinburgh Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: with my best friends. - Bronze. SRC Year 9. Chess Club President.

Tent parts- and our brilliant artwork displayed as a result. Sharing a million laughs

MICARELLI Annette School Achievements: Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition Year 10 & 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Open Day.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: All school camps. Year 12 final assembly. Year 11 Italian class with Stefano.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To live my dream and then wake up. To keep in touch with my friends.

MIGGIAN1 Jade School Achievements: SRC Year 7 & 8. Annie. Drama Production Year 11. General Excellence Award Year 10. Board of

Management Award for Excellence 2000. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: The ‘Annie’ production. Choreographing the Year 12 assembly.

out of a window in Year 7. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be a performer in a musical and to own my own dancing school. Almost falling

MIGLIORISI Corinne School Achievements: Arts Captain. General Excellence Award Year 7.

College Productions Year 9 & 10. Drama CAT Book ClubTreasurer. Talent Quest winne.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To stay in touch with my buddies. To live life and be happy. Choir.

MONACO Mary-Anne School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal. 40 Hour Famine. Dante Alighieri Year 10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 9 Camp when we were wrongly directed and left stranded for hours. All the

memorable moments I have shared with my friends over the years. Ambitions and Aspirations: To lx- successfill in my chosen carver. To always keep in touch with my wonderful friends. To

live a happy life and be the best person I can be.

NANFRO Kylie School Achievements: Ash Wednesday liturgy. RCH Good Friday Appeal.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 Drama performance ‘Its hard being alone’ . Year 11 Deb Ball. Good

times with friends from Year 7 to 12. Ambitions and Aspirations: To successfully complete a study in Performing Arts and to some day make my way into

professional musical theatre.

NISBET Natalie School Achievements: Co-hosting English Week and theTalent Quest. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 7 back row with Dan and Raelle. Year 8, best year ever. Year 11 Drama and

English classes. Year 12 imposter ofthe An rooms and Media class. Ambitions and Aspirations: To get a house with my best buddy Nadia and eventually travel overseas. To one day be in a

movie with the most ‘brilliant’ comedian in the world Jim Carey.

PATTI Teresa Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Dancing in the darkroom with Loran. Year 12 Studio Arts.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in my chosen career path, to travel, be happy and to be rich and famous.

PANNELL Lauren Most MemorableOccasion/s at Ave Maria: the cabin window at Year 11 Camp. Being evil with Gail and Shauna in Year

Ambitions and Aspirations: Run to Paradise. 11 Maths with Mrs McLean. Smashing

PAPOULKAS Rebecca School Achievements: Goolagong Vice-Captain. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. Debating Year 7-10. Soccer.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Swimming each and every day ofYear 12. Constantly laughing out loud and

inspiring others to do so. Ambitions and Aspirations:

To live a happy and fulfilled life. many other countries throughout the world. Be successful in my chosen career and continue travelling to

PLACE Nicole School Achievements: Vice-Class Captain Year 12. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. General Excellence Award Year 8.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 8 was the best year.

Ambitions and Aspirations: Live day by day without regrets. "A winner is just a dreamer who won’t quit".

RAFFAELE Natalie. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Eating fish and chips and ice-cream in the Common Room.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To not leave things until the last minute. Go clubbing with Maria 1 and 2 and keep smiling.

RAGONE Danielle School Achievements: Arts Festival. Maths distinction. Drama Production Year 11. Choir. Drama Solo.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Nat Nisbet in studio. Year 7 back row.

me at every available opportunity. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy with what I do. Sing in my band. Stay in Year 11 Camp. Year 12 Media. Stacks on

touch with my best friends.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To get a good job after Uni, so I can be successful and buy myselfa BMW or a Porsche Carrera or

a Boxter!

RIZZOLI Angie School Achievements: Swimming. Netball. Basketball. Softball. Indoor Cricket. Athletics. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-

12. Vice-Sports Captain. Peer Support Year 11 &C 12.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Dressing as a scary Prima. Winning breast-stroke in Year 12.

Ambitions and Aspirations: the consequences later. To be happy and have fun in whatever I do and to always do what makes me happy and think of

ROMANIA Melissa School Achievements: SCSA Athletics. SCSA Netball. Class Captain Year 12.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 CP with Lisa.

Eating ice-cream and fish and chips with ‘Her Bella Ness’ in the Common Room. Running amok with Maria 2 and Maria 3. Ambitions and Aspirations: To live a happy and fulfilling life and be successful in my chosen career.

SALP1ETRO Stephanie School Achievements: Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition 1st Prize Year 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-10.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Never being bored in Year 11 Italian with Stefano and having a party with Fran

every lesson. Year 12 Psychology classes with Alex. Ambitions and Aspirations: To always put 100% into everything eventually find a career in the film industry. I attempt in life. To travel overseas, especially Italy and

SANDERS Tamara School Achievements: Swimming. Peer Support. General Excellence Award Year 7, 9 & 10. Duke of Edinburgh.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 12 Media - without a doubt. Literature with Mr Coleman, Marina and litde

Fran!! Ambitions and Aspirations: To make the most and see the best in even' opportunity presented.

SCOLLO Loran School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal. 40 Hour Famine. Winter Sleepout. Rock Band. College Production -

Year 10. Debutante. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 11 Drama performance as the Matron. Dancing in the darkroom with

Teresa. Constantly changing my hair colour. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful and happy with whatever life brings me and to travel.

SHEAHAN Fiona School Achievements: Class Captain Year 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: "Putting out the lire" with Hannah. Shopping spree at the canteen!

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successfill in my future career and to be happy with my life.

Also to travel with Merch.

SMART Kirsten School Achievements: General Excellence Award. College Productions. Aerobics Year 8.

Vincent de Paul. Arts Festival Year 10 & 11. Winning drug poster competition Year 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal. Winter Sleepout.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Achieving the top mark in Year

Excellence Award. Riding in a limousine to the Year 12 Formal. 12 accelerated Art. Receiving a General

Ambitions and Aspirations: To live a life of contentment and become a Famous dance and drama teacher.

visit my favourite country France and admire the clothes in the Chanel store. Some day I St

hope to

STEDWELL Carly School Achievements: Friday Appeal Year 11 Peer Support Year 11 & 12. Indoor Cricket Year 8-11. 40 Hour Famine Year 9 -

& 12. Softball Year 8-11. General ExcellenceAward Year 10. 12. RCH Good

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 10 Drivers Ed. Year 11 Camp and falling offthe chair in the Science labs in

Year 9. Ambitions and Aspirations: live a happy future. To live my life to the fullest, and to travel the world. To be successful in my chosen career and to

TANCREDI Natalie School Achievements: Athletics Year 7, 8 & 12. Cricket Year 8 &

competition Year 10 & 11. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 10-12. 10. Duke of Edinburgh - Bronze.

St Vincent de Paul Year 9. Italian poetry

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 9 Duke ofEdbinburgh Camp.

Midnight stroll. "Cooking" with Sarah B in Year 8 Home Economics. Year 11 Camp with MaryAnne K -

Ambitions and Aspirations: To be successful in my chosen career and to have my own Alpha Romeo and Mercedes CLK.

TOOHEY Kathryn School Achievements: Basketball. Softball. Indoor Cricket. Volleyball. Athletics.

Friday Appeal. General Excellence Award Year 9 & 11. Duke of Edinburgh. Cross Country. Swimming. RCH Good

Most iMcmorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Making and dressing as Primas. Year 11 Maths. Physics. Drivers Ed with Beck

and Renee. .Ambitions and .Aspirations: To be happy and always remember; "nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm".

TRIBUZIO Nadia School Achievements: Peer Support Year 11 & 12. Class Captain Year 12.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Almost getting killed by Alex in Drivers Ed. Chrissie and 1 going on our own

adventure in Year 9 to Sovereign Hill. Year 10 Italian with Olivia, Nat and Mr Pretto. Living in studio rooms with Nattie and

Dan in Year 12. Ambitions and Aspirations: To invite everyone to my gallery opening in Brunswick Street at our ten year reunion. To look

back at my high school years and smile.

VAN IERSEL Louise School Achievements: Choir. Soccer Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Channy’s brilliant stack in Year 11 over the garden seats and head first into the

gate. Ambitions and Aspirations: To stop stressing so much and not be "negative, bitter and twisted"

VARELA Mariana School Achievements: Dante Alighieri Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Having Stefano as a teacher in Year Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy and to enjoy life to the fullest. 11 Italian. Year 12 Formal.

VOLPE Stephanie School Achievements: Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze.

RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. Maths competition Year 7, 8 & 9. English competition Year 7, 8 & 9. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Making and dressing as Primas. Year 11 Deb. Year 9 Camp.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To keep in contact with my friends, travel the world and be happy with my life.

VRAKAS Alexandra School Achievements: Italian Swinburne competition Year 8 (second place, non-Italian student). Athletics Year 10. Soccer

Year 11. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 9 Indonesian classes with Pak Harding. Year 7 Camp with Grace and Year 10 driving with Nadia 1 I running away from Mr Corliss. Year 8 Home Ec.

almost killed her. Watching Cristina fall in slow

motion. Year 11 Camp where 1 thought I was going to drown. Year 12 Psychology classes with Stephanie and the laughs we

had. Ambitions and Aspirations: To be happy.

WAIT Hannah School Achievements: Annie - Student Director. Class Captain Year 8. Athletics Year 10.

Good Friday Appeal. Duke ofEdinburgh - Bronze. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Putting out the fire in Year 11 RE with Fiona.

Me". Ambitions and Aspirations: To lx- happy. Cross Country Year 9-11. RCH

Singing in Year 10 Maths "Lean on

Ambitions and Aspirations: Dateless balls with Andrea. To get a job and be rich and to happily stay single until I am 28 and go to the Desperate and

WHITE Joanne School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal. SCSA Basketball. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Watching numerous people fall down stairwells over the years. ‘unstoppable giggles* in Biology. Making the front cover ofthe ‘98 Vidian. Getting the

Ambitions and Aspirations: friends. To own a black clubsport. To be healthy and happy. Most of all I would like to stay close to my

WOODWARD Josephine School Achievements: Swimming Year 10-12. Softball Year 11. Indoor Cricket Year 11.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Going to the Year 11 Formal after party:

Ambitions and Aspirations: To work in a childcare centre as a professional child-care worker.

YOUSSEF Raewin School Achievements: 40 Hour Famine Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Textiles classes. Year 7 Camp. Year 11 Camp.

Ambitions and Aspirations: To work in the fashion industry and hopefully open my own store.

ZINO Carla School Achievements: Peer Support. RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 8-12. Duke ofEdinburgh -Silver. General Excellence

Award Year 8. Valedictorian. Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Year 10 with Mrs Pearce and the never ending quest to

fill us with general knowledge. Breaking my wrist at Duke ofEdinburgh Camp and nobody believing me. Psychology with Mrs Eischeid. Going up the tower with Shauna and Becci. Literature with Mr Coleman. Ambitions and Aspirations: To own a straw factory with Mary-Anne as my apprentice. To live in Disneyland. Meet Kelly Slater and travel the world as a music journalist for Rolling Stone orJuice. To continue to be optimistic and to never lose my ability' to smile at the worst oftimes.

ZURZOLO Francesca School Achievements: RCH Good Friday Appeal Year 7-12. Italian Poetry Competition Year 8-11. Debutante.

Most Memorable Occasion/s at Ave Maria: Tuesday night deb practices. Year 12 Psychology. Every Italian class from Year

12. Ambitions and Aspirations: To study in Perugia, Italy with Stephanie.

gallery'. To backpack across Europe and Asia with Joanne. To have my own studio in Fitzroy and to open a 10-

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