Ave Maria College Newsletter - Volume 99 No 1 - 11 February 2022

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Ave Maria College Newsletter Volume 99 No 1 - 11 February 2022

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Prayer Loving God, thank you for your enduring love and guidance over time. In this new year, may we continue to feel your presence. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

From the Principal Dear Ave Maria College community, On behalf of the College community, I warmly welcome you all back to the 2022 school year. We particularly welcome all new students, staff and families who join the Ave Maria community for the first time this year. Congratulations to our Year 7 students who have participated in a successful transition program and have settled into their new school community well. Congratulations also to our Year 12 students who participated in the onsite Retreat program this week. I would like to acknowledge that the start of 2022 is somewhat unexpected, and this is impacted our students differently. I just want to reassure families we are doing all we can, like all schools are, to provide certainty to our students and minimize disruptions. The current Victorian Government and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools advice to schools has been to simplify the start of this school year, to minimize the risk, so that students can be learning face to face with their teachers. Some information has already been communicated to you via the letter that was emailed out to families on Monday 31 January. More information will be shared with you in the weeks ahead as it applies to your daughter. The college is excited for the year ahead and the opportunities they will encounter. On behalf of the College, I would like to introduce you to the following new staff who commenced with us this term.

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I would also like to introduce the following staff who will be joining the team in midFebruary. I am sure that you will join me in welcoming them and making them feel at home in the Ave community. •

Victoria Hallinan

College Nurse

Julie Mullins

PA to the Assistant Principal

Kathy Nguyen

College Nurse

In 2021 the College reviewed the staff leadership structure. Following this review several new positions were introduced to bring to fruition key elements of the Charter for Education. These additions were predominately in the areas of faith, staff instructional practice, wellbeing, and transition. I would like to congratulate the following staff who have taken on new leadership positions in 2022 and wish them all the best for the year ahead: Leading for Learning Jacquie Bigby Kate Bracegirdle Kate De Bolfo Adam Hipwell Patrick Hogan Cassandra Hutchison Carolyn Mills Kate Molony Ferruccio Servello Eloise Warburton Leading for Wellbeing Ellie Katsaouni Louise Crocitti Stephanie Farrugia Lynette Lear Natalie Sacchetta Joanne Thompson

Domain Leader: Science Learning Diversity Leader Domain Leader: STEM and Enterprise Skills Data Literacy for Learning Leader Domain Leader: Religious Education Domain Leader: Performing Arts Domain Leader: Technology (Digital and Food) Director of Learning and Pathways Domain Leader: Mathematics Domain Leader: Visual Arts Year 8 Sub-School Leader Year 9 Sub-School Leader Year 11 Sub-School Leader Year 12 Sub-School Leader Year 10 Sub-School Leader Transition Leader

A full list of staff appointed to leadership positions and Mentor Teachers has been included at the end of this newsletter. This will be a valuable resource for families wanting to contact key staff during this year. Below is an outline of who to contact when: •

Mentor Teacher – First point of contact if you have a concern about your daughter’s wellbeing or transition

Subject Teacher – First point of contact if you have concerns about your daughter’s learning in a subject

Domain Leader – Responsible for curriculum development, planning and delivery for a particular Domain

Sub School Leader – Responsible for overseeing the wellbeing of a particular Year Level Page 3 of 25

This information can also be found in the Family Information Guide which has been published on both PAM and the College website. Families are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the contact of this important documentation. Child Safety @ Ave Maria College At Ave Maria College we are committed to the care, safety and wellbeing of our students and see this as a central and fundamental responsibility of our college. Our commitment is drawn from the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospels. Our College Motto, Striving for Truth through Love, guides our collective efforts in enabling our students to thrive in recognising the truth of God’s love and their own call to seek truth and love, in themselves and in their relationships with others. As part of our policies and procedures the College has a Child Safety Reference Group which includes both student and staff representation. This group meets regularly throughout the year. The College also has two nominated child safety officers who are: • Ms Leonie Rushbrook, Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement) • Mrs Natalie Meddis, Director of Student Wellbeing Parents and carers who wish to access more information regarding child safety at Ave Maria College are welcome to visit the Child Safety section on our College website in the ‘About’ tab. School Advisory Council – Call for Nominations The Schools Advisory Council will play an important role in supporting the work of the College community and Principal by: • Articulating and enacting the School’s vision and mission. • Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos, culture and faith formation. • Implementing School policies as required. • Giving advice to the Principal on issues such as school improvement plans and enrolment trends. • Engaging in discussion with the Principal about the annual school budget. • Giving advice to the Principal about the school Master Plan. • Providing capital resource planning and support to the Principal. Therefore, I would now like to invite interested families and alumnae to nominate to join the At Ave the School Advisory Council. The closing date for nominations is Monday 21 February. If you would like further information or to speak to the Principal prior to lodging an expression of interest, please email principal@avemaria.vic.edu.au. Otherwise interested persons are asked to complete an expression of interest via the following link. Once received you will be invited to meet with the College Principal.

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Conclusion and Prayer I look forward to our journey as we travel through 2022 together in partnership for the education of your daughters. In closing I would like to share the following prayer with you. Blessed are you, Lord God, Creator of body and mind and heart; you have sent the Spirit of wisdom and knowledge to guide your people in all their ways. At the beginning of this new school year we pray for your mercy: bless the students, teachers, and staff of Ave Maria College, that together we may grow in faith, hope, and love as we learn from you and each other how to follow your Son Jesus. Expand the horizons of our minds, that we may grow in wisdom, understanding, and knowledge; deepen our commitment to seek the truth of your ways; and enliven our faith to reach out to those in need. Glory and praise to you, Lord God, in the Church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen God bless and may we follow the way of our College patrons as we continue to strive for truth through love. Tanya Hutton Principal

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College Co-Captains As the 2022 College Co-Captains, we would like to extend a warm welcome back to all members of the Ave community, and a big hello to the Year 7’s and new students in Years 8 to Year 11. Over the summer holidays, the Year 12 Senior Leadership Team had the privilege of attending the yLead January Online Leadership Conference. Over 100 students from a variety of schools in Victoria met via Zoom to collaborate and enhance their leadership skills to be the best possible leaders. Over the two days, we participated in a range of activities from team-building squad competitions to setting goals after being inspired by motivational speakers. By the end of the experience, each of us had established an idea of the type of leader we want to be, and how we can combine our unique strengths to help the Ave community thrive. We are so grateful that we were able to take part in this dynamic event and hope that after being equipped with valuable lessons from this conference, we can help make 2022 your best year yet. Alexandra Evans and Majella Portelli 2022 College Co-Captains

Deputy Principal Welcome to another wonderful year of learning! It is with great joy and expectation that we welcomed all students back to the College for the beginning of the 2022 school year. Our teachers enjoyed some valuable time during Staff Week to prepare for the first term of learning and teaching as we all embark on another exciting year of learning at Ave Maria College.

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The Ave Maria College Charter for Education underpins our faith, learning and wellbeing endeavours at the College.


Studiosity offers 24/7 on demand study help from Subject Specialists with academic literacy skills and core subject support. The easiest way to access Studiosity is through any of your daughter’s class learning pages on Ave Learning via the 'student resources' section on the left-hand side menu. What is Studiosity? It’s on-demand, online help from real-life subject specialists. You can ask a question in maths, biology, chemistry, physics and much more. Plus, you can also upload a writing file and get feedback in less than 24 hours. You’ll be guided and helped so that it’s all your own thinking and own work, so you’ll be confident that you have achieved your personal best. Best of all, it’s completely free for you because you’re an enrolled student! Michelle Robertson Deputy Principal

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Assistant Principal (Community and Growth) AMC Social Media Are you following the College Social media accounts? We have active profiles on Facebook (@avemariacollegeaberfeldie), Instagram (@avemariacollege), twitter (@avemariacollege), and LinkedIn (Ave Maria College). We regularly share and celebrate current students, College Alumnae, a weekly Gospel reflection, and the very popular ‘Friday round-up’ which highlights some of the key activities and events whilst showcasing the talents and gifts of our community. Ave Alumnae – Ave Belong As part of our brand refresh in 2021 we renamed our Ave Alumnae network to Ave Belong. This name is a deliberate and intentional statement that our students, past and present, will always belong to the Ave Community. We are continuing to build our communications and celebrations of our College alumnae, with now weekly posts on our College social media accounts in our Ave Belong series where we profile former students, sharing their journeys and reflection on their time at the College. If you are, or know someone, who we should profile, email us at media@avemaria.vic.edu.au. We encourage all former students to also register on our Ave Alumnae site Ave Belong. This is a great networking platform as well as our primary avenue for engaging with former students and advertising alumnae events. The College has recently published the latest edition of our twice-yearly Alumnae publication, Ave Belong (formerly Women of Ave). This publication celebrates the journeys, achievements, and destinations of our students – both past and present. Each edition also highlights life at the College, including staff profiles, school events and programs. In the latest edition we hear from past students making their mark in the fields of Engineering, Healthcare and Entrepreneurship! The digital edition of Ave Belong Edition 8 Summer 2021 can be found HERE. Please contact media@avemaria.vic.edu.au if you require a hard copy. Back to Ave Day – Update Over recent years the College has enjoyed welcoming back past students at the ‘Back to Ave’ days. These have been reunion days for students who finished 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years ago. Like most things, Covid restrictions over the past 2 years meant that we have not been able to celebrate students from the graduating classes of ‘9’ in 2020 or ‘0’ in 2021. So this year will be a bumper ‘back to Ave Day’ which will include graduates from these years as well as the ‘1’s. Covid restrictions for events and visitors are still in place, however, we are optimistic that we will be able to host an event later this year. Please save the date for Sunday, 3 April 2022 and stay tuned for more information in the next newsletter. Jo Hammer Assistant Principal (Community and Growth)

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Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement) What a delight it has been seeing all students in Years 7-12 return to being onsite after the summer break. The enthusiasm as students reacquainted with their friends and teachers showed the strength of what it means to belong at Ave Maria College. Our newest members in Year 7 were warmly welcomed by our Senior Leadership Team, Staff, Mentor teachers and the Year 11 Peer Support Leaders. We also warmly welcomed a number of new students beginning in other year levels. We welcome all new families to our Ave family; we welcome back our current families and will work in partnership with you all to support the educational and well-being growth of all students. Senior Student Leadership Team In mid-January the Senior Student Leadership Team were required to show their agile response when the yLead Student Leadership Conference was moved online rather than be onsite at The University of Melbourne. The Senior Student Leadership Group comprises of: Alexandra Evans College Co-Captain Majella Portelli College Co-Captain Ella-Grace Arnold Franciscan Co-Captain Simona Mussie Brhane Franciscan Co-Captain Hannah Masters Academic Co-Captain Alexandra Priestley Academic Co-Captain Caitlin Grech Arts Captain Amelia Panaia Clare House Captain Sienna Zoccali Clare House Captain Emily Bock Francis House Captain Olivia Grande Francis House Captain Charley Hinton Helene House Captain Emily Sawaya Helene House Captain Ella Hill Mary House Captain Chiara Liberatore Mary House Captain These Student Leaders led the way in responding in a positive and mature manner in their acceptance of the Covid adjustment and then focussing on their commitments to Leading the Ave community this year. They are to be congratulated on enthusiastically participating in the online Conference. We are well placed in having these leaders that can demonstrate such resilience. At the Conference I was privileged to witness the Senior Student Leaders collaboratively work to arrive at three words that they want to leave as their legacy for all students in the College. The three words they embraced are Participation, Inclusion and Enthusiasm. I have asked some of our newest Year 7 students to write, where, in the short time they have been members of Ave, that they have seen evidence of these words in action:

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Participation: by Emily Tripodi “Participation is key to really enjoying Ave. Being a new student it is important to put our hands up for opportunities. Even if we don’t get it as I always say, “it’s better off trying than regretting.” Inclusion: by Anabelle Howe “Everybody at Ave Maria were so inclusive. I felt that I fitted in right away with some help from the Peer Support Leaders.” Enthusiasm: by Liana-Rose Alampi “All the teachers and staff are always making us feel very welcome and encouraging students to focus on work while enjoying the subject. I’m absolutely loving coming to school. There is such a wonderful mood and sense of enthusiasm in the air.” Student Wellbeing and Management Teams This year we have introduced a Sub-\ School Leader at each Year 7 to 12 level to support the wellbeing and educational needs of our students (refer to Principals message for Sub School Leader list). I proudly announce Counselling Team who will work closely with Ms Meddis (Director of Student Wellbeing) and myself to support all students. Erin Quigley: Cara McMahon:

College Psychologist College Counsellor

Student Safety: Gate Entry In keeping all of our students safe whilst at the College we will have all entry gates closed after students have entered the grounds. When parents or students need to access the College after this they are requested to go to Gate 2, the double gate near the historical Clydebank building, and press the buzzer that is connected to reception. Student Safety: Outside the Gates We ask that parents respect all road signs outside the College gates. Please do not double park as this is not safe for our students. We want all students to get home safely, and to ensure that the safety of staff and the crossing staff is not compromised. It may be that you ask your daughter to meet you further up the street. Walking a little bit further to the pick-up destination is promoting a healthy lifestyle. Student Safety: Mobile Phone Policy Social media is a part of student’s lives and we ask for responsible use of the mobile phone whilst at the College. We request that on arrival at the gate that EarPods and mobile phones are taken and then placed securely in a student’s locker. At the end of the day, after exiting the College gates, students may use their phones. We focus on the need for students to connect and communicate whilst on College grounds. Mobile phones will only be allowed to be used for educational purposes under the approved direction of staff. Parents who need to contact your child please do so via reception and student services. Page 10 of 25

Uniform Students have returned after the break to well ventilated Covid safe classrooms. As such, it remains the rule that students can wear either their full summer uniform or full winter uniform on any day provided it is not a mix and match version of the two. We want students to be proud members of our Ave community and as such wear our uniform with pride. Students are reminded that the dress length is to the knee, that one set of studs (no bigger than 5mm in diameter) and no other piercings are allowed, and that makeup (including fake eyelashes) and fake nails are not permitted. We will work in partnership with parents, to support the College in ensuring that these requirements are met. When an issue arises with meeting uniform requirements, please write a note to the student’s Mentor teacher. Leonie Rushbrook Assistant Principal (Students and Engagement)

Director of Catholic Identity and Mission Year 12 Retreat With the health and safety of the Year 12 cohort and staff firmly in mind, the Year 12 retreat was conducted at the College on Thursday 10 February and Friday 11 February. The theme of the retreat was ‘For it is in giving that we receive’ and contained a mix of activities focused on building Mentor group relationships as well as time for personal reflection and prayer. This is all designed to give the students the best possible foundation to do well in Year 12. The College ensured the girls received a catered for morning tea and lunch on both days.

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Photography: Alexandra Priestley

In coming newsletters, watch out for an update about Homework Club aka refugee tutoring, an opportunity for service by Year 10-12 students. You will also shortly hear from our Year 12 Franciscan Captains and the Franciscan Leaders at Years 7 to 11 about their initiatives for 2022. Patrick Jurd Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

Director of Learning and Pathways Welcome back to our students! It has been an exciting time to come into this role, as we welcome all of our students back for another year of learning. Students have commenced with engagement and positive attitudes to their courses of study. A particular welcome to our new students - from 7 to 12 – who have picked up their College notebooks, navigated the access to Digital online resources and enjoyed the different subjects that are on offer – sometimes for the very first time. VCE & VET Programs of Study VCE subjects have started well and, whilst there was some movement in changing subject areas, students are now settled and working towards their first outcomes. Please note that all requests for subject changes have now closed. The majority of our external VETs have commenced, and communication has been made home about these arrangements – with only a couple of subjects due to commence next week.

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The SAC schedule will be released imminently. Students and parents are reminded of the protocols that exist around missing assessments, and the process for rescheduling. Please make contact if you have any concerns. I wish all students, their parents and staff all the best for the year ahead. I warmly invite you to contact me if you require any support with VCE or VET programs, or if you have any questions about the delivery of learning and curriculum at the College.

Kate Molony Director of Learning and Pathways

Director of Student Wellbeing Student Support We take a proactive approach to student wellbeing at Ave Maria, with a focus on the full flourishing of each of our students. We have grown the Student Wellbeing Team to six Sub School leaders who work with the Mentor Teachers in order to ensure that our students are known and grown throughout the year. Please refer to the Principals address for the list of Sub School leaders. When students need some extra support the Counselling Services Team are able to spend time with students to help them develop the tools to deal with stress, relationships and the challenges of the teenage years. Our Student Counsellor is Cara McMahon, and our College Psychologist is Erin Quigley. Erin has joined Ave Maria this year and has quickly established a rapport with our students. Cara’s work has benefitted our students for over a year now and she has helped them develop a solutions-focused approach that has empowered them to challenge negative thinking and engage more fully. Mentor Period Students participate in Mentor Period each Day 8 for one lesson. The program is structured to incorporate the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program as well as supporting our students to develop the characteristics that we value in learners, as articulated in our Learning Charter. We also support the growth of the skills and habits emphasised through the Visible Wellbeing Framework. In Week 2 students familiarised themselves with their Mentor

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Group and established the learning culture that they wanted in their classrooms.

Our Mentor Period running on Wednesday, 23 February will focus on the Learning Charter and the Learner Attributes with students evaluating their areas for growth. Our Year 12 students will reflect on the legacy they would like to leave at the College and be encouraged to lean in to their leadership as senior students.

Natalie Meddis Director of Student Wellbeing

Careers Education Leader Careers Team The Ave Maria Careers team includes Mrs Tyana Viti and myself. We look forward to working with you and your daughters to plan their future pathways. We aim to provide a hope-filled, strengths based and future focused approach. We are located in the Helene Library and provide student resources, programs, events, classes and careers counselling. Class of 2021 We congratulate the class of 2021 on their success and their chosen pathways at University, Vocational Education, apprenticeships and work. Our five most popular tertiary destinations were La Trobe, RMIT, ACU, Melbourne, Swinburne and Victoria Universities. It is pleasing to note that 74% receiving their first preference and a further 15% their second preference! A wide variety of pathways included science, performing and fine arts, health sciences, business and legal areas. Year 12 future planning Term 1 Year 12 Future Planning appointments have started, and parents are welcome to attend by emailing careers@avemaria.vic.edu.au. These meetings are important to discuss plans and to research options for 2023. Ave Maria Careers website Our Ave Maria Careers website can be easily accessed, via our main website links. It is a wonderful tool for students and families to explore important career information and resources.

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To view our Career Newsletter articles, click here. Topics this week include: •

University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)

for Year 12 Medicine applicants

Spotlight on Dental Technology and Oral Health Courses in 2022

New courses at The University of Melbourne and ACU

Bond University Leads in Business Start-Up Success Stories

ANU - Tuckwell Scholarship for 2023

Poppy Ibrahim Careers Education Leader

Around the College

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College Production We are very excited to announce that we will be putting on Disney’s Beauty and the Beast for this year's College Production. All students interested in auditioning for a principal role or ensemble cast are asked to attend the dance/movement audition in their year level groups after school on Thursday the 17th of February and book a separate 3-minute acting and/or singing audition slot for Saturday the 19th of February. These auditions will be held in the hall at the College. If your child is successful in being cast, rehearsals will be held after school from 3.45-6.30pm on Mondays and 3.45-5.30 on Thursdays, including a few holiday rehearsals. Performance dates will be 19-20th of August at St Bernard’s College. Students can access more information on the AMC College Community – College Production channel. There are many opportunities that come with a College Production, and we encourage our wonderful students to get involved, whether that be on or off stage. Cassandra Hutchison, Katie Houghton Sophie Maclure The Performing Arts team School Photos 2022 Annual school photos have been taken by Arthur Reed Photos. A follow up day for students who were absent will take place on Thursday, 17 February 2022. To view the images of your child and order photos, you will need to first register online. 1.

Go to https://order.arphotos.com.au and enter the 2022 image code for your child (from their personalized flyer) 2. Tap on ‘Add another child’ to enter the image codes of any siblings 3. Fill in your email and mobile details and then review all details before confirming your registration

That’s it! When 2022 photos are ready, you will be notified by email and SMS. Even if you registered last year, it’s important that you do it again each year using your child’s new image code to link their photos for the current year with your contact details. To ensure you are ordering school photos for the current year, please wait for notifications that 2022 images are online before placing orders. In the web shop you can view photos and customize your photo package; Choose ANY layout, ANY image and purchase multiple digital image downloads. Page 16 of 25

All photo orders will be sent directly to the address you provide when ordering. REGISTER ONLINE NOW to be notified when 2022 school photos can be viewed and ordered.

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QUICK LINKS Parent Access Module (PAM) Click here to access the College Parent Access Module (PAM) SkoolBag The SkoolBag App is the easiest way to keep up with school events, last minute notices, newsletters and all school communications. CDF Pay CDFpay is an online payment platform families can use to pay for school services from your mobile, tablet or computer at any time. Families can: • place student online lunch orders. • add funds to student accounts to be used for over the counter canteen purchases. • add funds to student accounts to be used for Printing Credit. College Calendar Please refer to the College Calendar for all Upcoming Events and Dates of Importance. Click on the heading to take you to the Calendar. 2022 Positions of Leadership Click the above link for the full College leadership structure for 2022. Community Announcement – School Drop off / Pick up Drop off / pick up times are always busy. Please remember that road laws need to be always obeyed. Moonee Valley Council Officers regular patrol the area around the College and will issue fines if they observe any breaches of the laws. Do not park on or near a school crossing. Do not double park and let your child out on the road. You cannot stay in the drop off / pick up zone for longer than two minutes. Your child needs to be waiting in the zone before you arrive. Fines for offences are; • • • • • • •

Stopping in a “No Stopping” area - $165.00 Stopped in a Bus Zone - $99.00 Parked for a period longer than indicated - $83.00 Stopping on or near a children’s crossing - $165.00 Stopped on a footpath - $99.00 Stopped on or across a driveway or other way of access - $99.00 Parked / stopped on a nature strip - $99.00

The College values being part of the local community and asks you to respect our neighbors by always obeying the road rules.

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14–22 Vida Street Aberfeldie VIC 3040 ABN 41 797 220 262

phone (03) 9331 9300 email avemaria@avemaria.vic.edu.au www.avemaria.vic.edu.au

@avemariacollege @avemariacollege @avemariacollegeaberfeldie

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