AVENUE Concierge 2015

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Welcome to New York! We are so pleased to have you in our vibrant city. We know that the opportunities and adventures here are endless, so we want to give you access to the native tastemakers and influencers who know better than anyone how and where to spend your visit! New York is full of shops, restaurants, galleries and cultural institutions. There are many new real estate developments making different neighborhoods hot, and new destinations like the High Line and Hudson Yards. AVENUE Concierge is a compilation of our editors’ favorite picks across these spectrums. You will also hear from interesting New Yorkers, talking about their favorite neighborhoods and personal bests—secrets you won’t find in any other tour guide! This edition of AVENUE Concierge marks our first ever partnership with NYCAHC (New York City Association of Hotel Concierges). We partnered with the city’s leading concierges to create the “Concierge A-List”—reviews of the most highly recommended restaurants to help you make dining decisions. We also have our annual “Chef’s Picks,” where you can find out what and where the city’s best chefs are eating when they’re not in their own restaurants We recognize that people from around the world and country are flocking to New York and filling our streets, stores, restaurants, hotels, parties and apartment buildings with additional perspectives and tastes. We love connecting you to all of our favorite places and people so that we can continue to add to New York’s vibrance together. Enjoy our city!

Kind Regards,

Randi Schatz President 6


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The Perfect Tribeca Home Developed by visionar y Silverstein Properties Masterfully designed by Robert A.M. Stern Architects Ser vices by Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts







A L L I M AG E S A R E A R T I S T S ’ R E N D E R I N G S . A D D I T I O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N AVA I L A B L E AT T H E S A L E S O F F I C E . T H E CO M P L E T E O F F E R I N G T E R M S A R E I N A N O F F E R I N G P L A N AVA I L A B L E F R O M T H E S P O N S O R . F I L E N O . C D 1 3 - 0 2 5 8 . S P O N S O R R E S E RV E S T H E R I G H T TO M A K E C H A N G E S I N ACCO R DA N C E W I T H T H E T E R M S O F T H E O F F E R I N G P L A N . F U R N I T U R E N OT I N C L U D E D . S P O N S O R : 3 0 PA R K P L AC E R E S I D E N T I A L L LC , C /O S I LV E R S T E I N P R O P E R T I E S I N C . 2 5 0 G R E E N W I C H S T R E E T, N E W YO R K , N E W YO R K 1 0 0 07. E Q UA L H O U S I N G O P P O R T U N I T Y. 3 0 PA R K P L AC E , F O U R S E A S O N S P R I VAT E R E S I D E N C E S N E W YO R K D O W N TO W N W I L L B E M A N AG E D BY F O U R S E A S O N S H OT E L S L I M I T E D A N D/O R I T S A F F I L I AT E S ( F O U R S E A S O N S ) , T H O U G H T H E Y W I L L N OT B E O W N E D , D E V E LO P E D O R S O L D BY F O U R S E A S O N S . S P O N S O R U S E S T H E F O U R S E A S O N S T R A D E M A R K S A N D T R A D E N A M E S U N D E R A L I C E N S E F R O M F O U R S E A S O N S H OT E L S L I M I T E D . CO R CO R A N S U N S H I N E M A R K E T I N G G R O U P I S T H E R E A L E S TAT E AG E N T R E S P O N S I B L E F O R T H E M A R K E T I N G O F 3 0 PA R K P L AC E , F O U R S E A S O N S P R I VAT E R E S I D E N C E S N E W YO R K D O W N TO W N . T H E M A R K S “ F O U R S E A S O N S , ” “ F O U R S E A S O N S H OT E L S A N D R E S O R T S , ” A N Y CO M B I N AT I O N T H E R E O F A N D T H E T R E E D E S I G N A R E R E G I S T E R E D T R A D E M A R K S O F F O U R S E A S O N S H OT E L S L I M I T E D I N C A N A DA A N D U . S . A . A N D O F F O U R S E A S O N S H OT E L S ( B A R B A D O S ) LT D . E L S E W H E R E . * $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 P R I C E R E F L E C T S A CO M B I N AT I O N O F T WO P E N T H O U S E U N I T S .

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PRESIDENT’S LETTER A welcome letter from AVENUE’s president, Randi Schatz


MY FAVORITE THINGS Distinguished and stylish New Yorkers share their special places, off-the-radar hot spots and places where they go to get inspired, have a meal, grab a cup of coffee, buy a trendy outfit, and more.


CHEF PICKS Top celebrity chefs divulge their favorite places to dine when they aren’t the ones cooking.


CONCIERGE INSIDER The first ever published restaurant list, in partnership with the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges, composed by luxury hotel concierges.


TALES FROM THE CONCIERGE DESK Concierges at some of the city’s most luxurious hotels share interesting requests, insider tips and their favorite places to dine, things to do and sights to see.


NEW YORK IN THE FOUR SEASONS Each season in New York offers something special. Be it ice-skating under the famed Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in the winter or taking in a New York Philharmonic concert on the Great Lawn in the summer, here are the traditions of four prominent New Yorkers in their favorite season.


NEIGHBORHOOD INSIDERS Noteworthy locals like radio and television personality Lionel; Caroline Hirsch, founder and owner of the famed comedy club Carolines; Elizabeth Feld Herzberg, an owner of Hirschl & Adler Galleries; Monica Blum, founding president of the Lincoln Square Business Improvement District; Leonard Steinberg, president of real estate brokerage Compass; and Hall Willkie, president of Brown Harris Stevens, the luxury residential real estate company, give guided tours of the best their neighorhoods have to offer, including Chelsea, Greenwich Village, the Upper East Side, Times Square, Lincoln Center, Hell’s Kitchen and more . . .


AVENUE PICKS Our highly selective choices for the best of everything Manhattan has to offer, from the finest shopping destinations, to the best spas, nightlife, cultural attractions, jewelry stores and guilty pleasures.


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M e ti c u l o u s l y c r a f t e d r e s i d e n c e s . Re s o r t - i n s p i r e d a m e n i ti e s . A N ew D e s ti n a ti o n o n We s t E n d Ave n u e. 1 – 4 B e d r o o m C o n d o m i n i u m s f r o m a p p r ox i m a t e l y $ 1 . 5 5 t o ove r $2 0 M M DESIGN CENTER

5 5 5 W E S T 5 9 T H S T R E E T N YC O P E N BY A P P O I N T M E N T 1 W E S T E N D.C O M 2 1 2 7 57 0 0 5 9

Developed by Elad Group & Silverstein Proper ties The complete offering terms are in an offering plan available from Sponsor File # CD14-0259. Sponsor: Riverside Center Site 5 Owner LLC, having an address c/o El Ad US Holding, Inc., 575 Madison Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, New York 10022. Image is an artist rendering. D B OX

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AVENUE PRESIDENT Randi Schatz rschatz@manhattanmedia.com EDITOR Daisy Prince dprince@manhattanmedia.com CONCIERGE EDITOR Andrea Doyle ART DIRECTOR/MANAGING EDITOR Jessica Ju-Hyun Lee Ho jlee@manhattanmedia.com EXECUTIVE EDITOR Haley Friedlich hfriedlich@manhattanmedia.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR Amanda N. Ross aross@manhattanmedia.com REAL ESTATE EDITOR Michael Gross mgross@manhattanmedia.com FASHION DIRECTOR AT LARGE Emily Barnes CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Christopher Lawrence CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Debbie Bancroft

R. Couri Hay

Andrew J. Roth


Patrick McMullan

Keith Major

ADVERTISING DESIGNER Jen Ng jng@manhattanmedia.com COPY EDITOR James Walsh FACT CHECKER Andrew J. Roth INTERN Josefina Garcia ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Susan Feinman sfeinman@manhattanmedia.com SENIOR ACCOUNT DIRECTORS Allyson Deane adeane@manhattanmedia.com

Eva Saleh esaleh@manhattanmedia.com


Kathy Rae

Catherine Ellams

Jean Lynch

Tom W. Ratcliffe III


Rosemary Winters

ACCOUNT DIRECTOR, SOUTH FLORIDA & CARIBBEAN Maria Coyne mecoyne@mecoyneinc.com MARKETING MANAGER Kieara Nunez knunez@manhattanmedia.com SALES & MARKETING COORDINATOR Amourelle Delmonte adelmonte@manhattanmedia.com GENERAL MANAGER OF OPERATIONS Shawn Scott sscott@manhattanmedia.com ACCOUNTS MANAGER Kathy Pollyea kpollyea@manhattanmedia.com CIRCULATION MANAGERS Aaron Pollard apollard@manhattanmedia.com

Dave Caldwell dcaldwell@manhattanmedia.com

DIRECTOR OF DIGITAL Dennis Rodriguez drodriguez@manhattanmedia.com WEB DEVELOPER Harvey Richards hrichards@manhattanmedia.com JUNIOR WEB DEVELOPER Stephanie Schroeck sschroeck@manhattanmedia.com |

manhattan media |

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Richard Burns rburns@manhattanmedia.com EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Hilary Vartanian hvartanian@manhattanmedia.com Avenue Media, LLC 72 Madison Avenue, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10016 Subscriptions are $100 in U.S., $150 overseas Tel: 212.268.8600 Fax: 212.268.0577 E-mail: avenue@manhattanmedia.com www.avenuemagazine.com Member of:


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Fine Art & Gems at the Shops of the Plaza 768 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019 TEL: 212 498 9450

For private viewing of our extensive collection please call 310 699 2193​

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Some of our favorite New Yorkers divulge their picks for the places they return to again and again for perfect New York moments.


o one knows the nuances of the city better than native New Yorkers. We asked a diverse group of prominent locals for an insider’s look. From the ageless to the edgy, the timeless to the new, they shared their favorites in dining, culture, shopping, wellness, and entertainment. Super-fit OBGYN and ABC News senior medical contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton offers her go-to workout spot; fashion designer B Michael shares where he heads for inspiration; and Jonathan Tisch, chairman of Loews Hotels and Resorts, has a favorite eatery for lunch and people watching. In addition, famed celebrity event planner Arthur Backal notes his favorite hair studio; Julia Sutton of exhale spas points out the skyscraper she uses for meditation; Frederick Warburg Peters, president of Warburg Realty, lists his favorite music venue; and Elizabeth Ann Stribling-Kivlan, president of Stribling & Associates, divulges where she goes for her caffeine fix.

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Jonathan Tisch is cochairman of the board and a member of the office of the president of Loews Corporation, one of the largest diversified financial holding companies in the United States, and is also chairman of its subsidiary, Loews Hotels & Resorts. Tisch is the author of three bestselling books: The Power of We: Succeeding Through Partnerships; Chocolates on the Pillow Aren’t Enough: Reinventing the Customer Experience; and Citizen You: Doing Your Part to Change the World.

JONATHAN TISCH, Chairman, Loews Hotels and Resorts

COFFEE SHOP Viand Coffee Shop Best turkey in town! 673 Madison Avenue at East 61st Street 212.751.6622 www.cafeviand.com

LUNCHTIME The Four Seasons Restaurant Grill Room The classic NYC “power lunch.” 99 East 52nd Street 212.754.9494 www.fourseasonsrestaurant.com/ grill-room.php

EVENING’S ENTERTAINMENT MetLife Stadium Home to the New York Giants, MetLife Stadium also hosts major concerts and entertainment events, college sporting events, international soccer matches, motor sports, and family shows. One MetLife Stadium Drive East Rutherford, NJ 201.559.1515 www.metlifestadium.com

Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery

BAKED GOODS Mah-Ze-Dahr Bakery Takes baked goods to another level. The bakery, which now sells its products at Intelligentsia Café and ‘wichcraft, will turn out baker Umber Ahmad’s creations in its own shop in the West Village later this year. 28 Greenwich Avenue 212.498.9810 www.mahzedahrbakery.com

DINNER ABC Kitchen Creative food without being pretentious. 35 East 18th Street 212.475.5829 www.abchome.com/eat/abc-kitchen/

MUSEUM Culture Shed Not open yet, but it’s highly anticipated as the new international center for artistic and cultural innovation. Intersection of the High Line and Hudson Yards www.nyccultureshed.org

SPA Julin Farel Restore Salon and Spa A warm, relaxing atmosphere with skilled professionals. Set on the second floor of the Loews Regency Hotel. 540 Park Avenue 212.888.8988 www.julienfarel.com

Regency Bar & Grill

MORNING WAKE UP Regency Bar & Grill Home of the famed “Power Breakfast,” a term coined by Bob Tisch, cofounder of the hotel, in 1975. The Loews Regency Hotel 540 Park Avenue and 61st Street 212.339.4050 www.regencybarandgrill.com


With a son focused on becoming a Broadway producer, I enjoy myself in any theater.


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Dr. Ashton does more than report medical news on national television: she practices obstetrics and gynecology as well. She received her medical degree from Columbia University, and upon graduation, was awarded the prestigious Bartlestone Award in Pharmacology. She is currently enrolled in the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons Institute of Human Nutrition Master’s Degree Program in Clinical Nutrition, making Dr. Ashton one of the only MDs with a national media platform who will have a degree in nutrition.

DR. JENNIFER ASHTON, Physician, Author and Television Medical Contributor


SHOPPING Bergdorf Goodman I have memories of going there with my mom when I was little. I love to go floor to floor and look at all the beautiful clothes, then have lunch at their restaurant. Even my son loves the restaurant! Delicious food and landmark NYC shopping! 754 Fifth Avenue 212.753.7300 www.bergdorfgoodman.com

SUSHI Sasabune A best-kept secret: there are no menus or California rolls here. The sushi keeps coming until you are full. No frills, very authentic. It’s all about the fish and the conversation. 401 East 73rd Street 212.249.8583 www.sasabunenyc.com

MUSEUM The Frick Collection I had to visit the conservation rooms when I was an art history major at Columbia College. I love the architecture, the intimate feel and the history of the building. 1 East 70th Street 212.288.0700 www.frick.org

“I love to go floor to floor and look at all the beautiful clothes, then have lunch at their restaurant.” —on Bergdorf Goodman

Soul Cycle

HEALTH CLUB Soul Cycle My favorite workout. Especially the studio on West 77th Street. www.soul-cycle.com


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Frederick Warburg Peters is president of Warburg Realty Partnership. A graduate of Yale College with a master’s degree from CUNY, Peters entered the real estate business as a residential agent in 1980. After working as a sales director at Albert B. Ashforth for a number of years, he acquired and renamed the 95-year old firm in 1991. Since that time, he has expanded the company from 40 to 130 agents and from one to four locations. Peters commitment to integrity, professionalism and expertise has helped to position Warburg as one of New York’s few major independent residential brokerage providers.

FREDERICK WARBURG PETERS, President, Warburg Realty

ENTERTAINMENT Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) Since I am a fan of contemporary classical music, and sit on several boards that promote it, I love BAM. I think everything they do there is fascinating. It’s the only venue in the city in which I have absolute confidence. I think Karen Brooks Hopkins and Joe Melillo are NYC cultural treasures. 30 Lafayette Street, Brooklyn 718.636.4100 www.bam.org Brooklyn Academy of Music

Brooklyn Academy of Music

COFFEE SHOP Viand My favorite coffee shop is the Viand. I prefer the one on 78th and Madison, but use the one closer to my office almost every day for a take-out lunch: a club sandwich on whole wheat toast with Russian dressing and extra cole slaw. I probably eat that two or three times a week. Great turkey at the Viand. Viand Cafe (at 78th Street) 2130 Broadway #1 212.877.2888 www.viandcafenyc.com Sarabeth’s

FOOD Sarabeth’s If I am not going to Viand for breakfast, I will go to Sarabeth’s on the Upper West Side. Although they have recently broken my heart by removing the Popeye eggs from the menu, at least they still have the pumpkin waffle (I have it without the sour cream, of course). www.sarabethsrestaurants.com

FOOD E.A.T. I love food, but I am not that much of a restaurant guy. When in doubt, my wife and I tend to go to E.A.T. on 80th and Madison. It’s like our outside dining room. We know them, they know us. 1064 Madison Avenue 212.772.0022 www.elizabar.com La Mirabelle I am very fond of this family-run restaurant and its classic French dishes, especially during cassoulet season 102 West 86th Street 212.496.0458 www.lamirabellenyc.com


I don’t do boutiques. I tend to have my shirts and suits made for me. I do like T-shirts from Banana Republic. It’s almost impossible for me to stay in a store for longer than 15 minutes. I now buy a lot of my ties online and have become a relentless eBay shopper.


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445 Park Avenue 212-906-9200

UppEr EastsidE

1121 Madison Avenue 212-317-7700

Edward LEE CavE division 790 Madison Avenue 212-772-8510


1926 Broadway, Mezz. 212-588-5600


130 Fifth Avenue 212-906-0500


43 North Moore Street 212-452-4500

brookLyn HEigHts 129 Montague Street 718-875-1289

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100 Seventh Avenue 718-230-5500

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Julia Sutton is at the core of exhale spas, a unique and talented team of individuals with a genuine passion for helping people bridge the mind and body to improve overall well-being. exhale currently operates 24 spas in 11 cities globally, six of which are in New York City. exhale’s Midtown location is situated on Central Park South; others are located in the Flatiron District; the Gansevoort Park Avenue Hotel; SoHo; the Upper East Side on East 66th Street,and within Gansevoort Meatpacking in the Meatpacking District. An exhale can also be found in the heart of Bridgehampton.

JULIA SUTTON, Chief Operating Officer, exhale

FOR RELAXATION The Sony Tower One of my treasured places is the Sony Building, because as a college student it was where I would bring my packed lunch and enjoy the views. I started as a personal trainer at the Peninsula Spa on Fifth Avenue and couldn’t even afford a slice of pizza in the area. Now, I spend many mornings there, conducting my morning meditation and being grateful for how far I have come in my professional and personal lives. It’s so important to value your roots. It helps keep your ego in check. 550 Madison Avenue between 55th and 56th Streets 212.833.8100 www.sonywondertechlab.com


WORK OUT exhale My prized workout is Core Fusion Extreme at exhale. The class moves through power stations consisting of highintensity work followed by brief moments of active recovery. This hour of power incorporates gliders, heavy hand weights, a plyo box, suspension training, cardio explosions and intense core work. Six NYC locations www.exhalespa.com


Love this place so much! Best lobster roll in Manhattan, not to mention a great vibe and atmosphere. 18 Cornelia Street 212.691.8211 www.pearloysterbar.com

FOOD AND DRINK The Todd English Food Hall at The Plaza I love this European-inspired specialty food hall that offers the finest fresh gourmet foods. It’s a great place to grab a glass of wine. It’s healthy and convenient if only I can stay away from the delicious fries. Fifth Avenue at Central Park South 212.986.9260 www.theplazany.com


MUSEUM MoMA Not only my favorite museum in New York, but my favorite in the whole world. There is always something new and exciting to take in. 11 W. 53rd Street 212.708.9400 www.moma.org


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we are proud to be recognized as the


2015 by

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The pulse of New York City is in Arthur Backal’s blood. One of the city’s foremost hospitality experts, Backal has earned an international reputation as the “go-to” guru for New York’s most memorable events. In the course of two decades in the industry, Backal has managed more than 20 event spaces in New York and worked with some of the world’s most famous celebrities, and has consulted and participated in the development of new hotels, restaurants and event spaces across the globe.

ARTHUR BACKAL, Celebrity Event Planner/Hospitality Consultant

RESTAURANTS TBar Steak and Lounge I go there for lunch or dinner: best tuna tartare in the city, and the desserts are sinful. (Disclaimer: I am an investor, but I would go anyway—ask all my friends who go all the time.) 1278 3rd Avenue 212.772.0404 www.tbarnyc.com

BREAKFAST My apartment I make a great latte and mix it up daily, having breakfast with my soon-to-be-nine-year-old daughter before she heads off to school.

SPA Mandarin Oriental New York’s spa Nothing better than the Mandarin Oriental New York’s spa. Spoil yourself—it’s worth it! (Disclaimer: I handle the events at the hotel, but that has nothing to do with the spa being the best!) 80 Columbus Circle 212.805.8880 www.mandarinoriental.com/ newyork/luxury-spa/

Mandarin Oriental New York’s spa

BREAKFAST: My apartment

Madison Square Garden

I make a great latte and mix it up daily, having breakfast with my soon-to-benine-year-old daughter before she heads off to school.

LUNCH Estiatorio Milos Great lunch special: tomato salad, loup de mer, dessert—that’s my standard. And you can’t beat the price. 125 West 55th Street 212.245.7400 www.milos.ca

DINNER Carbone When I venture out from my neighborhood on the Upper East Side, Carbone features amazing Italian food with a great atmosphere. Anything the restaurant company the Major Food Group does, I will be there! 181 Thompson Street 212.933.0707 www.carbonenewyork.com

FAVORITE ENTERTAINMENT VENUE Madison Square Garden for a concert or MetLife Stadium for a football game—better when the teams are winning! Madison Square Garden 4 Pennsylvania Plaza 212.465.6741 www.thegarden.com

MetLife Stadium One MetLife Stadium Drive East Rutherford, NJ 201.559.1500 www.metlifestadium.com

SALON Shaggy Hair Studio The owners Oren and Yosi make everyone feel special. 1405 Third Avenue 212.772.2288 www.shaggyhairstudio.com


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The Store at MAD

© The Store at MAD


Jerome and Simona Chazen Building / 2 ColumBuS CirCle, nYC / madmuSeum.org Pathmakers: Women in Art, Craft and Design, Midcentury and Today, 2015.

Photo by Jenna Bascom. © Museum of Arts and Design.

© Hélène Binet

ROBERT Restaurant


A fifth-generation New Yorker, Elizabeth Ann Stribling-Kivlan is a graduate of the Chapin School and the College of the Holy Cross, where she studied comparative world religions. Stribling-Kivlan started working in real estate in 2001 in San Francisco. After two years on the West Coast, she returned to New York City and began her career at Stribling as a salesperson. She was named president of Stribling & Associates, Ltd., on January 1, 2013. In running the company, she works closely with her mother, Elizabeth F. Stribling, the company’s chairman, and the entire Stribling management team.

ELIZABETH ANN STRIBLING-KIVLAN, President, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson, Stribling & Associates, Ltd.


FOOD AND DRINK Morimoto Morimoto is a gorgeous space in the Chelsea Market. You are certain to have the freshest seafood in town. I love the tuna tartare, and the tuna pizza is a surprise favorite, as is the spicy crab appetizer. The cocktail menu is also incredible. 88 Tenth Avenue 212.989.8883 www.morimotonyc.com Morimoto

COFFEE SHOP Joe It is a small, light-filled café with wonderful drinks and a super staff. The coffee is delicious, and the atmosphere is constantly buzzing with a mix of locals, tourists and visitors to the Chelsea art galleries. My day doesn’t feel right if I don’t start it with an iced coffee there, even in December. 405 West 23rd Street 212.206.0669 www.joenewyork.com L’Apicio Their pastas are heavenly and taste like you are in Europe. In the coldest months, a perfect comfort dinner for me is one of their ragùs or polentas. 13 East 1st Street 212.533.7400 www.lapicio.com

“[Joe] coffee is delicious, and the atmosphere is constantly buzzing with a mix of locals, tourists and visitors to the Chelsea art galleries.”

FOOD AND DRINK The John Dory Oyster Bar This is the best location for a drink and a quick bite. Located in the Ace Hotel, April Bloomfield’s seafood restaurant is the perfect place for a curated cocktail and raw bar items. I love whelks and periwinkles, and the John Dory is one of the few places that have them. Throw in a bottle of Champagne, and I couldn’t think of a better evening. 1196 Broadway at 29th Street 212.792.9000 www.thejohndory.com


The John Dory Oyster Bar

SHOPPING Nest Interiors They have the greatest design elements in their store. I cannot visit without finding items like an elegant picture frame in python or a vintage Murano glass ashtray. 172 Ninth Avenue 212.337.3441 www.nestinteriorsny.com


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TOWN RESIDENTIAL TOWN is one of the top Manhattan Real Estate firms with 10 offices all over New York City. TOWN specializes in luxury sales, rentals and new development. Our Representatives are leaders in the industry who are recognized for their in-depth market knowledge and focus on high-level customer service. 1. TOWN Cor porate 25 W 39th street New York, NY 10003

6. TOW N A sto r P l a ce 26 Astor Place New York, NY 10003

2. TOWN F l at i ron 110 Fifth Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011

7. TOW N S o H o 337 West Broadway New York, NY 10013

3. TOWN G re e nwi ch St re e t 88 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10006

8. TOW N G re e nw i c h Vi l l a g e 530 LaGuardia Place New York, NY 10012

4. TOWN F i ft h Ave nue 730 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY 10019

9. TOW N G ra me rcy 33 Irving Place New York, NY 10003

5. TOWN U ppe r Ea st Si de 239 East 79th Street New York, NY 10075

10. TOW N We st Vi l l a g e 446 West 14th Street New York, NY 10014


4 1




9 6



TOWNRESIDENTIAL.COM TOWN Residential LLC ("TOWN") is a licensed real estate broker and a partnership with Buttonwood Residential Brokerage LLC and Thor Equities, LLC. No representation is made as to the accuracy of any description. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. The number of bedrooms listed above is not a legal conclusion. Each person should consult with his/her own attorney, architect or zoning expert to make a determination as to the number of rooms in the unit that may be legally used as a bedroom. TOWN owns the following subsidiary licensed real estate brokerages: TOWN Astor Place LLC; TOWN Fifth Avenue LLC; TOWN Flatiron LLC; TOWN Gramercy Park LLC (“TOWN Gramercy”); TOWN Greenwich Street LLC (“TOWN Financial District”); TOWN Greenwich Village LLC; TOWN Soho LLC; TOWN West Village LLC; and TOWN 79th Street LLC (“TOWN Upper East Side”).

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Fashion designer B Michael attended the University of Connecticut and also studied at the New York Fashion Institute of Technology. He was first hired as an account executive for a Wall Street firm, but decided to pursue a career as a millinery designer. In 1989, he decided to launch his namesake millinery line, and in 1999 he developed and launched his first couture collection. In 1998, he was granted membership in the prestigious Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). B Michael lives in New York City with his life partner, Mark-Anthony Edwards, who is also CEO of b michael AMERICA, and has two daughters, Saferra and Mychal.

B MICHAEL, Fashion Designer

COFFEE SHOP Silvana Very artistic setting in Harlem that I would describe as Middle Eastern bohemian. A great place to bring work or meet a friend; delicious coffees. 300 West 116th Street 646.692.4935 www.silvana-nyc.com

RESTAURANTS Indochine Indochine in SoHo is my number one go-to. The restaurant’s exotic ambience and the good-looking staff create a decadent vibe (as in excessive pleasure) that is fun and delicious. My partner and I are there often, and it never disappoints. I love to order several dishes and eat in courses: fluke carpaccio, steamed Vietnamese ravioli and the baby back ribs followed by glazed duck breast or crispy whole red snapper. As a creature of habit, I always order the same thing, and it always makes me happy! 430 Lafayette Street 212.505.5111 www.indochinenyc.com Le Bilboquet I always have fun and enjoy the food. Great East Side location where I feel like I’m downtown. The music is always good . . . haute energy crowd (can’t go there to hide from friends). We use it for business lunch, late dinners and Sunday brunch. 20 East 60th Street 212.751.3036

MUSEUM The Museum at FIT I like going when it’s quiet. It feels like going to a sanctuary for the preservation of designer clothing and costumes. 227 West 27th Street 212.217.4558 www.fitnyc.edu

The Museum at FIT

“ Very artistic setting in Harlem that I would describe

as Middle Eastern bohemian. A great place to bring work or meet a friend; delicious coffees.” Studio Museum in Harlem

EVENING’S ENTERTAINMENT Sugar Bar Owned by music legends Valerie Simpson and the late Nick Ashford, Sugar Bar is hands down my favorite place to go for the best in live music, delicious Southern-inspired food (I’m partial to the red snapper and the fried chicken) and pure fun! It really is a magical place that we love introducing people to, knowing it will be a unique experience. We love Thursday nights for the open mic cabaret: truly great! 254 West 72nd Street 212.579.0222 www.sugarbarnyc.com

MUSEUM Studio Museum in Harlem I go there to discover works by artists of color, ranging from impressionism to abstracts and sculptures and that cover all genres. It’s an enriching experience. 144 West 125th Street 212.864.4500 www.studiomuseum.org


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5/1/15 9:50 AM

The Shops at the Plaza One West 58th St. New York, NY 10019 212.935.4490 | www.couturekids.nyc

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2/5/15 1:41 pm






Photo: Joan Marcus


Stephen Sondheim Theatre 124 West 43rd Street Telecharge.com 212-239-6200 BeautifulOnBroadway.com


picks CHEF

Where the experts dine


he food scene takes center stage in New York. No matter what you are in the mood for, New York has it. Chefs at some of New York’s most famed restaurants let us in on their go-to spots. Their favorites vary, but one thing they all agree on is that New York has all the right ingredients for a memorable dining experience.


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4/5/15 3:33 pm


Boulton and Watt

CARMINE DI GIOVANNI, Executive Chef, Greenwich Project, Mulberry Project

Boulton and Watt It is a casual, fun beer and burger spot. 5 Avenue A 646.490.6004 www.boultonandwattnyc.com

Peter Luger Steak House

Best steakhouse period! 178 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 718.387.7400 www.peterluger.com

Esca They feature great local seafood on their menu, simply prepared for the ingredients and the quality of the fish to shine through. 402 West 43rd Street 212.564.7272 www.esca-nyc.com

Rao’s They serve simply the great home-style Italian food that I grew up on. 455 East 114th Street 212.722.6709 www.raos.com Wo Hop I head downstairs to Wo Hop, which offers the best late night Chinese food 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 17 Mott Street 212.962.8617 www.wohopnyc.com

Daniel This elegant French restaurant offers the best overall fine dining experience. They treat you like you’re a king. 60 East 65th Street 212.288.0033 www.danielnyc.com


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5/1/15 1:18 PM


Blue Ribbon

ANTONIO PRONTELLI, Executive Chef, Rock Center Caf茅

The Breslin A gastropub located inside the Ace Hotel that is super-casual and serves amazing crispy suckling pig, great Scotch eggs and lamb burgers. 16 West 29th Street 212.679.1939 www.thebreslin.com Casa Mono and Bar Jam贸n For great Spanish food, I recommend Casa Mono and Bar Jam贸n; they have have delicious small plates that are creative and casual, as well as refined and amazing wines. 52 Irving Place 212.253.2773 www.casamononyc.com

Blue Ribbon

A bustling restaurant that is open very late and offers good comfort food.

The Halal Guys Food cart on the corner of 53rd and Sixth that serves well-seasoned food at an affordable price. 347.527.1505 www.thehalalguysny.com Osteria Morini Fresh pastas and a good vibe in a laid-back atmosphere. 218 Lafayette Street 212.965.8777 www.osteriamorini.com

97 Sullivan Street 212.274.0404 www.blueribbonrestaurants.com


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5/1/15 1:18 PM



GEOFFREY ZAKARIAN, Chef, Culinary Director of the Plaza, Chef/Owner of the Lambs Club, Author, Philanthropist, Television Personality Gato For a night out downtown, Bobby Flay and his newest spot, Gato, transport you via Spanish and Mediterranean flavors. Be sure to try all the bar bites too. 324 Lafayette Street 212.334.6400 www.gatonyc.com


My family and I absolutely love Felidia. The genius of this restaurant is that they focus all their energy on the quality of the food and the expert technique they put forth to prepare it. Their fresh pastas are magnificent. 243 East 58th Street 212.758.1479 www.felidia-nyc.com

The Lambs Club Not to play favorites, but it just doesn’t get better than this clubby dining room. I’m a die-hard fan of our porterhouse steak with a glass of red wine. The scene, the food, the ambience, the cocktails: my team here hits at all levels. 132 West 44th Street 212.997.5262 www.thelambsclub.com Navy What a romantic hideaway Matt Abramcyk has built. I love to tuck away in one of the banquettes with my wife, Margaret. The chef here delivers on flavor, and the intimate SoHo setting makes it a cool dinner spot. 137 Sullivan Street 212.533.1137 www.navynyc.com

The Palm Court When I am feeling particularly thirsty, and I don’t mean for water, I hit up my new bar at the Palm Court. Brian Van Flandern has created a killer cocktail program, and Thierry Despont designed me one heck of a room. I always order from the tableside martini cart, and you can impress friends with the Trader Vic creations coming from behind the bar. Cheers! The Plaza Hotel 768 5th Avenue 212.546.5300 www.theplazany.com/dining Via Quadronno The appeal of this gem is that it is tucked away off Madison Avenue. It is so lucky that this coffee bar/ panineria/gelateria exists in this tiny neighborhood. Expert baristas: simply put, it’s my caffeine go-to. 25 East 73rd Street 212.650.9880 www.viaquadronno.com


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5/1/15 1:18 PM


Sushi Seki

MARCO MACCIONI, Restaurateur, Chef, Co-Owner and Vice President of the Maccioni Group, owners of Le Cirque, Circo, and Sirio Ristorante

ABC Kitchen Jean-Georges’ expertise at multitasking is best expressed here where his culinary genius is showcased in a truly fun atmosphere. 35 East 18th Street 212.475.5829 www.abchome.com/eat/abc-kitchen

Shun Lee Palace

My dad has always called himself “the Italian Michael Tong,” a true New York restaurateur who made the guest the most important element to the dining experience. Oh yeah . . . Peking duck anyone?! 155 East 55th Street 212.371.8844 www.shunleepalace.net

Daniel I enjoy anything by Daniel Boulud, be it at Daniel, Café Boulud, or DB Bistro. My family loves him, plus I ate his food almost every day during the time he was at Le Cirque. Like Anton Ego in the movie Ratatouille, I flash back to my youth when I eat his food. 60 East 65th Street 212.288.0033 www.danielnyc.com Le Bernardin Chef Eric Ripert’s Le Bernardin is how I’ve always expected French fine dining to be. Plus, I also have always had a crush on Maguy Le Coze, the First Lady of Hospitality. 155 West 51st Street 212.554.1515 www.le-bernardin.com

Sushi Seki I lived upstairs from Sushi Hatsu, Seki’s previous incarnation. The restaurant physically hasn’t changed, nor has Chef Seki’s dedication to making this a true Japanese experience. 208 West 23rd Street 212.255.5988 www.sushiseki.com Salumeria Rosi Parmacotto I think that Italian charcuterie is the perfect meal. The Rosi family, which has created a special menu of foods and ready-made dishes here is one of the most respected in Italy. The executive chef/partner of Salumeria Rosi, Cesare Casella, is the best Tuscan chef in New York . . . after my mother, Egidiana, of course. 283 Amsterdam Avenue 212.877.4801 www.salumeriarosi.com


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5/1/15 1:19 PM


Boulud Sud

CHEF MARC MURPHY, Owner and Executive Chef of Benchmarc Restaurants by Marc Murphy and Benchmarc Events by Marc Murphy; Chef and Partner of Kingside; Author


Barbuto is quintessential New York City dining at its best. The atmosphere is great and inviting, with huge garage doors that are open whenever the temperature hints at warmer weather. 775 Washington Street 212.924.9700 www.barbutonyc.com

Boulud Sud I like going to Lincoln Center to see the ballet or the opera, and when I’m not eating at my restaurant, Landmarc, one of my favorites in the neighborhood is Daniel Boulud’s Boulud Sud. The sea urchin and crab tartine, as well as the cured Spanish anchovies, are some of my favorites. 20 West 64th Street 212.595.1313 www.bouludsud.com

Streetbird Streetbird, Marcus Samuelsson’s newest restaurant in Harlem, is dedicated to serving rotisserie chicken with roots in street food, which is such a great idea to me. The vibe is always fun and the food is just as flavorful, especially the wings and crispy rice with green papaya. 2149 Frederick Douglass Blvd 212.206.2557 www.streetbirdnyc.com

Peasant Peasant is a great date night restaurant in Nolita. I love it because it’s authentic, rustic Italian, with most of the menu cooked from the gorgeous wood-burning oven, the focal point of the dining room. Splurge on the rabbit lasagna and suckling pig: both are mind-blowingly good. 194 Elizabeth Street 212.965.9511 www.peasantnyc.com

Upland Upland serves California-inspired cuisine right here in New York City. Chef Justin Smillie’s menu is rock solid, with something for everyone. My advice is go in a group and share some of my favorites like ‘nduja pizza, torpedo beets and a roasted short rib for two. 345 Park Avenue South 212.686.1006 www.uplandnyc.com


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5/1/15 1:19 PM




Locanda Verde


SYLVAIN DELPIQUE, Executive Chef, 21 Club

Daniel As a chef, I am inspired by Daniel Boulud’s work ethic, passion, style of cuisine and consistency. He is a master of his art, and there is no better example than his namesake restaurant, Daniel. 60 East 65th Street 212.288.0033 www.danielnyc.com Delmonico’s Classy good food. Great steaks and signature desserts, such as their Baked Alaska. I also have quite a few personal friends there throughout the property. 56 Beaver Street 212.509.1144 www.delmonicosrestaurantgroup.com

Great NY Noodletown

This is one of the city’s great after-hours chef hangouts. The Peking duck is a particular favorite of mine. 28 Bowery 212.349.0923 www.greatnynoodletown.com

La Palapa Cocina Mexicana This is a new discovery for me. The cuisine is really fresh and authentic. 77 St. Mark’s Place 212.777.253 www.lapalapa.com

Locanda Verde Andrew Carmellini has a modern style of cooking. He is very talented. I love his excellent pastas and his homemade whipped ricotta with charred country bread. 377 Greenwich Street 212.925.3797 www.locandaverdenyc.com Marea Michael White serves top-of-the-line upscale Italian seafood at Marea. The service and front of the house style is spectacular, down to the look of the staff and the table settings. 240 Central Park South 212.582.4800 www.marea-nyc.com


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5/1/15 1:19 PM




n’s Museum


Susan Greenfield, Brown Harris Stevens




Master Class Susan Greenfield, CIPS, CRS, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker, Brown Harris Stevens: Disciplined and committed to the client, with a passion for business and people





le Hotel





63rd Street)

atingrink.com ✦



oday, in the highly competitive world of global real estate, success is dependent on a master class of professionals with accumulated market knowledge, and strong international relationships. Susan Greenfield’s decades of real estate experience in Manhattan, across the country and in global markets, has distinguished her in the field of real estate. Before joining Brown Harris Stevens in 1996, she owned and operated her own real estate company with offices in Paris and New York. She credits her success to her previous background in real estate sales, international marketing and private client services with Merrill Lynch; and a personal network of international brokers and clients established through years of global networking. She adds that she has developed unique “concierge” skills that make her an invaluable asset to her clients. Focused on a commitment to their needs, she is disciplined and oriented to the client, dedicated to maintaining their anonymity and confidentiality. Susan assists with all aspects of ownership long after the real estate transaction is concluded. “My clients rely on me to make the whole process seamless from beginning to end and to stay engaged as a valuable resource long after the close of a transaction. I understand that purchasing and selling real estate is a private matter, and protecting the privacy of my clients is always my first priority.” Susan Greenfield has carved a unique niche in the Manhattan market. She has not only established a loyal global client base, but her continued success and impressive tenure in a constantly evolving business make her one of today’s most recognized real estate professionals. A “master” in her class. ✦

Susan Greenfield ◆ BROWN HARRIS STEVENS 445 Park Avenue ◆ New York, NY 10065 ◆ O: 212.906.9214 ◆ M: 917.414.0533 ◆ sgreenfield@bhsusa.com CONCIERGE 2014 • AVENUE MAGAZINE | 33


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Presents . . .


he New York City Association of Hotel Concierges is comprised of over 200 members from 50 of the most luxurious hotels throughout the city. The concierge professionals have successfully represented the world’s most discerning travelers to NYC, offering an exceptional level of service, integrity and sophistication coupled with an in-depth understanding of the evolving

dining scene. Concierge professionals embrace a wide range of tastes and styles ensuring that each guest is matched with the perfect culinary experience. AVENUE has been servicing an elite readership for 40 years. Together, it is our pleasure to bring you a guide of recommendations from the savviest restaurant critics in New York City, the hotel concierges. The restaurants underwent an extensive qualification process. Those that passed were reviewed by a concierge committee and featured in the first ever Concierge Insider. On the following pages you can peruse their restaurant selections and accompanying reviews from restaurants they trust deliver consistent quality. The NYC restaurant scene is ever-evolving. This A-list encompasses many of the high quality restaurants, but the best source for more information about restaurants and other destinations is your concierge.


SINCE 1987, The New York City Association of Hotel Concierges (NYCAHC) has been bringing together professionals committed to providing exceptional services. Our association is comprised of nearly 200 members representing over 30,000 hotels rooms in the New York Metropolitan Area. The concierge holds the key to the city. We are motivated by a genuine desire to serve and are committed to providing the best possible service to our visitors throughout their stay. From giving simple directions, to solving unexpected challenges, we are here to assist in creating lasting memories. We are a trusted resource for both business and vacation travelers. It is our goal to assist in making sure our guests get the optimum New York City experience. As the President of the NYCAHC, I welcome you to New York City and invite you to enjoy your visit, as an insider through AVENUE CONCIERGE. In Service Through Friendship,

Loida Diaz

Concierge/ The Trump International Hotel and Tower Member: Les Clefs d’Or USA (LCD USA) President|New York City Association of Hotel Concierges (NYCAHC)

NYCAHC MISSION STATEMENT New York City Concierge Association was established in 1987 as a 501 (c ) (6) Not for profit organization • To function and act as an association of professional concierges of hotels located in the Metropolitan area of New York City • To establish and promote high professional and ethical standards • To coordinate, promote, and assist the activities and interests of concierges • To foster friendship and communication among concierges in New York City, the United States, and throughout the world.

NYCAHC CHARITABLE FUND MISSION STATEMENT The NYCAHC Charitable Fund is a fund created by the New York City Association of Hotel Concierges in 2003 as a tax exempt, 501( c ) (3) not for-profit organization to donate monetary gifts to local New York City charities. The fund will enable the New York City Concierges to give back to the New York City community and help us to be a vital part in the continued growth and improvement of the quality of life for its citizens.

NYCAHC CRISIS FUND MISSION STATEMENT In an effort to better serve our association members, the Crisis Fund was created on November 27th, 2012. The fund is intended for our members who are experiencing financial hardship due to temporary loss of job or income, involuntary separation or death in the family



2/5/15 1:18 pm

CONCIERGE INSIDER fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining

135 West 42nd Street New York, NY 10036 212.319.1660 www.charliepalmer.com/ aureole-new-york

Since 1988, Aureole has been a destination for progressive American cuisine. Having earned a Michelin star for an impressive 10 consecutive years, this second incarnation of Charlie Palmer’s flagship restaurant continues to amaze. With a buzzy atmosphere for lunch and pretheater, Aureole later settles into the romantic restaurant that brought it to fame. One can opt for the formal, prix fixe dining room or for the more casual Liberty Room.

fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining


12 East 31st Street New York, NY 10016 212.995.8599 www.juninyc.com

The latest masterpiece by two-Michelin-starred chef Shaun Hergatt has quickly grown into a culinary destination. Every dish is prepared to artistic perfection, so much so that it feels like a crime to poke at it with your fork. That feeling will quickly subside once the seasonal ingredients reach your palete as you embark on this journey of evolving flavors. Chef Hergatt will soon be recognized as one of the elite chefs of NYC, although in some circles he already is.

fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining

151 East 58th Street New York, NY 10022 212.644.0202 www.lecirque.com

Currently in its third manifestation, Le Cirque is one of the most legendary restaurants in NYC’s culinary history, originally opening its doors in 1974. The illustrious owner, Sirio Maccioni, has helped launch the careers of many celebrity chefs, as well as many signature dishes. One can reserve for the prix fixe formal dining room or opt for the more casual Le Cirque Café where jackets are not required and live music on Mondays.

fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining ■ fine dining

405 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10022 212.755.6244 www.leperigord.com

Opening in 1964, original owner Georges Briguet is now joined by his son, Christopher, at one of the grand dames of the NYC restaurant scene. Having helped launch the careers of some of the most notable chefs in the industry, Le Périgord has not strayed much from the classic French menu that brought it to stardom over half a century ago. This is one of the most sophisticated dining locales in the city; however, don’t be intimidated, the relaxed dining room and extensive menu is loaded with a variety of options of meat, fish and vegetables. Save room for the dessert, “Trolley of Temptation”.

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2/5/15 1:19 pm

CONCIERGE INSIDER steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

Emerging as the top Brazilian steakhouse in NYC, their cuts of beef rival those at an American steakhouse. So why choose from a list of steaks while you can have then all at Fogo de Chão. The steaks are delivered on skewers, sliced and served to your tableside. Also offered are chicken, fish and a massive salad bar. Desserts and Brazilian cocktails are also an attraction at this three-story venue located in the center of Midtown. It should be noted that the staff treats every patron like royalty.

40 West 53rd Street New York, NY 10019 212.969.9980 www.fogodechao.com steakhouse and seafood

One of the newest additions to the NYC steakhouse scene, Charlie Palmer Steak is not to be missed. Located just a few steps from Fifth Avenue in the center of Midtown, this is a popular option for lunch, dinner, pretheater and alfresco dining. Along with the juicy cuts of steak one will find at a traditional steakhouse, Charlie Palmer Steak also serves up wagyu Kobe, seafood and a couple of pasta options, and does so to consistent perfection.

5 East 54th Street New York, NY 10022 646.559.8440 www.charliepalmer.com steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

Perennially voted a top Manhattan steakhouse in Zagat, book at least a day in advance if you would like to feast on steak, seafood and lobster at this busy Midtown East restaurant that’s located halfway between Grand Central Terminal and Bryant Park. The restaurant features a fireplace, extra high ceilings and a mezzanine level that overlooks the main dining area. Benjamin Steakhouse opens for breakfast during the week, brunch on weekends and everynight for dinner.

52 East 41st Street New York, NY 10017 212.297.9177 www.benjaminsteakhouse.com

steakhouse and seafood

Only in its second year, Angus Club Steakhouse already stands out among the plethora of Midtown steakhouses. At first glance, it is the sexy yet masculine subterranean dining room that will catch your attention. However, it is the consistently high attention to quality steak and seafood, as well as the warm and welcoming service, that will attract you back again and again. There are also multiple options for private dining, making Angus Club an ideal option for any event.

135 East 55th Street New York, NY 10022 212.588.1585 www.angusclubsteakhouse.com steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood



5/4/15 4:22 PM

CONCIERGE INSIDER steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

neighborhood favori te

neighborhood favori te

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

neighborhood favori te

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Al Bustan is an elegant Lebanese/Middle Eastern dining experience. Located within walking distance of the United Nations in Midtown East, they have been hosting royalty and diplomats for more than 20 years. With a variety of meat, fish and vegetarian options, even the less adventurous diner will find something savory to accompany the nice wine selection here. Their patrons travel across the city to dine here again and again.

319 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 212.759.5933 www.albustanny.com neighborhood favori te

With a modern decor, this American restaurant focuses on a variety of beautifully prepared steak, seafood and burger options. T-Bar is located in the heart of the Upper East Side, attracting both neighborhood locals as well as those from the nearby Madison Avenue shopping district. T-Bar is an intimate yet welcoming restaurant that includes a bar with a nice vibe to boot. T-Bar is a lively spot where diners come for an active bar scene as well as steaks and chopped salads.

1278 3rd Avenue New York, NY 10021 212.772.0404 www.tbarnyc.com neighborhood favori te

steakhouse and seafood

The seafood counterpart to the Benjamin Steakhouse, the Sea Fire Grill is situated in Midtown East between the United Nations and Rockefeller Center. Offering a wonderful selection of raw-bar items, complemented with exceptionally fresh fish and several prime dry-aged steak selections in its swanky, sophisticated dining room, that is adorned with a fireplace. The Sea Fire Grill has quickly emerged as one of the more popular restaurants in NYC.

158 East 48th Street New York, NY 10017 212.935.3785 www.theseafiregrill.com

steakhouse and seafood

STK Midtown is a wonderfully modern change from the dozens of classic steakhouses in midtown Manhattan. While some visit for the prime cuts of steak and an fresh seafood selection, others dine for the vibrant, trendy scene. The bar attracts a crowd for happy hour during the week. Located just a block from Bryant Park and Times Square, STK Midtown also boasts a beautiful lounge and outdoor patio to help round out this impressive venue. Open late in case one is looking for post-theater dessert.

1114 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 646.624.2455 www.stkhouse.com steakhouse and seafood

steakhouse and seafood

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5/4/15 3:49 PM

CONCIERGE INSIDER neighborhood favori te

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Amali is a sustainable, Mediterranean-inspired restaurant with a focus on fish, olive oil, vegetables, cheese, grains and, of course, wine. Located halfway between Barneys and Bloomingdale’s, Amali is located in the Upper East Side, just a block north of the border with Midtown. The rustic decor and multiple private dining rooms make it an option for both intimate dining and dinner parties alike. Also known for brunch, featuring a custom Bloody Mary bar.

115 East 60th Street New York, NY 10022 212.339.8363 www.amalinyc.com neighborhood favori te

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Bistro Chat Noir is a romantically charming French bistro located in an Upper East Side townhouse. Situated just a block from Central Park and a few minutes north of Midtown, this intimate restaurant attracts much of its clientele from the fashionable, upscale Madison Avenue shopping district. Chat Noir is a popular choice for lunch, dinner and weekend brunch.

22 East 66th Street New York, NY 10065 212.794.2428 www.bistrochatnoir.com neighborhood favori te

neighborhood favori te

Originally opened in 2001, this expansive, bustling French bistro also serves as a choice wine bar and NYC’s top fromagerie. The fondue will keep you warm in the winter, and the sidewalk café is a choice spot to cool off in the warmer months. Located where Midtown meets Murray Hill and Kips Bay, Artisanal is open from breakfast until after midnight and is also a popular brunch destination.

2 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 212.725.8585 www.artisanalbistro.com neighborhood favori te

Earning one Michelin Star for 2015, this authentic Spanish restaurant is located in the Upper West Side, just a five-minute walk from Lincoln Center. Chef Manuel, hailing from Asturias, whips up dozens of different tapas that include the staples as well as his own seasonal creations. One can also find a nice selection of Spanish meats, cheeses and wines. To complete the menu there are five paella options that will not disappoint. Andanada is also open for weekend brunch and features live flamenco twice weekly.

141 West 69th Street New York, NY 10023 646.692.8762 www.andanada141.com

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2/5/15 1:19 pm

CONCIERGE INSIDER neighborhood favori te

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While booking up weeks in advance for pre-theater dining, La Masseria sets itself apart from other Theater District restaurants and stays busy late ino the evening. Featuring ample sidewalk seating perfect for an al fresco meal and a rustic yet sophisticated dining room, the chef serves up Italian farmhouse specialties from his native Puglia. Also offered is an extensive wine list, with a selection to complement any dish.

235 West 48th Street New York, NY 10036 212.582.2111 www.lamasserianyc.com thea tre district

neighborhood favori te

Serving up authentic Greek cuisine in a rustic yet chic atmosphere, Ammos is located in Midtown East, just across from Grand Central Terminal. Open from power breakfast through post-theater, this lively Midtown staple specializes in whole fish but is also a nice choice for vegetarians and those that like sharing appetizers. During the warmer months, the oversized windows open up to give the feeling of alfresco dining.

52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY 10017 212.922.9999 www.ammosnewyork.com thea tre district

Owners Robert Caravaggi and chef Stephen Attoe opened Swifty’s 15 years ago after serving many years at the legendary Mortimer’s. They brought with them a loyal following, and Swifty’s instantly became an Upper East Side favorite. Swifty’s serves a straightforward American and European inspired menu of expertly prepared signature dishes as well as a many seasonal offerings. The warm and intimate ambiance that resembles a private club helps add to the dining experience that’s worthy of a cab or subway ride.

1007 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10021 212.535.6000 www.swiftysnyc.com thea tre district

neighborhood favori te

Caffe dei Fiori is a welcome gastronomic addition to the destination-worthy Italian restaurants of the Upper East Side. The menu at this new, elegant restaurant revolves around family recipes from owner Daliso Gulmini, a native of Bologna. The creative menu includes homemade pasta, organic meats, fish and cheeses with a well-stocked wine cellar for a rich dining experience. The unique, well-lit townhouse features three intimate levels of dining as well as a charming back patio.

973 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10021 212.327.3400 www.caffedeifiorinewyork.com neighborhood favori te

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This high-end, trendy Chinese restaurant is a perfect spot to relax and people watch. Chef Philippe Chow puts his modern spin on classic Beijing-style cuisine and offers many signature items, most notably the Peking duck, which is carved tableside. Located in the Upper East Side, just steps from Midtown and Central Park, this destination restaurant is convenient to get to.

33 East 60th Street New York, NY 10065 212.644.8885 www.philippechow.com trendy

Beautique is a high-energy, trendy restaurant with a modern American cuisine and classic French technique. The chic, subterranean space features a busy bar that overlooks the dining room filled with businessmen and fashionistas alike. If one is inclined for more action after dinner, they must gain access to walk through the kitchen to gain access to the nightclub in the back room. It is located across from the legendary Plaza Hotel, where Midtown, the Upper East Side and Central Park converge.

8 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019 212.753.1200 www.beautiquedining.com trendy

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Trattoria Dell’Arte provides an opulent dining room of oversized sculptures and wall art, while serving a lovely variety of Tuscaninspired favorites. Featuring a decadent antipasti bar, homemade pastas, local fish, prime steaks and traditional thin-crust pizzas, the only thing you will need to worry about is narrowing down your selection from the nearly infinite menu. Located across from Carnegie Hall, halfway between Times Square and Central Park, Trattoria Dell’Arte is also open late and features a sidewalk cafe.

900 7th Avenue New York, NY 10106 212.245.9800 www.trattoriadellarte.com trendy

Redeye Grill is an updated take on classic American dining. Upscale but relaxed and welcoming, live music is featured nightly. The extensive menu includes myriad steak, seafood, potato and vegetable dishes. This large, bustling restaurant also includes a circular cocktail/sushi/raw bar that overlooks the dining area. Located across the street from Carnegie Hall, halfway between Times Square and Central Park, Redeye Grill is a fit for many occasions.

890 7th Ave, New York, NY 10019 212.541.9000 www.redeyegrill.com thea tre district

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Yes, they serve up the best Fettuccine Alfredo in the city and offer a few varities of their namesake dish. They also serve up many other Italian classics to perfection from pastas to chicken, veal, steak and seafood. the casual yet elegant ambiance attracts businessmen for lunch, Fifth Avenue shoppers in the afternoon and fashionistas in the evening. One can opt to sit in the modern yet welcoming dining room or in the bar area with winodws that open up to the sidewalk cafe when weather permits.

7 East 54th Street New York, NY 10022 212.688.1999 www.alfredo.com power spots

Since 1959, the Brasserie has been a staple of Midtown East. Located in the landmark Seagram building, this French/American bistro is a popular option for the power breakfast, lunch, dinner and weekend brunch. The sleek, modern dining room serves up a variety of seafood, steak, soups and salads. Any entree can be matched with a selection from the extensive wine list for an ideal pairing. Also a great option for private dining.

100 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 212.751.4840 www.patinagroup.com power spots

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Concierges at some of the city’s most luxurious hotels talk about their most interesting and unique guest requests, unusual lobby scenes, and give their recommendations for where to shop, eat, and sightsee.


o one knows service like the concierges at the city’s top luxury hotels—they are the ultimate insiders. Plus, they often make the impossible possible. Concierges from the Ritz Carlton, Loews Regency Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel, and the Pierre revealed some of Manhattan’s hottest spots. They also shared with us some of their most outlandish requests and memorable moments.



5/1/15 10:22 AM


SUSANNE CARTER, Chef Concierge, The Ritz Carlton New York, Central Park Two ladies arrived at the hotel and casually mentioned they were getting married the next day and asked if we could help them with the arrangements. It turned out they were not aware that the state of New York requires a marriage license, which needs to be applied for 24 hours prior to the wedding. They had planned to check out the day after the wedding, and we explained that the couple would have to stay longer if they wanted to get married during their stay. We extended their reservation at the hotel and helped them to get their marriage license. We then suggested a romantic spot in Central Park and arranged for a minister to marry them, and we also acted as witnesses for them. After the ceremony, we arranged for a carriage to take them through the park and back to the hotel.


WHERE TO EAT Petrossian (182 West 58th Street, 212.245.2214) is a wonderful place for breakfast. The entrance is right next to the main entrance to the famous restaurant and stunning building. The cafĂŠ is small and intimate and feels like a place where time stands still.



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WHERE TO EAT Beautique (8 West 58th Street, 212.753.1200) is one of my favorite newcomers. It is a modern American restaurant featuring market-fresh ingredients with classic French cooking. Tuesday through Sunday the back room turns into a cool bottle service lounge where you can listen to jazzy house music. On Mondays there is jazz in the front bar, which you can listen to while enjoying one of their amazing cocktails.

WHERE TO EAT Fika (41 West 58th Street, 212.832.0022) is my favorite coffee shop in the area. This Swedish-influenced establishment has great pastries and chocolates, but it is also a great place for lunch, with its Swedish delicacies like Goteborg Swedish meatballs and red beet salad. Delicious! Fika just started to serve a full brunch menu on weekend, as well.


“The Paris Theatre opened in 1948, with Marlene Dietrich cutting the inaugural ribbon and the U.S. ambassador to France looking on.” The Paris Theatre

Il Gattopardo (13–15 West 54th Street, 212.246.0412) is a neighborhood Italian restaurant that serves seasonal classics from Naples that we all love. The restaurant is housed in a beautiful townhouse and has a warm and intimate ambience.

WHERE TO GO Verdura (745 5th Avenue, 212.758.3388) is best known for its iconic pieces using large gemstones and natural objects. A lot of celebrities wore Verdura pieces: Coco Chanel, Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford, to name just a few. Verdura just celebrated its 75th anniversary. Worth & Worth (45 West 57th Street, 212.265.2887) is the store I recommend for guests who are looking for that perfect hat. If they don’t find what they are looking for in the small but well-stocked sixth-floor store, Worth & Worth will make the perfect hat for them.

WHAT TO DO The Paris Theater (4 West 58th Street, 212.688.3800) is one of my favorite places to go. It opened in 1948, with Marlene Dietrich cutting the inaugural ribbon and the U.S. ambassador to France looking on. The theater specializes in foreign and independent films.



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Rotisserie Georgette



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ELA OROSOVA, Concierge, Loews Regency Hotel

“One of our guests was running late for her departure flight from JFK. She was nervous and didn’t trust the taxi driver. She called me and asked if I would stay on the phone with her until she arrived at the airport. During her trip to JFK, I confirmed the route and traffic updates. The phone call lasted almost an hour and I had to put her on hold multiple times. Once she arrived safely at the airport, she thanked me for being so patient and understanding,” describes Orosova. Another unique request centered on a family from Scandinavia who came to New York for the first time to celebrate their parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. “They arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport and took a taxi to the hotel. After they checked in, the daughter realized she had left her purse in the taxi with all their passports inside. They had paid for the cab ride in cash and didn’t get a receipt,” says Orosova. After spending more than four hours on the phone with all the different taxi companies in New Jersey, she was able to track down the driver, who found the purse and brought it to the hotel the very same night.

Dirtly French

High Line Park

WHERE TO GO Visit the 9/11 Memorial Museum (180 Greenwich Street, 212.266.5211) and the High Line Park (212.500.6035), and explore Brooklyn if you are feeling adventurous. Brooklyn Night Bazaar is a must. In spring, summer and fall, travel to the Cloisters on bike, take a cruise around Manhattan or plan a day trip to Dia:Beacon, the Gold Coast mansions on Long Island, or Long Island wine country.

AN INSIDER TIP Don’t be shy when speaking with your concierge. We are here to make your stay even more enjoyable. Feel free to ask questions! We are happy to create itineraries, provide time estimates for travel to different destinations and help avoid waiting in lines by booking things in advance!

WHERE TO EAT The East Pole Kitchen & Bar (133 East 65th Street, 212.249.2222) serves delicious American cuisine and boasts attentive service. It has a great vibe for the Upper East Side. I would recommend it for brunch, lunch and dinner. Besides today’s most popular restaurants, including The Polo Bar (1 East 55th Street, 212.207.8562), Cosme (35 East 21st Street, 212.913.9659), Dirty French (180 Ludlow Street, 212.254.3000), Momofuku Ko (8 Extra Place, 212.203.8095), and Shuko (47 East 12th Street, 212.228.6088), there are many other amazing establishments. Rotisserie Georgette (14 East 60th Street, 212.390.8060) has a real rotisserie that prepares the best chicken dishes, and the founder, Georgette Farkas, is a very gracious woman. For travelers who are looking for a restaurant with a view and romantic atmosphere, I would recommend the beautifully renovated River Café (1 Water Street, 718.522.5200), which was damaged in Hurricane Sandy. The food is truly delightful. The Rainbow Room (30 Rockefeller Plaza, 212.632.5000) is open to the public for brunch on Sunday and dinner on Monday. I would suggest Daniel (60 East 65th Street, 212.288.0033) for a special occasion; it’s the most elegant French restaurant with flawless service. Scalinatella (201 East 61st Street, 212.207.8280) is a hidden spot for good Italian food.



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JOSEPHINE DANIELSON, Chef Concierge, Four Seasons Hotel New York

One of our guests was getting married and called the concierge about getting him a tuxedo. He didn’t want just any tuxedo—he wanted the same tuxedo that Daniel Craig wore in his last James Bond movie (including the inner pocket for a pistol). The exclusive tuxedo requested was made for the film in Italy by Brioni, and numerous discussions had to take place directly with Brioni’s manager in Italy. As it was August, the repsonse was initially hesistant as their entire production team was on vacation. However, they were able to assemble the team to complete the tuxedo and had it shipped to us at the hotel in time for the wedding. The guest was delighted and the wedding went flawlessly.

One of our guests was proposing to his girlfriend. The concierge arranged for one of our pages to go to Central Park with a sign asking “Will You Marry Me?” in a specific Vietnamese dialect from their small town. We were able to find one of our team members in the hotel, who wrote the message on the poster board. The guest had booked a beautiful suite overlooking Central Park, and we had arranged for a telescope to be placed in the room. The girlfriend walked through a trail of rose petals in the suite that led to the telescope, which was focused on the exact spot where the page was standing in the park. She said, “YES!” A Russian guest came to the concierge desk on a very snowy day. She stated how happy she was, as it reminded her of her childhood and how her parents and siblings would build snowmen. While the guest was out of the hotel, our team went to her room (she had a balcony). We built a snowman on her balcony, including a doorman’s hat, a concierge’s scarf, a carrot for the nose and buttons for the eyes and mouth. When the guest returned to the hotel, she was overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and magic of the team.


WHERE TO EAT Betony (41 West 57th Street, 212.465.2400). This two-floor restaurant with its dark interior focuses on a modern American menu with seasonal ingredients. The menu is inventive and flavorful, which keeps me going back.

WHERE TO EAT Marea (240 Central Park South, 212.582.5100). This elegant seafood Italian restaurant, which is reminiscent of being on a yacht, is located just opposite Central Park on the West Side. Michael White has created an environment that complements the food perfectly. Wajima (134 East 61st Street, 212.813.9065). This neighborhood gem is traditional Japanese. You will find wooden tables and very minimalist decor, and the food is wonderful. With all the fusion options in the city, Wajima is a breath of fresh, authentic Japanese fare.



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WHAT TO DO Biking/Jogging. Walk the West Side piers when warm weather hits the city: I love to rent a bike and ride around there. You can travel from Battery Park all the way up to the George Washington Bridge. The views of the Hudson River overlooking New Jersey can be quite beautiful, especially when the flowers are in bloom. In the summer months, I love to stop for lunch at the 79th Street Boat Basin. Their open-air veranda is a perfect, casual resting place. They are open spring through fall; it’s best to call ahead. Morgan Library & Museum (225 Madison Avenue, 212.685.0008) is an eloquent institution that houses some amazing rare books, including three copies of the Gutenberg Bible and a copy of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein with handwritten corrections, as well as many first edition books and handwritten collections of Edgar Allan Poe, Lord Byron and some classical composers. The museum also hosts concerts, gallery talks and even afternoon tea, as well as many art shows and other special exhibits.

Morgan Library and Museum New-York Historical Society

Merchant House Museum

WHAT TO DO Merchant House Museum (29 East 4th Street, 212.777.1089) offers a lovely snapshot of history. It was the first building in Manhattan designated as a National Historical Landmark. The architecture, furniture, clothing samples, books, etc., all belonged to the Tredwells, the merchant family who lived in the house until 1933. Walking through this house is like walking back in time.

“Walking through this house is like walking back in time.”

Charlie Palmer Steakhouse

WHERE TO EAT Charlie Palmer Steakhouse (5 East 54th Street, 646.559.8440). This newcomer to our neighborhood is a welcome addition. A modern steakhouse with a great dining space, it has banquettes that are perfect if you would like a more intimate experience. If you’d prefer not to have steak, you can also try the delicious chicken or seafood options available.

WHAT TO DO New-York Historical Society (170 Central Park West, 212.873.3400) is the oldest museum in the city. The institution, which was founded in 1804, prides itself in presenting the multilayered political, cultural and social history of New York City, New York State, and the United States.

AN INSIDER TIP Burnett Fountain (Conservatory Garden at 104th Street and Fifth Avenue). Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, and Little Lord Fauntleroy, is honored by this sculpture fountain by Bessie Potter Vonnoh. The two figures are said to be Mary and Dickon, the main characters in The Secret Garden. This fountain in the Conservatory Garden is a delight year-round. Minton’s (206 West 118th Street, 212.243.2222). Brought back to life from its former inception in the 1930s by Henry Minton, this Harlem restaurant/bar where bebop was born truly gives a feel of the local area with its Southern-influenced menu and superb jazz performances. The room is intimate and cozy, with white tablecloths and candlelight. Anywhere you are seated you can bask in the riffs played by the fantastic musicians.



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Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House

MAURICE DANCER, Chef Concierge, The Pierre, A Taj Hotel, New York Every day is a new adventure at the concierge desk, and beyond dining, theatre, shopping, entertainment and tourism requests, one would need to wield their “detective techniques.” Recently, a guest made a unique but simple request for Dancer to locate and purchase a specific type of organic peanut butter. The spread in question was said to come in white packets with a peanut shape on the front of each, and bearing a woman’s name. After several phone calls and Google searches and being told that it was no longer in certain stores, the request was fulfilled!

Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House

WHERE TO EAT STEAKHOUSE: Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House (1221 Avenue of the Americas, 212.575.5129) In the past few years, steakhouses have become the new destination places to eat, and many more brands are populating the cityscape; however, Del Frisco’s continues to delight! From the welcoming smile at the hostess stand when you arrive, to the gracious maitre d’, to the porterhouse for two, whose meat is flavored throughout and “slices like butter,” Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House impresses. I recommend diners bring a hearty appetite!



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WHERE TO EAT ITALIAN: Sirio Ristorante (795 Fifth Avenue, 212.940.8195) What better address than Fifth Avenue and 61st Street? The inspiration of legendary restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, the room is warm and inviting, with its neutral tones and linear space. One never knows what celebrities you will meet having lunch, dinner or weekend brunch there. Try the homemade pastas, tuna tartare, or daily specials, and don’t forget the unique Sirio burger, topped with fontina cheese!

“Every day is a new adventure at the concierge desk.”

WHAT TO DO New York City offers a “playground” for culture, shopping, entertainment, nightlife, nature, and theater. If you can think it, it can be done in the Big Apple!

WHERE TO GO Depending upon the season in which one is traveling to New York, the places to go will vary. Not to be missed are the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, the Hamptons on Long Island, Storm King Art Center upstate in Orange County, Central Park, the High Line, Coney Island, Minton’s in Harlem, First Saturdays at the Brooklyn Museum, and Woodbury Commons.

Stone Barn

Rainbow Room

WHERE TO EAT AMERICAN: Rainbow Room (30 Rockefeller Plaza, 212.632.5000) Albeit it’s available to the public only twice a week, having the return of this glorious room 65 floors above Rockefeller Center with its breathtaking views is still a treat. The Sunday brunch is a day of indulgence, with an array of choices and an elegant feeling; the staff does not rush you out if you wish to sit for four hours.

AN INSIDER TIP Dining is one of the most enriching elements of New York City, and sometimes we find great destinations within our reach: Blue Hill at Stone Barn is just one great example, only 45 minutes from the city! It’s a working farm whose local purveyors offer the most rewarding, unique and elegant dining experience in the true “farm-to-table” manner. A true hidden gem!



WHERE TO EAT SEAFOOD: Nerai (55 East 54th Street, 212.759.5554) A place where all the elements come together: food, space, and light in a cozy environment. accompanied by pampering service! The feeling of a neighborhood restaurant is what makes it so appealing, as if it has always been there, just waiting for your next return. With its contemporary approach to the menu, Nerai features delicious seafood that is presented so elegantly you must take a picture of it before consuming the masterpiece in front of you.



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Loi Estiatorio

The Polo Bar

Mastro’s Steakhouse

FREDERICK BIGLER, Chef Concierge, The Peninsula New York The norm for our guests varies, but it always involves the best of everything. Recently I was asked to find a private after-hours swimming instructor at our pool located on the 23rd floor for a very high-profile guest. The lessons took place over several days in preparation for his trip to Cannes. He already looked great in a bathing suit, but wanted to make sure he could keep his head above water while swimming with other celebrities. From what I saw in the magazines, it was a success.

WHERE TO EAT Midtown has wonderful options. Charlie Palmer Steak NY (5 East 54th Street, 646.559.8440) and Mastro’s Steakhouse (1285 Avenue of the Americas at 52nd, 212.459.1222), which features steak and sushi, are two restaurants that are new on the scene, with quite a following.

Another time I was given bags and bags of expensive, slightly used toys and electronics for kids by a guest who stayed with us with her children. The request was to donate the items anonymously to an organization with children in need. I was more than happy to accommodate this generous request, but it turned out to be easier said than done, as most places will not accept unwrapped or used toys. I did find one grateful organization in Brooklyn, however.

Clement (700 Fifth Avenue at 55th Street, 212.903.3918) is a Midtown must here at the Peninsula Hotel. It should be followed by cocktails at our always busy rooftop lounge, Salon de Ning.

Zuma (261 Madison Avenue, 212.544.9862) is a welcome addition at Madison and 38th for trendy Asian fusion. Loi Estiatorio (132 West 58th Street, 212.713.0015), which features Greek Mediterranean cuisine, has quietly opened in the former Michelin-starred Seasonal space on 58th Street.

AN INSIDER TIP The Polo Bar (1 East 55th Street, 212.207.8562), Ralph Lauren’s first restaurant in New York City, is hot, hot, hot, and it can be extremely difficult to secure a reservation. Insider information: Each day they review their guest list and open availability based on “the mix” or the vibe for that evening. The best time to call is 10:30 a.m. the day you want to go there.



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new york IN THE

Winter, spring, summer and fall all bring completely different landscapes and have unique offerings. Here, four New Yorkers reflect on their most cherished things about each of their favorite seasons.


here is something unique to do in each of the four seasons in New York, a city so nice they named it twice. Be it strolling through Central Park on a hot summer’s night or in the autumn when the trees become splashed with brilliant shades of red, yellow, orange and gold, or taking in the blooming of the cherry trees in in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden in the spring or the famed Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in the winter, New York is a city for all seasons. Four prominent New Yorkers share their favorite season.


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NICK VALENTI, CEO, Patina Restaurant Group


ick Valenti, CEO of Patina Restaurant Group (PRG), is an innovator and entrepreneur in the restaurant industry. He is acclaimed for bringing fine dining to sports venues such as the US Open, and for raising the level of food service and catering at cultural institutions like the Metropolitan Opera. A leader in developing groundbreaking premium themed restaurants including La Fonda del Sol and the Sea Grill, he has also developed restaurant venues to serve major complexes like Rockefeller Center. In recent years, Valenti has opened successful establishments at high-profile properties including Italian fine dining at Lincoln Ristorante in Lincoln Center; Spanish tapas at La Fonda del Sol at the MetLife Building; and Stella 34 Trattoria, Macy’s Herald Square’s first upscale restaurant. Valenti is chairman emeritus of the board of trustees at the Culinary Institute of America, and is on the executive committees of both NYC & Company and Citymeals-on-Wheels, a relief organization that feeds the homebound elderly in New York. “New York comes alive in the winter,” says Valenti. “The decorations, the spirit, people flock to the city this time of the year.” Rockefeller Center

He kicks off the season at the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, a worldwide symbol of the holidays. This is just one of Valenti’s beloved wintertime traditions. Breakfast with Santa at either the Sea Grill or Rock Center Café is always memorable, he says. A family-style breakfast, small gifts from Santa’s elves, and a visit with Santa, all while overlooking the Rink at Rockefeller Center, are highlights. “After breakfast we all go ice-skating on the world-famous rink beneath the festive towering Christmas tree. This is a really special annual outing with the kids and grandkids,” says Valenti. Since Valenti and Patina opened Stella 34 Trattoria, a 260-seat restaurant with sweeping views of Broadway, two years ago, another family tradition was born: watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade from the restaurant’s panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows on the sixth floor of the store. The trattoria was part of a $400 million renovation of Macy’s flagship store.

Taking in the holiday window displays at not just Macy’s but Barneys, Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdale’s, Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany & Co. is another one of Valenti’s holiday traditions. “As I walk to work down Madison Avenue and Fifth Avenue I take in the windows; it’s such a special treat this time of year,” enthuses Valenti. The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Christmas tree and Neapolitan Baroque crèche is not to be missed, he said. It features the vivid 18th-century nativity scene with lifelike figures and silk-robed angels hovering above. Also at the heart of the Valenti family’s holiday season is taking in New York City Ballet’s annual performance of The Nutcracker. After being transported to a magical world of marching toy soldiers, a glowing one-ton Christmas tree, mischievous mice, crystalline snowflakes and the Land of Sweets, Valenti and family head to the Palm Court at the Plaza Hotel for hot chocolate and dessert. “After an extensive renovation, the Palm Court has been reborn. It is a special holiday experience as you sit at the edge of Central Park, being serenaded by violins,” he describes.


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Central Park


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Spring 56

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“Another way I enjoy the onset of spring is taking in the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden,” enthuses Dixon. Founded in 1910, the garden is situated on 52 acres in the heart of Brooklyn and is home to more than 14,000 types of plants. Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, Queens, is another of Dixon’s favorites. Once an abandoned landfill, the area today is an outdoor museum and park, featuring large-scale sculptures and multimedia designs. Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, one of the largest parks in New York City and the site of the 1939 and 1964 World’s Fairs, is another greenspace Dixon is wowed by. Inside is the Queens Zoo, which spans 11 acres and is home to pumas, parrots, Andean bears, bison, sea lions and more.

FRED DIXON, President and CEO, NYC & Company


ou would be hard-pressed to find someone who knows New York City better than Fred Dixon, president and CEO of NYC & Company, New York City’s official marketing, tourism and partnership organization. With more than 23 years of experience in the travel industry, Dixon has the overall responsibility for developing and implementing New York City’s tourism and convention development strategy internationally, as well as in domestic leisure and business markets. Dixon calls midtown Manhattan home. “In the spring, I really enjoy walking the High Line when everything is in bloom,” says Dixon. “Last September, we celebrated the realization of a dream to preserve the full length of the High Line, from Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District north to 34th Street, where the historic rail line terminates at Hudson Yards. What was once a dilapidated train track has been transformed into a world-renowned park that is one of the premier attractions in New York City.” In the spring, chances are you will find Dixon in one of the city’s parks. A favorite is the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, especially before attending a Yankees game. It is a designated national landmark botanical garden that spans some 250 acres and includes 50 different gardens and plant collections. All that walking works up an appetite, and there is no better place for authentic Italian food than nearby Arthur Avenue. 57

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PETER E. “TONY” GUERNSEY JR., Client Advocate and Individual Family Trustee, Wilmington Trust Company Paley Park


n warm summer New York evenings, odds are you will find Peter E. “Tony” Guernsey Jr. riding a motorcycle. A native New Yorker, this motorcycle enthusiast has been riding on and off for 47 years.

Central Park has a special place in his heart. His parents had a Pekingese that his father, also a native New Yorker, would walk in the park every day. The Adopt-a-Bench program was established in 1986 as a way to raise funds to maintain the park. Over the years, when the benches were spiffed up with paint, some of the brass plaques would get splattered. “I remember my 88-year-old dad bringing a can of turpentine with him when he walked the dog to clean the commemorative plaques of those he liked,” says Guernsey with a laugh. “The others are still splattered with paint.”

Riding helps Guernsey, a client advocate and individual family trustee at Wilmington Trust Company, unwind. He joined the firm in 1998, establishing the company’s New York office, and then served as head of its National Wealth Management Division. At the end of 2011, he retired as an officer of Wilmington Trust. Now in a consulting and client advocate role, he continues to advise some 100 clients as well as mentor the staff members he hired and the offices he started in New York and across the country.

An evening of classical music presented by the New York Philharmonic under the summer stars is another cherished evening, especially as spectacular bursts of color fill the night sky with a fireworks display that follows these concerts on the Great Lawn in Central Park.

Although closed to vehicles in the summer, Central Park is a favorite spot for Guernsey to ride his motorcycle to dinner at the Loeb Boathouse. “Central Park is a beautiful enclave of nature right in the heart of the city,” he says. “Plus, on a hot summer’s night, it often feels 20 degrees cooler.” La Marina

The Odeon

One of his favorite New York restaurants is the Odeon at 145 West Broadway, the most biker friendly restaurant in the city. They welcome him to park his BMW 650 GT, his newest ride, out front. He collects New York City restaurant reviews during the winter, culminating with him and his wife doing R & D as they visit a dozen restaurants in one night, traveling from one to another on his motorcycle, and then rating the ones they want to go back to and visit throughout the summer. For a South Beach feel while still in Manhattan, Guernsey will head to La Marina, nestled just below the Cloisters along the Hudson River: it’s a restaurant, bar and lounge with its own beach. There is no more enjoyable spot to enjoy lunch than Paley Park, another favorite outdoor oasis, this one in the midst of Midtown; a 20-foot-high waterfall spans its entire rear wall. 59

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DOTTIE HERMAN, President and CEO, Douglas Elliman


ottie Herman is president and chief executive officer of Douglas Elliman, New York’s largest residential brokerage, with more than 80 offices in New York City, Long Island, the Hamptons, Westchester/Putnam Counties, South Florida, Connecticut, Aspen and Los Angeles; more than 5,500 real estate agents; and a network of international affiliates. Douglas Elliman has formed a global alliance with London-based Knight Frank Residential LLP in 52 countries, allowing Elliman to reach international buyers from all over the world. Herman has more than 25 years of experience in the real estate business, starting as a broker with Merrill Lynch’s Long Island real estate division. In 1989 she bought Prudential Real Estate’s Long Island division and expanded the company into the Hamptons. Later on, Herman and her business partner, Howard Lorber, purchased one of the oldest and most esteemed real estate brokerages in Manhattan, Douglas Elliman, for nearly $72 million. When the air gets crisp and the trees become splashed with brilliant shades of red, yellow, orange and gold, Herman heads to Central Park for a brisk walk.

Another reason Herman looks forward to this time of the year is that September means Fashion Week! The industry’s top designers present their upcoming collections in a series of runway shows, and Herman tries to attend as many as she can. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Herman does all she can to help. Her other philanthropic efforts include involvement with the New York Restoration Project, the Katz Women’s Hospital of the North Shore–LIJ Health System, Southampton Hospital, the American Heart Association, the Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation, and Every Woman Matters Walk: A Walk for Women and Their Families. Not just in the autumn, but all year-round, Herman hosts the Saturday morning radio show Eye on Real Estate on AM 970, focused on real estate market trends and news. Favorite restaurants include the Polo Bar, Mastro’s Steakhouse, Nobu and Milos, and a cup of Starbucks coffee and Herman go hand in hand. When she is not exercising in Central Park, playing tennis or bike riding, you can find Herman working out at Soul Cycle. Autumn also means basketball, and Herman is excited about Douglas Elliman being the exclusive title partner of Madison Square Garden’s Celebrity Row—the front seats often filled with celebs like Jerry Seinfeld, Paul Simon and Kate Upton—during New York Knicks Games. Not only will you find Herman at MSG taking in a Knicks game, but enjoying a Billy Joel concert as well. The Piano Man is the first-ever music franchise of “The World’s Most Famous Arena.” Herman, a huge fan, often commutes between her Long Island homes and Manhattan, blasting his music. No matter the season, Billy Joel’s lyrics fit Herman, one of his biggest fans, perfectly: “I’m in a New York state of mind.”


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Based on the Miramax motion picture Kinky Boots, written by GEOFF DEANE and TIM FIRTH



Al Hirschfeld Theatre, 302 W 45th St



INSIDERS An opinionated guide to some of New York’s most popular neighborhoods from some of New York’s most popular people


ot only is New York the financial, mercantile, entertainment and political capital of the world, it is also a city of neighborhoods. Noteworthy locals like Lionel, Caroline Hirsch, Leonard Steinberg, Hall Willkie, Elizabeth Feld Herzberg, and Monica Blum share some of the best features their neighborhoods have to offer, including Greenwich Village, Chelsea, Times Square, the Upper East Side, Lincoln Center, and Hell’s Kitchen.

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Bergdorf Goodman

upper EAST SIDE Elizabeth Feld Herzberg’s

ELIZABETH FELD HERZBERG, Owner, Managing Director Hirschl & Adler Galleries

Elizabeth Feld Herzberg is an owner and the managing director of Hirschl & Adler Galleries, an art gallery that specializes in American and European paintings, watercolors, drawings, sculpture, master prints and American decorative arts. Each year, the gallery assembles about a dozen special exhibitions exploring historical and contemporary themes, or examining the work of individual artists past and present. Herzberg graduated magna cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania and received a master’s degree in fine and decorative arts from Sotheby’s Institute in London. She is board president of Barbizon63, a member of the Auxiliary Board of Mount Sinai Medical Center and a chairman of the Dealers’ Committee of the Winter Antiques Show; she has also served on the board of directors for the Harmonie Club. Her husband, David W. Herzberg, is partner and head of global research, Gramercy Advisors, in Greenwich, Connecticut. The couple has two children: a son, James Hayden Herzberg, and a daughter, Kate Nina Herzberg. “I have lived in New York my whole life and know the whole city pretty well, but I tend to stick to the Upper East Side, where I live, work, visit with my family and send my kids to school,” says Herzberg.


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RESTAURANTS Bergdorf Goodman For lunch, there is nothing better than a salad at Bergdorf Goodman. I work on 57th Street, so going there is a luxury I allow myself whenever I meet a friend for lunch during the workday. And the basement-level café, offering the same amazing salads sans view, allows for a quick and efficient visit to the beauty level! Fifth Avenue at 58th Street 212.872.8977 www.bergdorfgoodman.com

Three Guys on Madison My favorite coffee shop is definitely Three Guys on Madison and 76th Street. I remember sitting at the counter there with my mother as a little girl in my Chapin uniform, and now I love taking my own kids there for pancakes, a burger, or just a shake. I am a real sucker for nostalgia. We always run into friends there, and the casual, authentic atmosphere is a welcome change from the spit-and-polish lifestyle that has forced most other coffee shops to modernize or close down entirely! We miss Gardenia! 960 Madison Avenue 212.628.8108

Le Bilboquet

Gina La Fornarina We also love Gina La Fornarina for pizza and pasta on Lexington and 73rd Street. It is a cozy nook that feels like a trip to Italy every time. 1016 Lexington Avenue 212.734.2200 www.ginany.com

CH Carolina Herrera

SHOPPING CH Carolina Herrera I love the CH boutique on Madison and 68th Street. Herrera and her daughter, Carolina Herrera Baez, launched this lifestyle store featuring clothing for men, women and kids. 802 Madison Avenue 212.744.2076 carolinaherrera.com CrewCuts For kids clothes, CrewCuts cannot be beat. They just have the most wearable, interesting and durable clothes around these days. 1190 Madison Avenue 212.348.9803

“I remember sitting at the [Three Guys on Madison] counter there with my mother as a little girl in my Chapin uniform, and now I love taking my own kids there for pancakes.” J.G. Melon J.G. Melon has the single best burger in all of New York City. 1291 Third Avenue 212.744.0585

MUSEUM Metropolitan Museum of Art For me there is no museum richer, more exciting or more interesting than the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Every member of the family can be kept busy for hours at a time, and we are so lucky to have this extensive and exhaustive collection in our backyard. I go as often as time will allow! They also offer wonderful programming for children, as well as a really terrific lecture series, which I take advantage of whenever possible. I grew up at the Met. My dad was a curator there during his early career, and we often visit together to do research on something we are working on, or just to enjoy an hour together. 1000 Fifth Avenue 212.535.7710 www.metmuseum.org

Metroploitan Museum of Art

Paule Ka I recently discovered Paule Ka, a wonderful boutique on Madison and 64th Street. I absolutely adore the clothes, which are classic but cool, and the line of accessories is wearable, affordable and very chic. 723 Madison Avenue 646.649.5562 http://pauleka.com


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The Lambs Club

Caroline Hirsch’s

times SQUARE CAROLINE HIRSCH, Founder and Owner of the New York comedy club Carolines on Broadway

As founder and owner of the world-renowned comedy nightclub that bears her name, comedy doyenne Caroline Hirsch has consistently proven herself as an entrepreneur, visionary and innovator in the entertainment industry during an illustrious 30-year career. One of the country’s most popular destinations for live entertainment featuring nationally renowned entertainers, Carolines on Broadway stands as the crowning achievement of Hirsch’s illustrious career. With an uncanny ability to bring together the very best players in the comedy industry, Hirsch also lends her star power to high-profile fundraising events and other philanthropic causes, including the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, the Scleroderma Foundation, and the Bob Woodruff Foundation. Her storied career began in 1982, when Hirsch followed her true passion for comedy and, along with friends Bob Stickney and Carl Christian, opened a small cabaret club in Chelsea. With the popularity of stand-up comedy on the rise, she began booking comedians—including such then unknowns as Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Garry Shandling, Sandra Bernhard, Peewee Herman, Billy Crystal and, later, Chris Rock—to perform at her club. Carolines soon became a mandatory stop on the way to comedic greatness. It continues that trend today with the recent generation of comedic talent such as Jon Stewart, Tracy Morgan and Sarah Silverman. Hirsch lives in Manhattan and, when not helping to launch the next great comedian or seeking out new ways to uplift and expand her brand, enjoys playing golf and spending time at her home in Water Mill, New York.


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BAKERY Amy’s Bread Amy’s opened the same time I opened Carolines on Broadway in 1992. We sometimes use her cakes with all the buttercream frosting. The breads contain no additives or preservatives. I am especially fond of the signature bread, the Semolina with Golden Raisin and Fennel. 672 Ninth Avenue 212.977.2670 www.amysbread.com

Blue Fin


DINNER—AFTER THEATER 5 Napkin Burger I love this place for a quick burger after work. Located just a few blocks from Carolines, it is truly a neighborhood joint. We love the selection of burgers, especially the Original 5 Napkin Burger with Rosemary Aioli. Don’t worry if you are not in the mood for a burger—you can get sushi or a salad. Try one of the fun shakes or floats, such as the Dark and Stormy Float: rum raisin ice cream and Saranac Ginger Beer. 630 Ninth Avenue 212.757.2277 www.5napkinburger.com La Masseria Just steps from Carolines is an Italian favorite in the Theater District. The restaurant looks like a countryside farmhouse in Puglia. The menu reflects the southern cooking of Italy. and the food is delicious. La Masseria also has an extensive wine list, which received the Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence. 235 West 48th Street 212.582.2111 www.lamasserianyc.com

DELI Green Apple Gourmet Right across the street from the club: great coffee, bagels and snacks. We usually run over for fresh turkey sandwiches or salads, what with their large selection of vegetables. 1625 Broadway 212.767.0198 www.greenapplegourmet.com

“[La Masseria] looks like a countryside farmhouse in Puglia.”

LUNCHTIME Blue Fin The best place for sushi when having a business lunch with my colleagues in the entertainment industry. It is convenient, as it is in the heart of Times Square and just a two-minute walk from Carolines. 1567 Broadway 212.918.1400 www.bluefinnyc.com

Orso Restaurant A great after-theater restaurant for me. You can have light fare like a pizza or pasta. You never know who will be there after their performances at the theater that night! 322 West 46th Street 212.489.7212 www.orsorestaurant.com Serafina A quick walk across the street, and you can get a great pizza and salad at Serafina in the Time Hotel. They have a large selection of crispy pizzas, made in a wood-burning oven. There’s also a good selection of pastas and salads. 210 West 55th Street 212.315.1700 www.broadway.serafinarestaurant.com

GALLERY Christie’s The auction art house on West 49th Street is known for its spring and fall auctions. Here in the heart of Rockefeller Plaza you can see some of the best art in the world. I find it so convenient on my walk to work to stop in and view the most beautiful and famous paintings and sculptures, which you might find in the great museums of the world. 20 Rockefeller Plaza 212.636.2000 www.christies.com



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per se

per se

Monica Blum’s

lincoln SQUARE MONICA BLUM, Founding President, Lincoln Square Business Improvement District

You would be hard-pressed to find someone who knows the Lincoln Square area better than Monica Blum, the founding president of the Lincoln Square Business Improvement District, a position she has held since October 1996. Prior to assuming that position, Blum, an attorney, spent more than 25 years in government and the nonprofit sector. She began her career in government in 1969 as an assistant to Congressman Ed Koch, and from 1974 until 1995 she held various senior positions in city government, including assistant to the mayor under Koch; assistant to the chancellor for personnel and labor; executive director of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Appointments under Mayors Dinkins and Giuliani; and a member of the same committee under Mayor Bloomberg. When most people think of Lincoln Center they think of the largest performing arts mecca in the world. Housed within the 16.3-acre complex are 11 resident organizations, each master of a different performance discipline including symphony, opera, chamber music, theater, dance, film and arts education. “The Lincoln Square area is so diverse. You have the most expensive restaurant in New York—Masa—and Breadsoul Café, a tiny, quick serve-soup place,” says Blum. “We have the city’s largest performing arts institution here as well as unique places you can’t find anywhere else. Plus, there is something for everyone here at every price point and for every palate.”


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RESTAURANT American Table Cafe & Bar This Marcus Samuelsson restaurant starts with the best seasonal produce from local farmers and purveyors to create American standards with a fresh perspective. 1941 Broadway 212.671.4200 www.americantablecafeandbar.com

Landmarc Marc Murphy teamed up with his wife, Pamela Schein Murphy, to open this, their first restaurant, in April 2004. It has since become a neighborhood favorite, serving contemporary bistro fare that blends French and Italian favorites with an award-winning wine list, all at reasonable prices, at both a cutting-edge Tribeca setting and at the Time Warner Center. 10 Columbus Circle, 3rd floor 212.823.6123 www.landmarc-restaurant.com

Atlantic Grill Has been serving the finest seafood since 1998. Fresh sushi, delectable raw bar and inventive dishes make for a standout culinary experience. 49 West 64th Street 212.787.4663 www.atlanticgrill.com Boulud Sud Boulud Sud is Chef Daniel Boulud’s vibrant Mediterranean-inspired restaurant featuring flavors that travel the entire Mediterranean region from the shores of southern France to the coast of North Africa and beyond. 20 West 64th Street 212.595.1313 www.bouludsud.com Cafe Fiorello A perennially popular Italian restaurant that serves fresh pasta made daily, pizzas, fish and chicken. 1900 Broadway 212.595.5330 www.cafefiorello.com Gabriel’s Bar & Restaurant You can order some classically prepared Italian dishes like steamed mussels and Caesar salad, as well as some mouthwatering grilled meats. For dessert, the warm chocolate truffle cake (made with Grand Marnier) and tiramisu are both worth a nibble. 11 West 60th Street 212.956.4600 www.gabrielsbarandrest.com Masa This Japanese and sushi restaurant on the fourth floor of the Time Warner Center is considered one of the most expensive restaurants in the world, as well as the most expensive restaurant in New York City. There are just 26 seats here and no menu. Plan on spending about two hours having an unparalleled omakase experience. Next door is Bar Masa. 10 Columbus Circle, Time Warner Center, 4th floor 212.823.9800 www.masanyc.com

Boulud Sud

“You would be hard-pressed to find someone who knows the Lincoln Square area better than Monica Blum.”

Per Se Chef Thomas Keller’s acclaimed New York interpretation of the French Laundry, Per Se is a three-Michelin-starred restaurant that serves his daily nine-course tasting menu and a nine-course vegetable tasting menu, using classic French technique and the finest quality ingredients available. 10 Columbus Circle, #4 212.823.9335 www.thomaskeller.com/per-se Masa

Museum of Arts and Design

Shun Lee West An upscale Chinese restaurant specializing in serving trendy and eclectic cuisine. 43 West 65th Street 212.595.8895 www.shunleewest.com

MUSEUM From the American Folk Art Museum, the premier institution devoted to the creative expressions of self-taught artists past and present, to the Museum of Arts and Design, these cultural institutions are not only fascinating, they have wonderful shops for unusual gifts, items for the home, and apparel as well.


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Hotel Americano

greenwich VILLAGE Leonard Steinberg’s

LEONARD STEINBERG, President, Compass, the New York and Washington, D.C.–based, technology-powered real estate brokerage

Leonard Steinberg embodies the new breed of modern real estate professional, providing substantive knowledge about all aspects of real estate with his almost two decades of experience, as well as full-fledged, elegant, discreet service to sellers, developers and buyers of New York property. Steinberg’s broad knowledge of the luxury market, consumer and design trends, the properties themselves, and the many criteria involved in the sale or purchase of a property, provides his clients and customers with a service unparalleled in the industry. As a seller’s broker, he provides a marketing service that is both unique and effective, combining refined selling skills with marketing methods that fully embrace the digital age, enhancing the exposure of the property, and thereby maximizing price. His negotiating skills, while not intimidating, have produced the results that his clients expect. His clientele ranges from first-time sellers to seasoned owners of multimillion-dollar homes. As a buyer’s broker, Steinberg’s keen eye, listening skills and attention to detail have kept his clientele unquestionably loyal. With eternal patience, he identifies his customers’ specific needs to match them to the best possible property, often identifying opportunities that others are unable to see. His services extend beyond the expected; his level of taste and his understanding of architecture and interior design, along with a broad knowledge of resources, have helped buyers realize their dreams.


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“Café Sabarsky feels like you have been transported to another time in Europe.”

L’Arte Del Gelato

Kava Cafe

Hotel Americano I enjoy lunch in this cool, chic, neighborhoody dining room. It’s a perfect escape, overlooking a terrace. Love the rooftop in the summer. 518 West 27th Street 212.216.0000 www.hotel-americano.com

SNACKTIME Amy’s Bread Amy’s Bread at Chelsea Market does an Ancient Grains bread that is simply perfection. Chelsea Market 75 9th Street 212.462.4338 www.amysbread.com

Perry St Love the sleek, contemporary interior by Thomas Juul Hansen, juxtaposed against vistas of greenery and water from Hudson River Park. Best burrata anywhere! 176 Perry Street 212.352.1900 www.perrystrestaurant.com

Blossom Bakery I love this vegan bakery on Ninth Avenue. It’s rare to find consistently high-quality baked goods suitable for a vegan diet. 174 Ninth Avenue 212.242.3339 www.blossombakerynyc.com Café Sabarsky My go-to spot for teatime. It feels like you have been transported to another time in Europe. It reminds me of tea with my Austrian mother in her hometown of Vienna. So civilized! 1048 Fifth Avenue 212.288.0665 www.kg-ny.com/cafe-sabarsky L’Arte del Gelato The best gelato to be found is in Chelsea Market. It’s of a quality you may only find in Portofino or Milan! Chelsea Market 75 9th Street 212.366.0570 www.lartedelgelato.com Kava Café Kava is an amazing coffee shop with the best quality. The space was designed by Roman and Williams, and I love the scale, intimacy and location greatly. There is something magical about a humanly scaled place in a world where bigger is always viewed as better! 803 Washington Street 212.255.7495 www.kavanyc.com

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Café Sabarsky

RESTAURANT Bottino Bottino has the best secret terrace for alfresco casual dining in the spring, summer and fall. 246 Tenth Avenue 212.206.6766 www.bottinonyc.com Sant Ambroeus My favorite spot for breakfast. I love the intimacy and charm of this small Village gem, not to mention its untrendy decor, which feels authentic and inviting. Best cappuccino too! 259 West 4th Street 212.604.9254 www.santambroeus.com

MUSEUM West Chelsea Art Galleries I enjoy strolling the West Chelsea Art Galleries to see what’s next. Metro Pictures and Yossi Milo always have something interesting. www.chelseagallerymap.com

SHOPPING Behaviour NYC This men’s clothing boutique in West Chelsea always has something interesting and unusual. 231 West 19th Street 212.352.8380 www.behaviournewyork.com


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Time Warner Center


hell’s KITCHEN LIONEL, media news decoder and legal analyst, a practicing attorney, essayist and author, pioneer podcaster, talk radio veteran, a spoken word artist,bluegrass musician, and plant-based vegan

Lionel is self-described as a Renaissance man and media legal analyst, a news decoder and essayist, an author, blogger, pioneer podcaster and (out)spoken word performer. He’s a flat-picker and roots music practitioner and celebrates before the altar of the immaculate twang of America’s music: bluegrass. He’s a political atheist and has a black belt in realpolitik. He eschews left-right paradigms and rejects whole-cloth, run-of-the mill, trite and usual political analysis through the media’s patented worldview, spectrum and prism. Lionel is a practicing lawyer, admitted in Florida and New York as well as the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States, and enjoys myriad practice areas that involve First Amendment, privacy and constitutional law issues and implications. Talkers magazine, the talk radio industry journal, listed him in the “Heaviest Hundred,” the 100 most important radio talk show hosts of all time. He’s also a pioneer podcaster and was also included in Talkers’ “Frontier Fifty” as an outstanding talk media webcaster, and is the author of Everyone’s Crazy Except You and Me . . . And I’m Not So Sure About You (Hyperion). Newsweek noted that Lionel is “[a]n intellectual known for his irreverent political and social humor.” Lionel is married and lives in New York with his beloved wife. “This is my West Side Story. I’ve lived exclusively in Hell’s Kitchen for more than 20 years, and I’ve seen it go through its varied taxonomy from the West Side to Midtown West to Clinton, then the Kitchen and now, proudly, Hell’s Kitchen. Even the


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“The eclecticism, the recherché character, its history and now hipness all make it one of the most unique areas of the city.”

SIGHTSEEING The Church of Saint Paul the Apostle As far as particular favorite areas and sites, St. Paul’s Catholic Church is rich in neighborhood history; you don’t have to be Catholic to marvel at its architecture and the pivotal role it played in the lives of so many Hell’s Kitchen natives. 405 West 59th Street 212.265.3495 www.stpaultheapostle.org Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is living history along the West Side Highway, as is the Manhattan Cruise Terminal, which occupies the west side of Twelfth Avenue between 46th and 54th Streets along the Hudson River; it provides picturesque vantages that are second to none. Pier 86 West 46th Street and Twelfth Avenue 212.245.0072 www.intrepidmuseum.org

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum Complex

The Landmark Tavern And for the tippler who enjoys a bit of historicity along with a frothy pint, the Landmark Tavern has served Hell’s Kitcheners since 1868 as the Irish waterfront bar of record at Eleventh Avenue and 46th Street. 626 Eleventh Avenue 212.247.2562 www.thelandmarktavern.com

The Landmark Tavern

etymology is subject to debate as to its origins, not to mention even the borders that include this fabled region. For me, it extends from 34th to 59th Streets and from Eighth Avenue to the Hudson River.

Theatre Row Theatre Row on 42nd Street between Ninth and Tenth Avenues showcases eclectic works and ensembles among more traditional stage pieces. 410 West 42nd Street 212.714.2442 www.theatrerow.org

“The eclecticism, the recherché character, its history and now hipness all make it one of the most unique areas of the city. I was first introduced to the area in 1990 when I read T. J. English’s classic, The Westies: Inside New York’s Irish Mob. I was intrigued by the stories of its more notorious denizens. After having made the acquaintance of many ‘old-timers’ in the area, some of whom shall remain nameless for reasons that should seem immediately obvious, I learned that what was portrayed as fable and lore was anything but. “And as far as food, Ninth Avenue is the oasis. If you love Thai cuisine, as I do, you’ve hit the mother lode. Might I suggest starting at 57th Street and frequenting every restaurant on each side of the block through 42nd Street. By the year 2019 you should be halfway through the gauntlet. It’s that expansive. Think a culinary United Nations.”

Parks Be sure to take in the scenery at two historic parks, Hell’s Kitchen Park on Tenth Avenue and 46th Street and De Witt Clinton Park on Eleventh Avenue and 54th Street. “Hell’s Kitchen is the quintessence of the city, and, as one famous newspaperman was fond of saying, ‘New York to the bone,’” Lionel concludes. www.nycgovparks.org

The Church of Saint Paul the Apostle

Time Warner Center The Time Warner Center, certainly a newer addition to the neighborhood, is filled with first-class shopping, and Jazz at Lincoln Center is an oasis for incredible music and artists. 10 Columbus Circle 212.823.6300 www.theshopsatcolumbuscircle.com


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Tarallucci e Vino

Hall F. Willkie’s

CHELSEA and FLATIRON DISTRICT HALL F. WILLKIE, President, Brown Harris Stevens

Hall Willkie is recognized as a leader and an innovator in Manhattan’s very competitive and demanding high-end residential real estate market. As president of Brown Harris Stevens, Willkie oversees this residential sales company and manages more than 350 sales agents, with sales totaling in excess of $4.2 billion. He serves as a governor of the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), and has served as a cochairman of its Board of Directors, Ethics Committee and Interfirm Committee. Willkie was honored with REBNY’s prestigious Henry Forster Memorial Award. Had the Kentucky-born Willkie chosen a profession other than real estate in which to make his name, it surely would have been in the world of horses. The Louisville native, raised on Kentucky bluegrass; schooled in Spain, Bermuda and the UK; and a ’74 graduate of the University of Indiana School of Business Administration, spent eighteen months as assistant manager of the Clear Springs Thoroughbred Breeding and Training Farms in Virginia. After college, he became an executive trainee with Federated Department Stores, Inc., of Miami, Florida. He began his real estate career as a sales agent with Stamford, Connecticut–based William Pitt, Inc., where he was promoted to sales manager. He joined Sotheby’s International Realty as vice president/director of its Western Division in the Los Angeles office. At Sotheby’s his sales represented record-high prices for single-family homes. He returned east as senior vice president of Douglas Elliman and eventually director of residential sales. He joined Brown Harris Stevens in 1988.


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RESTAURANTS City Bakery Everything in the City Bakery is just incredible. I especially enjoy stopping in for a cookie and checking out the art in Madison Square Park. 3 West 18th Street 212.366.1414 www.thecitybakery.com Devi Simply one of the best Indian restaurants in the city. 8 East 18th Street 212.691.1300 www.devinyc.com

City Bakery

The LEGO® Store Who doesn’t love LEGOs? 200 Fifth Avenue 212.255.3217 www.stores.lego.com Union Square Greenmarket So great for everything from produce to flowers and pretzels. North and west sides of Union Square Park 212.788.7900 www.grownyc.org/greenmarket/manhattanunion-square-m

Tarallucci e Vino Perfect for a relaxing dinner of wonderful pastas. It has a very well selected wine list. 15 East 18th Street 212.228.5400 www.taralluccievino.net

LOCAL ATTRACTIONS The High Line The High Line, a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side, is best visited in the evening and at night when the crowds have thinned, when you can enjoy the lights from the neighboring buildings and all the great architecture. Runs from Gansevoort Street to West 34th Street, between Tenth and Twelfth Avenues 212.500.6035 www.thehighline.org

“Everything in the City Bakery is just incredible. I especially enjoy stopping in for a cookie and checking out the art in Madison Square Park.” The Gander

The Gander

RESTAURANTS The Gander We are opening a new downtown office at 130 Fifth Avenue, and we are incredibly lucky that the Gander is just around the corner on 18th Street. The inventive chef is creating some wonderful comfort food. 15 West 18th Street 212.229.9500 www.thegandernyc.com


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In a city like New York, where everyone claims to be the best of the best, you need to know how to secure the superlative. Each and every one of our picks is tried and true—personally picked by our editors and their friends. From the best spas to the best clubs and the best place to rent a helicopter, we know where to go. Here are our picks, from the inside.

SHOPPING HIPPEST BOUTIQUES: Blue & Cream 1 East 1st Street 212.533.3088 www.blueandcream.com Blue Tree 1283 Madison Avenue 212.369.2583 www.bluetreeny.com Curve 57 Bond Street 212.966.3626 www.shopcurve.com Christian Siriano 252 Elizabeth Street 212.775.8494 www.christiansiriano.com Diana & Jeffries 1339 Madison Avenue 212.831.0531 www.dianaandjeffries.com

Jeffrey 449 West 14th Street 212.206.1272 www.jeffreynewyork.com Kirna Zabete 477 Broome Street 212.941.9656 www.kirnazabete.com Scoop 1275–1277 Third Avenue 212.535.5577 www.scoopnyc.com Steven Alan 229 Elizabeth Street 212.226.7482 www.stevenalan.com Thom Browne 100 Hudson Street 212.633.1197 www.thombrowne.com


Edit 1368 Lexington Avenue 212.876.1368 www.editnewyork.com

Angelo Galasso in The Plaza Edwardian Room 1 West 58th Street 212.371.4400 www.angelogalasso.com

Etro 89 Greene Street 646.329.6929 www.etro.com

Barneys New York 660 Madison Avenue 212.826.8900 www.barneys.com

Bergdorf Goodman Men’s Store 754 Fifth Avenue 212.753.7300 www.bergdorfgoodman.com Berluti 677 Madison Avenue 212.439.6400 www.berluti.com Brioni 57 East 57th Street 212.376.5777 www.brioni.com Brooks Brothers 346 Madison Avenue 212.682.8800 www.brooksbrothers.com Brunello Cucinelli 683 Madison Avenue 212.813.0900 www.brunellocucinelli.com Calvin Klein Collection 654 Madison Avenue 212.292.9000 www.calvinklein.com Canali 625 Madison Avenue 212.752.3131 www.canali.com Cesare-Paciotti 833 Madison Avenue 212.452.1222 www.cesare-paciotti.com

Domenico Vacca 781 Fifth Avenue 212.759.6333 www.domenicovacca.com Ermenegildo Zegna 663 Fifth Avenue 212.421.4488 www.zegna.com Hermès 691 Madison Avenue 212.751.3181 www.hermes.com John Varvatos 765 Madison Avenue 212.760.2414 www.johnvarvatos.com Lanvin 815 Madison Avenue 646.439.0380 www.lanvin.com Marc by Marc Jacobs Men 382 Bleecker Street 212.929.0304 www.marcjacobs.com Odin 199 Lafayette Street 212.966.0026 www.odinnewyork.com Opening Ceremony 35 Howard Street 212.219.2688 www.openingceremony.us


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Parke & Ronen 176 Ninth Avenue 212.989.4245 www.parkeandronen.com Paul & Shark 667 Madison Avenue 212.452.9868 www.paulshark.it Philipp Plein 625 Madison Avenue 212.644.3304 www.plein.com Rag & Bone 100–104 Christopher Street 212.727.2990 www.rag-bone.com Ralph Lauren 867 Madison Avenue 212.606.2100 www.ralphlauren.com Stefano Ricci 407 Park Avenue 212.371.3901 www.stefanoricci.com Thomas Pink 10 Columbus Circle 212.823.9650 www.thomaspink.com Tom Ford 845 Madison Avenue 212.359.0300 www.tomford.com

BEST MEN’S CUSTOM SHIRTS: Ascot Chang 110 Central Park South 212.759.3333 www.ascotchang.com Manuel Racim 44 Hudson Street 212.233.0417 www.manuelracim.com

BEST WOMEN’S FASHION: Alice + Olivia 755 Madison Avenue 646.545.2895 www.aliceandolivia.com Bottega Veneta 699 Fifth Avenue 212.371.5511 www.bottegaveneta.com

Carolina Herrera 954 Madison Avenue 212.249.6552 802 Madison Avenue 212.744.2076 www.carolinaherrera.com Chanel 15 East 57th Street 212.355.5050 www.chanel.com Christian Dior 21 East 57th Street 212.931.2950 www.dior.com Dennis Basso 825 Madison Avenue 212.794.4500 www.dennisbasso.com Dolce & Gabbana 717 Fifth Avenue 212.897.9653 www.dolcegabbana.com Emilio Pucci 855 Madison Avenue 212.752.4777 www.emiliopucci.com Giorgio Armani 760 Madison Avenue 212.988.9191 www.armani.com Gucci 725 Fifth Avenue 212.826.2600 840 Madison Avenue 212.717.2619 www.gucci.com

Marina Rinaldi 13 East 69th Street 212.734.4333 www.world.marinarinaldi.com Max Mara 813 Madison Avenue 212.879.6100 www.maxmara.com Michael Kors 11 West 42nd Street 212.201.8100 www.michaelkors.com Missoni 1009 Madison Avenue 212.517.9339 www.missoni.com Miu Miu 11 East 57th Street 212.641.2980 www.miumiu.com Nicole Miller 77 Greene Street 212.219.1825 www.nicolemiller.com Prada 575 Broadway 212.334.8888 724 Fifth Avenue 212.664.0010 45 East 57th Street 212.308.2332 www.prada.com Ralph Lauren 888 Madison Avenue 212.434.8000 www.ralphlauren.com

BEST ACCESSORIES: Anya Hindmarch 795 Madison Avenue 646.852.6233 www.anyahindmarch.com Devi Kroell 717 Madison Avenue 212.644.4499 www.devikroell.com Kate Spade 454 Broome Street 212.274.1991 www.katespade.com Longchamp 713 Madison Avenue 212.223.1500 www.longchamp.com Roger Vivier 750 Madison Avenue 212.861.5371 www.rogervivier.com

BEST JEWELRY AND WATCHES: A. Lange & Söhne 785 Madison Avenue 646.828.3150 www.alange-soehne.com Aaron Basha 673 Madison Avenue 212.644.1970 www.aaronbasha.com Asprey 853 Madison Avenue 212.688.1811 www.asprey.com

Intermix 1003 Madison Avenue 212.249.7858 www.intermixonline.com

Reed Krakoff 93 Greene Street 646.596.9890 www.reedkrakoff.com

J. Crew Collection 1035 Madison Avenue 212.249.3869 www.jcrew.com

Roland Mouret 952 Madison Avenue 212.249.2008 www.rolandmouret.com

Kate Spade 789 Madison Avenue 212.988.0259 www.katespade.com

Tomas Maier 956 Madison Avenue 212.988.8686 www.tomasmaier.com

Camilla Dietz Bergeron, Ltd. 818 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor 212.794.9100 www.cdbltd.com

L.K. Bennett 595 Madison Avenue 212.201.1961 www.lkbennett.com

Tory Burch 797 Madison Avenue 212.510.8371 www.toryburch.com

Louis Vuitton 1 East 57th Street 212.758.8877 www.louisvuitton.com

Valentino 821 Madison Avenue 212.772.6969 www.valentino.com

Cartier 653 Fifth Avenue 212.753.0111 828 Madison Avenue 212.472.6400 www.cartier.us

Bulgari 730 Fifth Avenue 212.315.9000 www.bulgari.com Campbellian Collection 908.656.5614 www.campbellian.nyc

Chanel Fine Jewelry 733 Madison Avenue 212.535.5828 www.chanel.com


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Chopard 709 Madison Avenue 212.223.2304 www.chopard.com

Jennifer Miller 972 Lexington Avenue 212.734.8199 www.jennifermillerjewelry.com

Sidney Garber 998 Madison Avenue 212.274.1111 www.sidneygarber.com

Barneys New York 660 Madison Avenue 212.826.8900 www.barneys.com

David Webb 942 Madison Avenue 212.421.3030 www.davidwebb.com

Jewelbox on Madison 818 Lexington Avenue 212.644.8297 www.jewelboxonmadison.com

Susan van der Linde 34 East 67th Street 212.758.7500 www.svdl.com

Christian Louboutin 965 Madison Avenue 212.396.1884 www.christianlouboutin.com

De Beers 703 Fifth Avenue 212.906.0001 www.debeers.com

Kwiat 725 Madison Avenue 212.725.7777 www.kwiat.com

Tiffany & Co. 727 Fifth Avenue 212.755.8000 www.tiffany.com

Giuseppe Zanotti 806 Madison Avenue 212.650.0455 www.giuseppezanottidesign.com

de Grisogono 824 Madison Avenue 212.439.4220 www.degrisogono.com

Leviev 700 Madison Avenue 212.763.5300 www.leviev.com

Valentin Magro 42 West 48th Street, Suite 903 212.575.9044 www.valentinmagro.com

Jimmy Choo 716 Madison Avenue 212.759.7078 www.jimmychoo.com

Fabergé 694 Madison Avenue 646.559.8848 www.faberge.com

Links of London 535 Madison Avenue 212.588.1177 www.linksoflondon.com

Valextra 833 Madison Avenue 646.649.5336 www.valextra.com

Manolo Blahnik 31 West 54th Street 212.582.3007 www.manoloblahnik.com

Folli Follie 575 Madison Avenue 212.421.3155 www.follifollie.us.com

LJ Cross 994 Madison Avenue 212.472.5050 www.ljcrossny.com

Van Cleef & Arpels 744 Fifth Avenue 212. 896.9284 www.vancleefarpels.com

Saks Fifth Avenue 611 Fifth Avenue 212.940.2818 www.saksfifthavenue.com

Freywille 624 Madison Avenue 646.682.9030 www.freywille.com

Macklowe Gallery 667 Madison Avenue 212.644.6400 www.macklowegallery.com

Wempe 700 Fifth Avenue 212.397.9000 www.wempe.com

Stuart Weitzman 625 Madison Avenue 212.750.2555 www.stuartweitzman.com

Graff 710 Madison Avenue 212.355.9292 www.graffdiamonds.com

Misahara The Shops at the Plaza Hotel 1 West 58th Street 212.371.7050 www.misahara.com

Yael Sonia 270 Lafayette Street, Suite 810 212.472.6488 www.yaelsonia.com By appointment

Tod’s 650 Madison Avenue 212.644.5945 www.tods.com

Harry Winston 718 Fifth Avenue 212.399.1000 www.harrywinston.com Hueb 717 Madison Avenue 212.776.4960 www.hueb.com Ippolita 796 Madison Avenue 646.664.4240 www.ippolita.com Jack Vartanian 996 Madison Avenue 212.988.2881 www.jackvartanian.com Jacob & Co. 48 East 57th Street 212.719.5887 www.jacobandco.com Jaeger-LeCoultre 701 Madison Avenue 646.828.4328 www.jaeger-lecoultre.com

Monica Rich Kosann at Bergdorf Goodman 754 Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor 212.872.2570 www.monicarichkosann.com Officine Panerai 703 Madison Avenue 212.223.1562 www.panerai.com Paul Morelli 895 Madison Avenue 212.585.4200 www.paulmorelli.com Pomellato 741 Madison Avenue 212.879.2118 www.pomellato.com Seaman Schepps 485 Park Avenue 212.753.9520 www.seamanschepps.com

BEST LINGERIE: BEST GEMS AND ANTIQUES: Asulin Galleries The Shops at The Plaza 768 Fifth Avenue 212.498.9450 Mario@asulingalleries.com

BEST PLACE TO RESELL JEWELRY: Circa 415 Madison Avenue, 19th Floor 212.486.6013 www.circajewels.com

Agent Provocateur 675 Madison Avenue 212.840.2436 www.agentprovocateur.com La Perla 803 Madison Avenue 212.570.0050 www.laperla.com



Armani Junior 1223 Madison Avenue 212.828.6920 www.armani.com

Alejandro Ingelmo 51 Wooster Street 646.692.8184 www.alejandroingelmo.com

Bonpoint 800 Madison Avenue 212.879.0900 www.bonpoint.com


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Couture Kids at the Plaza Hotel 1 West 58th Street 212.935.4490 www.kidcoutureboutique.com CrewCuts 1190 Madison Avenue 212.348.9803 www.jcrew.com Jacadi 1242 Madison Avenue 212.369.1616 www.jacadi.us

In God We Trust 265 Lafayette Street 212.966.9010 www.ingodwetrustnyc.com Michael’s: The Consignment Shop for Women 1041 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor 212.737.7273 shop.michaelsconsignment.com Resurrection 217 Mott Street 212.625.1374 www.resurrectionvintage.com

Les Petits Chapelais 146 Sullivan Street 212.625.1023 www.lespetitschapelais.com

Roundabout New & Resale Couture 31 East 72nd Street 646.755.8009 www.roundaboutcouture.com

Lester’s 1534 2nd Avenue 212.734.9292 www.lesters.com

Tokio 7 83 East 7th Street 212.353.8443 www.tokio7.net

Magic Windows 1186 Madison Avenue 212.289.0028 www.magicwindowskids.com

What Goes Around Comes Around 351 West Broadway 212.343.1225 www.whatgoesaroundnyc.com

Makié 109 Thompson Street 212.625.3930 www.makieclothier.com Ralph Lauren Children 878 Madison Avenue 212.606.3376 www.ralphlauren.com Spring Flowers 907 Madison Avenue 212.717.8182 www.springflowerschildren.com

BEST VINTAGE STORES: A Second Chance 1111 Lexington Avenue , 2nd Floor 212.744.6041 155 Prince Street 212.673.6155 www.asecondchanceresale.com Council Thrift Shop 246 East 84th Street 212.439.8373 www.ncjwny.org Encore 1132 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor 212.879.2850 www.encoreresale.com

BEST FLORISTS: Bloom 255 Murray Street 646.414.6269 www.bloomflowers.com City Blossoms 312 East 46th Street 212.867.5964 www.cityblossoms.com Floralies 122 East 55th Street 212.755.3990 www.floraliesinc.com Lenox Hill Florists 1140 Lexington Avenue 212.861.2787 www.lenoxhillflorist.com

Zeze Flowers 938 First Avenue 212.753.7767 www.zezeflowers.com

MOST EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS: Alixandre Furs 150 West 30th Street 212.736.5550 www.alixandrefurs.com Dennis Basso 825 Madison Avenue 212.794.4500 www.dennisbasso.com

Bardith 901 Madison Avenue 212.737.3775 www.bardith.com Bernardaud 499 Park Avenue 212.371.4300 www.bernardaud.fr Scully & Scully 499 Park Avenue 212.755.2590 www.scullyandscully.com Tiffany & Co. 727 Fifth Avenue 212.755.8000 www.tiffany.com

J. Mendel 787 Madison Avenue 212.832.5830 www.jmendel.com


Pologeorgis 143 West 29th Street, 8th Floor 212.563.2250 www.pologeorgis.com

Hartmann 520 Madison Avenue 212.702.9164 www.hartmann.com

Saks Fifth Avenue Fur Salon 611 5th Avenue, #3 212.940.4465 www.thefursalon.com

T. Anthony 445 Park Avenue 212.750.9797 www.tanthony.com


Tumi 102 Prince Street 646.613.9101 www.tumi.com

Baldwin Formals 1156 Sixth Avenue, 2nd Floor 212.245.8190 www.nyctuxedos.com Bergdorf Goodman 754 Fifth Avenue 212.753.7300 www.bergdorfgoodman.com Brioni 57 East 57th Street 212.376.5777 www.brioni.com Brooks Brothers 346 Madison Avenue 212.309.7765 www.brooksbrothers.com

Zero Halliburton 300 Madison Avenue 646.640.3600 www.zerohalliburton.com

BEST WINE MERCHANTS: City Winery 155 Varick Street 212.608.0555 www.citywinery.com MCF Rare Wine 237 West 13th Street 212.255.8870 www.mcf-rarewine.com

L’Olivier Floral Atelier 19 East 76th Street 212.774.7676 www.lolivier.com


Morrell 1 Rockefeller Plaza 212.688.9370 www.morrellwine.com

Ovando 19 East 65th Street 212.988.2600 www.ovandony.com

Baccarat 635 Madison Avenue 212.826.4100 www.baccarat.com

Park Avenue Liquor 270 Madison Avenue 212.685.2442 www.parkaveliquor.com

Plaza Flowers NYC 944 Lexington Avenue 212.472.7565 www.plazaflowersnyc.com


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Sherry-Lehmann Wine & Spirits 505 Park Avenue 212.838.7500 www.sherry-lehmann.com



Charlotte Moss 24 East 71st Street, Suite 3N 212.308.7088 www.charlottemoss.com

AsiaSociety 725 Park Avenue 212.327.9217 www.asiasociety.org Cooper–Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum 2 East 91st Street 212.849.8400 www.cooperhewitt.org The Frick Museum 1 East 70th Street 212.288.0700 www.frick.org Guggenheim 1071 5th Avenue 212.423.3500 www.guggenheim.org The Metropolitan Museum 1000 5th Avenue 212.535.7710 www.metmuseum.org Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 11 West 53rd Street 212.708.9400 www.moma.org The Museum of Arts and Design 2 Columbus Circle 212.299.7777 www.madmuseum.org New Museum 235 Bowery 212.219.12222 www.newmuseum.org New-York Historical Society 170 Central Park West 212.873.3400 www.nyhistory.org The Whitney Museum 99 Gansevoort Street 212.570.3600 www.whitney.org

BEST DESIGN CENTER RESOURCE: New York Design Center 200 Lexington Avenue, Suites 32 and 33 212.679.9500 www.nydc.com

ABC Carpet & Home 881 and 888 Broadway 212.473.3000 www.abchome.com

Harris Levy 98 Forsyth Street 212.226.3102 www.harrislevy.com Jonathan Adler 1097 Madison Avenue 212.772.2410 www.jonathanadler.com John Derian Company 6 and 10 East 2nd Street 212.677.3917 www.johnderian.com Ligne Roset 250 Park Avenue South 212.375.1036 www.lignerosetny.com Madeline Weinrib Atelier at ABC Carpet & Home 888 Broadway, 6th Floor 646.602.3780 www.madelineweinrib.com Restoration Hardware 935 Broadway 212.260.9479 www.restorationhardware.com Roche Bobois 200 Madison Avenue 212.889.0700 www.roche-bobois.com TUI Lifestyle 156 Wooster Street 212.300.7046 www.tuilifestyle.com


Caudalie Vinothérapie Spa at The Plaza Hotel 1 West 58th Street 212.265.3182 www.us.caudalie.com Eden Day Spa 388 Broadway 212.226.0515 www.edenspanyc.com L. Raphael Spa at Four Seasons Hotel New York 57 East 57th Street 212.350.6420 www.fourseasons.com/newyork/spa Sense Spa at The Carlyle 35 East 76th Street 212.744.1600 www.sensespa.com The Setai Club & Spa Wall Street 40 Broad Street 212.792.6193 www.setaiclubnewyork.com

BEST CELEBRITY STYLISTS AND COLORISTS: Dov colorist and stylist at Dov Salon 126 East 57th Street, 2nd Floor 212.980.4057 www.dovhair.com Gardner Edmunds stylist at Hair by Gardner 119 West 23rd Street, Studio 702A 603.520.3724 www.hairbygardner.com Kyle White colorist at the Oscar Blandi Salon 545 Madison Avenue 212.421.9800 www.oscarblandi.com Marie Robinson colorist at Marie Robinson Salon 155 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor 212.358.7780 marierobinsonsalon.com

Aire Ancient Baths 88 Franklin Street 212.274.3777 www.ancientbathsny.com

Nunzio Saviano stylist at The Nunzio Saviano Salon 130 East 65th Street 212.988.0880 www.nunziosavianosalon.com

Bliss 49 541 Lexington Avenue 877.862.5477 www.blissworld.com

Ricardo Rojas 60 East 66th Street 212.721.5900 www.ricardorojashair.com


Sharon Dorram colorist at Sally Hershberger 17 East 71st Street 212.535.3519 www.sdsh.com

BEST HAIR SALONS: Dry Bar 4 West 16th Street 212.561.5392 www.thedrybar.com Frédéric Fekkai at Henri Bendel 712 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor 212.753.9500 www.fekkai.com/salons John Barrett Salon at Bergdorf Goodman 754 Fifth Avenue, 9th Floor 212.872.2700 www.johnbarrett.com

Julien Farel Salon 540 Park Avenue 212.888.8988 www.julienfarel.com Mario Nico Salon 266 West 22nd Street 212.727.8464 www.marionico.com Rossano Ferretti Hair Spa 595 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor 212.759.9300 www.meoadorossanoferretti.com RPZL | Hair Extension & Blowout Bar 27 West 20th Street 212.255.0036 www.rpzl.com Toka Salon 768 Madison Avenue 212.517.5133 www.tokasalon.com Vu Hair New York At the Peninsula Hotel 700 5th Avenue 212.903.3081 www.vuhair.com Warren-Tricomi At the Plaza Hotel 1 West 58th Street, 2nd Floor 212.262.8899 www.warrentricomi.com


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BEST MANICURE/PEDICURE: Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa 663 Fifth Avenue 212.546.0200 www.reddoorspas.com Parus Salon 440 East 75th Street, Suite 2 212.288.8877 By appointment only Susan Ciminelli Day Spa & Salon 118 East 57th Street, 3rd Floor 212.750.4441 www.susanciminelli.com Ten Over Ten 112 Reade Street, 2nd Floor 212.406.1010 www.tenoverten.com

Kimara Ahnert 1113 Madison Avenue 212.452.4252 www.kimara.com Mario Badescu at Henri Bendel 712 Fifth Avenue 212.247.1100 www.mariobadescu.com Skinfluence 1047 Park Avenue 212.754.6363 www.http://skinfluencenyc.com/

BEST MOBILE MAKEUP AND HAIR SERVICES: Damali NYC Specializes in weddings and events 574 5th Avenue 212.604.4441 www.damalinyc.com

BEST PLACES FOR SKIN CARE: Clarins Skin Spa 1000 3rd Avenue 212.705.3985 www.clarinsusa.com Cornelia Day Spa at The Surrey 20 East 76th Street 646.358.3600 www.corneliaspa atthesurrey.com Elizabeth Arden Red Door Spa 663 5th Avenue 212.546.0200 www.reddoorspas.com Erno Laszlo Institute 382 West Broadway 212.300.4111 www.ernolaszlo.com Erno Laszlo is lifting the membership requirement for a facial at The Institute exclusively for AVENUE readers: mention Avenue382. Guerlain Spa at The Waldorf Astoria 301 Park Avenue 212.872.7200 www.guerlainspas.com Juva Medispa 60 East 56th Street, Suite 2 212.421.9501 www.juvaskin.com

BEST BARBERS: eShave New York 1025 3rd Avenue www.eshave.com John Allan’s Midtown 46 East 46th Street 212.922.0361 TriBeCa 418 Washington Street 212.334.5358 www.johnallans.com Martial Vivot 39 West 54th Street 212.956.2990 www.martialvivot.com Paul Molé Barbershop 1034 Lexington Avenue 212.535.8461 www.paulmole.com Salon Fodera at the St. Regis Hotel 2 East 55th Street 212.421.0002 www.salonfodera.com Yves Durif at The Carlyle 35 East 76th Street 212.452.0954 www.yvesdurif.com

BEST YOGA STUDIOS: Ishta Yoga 56 East 11th Street 212.598.4800 www.ishtayoga.com Jivamukti Yoga School 841 Broadway, 2nd Floor 212.353.0214 www.jivamuktiyoga.com Mind Your Body 1413 Lexington Avenue 212.426.7960 www.mindyourbodyfitness.com New York Yoga 1629 York Avenue 212.717.9642 www.newyorkyoga.com

SoulCycle 1470 E 83rd Street
 212.639.1300 Visit www.soul-cycle.com for additional locations

BEST PERSONAL TRAINING: Brownings Fitness 980 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor 866.500.1909 www.browningsfitness.com Clay Health Club and Spa 25 West 14th Street 646.719.1205 www.insideclay.com Remorca Fitness 26 East 64th Street 917.388.3033 www.remorcafitness.com

BEST PILATES STUDIOS: Chaise Fitness 40 East 23rd Street, 3rd Floor 212.432.6100 www.chaisefitness.com Equinox Midtown 1 Park Avenue 212.779.1727 SoHo 69 Prince Street 212.334.4631 TriBeCa 54 Murray Street 212.566.6555 Visit www.equinox.com for more locations Momentum Pilates & Gyrotonic 80 East 11th Street Suite 205C 917.520.2912 www.momentumpilatesnyc.com PPW New York 47 West 14th Street, 2nd Floor 212.929.6106 www.ppwnewyork.com Uptown Pilates 903 Madison Avenue 212.717.3903 uptownpilates.com

BEST SPIN CLASSES: Flywheel Sports 201 East 67th Street, 3rd Floor 212.327.1217 Visit www.flywheelsports.com for additional locations

BEST COSMETIC SURGEONS: Dr. Sherrill Aston 728 Park Avenue 212.249.6000 www.draston.com Dr. Daniel Baker 65 East 66th Street 212.734.9695 www.danielbakermd.com Dr. Robert H. Gotkin Cosmetique Dermatology, Laser & Plastic Surgery 625 Park Avenue 212.794.4000 www.cosmetiquemd.com Dr. Gerald Imber 121 East 83rd Street, Suite A 212.472.1800 www.drimber.com Dr. Elie Levine Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC 35 East 84th Street 212.988.1800 www.plasticsandderm.com Dr. David Rosenberg and Dr. Jessica Lattman 115 East 61st Street 212.832.8595 www.drdavidrosenberg.com www.drjessicalattman.com Dr. Nicolas Tabbal 521 Park Avenue, Suite1 212.644.5800 www.drnicolastabbal.com


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Dr. Marc Zimbler 990 Fifth Avenue 212.570.9900 www.marczimblermd.com

BEST COSMETIC DERMATOLOGISTS: Dr. Gary Goldenberg Medical Director of the Dermatology Faculty Practice Mount Sinai Medical Center 5 East 98th Street, 5th Floor 212.241.9728 www.goldenbergdermatology.com Dr. Jody Levine Plastic Surgery & Dermatology of NYC 35 East 84th Street 212.988.1800 www.plasticsandderm.com Dr. David Orentreich Orentreich Medical Group 909 Fifth Avenue 212.794.0800 www.orentreich.com Dr. Marina I. Peredo 1047 Park Avenue 212.754.6363 www.skinfluencenyc.com Dr. Deborah S. Sarnoff Cosmetique Dermatology, Laser & Plastic Surgery 625 Park Avenue 212.794.4000 www.cosmetiquemd.com Dr. Yan Trokel 39 West 67th Street 212.861.7787 www.ylift.com Dr. Debra Wattenberg SkincareRX 875 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2B 212.288.3200 www.nyskinrx.com Dr. Patricia Wexler Wexler Dermatology 145 East 32nd Street, 7th Floor 212.684.2626 www.wexlerdermatology.com

BEST ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON/ SPORTS MEDICINE: Dr. Jonathan Glashow 737 Park Avenue, Suite 1C 212.794.5096 www.orthopedicsurgeonnyc.com

CUSTOM SERVICE BEST EMERGENCY BABYSITTERS: The Babysitters’ Guild 477 Madison Avenue 212.682.0227 www.babysittersguild.com Sitters Studio 259 West 30th Street 646.246.6024 www.sittersstudio.com UrbanSitter Online only www.urbansitter.com

BEST CHAUFFEUR SERVICES: Commonwealth Limousines 866.770.1677 718.482.8985 www.commonwealthlimo.com Luxury Ride 1.866.9005.NYC www.luxuryridenyc.com Paris Limousines 866.249.7760 www.plsnyc.com

BEST TAILORS/ CUSTOM CLOTHIERS: B Michael 800.446.4557 www.bmichaelamerica.com Bhambi’s Custom Tailors 14 East 60th Street, Suite 610 212.935.5379 www.bhambis.com Madame Paulette 1255 Second Avenue 212.838.6827 madamepaulette.com Mohan’s Custom Tailors at One Grand Central Place 60 E 42nd Street, #1432 212.697.0050 www.mohancustomtailors.com Tom and Linda Platt 55 West 39th Street, 17th Floor 212.221.7208 www.tomandlindaplatt.com

BEST CLOTHES STORAGE SERVICE: Garde Robe Inc 888.GARDE.11 www.garderobeonline.com

BEST PLACES FOR SHOE REPAIR: Arty’s Shoe Service 243 Eighth Avenue 212.255.1451 No website Empire Shoe Repair 991 Lexington Avenue 212.744.1257 No website Jim’s Shoe Repair 50 East 59th Street 212.355.8259 www.jimsshoerepair.com Leather Spa 55 West 55th Street 212.262.4823 leatherspa.com

BEST PLACES TO RENT A HELICOPTER: Associated Aircraft Group, Inc. 845.463.6500 www.flyaag.com Helicopter Flight Services, Inc. 212.355.0801 www.heliny.com Liberty Helicopters 800.542.9933 www.libertyhelicopter.com Shoreline Aviation 781.834.4928 www.shorelineaviation.net Wings Air 914.202.3440 www.wingsair.net

NEW YORK REAL ESTATE Brown Harris Stevens 445 Park Avenue, 11th Floor 212.593.8300 See www.bhsusa.com for additional locations Citi Habitats 250 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor 212.260.9720 See www.citihabitats.com for additional locations The Corcoran Group 660 Madison Avenue 212.355.3550 See www.corcoran.com for additional locations Corcoran Sunshine Marketing Group 888 Seventh Avenue, 39th Floor 212.634.6500 www.corcoransunshine.com Douglas Elliman 980 Madison Avenue 212.650.4800 See www.elliman.com for additional locations Engel & Völkers NYC 430 Park Avenue, 11th Floor 212.234.3100 www.evusa.com Halstead Property 499 Park Avenue 212.734.0010 See www.halstead.com for additional locations Nest Seekers International 415 Madison Avenue 212.252.8772 See www.nestseekers.com for additional locations Saunders & Associates 2287 Montauk Highway Bridgehampton, NY 631.537.5454 See www.saunders.com for additional locations Stephen P. Wald Real Estate Associates The Lombardy Hotel 111 East 56th Street 212.750.9253 www.waldrealestate.com


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Sotheby’s International Realty 38 East 61st Street 212.606.7660 See www.sothebysrealty.com for additional locations

The Northern Trust Company David Blowers 212.339.7474 dcb2@ntrs.com www.northerntrust.com

Stribling & Associates 924 Madison Avenue 212.570.2440 See www.stribling.com for additional locations

Silvercrest Asset Management Group Richard R. Hough III 212.649.0600 rhough@silvercrestgroup.com www.silvercrestgroup.com

Town & Country Real Estate 52 Main Street East Hampton, NY 631.324.8080 See www.1townandcountry.com for additional locations Town Residential 25 West 39th Street 212.398.9800 See www.townresidential.com Trump International Realty 108 Central Park South 212.832.2929 www.trumpinternationalrealty.com Warburg Realty 654 Madison Avenue 212.439.4500 www.warburgrealty.com

WEALTH MANAGEMENT BNY Mellon Wealth Management Katia Friend 212.922.8180 katia.friend@bnymellon.com www.bnymellonwealth management.com Fidelity Private Client Group Richard DeCandido 212.794.2716 richard.decandido@fmr.com www.fidelity.com Glenmede Steve Brandfield 212.328.7332 steve.brandfield@glenmede.com www.glenmede.com Hillview Capital Advisors Jonathan Hochberg 212.661.9750 jhochberg@hillviewcap.com www.hillviewcap.com

Nespresso Boutique Bar 761 Madison Avenue 800.562.1465 www.nespresso-us.com Via Quadronno 25 East 73rd Street 212.650.9880 www.viaquadronno.com

Aureole 135 West 42nd Street 212.319.1660 www.charliepalmer.com/aureole-newyork

Wells Fargo Private Bank Jennifer M. Lee 212.350.3800 www.wellsfargo.com/ theprivatebank

Juni 12 East 31st Street 212.995.8599 www.juninyc.com

FOOD & DRINK BEST CHOCOLATIERS: Jacques Torres Chocolate 285 Amsterdam Avenue 212.787.3256 www.mrchocolate.com La Maison du Chocolat 1018 Madison Avenue 212.744.7117 www.lamaisonduchocolat.us MarieBelle New York 484 Broome Street 212.925.6999 www.mariebelle.com Vosges Haut-Chocolat 1100 Madison Avenue 212.717.2929 www.vosgeschocolate.com

BEST PLACES FOR CAPPUCCINO: Antica Bottega del Vino 7 East 59th Street 212.223.2724 www.bottegadelvinonyc.com

TBar 1278 3rd Avenue 212.772.0404 www.tbarnyc.com


Tocqueville Asset Management L.P. Robert Kleinschmidt 212.698.0800 www.tocqueville.com

Wilmington Trust, N.A. Larry Gore 212.415.0520 lgore@wilmingtontrust.com www.wilmingtontrust.com

The Sea Fire Grill 158 East 48th Street 212.935.3785 www.theseafiregrill.com

Le Cirque 151 East 58th Street 212.644.0202 www.lecirque.com Le Périgord 405 East 52nd Street 212.755.6244 www.leperigord.com

BEST STEAKHOUSE AND SEAFOOD: Angus Club Steakhouse 135 East 55th Street 212.588.1585 www.angusclubsteakhouse.com Benjamin Steak House at Dylan Hotel 52 East 41st Street 212.297.9177 www.benjaminsteakhouse.com

BEST NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITES: Al Bustan 319 East 53rd Street 212.759.5933 www.albustanny.com Amali 115 East 60th Street 212.339.8363 www.amalinyc.com Andanada 141 141 West 69th Street 646.692.8762 www.andanada141.com Artisanal 2 Park Avenue 212.725.8585 www.artisanalbistro.com Bistro Chat Noir 22 East 66th Street 212.794.2428 www.bistrochatnoir.com Caffe Dei Fiori 973 Lexington Avenue 212.327.3400 www.caffedeifiorinewyork.com Swifty’s 1007 Lexington Avenue 212.535.6000 www.swiftysnyc.com

Charlie Palmer Steak 5 East 54th Street 646.559.8440 www.charliepalmer.com Fogo de Chão 40 West 53rd Street 212.969.9980 www.fogodechao.com STK Midtown New York 1114 Avenue of the Americas 646.624.2455 www.stkhouse.com

Joe 141 Waverly Place 212.924.6750 www.joenewyork.com


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BEST THEATRE DISTRICT: Ammos Estiatorio 52 Vanderbilt Avenue 212.922.9999 www.ammosnewyork.com La Masseria 235 West 48th Street 212.582.2111 www.lamasserianyc.com Redeye Grill 890 7th Avenue 212.541.9000 www.redeyegrill.com Trattoria Dell’Arte 900 7th Avenue 212.245.9800 www.trattoriadellarte.com

BEST TRENDY: Beautique 8 West 58th Street 212.753.1200 www.beautiquedining.com Philippe 33 East 60th Street 212.644.8885 www.philippechow.com

BEST FASHIONABLE/ POWER SPOTS: Alfredo 7 East 54th Street 212.688.1999 www.alfredo.com The Four Seasons 99 East 52nd Street 212.754.9494 www.fourseasonsrestaurant.com


St. Patrick’s Cathedral 14 East 51st Street 212.753.2261 www.saintpatrickscathedral.org

Argosy 116 East 59th Street 212.753.4455 www.argosybooks.com

Temple Emanu-El 1 East 65th Street 212.744.1400 www.emanuelnyc.org

Assouline at The Plaza Hotel 768 Fifth Avenue 212.593.7236 www.assouline.com Bauman Rare Books 535 Madison Avenue 212.751.0011 www.baumanrarebooks.com Bookmarc 400 Bleecker Street 212.620.4021 www.marcjacobs.com/ special-items/bookmarc The Corner Bookstore 1313 Madison Avenue 212.831.3554 www.cornerbookstorenyc.com Crawford Doyle Booksellers 1082 Madison Avenue 212.288.6300 www.crawforddoyle.com Imperial Fine Books 790 Madison Avenue 212.861.6620 www.imperialfinebooks.com The Strand Bookstore 828 Broadway 212.473.1452 www.strandbooks.com

Le Bilboquet 20 East 60th Street 212.751.3036

Ursus Books and Prints 699 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor 212.772.8787 www.ursusbooks.com

The Mark Restaurant 25 E 77th Street 212.744.4300 www.themarkrestaurantnyc.com


Michaels 24 West 55th Street 212.767.0555 www.michaelsnewyork.com The Regency Bar & Grill Loews Regency Hotel 540 Park Avenue 212.339.4050 www.regencybarandgrill.com

The Abyssinian Baptist Church 132 Odell Clark Place 212.862.7474 www.abyssinian.org Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church 7 West 55th Street 212.247.0490 www.fapc.org

QUINTESSENTIAL NEW YORK CABARETS: The Box 189 Chrystie Street 212.982.9301 www.theboxnyc.com Brandy’s Piano Bar 235 East 84th Street 212.744.4949 www.brandyspianobar.com Café Carlyle The Carlyle 35 East 76th Street 212.744.1600 www.rosewoodhotels.com/en/carlyle/dining/cafe_carlyle Don’t Tell Mama 343 West 46th Street 212.757.0788 www.donttellmamanyc.com Duane Park 308 Bowery Street 212.732.5555 www.duaneparknyc.com Feinstein’s at Loews Regency 540 Park Avenue 212.339.4095 www.feinsteinsattheregency.com

BEST PLACES TO HEAR JAZZ AND BLUES: Blue Note Jazz Club 131 West 3rd Street 212.475.8592 www.bluenote.net Iridium 1650 Broadway 212.582.2121 www.theiridium.com

BEST NIGHTCLUBS AND LOUNGES: 1-Oak 453 West 17th Street 212.242.1111 www.1oaknyc.com Avenue 116 10th Avenue 212.337.0054 www.avenue-newyork.com Beauty & Essex 146 Essex Street 212.614.0146 www.beautyandessex.com The Lambs Club 132 West 44th Street 212.997.5262 www.thelambsclub.com Lavo 39 East 58th Street 212.584.2700 www.lavony.com Le Bain at The Standard 848 Washington Street 212.645.4646 www.standardhotels.com Jimmy at the James Hotel 15 Thompson Street 212.201.9118 www.jimmysoho.com Marquee 289 10th Avenue 646.473.0202 www.marqueeny.com Mister H. at the Mondrian SoHo 9 Crosby Street 212.389.1000 www.mondriansoho.com No. 8 357 West 16th Street 212.206.1096 www.no8ny.com Provocateur 18 Ninth Avenue 212.929.9036 www.provocateurny.com

Jazz at Kitano 66 Park Avenue 212.885.7000 www.kitano.com/jazz-schedule


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BEST COMEDY CLUBS: Carolines on Broadway 1626 Broadway 212.757.4100 www.carolines.com Gotham Comedy Club 208 West 23rd Street 212.367.9000 www.gothamcomedyclub.com The Stand 239 Third Avenue 212.677.2600 www.thestandnyc.com

BEST OPEN-AIR FLEA MARKETS: Fort Greene Flea Outdoors, from April to Nov. 176 Lafayette Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718.928.6603 www.brooklynflea.com Green Flea 100 West 77th Street 212.239.3025 www.greenfleamarkets.com Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market 406 West 39th Street 212.243.5343 www.hellskitchenfleamarket.com Williamsburg Winter Market 80 North 5th Street Brooklyn, NY 718.928.6693 www.brooklynflea.com

BEST GALLERIES: Delhi Art Gallery 41 East 57 Street, Suite 708 212.457.9037 www.delhiartgallery.com Gagosian Gallery 980 Madison Avenue 212.744.2313 www.gagosian.com Gavin Brown’s Enterprise 620 Greenwich Street 212.627.5258 www.gavinbrown.biz

Gladstone Gallery 515 West 24th Street 212.206.9300 www.gladstonegallery.com

River Café 1 Water Street 718.552.5200 www.rivercafe.com

Hasted Kraeutler 537 West 24th Street 212.627.0006 www.hastedkraeutler.com

Top of the Rock 30 Rockefeller Center 212.698.2000 www.topoftherocknyc.com

Mardani Fine Minerals Gallery 766 Madison Avenue 212.988.1545 www.mardaninyc.com


Pace Gallery 508 West 25th Street 212.989.4258 www.pacegallery.com

Brooklyn Botanic Garden 900 Washington Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718.623.7200 www.bbg.org

White Columns 320 West 13th Street 212.924.4212 www.whitecolumns.org

Conservatory Garden at Central Park 212.628.1036 www.centralpark.org

BEST AUCTION HOUSES: Bonhams 580 Madison Avenue 212.644.9001 www.bonhams.com Christie’s Auction House 20 Rockefeller Plaza 212.636.2000 www.christies.com Heritage Auctions 445 Park Avenue 212.486.3500 www.ha.com Phillips 450 Park Avenue 212.940.1300 www.phillips.com Swann Auction Galleries 104 East 25th Street 212.254.4710 www.swanngalleries.com Sotheby’s 1334 York Avenue 212.606.7000 www.sothebys.com


New York Botanical Garden 2900 Southern Boulevard Bronx, NY 718.817.8700 www.nybg.org Shakespeare Garden at Central Park 212.310.6600 www.centralparknyc.org

Children’s Museum of Manhattan 212 West 83rd Street 212.721.1234 www.cmom.org Citi Pond at Bryant Park 45 42nd Street 212.768.4242 www.wintervillage.org FAO Schwarz 767 Fifth Avenue 212.644.9400 www.fao.com Kidville 163 East 84th Street 212.772.8435 www.kidville.com/eastside Madeline’s Tea at the Carlyle Hotel Bemelmans Bar 35 East 76th Street 212.744.1600 www.thecarlyle.com Trump Rink 830 Fifth Avenue 212.439.6900 www.trumprink.com

Wave Hill 675 West 252nd Street Bronx, NY 718.549.3200 www.wavehill.org

KID-FRIENDLY ATTRACTIONS: American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79th Street 212.769.5100 www.amnh.org Central Park Zoo at Central Park 212.439.6500 www.centralparkzoo.com Chelsea Piers Sports and Entertainment Complex 62 Chelsea Piers 212.336.6666 www.chelseapiers.com

Gantry Plaza State Park 474 48th Avenue Queens, NY 718.786.6385 www.nysparks.com


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“I look out the window and I see the lights and the skyline and the people on the street rushing around looking for action, love, and the world’s greatest chocolate chip cookie, and my heart does a little dance.” —Nora Ephron


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